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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do processo de elaboração e implementação do novo regimento interno do sistema de bibliotecas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba.

Sousa Filho, Antonio Genésio de 20 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:20:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ArquivoTotalAntonioGenesio.pdf: 4597632 bytes, checksum: c784bb076caf7cfa484fa6d6ac9ae75c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study analyzes the process of elaboration and implementation of Internal Regulation that rules the Paraiba Federal University Library System, which was approved by this University s Governing Board, in 2009. The methodological approach consisted of both explanatory and descriptive case study based on nonprobable, intentional sample, consisting of seventeen unit of information managers of the mentioned System. One obtained research data from primary and secondary sources, through structured interviews and documental analysis, respectively. The analysis of data collected during the interviews was performed according to the technique of content analysis which rose evidence of the barriers that might be influencing the implementation process of the new system structure. Moreover, one identified likely deviations in certain administrative procedures related to the elaboration of the herein object of study. The results demonstrate the need of creating an appropriate context for Knowledge Management, primarily through a review in the organizational structure, so that it will foster both integrated and systemic initiatives which might encourage participation and commitment of individuals involved in the activities of the system. Among the organizational guidelines to mitigate the barriers that hinder the implementation of the Internal Regiment of this Library System, one proposes: institutionalization of participation in decision-making; development of a systematic and integrated plan for upgrading the communication system; resizing of the staff; employment of librarians and library assistants; investment in preparation of personnel to occupy management positions; creating an advisory intermediary service, linked to this Library System Office, in order to technically coordinate, and supervise Cross-sector Libraries; establishment of proper salaried department office managers to those who are responsible for the Cross-sector Libraries; development of studies focusing on the continuous improvement of administrative procedures; and creating of a programme of internal marketing. It also recommends the development of a new document regimental, so this will be in accordance to the legal framework that regulates the formation of normative acts. / Analisa o processo de elaboração e implementação do Regimento Interno do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Sistemoteca), aprovado pelo Conselho Superior (CONSUNI), por meio da Resolução nº 31 de 2009. Visando atingir tal desígnio, foram estabelecidos objetivos específicos que possibilitaram compreender o seu processo de elaboração e identificar as barreiras à sua implementação. A abordagem metodológica consistiu de um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório e descritivo com base numa amostra não probabilística e intencional, constituída de dezessete gestores de unidades de informação do Sistema. Os dados foram obtidos junto a fontes primárias e secundárias, por intermédio de entrevistas estruturadas e da análise documental, respectivamente. A análise dos dados coletados nas entrevistas foi efetuada segundo a técnica de análise de conteúdo e suscitou evidências das barreiras que podem estar influenciando o processo de implementação da nova estrutura do Sistemoteca. Outrossim, possibilitou identificar desvios em determinados procedimentos administrativos relacionados à elaboração do objeto de estudo em questão. Os resultados obtidos alertam para a necessidade de se criar um contexto adequado para a gestão do conhecimento, principalmente por meio de um reexame na estrutura organizacional, de forma que esta venha a fomentar iniciativas de caráter integrado e sistêmico que estimulem a participação e o comprometimento dos sujeitos envolvidos nas atividades do sistema. Dentre as diretrizes organizacionais necessárias para mitigar as barreiras que dificultam a implementação do Regimento Interno do Sistemoteca, propõe: institucionalização de espaços de participação no processo de tomada de decisões; desenvolvimento de um plano sistemático e integrado de aperfeiçoamento do sistema de comunicação; investimento no preparo dos ocupantes dos cargos gerenciais; criação de uma assessoria intermediária, ligada à Direção do Sistemoteca, com atuação específica para a coordenação técnica e supervisão das Bibliotecas Setoriais; estabelecimento de chefias remuneradas para os responsáveis pelas Bibliotecas Setoriais; e desenvolvimento de estudos visando à melhoria contínua dos processos administrativos.

台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館行政體制之研究 / A Study of the Administrative System of Rural Libraries in Taiwan

張惠真, Chang, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析並歸納出目前台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館的行政隸屬、組織、人力與經費的機制;瞭解各鄉鎮圖書館在人力及經費的需求與現狀之間的差距以及各鄉鎮圖書館期許的行政體制和實際狀況的差距,並針對目前台灣地區的鄉鎮圖書館行政體制提出建議,作為政府及相關單位在規畫全國圖書館事業時的參考。 為達成研究目的,首先收集國內外文獻,分析鄉鎮圖書館行政體制相關資料;並針對16縣309鄉鎮之337所鄉鎮圖書館,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽出155所鄉鎮圖書館進行問卷調查,以瞭解鄉鎮圖書館的行政體制現況、問題及其對行政隸屬模式的看法;最後以立意抽樣方式挑選台北縣、宜蘭縣與桃園縣的文化局圖書資訊課以及由文化局圖書資訊課所推薦縣內營運較有規模之鄉鎮圖書館,共計16所圖書館進行深度訪談。 研究結果發現,就制度面而言:鄉鎮圖書館的行政隸屬有三種情況、鄉鎮圖書館之發展仰賴鄉鎮(市)長之重視、公共圖書館輔導體系有責無權、鄉鎮圖書館之發展缺乏統籌規劃、行政隸屬模式需重新規劃、法規不合時宜,鄉鎮圖書館之編制缺乏擴充空間;就人力資源面而言:人員數量現況與需求的差距大,目前鄉鎮圖書館的編制遠低於圖書館實際運作之人力需求、鄉鎮圖書館的館員普遍缺乏專業訓練、鄉鎮圖書館之人員流動率偏高;就經費資源面而言:鄉鎮圖書館之經費現況與需求之間差距大、鄉鎮圖書館之經費來源仍以鄉鎮(市)公所為主。 本研究提出以下建議作為政府及相關單位在規畫全國圖書館事業時之參考。1.鄉鎮圖書館之行政及輔導機關合一。2.整體規劃公共圖書館事業之發展。3.重視鄉鎮圖書館人員遴用與專業訓練。4.落實圖書館法之專業領導之相關規定。5.重新檢討鄉鎮圖書館組織結構及人員編制。6.立法保障文化建設之基本預算比例。7.積極研擬公共圖書館營運基準。8.儘速修訂鄉鎮圖書館經營之相關法令。

Integração e visibilidade para sistemas de bibliotecas: aprendendo com a Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Machado, Fábio Firmino 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:20:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4070793 bytes, checksum: 6f9168c8a66e8594bdbb514a6c6a49e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This report is intended to serve as a parameter to validation by the managers of the Library System of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba - SISTEMOTECA , the use of the Integrated Management of Academic Activities - SIGAA Module Library , replacing ORTODOCS Information System in use for over fifteen years. Describes the two systems in general, emphasizing their functionality and chronologically recounts the implementation of the module , the sectoral Center Libraries Health Sciences - CCS and the Center for Technology and Regional Development - CTDR , members of the Library System of UFPB strategically taken as a pilot because of its size and volume of the acquis. The type of research used a qualitative development and deployment was recorded by the author through participant observation where the involved subjects met in committee established for this purpose and discussed the progress and barriers encountered during the process . At the end of the implementation of sectoral coordinators questionnaires and interviews were applied to the direction of the Library System of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - SISBI as a complementary element of research in order to verify in situ the current reality of the effective use of SIGAA - Library Module . Finally , reports results and final considerations contextualizing the implementation and indicating the relevant points with some recommendations . / Este relatório tem a finalidade de servir de parâmetro para validação pelos gestores do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba SISTEMOTECA, do uso do Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas - SIGAA, Módulo Biblioteca, em substituição ao Sistema de Informação ORTODOCS em uso há mais de quinze anos. Descreve os dois sistemas em linhas gerais, enfatizando suas funcionalidades e relata cronologicamente a implantação do módulo, nas bibliotecas setoriais do Centro de Ciências da Saúde - CCS e do Centro de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Regional - CTDR, integrantes do Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFPB, estrategicamente tomadas como piloto em virtude de suas dimensões e volume do acervo. O tipo de pesquisa utilizada foi qualitativa e o desenvolvimento da implantação foi registrado pelo autor através da observação participante onde os sujeitos envolvidos se reuniam em comissão criada com esse propósito e discutiam os avanços e barreiras encontrados no decorrer do processo. Ao término da implantação foram aplicados questionários aos coordenadores das setoriais e entrevista com a Direção do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte SISBI como elemento complementar de pesquisa com a finalidade de verificar in loco a realidade atual do uso efetivo do SIGAA Módulo Biblioteca. Por fim, relata os resultados e as considerações finais contextualizando a implantação e indicando os pontos relevantes com algumas recomendações.

Mezinárodní porovnání logistiky knihoven / International comparison of library logistics

Zubíková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the untraditional application domain of logistics in libraries which is demonstrated with the help of concrete examples of libraries from the Czech Republic, Finland and Australia. The main goal of the thesis is to compare the library logistics of the City Library of Hradec Králové, the Municipal Library of Prague and the Turku City Library with the focus on the equipment and logistics technologies used, especially storage technologies and technologies for automatic identification. The most sophisticated technologies used in libraries are demonstrated using the example of the Australian Macquarie University Library and the project Eye over Prague. A classification of libraries according to their size in terms of the number of library items and the number of loans is created in the thesis and the appropriate library logistics solutions are then assigned to the particular classification groups.

Evaluation of the Innopac Library system in selected consortia and libraries in the southern African region : implications for the Lesotho Library consortium

Taole, Nthabiseng 08 April 2009 (has links)
Resource sharing is considered to be one of the most important pillars of library service, because no single library can meet all the needs of its users. Libraries have always cooperated to meet the increasing demands of users by sharing their resources. In the past few decades, the need to establish library consortia emerged more strongly as libraries began to take advantage of technology to improve access to information and service delivery. There has been a notable increase in the formation of library consortia on the African continent. South Africa has taken the lead both in the amount of established consortia and the number of member libraries within them. This development accompanied the implementation of common library systems in consortia, where a single system is adopted by all member libraries. In the Southern African region, the library system called INNOPAC/Millennium Pac has already been adopted by consortia and libraries in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. The recently-established Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) also recognized the need for a comprehensive investigation to identify a common system that will effectively meet the needs of its member libraries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the successes and limitations of the INNOPAC library system operating in consortia and libraries in the Southern African region, in order to assess its suitability for LELICO. The study focused on two South African consortia (The Gauteng and Environs Library Consortium – GAELIC, and The Free State Library and Information Consortium - FRELICO), two university libraries (Namibia and Zimbabwe) and one agricultural college library (Botswana) in the Southern African region that use the system. A special emphasis was the criteria of assessment that would apply to a small, multi-type consortium in a developing country like Lesotho. Data was collected through a literature search, questionnaires, interviews, site visits, and analysis of policy and institutional documents. The target groups of the study were the library managers, system managers, and library professionals of selected GAELIC and FRELICO libraries, and the system managers of the three selected libraries in the region. The study found that the INNOPAC library system is performing satisfactorily in the chosen consortia and libraries, and that it has a positive impact on them. It performed to a high standard in all the key areas, and this may be attributed to keeping abreast of the latest developments in the library world, and offering a range of services that meet the needs of libraries. The study found further that the INNOPAC library system contributed towards increased productivity, improved customer services, and better decision making in the two consortia. However, direct access to members’ holdings was restricted by a decentralized server model adopted by these consortia. This and other lessons shaped a proposal for the implementation and management of the INNOPAC library system in LELICO. A proposed model recommends a central server as a more cost-effective management solution. The model also explains the mode of operation by member libraries and the coordinated structures that would implement and manage the INNOPAC library system, adapted to the specific requirements of a small, multi-type consortium in a developing country like Lesotho. Given its successful performance in consortia and libraries across Southern African countries, the study recommends further research into the advantages and challenges of INNOPAC for wider regional library cooperation. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Information Science / unrestricted

Computerized evaluation of library service effectiveness

Uluakar, Tamer January 1981 (has links)
Evaluation of library service effectiveness is important in identifying the areas where improvement is most needed, and in justifying library budgets. Traditional methods of service effectiveness evaluation have been too costly and impractical for regular use. However, most of the data required for this evaluation can be collected inexpensively and quickly with automated library systems which many libraries have already started using. This study reviews traditional methods of library service effectiveness and proposes new methods which take advantage of electronic data processing. The proposed methods are practical and inexpensive so that they can be used routinely. / Ph. D.

Koha圖書館自動化系統在台灣之應用 / Application for koha integrated library systems in Taiwan

張琇婷, Chang, Hsiu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的變遷,圖書館員和使用者對於圖書館自動化系統的功能和現況漸漸產生許多不滿與問題。由於系統的開發過程封閉且原始碼無法取得,使圖書館只能另覓其他的自動化系統產品。開放程式的發展在二十一世紀隨著網際網路的發展受到重視。開放程式的圖書館自動化系統讓使用者除了使用還可以有複製、散佈、研究、改寫、再利用的自由。 本研究旨在探討台灣開放程式圖書館自動化系統的引進與發展現況,以Koha系統為研究對象,首先由文獻探討獲得圖書館自動化的現況、開放程式碼的發展,及開放程式應用於圖書館自動化系統之現況,並依據TAM科技接受模式為基礎設計問卷問項與進行分析,接著由訪談的方式深入瞭解台灣使用Koha系統的現況與問題,訪談對象包括使用Koha系統之圖書館以及與Koha系統相關的單位或個人,最後進行問卷調查與訪談資料整理分析。 本研究結果如下:1.台灣開放程式圖書館自動化系統的現況:台灣引進Koha系統始於2005年,由輔大圖資系毛慶禎副教授提倡Koha中文繁體的發展。使用對象多為中小學圖書館與對開放程式有興趣者,由於政府政策的影響,未來繼續使用Koha系統之中小學圖書館將銳減。2.圖書館使用開放程式圖書館自動化系統之動機:(1)圖書館未自動化;(2)缺乏購買系統的經費;(3)經由推廣取得;(4)對應用開放軟體有興趣;(5)過去使用過的圖書館自動化系統不成功;(6)教學使用;(7)有良好的技術支援協助。3.對Koha系統接受度不高:Koha系統由於技術支援、易用性與滿意度不足,以及受到政府政策影響,導致其接受度不高。4.成功使用開放程式圖書館自動化系統之因素:(1)教育訓練與交接完整;(2)其他人力支援;(3)技術支援;(4)介面親和;(5)功能容易使用;(6)館員態度積極。5.使用開放程式圖書館自動化系統失敗之原因與困難:(1)教育訓練不足;(2)缺乏人力;(3)缺乏技術支援;(4)功能不全;(5)系統說明手冊不完整;(6)介面不親和;(7)技術門檻較高。 本研究結果可提供台灣未來發展開放程式圖書館自動化系統的參考方案,觀察使用Koha系統圖書館失敗的原因以及與Koha系統相關單位兩方的觀點與困難,發現其中產生的問題,給予Koha系統、使用者與在地團隊建議。 / As the wheel of time turns, librarians and users of the integrated library system(ILS) become to be unsatisfied the features of ILS. Because of the developing process is closed and the unavailability of the source code, libraries have to try other ILS products for further development. Open source ILS is one of options, it gives users the freedom to copy, distribute, research, rewrite and reuse. The purpose of this research is to study the current developing situation of open source ILS in Taiwan. We use Koha system as research case. By studying related papers, we captured the current situation of ILS, the development of open source, and the application of open source ILS. Using the questionnaires based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and interviews, we enhance our understanding of the current use and question about the Koha system in Taiwan. The findings are as follows: 1.Current view of open source ILS in Taiwan: Prof. Mao has been distributing the developing of Koha in traditional Chinese since 2005. Users who used Koha system are mainly libraries in junior-high schools and elementary schools and those who are interested in Koha system. Due to the policy of Ministry of Education, the usage of Koha system in libraries in senior-high schools and elementary schools will be significantly less after 2010. 2. Reasons why libraries use open source ILS were categorized as follows :(1)Libraries was not automated; (2)Libraries were not automated successfully; (3)Libraries adopted Koha from promotion; (4)Libraries had insufficient budget; (5)Libraries had good technical supports; (6)Schools used Koha for education training purpose; (7)Schools were interested in the usage of open source. 3.The reasons of low acceptance of the Koha system: (1)Lack of technical supports; (2)Koha system was hard to use for average users; (3)Ministry of Education command the elementary and secondary schools to adopt new ILS. 4.Factors of the success adoption of the open source ILS: (1)Complete education training for users; (2)Other human resource support; (3)Technical support; (4)Friendly user interface; (5)Ease of use; (6)Positive attitude. 5.Reasons of the failure of library automation system and its difficulties: (1)Lack of training; (2)Lack of human support; (3)Lack of technical supports; (4)Incomplete features; (5)Incomplete system manual; (6)Unfriendly user interface; (7)Higher technology requirement.

A Change Agent in the Use of Continuing Online Distance Learning Technology

Lawson, Cheryl L. 08 1900 (has links)
Managers of public libraries have been presented with a new set of challenges in the day-to-day operations of public libraries. These include their ability to serve as change agents as they manage the use of continuing online distance learning (CODL) for staff. This online tool may provide staff opportunities for on-the-job learning, yet for managers and managerial staff little is known about how the tool impacts their role in light of the changes. This research investigates the perceptions of 103 Northeast Texas Library System managers and managerial staff about their role as a change agent in the use of CODL using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to determine the outcome. Administrators from urban, suburban, and rural public libraries were surveyed using a General Training Climate Scale to explore three constructs: extent of the manager role, manager role, and use of CODL. Data analysis was performed using exploratory and confirmatory analysis to support the theoretical model. An altered model was tested and confirmed through model fit indices.

臺灣地區公共圖書館自動化系統跨系統整合模式研究 / A Study of the Automation Intersystem Integrated Models for Public Libraries in Taiwan Area

賴忠勤, Lai Chung-chin Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣地區公共圖書館自動化系統連結的模式,以縣市文化局(文化中心)與鄉鎮圖書館連結,共用一套系統運作為最主要的模式。此種模式自1996年開始推動建置以來,已經提供給縣市民眾一證通用、聯合書目館藏資料庫查詢等服務,部分縣市也開始進行館際互借、互還的準備作業,進一步利用共用系統所提供的功能。完成各縣市公共圖書館自動化系統的階段後,如何整合各縣市公共圖書館的自動化系統,提供跨系統資訊交換,促進不同縣市公共圖書館的館際合作事宜,以及擴大讀者跨縣市使用公共圖書館的館藏資源,是本研究進行的動機。 本研究的目的,在調查瞭解臺灣地區公共圖書館運用圖書館系統進行的狀況及館際間交流問題,蒐集歸納圖書館自動化系統對跨館際作業方面的功能、架構及相關標準之運用,分析不同跨系統整合模式的優、缺點及可行性,以建置臺灣地區公共圖書館自動化系統整合模式的作業方式,提供給公共圖書館、主管政府機關決策及廠商開發系統相關功能的參考。並引用其他資訊領域相關技術及概念,勾勒圖書館自動化系統未來的發展方向及建議。 本研究採用文獻分析、問卷調查及資訊系統分析等研究方法。問卷調查以公共圖書館之系統管理人員或主管為主,包括國立圖書館及各縣市級公共圖書館,為使調查數據精確與客觀,輔以調查系統廠商與大型大學圖書館之系統館員。 本研究之結論,建議公共圖書館自動化系統跨系統整合架構:(一)、以共用一套系統,(二)、設置「中心系統」供同質系統連結,以及(三)、設置「中心系統」供異質系統連結等架構方式為主。整合的區域範圍以生活圈為較適合的範圍,未來可擴大至整個臺灣地區。整合系統的功能面,除了促使廠商遵循相關標準發展系統外,建議參考不同領域之資訊應用層用,以讀者需求為導向,並可以考量資訊委外及圖書館自動化系統採用「應用系統供應服務」(Application Service Provider,簡稱ASP)模式,以減少公共圖書館資訊管理專業人力缺乏的問題。 / The main connective model of the public libraries automation system in Taiwan area is an integrated model connected between the municipal and county cultural bureaus (cultural centers) and rural libraries with one mutually automated system. Since its setup in 1996, the model has provided library patrons of all cities and counties with services of the union bibliographic database and one library card to be used at all libraries. Some counties and cities have also prepared to advance the interlibrary loan service and utilize the functions of the common library automation system. The motive of the study is to find out the integration of the public library automation in every county and city, to the provision of the intersystem information exchange, the promotion of the public library cooperation, and the expansion of the cross utilization of collections resources of public libraries all over Taiwan when the public library automation system has been completed in every county and city. The purposes of the study are: to investigate and find out the state of art of the operation of library automation systems of public libraries in Taiwan area and the interlibrary exchange problems, to collect and generalize functions, structures and related standards of interlibrary processes of the library automation system, and to analyze advantages and shortcomings and feasible methods of each intersystem integrated model, so as to work out a union model of public libraries integrated automation system in Taiwan area for reference by public libraries, government institutions and factories in their decision making and system development. Forthermore, the study tries to make an outline of the future development trends of the library automation system and offer some proposals on the basis of other information related technology and conceptions. The document analysis, questionnaires, information system analysis and other approaches are used for the research. The questionnaires are collected mainly from the library system management staffs or chiefs including national libraries and municipal and county public libraries. In addition, similar questions are also asked to system librarians, information system factories and college system librarians in order to make the data more accurate and objective. The conclusions of this study suggest three intersystem integrated structures of the public library automation system: “one” system, one “central system” set up for connecting with other uniform systems, and one system to connecting non-uniform systems (with at least one of the connected libraries available with a “central system”). The applicable area range of the integration is preferably life circle area, and may be expanded to the whole Taiwan area in the future. As to functions of the integration system, in addition to promoting factories, developing the system on the basis of the relative standards, suggestions are made for applications of information technology in other domains and in compliance with patron-oriented needs. Public libraries can also consider information outsourcing and adopt ASP (Application Service Provider) mode for the library automation system, so as to help out the lack of information management professional staffs.

Die Leseförderung in Spanien / eine Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert

Castronovo, Calogero 10 September 2009 (has links)
Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ist in Spanien eine Leseförderungsoffensive gestartet worden, deren primäres Ziel es ist, die großen Schwächen der Lesegewohnheiten in der spanischen Bevölkerung zu beheben, und somit allen Bürgern den Zugang zur Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die historischen Hintergründe für die heutigen Defizite erläutert und eine Reihe von aktuellen Studien zum Leseverhalten der Spanier analysiert. Eine Untersuchung über das Verlagswesen und dessen Auswirkung auf die Lesehaltung der Gesellschaft, sowie eine genaue Darstellung des im Jahre 2007 erlassenen Gesetzes zur Buch-, Lektüre- und Bibliothekspolitik dienen dazu, einen Rahmen für die unternommenen Schritte zu bilden. In dem zweiten Teil richtet sich der Fokus auf die seit Beginn des Jahrhunderts gestarteten Maßnahmen zur Leseförderung, darunter, als integrativer Mittelpunkt den Leseförderungsplan der zentralen Regierung und weiter die Projekte der Landesregierungen und der Kommunen, sowie Aktionen die zum größten Teil auf private Initiative zurückgehen. Die öffentliche Präsentation des vom Bundeskulturministerium entwickelten, ersten, nationalen Leseförderungsplanes im Jahr 2001 markierte den Anfang für einen Wandelprozess in der Lesekultur des Landes. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation wird, angesichts der basalen Funktion der Bibliotheken als Zentren der Leseanimation, auf die Entwicklung des spanischen Bibliotheksystems in den letzten drei Dekaden und insbesondere der Öffentlichen und der Schulbibliotheken eingegangen. / At the beginning of the 21st century the Spanish government launched the most important reading promotion campaign in the history of the country. The objective campaign, that still continues, is to correct the important deficiencies of the reading habits of the Spaniards and to guarantee the access to the information and knowledge society for every citizen. In the first part of the thesis, the author describes the historical reasons for the present reading deficiencies in the population. He also analyzes the most important studies about the reading habits in Spain. An investigation about the situation of the publishing world and its effects on the reading culture, and an account oft the law on Books, Reading and Libraries from 2007 helped to create the context in which the new efforts to improve the reading competence are taking place. In the second part of the work the author analyzes the most representative projects of reading promotion, that have been started from the central, but also from regional and municipal administrations, as well as from private initiators. The most important among these projects is the National Reading Promotion Plan. It was developed from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and has the function of an integration and reference point for all the local reading promotion actions in the country. The public presentation of this Plan in 2001 represented the beginning of a deep transformation process of the reading culture of the nation. As the libraries have always been indispensable centres for reading promotion, the last part of the thesis describes the development of the Spanish librarian system in the three last decades focusing special interest on the school and public libraries. I

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