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In Dialogue with ClayEriksson, Malin Ida January 2020 (has links)
This paper is about my relationship to the material clay, and how it has affected my creative process. In this text I argue that clay is a material with human properties. I think of my practice as a dialogue between me and the material, an exchange rather than a monologue. This is how I picture clay as my main partner for discussing the deeper questions of what it is to be human, how clay as material can stand as metaphor for what it is to be living. I argue that clay has the poetic strength to communicate these questions of life of a more existential nature. Through the argument of clay being a material with human properties, I reason that a practice in materiality is a study of empathy since we spend much time with our materials to fully grasp how they behave. I firmly believe that this world is in need of an empathic movement, and I think that the field of craft has the possibility to be part of that movement. I see practitioners within the field of craft as practitioners of the sometimes irrational, emotional and indescribable parts of life. As researchers of the more existential qualities of life, I believe that we are important voices in a society that is getting more focused on rationality. With some help from writers, practitioners and philosophers within and outside the field of craft, I reason around the following research question: Can a material based practice stand as lodestar in todays society, to show empathy towards each other as beings as well as our surroundings?
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Den första digitala medarbetaren : En Actor-Network Theory-studie i en omsorgsförvaltningStålhand, Henrik, Davoodi, Matin January 2020 (has links)
Det har visat sig att det finns en viss oro för vad den ökade robotiseringen kommer att innebära, samtidigt som robotiseringens utsträckning skiljer sig mellan branscher. Denna ANT-studie behandlar införandet av en robot i en omsorgsförvaltning. Av detta följer att verksamheten genomgår någon form av förändring, varefter vi ämnat skapa en förståelse för de okända konsekvenser som följer. Studien har även sin utgångspunkt i HRI och antropomorfisering, som givit perspektiv på olika former av aktörskap och deras interaktioner. Studien är till sin natur kvalitativ och har präglats av en abduktiv arbetsprocess, samtidigt som ANT-perspektivet även har haft implikationer på det ontologiska och epistemologiska ställningstagandet. Det empiriska materialet presenteras i form av ett narrativ uppdelat i tre episoder som är berättat av roboten Matilda. Det har visat sig att Matilda har varit en central materialitet för de associeringar som sammanför aktörerna i nätverket, men att hennes införande även medfört nätverkseffekter. Vi kan med säkerhet påstå att effekterna är dynamiska och att de först blir framträdande med tiden. Detta ger ett cirkulärt samband, där idéer förändras och avlöser varandra. / It has been shown that there is some concern about what the increased robotization will mean, while the extent of robotization differs between industries. This ANT study deals with the introduction of a robot into a Public Care Department. This is followed by the notion that the organization will undergo some kind of change, after which we intend to create an understanding of the unknown consequences that follow. The study also has its outset in HRI and anthropomorphism, which have given perspectives on different forms of actors and their interactions. The study is by nature qualitative and has been characterized by an abductive work process, while the ANT perspective has also had implications for the ontological and epistemological positions. The empirical material is presented in the form of a narrative, divided into three episodes told by Matilda the robot. It appears that Matilda has been a central materiality for the associations that connect the actors in the network, but that her introduction also has brought network effects. We can say with certainty that the effects are dynamic and that they only become prominent over time. This provides a circular relationship, where ideas change and replace each other.
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"...om man typ sitter och ritar så får man väl sitta hur man vill" : En undersökning av hur stolen kan förstås i relation till kropp inom en bildpedagogisk kontext / "...if you're like, sitting down drawing, I guess you could sit however you want" : A study on how the chair can be understood in relation to bodies within the education of visual artsPersson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Under min utbildning har tankar kring elevers placering i klassrummet ofta lyfts. Visualiserar jag dessa tankar ser jag framför mig en spelplan där läraren frenetiskt flyttar runt elever likt spelpjäser. Spelplanen – klassrummet – kan här ses som något passivt som fylls med mening av mänskliga aktörer – lärare och elever. Jag vill dock i denna studie närma mig en bildpedagogisk kontext utifrån ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv, där den fysiska omgivningen förstås som medskapande aktör i människors meningsskapande processer. Jag väljer därför att undersöka relationen mellan stol och kropp inom en bildpedagogisk kontext; både gymnasieelevers relation till stolar i en bildsal, samt min egen kropps relation till den röda karaktäristiska Konstfacksstolen. Studien görs i syfte att undersöka hur stolen kan förstås i relation till gymnasieelevers skapande i en bildsal, samt att tillsammans med eleverna synliggöra och utforska deras relation till stolen som materialitet. Studien blir relevant för det bildpedagogiska fältet då elevers skapande i bildsalen enligt mig ofta görs i relation till stolar. Studiens frågeställningar är Hur kan stolen förstås som konstituerande fenomen inom en bildpedagogisk kontext?; Hur kan stolen förstås som performativ aktör i tillblivelseprocesser inom en bildpedagogisk kontext?; samt Hur kan stolen förstås som orientering och materialiserad norm inom en bildpedagogisk kontext?. Undersökningen genomförs på en gymnasieskola där empiri insamlas genom: en deltagande observation, en deltagande observation där bildsalens förutsättningar modifieras, en semistrukturerad intervju med elever, samt en workshop där eleverna undersöker stolar utifrån olika påståenden och fotodokumenterar resultatet. Bilderna används sedan vid en bildelicitering. I undersökningens gestaltande del undersöker jag hur jag kan förkroppsliga elevernas utforskande strategier och koreograferar mitt varande med Konstfacksstolen genom att rikta vår relation mot det-ännu-icke-artikulerade. I undersökningen finner jag att stolen utifrån en posthumanistisk ingång kan förstås som aktör i relation till kropp inom en bildpedagogisk kontext, samt att stolen som del av fenomen oavsett bruk av mänskliga aktörer kan förstås som något som orienterar och materialiserar kroppar. Undersökningen kommuniceras genom en uppsats samt visas i Konstfacks digitala vårutställnings online-katalog. En tryckt katalog publiceras även i samband med utställningen.
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Tištěné nezávislé magazíny v post-digitální době / Printed Independent Magazines in Post-Digital AgeTeplý, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Printed Independent Magazines in Post-Digital Age tries to discover the motivation of editors-in-chief/art directors for creating a printed, independent magazine in Central Europe and at the same time how these magazines are influenced by post-digital trends. It uses a qualitative method of Grounded Theory based on data from semi-structured interviews. In the practical part of the research, nine authors from Austria, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary were approached. From the total number of respondents, data was obtained from seven of them. In the theoretical part, the work is focused on the history of independent print, in terms of technological changes in the printing field and it defines the term "printed independent magazine". The main contribution of the work is a mapping of the Central European independent magazine scene, which has not been thoroughly examined in any academic work yet. The text puts this scene in the international context, and it points out the certain specifics which are associated with Central Europe.
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Stávání se lékařem/lékařkou z pohledu antropoložky / Becoming a doctor from the viewpoint of anthropologistRebendová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This paper is about a process of a nascency of new doctors, and how it is possible to approach this topic from the viewpoint of social anthropologist. As a starting point, I use actor-network theory, which is one of the social science paradigms focusing on materiality. I consider it (on the basis of work by Bruno Latour and other scholars, who are dealing with this field), to be a remarkable actor in matters connected with human action, and thus an appropriate subject for an anthropological inquiry. Since the topic concerns medicine in the Czech Republic nowadays, I contribute to the knowledge of medical anthropology, which does not have such a strong academic base here as in the Anglo-Saxon world. Special attention is dedicated to a detailed description of activities leading to the formation of the text of this thesis. Reflexivity, on which I put emphasis, shall serve as the foundation of the context of genesis of an anthropological knowledge and also to describe the ethical concerns of the research. The main methods are observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews with twelve informants, who were medicine students or medicine faculty graduates.
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Animated Memories : A case study of the animated documentary 'Saydnaya – Inside a Syrian Torture Prison' (2016) and its potential within social memoryScheuermann, Melina January 2019 (has links)
Through its ability to create images of non-representable incidents animation expands the range and depth of what documentary can represent and how. This master thesis investigates the potential of animated documentary within social memory exemplified by the interactive animated documentary Saydnaya – Inside a Syrian Torture Prison (Forensic Architecture, 2016). By applying a feminist spatial approach, I aim to contribute to the understanding of the role of animated documentary images within social memory.Embodied and haptic spectatorship as well as haptic materiality are crucial in this case study due to the nature of the virtual screen images and interactive navigation (compared to montage) of the architectural 3D model. Testimonies and evidence presented in documentary film require a discursive establishment of truth. Indexicality is discussed in this regard and eventually a theoretical shift towards movement suggested. I demonstrate that Saydnaya extends the strategies in animated documentary that have been in focus so far, such as representing mental states and subjective experiences, by deploying methods of forensic aesthetics. This opens up novel ways to establish truth claims and persuasion in documentary filmmaking that require future research.
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Metaphrastic materiality : the typographic archive of Ezra Pound and Susan Howe / La matérialité métaphrastique : l’archive typographique d’Ezra Pound et de Susan HowePaschall, Steven 29 June 2018 (has links)
En rapport avec la tradition du poète-historien du vingtième siècle, la poétique documentaire pratiquée par Ezra Pound et Susan Howe de manières distinctes mais liées sert de base à une étude de la matérialité complexe au sein du processus compositionnel des deux écrivains. Fondée sur les matériaux d'archives des deux séquences, une analyse détaillée des « Malatesta Cantos » de Pound et de « Marginalia de Melville » de Howe permet une réflexion sur le développement de la transformation typographique dans le domaine de la poésie. Tout au long de cette critique, Steven Paschall aborde les processus de la signification de la matérialité en parallèle aux conceptions et expériences Poundiennes et Howiennes de l'archive historique et de la production littéraire. Pour Pound l'interprétation du quattrocento et de la saga de Sigismond Malatesta, et pour Howe celle des notes marginales et des ébauches manuscrites, a mené à la composition des poèmes innovateurs qui, à partir des sources textuelles, redéfinissent les idées conventionnelles de l'historiographie et de la pratique interprétative poétique au moyen des techniques structurelles et formelles. En examinant les opérations de l'appropriation littéraire, de la révision du langage écrit et de la page visuo-spatiale, Paschall avance un lien généalogique entre la matérialité archivistique du « poème contenant l'histoire » de Pound et les expériences visuelles d'articulation effectuées dans les reconfigurations palimpsestiques de Howe. / Set against the tradition of the 20th-century poet-historian, the documentary poetics practiced in distinct yet related ways by Ezra Pound and Susan Howe serves as the basis of this study's investigation of the complex materiality underpinning each writer's compositional process. Pound's "Malatesta Cantos" and Howe's "Melville's Marginalia" are the focus of detailed analysis specifically grounded in the archival materials for each sequence in order to explore the development of typographic metaphrasis. Throughout this critical work, Steven Paschall sets the processes of materiality's signification in parallel to Pound and Howe's conceptions of, and engagements with, the historical archive and literary production. Pound's reading of the quattrocento and the saga of Sigismondo Malatesta, and Howe's reading of marginalia and manuscript drafts, resulted in unique source-based poems, the structural and formal techniques of which redefine conventional notions of historiography and interpretative poetic practice. In addressing the mechanics of literary appropriation, editing written language, and the visio-spatial page, Paschall asserts a genealogical thread between the archival materiality of Pound's "poem containing history" and the visual experiments in articulation of Howe's palimpsestic reconfigurations thereof.
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MIZENÍ A CHYBĚNÍ / MISSING AND DISAPPEARINGLanger, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work documents the author's interest in drawing and is based on the mental background of his artistic creation. The work is guided by the interest in the physical conditions of the drawing itself (materiality of the drawing), but also in the study of drawing as a fluid material of artistic creation, entering into the relationship with the image (drawing as a material). At the same time it deals with the process of creation itself and the phenomenon of repetition. The primary goal of the whole work is not the deliberate laying of pre-formulated questions and the subsequent search for their answers, the presentation of some finished truths, or the mere illustration of a certain issue, but rather the process of finding questions that emerge during the process of creation itself.
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Beyond Materiality: The Self and the Malleable Body in Alyse Knorr's Copper Mother and Dalton Day's Exit, PursuedTore, Micaela Ann 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Tištěné nezávislé magazíny v post-digitální době / Printed Independent Magazines in Post-Digital AgeTeplý, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Printed Independent Magazines in Post-Digital Age tries to discover the motivation of editors-in-chief/art directors for creating a printed, independent magazine in Central Europe and at the same time how these magazines are influenced by post-digital trends. It uses a qualitative method of Grounded Theory based on data from semi-structured interviews. In the practical part of the research, nine authors from Austria, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary were approached. From the total number of respondents, data was obtained from seven of them. In the theoretical part, the work is focused on the history of independent print, in terms of technological changes in the printing field and it defines the term "printed independent magazine". The main contribution of the work is a mapping of the Central European independent magazine scene, which has not been thoroughly examined in any academic work yet. The text puts this scene in the international context, and it points out the certain specifics which are associated with Central Europe.
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