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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

Eriksson, Anna-Lena January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor’s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult). The results were then used as a starting point for a discussion with the supervisors about their grading of the tasks. When devising vocational training tasks, one of the foundations is the knowledge requirements as expressed in the syllabus, and how they are reflected in the vocational training. An important aspect of the student’s learning is the supervisor’s ability to clarify the goals and criteria of vocational training. The supervisor plays an important role and is responsible for the student’s vocational training period. This study has given me a better understanding of the supervisor’s view on the structure of the vocational training tasks and I have been given many useful suggestions as to how it can be improved to strengthen the quality of the education. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate carried out an investigation in 2011 and noticed shortcomings in the grading of the vocational training, which is interesting and relevant for my study. The supervisor assesses the student’s performance during the vocational training according to a certain scale of grades. The findings suggest that we need to revise the structure and assessment of the vocational training tasks. At the upper secondary school used in this study, the tasks are devised in a way that makes it difficult for the supervisor to support the student in his/her learning process, because the tasks are too numerous and the instructions contain many ill-defined terms. The supervisors also want closer contact with, and visits from, the upper secondary school teachers, so that both the former and the students can receive more feedback and better support. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka handledares syn på praktikuppgifternas utformning och innehåll. Undersökningen kan vara till hjälp för lärare när nya praktikuppgifter ska utarbetas. Arbetet bygger på fem kvalitativa intervjuer som har genomförts med handledare som är verksamma inom förskoleverksamheten. Handledarna fick göra en bedömning av praktikuppgifterna utifrån en svårhetsskala från ett till fem, där fem är mycket svår och ett är mycket lätt. Utifrån skalans bedömning samtalade vi kring varför de gjord den bedömningen. Vid utformning av praktikuppgifter är en av byggstenarna kunskapsmålen som kopplas till praktiken utifrån ämnesplanerna. En viktig del i elevens lärande är att handledaren kan tydliggöra mål och kriterier i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Handledaren har en viktig roll och ansvar för eleven under praktikperioden. Under undersökningens gång har jag fått inblick i hur handledarna ser på praktikuppgifternas utformning och fått bra förslag på hur de kan förbättras för att stärka kvalitén på utbildningen. Då skolinspektionen genomfört en kvalitets undersökning 2011 och sett brister i betygsättningen kopplat till praktiken är detta intressant och relevant att koppla till mitt arbete. Handledarna sätter omdöme på eleven under praktikperioden utifrån en betygsskala. Resultatet tyder på att vi behöver se över praktikuppgifternas utformning och bedömning innan eleverna går ut på praktik i höst. Som praktikuppgifterna ser ut idag i åk 1 på den för studien aktuella gymnasieskolan har handledarna svårt att stödja elevens lärande, uppgifterna består av många svåra begrepp samt att de är för många till antalet. Det finns också önskemål om tätare kontakt med skolan samt praktikbesök för att stötta och ge återkoppling till både handledare och elev.

Om vingarna bär : en kvalitativ pilotstudie av Människa – natur – religionsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Gävle

Hvarfner, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa pilotstudie har som syfte att utifrån en fallstudiemetod undersöka varför de som valt MNR gjort det valet, vilken nytta MNR bidragit med både yrkesmässigt och personligt, vad den lett till samt vilka för- och nackdelar den flexibla studieformen haft. Pilotstudien är baserad på telefonintervjuer med tre studenter som genomgått programmet från allra första programstarten hösten 2001. Intervjuerna har sedan bearbetats med en modifierad fenomenografisk metod. Resultatet visar en mycket positiv hållning till MNR från samtliga tre intervjupersoner genom uppfyllda förväntningar och mål, personlig utveckling och att den flexibla studieformen gjort högre studier möjligt. Men framför allt har nyttan med en examen från högskolestudier lyfts fram. Detta visar att högskolekompetens har stor betydelse vid arbetssökandet men även att MNR skapar en bred bas med flera valmöjligheter på framtidens arbetsmarknad.

不同型態影音教材之眼動行為與學習成效關聯研究 / Correlation Analysis between Eye Movement Behavior and Learning Performance for Different Types of Video Lectures

周慶鴻, Chou, Ching-Horng Unknown Date (has links)
多媒體影音教材已被廣泛使用於網路學習之教學場域,並且已發展出許多不同的多媒體影音教材型態,這些不同的多媒體影音教材型態,以及教材的組成元素如何影響數位學習成效值得深入探究。本研究使用可攜式眼動追蹤儀及穩定控制之實驗環境,隨機選取某公立高中高三普通班十六位學生進行眼動實驗,由受測學生依序觀看目前被廣泛採用的圖像影音動態教學式(picture in picture, PIP)及平面講述靜態教學式(voice over presentation, VOP)二種不同型態多媒體影音教材之興趣區(頭像、投影片、字幕、標題),探討包括三個眼動指標(凝視時間、凝視次數、回視次數)與學習成效之間的相關聯性。 結果顯示受測學習者利用圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材學習具有顯著的學習成效,而平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)則無顯著的學習成效。此外;圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材學習成效顯著優於平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)多媒體影音教材。再則經由皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關係數分析結果顯示,文字型認知風格學習者,使用平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)多媒體影音教材之投影片及標題興趣區之凝視時間、凝視次數及回視次數與學習者後測成績,呈顯著高度正相關,圖像型認知風格學習者則無。圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材之投影片、頭像、字幕及標題興趣區之凝視時間、凝視次數及回視次數與學習者後測成績,皆未呈現任何顯著的相關性。最後,圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)與平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)二種不同型態多媒體影音教材,皆以投影片區獲得最多的凝視時間、凝視次數與回視次數,其次為教師的頭像,最少的為標題區。 / Multimedia audio and video materials have been broadly applied to the teaching field of web-based learning, and various multimedia audio and video materials have been developed. It is worth studying the effect of such multimedia audio and video materials and the component elements on digital learning outcome. With a portable eye tracker and stably controlled experiment environment, 16 G12 students, in a public senior high school, are randomly selected for the eye movement experiment. The participants would sequentially view the area of interests (profiles, slides, subtitles, titles) of two types of multimedia audio and video materials, picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP), to discuss the correlations between three eye movement indices (fixation time, number of fixation times, number of regression times) and learning outcome. The result reveals that learners using picture in picture (PIP) present significant learning outcome, while ones with voice over presentation (VOP) do not appear remarkable learning outcome. Moreover, picture in picture (PIP) notably outperforms voice over presentation (VOP). The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis result shows that the learners with verbal-oriented cognitive style present notably positive correlations between the fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides and titles in voice over presentation (VOP) and the posttest results, while those with image-oriented cognitive style do not. The fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, profile, subtitles, and titles in picture in picture (PIP) do not show significant correlations with learners’ posttest results. Finally, both picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP) appear the most fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, followed by teachers’ profiles, and titles the least.

Learning enablers, learning outcomes, learning paths, and their relationships in organizational learning and change

Haho, P. (Päivi) 28 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of learning and the constituents of learning in creating process innovations and realizing organizational change. Organizational learning was studied and the data was collected in process development projects, in which process simulations were used as a development method for process innovations and change. The empirical research was carried out mainly in 1988–2001. In this thesis, the results of those studies are reflected on, together with the recent literature related to organizational learning theories in the context of process innovations and management of change. Specifically, the concepts of learning enablers, learning outcomes (intangible/tangible), learning paths, and their relationships are studied. Qualitative longitudinal action research with case studies and abductive reasoning are used as the research methods throughout this thesis. The data consists of 34 cases and 99 process simulations in 12 different industries and varies from large core processes to support processes. The case organizations were mainly Finnish companies with Finns as the majority of participants. One case organization was from Switzerland, and in five cases, multicultural groups participated in the process simulations. In each project, process simulations were used at least once during a change project, in some cases even five to eight times. The data analysis proceeded in an abductive manner throughout the included five articles, and the findings are summarized based on the research questions. The theoretical contribution of this thesis is fourfold. The findings give new understanding 1) about learning enablers, their relationships to each other and influence on learning and process innovations, 2) about the role of intangible and tangible learning outcomes in individual and organizational learning processes and 3) about learning paths in process innovations and related change processes. The thesis also defines 4) a model for effective learning processes in change projects concerning process innovations. The contribution in the practical and managerial context should be applicable field of North and West European commercial organizations. This thesis highlights individual and organizational learning in the creation of process innovations, and it also defines the features of an effective development method for creating and implementing process innovations. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on tutkia organisaation oppimisen ja sen eri osatekijöiden roolia prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja muutoksen aikaansaamisessa organisaatiossa. Organisaation oppimista tutkittiin ja aineisto kerättiin prosessien kehittämisprojekteissa, joissa prosessisimulaatioita käytettiin prosessi-innovaatioiden menetelmänä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin pääsiassa vuosien 1988–2001 aikana. Tässä väitöskirjassa näitä tuloksia analysoidaan vallitsevien organisaatio-oppimisen teorioiden valossa prosessi-innovaatioiden ja muutoksen johtamisen asiayhteydessä. Erityisesti tutkitaan oppimisen mahdollistajia, oppimisen tuloksia (aineettomia/aineellisia), oppimisen polkuja ja kaikkien näiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty laadullista pitkittäistä toimintatutkimusta tapaustutkimuksineen ja abduktiivisine päättelyineen. Aineisto koostuu 34 tapaustutkimuksesta ja 99 prosessisimulaatiosta, jotka toteutettiin 12 eri toimialalla, ja vaihtelevat ydinprosesseista tukiprosesseihin. Suurimmaksi osaksi tapausorganisaatiot olivat suomalaisia yrityksiä, ja yksi tapausorganisaatio oli sveitsiläinen. Projektiryhmät olivat pääasiassa suomalaisia, mutta monikulttuurinen ryhmä osallistui prosessisimulointiin viidessä tapaustutkimuksessa. Jokaisessa projektissa prosessisimulointia käytettiin ainakin kerran muutosprojektin aikana, joissakin tapauksissa jopa viidestä kahdeksaan kertaan. Väitöskirjan viiden artikkelin aineiston analysointi suoritettiin abduktiivisen päättelyn periaattein, ja tutkimuksen tulokset esitetään tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tulos kohdistuu neljään osa-alueeseen. Tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä 1) oppimisen mahdollistajista, niiden suhteesta toisiinsa ja vaikutuksesta oppimiseen ja prosessi-innovaatioihin, 2) aineettomien ja aineellisten oppimistulosten roolista yksilön ja organisaation oppimisprosesseissa, ja 3) prosessi-innovaatioiden ja niihin liittyvien muutosprosessien oppimisen poluista. Tutkimus myös määrittelee 4) prosessi-innovaatioita koskevien muutosprojektien oppimista korostavan mallin. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voitaneen soveltaa Pohjois- ja Länsi-Euroopan yritysmaailmassa. Tutkimus korostaa yksilön ja organisaation oppimisen merkitystä prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja lisäksi se määrittelee vaikuttavan prosessi-innovaatioiden kehittämisen ja käyttöönoton menetelmän piirteet.

合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於數學應用問題學習成效的影響研究 / The effects of solving mathematics problems with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on learning performance

郭芙秀, Kuo, Fu Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網路學習的發展,能夠透過網路輔以學習者進行線上合作閱讀學習的合作數位閱讀標註系統興起,並已發展出多媒體的標註模式,不但可以由學生自己針對閱讀文本進行合作閱讀標註,更可以在閱讀文本上進行標註互動討論,具有提昇閱讀理解成效的效益。而數學應用問題的閱讀理解,影響學習者對於數學應用問題的解題甚巨,但是長久以來並無好的提升數學應用問題閱讀理解策略。本研究比較採用合作數位閱讀標註系統及使用傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學應用問題的實驗組與控制組學習者,在解決數學應用問題的學習成效及學習動機上是否具有顯著差異。此外,亦探討場地獨立/場地依賴型不同認知風格及高/低不同學習能力的學習者,採用上述兩種不同學習方法進行數學應用問題學習之學習成效與學習動機是否具有顯著的差異,最後探討實驗學習者使用此合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題學習之學習滿意度。 研究結果發現:(1)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習,在學習成效與學習動機上均顯著優於傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學一元一次方程式應用問題;(2)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統以及傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的實驗組與控制組學習者,在回歸到一般學習後,實驗組在學習成效上仍顯著優於控制組學習者;(3)無論是場地獨立或場地相依認知風格學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(4)無論是高低不同能力學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(5)實驗組場地獨立學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於場地相依學習者;(6)實驗組高學習能力學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於低能力學習者。 綜合以上,本研究所提出採用合作數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題閱讀理解的學習模式,具有提升學習動機與閱讀理解成效的效益,可推廣至解決更複雜數學單元之閱讀理解,甚至發展為創新數學教學之翻轉教學模式。 / Along with the development of web-based learning in past years, cooperative digital reading annotation systems, which could assist learners in online cooperative reading learning through the Internet, are emerged. Besides, multimedia annotation models are also developed for students, aiming at the reading texts, proceeding cooperative reading annotation as well as annotation interactive discussion on the reading texts. It presents the benefit to enhance the reading comprehension efficiency. The reading comprehension of mathematical application problems would largely affect learners’ mathematical application problem solving. However, there has not been a good strategy to enhance the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems. In comparison with the experimental group and the control group, which respectively apply the cooperative digital reading annotation system and traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning to solve mathematical application problems, the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation are discussed in this study. Furthermore, learners with field independent/field dependent cognitive styles and high/low learning abilities are preceded above two different learning approaches for learning mathematical application problems to discuss the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation. Finally, learners learning mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system in the experiment are discussed the learning satisfaction. The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Learners applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown present better learning outcome and learning motivation than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning for the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown. (2) The experimental group, applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown, still outperforms the experimental group, using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning, on the learning outcome after return to general learning. (3) Learners with either field independent or field dependent cognitive style present significant better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those applying traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (4) Learners with either high or low ability show remarkably better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (5) Field independent learners in the experimental group present better learning motivation than field dependent learners after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. (6) Learners with high learning ability in the experimental group reveal better learning motivation than those with low ability after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. In sum, the learning model for the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system proposed in this study could enhance the benefits of learning motivation and reading comprehension. It could be promoted to solve the reading comprehension of more complicated mathematical units and even to become the flipped teaching model for innovative mathematics teaching.

數位學習碩士班研究生線上學習、圖書館使用與學習成效之研究 / Study on Online Learning, Library Use and Learning Outcomes for E-learning Master’s Students

張艾琦 Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日,透過網路,人們學習的管道更加多元,線上學習可以讓學習者有更多的選擇,本研究以我國數位碩士在職專班為研究對象,為線上學習者,又兼具學生與工作者兩種角色,與一般全職學生不管是在上課或使用圖書館情形上都有很大的差異。故本研究目的為:一、探討我國數位在職專班生的特質與數位學習經驗;二、探討數位在職專班生利用圖書館服務與電子資源情況;三、探討數位在職專班生評量教學成效、課程平臺與教材、與圖書館滿意度的看法;四、探討影響數位在職專班生學習成效的因素。期望能對數位在職專班生有更深一層的瞭解,提供更優質的線上學程以及讓圖書館為線上學習者提供更完善的服務,吸引更多潛在的使用者使用圖書館的資源與服務。 本研究透過訪談與問卷調查法的方式,分別針對六位數位在職專班生的訪談結果與196位數位在職專班生問卷調查結果進行分析,研究結果顯示:(一)數位在職專班生女性多於男性,平均年齡介於31歲至40之間,修習數位學程的原因會受到居住地與就職地的影響;(二)數位在職專生的自我效能高;(三)數位在職專班生修課動機為「自我追求」,且選擇線上課程時會考量家庭、工作與通勤時間等因素;(四)數位在職專班生使用大學圖書館的目的主要為:專題報告與課業學習需求,且多透過以網路的方式取用,並以使用電子資源的頻率最為頻繁,較少使用圖書館提供的虛擬參考服務。(五)數位在職專班生肯定教學成效且自評學習成效良好但對課程平台評價較低。(六)數位在職專班生對圖書館滿意度高。此外,本研究亦發現「教學成效」、「課程平臺與教材」、「圖書館滿意度」、「自我效能高低」、「年級」、「電子資源使用」皆與「學生自評學習成效」相關,意即當學生對這些因素感受愈高時,其自評學習成效會愈好。根據獲得之結論,本研究針對數位學程與圖書館兩方面提出建議。 / Nowadays, through the Internet, online learning provides learners with more accesses to gaining knowledge. Online students, usually, are different from common students regarding class situations and library use. The objects of this research are master’s students, who are online learners, and are on-the-job, unlike full-time students. The aims of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the characteristics and E-learning experience of E-learning master’s students. 2. To examine E-learning master’s students' utilization of library services and electronic resources. 3. To discuss students' instructional evaluaton and opinions on online course platforms, teaching materials, and satisfaction with libraries. 4. To investigate the factors that affect the learning outcomes of E-learning master’s students. Via interviews and survey questionnaires, this study respectively analyzes interview outcomes of 6 E-learning master’s students and questionnaire results of 196 E-learning master’s students, and the results and conclusions are as follows: (1) There are more women than men in the E-learning master’s students, of whom the average age is between 31 years old to 40, and the master’s students' sites of residence or their workplace play a dominant role in influencing them to choose digital curriculums. (2) The self-efficacy of E-learning master’s students is high. (3) The motivation of most E-learning master’s students is"self-seeking", and the E-learning master’s students consider their families, works and their commute time when selecting online curriculums. (4) Most E-learning master’s students' purposes of using university libraries are to prepare reports and to obtain learning resources, and they often use library resoueces through the Internet access, in addition, the E-learning master’s students most frequently use electronic resources, while less use virtual reference services of libraries. (5) The E-learning master’s students give recognition to the instructional effectiveness of E-learning curriculums and their self-perceived learning effectiveness is good, but they have less positive comments on online course platforms. (6) The E-learning master’s students have high satisfaction with libraries. Furthermore, this study also finds that: The "instructional effectiveness," "online course platforms," "satisfaction with libraries," "self-efficacy," "grade," and "utilization of electronic resources" are related to the "self-perceived learning outcomes of the E-learning master’s students".Based on the above finding, this study provides suggestions for both digital curriculums and libraries.

The design and implementation of intervention programmes for disadvantaged school beginners

Lenyai, Ellen Miopone 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the design and implementation of early intervention programmes used for disadvantaged learners in South Africa. The focus was on the Grade R class since it has been introduced to prepare learners for formal schooling. The extent to which the programme could influence the learner's skills were investigated. The design is defined in terms of the structure, goals, and content of the programme. The implementation strategy in this investigation is explained in broad terms to include ECD policies, delivery structures and modes, teacher preparedness and arrangements made at school level. The investigation was conducted as a case study in disadvantaged school-based Grade R classes of the Gauteng province. It established that the design of the Grade R programme followed the constructivist approach by combining the developmental and behavioural approaches to teaching. The design was commendable with regard to its goals and its duration. However, concerns were raised with regard to the structure and content of the Learning Area Programmes. An alternative design is recommended. The success of any programme depends to a large extent on implementation strategies used for delivery. This investigation established that policy formulation at national level followed international trends. Implementation power was devolved to the provincial departments in order to accommodate provincial diversity. However, structural deficits and undefined line functions were identified at provincial and district levels. The impact of this deficiency was evident in the Grade R classes. Finally this study concluded that although learners showed developmental gains, this cannot be regarded as the influence of the Grade R teaching because this age group is still developing and the change could be ascribed to maturation. The learners did not acquire basic literacy skills. Their poor language and intellectual abilities remain extremely low. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

An analysis of teacher competencies in a problem-centred approach to dynamic Geometry teaching

Ndlovu, Mdutshekelwa 11 1900 (has links)
The subject of teacher competencies or knowledge has been a key issue in mathematics education reform. This study attempts to identify and analyze teacher competencies necessary in the orchestration of a problem-centred approach to dynamic geometry teaching and learning. The advent of dynamic geometry environments into classrooms has placed new demands and expectations on mathematics teachers. In this study the Teacher Development Experiment was used as the main method of investigation. Twenty third-year mathematics major teachers participated in workshop and microteaching sessions involving the use of the Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic geometry software in the teaching and learning of the geometry of triangles and quadrilaterals. Five intersecting categories of teacher competencies were identified: mathematical/geometrical competencies. pedagogical competencies. computer and software competences, language and assessment competencies. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Ed. (Mathematical Education)

English as a language of learning and teaching science in rural secondry schools : a study of the Vlakfontein circuit in Limpopo

Setati, Matlou Caiphus 09 1900 (has links)
The growing diversity of school populations around the world means that for many learners the language of learning in mainstream classrooms is not their first language. The researcher would submit that content-based second language learning in a context such as a Science classroom is considered advantageous as it enables the learner to manipulate a target language such as English in a way which is meaningful. However, Science learners who have yet to achieve communicative competence in English are disadvantaged when it comes to developing a deep understanding of scientific concepts. Many mainstream Science educators have concerns about this significant group of learners who can be left on the periphery of the class to cope as best as they can. Very often educators aim to meet the needs of English Second Language (ESL) learners without any specific knowledge of the strategies which would enhance learning and ensure that learning environments encourage participation and interaction. The learners themselves have not only to deal with language and sociocultural issues but must face the cognitive demands of Science including negotiating its specialized language. The aim of this study was to investigate how the use of English as a language of learning and teaching Science in rural secondary schools in the Vlakfontein Circuit of the Limpopo Capricorn District, influenced the ability of Grade 8 students to learn Science. The focus was on the Grade 8 classes since they are at the threshold of their educational pursuit. The study had two main purposes. The first goal was to describe the current situation with respect to rural secondary school learners and their educators in selected learning environments in Vlakfontein Circuit. The second goal was to bring about improvement in the learners’ situations by employing specifically designed interventions. The study had three focal areas: the language; the teaching and learning environment; and the ESL learner. The investigation was conducted in disadvantaged rural secondary schools in the Vlakfontein Circuit in the Limpopo province. Observations of the Science classes revealed that, even for the learners with very limited English language proficiency there was little ESL specialist support available. The data analyzed was collected using a variety of data collection tools. The main data generation tools were observation, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The analysis revealed that learners were lacking in Science register (terminology). This study also found out that non-technical language used in Science lessons affected the learners’ understanding much more than the educators were aware. Educators’ attitudes and beliefs strongly influenced the interaction and participation of ESL learners in Science classrooms. The study also revealed that developing language skills prevented ESL learners from asking questions and answering questions in class and academic progress in Science was impeded by limited opportunities for ESL learners to clarify their understanding. Further, the investigation established that achievement in Science and in education overall was affected by assessment instruments which were infused with specific linguistic or cultural knowledge. The study arrived at a conclusion that the needs of the research students could not be met by a programme based on the traditional format of ESP teaching. Hence, the researcher has recommended a Science Based English Programme (SBEP) which encapsulates several adjustments in orientation methods and materials to meet the ESL learners’ needs. This kind of learning-centred arrangement will allow not only efficiency of SBEP instruction but also allow the kinds of activities that may not be possible in groups with a wide dispersion of interests. However, the extent to which the research learners encountered difficulties with vocabulary suggests that there is a need to investigate more effective methods of dealing with this issue. Needed research could also be directed into the development of a Science glossary with appropriate language levels for ESL learners. This could include technical scientific terms with examples of how terms can be used.From the outcome of the interviews with educators, it is evident that further research is needed concerning the educators’ English proficiency and Science competence in ESL situations. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Didactics)

情緒激發對訓練成效之影響:知覺訓練難度的調節效果 / The influences of emotional arousal on training outcomes: The moderating effects of perceived training difficulty

蕭佳佩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討訓練情境中的情緒激發與知覺訓練難度對訓練成效之影響。本研究使用實驗法,採3(情緒激發:正向、負向、無激發)×2(知覺訓練難度:簡單與困難)完全受試者間設計,依變項為受訓者的自我效能、學習動機、訓練有用性與訓練學習結果。受試者為國立政治大學的127名大學生,受試者隨機分派到六種實驗情境之一,在實驗室中依序進行情緒激發作業、訓練作業,最後填寫研究問卷。本研究以變異數分析(ANOVA)與共變數分析(ANCOVA)(控制性別之影響)來檢驗情緒激發與知覺訓練難度對各依變項之影響。研究結果顯示情緒激發與知覺訓練難度之交互作用會影響受訓者的自我效能與學習動機。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論、並對研究限制、未來研究方向、理論與實務意涵加以闡述。 / This study focuses on the effect of emotional arousal and perceived training difficulty on training outcomes. A 3 (emotional arousal: positive, negative, control) x 2 (perceived training difficulty: easy, difficult) between-subject experimental design is used. The dependent variables are trainees’ self-efficacy, motivation to learn, utility judgment and learning outcome. Subjects (N=127) were randomly assigned to one of the six experimental situations and completed the emotional arousal task, training task, and research questionnaire in order. The researcher uses ANOVA and ANCOVA (controlling the gender effect) to examine the influence of emotional arousal and perceived training difficulty on each dependent variable separately. The results of the present study indicate that trainees’ self-efficacy and motivation to learn can be influenced by the interaction of emotion arousal and perceived training difficulty. At last, the results, limitation, further research directions and implications are discussed.

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