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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores relacionados com adesão a duas formas de orientação fisioterapêutica para prática de massagem em bebês / Factors related with adherence to two forms of physiotherapeutic orientation for practice of massage in babies

Cruz, Cláudia Marchetti Vieira da 04 December 2008 (has links)
Massagem para bebês é um recurso que produz efeitos benéficos para a criança e gratificantes tanto para quem recebe quanto para quem realiza a massagem. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo avaliar o aprendizado de massagem para bebês por meio de duas intervenções educacionais diferentes, e a adesão à massagem por parte das mães. Para tanto, o primeiro passo foi elaborar e validar um manual de massagem para bebês e, posteriormente, avaliar as formas de intervenção educacional e a adesão das mães à utilização da massagem. A elaboração do manual de massagem para bebês foi realizada após revisão bibliográfica e a validação do mesmo, foi realizada junto a 24 peritos que avaliaram nove critérios e, a 40 mães submetidas à avaliação teórico-prática, divididas em grupos de acordo com o grau de instrução. Nesta etapa, após avaliação dos peritos foram necessárias modificações no texto e nas figuras contidas no manual. A validação ocorreu junto a dois grupos de mães: Grupos A (formação de ensino médio e curso técnico) e Grupo B (formação de ensino fundamental). De modo geral, as mães do Grupo B apresentaram maior dificuldade quanto aos conteúdos teórico e prático em relação às do Grupo A. A avaliação do aprendizado e da adesão foi realizada com 40 mulheres primigestas divididas em: Grupo Curso - participaram de um curso e receberam o manual e, Grupo Manual - somente receberam o manual. O aprendizado teórico foi avaliado por meio de testes e o prático, pela execução da seqüência de massagem. Para avaliar a adesão, as mães responderam a uma entrevista três meses após o parto. Como resultados podemos observar que, no teste teórico, o Grupo Curso apresentou um desempenho satisfatório em relação ao Grupo Manual. Todas as mães reproduziram a seqüência de massagem proposta, sem feedback da pesquisadora. Com relação à adesão, utilizaram seqüência completa de massagem 70% das mães do Grupo Manual e 55% das mães do Grupo Curso. Os grupos utilizaram a técnica com finalidade de produzir principalmente efeitos fisiológicos, seguidos dos comportamentais. A massagem foi utilizada com freqüência, principalmente durante situações cotidianas sugeridas no manual. Na primeira etapa, pode-se concluir que a participação dos peritos e das mães foi decisiva na qualidade do manual original que se mostrou um instrumento eficaz para ensino de massagem em bebês. Na última etapa, não houve diferenças acentuadas na aprendizagem e na adesão entre os grupos Curso e Manual / Massage for babies is a resource that produces beneficial effects for the child and gratifying so much for who receives as for who accomplishes the massage. This dissertation has for objective to evaluate the massage learning for babies through two different education interventions, and the adherence to the massage by mothers. For this, the first step was to elaborate and to validate a massage manual for babies and, later, to evaluate the forms of education intervention and the adhesion of the mothers to the use of the massage. The elaboration of the massage manual for babies was accomplished after bibliographical revision and the validation of the same, it was accomplished by 24 experts that evaluated nine criteria and, by 40 mothers submitted to the evaluation theoretical-practice, divided in groups in agreement with the instruction degree. In this stage, after evaluation by experts were necessary modifications in the text and in the illustrations contained in the manual. The validation happened with two groups of mothers: Group A (formation in college and technician course) and Group B (formation in fundamental degree). In general, the mothers of the group B presented larger difficulty as for the theoretical as the practical contents, in relation to the ones of the Group A. The evaluation of the learning and of the adherence it was accomplished by 40 women primiparas divided in: Group Course - they participated in a course and they received the manual and, Manual Group - they only received the manual. The theoretical learning was evaluated through tests and the practical, for the execution of the massage sequence. To evaluate the adherence, the mothers answered an interview three months after the childbirth. As results can observe that, in the theoretical test, the Group Course presented a satisfactory acting in relation to the Manual Group. All of the mothers reproduced the massage sequence proposed, without the researcher\'s feedback. Regarding to the adherence, 70% of the mothers of the Manual Group used the complete succession of the massage and 55% of the Group Course. The groups used the technique with purpose of producing mainly physiologic effects, following by the behavioral effects. The massage was used frequently, mainly during daily situations suggested in the manual. In the first stage, it can be ended that the participation of the experts and of the mothers it was decisive in the quality of the original manual that was shown an effective instrument for massage teaching in babies. In the last stage, there were not differences accentuated in the learning and in the adherence between the Groups Course and Manual

Efeito da prática de massagem e da contação de história na socialização de crianças em ambiente escolar / Effect of massage practice and storytelling in the socialization of children in a school environment

Gonçalves, Lia Lopes 12 March 2014 (has links)
Contextualização: Existe a necessidade de educar comportamentos agressivos em ambiente escolar. Intervenções com atividades corporais e intelectuais podem ser utilizadas proporcionando efeitos similares ou complementares. Massagem proporciona benefícios físicos, cognitivos e emocionais. Tocar e ser tocado envolve aceitação, confiança e proporciona agradável troca de experiência e interação social. Contação de histórias infantis facilita o relacionamento, a diminuição de tensão, ansiedade e proporciona confiança. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da prática de massagem clássica e da contação de histórias infantis na socialização de crianças em ambiente escolar. Método: Estudo experimental, realizado com 105 crianças de 6,5 a 8,1 anos de idade, alunos do segundo ano do ensino fundamental, divididas em três grupos: classe massagem (CM), classe história (CH) e classe controle (CC), que participou da prática de massagem, contação de histórias infantis e não sofreu intervenção, respectivamente. O comportamento foi coletado por meio de diário e registro de intercorrências. O desempenho escolar foi avaliado utilizando a média de todas as notas dos alunos, por classe. Resultados: Reduções no número de agressões verbais, discussões, encaminhamentos à coordenação por comportamento inadequado, queixas dos pais, aumento de atitudes de ajuda e carinho e maior nota média no período das intervenções. As notas do 1º, 2º (intervenções) e 3º trimestres das classes foram, respectivamente, CM = 6.8, 7.4 e 6.9; CH = 6.5, 7.0 e 6.6 e CC = 6.6, 6.2 e 5.6. Conclusão: A prática de massagem e a de contação de histórias infantis afetaram de forma positiva o comportamento e desempenho escolar dos alunos / Background: There is a need to educate aggressive behaviors in the school environment. Interventions with bodily and intellectual activities can be used providing similar or complementary effects. Massage provides physical, cognitive and emotional benefits. Touch and be touched involves acceptance, trust and provides pleasant experience and social interaction. Storytelling facilitates relationships, decrease stress, anxiety and provides confidence. Objective: To evaluate the effect of sweeden massage practice and storytelling in socialization of children in the school environment. Method: An experimental study, involving 105 children 6.5 to 8.1 years old, second year students of the fundamental school, divided into three groups: massage class (CM) history class (CH) and control class (CC), that participated in practice of massage, storytelling and no intervention, respectively. The behavior was collected by diary and recorded intercurrent events. School performance was assessed using the average of all the notes of students by each class. Results: Reductions in the number of verbal discussions, referral of inappropriate behavior, parents\' complaint, increase attitudes of help and affection and highest average notes in the period of intervention. The notes of the 1st, 2nd (intervention) and 3rd periods of the classes were, respectively, CM = 6.8, 7.4 and 6.9, CH = 6.5, 7.0 and 6.6 and CC = 6.6, 6.2 and 5.6. Conclusion: The practice of massage and the routine of storytelling positively affect children \'s behavior and school performance

台灣視障者的職業困境-以按摩業為例的分析 / Career Problems of the Blind in Taiwan: the Example of Massage

王育瑜, Wang, Yu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「按摩」作為多數視障者唯一的就業途徑,乃是存在多時的臺灣特殊現象。此現象與國家政策息息相關,因為視障者作為資本主義市場中的競爭劣勢群體,若欲與一般人擁有相同的就業機會,必須透過國家積極介入市場並提供視障者適當的協助,其工作權與生存權才得以獲得保障。本研究以歷史分析方法,對於視障者就業受限於按摩業的現象,以及視障按摩業的發展,進行結構及歷史性的了解,並檢視國家所扮演的角色。此外,藉由深度訪談了解視障者在面臨結構限制時,如何看待客觀結構環境、如何因應以及如何詮釋其行動。   本研究關切的是視障者的職業困境本質,在第一層涵意上,指涉單一化的就業機會,而第二層涵意則指涉這個唯一的職業─按摩,在面臨資金、資訊及視力各方面均居優勢的明眼人非法按摩競爭之下,視障者的生存空間不斷受到擠壓與威脅的困境。   本研究的主要發現如下:   一、國家政策的介入將按摩列為視障者的保留性職業,但是卻也造成視障按摩的去醫療化,阻礙了視障按摩的專業提昇,迫使視障按摩師與優勢的明眼非法按摩進行不平等的競爭,視障按摩師的生存空間乃受到擠壓、工作條件受到劣化。民國七○年代視障按摩師的反制行動奪取了對於工作情境的掌控權,但缺乏國家的積極協助,視障按摩業仍難抵明眼優勢團體的威脅。   二、視障者並非只能(able)做按摩, 而是這個環境將其推向一個單一的就業機會,結構環境的限制來自於國家在就業政策中長期忽略殘障者,以及視障者隔離的社會化歷程,而國家及社會大眾對於視障者能力的錯誤預設更是阻礙視障者就業的重要因素。在教育機會的限制、考試權的受到剝奪、公共空間的充滿障礙等等限制下,視障者缺乏多元的生存及發展空間。   本研究依上述發現提出對政策與民間福利機構的建議, 視障者的差異困境及需求並加以討論。

Protection tissulaire dans l'arrêt circulatoire : du massage cardiaque à la protection pharmacologique. Approche clinique et expérimentale

Incagnoli, Pascal 24 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Malgré de très nombreuses études expérimentales et cliniques dans le domaine de l'arrêt circulatoire, seulement 2% à 12% des patients quittent l'hôpital avec une bonne récupération neurologique. Il est donc nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles thérapeutiques pour tenter d'augmenter la survie après un arrêt circulatoire. Pour atteindre ce but il semble indispensable d'améliorer la qualité du massage cardiaque durant la réanimation et de protéger le myocarde et le cerveau contre les phénomènes d'ischémie-reperfusion. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons évalués dans une étude pré hospitalière l'utilisation d'un dispositif innovant de massage cardiaque interne par minithoracotomie et montré une amélioration de l'hémodynamique en comparaison avec le massage cardiaque standard. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons testés les possibles effets protecteurs de l'EPO (érythropoïétine) dans deux types d'arrêt circulatoire. Dans un modèle d'arrêt cardiaque expérimental chez le rat nous avons démontré que lorsque l'EPO était injectée avant l'arrêt cardiaque, la réanimation initiale était améliorée et la survie des animaux augmentée ce qui pouvaient suggérer un effet cardio et/ou neuroprotecteur de l'EPO contre les effets délétères de l'ischémie reperfusion. Dans une étude clinique en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra corporelle, nous n'avons pas pu démontré d'effet bénéfique de l'EPO ni sur l'ischémie myocardique, ni sur l'ischémie cérébrale ni sur les paramètres de l'inflammation. Sur la base de ces deux études, il est donc difficile de conclure sur le potentiel rôle bénéfique de l'EPO dans l'arrêt circulatoire. Néanmoins, sur la seule base des résultats expérimentaux, l'EPO pourrait faire partie de l'arsenal thérapeutique pour mieux protéger le myocarde et le cerveau contre les effets délétères de l'ischémie reperfusion après un arrêt cardiaque.

Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie

Jern, Anna, Hallberg, Maja, Selberg, Erika January 2006 (has links)
<p>The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects in</p><p>context with mother – child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevance</p><p>for social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviews</p><p>with mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: After</p><p>the completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that the</p><p>bond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child’s</p><p>signals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has been</p><p>their reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has the</p><p>completion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that’s had an effect in their ways of parenting? In</p><p>what way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecure</p><p>attachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approach</p><p>was chosen with respondent-interviews. The respondents were mothers, currently living in Örebro who</p><p>completed a course of infant massage with an instructor within International Association of Infant Massage</p><p>(IAIM). All of the mothers experienced positive effects by the massage both within the child as well as</p><p>themselves. Earlier research inclines that touch influences the mother – child attachment through bodily</p><p>chemical processes but also through emotional experiences acquired by the infant. Touch is the first way of</p><p>communicating with the infant, and this is also a way of strengthening attachment. Fogel schneiders (1996)</p><p>conclusion by this is that the contact between caregivers and child is strengthen by infant massage. A secure</p><p>attachment has positive effects for the child which might motivate the usage of attachment-strengthening</p><p>methods, such as infant massage, within social work.</p> / <p>Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka effekter av spädbarnsmassage och att koppla dessa till</p><p>anknytning mellan mor och barn och huruvida dessa effekter kunde ha relevans för socialt arbete. Detta genom</p><p>att studera tidigare forskning, teori, rapporter och lagar samt genom att utföra intervjuer med mödrar som</p><p>genomgått en kurs i spädbarnsmassage. Frågeställningarna var: Upplever mödrarna efter genomgången kurs i</p><p>spädbarnsmassage och praktiserande av metoden att kontakten med barnet har påverkats och att sensitivitet</p><p>inför barnets signaler ökat? Vilka signaler tycker sig mödrarna ha sett hos barnen under spädbarnsmassagen</p><p>och hur har de bemött dessa? Upplever mödrarna att praktiserande av spädbarnsmassage givit fysiologiska</p><p>effekter? Tycker sig mödrarna efter genomgången kurs i spädbarnsmassage ha tillägnat sig kunskaper som</p><p>påverkat dem i föräldrarollen? Vad säger tidigare forskning, teori, rapporter och lagar om vilka förtjänster och</p><p>risker som kan finnas med en stark respektive svag anknytning samt vilken betydelse anknytningens kvalitet kan</p><p>tänkas ha för socialt arbete? En kvalitativ metod valdes och respondentintervjuer genomfördes med mödrar som</p><p>genomfört spädbarnsmassagekurs i Örebro, med en instruktör utbildad i International Association of Infant</p><p>Massages (IAIM:s) metod. Mödrarna kunde alla skönja positiva effekter både hos barnet och hos dem själva</p><p>efter genomgången kurs och praktiserande av metoden. Forskning tyder på att beröring påverkar samspel och</p><p>anknytning mellan omsorgspersonen och barn. Detta dels genom kroppsliga kemiska processer men också</p><p>genom känslomässiga erfarenheter som barnet tillägnat sig. Då beröring ses som ett första sätt att kommunicera</p><p>med barnet och beröring anses stärka anknytningen dras slutsatsen av Fogel Schneider (1996) att kontakten</p><p>mellan omsorgspersoner och barn stärks vid användning av spädbarnsmassage. Stark anknytning har visat på</p><p>positiva effekter hos barn vilket kanske kan motivera till användning av anknytningsstärkande insatser, såsom</p><p>exempelvis spädbarnsmassage, inom socialt arbete.</p>

Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie

Jern, Anna, Hallberg, Maja, Selberg, Erika January 2006 (has links)
The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects in context with mother – child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevance for social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviews with mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: After the completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that the bond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child’s signals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has been their reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has the completion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that’s had an effect in their ways of parenting? In what way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecure attachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approach was chosen with respondent-interviews. The respondents were mothers, currently living in Örebro who completed a course of infant massage with an instructor within International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM). All of the mothers experienced positive effects by the massage both within the child as well as themselves. Earlier research inclines that touch influences the mother – child attachment through bodily chemical processes but also through emotional experiences acquired by the infant. Touch is the first way of communicating with the infant, and this is also a way of strengthening attachment. Fogel schneiders (1996) conclusion by this is that the contact between caregivers and child is strengthen by infant massage. A secure attachment has positive effects for the child which might motivate the usage of attachment-strengthening methods, such as infant massage, within social work. / Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka effekter av spädbarnsmassage och att koppla dessa till anknytning mellan mor och barn och huruvida dessa effekter kunde ha relevans för socialt arbete. Detta genom att studera tidigare forskning, teori, rapporter och lagar samt genom att utföra intervjuer med mödrar som genomgått en kurs i spädbarnsmassage. Frågeställningarna var: Upplever mödrarna efter genomgången kurs i spädbarnsmassage och praktiserande av metoden att kontakten med barnet har påverkats och att sensitivitet inför barnets signaler ökat? Vilka signaler tycker sig mödrarna ha sett hos barnen under spädbarnsmassagen och hur har de bemött dessa? Upplever mödrarna att praktiserande av spädbarnsmassage givit fysiologiska effekter? Tycker sig mödrarna efter genomgången kurs i spädbarnsmassage ha tillägnat sig kunskaper som påverkat dem i föräldrarollen? Vad säger tidigare forskning, teori, rapporter och lagar om vilka förtjänster och risker som kan finnas med en stark respektive svag anknytning samt vilken betydelse anknytningens kvalitet kan tänkas ha för socialt arbete? En kvalitativ metod valdes och respondentintervjuer genomfördes med mödrar som genomfört spädbarnsmassagekurs i Örebro, med en instruktör utbildad i International Association of Infant Massages (IAIM:s) metod. Mödrarna kunde alla skönja positiva effekter både hos barnet och hos dem själva efter genomgången kurs och praktiserande av metoden. Forskning tyder på att beröring påverkar samspel och anknytning mellan omsorgspersonen och barn. Detta dels genom kroppsliga kemiska processer men också genom känslomässiga erfarenheter som barnet tillägnat sig. Då beröring ses som ett första sätt att kommunicera med barnet och beröring anses stärka anknytningen dras slutsatsen av Fogel Schneider (1996) att kontakten mellan omsorgspersoner och barn stärks vid användning av spädbarnsmassage. Stark anknytning har visat på positiva effekter hos barn vilket kanske kan motivera till användning av anknytningsstärkande insatser, såsom exempelvis spädbarnsmassage, inom socialt arbete.

Morphological changes of native rat achilles tendons following augmented soft tissue mobilization

Leaman, Jason 03 June 2011 (has links)
Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization, a massage therapy which uses a solid instrument rather than human fingers to treat musculoskeletal injuries, has been successful in treating tendinitis. Davidson et al. studied the functional and morphological affects of ASTM on collagenase induced Achilles tendinitis in Sprague-Dawley rats. Morphological observations showed a significant increase in the number and activation of fibroblasts in the ASTM treated Groups. The authors suggested that the physical force of ASTM may promote tendon healing via increased fibroblast recruitment. An important, but unexplained, question is how ASTM would affect the fibroblasts of native, noncollagenase injured, tendons. Studies have shown that mechanical forces can alter cellular functions. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphological changes in native Sprague-Dawley rat Achilles tendons after ASTM therapy using different application pressures.Three animal Groups were randomly established: A) control Group with no ASTM; B) light ASTM with 1 Newton of pressure; and C) heavy ASTM with 3 Newtons of pressure. Upon completion of the therapy, the Achilles tendons of each Group were examined with light and electron microscopy techniques to assess fibroblast number, tendon morphology, and the presence of type I and type III collagen. Fibroblast counts from each Group were compared using a two-way ANOVA, multiple regression, and curvilinear regression analysis. Morphological differences were shown between the three Groups, especially between the non force Group and the two force Groups. The ASTM Group treated with one Newton demonstrated the greatest mean fibroblast count (165.1+/-55.8&160.7+/-49.8). Electron microscopy revealed the presence of activated fibroblasts in the tendons of the two force Groups, ASTM Groups. Polarizing microscopy showed a dramatic increase in the amount of Type III collagen in the two force Groups compared to the non force Group.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Effects of a Topical Analgesic Using Massage on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Varvil, Carrie E. 01 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Role of massage and stretching in recovery from exercise and in delayed onset muscle soreness.

Viranna, N. V. January 1997 (has links)
Adequate recovery from intense exercise is essential to optimise performance and reduce the associated symptoms of tiredness, fatigue and lethargy. The purpose of the study was to :- i. investigate the effects of massage and stretching in delaying the development of fatigue during repeated bouts of dynamic activity and, ii. to investigate the relative effects of massage and stretching on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Eighteen volunteer males participated in this study. They were randomly allocated into one of six groups of an Orthogonal Latin square design. Subjects performed five repetitions of as many heel raises as possible in 45 seconds. Each repetition was followed by a recovery technique of three minutes duration. This was repeated weekly until each group has had all three recovery techniques. A fatigue index % was calculated from the decline in the number of repetitions from stage 1 to stage 5. Muscle soreness ratings were retrospectively assessed at 12-36 hour after each session. An analysis of variance showed a significant difference in the fatigue indices. Post hoc intergroup comparison using paired T-tests with the Bonferroni adjustment showed a significant difference between rest and massage (p=0.0001) and rest and stretching (p=0.0006). The differences between massage and stretching were not significant. Fourteen (77.8%) and Fifteen (83.3%) subjects showed an improvement in performance following massage and stretching respectively. Massage is associated with significantly less muscle soreness than stretching (p<0,001). DOMS was most frequently found in the stretching group while the lowest incidence and lowest mean ratings of muscle soreness associated with DOMS was found in the massage group. The difference between massage and stretching was marginal (p=046I) and showed a trend that massage is associated with less DOMS than stretching. This suggests that rest is the least beneficial recovery technique, and that massage may be superior to stretching as there is less muscle soreness. / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.)-University of Natal, 1997.

Masažo įtaka asmenims sergantiems cukriniu diabetu / Massages affect individuals with diabetes mellitus

Šabonaitė, Renata 10 September 2013 (has links)
Cukrinis diabetas dažnai yra laikomas civilizacijos liga ir vienas sudėtingiausių klinikinės medicinos uždavinių specialistams, kurie rūpinasi jos gydymu. Tai lėtinė liga, trunkanti visą žmogaus gyvenimą nuo jos nustatymo dienos. Ji siejama su vakarietiškos gyvensenos plitimu: urbanizacija, populiacijos ir jos amžiaus didėjimu, stresais, socialiniais veiksniais, netinkamais mitybos įpročiais, mažu judrumus ir nutukimu. Raktiniai žodžiai : Cukrinis diabetas, masažas, kraujospūdis, gliukozė. Tyrimo objektas – masažo įtaka asmenims sergantiems cukriniu diabetu Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti masažo poveikį asmenims sergantiems cukriniu diabetu Tyrimo uždaviniai – 1) išanalizuoti cukrinio diabeto tipus ir eigą. 2) Apibendrinti masažo poveikį asmenims, sergantiems cukriniu diabetu. 3) Ištirti masažo poveikį kraujospudžiui ir cukraus kiekiui asmenims, sergantiems cukriniu diabetu. Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos sporto universitete. Tyrime dalyvavo 9 moterys ir 1 vyras sergantys cukriniu diabetu. Išvada: Masažas veikia visas žmogaus funkcijas ir sistemas. Masažo poveikis žmonėms, sergantiems cukriniu diabetu teikia daug naudos, tačiau jie yra labai panašūs į bendrą masažo naudą. Masažas mažina kraujospūdį, skatina cukraus pasisavinimą raumenyse, pagerina insulino kasos aparato funkcijas, didina darbingumą, pagerina kraujo ir limfos apytaką audiniuose. Taip pat masažas mažina cukraus kiekį kraujyje. / Diabetes is often regarded as a disease of civilization and one of the toughest clinical challenges professionals who are taking care of her treatment. It is a chronic disease, lasting for the entire human life from its imposition. It is associated with the spread of Western lifestyles: urbanization, population growth and age, stress and social factors, poor eating habits, obesity, and low mobility. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, massage, blood presure, glucose. The object of investigation: massage on individuals with diabetes The purpose of investigation: to explore massage on individuals with diabetes The tasks: 1) To analyze the type of diabetes and the course. 2) Summarize massage on individuals with diabetes mellitus. 3) To investigate the effect of massage on blood pressure and sugar level in individuals with diabetes mellitus. The study was conducted at the University of Lithuania sport. The study included nine women and one man with diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Massage is all human functions and systems. Massage in humans with diabetes provides many benefits, but they are very similar to the overall benefits of massage. Massage lowers blood pressure, stimulates sugar uptake in muscles, improves insulin cash register functions, increases efficiency, improves blood and lymph tissues. Massage also lowers blood sugar levels.

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