Spelling suggestions: "subject:"linguistically"" "subject:"iinguistically""
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Οι διαφοροποιημένοι πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητές στον «Οδηγό νηπιαγωγού. Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί. Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης»Πίτσου, Χαρίκλεια 07 July 2010 (has links)
O σύγχρονος κόσμος, γίνεται λόγω των συνεχών μετακινήσεων των ατόμων όλο και περισσότερο ένα παγκόσμιο χωριό, με αποτέλεσμα λίγες χώρες να μπορούν να προβάλουν την αξίωση ενός αληθινά ομοιογενούς πληθυσμού. Σήμερα, η πολυπολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία, που χαρακτηρίζει τις περισσότερες χώρες -και την Ελλάδα-, είναι ένας παράγοντας που έχει σημαντικές επιπτώσεις στην εκπαίδευση όλων των βαθμίδων, συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της προσχολικής (Rodd, 1996).
Το σχολείο «ως απαραίτητο διορθωτικό μέσο κάθε πολιτισμικού ελαττώματος ή ανεπάρκειας» (Savater, 2004: 9) οφείλει από τη μια να είναι ασυμβίβαστο με μορφές εθνικής περιχάραξης και από την άλλη να είναι τόσο πλουραλιστικό, όσο η ίδια η κοινωνία. Οφείλει, δηλαδή, να εμπερικλείει στους κόλπους του και να αγκαλιάζει όλους εκείνους τους μαθητές που δεν ανήκουν στην κυρίαρχη πολιτισμική και γλωσσική ομάδα.
Με τη συγκεκριμένη ερευνητική μελέτη προσπαθούμε να διαπιστώσουμε σε τι βαθμό και με ποιο τρόπο -δηλωμένο ή άδηλο- ο «Οδηγός Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης», του οποίου η συγγραφή του προκηρύχθηκε από το Υ.Π.Ε.Π.Θ. το 2003 (ΦΕΚ, 303 & 304/ 13-03-2003) και εφαρμόζεται επίσημα στα νηπιαγωγεία ως το βιβλίο του εκπαιδευτικού της προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης από το σχολικό έτος 2006-2007, αναφέρεται σε μαθητές που ανήκουν σε διαφορετικές πολιτισμικές και γλωσσικές ομάδες από την ελληνική. Παράλληλα, προσπαθούμε να ερμηνεύσουμε αν και με ποιο τρόπο έχει επηρεαστεί ο τρόπος αναφοράς σε αυτούς τους μαθητές τόσο από τις κοινωνικές αλλαγές που έχουν σημειωθεί λόγω της παρουσίας ατόμων από διαφορετικές εθνοπολιτισμικές ομάδες, όσο και από τη θέσπιση του νόμου 2413/96 για τη Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης.
Αρχικά, χρησιμοποιούμε «περιγραφική ανάλυση περιεχομένου» (Descriptive Content Analysis), η οποία σύμφωνα με τον Thomas (1998) εξετάζει το τι περιέχει η επικοινωνία. Κατόπιν, χρησιμοποιούμε «ερμηνευτική ανάλυση περιεχόμενου» (Interpretive Content Analysis) και τη βασισμένη στο συγκείμενο ερμηνεία (contextual interpretation), για να διαπιστώσουμε από τη μια πώς και γιατί το προς εξέταση υλικό παρουσιάζεται καταυτόν τον τρόπο και από την άλλη πώς έχει επηρεαστεί από το κοινωνικό πολιτικό συγκείμενο της σύγχρονης κοινωνικής πραγματικότητας.
Τα αποτελέσματα της ερευνητικής μελέτης έδειξαν ότι, αν και έχουν αρχίσει να γίνονται τα πρώτα βήματα, βάσει της διαπίστωσης ενός σεβαστού αριθμού αναφορών στους διαφοροποιημένους πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητές, παραταύτα ο «Οδηγός Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης» υιοθετεί ένα συγκαλυμμένο εθνικό προσανατολισμό, που προωθείται μέσω των αρχών της πολιτικής της ενσωμάτωσης, του μονοπολιτισμού και της μονογλωσσίας, εφόσον στο σχολικό χώρο γίνονται αποδεκτά τα στοιχεία εκείνα των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών που δεν προκαλούν αναταραχή και ανακατατάξεις στις ήδη υπάρχουσες επίσημες εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές.
Παρά την ύπαρξη του νόμου 2413/96 περί της Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης και τις επίσημες κατευθύνσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την εφαρμογή προγραμμάτων που προωθούν την ισότιμη συμμετοχή όλων των πολιτισμικών και γλωσσικών ομάδων και την επαρκή αντιπροσώπευση της διαφορετικότητάς τους στα επίσημα αναλυτικά προγράμματα, στα εγχειρίδια των μαθητών και στα βιβλία των εκπαιδευτικών, εστιάζοντας στον «Οδηγό Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης» διαπιστώνουμε την τουριστική, την προσθετική προσέγγιση διδασκαλίας και όχι την μετασχηματιστική προσέγγιση.
Αν και έχουν σημειωθεί κάποια θετικά βήματα για την αναγνώριση των διαφορετικών αναγκών των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών, παραθέτουμε ορισμένες πρακτικές επισημάνσεις για την ουσιαστική στάθμισή τους, την πρόσφορη αξιολόγηση και αξιοποίησή τους στα πλαίσια μιας προοπτικής πλουραλισμού. Οι πρακτικές αυτές επισημάνσεις είναι: η αναμόρφωση των αναλυτικών προγραμμάτων όλων των γνωστικών αντικειμένων από ειδικούς της διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης, η αναγνώριση και διδασκαλία της μητρικής γλώσσας των μειονοτικών ομάδων, η διεθνής ανάπτυξη μιας διακρατικής εκπαιδευτικής συμφωνίας για τον τρόπο παρουσίασης των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών, η παραγωγή διαπολιτισμικού διδακτικού και εποπτικού υλικού, η εισαγωγή μιας σειράς μαθημάτων Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης ως υποχρεωτικής σε όλες τις παιδαγωγικές και καθηγητικές πανεπιστημιακές σχολές και τέλος η συνεχής επιμόρφωση των εκπαιδευτικών σε θέματα που άπτονται της διαχείρισης των μαθητών που ανήκουν σε μειοψηφικές πολιτισμικές και γλωσσικές ομάδες.
Στην εποχή των ολοένα και αυξανόμενων πολύμορφων και πολύχρωμων κοινωνιών δεν αρκεί απλά η κατάδειξη των διαφορών των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών σε ένα αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα ή σε ένα βιβλίο που προορίζεται για τον εκπαιδευτικό. Αυτό που ουσιαστικά χρειάζεται είναι μια εποικοδομητική προσπάθεια καλλιέργειας της αποδοχής της διαφορετικότητας σε θεσμικό και πρακτικό επίπεδο. / Multiculturalism is a prevailing phenomenon in many countries, including Greece. Today, schools are not characterized by homogeny in their population as they include students from diverse culturally and linguistically backgrounds.
The aim of this study is to examine how the diverse culturally and linguistically students are presented in «the book of kindergarten teacher», which was published by the Greek Ministry of Education in 2006, 10 years after the implementation of Law 2413/96, entitled «Greek education abroad, Intercultural Education and other provisions». A law based on Intercultural Education which addresses issues related to multicultural classrooms.
To analyze our material we use quantitative content analysis, descriptive and interpretive. Our results showed that although there are enough references to diverse culturally and linguistically students, in fact, they are not in congruence with the Law 2413/96 but they are more associated with the policy of integration as only the official language is taught and as only the superficial cultural elements of foreign students are accepted in the educational process.
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Ukucwaningwa kwamandla encazelo yegama nemiphumela yawo empilweni yabantu abakhuluma isiZulu kanye nabanye abakhuluma izilimi zesintu e-AfrikaMabuza, Mandinda Elias 01 1900 (has links)
This research analyses the influence of the power of a name, particularly on Zulu speaking people in South Africa. It further analyses the effect of names in other Nguni speaking communities in this country. On a wider scale it also looks at the power and the influence of names given to people of other countries on the African continent.
The research primarily investigates the effects of the power of a name on the life of a black person. A name could actually lure a person to enact its meaning. For instance, the name uBagangile could influence the bearer of the name to be generally naughty or if not so, relatives around her might act naughty in different ways.
It is pointed out that the act of name-giving with concomitant power vested in a name originates from God. The bearer was expected to act out the meaning of his/her name. God's power hidden in the name would constrain an individual to behave in a certain way within his/her community.
The research points out that a name is not only a label that helps in the identification of an individual or an entity. A name is something that is multi-functional. First it becomes a label, a descriptive tool that may refer to a person's body structure. It is possible that a name may divulge a situation in which the person was born. Most importantly, it has the power to make the bearer become what the name means. Usually names carry one of the above accounts. If the name was chosen by an insightful name giver it may carry more than one of the above qualities.
During the years of oppression before the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994, community members made extensive use of names from the languages of the white oppressors. White names had an impact on the lives of bearers, because of the meanings and contexts associated with them. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Vad bör egentligen prioriteras? : Vad statistiken visar angående stavfel och skrivfel i ÄP5 och NPC9 / What should be prioritized? : What the statistics tell us concerning spelling and written norms in ÄP5 and NPC9Malmgren, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
Vygotskij menar att människans tänkande och utveckling är beroende av vår språkliga förmåga. Som pedagoger har vi vad Vygotskij kallar för begrepp och aktiviteter till vår hjälp i undervisningen. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har dock begreppen om stavning och skriftspråkliga normer i kursplanen för svenska blivit något urvattnade. Denna studie söker svar på hur stavning och skriftspråkliga normer och strukturer förändras mellan åk5 och åk9 hos en grupp elever. Resultatet visar att de största svårigheterna i åk5 handlar om skiljetecken och sär-/hopskrivningar. Dubbelteckningar och vokalutbyten är de största stavningssvårigheterna. I åk9 är svårigheterna med skiljetecken större än i åk5, likaså felaktigt användande av pronomina de/dem/dom. Procentuellt sett har alla stavfel minskat i åk9. Eftersom det fortfarande görs fel av eleverna i åk9 är det tydligt att interventioner behöver göras. Vilken metod som används är beroende på vad en analys av felen säger. Slutsatsen av studien innebär att lärare och speciallärare arbetar gemensamt med elevernas fonologiska medvetenhet parallellt med samtal om skrivregler och regler för stavning. Forskning visar att äldre elevers kognitiva förmåga är större än hos yngre elever och att de därför också fått ytterligare ett medium att förstå stavning och skrivning med. Studiens resultat kan betraktas som generaliserbara för elevgrupper med en normal läs- och skrivutveckling med svenska som modersmål. / Vygotsky means that the human thinking and development depends on our ability to use language. As teachers we have, what Vygotsky calls words and activities to help teaching. In a historical perspective the curriculum of the Swedish language has become somewhat diluted concerning spelling and written norms. This study seeks answers to whether knowledge about spelling and written norms change with a group of 5th graders as they move on to 9th grade. The results of the study show that the greatest difficulties in year 5 are the ones concerning punctuation and whether a word should be written as one or two words. The spelling of the vowel quantity and the substitutions of vowels are the most common spelling errors. In year 9 the errors concerning punctuation have increased proportionally compared to year 5, as have the wrong usage of the pronoun de/dem/dom. All spelling errors have decreased proportionally in year 9. Since the students still make errors in year 9, it is clear that they need some kind of intervention. Which method to use depends on the analysis of the errors. The conclusion of the study means that teachers and special education teachers work together to increase the students ́ phonological awareness parallel to conversations about rules of writing and rules of spelling. Research shows that older students have a better cognitive ability than younger students and therefor they also have a new medium as to understand rules about spelling and writing. The results of this study can be considered as valid to groups of students with a normal development in reading- and writing skills with Swedish as a mother tongue.
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AP and IB Instructional Practices for Students who Demonstrate Advanced Proficiency in SpanishAndersen, Carol Mable 01 January 2014 (has links)
Linguistically gifted and talented students often do not receive appropriate instruction in the classroom. Little research has been conducted about how teachers of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses provide instruction to students who demonstrate advanced proficiency in a second language. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore how teachers of these courses provided instruction for students who demonstrate advanced proficiency in Spanish. The conceptual framework was based on Krashen's second language acquisition theory and Gardner's multiple intelligences theory. Participants included 2 teachers from 2 high schools in 1 county in a western state. Data were collected from individual teacher interviews, reflective journals, and documents such as course standards and course descriptions. Single case analysis involved coding and category construction, using the constant comparative method for interview and journal data, and a content analysis for documents. Cross case analysis involved an examination of all data sources and cases to determine themes and discrepant data. A key finding was that, in addition to course rigor, teachers used a variety of instructional strategies, such as flexible grouping, choice, higher order thinking skills, and formative assessments to meet the needs of all students, including advanced proficiency students. Recommendations are to improve the identification of linguistically gifted and talented students and to provide professional development in differentiated instruction. This study contributes to positive social change by providing educators with a deeper understanding that students who are proficient in languages will be invaluable in building a strong global community.
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Culturally Linguistically Diverse Children’s Social, Emotional, and Relational Lives in Classroom Underlife: A Microethnographic Approach to Discourse AnalysisLee, Jungmin 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Arab American Parents' Experiences of Special Education and Disability: A Phenomenological ExplorationDonovan, Elizabeth A. 20 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Engaging Secondary Math Teachers in Breaking Down Barriers for English LearnersKane, Julie M. 01 January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This study used mixed methods to examine middle school mathematics teachers’ beliefs about English Learners’ ability to participate in rigorous, grade-level math instruction as well as beliefs about their own capacity for teaching English Learners. Additionally, the study investigated the influence of teachers’ beliefs on their instructional practices and identified the types of support teachers need to develop as culturally and linguistically responsive educators. Findings revealed some dissonance between teachers’ explicit beliefs about teaching English Learners and their implicit beliefs illustrated through instructional decisions made, as well as previously unrecognized gaps in teachers’ ability to identify and differentiate the needs of different types of English learners. Finally, the study identified teachers’ pressing needs for additional support at the school and district levels to continue to develop skills and knowledge to improve their teaching for English learners. The study concluded with an action plan for developing a robust professional learning system to develop teachers’ self-efficacy as culturally and linguistically responsive educators while also addressing implicit bias through reflection.
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Accommodating People Safety Curriculum for Deaf and Hard of Hearing StudentsJohnson, Jennifer A. L. 05 1900 (has links)
Children with disabilities are three to four times more likely to be abused than their non-disabled peers due to the impact of challenges related to behavior, cognition, language, social skills, and communication skills. In September of 2018, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) specifically noted the need to establish maltreatment prevention and response curricula and promote research and advocacy surrounding maltreatment of children with disabilities. One common curriculum recommended is Kidpower®. While Kidpower® shows promise in increasing people safety skills and offers some basic accommodations for use with disabled populations, a complete accommodation plan for deaf or hard of hearing students has not been developed. The purpose of this study was to explore how Kidpower® curriculum could be accommodated to meet the unique needs of deaf and hard of hearing students from the perspective of the deaf education community, including deaf adults, deaf education teachers, deaf education teacher preparation faculty, and parents with deaf or hard of hearing children. A combination of focus groups and interviews were utilized to review lessons and homework from the Kidpower® curriculum. Participants gave feedback on obstacles and ideas for accommodations and modifications that would mediate the challenges. Data were inductively coded and analyzed for themes. Findings indicated the deaf education community believes the curriculum needs media components, language modifications and teaching strategies, enhanced visual information, and representation of people and situations related to the lives of deaf and hard of hearing children to be an effective curriculum for this population.
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Ukucwaningwa kwamagama abaliswa emidlalweni kaLawrence Molefe : Izwe lizothini nethi Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje / (Analysis of character naming in Lawrence Molefe's plays : Izwe lizothini and Bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje)Tumane, Sylvia Puseletso 06 1900 (has links)
In isiZulu and English abstract / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula amagalelo kaLawrence Molefe ekubhaIweni kwemidlalo yakhe emibili ethi Bengithi Lizokuna kanye nethi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. Inhloso yocwaningo kule midlalo ukubheka ukuthi abalingiswa bayo bethiwe kanjani na? Lolu cwaningo luhamba luthinte izinsiza kuhlaziya esingathi amathiyori (theories) nendlela aytha abalingiswa bakhe ngayo kanye nesitayela esisetshenziswe umbhali kule midlalo yakhe emibili.
Kukhethwe le mibhalo kaLawrence Molefe ukuze sibone ukuthi ingabe kukhona okusha esingakufunda kuye uma sibheka indlela aytha ngayo abalingiswa bakhe nokuthi uhambisana kanjani kuyiphiramidi kaFreytagi (1863). Lo msebenzi wehlukaniswe waba yizahluko eziyisithupha .
Lolu cwaningo lubhekelele indlela elandelwayo uma kwethiwa amagama ukuthi ingabe indlela efanele nokuthi okuphi okumelwe kulandelwe uma kwethiwa amagama. Kubhekwa ukuthi ikuphi lokhu kubaluleka okuqukethwe ukuba khona kwegama emuntwini. Kuyazeka nokho ukuthi lolu hlobo locwaningo lunalo izingqinamba okuhlangatshezwana nazo okungaba ukungatholi izinsiza ezifanele ezizoba nolwazi olwanele mayelana nokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi asuke ebhalwe ngesiZulu. Kuyatholakala ukuthi kwezinye izilimi akuyona inkinga kangakho ukuthola ulwazi olusuke luxhumene nalo mkhakha. Miningi imiqulu ekhiqiziwe ewusizo ngezilimi zesiNgisi ikakhulukazi.
Lokhu kusho ukuthi kumele umcwaningi embule ambulule azame ukuthi abe nezindlela eziphusile azokwazi ukuzisebenzisa ukuqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubuye kubeke umcwaningi ethubeni lokuthi abheke phela ukuthi izinhloso zocwaningo lwakhe ziwela emkhakheni wesikhashana esifushane noma wesikhathi eside. Kodwa lokhu kuchaza ukuthi azibhekelele lezo zinhloso uma eqhuba ucwaningo lwakhe. Kubalulekile ukuthi umcwaningi abheke ukuthi iyiphi ithiyori yokwethiwa kwamagama angase ayilandele nokuthi athini manye mathiyori na. Lokhu kubuye kweyame esifundweni esitholakala ekwethiweni kwamagama. Kuhle futhi ukuthi sethulelwe ukubaluleka kocwaningo lapho kubhekwe ukuthi yini ezocwaningwa emagameni abalingiswa nokuthi yini edala ugqozi olungaka noma intshisekelo yokwazi kabanzi ngokwethiwa kwamagama ikakhulukazi esiZulu.
Kubalulekile futhi ukuthi kubhekwe noma kwethulwe izinsizakuhlaziya ucwaningo oluzohamba phezu kwazo ekwethiweni kwamagama. Nakuba inhloso isekutheni kubhekelelwe lawo esiZulu, kodwa kuhle kuphinde kubhekwe nakwezinye izilimi ukuthi ingabe eyabo indlela ihluke kanjani kweyesiZulu na?Ucwaningo lubuye lulandelele imvelaphi yombhali wezincwadi ezisuke zizocwaningwa ukuze kutholakale kabanzi ngobungaye nezinhloso zakhe ekubhaleni nokuthi uma kubhekwa umlando wakhe yini emenza ahluke kwabanye ababhali. Uma kuqhutshwa ucwaningo kuhle ukugxila ezindleleni ezizosetshenziswa ekuqoqeni ulwazi nezizolandelwa. Akupheleli lapho, kuhle ukuthola ukuthi abanye ongoti noma osolwazi bathini ngokucwaningwa kokwethiwa kwamagama.
Kubuye kubhekwe ukuthi ucwaningo luzobhekiswa emibhalweni eyimidlalo lapho kubhekwa ukuthi abalingiswa bawuqhubekisa kanjani umdlalo ngendlela abasuke bethiwe ngayo. Lana kubhekwa imidlalo emibili ebhalwe ngu Molefe ethi ‘Izwe Lizothini’ kanye nothi ‘Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje.
Kuhle ukuthi ukuthi umcwaningi athulele abahloli bakhe nomeluleki isithombe ngokuba ethule imidlalo ngamafuphi. Lokhu kuyobasiza ukuba bakwazi ukubona indlela abethiwe ngayo abalingiswa ukuthi kukhona yini okumele akulungise noma anconywe kukho. Ubuye abheke ukuthi kuyisakhiwo nesizinda sayo le midlalo abalingiswa balukhuphula kanjani izinga. Ucwaningo kumele lubheke futhi isitayela sombhali emdlalweni yomibili Izwe Lizothini kanye nothi Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje ukuthi sihluke kanjani kwabanye ababhali nokuthi sime kanjani.
Lolu cwaningo kumele manje liyiphothule indima yalo ngokuba lethule okusuke kuhlaziywa, okuphi okuncomekayo okuphawuliwe nokuthi lapho kunegebe okumele livalwe kanjani. Kumele iphothulwe ngokuba kunikwe umhlahlandela ekuthuthukiseni ucwaningo lwalolu hlobo ikakhulukazi olimini lwesiZulu. / This research analyses the impact by Lawrence Molefe made as an author for two drama books known as Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje. The primary aim of the research in these drama books is to see how much power and influence is in naming of the characters and how have they been named? The research also focuses on theories and ways that can be used in naming characters as well as the style the author used in his two drama books that would be analyzed.
The researcher has chosen drama books from the author Lawrence Molefe to see whether is there anything new that can be learnt from him on how he has name his characters. This will go to as far as analyzing how the author has name his characters and how his style of naming does fit in Freytag’s pyramid (1863). This research is divided into six chapters.
This research also focuses on acceptable ways and methods that are being followed and used when naming the characters or even children at large. Analysis focuses on the importance of giving a name to a human being. It is also known that this kind of research has some challenges that are usually experienced. Challenges such as relevant resources that can be used in assisting a research especially when research conducted in naming is written in isiZulu. It is well known that these kinds of resources are widely and abundantly available in other languages. There are many resources whether it is books, articles or journals on naming or onomastics in English available.
This simply says that it is imperative for the researcher to go all out in finding important ways that would be used in conducting the research. This also gives a researcher an opportunity to look into the aims and objectives of the analysis. The researcher will also be mindful of whether the analysis will be based on the short term or long term period. This means that the researcher will have to take into consideration the aims and objectives of the research.
It is imperative for the researcher to be mindful of the theory that will be used in analyzing naming or onomastics and also look at other theories of onomastics. This lies on the theme or lesson that will be found in naming or giving a name in a character. The analysis needs to focus on the theory that focuses on naming . The research analysis also focuses on what will be analyzed on naming the characters and what inspires the research to be conducted especially giving Zulu names.
It is important to look at the resources that will be used when conducting the research on naming. Even though, at this stage the focus is on analyzing Zulu names, it is also vital to look at how different analysis is on naming specifically in other languages. The research analysis also looks at the biography of the author regarding drama books that he published. This allows readers to know more about the author and what inspired his love of writing. This go beyond on finding more about the author and what makes him different from other authors when analyzing his name giving his characters. When conducting research analysis, ways or methods of collecting data or information needs to be clearly explained. Again, it is outmost vital to read what other onomasticians or linguists say about how to analyze name giving or naming.
The focus is also on analyzing two literary dramas where attention is given to the role that characters play in ensuring that the story is a success of course with the help of how they have been named. We look at the impact their names have in the drama by just being given names.
The researcher also gives a summary or an overview of story from each book so that the supervisor and co-supervisor have understood what the story is about so that they are able to see how characters have been named. This also allows the researcher to see whether is there any gap that needs to be closed when analyzing naming in isiZulu nor commend on the good work done. It also allows the researcher to look at how names of the characters have impacted on plot and the structure of the drama. Research analysis has also to focus on the naming style used by the author in his two drama books namely Izwe Lizothini and Bahlukumezekile Behlakaniphelana Nje and how does his style differ from other authors.
At the end, the research summarizes the role and the impact of name giving and its analysis, what are recommendations on the gap identified during the research and how to close challenges identified. The research is concluded by giving way forward or guidelines that would ensure that more researchers engage in analyzing naming in isiZulu and perhaps other African languages. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Teachers' Understanding of Culturally and Linguistically Differentiated Instruction for English Language LearnersItwaru, Poorandai 01 January 2017 (has links)
A large school district in the northeastern United States struggled with teaching middle school English Language Learners (ELLs) to succeed in reading and writing. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate teachers' perceptions regarding what they could do to increase academic achievement for ELLs. The conceptual framework emerged from Weimer's learning-centered teaching, which aligns with Dewey's social constructivism. Ten purposefully sampled teachers agreed to be interviewed in the attempt to answer the research questions about instructional strategies teachers believed were best to deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate instruction for ELLs and what teachers believed could be done to improve ELLs' classroom engagement and motivation for increased academic achievement. Analysis and open, thematic coding of semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and teachers' lesson plans were used to create seven themes, including differentiated instruction, background knowledge, challenges and difficulties, home-school connection, technology for diverse learners, administration and faculty collaboration, and professional development. Findings included participants' desire for meaningful professional development where differentiated instruction is modeled to address the cultural and linguistic needs of ELLs. The project was created to deliver this training for all teachers at the site, focusing on culturally and linguistically differentiated instruction, sheltered instruction, and collaborative learning. The findings and project may promote positive social change by improving instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse learners at the local site and similar school districts. Higher academic achievement would provide better opportunities for ELL students.
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