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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prédiction de la qualité des bois de chêne pour l’élevage des vins et des alcools : comparaison des approches physicochimiques, sensorielles et moléculaires

Guichoux, Erwan 06 April 2011 (has links)
Au cours du vieillissement, les caractéristiques organoleptiques du vin se modifient au contact du bois de chêne. Le composé aromatique le plus important, la whisky-lactone, aux notes noix de coco et boisé, est facilement détectable et apprécié par les consommateurs.Quercus petraea et Q. robur, les deux principales espèces européennes de chêne utilisées pour le vieillissement des vins, ont des profils aromatiques très contrastés, particulièrement pour la whisky-lactone. Parvenir à identifier l’espèce de chêne permettrait de fournir aux tonnelleries des lots de bois plus homogènes. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier l’espèce de chêne à partir de bois sec, à l’aide de marqueurs moléculaires utilisables dans un contexte industriel. Le bois sec est un tissu mort dans lequel l’ADN est très dégradé et donc difficilement accessible. Pour optimiser l’extraction d’ADN à partir de ce tissu, nous avons développé une méthode de PCR en temps-réel ciblant l’ADN chloroplastique, permettant ainsi d’évaluer l’efficacité des différents protocoles d’extraction. Nous avons également développé des marqueurs moléculaires (SSRs et SNPs) fortement différenciés entre espèces et particulièrement bien adaptés au bois. Grâce à des protocoles d’extraction d’ADN optimisés et ces marqueurs performants, nous avons pu identifier l’espèce sur des lots de bois séchés pendant deux ans. De plus, par l’étude de 262 SNPs dont la moitié est fortement différenciée entre espèces, nous avons démontré que les gènes sélectionnés (loci « outlier ») sont très performants pour délimiter ces deux espèces proches. Ils permettent également de détecter des processus démographiques fins (flux de gènes intra- et interspécifiques), alors que les gènes a priori non-sélectionnés (loci neutres) se révèlent peu informatifs. / Most of aromatic compounds in wine are directly induced during maturation by the contactwith oak wood. For example, whisky-lactone, the most important aromatic compound,which gives a coconut and woody taste, is easily detected and appreciated by consumers.Quercus petraea and Q. robur, the two major European oak species used for wine maturation,have very contrasted aromatic patterns, especially for whisky-lactone. Identifying the speciesused for cooperage will facilitate the maturation process, for instance by providing winerieswith more homogenous batches of barrels. The objective of our study is to characterize theoak species directly from dry wood, using molecular markers that will be applicable in anindustrial context. Unfortunately, dry wood is a dead tissue in which DNA is highlydegraded and difficult to access. To optimize DNA recovery from dry wood, we developed aquantitative PCR protocol based on chloroplast DNA to evaluate the efficiency of DNAisolation protocols. We identified and developed molecular markers (SSRs and SNPs)adapted to dry wood that are particularly diagnostic. Using an optimized DNA isolationprotocol and these powerful markers, the species identity from wood samples dried duringtwo years could be successfully characterized. Using 262 SNPs highly differentiated betweenthe two species, we also demonstrate that genes under selection (outlier loci) haveoutstanding power to delimitate the two oak species and provide unique insights on intraandinterspecific gene flow, whereas genes lacking such a signature (putatively neutral loci)provide little or no resolution.

Etude du déterminisme génétique de la composition en acides gras de l’huile de palme du genre Elaeis (E. guineensis et E. oleifera) par cartographie génétique et analyse différentielle de gènes candidats / Genetic determinism of the fatty acid composition of the genus Elaeis (E. guineensis and E. oleifera) by genetic mapping and differential expression analysis of candidate genes

Montoya Jaramillo, Carmenza 21 June 2013 (has links)
Les allèles en ségrégation des deux génomes Elaeis ont été tracés dans un pseudo backcross interspécifique Elaeis (E. oleifera x E. guineensis) x E. guineensis. Dix-neuf QTL de proportion d'acides gras de l'huile de palme par rapport à 16 QTL des mêmes caractères d'un croisement intraspécifique E. guineensis ont mis en évidence des QTL communs ou spécifiques aux deux espèces. Aucune corrélation n'existe entre proportions d'acides gras et le rendement en huile de palme. Le déterminisme génétique et les principaux gènes associés aux acides gras du mésocarpe ont été étudiés, à l'aide de banques d'ADNc pleine longueur et des extraits d'ARNm de mésocarpe de fruits en développement des espèces Elaeis chacune représentée par quatre fonds génétiques. L'expression de 113 gènes Elaeis clés ou de facteurs putatifs de régulation des voies de synthèse de novo des acides gras et des triacylglycérols fut caractérisée au niveau de l'espèce par analyse in silico de profils de transcription et par analyse Real Time RT-qPCR. Les gènes ont été cartographiés sur le pseudo backcross avec 180 marqueurs SNP intra-géniques. Quarante-huit gènes étaient exprimés différemment entre espèces dont 94% plus exprimés chez E. guineensis. Le facteur de transcription EgAP2-2 (WRI1-like) influence le début de la synthèsede novo des acide gras par action principale sur les gènes MAT et KAS III, parait indépendant de l'expression d'autres gènes et non différentiel entre espèces. Les variations en C16:0 et C18:0 entre espèces s'expliquent par niveau d'expression allélique et l'activité enzymatique relative des isoformes présentes dans le génome de FATB (2), KAS II (1) et SAD (3). / An Elaeis interspecific pseudo-backcross of first generation (E. oleifera x E. guineensis) x E. guineensis allowed tracing segregating alleles from both Elaeis genomes. Nineteen quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated to palm oil fatty acid proportions compared to 16 QTLs of same traits in an intra-specific oil palm cross evidenced common or specific QTLs in E. guineensis and E. oleifera. No correlation was found in oil palm between mesocarp fatty acid proportions and yieldtraits. The genetic determinism of main fatty acid proportions was confirmed. Genes related to palm oil fatty acids were investigated using full-length cDNA libraries and mRNA extracts from the mesocarp of developing fruits in each Elaeis species represented by four genetic pools. Expression of 113 key Elaeis genes or putative regulation factors of de novo fatty acid and triacylglycerol pathways were characterized at species level by in silico transcript profiling and Real Time RT-qPCR analysis. Genes were mapped on the pseudo-backcross using 180 intra-gene SNP markers. Forty-eight genes were differentially expressed between Elaeis species, with 94% over expressed in E. guineensis. The EgAP2-2 (WRI1-like) transcription factor might influence the start of the de novo fatty acid pathway by main action only on the MAT and KAS III genes, as independent in expression from other genes and not differential between species. Between species variations in C16:0 and C18:0 can be deciphered by relative expression levels and enzyme activities of the isoforms in the genome of FATB (2), KAS II (1) and SAD (3). An oil palm producing more oleic acid in proportion than pure E. oleifera is feasible.

Stenhuggaregatan : en dissonant plats i Malmö / Stenhuggaregatan : a dissonant place in Malmö

Björk, Anna, Hannah Marcusson, Joel January 2024 (has links)
Vad är en plats?  Bär alla platser på själar som kan observeras, kännas och förstås eller kan en plats urarta till en “icke-plats”, där den inte är något annat än dess nyligen applicerade etikett? Gråzonen mellan plats och “icke-plats” blir vag när det finns oklarheter om vad platser är och hur de bör identifieras korrekt. Om det finns en brist på förståelse kring begreppet plats, hur kan vi då förvänta oss att utveckla dem på ett respektfullt och ansvarsfullt sätt?  I denna studie har två teorier med olika perspektiv gällande identifikation av en plats och urbant mellanrums identitet använts, detta för att förstå mellanrummet Stenhuggaregatan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett fenomenologiskt och mer subjektivt perspektiv kan lyfta fram en djupare identitet, för ett mellanrum, som överskrider dess benämning som “icke-plats”. Syftet var även att förståelsen av platser ska kunna öka vid platsanalyser.  Detta gjordes genom en abduktiv process. Deltagande observationer och empati-skapandet till Stenhuggaregatan, genom antropomorfisering av föremål, var studiens huvudsakliga metoder. Analysen resulterade i att Stenhuggaregatans identitet definierades som dissonant. Konsekvensen av resultatet tyder på att de begrepp som teorierna förser är missvisande vid definition och identifikation av en plats. / What is a place? Do all places bare souls that can be observed, felt, and understood or can a place devolve into a “non-place” where it has become nothing more than its newly applied label? The grey area between place and “non-place” becomes vague when there are uncertainties concerning what places are and how to properly identify them. If there exists a lack of understanding around the notion of place how can we then expect to develop them in a respectful and responsible manner? In this study, two theories that provide two differing perspectives concerning the identification of a place and an urban gap’s identity are used to understand the gap Stenhuggaregatan. The purpose of the study is to investigate if a phenomenological and more subjective perspective can illuminate an urban gap’s deeper identity that exceeds its label as a “non-place”. The aim was also to aid in an increased understanding of places during a site analysis. This was done through an abductive process. Participant observations and the empathy creation to Stenhuggaregtan through the anthropomorphization of objects were the main methods of the study. The analysis results in Stenhuggaregatan identity being defined as dissonant. The consequence of the result indicates that the notions provided by the theories are misleading when defining and identifying a place.

Resonansen mellan plats, berättelse och berättare : Fallstudie Sagobygden och genius loci

Ellen, Sjömålen January 2024 (has links)
This essay highlights the resonance that occurs between place, narrative, and storyteller. The study's object of knowledge is the phenomenon of genius loci and the oral storytelling tradition. Genius loci is the idea that a place has a spirit or aura that is created and effected by the actions and presence of humans. It is an intangible cultural heritage, rooted in the physical place. The subjects of study are the storytellers in The Land of Legends and their experiences of telling stories in culturally historic places. In the present study storytellers participated in focus groups and individual interviews to discuss and share their experiences. This essay argues that when the storytellers perform a local legend, on the site where the story is said to have taken place, it activates and becomes a part of the place genius loci. Storytelling has the ability to give people access to layers of cultural heritage that otherwise would remain hidden. The present study wants to show that oral storytelling and genius loci are important aspects of the intermediation, preservation, and development of our shared cultural heritage. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

Geometry of the Noether-Lefschetz locus

Dan, Ananyo 06 March 2025 (has links)
Sei d>3 ein festgewahlten ganzen Zahl. Der Noether-Lefschetz Ort parametrisiert glatte Fläche in P3 mit Picardzahl größer als eins, die Picardzahl einer allgemeinen solchen Fläche. Der Noether-Lefschetz Ort hat unendlich viele irreduzible Komponenten. In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten wurde die Geometrie dieser Komponenten von Ciliberto, Voisin, Green, Griffiths, Harris, Lopez, Maclean, Otwinowska und vielen anderen untersucht. In dieser Arbeit beschaftigen wir uns mit drei Fragen uber die Geometrie dieser Komponenten. Zunächst untersuchen wir nicht reduzierte Komponenten des Noether-Lefschetz Orts. Die Beobachtung führt uns natürlich auf die zweite Frage: Können wir umgekehrt bekannte Beispiele nicht reduzierter Komponenten von Noether-Lefschetz Orts verwenden, um Beispiele nicht reduzierter Komponenten von Hilbert Schemata von Kurven in P3 zu produzieren? Wir haben zwei unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Eines davon ist eine Verallgemeinerung vom Mumfords berühmtem Beispiel einer generisch nicht reduzierten Komponente des Hilbert Schemas der glatte Kurven in einer Kubik in P3, hin zu Flachen von beliebigem Grad. Das Andere ist, Beispiele nicht reduzierter Komponenten von Hilbert Schemata von Kurven in zu erzeugen, deren allgemeines Element auch nicht reduziert ist. Solche Komponenten wurden bisher nicht intensiv untersucht. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Ansätzen verwenden wir Techniken aus der Noether-Lefschetz-Theorie. Schließlich untersuchen wir eine Verallgemeinerung der klassischen Noether-Lefschetz Orts, nämlich den Ort der glatten Grad d Flachen in P3 mit Picardzahl mindestens r, wobei 3 < r <d-1. / For a fixed integer d ≥ 4, the Noether-Lefschetz locus parametrizes smooth degree d surfaces in P3 whose Picard number is strictly greater than one, the Picard number of a general such surface. The Noether-Lefschetz locus has infinitely many irreducible components. Over the last three decades, the geometry of these components has been studied by Ciliberto, Voisin, Green, Griffiths, Harris, Lopez, Maclean, Otwinowska and many others. In this thesis, we study in depth three different questions related to the geometry of the Noether-Lefschetz locus. First, we investigate non-reduced components of the Noether-Lefschetz locus. The above observation naturally leads us to the second question: Can we conversely use known examples of non-reduced components of NLd to produce examples of non-reduced components of Hilbert schemes of curves in P3 ? Here, we have two different results. One is the generalization of Mumford’s famous example of a generically non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme of smooth curves in a cubic surface in P3 , to hypersurface of any degree in P3 . The other is to produce examples of non-reduced components of Hilbert schemes of curves in P3 , whose general element is also non-reduced, a topic not extensively studied in the literature. Different from classical approaches, we use techniques from Noether-Lefschetz theory. Finally, we investigate a generalization of the classical Noether-Lefschetz locus, namely the locus of smooth degree d surfaces in P3 with Picard number at least r for a fixed 3 ≤ r ≤ d − 1.

Oh, the things you can find (if only you analyze): a close textual analysis of Dr. Seuss' rhetoric for children

Lange, Kendall N. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Dance / Charles J. Griffin / This study seeks to discover the loci, or themes, within the post-World War II books of Theodor Geisel, whom generations of American readers came to know as “Dr. Seuss.” A prolific children's author and social activist, Dr. Seuss penned more than 40 children’s books during the period under investigation. After World War II, Seuss’ books began to merge social themes with his entertaining storylines and trademark illustrations. This thesis applies a methodology that draws from both close textual analysis and topically-oriented critical approaches in order to illuminate loci in 10 selected works. Through Cicero’s critical process of invention, relationships between arguments and loci are established. Analysis of these “message books” reveals the complex political and ideological themes present in Dr. Seuss’ texts while situating his work within a larger American rhetorical tradition of didactic children’s literature.

Genes that underlie natural variation in growth rate and flowering time in local accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana

Malik, Zafar Iqbal January 2014 (has links)
Growth rate and flowering time are agriculturally important traits that are linked to fitness, productivity and reproductive success of plants. To study the genetic basis for natural variation in growth rate and flowering time between local accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, hybrids were produced between fast growing / late flowering and slow growing / early flowering parents. F3 and F5 hybrid families were grown under a range of conditions – under a constant controlled environment, outside over the winter and outside in spring and early summer. Growth rates were estimated from repeated images of rosettes. Flowering time, as number of leaves to flower, was also recorded both in control and natural conditions for F5 lines. Damage by slugs and stress-induced production of anthocyanin pigments were also recorded for plants grown outside. Broad-sense heritability estimates were higher for F5 families than F3, in which more loci will segregate, and ranged from 48% to 89%. No significant correlation between growth rates under different environments was observed in most cases for F3 populations, however significant correlations were detected for F5 families outside and under controlled conditions, suggesting that same genes can affect growth rate in more than one environment. The genotypes of F3 families were determined at thirty-nine SSLP (simple sequence length polymorphism) loci and used in regression with phenotype data to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL). Significant QTLs were detected in F3 families for growth rate, flowering time and anthocyanin production, but not for herbivore damage. To confirm QTL detected in the F3 and to detect additional loci, bulk segregant analysis was carried out in F5 families grown under different conditions. Potentially linked markers were tested further in individual F5 plants and QTL mapped on a finer scale in F5 families that remained heterozygous for candidate regions. VIP5 and LDL1 were selected as potential candidate genes for flowering time variation. These genes were sequenced for two parental alleles. A transposon insertion and 5’ UTR deletion were found in the LDL1 allele from the late flowering parent and SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) were observed throughout the gene. However both alleles appeared to be expressed at similar levels. Transgenic lines have been produced carrying the LDL1 allele from the early flowering parent (4D1) in the background of the later flowering parent (11C1). This work is on-going and will hopefully reveal whether LDL1 underlies differences in flowering behaviour seen between 11C1 and 4D1.

Drömmen om den autentiska staden : Det förflutna som tongivande för stadsförnyelse i Como.

Berg, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Städer som föränderliga och sinnebilder av det förflutna är utgångspunkter i denna studie där stadsomvandling och historiebruk i den postindustriella staden är i fokus. I skiftet mot ett postindustriellt samhälle sker en omställning som innebär att en ny stadsidentitet eftersöks och att nya former av tillväxt efterfrågas. Idén om den autentiska staden grundar sig i en förändrad syn på historia och ett ökat intresse för kulturarv. Baserat på de nya förutsättningar som råder för städer problematiserar arbetet innebörden av autenticitet och de rumsliga konsekvenser som tolkningen av autenticitet resulterar i. Sentida forskning visar på en förskjutning kring innebörden av autenticitet, som innebär att betydelsen snarare handlar om att skapa en upplevelse av ursprung istället för att anspela på det faktiska ursprunget. Med utgångspunkt i denna förändring studeras den betydelse som tillskrivs autenticitet i samband med bevarande- och förnyelseprocesser i staden Como, i norra Italien. I Como studeras betydelsen av autenticitet genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av visionära riktlinjer i kommunala plandokument och i projektet Fisionomie Lariane som drivs av en lokal arkitektorganisation. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med verksamma politiker, planerare, arkitekter och forskare används för att fördjupa perspektivet på Comos utveckling och de olika föreställningar som finns i relation till stadens förflutna och utveckling. I analysen påvisas diskursiva rekonstruktioner av historia och ursprung på olika geografiska nivåer, på en provinsiell nivå till en platsspecifik nivå. Historia får en stor betydelse och en fundamental roll i stadsomvandling där historiska rekonstruktioner används i syfte att motivera utveckling och generera tillväxt. Den industriella identiteten som Como har haft sedan 1600-talet är viktig på en provinsiell nivå och används som ett legitimt skäl till att staden har utvecklingspotential. På en stadsnivå exkluderas dock dessa miljöer, på grund av att de anses bidra till en diskontinuitet med den historiska stadskärnan. Den autentiska staden framställs som eftersträvansvärd vilket speglas i den tyngd som den historiska stadskärnan får i framtida utveckling. Den betydelse som tillskrivs autenticitet påvisas i strävan som finns att upprätta en historisk kontinuitet, där den historiska stadskärnan blir en referenspunkt för den stadsomvandling som sker i Como. Detta kan även ses som ett sätt för staden att skapa en ny ”image” som riktas mot turistnäringen, vilken pekas ut som stadens framtida näring. I samband med stadsutveckling blir upplevelse av autenticitet en dominerande idé. Studien i Como visar på hur betydelsen av autenticitet förankras i historiska bebyggelsemönster som uppfattas vara ”äkta” och ”ursprungliga”. Föreställningar om autenticitet påvisas även i diskurser där ett hierarkiskt förhållningssätt upprättas angående kulturvärden i centrum och periferi. Fysiska rekonstruktioner av ”autentiska miljöer” sker genom omgestaltning av stadens offentliga platser. Nya element adderas som representerar en symbolisk form av autenticitet. Symboliken uttrycks genom materialitet och rumslighet som anspelar på det förflutna och en slags äkthet. Detta bekräftar att autenticitet i det postindustriella samhället bedöms utifrån upplevelser av platser och föreställningar om historia. I studien framkommer autenticitetsbegreppets komplexa innebörd och hur tolkningen ständigt förändras och får en ny mening beroende på samhällskontext. Nyckelord: Autenticitet, platsidentitet, historiebruk, genius loci, kulturarv, stadsomvandling, stadsförnyelse, den postindustriella staden.

Identification of growth related quantitative Trait Loci within the abalone using comparative microsatellite bulked segregant analysis

Slabbert, Ruhan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Genetics))--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African abalone, Haliotis midae, is a commercially valuable mollusc and is mostly exported to the Far East. Genetics research on H. midae has increased substantially since a genetic improvement programme was introduced in 2006 by collaboration between Stellenbosch University, government and industry partners. The development of molecular markers, QTL-mapping, gene-expression and genome manipulations are the main focuses of the research currently being conducted. The end goal is to create high quality and fast growing animals for the industry. The present study focused on the development of microsatellite markers and the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting growth traits (shell length, shell width, wet weight) in this species. A combination of three methods, namely selective genotyping and bulked segregant analysis (pooling analysis), single marker regression and interval mapping were used to identify putative QTL in two full-sib families from two different farmed locations. Additional methods and protocols were developed that can assist the industry in other molecular research aspects. A total of 125 microsatellite loci were characterised. A total of 82 of these loci were isolated using second generation sequencing, a first for any abalone species. A preliminary, low-density framework linkage map was constructed containing 50 loci that mapped to 18 linkage groups. The observed genome length was 148.72cm with coverage of ±47%. QTL analyses revealed two putative QTL for shell width and wet weight, with 17% and 15% variance explained, that mapped on one linkage group in the first family and three putative QTL, for shell length, shell width and wet weight, with 33%, 28.5% and 31.5% variance explained, that mapped on one linkage group in the second family. Additional methods and protocols developed include an automated high-throughput DNA isolation protocol, a real-time PCR assay for H. midae x H. spadicea hybrid verification, a triploid verification microsatellite assay and a pre- and post-PCR multiplex setup and optimisation protocol. Future studies focussing on QTL and marker assisted selection (MAS) should verify the QTL found in this study and also utilise additional family structures and determine QTL-marker phase within the commercial populations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse perlemoen, Haliotis midae, is ’n kommersieel waardevolle weekdier en word hoofsaaklik na die Verre-Ooste uitgevoer. Genetiese navorsing op H. midae het aansienlik toegeneem sedert ’n genetiese verbeteringsprogram in 2006 deur samewerking tussen die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die regering en industrievennote ingebring is. Die ontwikkeling van molekulêre merkers, KEL-kartering, geen-uitdrukking en genoom manipulasies is die hooffokusse van die navorsing wat tans uitgevoer word. Die einddoel is om hoë kwaliteit en snelgroeiende diere vir die industrie te skep. Die huidige studie het op die ontwikkeling van mikrosatelliet merkers en die opsporing van groeiverwante (skulplengte, -breedte en nat gewig) kwantitatiewe eienskap lokusse (KEL) in hierdie spesie gefokus. ’n Kombinasie van drie metodes, naamlik selektiewe genotipering en versamelde segregaat analise (samevoegingsanalise), enkel merker regressie en intervalkartering is gebruik om waarskynlike KEL in twee vol-sibbe families van twee verskillende produksiegebiede te identifiseer. Aanvullende metodes en protokolle is ontwikkel wat die industrie in ander molekulêre navorsingsaspekte kan ondersteun. ’n Totaal van 125 mikrosatelliet lokusse is beskryf. ’n Totaal van 82 van hierdie lokusse is deur die gebruik van derde generasie volgordebepaling geïsoleer, ’n eerste vir enige perlemoen spesie. ’n Voorlopige, laedigtheid raamwerkkoppelingskaart is saamgestel met 50 lokusse wat op 18 koppelingsgroepe gekarteer is. Die waarneembare genoomlengte was 148.72cm met ’n dekking van ±47%. KEL-analises het twee waarskynlike KEL vir skulpbreedte en nat gewig blootgelê wat 17% en 15% variasie verduidelik en is op een koppelingsgroep in die eerste familie gekarteer asook drie waarskynlike KEL, vir skulplengte, -breedte en nat gewig wat 33%, 28.5% en 31.5% variasie verduidelik en is op een koppelingsgroep in die tweede familie gekarteer. Aanvullende metodes en protokolle wat ontwikkel is, sluit ’n geoutomatiseerde hoë-deurgang DNS-isolasieprotokol, ’n intydse PKR-proef vir H. midae x H. spadicea hibried verifikasie, ’n triploïed verifikasie mikrosatellietproef en veelsoortige pre- en post-PKR opstelling en optimaliseringsprotokol in. Toekomstige studies wat fokus op KEL en merker ondersteunde seleksie (MOS) behoort die KEL wat in hierdie studie gevind is te verifieer en ook bykomende familie strukture te benut om KEL-merker fases binne die kommersiële populasie te bepaal.

Markov chains for genetics and extremes

Sisson, Scott Antony January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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