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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ambiente fluvial das várzeas no espaço da metrópole: a bacia do Pirajuçara na metropolização de São Paulo / Environment of Inland Wetlands in the Metropolitan Area: Basin Pirajuçara in Metropolization of Sao Paulo

Silva, Marco Antonio Teixeira da 18 September 2009 (has links)
A Metrópole é um fenômeno em movimento. Seu processo, a metropolização, se constitui a partir de várias relações que envolvem a Natureza e a História. Esta pesquisa investiga a particularidade da apropriação do ambiente fluvial das várzeas da Bacia do Pirajuçara no processo de formação da metrópole de São Paulo. Historicamente, continuidades e descontinuidades se sucederam neste processo sob uma contradição fundamental: a afirmação da várzea como ambiente fluvial e a produção do espaço como sua negação. As intervenções nos rios e nas várzeas objetivam a metrópole sob as determinações formais do capital em geral. Tal condição cristaliza um papel muito particular deste ambiente na divisão do trabalho, fundamentalmente como espaços de circulação. Neste contexto, a relação entre a apropriação do ambiente fluvial das várzeas e a produção do espaço na metrópole se constitui numa problemática em que a catástrofe das inundações se põe como limite ao processo. A nova prática de retenção do escoamento nos reservatórios de contenção de cheias (piscinões) se objetiva nas ideologias do ambientalismo e da sustentabilidade. O que aparece como ruptura se apresenta como continuidade da apropriação das várzeas para a realização da metrópole como espaço de reprodução do valor. / The Metropolis is a phenomenon in movement. Its process, the metropolization consists of many relations involving nature and history. This research investigates the peculiar fluvial environment appropriation of the floodplains of the Pirajuçara River Basin during the formation of the metropolis of São Paulo. Historically, continuities and discontinuities have been succeeding each other in this process in a fundamental contradiction: the assertion of the floodplain as a river environment and the production of space as its negation. Interventions in rivers and wetlands in the city aim the metropolis under the formal determinations of capital in general. Such condition crystallizes a very particular role of this environment in labor division mainly as passage space. In this context, the relationship between the appropriation of the environment of river floodplains and the production of space in the metropolis composes a set of problems in which the disaster of flooding arises as the limit process. The new practice of restraining the flow with flood control reservoirs (piscinões) has its objectives in environmentalism and sustainability ideologies. What appears as disruption shows up as continuity of floodplains appropriation in order to carry out the metropolis as an area for value reproduction.

Modèles linéaires généralisés à effets aléatoires : contributions au choix de modèle et au modèle de mélange

Martinez, Marie-José 29 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude des modèles linéaires généralisés à effets aléatoires (GL2M). Dans ces modèles, sous une hypothèse de distribution normale des effets aléatoires, la vraisemblance basée sur la distribution marginale du vecteur à expliquer n'est pas, en général, calculable de façon formelle. Dans la première partie de notre travail, nous revisitons différentes méthodes d'estimation non exactes par le biais d'approximations réalisées à différents niveaux selon les raisonnements. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la mise en place de critères de sélection de modèles au sein des GL2M. Nous revenons sur deux méthodes d'estimation nécessitant la construction de modèles linéarisés et nous proposons des critères basés sur la vraisemblance marginale calculée dans le modèle linéarisé obtenu à la convergence de la procédure d'estimation. La troisième et dernière partie s'inscrit dans le cadre des modèles de mélanges de GL2M. Les composants du mélange sont définis par des GL2M et traduisent différents états possibles des individus. Dans le cadre de la loi exponentielle, nous proposons une méthode d'estimation des paramètres du mélange basée sur une linéarisation spécifique à cette loi. Nous proposons ensuite une méthode plus générale puisque s'appliquant à un mélange de GL2M quelconques. Cette méthode s'appuie sur une étape de Metropolis-Hastings pour construire un algorithme de type MCEM. Les différentes méthodes développées sont testées par simulations.

”Den sköna metropolis” : En studie om upplevelse av Berlin

Sjåstad, Julie Anne January 2010 (has links)
<p>En stad är i konstant rörelse och förändring. Staden kan handla om känslor, intryck och upplevelser. Upplevelsen av en metropolis kan vara en behaglig resa, men det kan även innebära ett mentalt slag i magen på grund av dess historia som kan vara så oerhört tragiskt och otäck att den rör dig till tårar. Eventuellt kan en stads historia även få människor att se världen med nya och mer öppna ögon. I det här fallet handlar det om en av världens metropolstäder, Berlin.</p><p>Varför är Berlin så speciellt? Staden är varken känd för sin skönhet eller bevarandet av staden. Berlin är fascinerande på det sättet att den lever, andas och när sig på konst och kultur. Det är en av de yngre europeiska huvudstäderna, men det finns ingen annan stad som har lämnat lika mycket spår och ärr efter sig. Dess byggnader och ruiner vacklar under smärtsamma minnen. Berlin förkroppsligar mycket av Europas moderna historia. Den var centrum för expressionismen i slutet av 1800-talet och under 1920-talet var staden varietéernas, kabaréscenernas, dekadensens och avantgardekulturens2 lockande metropol.</p><p>Tysklands öppna sår finns fortfarande i Berlin sedan andra världskriget. Staden hade en betydande roll under andra världskriget och blev en måltavla för de allierade länderna. Efter andra världskrigets slut delades staden mellan öst och väst och muren blev en symbol för Sovjetunionens tryck på Östeuropa. När muren föll 1989 blev det startskottet för kommunismens fall och även en nystart för Berlin.</p><p>Återföreningen av Berlin och hela Tyskland (1990) har tvingat berlinarna att fatta många beslut om vad man ska bygga och vad man ska bevara i staden. Påföljderna för att bevara eller förstöra delar av staden är djupt rotade i stadens historiska identitet. Mycket pengar lades ner för att återställa det gamla Berlins paradgator och torg ochäven för att sudda ut de gamla gränserna mellan öst och väst.</p><p>Varje epok i Berlins historia har lämnat dess egna monument, synliga och ihågkomna, planerade och oavsiktliga. Var och en av dessa epoker har gett staden en tydlig identitet, som kunglig bostad, som en industristad, som huvudstad för nazismen, som det kalla krigets slagfält och som den återförenade huvudstaden.</p><p>Berlin är en stad som måste upptäckas av varje ny generation och återupptäckas av varje äldre generation. Det är en metropolis som attraherar miljoner människor från hela världen.</p>

”Den sköna metropolis” : En studie om upplevelse av Berlin

Sjåstad, Julie Anne January 2010 (has links)
En stad är i konstant rörelse och förändring. Staden kan handla om känslor, intryck och upplevelser. Upplevelsen av en metropolis kan vara en behaglig resa, men det kan även innebära ett mentalt slag i magen på grund av dess historia som kan vara så oerhört tragiskt och otäck att den rör dig till tårar. Eventuellt kan en stads historia även få människor att se världen med nya och mer öppna ögon. I det här fallet handlar det om en av världens metropolstäder, Berlin. Varför är Berlin så speciellt? Staden är varken känd för sin skönhet eller bevarandet av staden. Berlin är fascinerande på det sättet att den lever, andas och när sig på konst och kultur. Det är en av de yngre europeiska huvudstäderna, men det finns ingen annan stad som har lämnat lika mycket spår och ärr efter sig. Dess byggnader och ruiner vacklar under smärtsamma minnen. Berlin förkroppsligar mycket av Europas moderna historia. Den var centrum för expressionismen i slutet av 1800-talet och under 1920-talet var staden varietéernas, kabaréscenernas, dekadensens och avantgardekulturens2 lockande metropol. Tysklands öppna sår finns fortfarande i Berlin sedan andra världskriget. Staden hade en betydande roll under andra världskriget och blev en måltavla för de allierade länderna. Efter andra världskrigets slut delades staden mellan öst och väst och muren blev en symbol för Sovjetunionens tryck på Östeuropa. När muren föll 1989 blev det startskottet för kommunismens fall och även en nystart för Berlin. Återföreningen av Berlin och hela Tyskland (1990) har tvingat berlinarna att fatta många beslut om vad man ska bygga och vad man ska bevara i staden. Påföljderna för att bevara eller förstöra delar av staden är djupt rotade i stadens historiska identitet. Mycket pengar lades ner för att återställa det gamla Berlins paradgator och torg ochäven för att sudda ut de gamla gränserna mellan öst och väst. Varje epok i Berlins historia har lämnat dess egna monument, synliga och ihågkomna, planerade och oavsiktliga. Var och en av dessa epoker har gett staden en tydlig identitet, som kunglig bostad, som en industristad, som huvudstad för nazismen, som det kalla krigets slagfält och som den återförenade huvudstaden. Berlin är en stad som måste upptäckas av varje ny generation och återupptäckas av varje äldre generation. Det är en metropolis som attraherar miljoner människor från hela världen.

Nanoclusters in Diluted Fe-Based Alloys Containing Vacancies, Copper and Nickel: Structure, Energetics and Thermodynamics

Al-Motasem Al-Asqalani, Ahmed Tamer 27 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The formation of nano–sized precipitates is considered to be the origin of hardening and embrittlement of ferritic steel used as structural material for pressure vessels of nuclear reactors, since these nanoclusters hinder the motion of dislocations within the grains of the polycrystalline bcc–Fe matrix. Previous investigations showed that these small precipitates are coherent and may consist of Cu, Ni, other foreign atoms, and vacancies. In this work a combination of on–lattice simulated annealing based on Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations and off–lattice relaxation by Molecular Dynamics is applied in order to determine the structure, energetics and thermodynamics of coherent clusters in bcc–Fe. The most recent interatomic potentials for Fe–Cu–Ni alloys are used. The atomic structure and the formation energy of the most stable configurations as well as their total and monomer binding energy are calculated. Atomistic simulation results show that pure (vacancy and copper) as well as mixed (vacancy-copper, copper-nickel and vacancy-copper-nickel) clusters show facets which correspond to the main crystallographic planes. Besides facets, mixed clusters exhibit a core-shell structure. In the case of v_lCu_m, a core of vacancy cluster coated with copper atoms is found. In binary Cum_Ni_n, Ni atoms cover the outer surface of copper cluster. Ternary v_lCu_mNi_n clusters show a core–shell structure with vacancies in the core coated by a shell of Cu atoms, followed by a shell of Ni atoms. It has been shown qualitatively that these core–shell structures are formed in order to minimize the interface energy between the cluster and the bcc-Fe matrix. Pure nickel consist of an agglomeration of Ni atoms at second nearest neighbor distance, whereas vacancy-nickel are formed by a vacancy cluster surrounded by a nickel agglomeration. Both types of clusters are called quasi-cluster because of their non-compact structure. The atomic configurations of quasiclusters can be understood by the peculiarities of the binding between Ni atoms and vacancies. In all clusters investigated Ni atoms may be nearest neighbors of Cu atoms but never nearest neighbors of vacancies or other Ni atoms. The structure of the clusters found in the present work is consistent with experimental observations and with results of pairwise calculations. In agreement with experimental observations and with recent results of atomic kinetic Monte Carlo simulation it is shown that the presence of Ni atoms promotes the nucleation of clusters containing vacancies and Cu. For pure vacancy and pure copper clusters an atomistic nucleation model is established, and for typical irradiation conditions the nucleation free energy and the critical size for cluster formation have been estimated. For further application in rate theory and object kinetic Monte Carlo simulations compact and physically–based fit formulae are derived from the atomistic data for the total and the monomer binding energy. The fit is based on the structure of the clusters (core-shell and quasi-cluster) and on the classical capillary model.

Public women: the representation of prostitutes in German Weimar films (1919-1933)

Hoban, Melissa Lee 15 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores the representation of prostitution in German Weimar films between 1919 and 1933. It theorizes that prostitutes are illustrated through characters who are public women. The women who step out of their homes to enter public, or who are somehow introduced to strangers without leaving their homes are public women. The public women in these films, as public women living in Germany, were in danger of being identified as prostitutes and becoming prostitutes. A woman’s public position made her vulnerable to the male sexualized gaze. The male sexualized gaze ultimately led to a woman’s prostitution. The thesis analyzes 4 films to demonstrate woman’s depiction as a prostitute. The first film, Nosferatu, depicts a seemingly virtuous woman whose husband begins to prostitute her, but ultimately she prostitutes herself in exchange for the service of a supernatural law. The film symbolically discusses social issues regarding prostitution, family life, and venereal disease. The second film, Metropolis, protects its public female character from the sexualized gaze with religion and motherhood at the beginning of the film. However, as the film progresses the main character, Maria, is unwillingly prostituted by the head of the society in exchange for a robot that looks like her. The robot employs the male sexualized gaze and her position as a prostitute to overturn society as a vagina dentata. The third and fourth films are The Blue Angel and Variety respectively. Both of these films depict women in public positions who use their sexuality for gain. These women prostitute themselves. They are not victims as Maria and Ellen are in the two previous films. The women in this chapter use their sexuality and prostitution as a way to attain agency. The women in these films I label as vagina dentata because they purposefully destroy men for their own gain. These women use public sexuality to find and engage their male prey as patrons before they emasculate them. The thesis views the women of Weimar films differently than other scholars have by making her the focus of the film and interpreting her public exposure as her gateway to prostitution.

Population SAMC, ChIP-chip Data Analysis and Beyond

Wu, Mingqi 2010 December 1900 (has links)
This dissertation research consists of two topics, population stochastics approximation Monte Carlo (Pop-SAMC) for Baysian model selection problems and ChIP-chip data analysis. The following two paragraphs give a brief introduction to each of the two topics, respectively. Although the reversible jump MCMC (RJMCMC) has the ability to traverse the space of possible models in Bayesian model selection problems, it is prone to becoming trapped into local mode, when the model space is complex. SAMC, proposed by Liang, Liu and Carroll, essentially overcomes the difficulty in dimension-jumping moves, by introducing a self-adjusting mechanism. However, this learning mechanism has not yet reached its maximum efficiency. In this dissertation, we propose a Pop-SAMC algorithm; it works on population chains of SAMC, which can provide a more efficient self-adjusting mechanism and make use of crossover operator from genetic algorithms to further increase its efficiency. Under mild conditions, the convergence of this algorithm is proved. The effectiveness of Pop-SAMC in Bayesian model selection problems is examined through a change-point identification example and a large-p linear regression variable selection example. The numerical results indicate that Pop- SAMC outperforms both the single chain SAMC and RJMCMC significantly. In the ChIP-chip data analysis study, we developed two methodologies to identify the transcription factor binding sites: Bayesian latent model and population-based test. The former models the neighboring dependence of probes by introducing a latent indicator vector; The later provides a nonparametric method for evaluation of test scores in a multiple hypothesis test by making use of population information of samples. Both methods are applied to real and simulated datasets. The numerical results indicate the Bayesian latent model can outperform the existing methods, especially when the data contain outliers, and the use of population information can significantly improve the power of multiple hypothesis tests.

Xxl, Metropolis As The Object Of Architecture

Alturk, Emre 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Beginning with its historical setting, architectural discourse conceived city as its ultimate object, as the ultimate extension of the composition: the largest building. It relentlessly aimed to link its &ldquo / pure&rdquo / object&mdash / building&mdash / to the city either by locating the two within the general processes of material production or through analogies. Yet, despite such continuity, architecture&rsquo / s relationship with the city was conceived as the projection of an internal economy onto the city and remained unilateral. Architecture operated from the small scale to the large scale, radiating its &lsquo / specificity&rsquo / through the city via building. It became obvious in the late 20th century that it was not the &lsquo / architectural specificity&rsquo / to penetrate into modern metropolis but vice versa. Being a complex agglomeration of cultural systems&mdash / including design itself&mdash / metropolitan multiplicity resists the determination of significance of built environment through the specific codes of any institutionalized practice. Acknowledging such a complex system of relationships, namely &ldquo / metropolitan non-design,&rdquo / this study offers a reassessment of &lsquo / architectural design&rsquo / within the contemporary &lsquo / metropolitan condition.&rsquo / Departing from the disjunction(s) between the significance attributed through design and its appropriation through metropolitan non-design, work at hand aims to elaborate a new mode of &lsquo / architectural intervention&rsquo / compatible with the metropolitan instability. Through a cross-examination of Rem Koolhaas&rsquo / s &lsquo / Delirious New York&rsquo / and OMA&rsquo / s &lsquo / Parc de la Villette,&rsquo / concepts such as &lsquo / program,&rsquo / &ldquo / void,&rdquo / &ldquo / Bigness&rdquo / and &lsquo / architectural scale&rsquo / will be reassessed. Moreover, the goal is to replace the conception of architecture-metropolis relationship that is formulated through a duality with one that is conceived in terms of interacting, contiguous signifying structures.


Cantarelli, Ana Paula 25 January 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In 1984, Caio Fernando Abreu created the fictional city of Passo da Guanxuma. Characterizing it as a country town, through the years, this space has assumed a very peculiar signification in the works of this author, as well as a singular location, being situated aside real cities. In this study, we propose ourselves to list the allusions to this place found through the work of Abreu, relating them and comparing them, at the same time that we try to establish a dialogue among characters, actions and space and time references related to it, composing a great open and fractionated novel, in which the analyzed texts present themselves as pieces, as fragments. To reach our goal, we divide this work in three parts. In the first part, we present the biography of the studied author and the analysis of the works that have references to the fictional city studied. In the second, we discuss some aspects of literature in the contemporaneity and do some approaches with Abreu s works, highlighting the reader s role. We also present some considerations about the displacement feeling of characters that migrated from Passo to the great metropolis, relating them with the foreigners sign. In the third, we discuss the globalizing process, the attempt of homogenization that reigns in the metropolis all around the world generating conflicts between the propositions of a universalization (act of turning something universal) and the resistance of the regional cultures, the constant changes in the panorama of big cities and, consequently, in the individuals that inhabit them. We also discuss impossibility of return, although the characters are willing for it, because that individual that have left became other in the same way that the city left behind have also changed, what turns Passo da Guanxuma an even more particular space. / Em 1984, Caio Fernando Abreu criou a cidade ficcional de Passo da Guanxuma. Caracterizado como uma cidade interiorana, esse espaço, com o passar dos anos, assumiu uma significação muito particular na obra desse escritor, bem como uma localização singular, figurando ao lado de municípios com existência real. Neste estudo, nos propomos a elencar as alusões a esse espaço encontradas ao longo da obra de Abreu, relacionandoas e comparando-as, ao mesmo tempo em que tentamos estabelecer um diálogo entre as personagens, as ações e as referências temporais e espaciais a ele relacionadas, compondo um grande romance aberto e fracionado, no qual os textos analisados apresentam-se como trechos, como fragmentos. Para alcançar nosso objetivo dividimos esse trabalho em três partes. Na primeira, apresentamos a biografia do autor estudado e a análise das obras que contêm referências à cidade ficcional estudada. Na segunda, discutimos alguns aspectos da literatura na contemporaneidade e realizamos aproximações com a obra de Abreu, destacando o papel do leitor. Também apresentamos algumas considerações sob o sentimento de deslocamento presente nas personagens que migraram do Passo rumo a grandes metrópoles, relacionando-as com o signo do estrangeiro. Na terceira, discutimos o processo globalizante, a tentativa de homogeneização que impera nas metrópoles ao redor do mundo gerando confrontos entre a proposição de uma universalização e a resistência das culturas regionais; as constantes mudanças no panorama das grandes cidades e, consequentemente, nos indivíduos que nelas habitam. Também abordamos a impossibilidade de retorno, apesar das personagens o almejarem, pois o indivíduo que partiu tornou-se outro da mesma maneira que a cidade deixada para trás também mudou, o que torna o Passo da Guanxuma um espaço ainda mais particular.

La petite fabrique de l'action éducative : ethnographie métropolitaine / Building the Local Educational Action : the Case of a Metropolitain Street-level Ethnography

Pesle, Manon 22 June 2016 (has links)
L'action éducative de la communauté d'agglomération Grenoble Alpes métropole se développe dans les quartiers défavorisés de l'agglomération, auprès des enfants et de leurs parents. La thèse analyse la fabrique quotidienne de cette politique publique, en questionnant les cadres cognitifs à l’œuvre, par l'observation des acteurs qui élaborent l'action. De prime abord, les pratiques observées donnent à voir une prépondérance de procédures de fonctionnement et d'outils et une absence de construction d'un sens politique. À partir d'une immersion au sein de l'institution métropolitaine et d'une méthodologie inductive, Manon Pesle décrypte la construction d'une vision du monde gestionnaire, celle que chaque acteur soutient pour faire fonctionner l'institution et ses instruments d'action publique dans un objectif d'efficacité. Les acteurs visent à rendre l'action réactive, rationnelle et performante. L'analyse révèle que ces principes d'action constituent une vision du monde portée et encadrée par l'institution métropolitaine, où deux matrices cognitives se développent : l'une individuelle et l'autre techniciste. Ces matrices irriguent l'institution, mais aussi les relations éducatives qui se développent avec les parents et les enfants. L'individu, qu'il soit agent métropolitain ou parent d'un enfant en difficulté d'un quartier défavorisé, est conduit à se responsabiliser face à son quotidien et à sa situation. La matrice techniciste s'ancre dans une idée de la modernité et du progrès, elle prône la croyance en l'outil dans l'efficacité et la performance. Pour autant, cette vision du monde, portée par les instruments d'action publique, n'est pas formulée et travaillée comme telle par les acteurs, fonctionnaires et élus qui, pris dans les contraintes inter-institutionnelles et politiques, l'entretiennent. Le pouvoir politique métropolitain polycentré et son leadership fondé sur la fonction de médiation ne parviennent pas à requalifier les enjeux techniques en enjeux politiques. La thèse donne à voir une politique éducative métropolitaine à qui il manque, non pas une mise en récit et en scène, mais un régime de vérité général qui soit maîtrisé par les acteurs de la métropole. / The educational policy of Grenoble Alpes Metropole (France) mainly deals with ‘educational achievement’ of the children living on the underprivileged areas. The thesis analyses the construction of this policy, by observing and questioning how people who set it up daily think and act. At first sight, we can see a supremacy of work procedures and policy instruments and a lack of political sense.From an immersion in the metropolis institution and an inductive methodology, Manon Pesle figures out how the educational action is based on an administrative perspective. This perspective is carried out by street level bureaucrats as elected members in order to make the metropolitan administration and its instruments more efficient. The analysis shows how the objective of efficiency is spread by the metropolitan institution, through two ideologies : one based on the individual and the other one on technique. Both of them drive all the practices and rules in the administration, but also the educational relationship with parents and children in the metropolitan programs of ‘educational achievement’. In one hand, individuals, as street level bureaucrats or underprivileged parents are asked to be responsible for their own situation. In the other hand, they must be competent and productive. These standpoints, carried out by policy instruments are not formulated and criticized by bureaucrats, elected members and social workers, as these ideologies structure their way of seeing their work and are embodied in the institutional rules. Finally, the educational issue, seen only as a technical question is not turn into a political question by the metropolitan political leaders.This thesis shows a metropolitan educational policy which is lacking, not political speeches or representation, but a same global way of seeing education mastered and assumed by all the metropolitan actors.

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