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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La traducció de la ironia en l'obra de Günter Grass. Les versions angleses, daneses, catalanes i espanyoles d'Unkenrufe i Im Krebsgang

Coromines i Calders, Diana 21 September 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi se centra en l'anàlisi comparativa i descriptiva de vint passatges irònics de les obres Unkenrufe (1992) i Im Krebsgang (2002) de Günter Grass i les seves respectives traduccions a l'anglès, el danès, el català i l'espanyol. Partint de la hipòtesi que totes les versions tendeixen a atenuar la ironia excepte les daneses –per raons de proximitat lingüisticocultural amb l'alemany– ens proposem assolir dos objectius: 1) explorar l'abast macroestructural d'aquesta suposada atenuació; i 2) fer dues propostes de classificació: d'estratègies d'ironia original i d'estratègies de traducció de la ironia. Amb aquests objectius a l'horitzó, en primer lloc emprem instruments de tipus narratològic per determinar el paper de la ironia en les obres originals, i seguidament duem a terme l'anàlisi comparativa i descriptiva dels passatges irònics mitjançant eines conceptuals semàntico-pragmàtiques. Els resultats de la investigació confirmen parcialment la hipòtesi inicial i aporten noves dades sobre la naturalesa de la ironia literària; el funcionament de la seva traducció; i el paper que hi juguen les restriccions lingüisticoculturals. / This dissertation presents the comparative and descriptive analysis of twenty ironic passages from Unkenrufe (1992) and Im Krebsgang (2002) by Günter Grass and their corresponding translations into English, Danish, Catalan and Spanish. Taking as a starting-point the hypothesis that irony will tend to be toned down in all the versions – except for the Danish ones, due to the linguistic and cultural proximity between Danish and German – the study has two objectives: 1) to explore the macrostructural impact of irony downtoning, and 2) to propose two classifications: one of original irony strategies, and one of translated irony strategies. With these objectives in mind, first we use narratological tools to determine the role played by irony in the original works, and then we use semantic-pragmatic tools to carry out a comparative and descriptive analysis of the ironic passages. The results of this study partially confirm the initial hypothesis and shed new light on the nature of literary irony, how its translation works, and the role played in it by linguistic and cultural constraints.

Повышение служебных свойств и совершенствование испытания мелющих шаров 5 группы твердости : магистерская диссертация / Improving service properties and improving the testing of grinding balls of the 5th hardness group

Лановенко, И. Э., Lanovenko, I. E. January 2023 (has links)
Целью работы является изучение повышение служебных свойств и совершенствование испытания мелющих шаров 5 группы твердости. В качестве решения проблемы предложена оптимизированная технология производства, которая характеризуется получением шаров диаметром 120 мм группы твердости 5 по ГОСТ 7524-2015 с улучшенными качественными и служебными характеристиками. / The purpose of the work is to study the increase in service properties and improve the testing of grinding balls of the 5th hardness group. As a solution to the problem, an optimized production technology is proposed, which is characterized by the production of balls with a diameter of 120 mm, hardness group 5 according to GOST 7524-2015 with improved quality and service characteristics.

L’influence de la cécité sur le rythme circadien et le sommeil

Aubin, Sébrina 09 1900 (has links)
Le sommeil s’avère crucial pour le bien-être de l’organisme. En particulier, le sommeil est une période privilégiée pour le maintien et la plasticité du cortex. En outre, de nombreuses études ont démontré son importance dans les processus de mise à l’échelle des synapses neuronales, la consolidation mnésique, la régularisation des émotions ainsi que la performance cognitive. La période et la structure du sommeil sont gouvernées par deux processus, soit la pression homéostatique et le rythme circadien. Le rythme circadien endogène, généré par le noyau suprachiasmatique de l’hypothalamus, se maintient synchronisé au rythme jour-nuit environnemental par l’information photique provenant des cellules ganglionnaires intrinsèquement photoréceptrices de la rétine. Par conséquent, la lumière et le fonctionnement de la rétine s’avèrent importants pour le maintien du rythme circadien et, en conséquence, le sommeil. De ce fait, il n’est pas surprenant que la cécité soit reliée à une plus grande fréquence de troubles du sommeil. Ceux-ci proviennent, du moins en partie, de rythmes circadiens non-synchronisés ou en libre cours causé par l’absence d’information photique. La cécité induit aussi une modulation anatomique et fonctionnelle du cortex, en particulier dans les aires visuelles. Cette réorganisation corticale peut, donc, aussi moduler l’activité corticale lors de l’état de sommeil. Les études, qui font l’objet de cette présente thèse, visent à investiguer les effets de la cécité sur la période et la structure du sommeil. En particulier, des données comportementales et physiologiques furent comparées entre un groupe de participants avec cécité, ne reportant aucune perception visuelle résiduelle, et un groupe contrôle de participants ayant une vision normale. La cécité était d’origine congénitale chez la moitié des participants et elle fut acquise plus tard dans la vie chez les autres participants aveugles. Les présentes études rapportent sur la qualité de leur sommeil, le rythme éveil-sommeil, la phase du rythme circadien, ainsi que la macro- et microstructure de leur sommeil. En lien avec les études antérieures, les aveugles démontrent une plus grande fréquence de phases anormales du rythme circadien, de troubles du sommeil et de déstabilisation du rythme éveil-sommeil. De plus, bien que la structure du sommeil demeure généralement présente en absence de vision, certaines modulations électrophysiologiques furent observées. En particulier, des différences dans l’activité corticale lors du sommeil NREM observées entre les aveugles congénitaux et les aveugles tardifs suggèrent que la réorganisation corticale, provenant de la perte de vision, peut être observée lors du sommeil. De plus, la modulation des aires corticales visuelles associée avec la cécité résulte en une absence de certaines composantes caractéristiques des différents stades du sommeil. Notamment, l’oscillation occipitale de fréquence alpha observée lors d’un état de repos et lors de l’endormissement se voit absente chez les aveugles. Les résultats démontrent que la modulation du rythme circadien ainsi que la réorganisation corticale associée avec la cécité agissent sur la période et la structure caractéristique du sommeil. / Sleep is a crucial state for the wellbeing of humans. More specifically, sleep is a privileged period for cortical maintenance and plasticity. Accordingly, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of sleep in synaptic downscaling processes, memory consolidation, emotional regulation, as well as cognitive performance. The timing and structure of sleep is shown to be governed by two main processes: the homeostatic pressure and the circadian rhythm. In turn, the endogenous circadian rhythm, produced by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, is entrained to the day-night environmental cycle by photic input from the intrinsically photoreceptive retinal ganglion cells. Thus, light is necessary for the proper entrainment of the circadian rhythm, and consequently, for sleep. It is, therefore, not surprising that blindness is associated with a greater incidence of sleep disturbances. Specifically, these disturbances can be, in part, explained by abnormal or free-running circadian rhythms resulting from the absence of photic input. Further, absence of visual input also induces anatomical and functional changes throughout the brain, and specifically in the visual cortical areas. Such cortical reorganisation could, potentially, also modulate the cortical activity of sleep. The studies that compose the present thesis aim to expand upon the effects of blindness on the timing and structure of sleep. Specifically, both behavioural and physiological data were collected and compared between a group of blind participants, reporting no conscious light perception, and a control group of normal sighted participants. In the blind group, half of the participants were born blind, while the other half had acquired blindness later in life. The studies report on the various components of sleep, including its quality, the sleep-wake rhythm, the phase of the circadian rhythm, as well as its macro- and microstructure. In line with previous studies, a larger incidence of abnormal circadian phase, sleep disturbances, and reduced sleepiv wake stability were observed in the blind group. Further, although the macro- and microstructure of sleep remains generally present in the absence of vision, certain electrophysiological differences were, nevertheless, observed. Differences in NREM cortical activity observed between the congenitally and late blind participants suggest that the cortical reorganisation associated with the absence of vision may be detected through electrophysiological recordings of sleep. Further, modulations of cortical activity in blindness also resulted in the absence of certain characteristics of the different stages of sleep. Namely, occipital alpha oscillations, typically observed during a quiet resting state and in the transition from wake to sleep, are absent in blind individuals. These results, therefore, demonstrate that both the circadian rhythm abnormalities and the cortical reorganisation that is associated with the absence of vision can influence both the timing and the structure of sleep in blind individuals.

Barns berättande och återberättande : En jämförande studie mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barn i Sverige

Thomasdotter, Linnéa January 2013 (has links)
I dagens globaliserade samhälle blir det allt vanligare att barn växer upp med fler än ett språk i sin omgivning. Det kräver en ökad kunskap om flerspråkighet och vad som särskiljer flerspråkiga barn från enspråkiga barn. Då de mätinstrument som idag används i Sverige för att utröna om ett barn har en språkstörning endast är utformade för enspråkiga barn riskerar flerspråkiga barn att över- eller underdiagnostiseras. För att råda bot på den problematik som uppkommit i samband med diagnostisering av flerspråkiga barn och språkstörning har ett europeiskt forskningsnätverk bildats, kallat COST Action IS0804. Syftet med nätverket är att kartlägga SLI (specific language impairment) hos flerspråkiga barn genom att koordinera forskning inom lingvistisk och kognitiv förmåga över ett stort antal länder. Denna studie syftar till att samla in och analysera referensdata för enspråkigt svensktalande barn med typisk språkutveckling, samt jämföra resultatet med referensdata från andra grupper som använt samma material i Sverige på flerspråkiga barn i jämförlig ålder. Det övergripande syftet är att referensdatan på sikt kan användas för att öka kunskapen om skillnader och likheter mellan en- och tvåspråkiga barn med målet att differentiera dessa från flerspåkiga barn med SLI genom COST projektet. Då tidigare studier i Sverige endast använt materialet till att studera berättande, syftar denna studie även till att samla in referensdata för både berättande och återberättande. Deltagarna är fjorton barn mellan 5:6 och 7:5 år som fått berätta och återberätta kring fyra bildberättelser samt besvara ett antal förståelsefrågor till varje bildberättelse. Resultatet visar att det finns tydliga skillnader mellan hur barnen presterar på berättande och på återberättande, vilket är intressant då narrativerna eliciterades med bildsekvenser som är makrostrukturellt lika. Dessa skillnader manifesteras både beträffande makrostrukturen i form av story grammar poäng, då återberättande både ger högre min - och maxpoäng samt total poäng överlag, och på mikrostrukturen då återberättande ger något längre och mer varierade texter än berättande. Vid en jämförelse av resultaten vid berättande från tidigare studier inom COST som studerat flerspråkiga barn i Sverige föreligger en mikrostrukturell skillnad, då de enspråkiga deltagarna i denna studie producerar något längre texter på svenska än de flerspråkiga barnen i samma ålder. Denna skillnad verkar dock inte ha någon makrostrukturell påverkan då antalet story grammar poäng på deltagarnas narrativer är relativt likvärdig över de olika studierna. Resultatet stödjer tidigare forskning som påvisat att den narrativa makrostrukturen är språkligt obunden. Mer forskning kring skillnader i narrativförmåga mellan barn med och utan språkstörning behövs dock innan det går att dra mer långtgående slutsatser om makrostruktur som klinisk markör för språkstörning hos flerspråkiga barn. / As society today is becoming more and more globalized, the number of children growing up with several languages is ever increasing. This calls for better and deeper knowledge of bilingualism in general and for a better understanding of developmental language differences between bilingual and monolingual children in particular. However, methods for assessing whether a bilingual child suffers from language impairment are developed and standardized for monolingual children only, and there is a rising need for tools that can reliably assess bilingual children. To meet this need, a European research network (COST Action IS0804) has been established, with the aim to map specific language impairment in bilingual children by coordinating research on linguistic and cognitive skills across 30 countries. Within this network, a new multilingual assessment tool for narratives has been developed. The aim of the present study is to collect and analyze narratives by Swedish monolingual children with typical language development with this assessment tool and compare their results with data from recent studies of Swedish bilingual children of a comparable age. The long-term objective is for the results to be used to increase our knowledge about similarities and differences between monolingual and bilingual children with and without language impairment through the COST network. Since previous narrative studies in Sweden have only used the tool for telling, the aim of the present study has been to collect data on both telling and retelling. Participants were fourteen children between 5;6 and 7;6 years. Narratives were elicited with the help of four parallel sets of stimulus pictures; two for which the participants were instructed to tell a story, and two for which the task was to retell after listening to a model story. Participants also answered a number of comprehension questions after each story. Narratives were analysed for macrostructure and microstructure. The results show some pronounced differences between how the participants performed in telling and retelling, which is noteworthy since the stimulus materials were parallel in macrostructure. Differences between telling and retelling manifested themselves in macrostructure in terms of story grammar points, with higher minimum and maximum points for retelling, and on some (but not all) microstructural measures, with longer and lexically more varied texts in retelling than telling. Comparing the results to previous studies on age-matched bilingual Swedish children of similar socio-economic status using the same assessment tool, monolinguals and bilinguals differed slightly: The monolingual participants in the present study produced longer texts in Swedish than their bilingual peers. This difference in microstructure did however not have any impact at the macrostructural level, where monolinguals and bilinguals in the previous studies scored fairly similar. These results underpin findings of earlier research which have shown that narrative macrostructure is largely languageindependent and may thus be a more appropriate measure of narrative ability in bilingual children than language-dependent microstructural measures. However, more research is necessary before any far-reaching conclusions can be drawn as to whether macrostructure can be used as a clinical marker for specific language impairment in bilingual children.

Estudo da influência do superaquecimento nas propriedades mecânicas de uma liga de magnésio contendo terras raras

Garcia, André Gonçalves January 2012 (has links)
A demanda por aumento da eficiência energética vem obrigando empresas e centros de pesquisa a desenvolver e utilizar novos materiais buscando a redução de peso. Entre esses materiais, destacam-se as ligas de magnésio, com aproximadamente dois terços da densidade do alumínio e a melhor relação peso/resistência entre os metais. Porém, a utilização do magnésio em altas temperaturas tem suas limitações, devido à baixa resistência a fluência e a formação do precipitado -Mg17Al12 que tem baixo ponto de fusão, tornando as ligas de magnésio mais suscetíveis aos efeitos de deslizamento nos contornos de grãos. Algumas ligas de magnésio contendo elementos terras raras foram desenvolvidas para melhorar a resistência a fluência. O trabalho em questão visa analisar o comportamento da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca, correlacionando os parâmetros de solidificação com as propriedades mecânicas: dureza, alongamento específico, limite de escoamento e limite de resistência à tração. Para isso, foram solidificados unidirecionalmente, com atmosfera de argônio, três lingotes da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca a partir de sobreaquecimento de 780°C, 715°C e 650°C. O resfriamento dos lingotes ocorreu no forno e por resfriamento forçado. Os resultados obtidos de limite de resistência à tração, limite de escoamento e dureza tem uma relação direta com a temperatura de vazamento onde os melhores resultados foram obtidos com as temperaturas mais elevadas. Portanto, conclui-se que na temperatura de 780°C com resfriamento forçado foram obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas. / The demand for increased energy efficiency is forcing companies and research centers to develop and use new materials aimed at reducing weight. Among these materials, there is magnesium alloys, because it has about two-thirds of the density of aluminum and the best weight/resistance between the metals. However, the use of magnesium at elevated temperatures has its limitations due to low resistance to creep; the formation of -Mg17Al12 precipitate which has a low melting point makes the magnesium alloy more susceptible to slip around the grains. Some magnesium alloys containing rare earth elements have been developed to improve resistance to creep. The work in question is to analyze the behavior the Mg6Al3La1Ca alloy, correlating the parameters of solidification with the mechanical properties: hardness, specific elongation, limits yield strength and tensile strength. For that, three ingots of the alloy Mg6Al3La1Ca were solidified unidirectionally using argon atmosphere with overheating of 780°C, 715°C and 650°C. The cooling of ingots occurred in the furnace and by forced cooling. The results of limit tensile strength, yield strength and hardness have a direct relation with the pouring temperature where the best results were obtained with higher temperatures. Therefore, it is concluded that the best mechanical properties were obtained at temperature of 780°C with forced cooling.

Estudo da influência do superaquecimento nas propriedades mecânicas de uma liga de magnésio contendo terras raras

Garcia, André Gonçalves January 2012 (has links)
A demanda por aumento da eficiência energética vem obrigando empresas e centros de pesquisa a desenvolver e utilizar novos materiais buscando a redução de peso. Entre esses materiais, destacam-se as ligas de magnésio, com aproximadamente dois terços da densidade do alumínio e a melhor relação peso/resistência entre os metais. Porém, a utilização do magnésio em altas temperaturas tem suas limitações, devido à baixa resistência a fluência e a formação do precipitado -Mg17Al12 que tem baixo ponto de fusão, tornando as ligas de magnésio mais suscetíveis aos efeitos de deslizamento nos contornos de grãos. Algumas ligas de magnésio contendo elementos terras raras foram desenvolvidas para melhorar a resistência a fluência. O trabalho em questão visa analisar o comportamento da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca, correlacionando os parâmetros de solidificação com as propriedades mecânicas: dureza, alongamento específico, limite de escoamento e limite de resistência à tração. Para isso, foram solidificados unidirecionalmente, com atmosfera de argônio, três lingotes da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca a partir de sobreaquecimento de 780°C, 715°C e 650°C. O resfriamento dos lingotes ocorreu no forno e por resfriamento forçado. Os resultados obtidos de limite de resistência à tração, limite de escoamento e dureza tem uma relação direta com a temperatura de vazamento onde os melhores resultados foram obtidos com as temperaturas mais elevadas. Portanto, conclui-se que na temperatura de 780°C com resfriamento forçado foram obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas. / The demand for increased energy efficiency is forcing companies and research centers to develop and use new materials aimed at reducing weight. Among these materials, there is magnesium alloys, because it has about two-thirds of the density of aluminum and the best weight/resistance between the metals. However, the use of magnesium at elevated temperatures has its limitations due to low resistance to creep; the formation of -Mg17Al12 precipitate which has a low melting point makes the magnesium alloy more susceptible to slip around the grains. Some magnesium alloys containing rare earth elements have been developed to improve resistance to creep. The work in question is to analyze the behavior the Mg6Al3La1Ca alloy, correlating the parameters of solidification with the mechanical properties: hardness, specific elongation, limits yield strength and tensile strength. For that, three ingots of the alloy Mg6Al3La1Ca were solidified unidirectionally using argon atmosphere with overheating of 780°C, 715°C and 650°C. The cooling of ingots occurred in the furnace and by forced cooling. The results of limit tensile strength, yield strength and hardness have a direct relation with the pouring temperature where the best results were obtained with higher temperatures. Therefore, it is concluded that the best mechanical properties were obtained at temperature of 780°C with forced cooling.

Estudo da influência do superaquecimento nas propriedades mecânicas de uma liga de magnésio contendo terras raras

Garcia, André Gonçalves January 2012 (has links)
A demanda por aumento da eficiência energética vem obrigando empresas e centros de pesquisa a desenvolver e utilizar novos materiais buscando a redução de peso. Entre esses materiais, destacam-se as ligas de magnésio, com aproximadamente dois terços da densidade do alumínio e a melhor relação peso/resistência entre os metais. Porém, a utilização do magnésio em altas temperaturas tem suas limitações, devido à baixa resistência a fluência e a formação do precipitado -Mg17Al12 que tem baixo ponto de fusão, tornando as ligas de magnésio mais suscetíveis aos efeitos de deslizamento nos contornos de grãos. Algumas ligas de magnésio contendo elementos terras raras foram desenvolvidas para melhorar a resistência a fluência. O trabalho em questão visa analisar o comportamento da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca, correlacionando os parâmetros de solidificação com as propriedades mecânicas: dureza, alongamento específico, limite de escoamento e limite de resistência à tração. Para isso, foram solidificados unidirecionalmente, com atmosfera de argônio, três lingotes da liga Mg6Al3La1Ca a partir de sobreaquecimento de 780°C, 715°C e 650°C. O resfriamento dos lingotes ocorreu no forno e por resfriamento forçado. Os resultados obtidos de limite de resistência à tração, limite de escoamento e dureza tem uma relação direta com a temperatura de vazamento onde os melhores resultados foram obtidos com as temperaturas mais elevadas. Portanto, conclui-se que na temperatura de 780°C com resfriamento forçado foram obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas. / The demand for increased energy efficiency is forcing companies and research centers to develop and use new materials aimed at reducing weight. Among these materials, there is magnesium alloys, because it has about two-thirds of the density of aluminum and the best weight/resistance between the metals. However, the use of magnesium at elevated temperatures has its limitations due to low resistance to creep; the formation of -Mg17Al12 precipitate which has a low melting point makes the magnesium alloy more susceptible to slip around the grains. Some magnesium alloys containing rare earth elements have been developed to improve resistance to creep. The work in question is to analyze the behavior the Mg6Al3La1Ca alloy, correlating the parameters of solidification with the mechanical properties: hardness, specific elongation, limits yield strength and tensile strength. For that, three ingots of the alloy Mg6Al3La1Ca were solidified unidirectionally using argon atmosphere with overheating of 780°C, 715°C and 650°C. The cooling of ingots occurred in the furnace and by forced cooling. The results of limit tensile strength, yield strength and hardness have a direct relation with the pouring temperature where the best results were obtained with higher temperatures. Therefore, it is concluded that the best mechanical properties were obtained at temperature of 780°C with forced cooling.

Posouzení vlastností heterogenních tupých svarů metodami svařování laserem a svazkem elektronů / Assessment of heterogeneous properties butt welds in laser welding and electron beam welding

Rozsypal, Oldřich January 2015 (has links)
The project was developed within the engineering degree in engineering technology, and is focused in welding together of two different materials. Welds will be done on a high strength steel Domex 420 MC and deep drawing steel DC01 using laser welding, and will be compared with the method of electron beam welding. Part of this project is a scientific research describing the basic physical principles of both methods, different types of lasers, welding material properties and inspection of welds. In the experimental part was carried tensile test, macroscopic and microscopic examination. Finally, work is to evaluate the individual tests.

Les dictionnaires bilingues francais-chinois (1605-1912) : histoire, caractéristiques et typologie / The French ↔ Chinese bilingual dictionaries (1605-1912) : history, characteristics and typology

Shen, Feifei 30 June 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur l’histoire culturelle des dictionnaires bilingues français ↔ chinois. Notre but est d’examiner l’histoire des dictionnaires à travers les éditeurs, les lexicographes et les imprimeurs afin de trouver des caractéristiques du corpus sélectionné et d’établir une typologie des dictionnaires inventoriés. Cette étude apporte des éléments aux futurs travaux sur la lexicographie bilingue française et chinoise. Notre travail est divisé en deux parties : étude historique et étude métalexicographique. Dans l’analyse historique, un rappel de l’histoire de la Chine est donné dans un premier temps pour établir un panorama du contexte d’étude. Les chapitres suivants traitent de questions concernant l’apparition des dictionnaires bilingues en Chine et leur développement, les éditeurs et les imprimeurs, les lexicographes. Dans la partie métalexicographique, l’accent est mis sur les paratextes, les macrostructures, les nomenclatures et les microstructures. Notre recherche a porté sur l’ensemble des études lexicographiques bilingues françaises et chinoises. / Our thesis deals with the cultural history of the French ↔ Chinese bilingual dictionaries. Our aim is to examine the history of dictionaries through their publishers, lexicographers and printers in order to find characteristics of the selected corpus and to establish a typology of the inventoried dictionaries. This study provides ideas for future work on French and Chinese bilingual lexicography. Our work is divided into two parts : historical study and metalexicographical study. In the historical analysis, a reminder of the chinese history is given at the outset to expose a panorama of the study’s context. The following chapters deal with questions concerning the emergence of bilingual dictionaries in China and their development, publishers and printers, and lexicographers. In the metalexicographic part, emphasis is placed on paratexts, macrostructures, nomenclatures and microstructures. Our research has contributed to the study of French and Chinese bilingual lexicographic.

La macrostructure et la microstructure des dictionnaires historiques : etude analytique et comparative de la macrostructure et de la microstructure des dictionnaires historiques français, anglais et arabe / The macrostructure and microstructure of historical dictionaries : an analytic and comparative study of the macrostructure and microstructure of French, English and Arabic historical dictionaries

Mabrak, Sami 30 November 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse relève du domaine de la lexicographie et plus précisément de la lexicographie contemporaine. Notre étude analyse les dictionnaires historiques comme objet de recherche. Quant à notre problématique de recherche, elle porte sur la constitution de la macrostructure et sur l’élaboration de la microstructure des dictionnaires historiques que sont le Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Française (le RH), le Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Anglaise (l’OED) et le Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Arabe (le DHLA). Les deux premiers dictionnaires historiques sont déjà publiés, alors que le dernier est en cours de compilation.Notre étude comporte deux objectifs principaux. Tout d’abord, elle analyse les éléments de divergence et les éléments de convergence entre la macrostructure et la microstructure des deux dictionnaires historiques, que sont le RH et l’OED. Ensuite, elle examine ces éléments et détermine ceux qui sont applicables dans la constitution de la macrostructure et l’élaboration de la microstructure du DHLA. Pour ce faire, nous avons opté pour l’analyse d’un corpus issu principalement des dictionnaires - le RH et l’OED. Nous avons fait appel également à un corpus secondaire constitué à partir des dictionnaires français, anglais et arabe de langue générale.Notre étude a permis de confirmer que les trois dictionnaires historiques adoptent trois approches différentes dans la constitution de leur macrostructure. Le RH adopte une approche étymologique. Quant à l’OED, il utilise une approche lexicale. Enfin, le DHLA a opté pour une approche complexe. En revanche, ces trois approches sont mises en œuvre en appliquant trois critères, à savoir, tout d‘abord un critère diachronique, puis un critère orthographique et enfin un critère étymologique. En outre, notre étude a permis de confirmer également que la mise en ordre des entrées principales impacte directement la mise en ordre des entrées secondaires.Quant à la microstructure, les trois dictionnaires élaborent la définition de leurs entrées en adoptant relativement le même modèle. En dernière instance, il s’agit d’un modèle construit à partir de trois types d’informations : des informations d’ordre morphologique, des informations d’ordre sémantique et enfin des informations contextuelles. / Our thesis is part of the field of lexicography and more precisely of contemporary lexicography. Our study analyses historical dictionaries as a research object. As for the subject of the thesis, it concerns the constitution of the macrostructure and the development of the microstructure for historical dictionaries, which are: the French Historical Dictionary (RH), the English Historical Dictionary (OED) and the Arabic Historical Dictionary (DHLA). The first two are alread published while the third is in progress.Our study has two main goals. First of all it analyses the divergent and convergent elements between macrostructure and microstructure of both RH and OED historical dictionaries. Then it examines these elements and determines those which are applicable in the constitution of macrostructure and the development of DHLA microstructure. To do this, we have chosen the analysis of a corpus mainly from RH and OED dictionaries. We have also appealed to a secondary corpus constituted from general language dictionaries.Our study has affirmed that the three historical dictionaries adopt three different approaches to constitute their macrostructure: etymological for the RH and lexical for the OED, while the DHLA has opted for a complex approach. However these three approaches are implemented by applying three criteria namely, diachronic criterion, orthographical criterion, and etymological criterion. Our study also confirmed that putting main entrances in order directly impacts on the secondary entrances order.As for the microstructure, the three dictionaries elaborate the definition of their entrances by adopting a relatively similar model, built upon three types of information: morphological information, semantic information and contextual information.

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