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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett branschperspektiv: normbrytning och stereotyper i reklam / A bransch perspective: breaking the norm and using stereotypes in advertising

Appelgren, Caroline, Olsson, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
På grund av stor konkurrens är det svårt att skapa reklam som fångar uppmärksamhet. Det finns olika verktyg för nå igenom mediaflödet. I den här studien undersöks orsaker och konsekvenser till användning av normbrytande- och stereotypisk kommunikation. Konsekvenser har tidigare studerats ur ett beteendevetarperspektiv. Studierna visar att reklam påverkar samhällets normer. Marknadskommunikativa orsaker tas inte upp och därför behövs en analys som lyfter fram för- och nackdelar ur reklambranschens perspektiv. Det förklarar varför stereotyper används och ger branschens intryck av konsekvenserna i att bryta eller förstärka normer. Den här studien har gjorts för att öka medvetenheten hos yrkesverksamma kommunikatörer. Datainsamling har gjorts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sju yrkesverksamma kommunikatörer. Två reklamfilmer användes som diskussionsunderlag vid intervjuerna. Intervjuerna övergick sedan i mer allmänna frågor kring stereotyper, normer och normbrytande, informanterna fick reflektera över upplevda orsaker och konsekvenser. Slutsatser som kunnat dras från studien är att både normbrytning och stereotyper kan vara ett sätt att synas i dagens mediaflöde. Reklam är väldigt kundstyrt eftersom det är beställaren som tar störst risker med sitt varumärke och sin investering. Kommunikatörerna anser att deras största ansvar är gentemot beställaren. Stereotyper anses vara den säkra vägen. De identifieras snabbt och mycket slipper förklaras. I snabb kommunikation tar de inte onödig uppmärksamhet från budskapet. En nackdel med stereotyper är att de är opersonliga. De sticker inte ut ur mängden och reklamen glöms snabbt bort. En ytterligare nackdel med stereotyper anses vara att de påverkar samhället genom att förstärka fördomar och könsroller. Normbrytande reklam sticker ut och blir ihågkommen, vilket är en stor konkurrensfördel. Det kan också vara ett verktyg för ett långsiktigt identitetsskapande som skapar en målgruppsgemenskap och ett starkt varumärke. Normbrytning kan även påverka samhället genom att öka acceptans. En oro kring konsekvenserna av normbrytning leder till en försiktighet, både hos byråer och beställare. Risken är att få dålig publicitet och skada varumärket om det görs på del sätt. Det kan också göra kommunikationen otydlig och överskugga företagets produkt. Majoriteten av informanterna finner normbrytande reklam sällan förekommande. De upplever att de yngre generationerna har en större öppenhet och att normbrytning därför är vanligare i reklam riktad till ungdomar.

Menstrual cups - a sustainable way to achieve economic benefits in Kenya : How to empower women in a society with only small measures / Menskoppar - ett hållbart sätt att uppnå ekonomisk lönsamhet i Kenya : Att stärka kvinnor i ett samhälle med enbart små medel

Baars, Cajsa, Tapper, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is based on a field study conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, and intends to elucidate the systematic crimes against humanity that the inability to handle menstruation properly causes every day. Women who live under poor circumstances and lack access to basic needs, such as sanitary facilities and running water are the ones who suffer the most. Menstruating women are victims of not only physical and mental abuse, but also the stigma and neglect pervading the subject. This leads to the exclusion of women, both in school and at work, which in turn causes negative economic effects for the whole society. Besides elucidating the substantial economic and health consequences that menstruation can result in, the purpose of the thesis is to examine the market conditions in Nairobi and suggest sustainable solutions for menstrual cups. The menstrual cup is a durable product that might improve the situation for both women and the society, because of its suitable features. The study focuses on the informal settlements of Nairobi, and the purpose is not to examine other informal settlements or rural areas in Kenya.  This is a qualitative study, primarily based on a field study, profound interviews, as well as a limited survey. To achieve the purpose, we have tried to answer questions concerning the fundamental conditions for the current market of menstrual cups; the conditions for an increase in demand; and what a well-functioning structure for the menstrual cup would be. Besides answering these research questions, the methods were necessary in order to get an understanding of the conditions in Nairobi. The interview respondents represent both the consumers and the producers, with the purpose of getting a wider perspective regarding the market conditions. The questionnaire targeted the parents and caretakers, whom are the economic decision makers in the households. The aim was to get a comprehension about the life situations and economic conditions characterising the informal settlements, but also to get a general idea about the attitude towards the menstrual cup, since the product is rather unfamiliar.  The current market structure is characterised by charity organisations who distribute the menstrual cups for free. Their main concept is to educate young girls and secure a better future for them by securing the supply of menstrual management products. The study has shown the biggest challenge to overcome is the inability to pay, however, the result shows there are different possible solutions for producers and distributors to approach the market of menstrual cups. Instalments, price discrimination, Multi-Level Marketing, governmental subsidies and sponsoring from global organisations are some of the proposed strategies discussed in this thesis.  A sustainable market solution is necessary to utilise the positive externalities that emerges from menstrual cup usage, and satisfy the need for good quality menstrual management products in Nairobi in the long run. Today, because the cup usage is low, the positive externalities are lost, resulting in deadweight losses.  In conclusion, there are several possible market strategies for both incumbents and potential new entrants. The study has also found that menstrual health does not get enough recognition by neither national authorities, nor global actors, like the United Nations. This matter needs to be acknowledged in order to improve the conditions for millions of women suffering from menstrual related problems today.

Výchovně léčebné přístupy v terapeutické komunitě Magdaléna / Educational-therapeutic Approaches to Addiction at the therapeutic community "Magdaléna"

Matějů, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
TITLE: Educational-therapeutic Approaches to Addiction at the therapeutic community "Magdaléna" AUTHOR: Bc. Zuzana Matějů DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaedDr. Šotolová Eva, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to analyse the educational therapeutic approach in the therapeutic communities, especially those which are provided in Magdalena's community. The thesis consists of two parts- the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the therapeutic community connected with drugs Abuse and Addiction. The thesis briefly describes the history of the therapeutic communities all over the world and also the situation in the Czech Republic and the last part consists of the various targets and means of particular therapies. In terms of the practical part is to map the way of living of the TK Magdalena's clients - the way of life before joining Magdalena's community, reasons for their motivation for treatment and expectations of clients from the treatment process, through their own perceptions. A qualitative research shows something what connects all Magdalena's clients: it is mainly the way of percerving themselves and their own lives in various views. Key words: therapeutic community, history of therapeutic communities, aims and mens of treatment in...

MENs Doped Adhesive and Influence on Fracture Toughness

Yang, Kao Z 31 March 2016 (has links)
Composites are in high demand; however, fasteners are often required for joining process and can reduce their advantages. One solution is adhesive bonding, but uncertainty exists regarding long term durability and the ability to interrogate bonds noninvasively. One potential solution to qualify bond integrity over its service life is to dope an adhesive with magneto-electric nanoparticles (MENs). MENs can yield output magnetic signatures that are influenced by bond quality and damage state. In this study, adhesives have been doped with MENs prior to bonding at 1% volume concentration. For optimum implementation, this health monitoring system should be evaluated for effects of the MENs on the mechanical properties. Lap-shear testing was conducted to assess changes in the bond strength from addition of the nanoparticles. End-notched flexure (ENF) tests were also conducted for fracture mechanism evaluation. Results showed an increase of 12% in shear strength as a function of MENs loading concentration. In addition, a feasibility study of output magnetic signature as a function of elevated temperature and humidity were evaluated for MENs doped and un-doped adhesives. Results gave an order of magnitude change in magnetic signal as a function of exposure time.

Žena jako protivník: manifestace sexismu v časopise Maxim / Woman as an opponent: manifestations of sexism in magazine Maxim

Viktorinová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The central question of this diploma thesis is, whether sexisms is a commonplace phenomenon of our society, how does this phenomenon appears in our public discourse of present-day society and how can we identify it. The diploma thesis searches the answers for this question mainly in theories of radical feminism, which are part of the second feministic wave, in present theories concerning sexism and patriarchy, in present theories about mens` lifestyle magazines and in an empirical research. Radical feminism` theories specify the manifestations of sexism. The current theories unfold the strategies through which is sexism ventilated. The empirical research then includes an analysis of Czech lifestyle magazine for men Maxim, specifically the analysis of 23 articles selected from one complete volume of this magazine, specifically 2012. The method of coding according to Strauss and Corbin was chosen as the key method. Based on the scope of this method (the selective coding part) the central category was identified and named as Women as an opponent. Its characterization and dimensional scales (in form of variable strategies) were defined as well. Key words Sexism, gender, gender order, discourse, patriarchy, mens` lifestyle magazines, Maxim, irony, axial and selective coding.

"Att lämna en våldsam man är det farligaste en kvinna kan göra" : En kritisk idé- och ideologianalys av Aftonbladet och Expressens nyhetsartiklar kring fall där kvinnor dödats av sin dåvarande eller före detta manliga partner.

Hagberg Andersson, Maja, Carlsson Taylor, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
I denna idé- och ideologianalys har vi studerat hur Aftonbladet och Expressen framställer fall där kvinnor dödats av en man de var eller har varit i en partnerrelation med. Detta med syfte att analysera hur denna typ av brottslighet porträtteras i dessa svenska nyhetsmedier och se kopplingar mellan gestaltningen och rådande maktstrukturer och attityder. Vi har utgått från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt och genusteoretiskt perspektiv där vi undersökt hur dessa artiklar porträtterar aktörerna och gärningen, samt hur detta kan kopplas till samhällets maktstrukturer och attityder. Vi har funnit att denna typ av nyhetsrapportering har starka drag av det patriarkala samhället där kvinnor underordnas män och framställs som de som bör ta ansvar för relationen. Vi ser även att män i flera fall inte fördöms för sina handlingar utan att skulden indirekt förskjuts till kvinnan. Vi menar att ett skifte av attityden i framställningen hos Aftonbladet och Expressen krävs för att en förändring i maktstrukturen och de rådande normerna ska kunna börja ske.

De l'homme extérieur à l'homme intérieur : l'anthropologie spirituelle de saint Jean Cassien / From the outer man to the inner man : the spiritual anthropology of Saint John Cassian

Petre, Florin Ciprian 15 February 2019 (has links)
Le champ disciplinaire dans lequel s’inscrit cette recherche est la théologie patristique, et plus précisément la thèse étudie la pensée anthropologique spirituelle et théologique de saint Jean Cassien, telle qu’elle ressort de ses deux ouvrages spirituels, les Institutions cénobitiques et les Conférences. Cela conduit à s'interroger sur la place qu’occupe Cassien par rapport à la tradition monastique orientale antérieure, ainsi que sur l’influence de ses deux ouvrages sur la tradition monastique occidentale postérieure. Notre recherche a pour ambition de comprendre et d’expliquer, à partir d’une lecture analytique approfondie des textes, le fil conducteur de la vision cassinienne de la progression spirituelle de l’homme. Nous esquissons celle-ci en quatre grandes étapes : homo exterior – puritas cordis – homo interior – ignita oratio (contemplatio). Notre insistance dans l’analyse sur les diverses notions du vocabulaire spirituel cassinien vise à mettre en évidence un des aspects originaux de cet auteur pour toute la littérature monastique, à savoir la conversion du vocabulaire ascétique et monastique grec issu de la tradition égyptienne et par là la création et le développement d'une langue spirituelle latine. / The disciplinary field in which this research is conducted is patristic theology. More precisely, the thesis studies the theological and spiritual-anthropological thought of Saint John Cassian, as it emerges from his two spiritual works, Institutes of the Coenobia and Conferences. This leads us to wonder about Cassian's place in relation to the earlier Eastern monastic tradition, as well as about his two works influence on the later western monastic tradition. Our research aims to understand and explain, from an in-depth analytical reading of the texts, the thread of Cassian's vision of the spiritual progression of man. We sketch it in four main stages: homo exterior - puritas cordis - homo interior - ignita oratio (contemplatio). Our insistence in the analysis of the various notions of Cassian's spiritual vocabulary aims to highlight one of the original aspects of this author for all monastic literature, namely the conversion of the Greek ascetic and monastic vocabulary, derived from the Egyptian tradition, and thereby the creation and development of a Latin spiritual language.

Praxis pietatis as dieptedimensie van kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge

Pienaar, Jan Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n spiritualiteit te omskryf wat as die intensie en motivering vir kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge kan dien. Die handelingswetenskaplike benadering in die Praktiese Teologie word kortliks beskryf. Daar word aangetoon dat handelinge nie net eksistensiele gedrag is nie; handelinge het 'n onderliggende spiritualiteit as intensie en motivering. Verskillende perspektiewe op spiritualiteit word ondersoek. Die terme praxis pietatis word gekies om spiritualiteit te beskryf. Die skepping-herskepping tema word gebruik om 'n teologiese basis van praxis pietatis te omskryf. Die praxis is kommunikatiewe geloofshandelinge wat as intensionele konkretisering van die imperatief moontlik gemaak is deur die indikatief van God se openbaring van Homself aan die mens. Deur die pietatis word die werklikheid van God se verlossing as eksistensiele kennis, deur die geloofsinoefening van die gelowige as nuwe mens - met die hoop op die opstanding - integrerend in die daaglikse lewe toegepas. / This study intends to describe a spirituality that can function as intention and motivation for communicative faith acts. The operational scientific approach to Practical Theology is discussed briefly. It is shown that acts are not only existential behaviour but has an underlying spirituality as intention and motivation. Different perspectives on spirituality are explored and the term praxis pietatis is chosen describe spirituality. The creation-recreation theme is used to define a theological basis for praxis pietatis. The praxis is intentional communicative acts that stem from the imperative. It is made possible by the indicative of the self-revelation of God to mankind. The redemption of God as existential knowledge is made possible by the exercising of faith by the new man. Through the pietatis this knowledge is integrated into the daily life - with the eye upon the resurrection. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Die misdaad onsedelike aanranding

Du Plooy, Renita Elizabeth Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Indecent assault consists in an unlawful and intentional indecent assault which is and is intended to be indecent. There is some controversy in the case law whether the indecency is committed only by acts which are, objectively speaking indecent, against the view that even though the act is not indecent itself, may nevertheless found a conviction of indecent assault if it was the intention of the accused to act indecent and such intention was conveyed to the victim. It is submitted that the last mentioned approach is to be preferred but that the following test should be used: 1. If the act, is objectively speaking indecent and there is no doubt about the unlawfulness as well as the indecent intention of the accused, the crime of indecent assault was committed. 2. If the act is objectively speaking indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can not be proven, there is a rebuttable presumption that the accused acted with an indecent intention. Such as presumption must be rebutted b the accused himself. 3. If the act is not objectively speaking, indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can for example be proven by the accused confession to such an intention, the act became indecent. / Text in Afrikaans / Law / LL.M.

Masculinidades e cuidado: diversidade e necessidades de saúde dos homens na atenção primária / Masculinities and care: diversity and health needs of men in primary care

Figueiredo, Wagner dos Santos 22 August 2008 (has links)
Estudou-se a relação do exercício das masculinidades com o cuidado em saúde para homens na atenção primária, para se compreender como são percebidas e apreendidas as necessidades de saúde masculina nas interações entre homens e profissionais de saúde, tomando como referência a identidade masculina. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que o exercício das masculinidades pode representar riscos para a saúde dos homens e que os serviços de saúde não incorporam os referenciais culturais de masculinidades nas práticas de saúde efetivadas. Foram estudados dois serviços de atenção primária à saúde por meio de observação direta das atividades assistenciais e de entrevistas com homens usuários e profissionais de saúde. Encontrou-se uma diversidade de modelos de masculinidade que definem diferentes formas para pensar o cuidado de saúde dos homens. O estudo aponta que a identidade masculina de gênero passa por diferentes dimensões, as quais devem ser consideradas na apreensão das necessidades e nas práticas de cuidados de saúde empreendidas aos homens. No entanto, os padrões hegemônicos de gênero socialmente construídos criam dificuldades para o bom cuidado da saúde masculina. Não obstante, a população masculina procura as unidades básicas de saúde. Embora presente, percebe-se barreiras no uso desses serviços, relacionadas à invisibilidade e à não identificação dos homens com os serviços de atenção primária. Observou-se que as necessidades de saúde dos homens estão pautadas por questões como o trabalho, a sexualidade, a estrutura corporal, a vida comunitária e as relações familiares. Discute-se que as necessidades de saúde das masculinidades e suas particularidades não são acolhidas integralmente nas práticas de cuidado dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde. / This thesis studied the relation between the exercise of masculinities and health care of men in primary health care services. It consists of an attempt to comprehend how male health needs are apprehended in the interactions between men and health professionals. It was presumed that the exercise of masculinities could represent a risk to mens health and that health care services do not incorporate masculinities cultural references in effectuating health practices. Two primary health care services were studied by means of direct observation of assistential activities and interviews with men utilizing the services and health professionals. A diversity of models of masculinity that define different forms of reflecting upon mens health care was encountered. The interviews indicate that gendered masculine identity permeates different dimensions and that these dimensions should be taken into consideration when apprehending the needs and practices with respect to health care undertaken by men. The socially constructed hegemonic patterns of gender create difficulties for men to attain good health care. Nonetheless, the masculine population seeks the primary health care services for care. Although they are present, barriers related to invisibility or to the lack of identification of men with the primary health care services were perceived. This study indicates that mens health needs are regulated by issues such as work, sexuality, corporal structure, community life and family relationships. Masculinities and their needs are not entirely taken into account, as discussed, within the health care practices undertaken by the health services wherein this research was conducted.

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