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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration of IDM Car Following Model with Evolutionary Algorithm

Yang, Zhimin 11 January 2024 (has links)
Car following (CF) behaviour modelling has made significant progress in both traffic engi-neering and traffic psychology during recent decades. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been demonstrated to optimise traffic flow and increase traffic stability. Consequently, sever-al car-following models have been proposed based on various car following criteria, leading to a range of model parameter sets. In traffic engineering, Intelligent Driving Model (IDM) are commonly used as microscopic traffic flow models to simulate a single vehicle's behav-iour on a road. Observational data can be employed to parameter calibrate IDM models, which enhances their practicality for real-world applications. As a result, the calibration of model parameters is crucial in traffic simulation research and typically involves solving an optimization problem. Within the given context, the Nelder-Mead(NM)algorithm, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA) are utilized in this study for parameterizing the IDM model, using abundant trajectory data from five different road conditions. The study further examines the effects of various algorithms on the IDM model in different road sections, providing useful insights for traffic simulation and optimization.:Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION 1 1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE WORK 3 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK 4 2.1 CAR-FOLLOWING MODELS 4 2.1.1 General Motors model and Gazis-Herman-Rothery model 5 2.1.2 Optimal velocity model and extended models 6 2.1.3 Safety distance or collision avoidance models 7 2.1.4 Physiology-psychology models 8 2.1.5 Intelligent Driver model 10 2.2 CALIBRATION OF CAR-FOLLOWING MODEL 12 2.2.1 Statistical Methods 13 2.2.2 Optimization Algorithms 14 2.3 TRAJECTORY DATA 21 2.3.1 Requirements of Experimental Data 22 2.3.2 Data Collection Techniques 22 2.3.3 Collected Experimental Data 24 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS 28 3.1 CALIBRATION PROCESS 28 3.1.1 Objective Function 29 3.1.2 Errors Analysis 30 3.2 SOFTWARE AND METHODOLOGY 30 3.3 NM RESULTS 30 3.4 PSO RESULTS 37 3.4.1 PSO Calibrator 37 3.4.2 PSO Results 44 3.5 GA RESULTS 51 3.6 OPTIMIZATION PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 58 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION 60 REFERENCES 62

Représentation de solution en optimisation continue, multi-objectif et applications / Representation of solution in continuous and multi-objectif of optimization with applications

Zidani, Hafid 26 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal le développement de nouveaux algorithmes globaux pour la résolution de problèmes d’optimisation mono et multi-objectif, en se basant sur des formules de représentation ayant la tâche principale de générer des points initiaux appartenant à une zone proche du minimum globale. Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle approche appelée RFNM est proposée et testée sur plusieurs fonctions non linéaires, non différentiables et multimodales. D’autre part, une extension à la dimension infinie a été établie en proposant une démarche pour la recherche du minimum global. Par ailleurs, plusieurs problèmes de conception mécanique, à caractère aléatoire, ont été considérés et résolus en utilisant cette approche, avec amélioration de la méthode multi-objectif NNC. Enfin, une contribution à l'optimisation multi-objectif par une nouvelle approche a été proposée. Elle permet de générer un nombre suffisant de points pour représenter la solution optimale de Pareto. / The main objective of this work is to develop new global algorithms to solve single and multi-objective optimization problems, based on the representation formulas with the main task to generate initial points belonging to an area close to the global minimum. In this context, a new approach called RFNM is proposed and tested on several nonlinear, non-differentiable and multimodal finctions. On the other hand, an extension to the infinite dimension was established by proposing an approach for finding the global minimum. Moreover,several random mechanical design problems were considered and resolved using this approach, and improving the NNC multi-objective method. Finally, a new multi-objective optimization method called RSMO is presented. It solves the multi-objective optimization problems by generating a sufficient number o fpoints in the Pareto front.

Registrace ultrazvukových sekvencí s využitím evolučních algoritmů / Image registration of ultrasound sequences using evolutionary algorithms

Hnízdilová, Bohdana January 2021 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the registration of ultrasound sequences using evolutionary algorithms. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the process of image registration and its optimalization using genetic and metaheuristic algorithms. The thesis also presents problems that may occur during the registration of ultrasonographic images and various approaches to their registration. In the practical part of the work, several optimization methods for the registration of a number of sequences were implemented and compared.

Socialtjänstens utmaningar i mötet med minoritetsgrupper : – En kvalitativ studie om muslimska kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten. / The challenges of the social services in the meetings with minority groups : – A qualitative study of muslim women's lived experience of the social service.

Athahb, Anwahr January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences and treatment of Muslim women in their encounters with the social services. The primal themes for this study was: How does Muslim women experience the treatment of their case in the social services in a situation of need? How can the encounter and experience with the social services affect the clients trust in the social services?  What is the ideal treatment of women with a Muslim identity by the social services? The aim of this study was to investigate and capture the respondents lived perceptions and experiences with the social services, and thus the qualitative interview methodology was implemented to answer the research questions and hypotheses. Seven interviews with Muslim women were conducted in various districts of Stockholm, a city in northern Sweden. Five of the respondents were of ethnic Swedish origin and two were of other ethic origin. The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced a negative response at least once when in contact with the social services. Respondents emphasize that the unsafe and insecure meeting with the social worker was due to a non-verbal body language which they experience as an indication of preconceived notions about Muslim women, which is particularly experienced and described by the respondents with the Islamic headscarf. The trust in the social services decline in connection with the negative reflection of the respondents. However, the lived experiences with the social worker and the social services have not all been of a negative nature. The suggested ideal is also taken from the respondents own lived experiences with the social services.  A pervasive and consistent ideal is that the respondents want to be listened to, understood and respected for who they are as well as empowered rather than suppressed.  Key words: treatment, attitudes, Muslim women, social services, symbolic interactionism, trust, reliance (confidence) ideal, Rothstein, Mead, structural discrimination.   Nyckelord: bemötande, muslimska kvinnor, socialtjänsten, symbolisk interaktionism, tillit, förtroende, ideal, Rothstein, Mead, strukturell diskriminering.

Habermas 論社會化與溝通行動:對 Mead,Durkheim 及 Parsons 的詮釋

柯勝文, KE,SHENG-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
當代德國社會學理論家 Jurgen Habermas在其「溝通行動理論」一書中,檢視西方社 會的理化過程,發現在現代社會中,因為系統力量的不當膨賬而導致生活世界之溝通 脈絡受操縱媒介控制,因而扭曲了語意的面貌,並且產生「生活世界殖民化」的病態 現象。他認為要扭轉此一病態發展,唯有寄望於溝通行動的開展。 本篇論文主要將針對 Habermas 在「溝通行動理論」下卷中,對 Mead 、Durkheim 、 Parsons 等人的討論進行再詮釋,試圖由其中了解生活世界與系統之關係、溝通理性 理性與功能主意理性之區別。並且討論溝通行動之三方面:社會化、社會整合及文化 再製,藉以了解溝通行動之動態過程,最後建構-由個人(自我)到社會的分析架構 以明瞭 Habermas溝通行動理論的貢獻及其限制。

Perspektivets socialpsykologiska grund : En uppsats om perspektivets framträdande, gränser och variation i en social kontext

Redving, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att perspektivet utgör en psykosocial länk mellan individ och omvärld. Med grund i Henry Montgomerys perspektivmodell, som bland annat framhåller hur fakta och värderingar är intimt förbundna i social perception, förs ett resonemang kring perspektivets socialpsykologiska förankring i mellanmänskliga sammanhang. Modellens element subjekt, objekt och mental position diskuteras systematiskt utifrån George Herbert Meads perspektivteoretiska ansats samt Alan Page Fiskes socialitetsteori. Syftet är främst att visa på perspektivets deskriptiva och evaluativa konstitution, dess sociala grund och kontextberoende. Tanken är att Meads resonemang fungerar som en formell teoretisk grund för subjektet och dennes kommunikativt grundade intersubjektivitet, genom perspektivtagandet via symbolbruk och den generaliserade andra, emedan Fiskes ansats tar fasta på en bestämd social differentiering genom socialitetsformer vilket i sig utgör fundamentet för värderingars sociala förankring samt människors socialitet i en mer substantiell mening. Teorierna ses som komplementära genom sina universella anspråk och diskussionen mynnar slutligen ut i begreppet socialitetsperspektiv utifrån en social differentiering av den generaliserade andra. Tyngdpunkten ligger här på subjektet som aktör och tanken är att var gång ett socialt perspektiv intas inom ramen för den generaliserade andra så görs det alltid utifrån någon av socialitetsformerna som var och en dessutom antas utgöra perspektivets gräns och variation. Inom ramen för en mellanmänsklig kontext antas därför alltid subjektet uppfatta ett objekt utifrån en bestämd mental social position, ett bestämt socialitetsperspektiv, i social handling och att individens sociala jag fyller en avgörande funktion i en sådan kontextbunden perception. Perspektivframträdandet diskuteras slutligen med grund i Montgomerys perspektivansats och Joop van der Pligts tre attributionsteoretiska slutsatser om hur interna och externa orsaksfaktorer kan korrelera med deskriptiva och evaluativa aspekter i en social kontext. Resonemanget pekar på så vis ut specifika tendenser till att ett visst perspektiv intas till förmån för ett annat beroende på interna och externa orsaker i ett mellanmänskligt sammanhang.

Strike Fever: Labor Unrest, Civil Rights and the Left in Atlanta, 1972

Waugh-Benton, Monica 03 August 2006 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide a history of African American working class and Leftist activism in Atlanta, Georgia during the early 1970s. It places a series of wildcat strikes within the context of political and social transition, and charges unequal economic conditions and a racially charged discriminatory environment as primary causes. The legacies of both the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left are identified as key contributing factors to this wave of labor unrest. One path taken by former Civil Right activists was to focus on poor peoples’ movements, and one course taken by the 1960s-era New Left activists was to join forces with the working class in an attempt to build a New Communist movement. In Atlanta, these two forces converged and generated a notable force against some of city’s most prominent employers.

Représentation de solution en optimisation continue, multi-objectif et applications

Zidani, Hafid 26 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal le développement de nouveaux algorithmes globaux pour la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation mono et multi-objectif, en se basant sur des formules de représentation ayant la tâche principale de générer des points initiaux appartenant à une zone proche du minimum globale. Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle approche appelée RFNM est proposée et testée sur plusieurs fonctions non linéaires, non différentiables et multimodales. D'autre part, une extension à la dimension infinie a été établie en proposant une démarche pour la recherche du minimum global. Par ailleurs, plusieurs problèmes de conception mécanique, à caractère aléatoire, ont été considérés et résolus en utilisant cette approche, avec amélioration de la méthode multi-objectif NNC. Enfin, une contribution à l'optimisation multi-objectif par une nouvelle approche a été proposée. Elle permet de générer un nombre suffisant de points pour représenter la solution optimale de Pareto.


林純英, Lin, Chwen-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探究鄉土教育中應具備的教育性思維,凸顯以學習者為主要關懷的教育精神所在。蓋民國七十六年解嚴之後,以重視台灣主體性為主要訴求的鄉土教育逐漸受到重視;甚至在民國八十年代形成討論的高峰,官方亦將「鄉土教學活動」與「認識台灣」正式納入國民教育課程中。然而,在政治意識型態的爭辯中,教育的焦點被模糊了;鄉土教育在政治角力中成為企圖主導學習者認同(identification)的手段。在此背景下,研究者源於對學習主體性的關心,首先探究台灣鄉土教育由被貶抑到普獲重視的過程中,前後影響自我認同(self-identity)的諸多背景因素(包括政治、經濟、教育、社會文化等)。並從相關教育思想(以自然主義、存在主義、批判教育學為主),深化正向「自我認同」在鄉土教育中的核心地位。進一步以米德(G. H. Mead)、哈伯瑪斯(J. Habermas)之社會學理論的探討,瞭解自我認同的基礎條件、歷程、危機、機制與影響,以建構對鄉土教育完整性的理解。希望在「過度政治化」與「忽視符號問題」的兩極論述外,補充兼具微觀基礎與鉅觀批判的、具理論完整性的論述。 本研究共分五章,第一章緒論外,第二章分析台灣鄉土教育的潮流。茲分四節,「大中國主義式教育的反動」不僅在內容上爭取台灣主體性的教育,更在制度上反對中央集權式的教育模式。「族群文化的追求」同樣以建立正面健康、具有尊嚴的的自我認同為目標。但除了政治、文化霸權的操控外,族群文化尚受到經濟結構轉變與流行文化的影響。「疏離生活世界的反省」指出了台灣人對於歷史意義斷裂、人際關係疏離與教育活動僵化的檢討;政、經批判之外,尤其展開功利主義的省思。欲重新在傳統精神中、人際互動裡及鄉野自然的懷抱下,拾回作為一個與鄉土緊密聯繫的、完整的「人」。「共同體的呼籲」則強調團結實踐、投入鄉土的重要,與多元鄉土間和平共處的理想。但在政治、經濟、社會等諸多問題牽扯的背後,四個面向應有其一致的教育關懷,即「自我認同」的議題。尤其在實際運作上,主體仍岌岌可危,顯見一般對鄉土教育真正的認識尚有不足。 第三章以「自然主義的關心」、「存在主義的關懷」與「批判教育學的關切」等教育哲學的角度,思考鄉土教育的有機性,使之更具意義與生產性。並以此基礎提出鄉土教育與自我認同的相關性,包括: 一、 危機中的主體 二、 鄉土教育應肯定每一個體 三、 鄉土教育是自我認同的基礎 四、 鄉土教育激發主體能動性 五、 鄉土教育強化自我與社會的聯繫 六、 鄉土教育培養個體對自我與鄉土的責任 七、 異質相處的共同體問題 本章並分析以米德與哈伯瑪斯學說做為自我認同理論探究的幾點後設認知。 第四章以米德的符號互動論為基礎,輔以哈伯瑪斯對於結構性問題的批判。第一節「自我的起源」:米德反對傳統的意識哲學,分析自我形成的社會性,其基礎在於人類可藉「姿勢互動」(gesture interaction)並「自我反省、參照」的能力,達成「主我」(I)與「客我」(Me)的對話。第二節「自我認同的發展」:米德以為自我認同的歷程在於「掌握更廣共同體的態度」。指出在互動經驗中,學習了「角色扮演」或「角色取替」(play a role or role-taking)的能力,並在遊戲的階段(game stage)掌握了「概化他人」(generalized others)的概念,因而瞭解自我在社會中的位置而完成了自我的觀念。米德認為自我認同是「主、客我統合」。哈伯瑪斯則強調自我的個別性,主張超越僵化「角色認同」(role identity)的「自我認同」(ego identity)。其實,米德的角色認同是活化而開放的概念,但其理論缺乏對結構性力量的批判,未分析「概化他人」中的宰制因素及其傷害自尊的深層意義。所以第三節「認同的危機與轉機」:先談米德對於「符號」此聯繫與創造媒介的主張。再以哈伯瑪斯對「生活世界的殖民化」分析,指出(一)自我認同相關趣向(interests)的萎縮,及(二)符號扭曲與無意義感等自我認同的危機。此危機與「合法化危機」(legitimation crisis)及「動機機制危機」(motivation crisis)息息相關。故要恢復健全而隨境互動的自我認同機制,除了個人層面的「自我反省」與實踐外,尚須在制度面上建立理想的溝通機制。第四節「溝通行動與共同體」:米德認為「理想的社會」有兩個條件,(一)是創造性個體的充分表達;(二)是被其他成員所理解。故米德認為溝通(communication)是人類的理想,能協助社會的進步與個人的成長。哈伯瑪斯的溝通行動理論不僅得力於米德對生活面的互動、活動的關注,更進一步以其「理想社會」的特徵,建構溝通行動與論辯的條件。其中,集體認同必須建立在「互為主體性」(intersubjectivity)的尊重,允許不同意見與立場在開放的溝通空間中彼此參與。米德認為,我們必須選擇讓人類「一體感」的凝聚力導向於「溝通互動」,而非內部團結卻對外暴力相向的非理性運作。至於溝通的結果與共識,米德反對教條式的宣稱,如同所言「We don’t know where we are going, but we know we are on the way.」 第五章「結論」,第一節以理論所得,從歷史的角度詮釋與反省台灣鄉土教育中自我認同議題。第二節則以理論的角度,試圖描繪鄉土教育中應有的思維與考量,使自我認同的教育更具周延性。研究結果如下: 一、 關於認同的基礎與界線:確切、獨特與無限的時空 二、 關於自我認同的機制:個別化「符號」與「互動」兼顧 三、 關於批判:兼及「系統」與「生活世界」的反省與重建 四、 關於他者與共同體:多元並存也力求溝通 五、 自我認同與鄉土認同的永恆辯證 六、 自我肯定、共創願景的鄉土教育 最後第三節以「歷史與理論的交會」,談鄉土教育問題和相關論述的發展脈絡,及與本研究的關係。並分析鄉土教育由熱烈討論到逐漸沈澱的過程。希望鄉土教育一詞的熱潮消退之後,教育對自我認同的基礎仍能持續關心與重視。讓鄉土教育最初的關懷:學習者主體性的追求,能夠落實。

Diferentes métodos de aglutinação para melhoria de processos com múltiplas respostas / Different agglutination methods for optmize a process whit multiple responses

Gomes, Fabrício Maciel [UNESP] 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by FABRÍCIO MACIEL GOMES null (fabricio@dequi.eel.usp.br) on 2016-01-04T00:06:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Fabricio_Maciel_Gomes.pdf: 1836829 bytes, checksum: 3ec7860a9d87ebfeaef21b25dc157d25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-01-06T16:12:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gomes_fm_dr_guara.pdf: 1836829 bytes, checksum: 3ec7860a9d87ebfeaef21b25dc157d25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-06T16:12:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gomes_fm_dr_guara.pdf: 1836829 bytes, checksum: 3ec7860a9d87ebfeaef21b25dc157d25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / Empresas não medem esforços para aperfeiçoar seus processos e produtos de acordo com diferentes critérios para satisfazer as exigências e necessidades dos clientes em busca de um padrão de competitividade superior ao de suas concorrentes. Neste cenário é muito comum a necessidade de se estabelecer condições que resultem na melhoria de mais de um critério de forma simultânea. Neste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação da utilização de quatro métodos que utilizam as Meta-heurísticas Recozimento Simulado, Algoritmo Genético, Recozimento Simulado combinado com o método Nelder Mead Simplex e algoritmo genético combinado com o método Nelde-Mead simplex para o estabelecimento de melhoria das condições de processos com múltiplas respostas. Para a avaliação dos métodos propostos foram utilizados problemas-teste criteriosamente selecionados na literatura de forma a serem analisados casos com diferente número de variáveis, número de respostas e tipos de resposta. A aglutinação das respostas foi realizada por quatro métodos diferentes: Desirability, Desvio Médio Percentual, Programação por Compromisso e Programação por Compromisso normalizada pela distância euclidiana. A avaliação dos métodos foi realizada por meio de comparação entre os resultados obtidos na utilização de um mesmo método de aglutinação, determinando assim a eficiência do método de busca. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação dos métodos sugerem a aplicação do método do algoritmo genético quando se pretende estabelecer parâmetros que resultem na melhoria de processos com múltiplas respostas, em particular quando essas respostas são modeladas por equações com termos cúbicos, independentemente do número de termos que possam conter, do tipo de respostas e do número de variáveis. / Companies go to great lengths to improve its processes and products according to different criteria to meet the demands and needs of customers looking for a higher standard of competitiveness to that of their competitors. This scenario is very common the need to establish conditions that result in the improvement of more than one criterion simultaneously. This work was carried out an evaluation of the use of four methods that use Metaheuristics Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing combined with the Nelder Mead Simplex method and genetic algorithm combined with Nelde Mead simplex method for the improvement of establishing the conditions of processes with multiple answers. For the evaluation of the proposed test methods were used in the literature problems carefully selected in order to be analyzed cases with different numbers of variables, response numbers and types of responses. In this research we used the average percentage deviation function as a way to bring together the answers. The agglutination of the answers was performed by four different methods: Desirability, Average Percentage Deviation, Compromise Programming and Compromise Programming normalized by Euclidean distance. The evaluation method was performed by comparison between the results obtained in using the same bonding method, thereby determining the efficiency of the search method. The results obtained in the evaluation of the methods suggest the application of the genetic algorithm method when you want to set parameters that result in the improvement of processes with multiple answers, particularly when these responses are modeled by equations with cubic terms, regardless of the number of terms that can contain the type of responses and the number of variables.

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