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Lägesrapport för integrerad rapportering : En kartläggning av 14 stora svenska företagAndersen, Caroline, Eneqvist, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare hållbarhetsredovisning anses ha problem med frånkoppling av finansiella och icke-finansiella strategier, vilket IR avser att lösa. Studier som gjorts visar att IR implementerats oproportionerligt, samt att rapporter som benämns som integrerade, påvisat låg IR-nivå. En möjlig förklaring är dålig förståelse av detta förhållandevis nya begrepp. Stora skillnader i IR-nivå gör det svårt att få en tydlig bild av den faktiska implementeringen av IR. Syftet för denna studie är att kartlägga IR-nivån bland stora svenska företag som benämnt sina årsredovisningar som integrerade, samt att ge praktiska exempel utifrån IR-ramverket. Slutligen används legitimitetsteorin och greenwashing för att förklara resultatet. Metod: Studiens process har varit abduktiv, och en kvalititativ strategi har anammats. Designen för studien är tvärsnitt. Empirin har samlats in genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 svenska företags årsredovisningar, valda genom ett målstyrt urval. Därefter har data insamlats och analyserats med hjälp av ett kodningsschema som i sin tur har utgått från den normativa referensramen. Datan har sedan presenterats i tabell, samt narrativt. Resultat och slutsats: Studien har visat att de undersökta företagen påvisar en ojämn IR-nivå, där företagen lyckats bäst inom strategiskt fokus och framtidsorientering, medan en lägre nivå uppnås inom väsentlighet och kopplingar mellan information. Detta kan bero på otillräcklig spridning av IR-ramverket och/eller greenwashing. Kartläggningen visar därmed att de flesta rapporter snarare är blandade än integrerade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att fånga upp huruvida omvandlingsfunktionen är en del av företagens IR, föreslås en kvalitativ fallstudie av enstaka företag. Vidare hade det varit intressant att göra en longitudinell studie för att se hur företagens IR-nivå förändras över tid. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens viktigaste bidrag är att genom kartläggningen ge praktiska exempel för företag att beakta, samt att fylla kunskapsgapet som finns kring implementering av IR i svenska företag. / Aim: Sustainability reporting is considered to have problems with a disconnection of financial and non-financial strategies, which IR intends to solve. Previous studies show that IR has been implemented disproportionately, and that the reports referred to as integrated, demonstrated a low IR-level. A possible explanation is a poor understanding of the relatively new concept. Large differences in the IR-level makes it difficult to get a clear picture of the actual implementation of IR. The purpose of this study is to identify the IR-level of large Swedish companies who self-declared their reports as integrated, and to provide practical examples on the basis of the IR framework. Finally, legitimacy theory and greenwashing is used to explain the results. Method: The process of the study has been abductive, and a qualitative strategy has been adopted. The design of the study is cross-sectional. The empirical data were collected through qualitative content analysis of 14 Swedish companies’ annual reports, selected through a purposive sample. Subsequently, data was acquired and analyzed using a coding frame, based on the normative framework. The data have been presented in tables and in narratives. Result & Conclusions: The study has shown that the companies indicate an uneven IR level, where companies have been most successful in strategic focus and future orientation, while a lower level is achieved within materiality and connectivity of information. This may be due to inadequate diffusion of the IR framework and/or due to greenwashing. The mapping thus shows that most reports are mixed rather than integrated. Suggestions for future research: To capture whether the transformation function is part of the companies’ IR, a qualitative case study of individual companies is proposed. Furthermore, a longitudinal study to see how the companies IR-level changes over time would be interesting. Contribution of the thesis: The most important contribution of the study is that the mapping provides practical examples for companies to consider, as well as filling the knowledge gap existing regarding the implementation of IR in Swedish companies.
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Music, dances, and videos : identity making and the cosmopolitan imagination in the southern PhilippinesCanuday, Jose Jowel January 2013 (has links)
This ethnography examines the processes in which rooted but overlapping forms of cosmopolitan engagements implicate the Tausug imagination of collectivity. It investigates Tausug expression of connection and belonging as they find themselves entangled into global cultural flow and caught up in the state and secessionist politics of attachment. Utilising methodological and theoretical approaches engendered by visual and material anthropology, the ethnography locates rooted cosmopolitan imagination in the works and lives of creative but marginalised and often silenced Tausug cultural agents engaged in street-based production, circulation, and consumption of popular music and dance videos on compact discs. The ethnography follows these cosmopolitan expressions as they are being imagined, embodied, reproduced, and shared by and across Tausug communities in the Zamboanga peninsula, the Sulu archipelago, and beyond through the digital spaces of the internet and cross-border flow of the videos. How the translocality of imaginaries reflected on the videos play out in everyday life and the broader politics of representation are demonstrated here as vital to the understanding of Tausug imagined community as an open, flexible, and dynamically engaging Muslim society despite long-standing political turbulence and economic uncertainty in their midst. Saliently, the thesis argues that Tausug cosmopolitanism cannot be reduced into a phenomenon driven by the expansive currents of Western-led globalisation. Rather, Tausug cosmopolitanism constitutes both continuity of and departure from past forms of translocal connections of Zamboanga and Sulu, which as a region was once integrated to a pre-colonial Southeast Asian emporium and continually through varying ways of connectedness. Old and new global processes come into play in shaping the everyday production of Tausug imaginaries inevitably rendering Tausug identity formation as a trajectory rather than an unchanging fact of being. Drawing from the Tausug ethnographic experience, the thesis contends that rooted cosmopolitanism does not necessarily constitute a singular condition but rather a contested and distinctively multifaceted phenomenon.
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Queera livslopp : Att leva och åldras som lhbtq-person i en heteronormativ värld / Queer lines : Living and ageing as an LGBTQ person in a heteronormative worldSiverskog, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i äldre lhbtq-personers livsberättelser för att undersöka erfarenheter och betydelser av att leva och åldras som lesbisk, homosexuell, bisexuell, transperson eller queer. Äldre lhbtq-personer har levt och åldrats i tider där könsidentiteter och sexualiteter som går på tvärs med heteronormativiteten har varit kriminaliserade, patologiserade och många gånger framstått som avvikande. Samtidigt är äldre lhbtq-personers erfarenheter förbisedda inom forskningen, då gerontologin ofta utgår från heteronormativa antaganden samtidigt som lhbtq-forskningen sällan fokuserar på åldrande eller hög ålder. Avhandlingen bygger på livsberättelseintervjuer med tjugo personer födda mellan 1922 och 1950 (62-88 år vid tiden för intervjuerna). Det empiriska materialet har analyserats och tolkats med tematisk analys som metod samt med ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av kritisk gerontologi, feministisk teori samt queerteori. Analysen pekar mot hur personernas erfarenheter relaterar till tidsanda och rumsliga kontexter. Den visar hur kön, ålder och sexualitet flätas samman i heteronormativa föreställningar kring hur livet ska se ut. Att avvika från dessa normer genom att inte leva upp till binära könsnormer eller inte ingå i heterosexuella äktenskap och skaffa barn kan ge stora sociala och materiella konsekvenser under livet. Det kan handla om att behöva smyga, dölja, bli socialt förskjuten, diskriminerad eller utsatt för våld. Trots dessa förutsättningar visar analysen hur personerna orienterat sig mot andra sätt att leva där ens könsidentitet och sexualitet kan få plats. Berättelserna pekar mot de betydelser som relationer, sociala nätverk samt lhbtq-sammanhang haft, där grupper, föreningar och träffställen som skapats över tid gjort det möjligt att finna andra livsmöjligheter. Berättelserna om att åldras påminner i stor utsträckning om andras erfarenheter av åldrande, men blir i några avseenden specifika för lhbtq-personer. Det kan handla om att inse att en åldrande kropp sätter stopp för den transvård en önskar få, eller oro för att bli homo- eller transfobiskt bemött inom äldreomsorgen. Resultaten pekar mot vikten av att lyfta in kritiska förhållningssätt på kön och sexualitet i gerontologin och livsloppsstudier. De visar också vikten av att inkludera materialitet i förståelser av den åldrande kroppen. Avhandlingen bidrar till en historieskrivning av lhbtq-historia i en svensk kontext. Den utgör också en teoretisk brygga mellan gerontologi, feministisk teori samt queerteori och bidrar till mer komplexa förståelser av intersektioner mellan kön, åldrande och sexualitet inom dessa fält. / This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and 1950, 62-88 years old at the time of the interviews. Older LGBTQ-identified people have experienced tremendous changes in how gender identities and sexualities have been re-negotiated during their lifetimes. Even though there is a small but growing field of LGBTQ ageing studies, queer studies rarely problematizes age or ageing. At the same time, the gerontological field often assumes heterosexuality and cis-gender experiences. This dissertation uses a life course perspective and focuses on queer lines, life courses that move beyond the heteronormative expectations of how one should live one’s life in relation to gender identity and/or sexuality. The overarching aim of the study is to explore experiences and meanings of living and ageing as LGBTQ in a changing heteronormative world. Thematic analysis is used to analyse and interpret the empirical material. The theoretical framework in this study refers to critical gerontology, feminist theory and queer theory. The analysis points to how experiences of gender identity and sexuality relate to historical and geographical contexts, and change over time. It illustrates how gender, age and sexuality intersect with heteronormative expectations of what a life is supposed to be like. To not live up to these expectations by not adjusting to binary gender norms or not getting married and having children may have large social as well as material consequences. These include having to hide one’s gender identity or sexuality, being socially repudiated and discriminated against or being subject to physical violence. Despite these conditions, the interviewees have oriented toward other lines - other ways of living where there is room for their gender identities and sexualities. The interviews point to the significance of social relations, networks and LGBTQ communities. LGBTQ groups and meeting places that have been created over time have facilitated in finding these other lines. Most of the narratives on ageing are similar to those of other people the same age, but there are also narratives that are specific to LGBTQ experiences. For some the ageing body has ruled out the possibility of undergoing transgender-specific surgeries. Others are worried about encountering homophobic or transphobic treatment when in need of care. The results point to the importance of including critical approaches of gender and sexuality within gerontology and life course studies, and to including materiality when theorizing the ageing body. The dissertation also constitutes a theoretical bridge between gerontology, feminist theory and queer theory and contributes to more complex understandings of intersections between age, gender and sexuality to these fields.
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The Social Roles of Buildings : An Account of Materiality and Meaning in Urban OutcomesDean, Lauren January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation explores the roles of buildings in urban social life. Buildings, as both a methodological tool and a research site, are valuable for understanding society. As a method, buildings allow access to various urban contexts. As a research site, the material and the social are integrated, where buildings and society are shown in continual construction. The overarching case shows how a new building type is born in a society and what buildings do, as both materiality and meaning, to help bring about outcomes. The study follows a single building type through history and analytical levels in the city of Santiago, Chile where three empirical studies emerge. The first traces a process of late 19th century urbanization to show the entrance of new residential building types into a city and how the physical and social landscape is reshaped in the process, emphasizing how one urban form emerges and is defined. Intercontinental connections bring new architecture and new language, stabilizing the link between form and name in the city. The resulting spectrum of buildings within the type shows how the diversity of residents shapes material outcomes. As the new buildings become fixed in the urban landscape, so too do social categories. How buildings change definitions both between and within societies, as well as start to take on meanings, is explored. Once definitions and form are established, the following studies explore the roles of the buildings in contemporary urban life. Photos analysis is employed to examine uses of shared space (a patio) in a residential building where buildings are theorized as material structures that contribute to patterned activities. It addresses how the building creates opportunities for observed everyday uses of private collective space. Using published comparison cases demonstrates that practices appear to differ between buildings of the same type when income of residents differs. It is hypothesized that opportunity is created not by the existence of the space per se, but by its gated enclosure, which separates the public street from the private space. The building is understood as a bound that simultaneously fosters interaction and exclusion. In addition, activities in these spaces, over time, contribute to new cultural understandings of the building type, showing how use can generate meaning. The last empirical study examines the reuse of residential buildings for commercial purposes in one neighborhood. The goal is to illuminate roles buildings play in contemporary neighborhood transformations. Rather than understanding transformation through reuse itself, modes of material conversions are examined. The differences between older conversions and newer ones in the area highlight the role of visible characteristics in the newly reused buildings. The material maintenance of residential facades on new conversions locks in the visual of a residential neighborhood, where intended function is built into form, even under commercial reuse. This is valuable in line with a constructed narrative about the place that focuses on the past. The building type under investigation is further redefined as reused buildings take on visual and spatial similarities to housing models from a past era that were not involved in changes in the neighborhood, but appear as if they were. This study relies on participant observation and analysis of marketing materials, as well as other documentary sources.
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Authenticity and the commodity : physical music media and the independent music marketplaceBowsher, Andrew John January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the circulation of physical music media (78rpm records, LPs, CDs, tape) in the independent music marketplace. It is based on six months of ethnographic fieldwork in Austin, Texas, amongst the producers of goods for the independent marketplace, independent music stores and consumers of these goods and services. Against prevailing constructivist interpretations, I will argue for the value of authenticity as an analytical anthropological concept because it unites what my research participants value about materiality, technology, and marketplace relationships. In the independent marketplace for physical music media, authenticity is a multi-local, multi-vocal phenomenon. A nexus of economic rationales, design, reproduction-technologies, histories and personal conduct interact in an ongoing process that authenticates music commodities and their marketplace. This means that particular commodities are sought out over others on account of the multi-local authenticities they anchor. The thesis firstly demonstrates how the independent music scene safeguards claims to authentic identities by constructing an opposition to the mainstream, drawing on discourses of ethical production and consumption, sound technologies, spaces of consumption and cultural production. Secondly, I will uncover how physical music media and sound-reproduction technologies are assessed as effective providers of authentic musical reproductions according to their historical contingencies and performative material capacities. Thirdly, I develop the notion of the scene (Shank 1994) from its previously genre-fixed perspective to encompass multiple musical styles operating within a common social network of producers, retailers and collectors. The pluralistic scene I describe utilises multiple musical genres and nuanced notions of materiality and authenticity to establish their complex hierarchy of sonic and technological experiences.
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The Dragons in your DreamsWalther, Jacquelyn 09 May 2012 (has links)
What if every craving that you ever felt stayed with you forever? Suppose facades couldn’t exist, and what should only be the deepest, densest core of a desire was formed into a mass, a body. Its will matching yours in its physical presence. I make creatures that are embodiments of emotions. In this study I mainly focus on desires and inhibitions surrounding romance. I explore anatomical structures and how material make-up can directly reflect emotional character. In this exploration, the materiality of clay allows for a thorough manipulation of the composition of the creatures. In this I am also able to manipulate the material properties of clay to reflect states of existential discomfort, pushing the limits of material structure and stability. The final presentation of these creatures are as specimens of inhibitions, drawing in the viewer with empathy and repulsion as a fantastic other.
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Le Verre de Charlemagne : rencontres méditerranéennesGuérin, Florie 11 1900 (has links)
« Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal ». / Le Verre dit de Charlemagne se trouve aujourd'hui au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chartres et provenait du trésor de l'église de la Madeleine de Châteaudun. Ce verre émaillé vient originalement de Syrie et date de la fin du 12e ou du début du 13e siècle; son pied en cuivre doré a été ajouté vers la fin du 13e siècle, cette fois-ci en France. Cet objet et d’autres vases similaires qui ont tous circulé entre l'Orient et l'Occident au Moyen Âge ont joué un rôle riche et complexe dans les relations historiques de l’époque.
La présente recherche a pour but de retracer son itinéraire à travers le temps et l’espace afin de démontrer l'importance de considérer le Verre de Charlemagne à partir de sa double identité, de naissance et d'adoption. Nous voulons déterminer quels furent les moyens et les raisons mis en place pour l'intégration du verre dans son nouvel environnement. Pour cela, il faut d’abord revenir sur l'histoire et le procédé de création de la verrerie émaillée dorée, trouver les origines du Verre de Charlemagne et formuler des hypothèses quant à son arrivée en France. Cette étude se penchera également sur le concept de la christianisation en analysant les processus de métamorphose que vivent certains objets orientaux. Afin d'illustrer notre propos, le Verre de Charlemagne sera mis en relation avec des verres et des objets au parcours similaire. / The so-called ‘Cup of Charlemagne,’ today in the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Chartres, was kept for centuries in the treasury of the nearby church of the Madeleine de Châteaudun. The enamelled and gilt glass can be dated and localized to Syria at the end of the twelfth or beginning of the thirteenth century; its gilt copper base was added towards the end of the thirteenth century, in France. A number of gilt and enamelled glasses similarly circulated around the Mediterranean during this period, and the roles these objects played in forging relationships between East and West are here demonstrated to be various and complex.
The current project thus aims to retrace the journey taken by the Cup of Charlemagne across continents and across the centuries, with the aim of demonstrating the importance of the object’s double identity as a product of both East and West. Thus, the means by which the Syrian glass was integrated into its new use context in France will be given particular attention. The origin and technique of enamelled and gilded glass in general will first be treated, then the creation of the Cup of Charlemagne in particular, before turning to the historical context for the transfer of this astonishingly fragile glass across the Mediterranean. The study will probe the ‘Christianisation’ of such Islamic objects, and will treat the various metamorphoses they withstood once having reached Western Europe. A variety of other enamelled glasses that similarly reached Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries will be considered alongside the Cup of Charlemagne to enrich and flesh out its history.
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Lagstadgad granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter : Hur skapar revisorn komfort i granskningsprocessen? / Statutory assurance of sustainability reports : How is comfort created in the assurance process?Horn, Johanna, Nilsson, Lina January 2019 (has links)
I Sveriges Riksdag togs år 2016 ett beslut om lagändring som tvingar stora företag att lämna hållbarhetsrapporter och att låta företagets revisor granska rapporten. Det nya området som revisorer ställs inför, att granska hållbarhetsrapporter enlig lag, är ett outvecklat område där revisorer har lite erfarenhet. En revisor kan aldrig granska all information som företagen presenterar i sina rapporter och därför kan revisorn först anses klar med sin revision när han eller hon känner sig komfortabel. Ett tillstånd av komfort grundar sig i individens känsla för när han eller hon är klar med sin granskning. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för vad det är som gör en revisor komfortabel i sin lagstadgade granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter. För att uppfylla syftet har vi valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning, i form av intervjuer och en kompletterande dokumentstudie, som grundar sig på en abduktiv analysstrategi. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har vi valt att använda oss av Carrington och Catasús (2007) studie om revision som komfort samt begreppen: revisorsprofessionen och granskningsprocessen. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att revisorer till stor del uppnår komfort i granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter genom att samarbeta med kollegor eller hållbarhetsspecialister. Revisorerna har generellt interna dokument att följa vilket gör att de tydligt vet när de kan känna sig klara och komfortabla med sin granskning. Antalet revisorer som utför denna typ av granskning är begränsat och därför finns det behov av mer forskning på detta område i framtiden när mer erfarenhet av lagstadgad granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter finns hos revisorsprofessionen. / In the Swedish Parliament, in the year of 2016, a decision was made to amend the law, which forces large companies to submit sustainability reports and forces the company's auditor to review the report. The new area that auditors are faced with, to assure sustainability reports according to law, is an undeveloped area where auditors have little experience. An auditor can never review all information presented by the companies in their reports, and therefore the auditor can first be considered ready with the audit when he or she feels comfortable. A state of comfort is based on the individual's sense of when he or she is finished with his review. The purpose of this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of what makes auditors comfortable in their assurance of sustainability reports. To fulfill the purpose, we have chosen to do a qualitative study, in the form of interviews and a document study, which is based on an abductive analysis strategy. As a starting point, we chose chose to use Carrington and Catasús (2007) study of audit as comfort as well as the concepts: the audit profession and the assurance process. The result of this study shows, among other things, that auditors largely achieve comfort in reviewing sustainability reports by collaborating and taking the help of their colleagues or sustainability specialists. The auditors generally have internal documents to follow, which means that they clearly know when they can feel comfortable with their review. The number of auditors performing this type of review is limited and therefore there is a need for more research when the auditors have collected more experience in the area of statutory assurance of sustainability reports
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Os espaços experimentais das escolas públicas de arquitetura do Brasil: realidade ou utopia? / The experimental workspaces in public schools of architecture in Brazil: reality or utopia?Laverde, Albenise 23 June 2017 (has links)
Esta tese está inserida no debate sobre a utilização da experimentação construtiva ao longo da concepção da materialidade e seu papel como recurso pedagógico. Trata mais especificamente, dos espaços e práticas experimentais no contexto acadêmico nacional, objetivando compreender o processo de configuração dos espaços da área técnico-construtiva implantados nas escolas públicas de arquitetura de acordo com as particularidades advindas de diferentes contextos do país, das políticas educacionais e das ações dos atores envolvidos, com a identificação das condições essenciais para que estas práticas sejam implantadas e potencializadas no contexto acadêmico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisas documentais e por meio de visitas técnicas realizadas em 21 escolas públicas de arquitetura localizadas em diferentes regiões do país, com entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores que atualmente estão à frente da área da Tecnologia da Construção. O trabalho trouxe contribuições de ordem teórica a partir da sistematização de uma bibliografia abrangente sobre um tema pouco estudado no contexto nacional. Quanto às contribuições de ordem prática, os dados obtidos nas visitas técnicas possibilitaram contextualizar os desafios enfrentados no ensino da Tecnologia da Construção, que não se resumem ao arranjo físico laboratorial, mas a uma dimensão mais ampla, abrangendo aspectos político-educacionais, estruturais e sócio-econômicos e também, questões de fundo, como as relações interpessoais e burocráticas. Estes resultados permitiram identificar as condições consideradas como essenciais na (re)formulação de estratégias voltadas à área da Tecnologia da Construção e sua infraestrutura, de maneira que as experiências existentes possam ser potencializadas e novas implantações tenham maior respaldo técnico de acordo com as particularidades contextuais. / This thesis is inserted in the debate about the use of experimentation in building along with the conception of materiality and its role as pedagogical resource. It approaches, more specifically, the experimental workspaces and practices in the Brazilian academic context. It aims to understand the process of shaping the workspaces of the technology and construction fields established in public schools of architecture according to the singularities from different contexts of the country, educational policies and activities of the actors involved, identifying the essential conditions for those practices to be implemented and strengthened in the academic context. The work was developed based on documentary research and through technical visits in 21 public schools of architecture located in different regions of the country, with interviews directed to the main actors who are currently in charge of the field of Technology of Construction. In relation to the practical contributions, the data obtained in the technical visits made it possible to contextualize the challenges faced in the education of Technology of Construction. These challenges are not limited to the physical arrangement of the laboratory; they embrace a broader dimension, covering education politics, structural and socioeconomic aspects and, still, background issues such as interpersonal relations and bureaucracy. These results enabled the identification of conditions considered essential in the (re) formulation of strategies directed to the field of Technology of Construction and its infrastructure, so that the existing experiences can be strengthened and new applications can have a greater technical support according to the contextual singularities.
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Impactos e desafios da construção civil brasileira para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / Impacts and challenges of the brazilian civil construction for the Sustainable Development GoalsFerreira, Tamiris Capellaro 23 August 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento sustentável tem sido um grande desafio global e as empresas têm grande participação nesse processo, uma vez que movimentam a economia e geram empregos, consomem matérias-primas e poluem o meio ambiente. As grandes corporações são as que causam os maiores danos, mas podem contribuir para alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e suas prioridades globais. A indústria da construção civil, especificamente, desempenha importante papel econômico e é responsável por um consumo significativo de recursos naturais e por um impacto ambiental bastante expressivo. Coibidas por pressões externas, de regulamentações, investidores e outras partes interessadas, as empresas do setor da construção civil têm feito seu relato de sustentabilidade de acordo com o modelo da Global Reporting Iniciative (GRI), que incentiva as empresas a definirem quais questões relativas à sustentabilidade são mais relevantes para sua cadeia de valor, por meio do princípio de \"materialidade\". O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar como a construção civil brasileira impacta positiva ou negativamente os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), considerando os segmentos das construtoras, fábricas e cimenteiras. Um grupo de empresas representantes da construção civil brasileira foi selecionado para o estudo, que se dividiu em três etapas, sendo a primeira uma revisão sistemática de literatura a respeito dos impactos do setor da construção civil; a segunda uma análise de dados secundários, que são os relatórios de sustentabilidade das empresas estudadas; e a terceira uma etapa de entrevistas com especialistas do setor da construção civil. Na segunda etapa, com base nas matrizes individuais das empresas, foram elaboradas matrizes de materialidade unificadas para os segmentos do setor. Elas foram, então, validadas pelos especialistas da construção civil e comparadas com os dados encontrados na revisão sistemática de literatura. Após a validação das matrizes, conseguiu-se uma relação dos ODS que são impactados positiva ou negativamente pelos principais aspectos materiais do setor. Identificou-se que os principais ODS impactados positivamente são os de número 3, 4, 8 e 9; e os principais ODS impactados negativamente são os ODS 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 e 16. Isso indica que apenas 4, dentre os 17 ODS não são diretamente impactados pelos aspectos materiais do setor da construção civil brasileira. Sendo assim, foram feitas sugestões para mitigação dos impactos causados que incluem, principalmente, medidas governamentais, em relação à regulamentação e fiscalização; e empresariais, a respeito do modelo de gestão. Tendo como base o Guia SDG Compass, as empresas poderão desenvolver uma estratégia de gestão que tenha o propósito de colocar a sustentabilidade no centro da estratégia empresarial. Desta forma, as empresas poderão desenvolver um modelo de gestão voltado para o futuro e para o alcance dos ODS e, assim, melhorar o diálogo entre todas as partes interessadas. Além disso, este trabalho agrega conhecimento teórico ao avançar na exploração da literatura e da pesquisa sobre os ODS, uma vez que eles, tendo sido lançados no final de 2015, ainda se tratam de um campo recente de pesquisa. O trabalho também avança no delineamento do panorama em que o setor de construção civil brasileiro se encontra frente à sustentabilidade organizacional, aos relatos de sustentabilidade com base nas diretrizes da GRI e ao desenvolvimento de matrizes de materialidade. / Sustainable development has been a major global challenge and companies have a strong stake in this process as they move the economy and generate jobs, consume raw materials and pollute the environment. Large corporations are the ones causing the greatest damage, but they can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and their global priorities. The construction industry, specifically, plays an important economic role and is responsible for a significant consumption of natural resources and a very significant environmental impact. Constrained by external pressures, regulations, investors and other stakeholders, companies in the construction industry have made their sustainability report according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) model, which encourages companies to define which issues are more relevant to their value chain, it is the principle of \"materiality\". The main objective of this work was to identify how Brazilian civil construction positively or negatively impacts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), considering the segments of construction companies, factories and cement companies. A group of companies representing Brazilian civil construction was selected for the study, which was divided into three stages, the first being a systematic review of the literature on the impacts of the civil construction sector; the second an analysis of secondary data, which are the sustainability reports of the companies studied; and the third a stage of interviews with specialists in the construction industry. In the second stage, based on the individual corporate matrices, unified materiality matrices were elaborated for the segments of the industry. They were then validated by construction specialists and compared with the data found in the systematic literature review. After the validation of the matrices, it could be made a list of the SDG that are positively or negatively impacted by the main material aspects of the sector. It was identified that the main positively impacted SDG are those of numbers 3, 4, 8 and 9; and the main SDG negatively impacted are SDG 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16. This indicates that only 4 of the 17 SDG are not directly impacted by the material aspects of the Brazilian construction industry. Thus, suggestions were made to mitigate the impacts caused, which mainly include governmental measures, in relation to regulation and inspection; and business, regarding the management model. Based on the SDG Compass Guide, companies can develop a management strategy that aims to put sustainability at the center of business strategy. In this way, companies will be able to develop a future-oriented management model and to achieve the SDG and thus improve the dialogue among all stakeholders. In addition, this work adds theoretical knowledge in advancing the exploration of literature and SDG research, since they were launched at the end of 2015 and are still a recent field of research. The work also advances in the outline of the scenario in which the Brazilian civil construction sector faces organizational sustainability, sustainability reports based on GRI guidelines and the development of materiality matrices.
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