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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disease Tolerance, Epigenetic Inheritance, and Surviving Pathogenic Viral Infections

Silverstein, Noah J. 18 August 2021 (has links)
Health is often defined in terms of absence of disease or pathological processes, but this is a definition of exclusion and incomplete. For example, SARS-CoV-2 viral load does not reliably predict disease severity, and so individuals must vary in their ability to control inflammation and maintain normal tissue homeostasis. This host defense strategy is called disease tolerance, and better understanding of disease tolerance mechanisms could change the way that we treat disease and work to maintain health. The first project presented in this dissertation found that after accounting for effects of age and sex, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), but not T cells, were lower in adults and children sick with COVID-19 or MIS-C, independent of lymphopenia. Furthermore, abundance of ILCs, but not of T cells, correlated inversely with disease severity. These blood ILCs were shown to produce amphiregulin, a protein implicated in disease tolerance and tissue homeostasis, and the percentage of amphiregulin-producing ILCs was lower in males. These results suggest that, by promoting disease tolerance, homeostatic ILCs decrease morbidity and mortality associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and that lower ILC abundance accounts for increased COVID-19 severity with age and in males. The second project describes a novel mouse model of epigenetic inheritance wherein paternal influenza A virus (IAV) infection results in less severe influenza disease in IAV infected offspring. This offspring phenotype was not attributable to differences in viral load, indicating a possible difference in disease tolerance. Paternal caloric deprivation decreased, and influenza B virus infection increased, offspring influenza disease severity, and in vitro fertilization demonstrated sperm are sufficient to transfer IAV-associated epigenetic inheritance phenotypes. These findings represent a foundation for further work that, by continuing to elucidate the mechanisms of disease tolerance and epigenetic inheritance, could provide novel therapeutic interventions to help promote and maintain health.

Enhancing User Experience while retrieving information via Dashboard

Bhutani, Mahima January 2019 (has links)
With rapid growth in technical and social sector, the amount of data produced and retrieved has grown exponentially. Hence, there is a dire need for a management information system (MIS) to manage and structure such data. This study was initiated to learn about the problems and needs of the employees of a truck manufacturer organisation while working for long duration projects. The information about processes and tasks is available but in an unstructured manner through excel spreadsheets which makes it difficult for users to retrieve required information during crucial times. An information system in the form of a dashboard was designed and proposed to overcome the problems faced by users. This study focuses on evaluating the user experience of employees while retrieving desired information about the procedures using both dashboard and excel spreadsheets. To investigate the work structure and problems of employees, interviews were conducted. The results were analysed and a dashboard solution was proposed and developed with real time data. With employees coordination, few usability tests were conducted and the feedback was recorded for future work. According to the study results, the efficiency of employees can be increased and the decision making can be improved using MIS. With better retrieval techniques user experience was also enhanced. The interactive visualisations of dashboard attracted users and was used efficiently for providing tons of information about procedures to be followed. / Med den snabba tillväxten inom teknisk och social sektor har mängden data som både produceras och hämtas ökat exponentiellt. Därför finns det ett brådskande behov av informationssystem för att hanterar och strukturera sådan data. Denna studie startade med att utforska de problem och behov som fanns hos anställda på ett företag som tillverkar lastbilar när de jobbar i långvariga projekt. Informationen om rutiner, processer och uppgifter är idag tillgänglig för de anställda i ostrukturerade Excel-kalkylblad, detta gör det svårt att hämta nödvändig information. Ett informationssystem i form av en instrumentpanel utformades och föreslogs för att lösa de problem som användarna möter. Denna studie fokuserade på att utvärdera användarupplevelsen hos de anställda medan de hämtade önskad information om rutinerna när de använde både instrumentpanelen och Excel-kalkylblad. För att undersöka arbetetsstrukturen och de problem som de anställda upplever så genomfördes intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades och ett resultat i forma av ett informationssystem (instrumentpanelen) föreslogs och utvecklades med realtidsdata. Med samordning av de anställda genomfördes användbarhetstester och deras återkoppling registrerades för framtida arbete. Enligt studieresultaten kan effektiviteten hos de anställda ökas och beslutsfattande kan förbättras med hjälp av ett informationssystem. Användarupplevelsen kan också förbättras genom bättre tekniker för hämtning av data. Den interaktiva visualiseringen av instrumentpanelen lockade användarna och användes effektivt för att ge information om rutiner som ska följas.

Where is the Body? : En komparativ visuell analys av kostym och smink i drag i To Wong Foo,Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar och The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / Where is the Body? : A comparative visual analysis of costume and makeup in drag in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Gustavsson, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
This essay focuses on a comparative analysis of costume and makeup presented in the two drag queen road-movies To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar! (1995) and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994). These movies have similar settings with a group of three drag queens traveling across the country to participate in their big show. The primary main focus of this essay has been to analyze the costumes and makeup that are worn by the three main characters in their drag in each film and what it can say about gender and performativity presented in each film. A semiotic analysis was used as a method to analyze selected sequences and Bordwell and Thompsons (2017) segment about costume and makeup as a part of mise-en-scene was used. The results from each movie were later compared. Other theories that were applied were Judith Butler’s theory (2006) about gender performativity, Richard Dyer (1999) on stereotypes and Laura Mulvey's theory (1999) about the male gaze. The results show that Too Wong Foo focuses more on conforming existing women's gender roles with costumes that could be connected to luxury brands in the connotation, while Priscilla has a more exaggerated approach that was likened to shows on Broadway in the connotation.  The individual project was based on a folder from Samiskt informationscentrum (SIC) and resulted in two short animated movies about Sámi in Sweden and Sápmi.

The Adversity Pop Culture Has Posed

Joseph, Darel 13 August 2014 (has links)
I am a collage artist working with multiple mediums such as paint, photography, video, audio, and performance. As a New Orleans’ native, I have a unique history that is unflattering, for my history echoes that of America’s historical misdeeds. I make sociopolitical art because I am of a historically oppressed people. I make art that celebrates my diverse culture that is a collage of Native American, African, and New Orleans’ French Creole.

Etude et développement de points mémoires résistifs polymères pour les architectures Cross-Bar / Development and Study of Organic Polymer Resistive Memories For Crossbar Architectures

Charbonneau, Micaël 19 January 2012 (has links)
Ces dix dernières années, les technologies de stockage non-volatile Flash ont joué un rôle majeur dans le développement des appareils électroniques mobiles et multimedia (MP3, Smartphone, clés USB, ordinateurs ultraportables…). Afin d’améliorer davantage les performances, augmenter les capacités et diminuer les coûts de fabrication, de nouvelles solutions technologiques sont aujourd’hui étudiées pour pouvoir compléter ou remplacer la technologie Flash. Citées par l’ITRS, les mémoires résistives polymères présentent des caractéristiques très prometteuses : procédés de fabrication à faible coût et possibilité d’intégration haute densité au dessus des niveaux d’interconnexions CMOS ou sur substrat souple. Ce travail de thèse a été consacré au développement et à l'étude des mémoires résistifs organiques à base de polymère de poly-méthyl-méthacrylate (PMMA) et de molécules de fullerènes (C60). Trois axes de recherche ont été menés en parallèle: le développement et la caractérisation physico-chimique de matériaux composites, l’intégration du matériau organique dans des structures de test spécifiques et la caractérisation détaillée du fonctionnement électrique des dispositifs et des performances mémoires. / Over the past decade, non-volatile Flash storage technologies have played a major role in the development of mobile electronics and multimedia (MP3, Smartphone, USB, ultraportable computers ...). To further enhance performances, increase the capacity and reduce manufacturing costs, new technological solutions are now studied to provide complementary solutions or replace Flash technology. Cited by ITRS, the polymer resistive memories present very promising characteristics: low cost processing and ability for integration at high densities above CMOS interconnections or on flexible substrate. This PhD specifically focused on the development and study of composite material made of Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) polymer resist doped with C60 fullerene molecules. Studies were carried out on three different axes in parallel: Composite materials development & characterization, integration of the organic material in specific test structure and advanced devices and finally detailed electrical characterization of memory cells and performances analysis.

Links between galaxy evolution, morphology and internal physical processes / Liens entre l'évolution des galaxies, morphologie et processus physiques internes

Kraljic, Katarina 23 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de faire le lien entre l’évolution des galaxies, leur morphologie et les processus physiques internes, notamment la formation stellaire comme le résultat du milieu interstellaire turbulent et multiphase, en utilisant les simulations cosmologiques zoom-in, les simulations des galaxies isolées et en interaction, et le modèle analytique de la formation stellaire. Dans le chapitre 1, j’explique la motivation pour cette thèse et je passe brièvement en revue le contexte nécessaire lié à la formation des galaxies et la modélisation en utilisant les simulations numériques. Tout d’abord, j’explore l’évolution de la morphologie des galaxies du type de la Voie Lactée dans la série des simulations cosmologiques zoom-in à travers l’analyse des barres. J’analyse l’évolution de la fraction des barres avec le redshift, sa dépendance en fonction de la masse stellaire et l’histoire d’accrétion de galaxies individuelles. Je montre en particulier, que la fraction de barres décroit avec le redshift croissant, en accord avec les observations. Ce travail montre également que les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’époque de la formation des barres correspond à la transition entre une phase précoce “violente” de la formation de galaxies spirales à z > 1, pendant laquelle elles sont souvent perturbées par les fusions avec les galaxies de masse comparable ou par multiple fusions avec les galaxies de petite masse, mais aussi les instabilités violentes de disque, et une phase "séculaire" tardive à z < 1, quand la morphologie finale est généralement stabilisée vers une structure dominée par le disque. Cette analyse est présentée dans le chapitre 2. Étant donné que ces simulations cosmologiques forment trop d'étoiles trop tôt par rapport aux populations de galaxies observées, je me concentre dans le chapitre 3 sur la formation stellaire dans un échantillon de simulation de galaxies en isolation, à bas redshift, et à résolution du parsec et sous-parsec. J'étudie l'origine physique de leurs relations de formation stellaire avec les cassures, et montre que le seuil de densité surfacique pour une formation stellaire efficace peut être lié à la densité caractéristique d'apparition de turbulence supersonique. Ce résultat s'applique aussi bien aux galaxies qui fusionnent, dans lesquelles l'augmentation de la turbulence compressive déclenchée par les marées compressives les conduit au régime de sursaut de formation d'étoiles. Un modèle analytique idéalisé de formation stellaire liant la densité surfacique de gaz au taux de formation stellaire comme une fonction de la présence de turbulence supersonique et la structure associée du milieu interstellaire est ensuite présenté dans le chapitre 4. Ce modèle prédit une cassure à basse densité de surface qui est suivie par un régime de loi de puissance à haute densité dans différents systèmes en accord avec les relations de formation stellaire des galaxies observées et simulées. La dernière partie de cette thèse est dédiée à la technique alternative de zoom-in cosmologique (Martig et al. 2009) et son implémentation dans le code à raffinement de maillage adaptatif RAMSES. Dans le chapitre 5, je présente les caractéristiques de base de cette technique aussi bien que certains de nos tout premiers résultats dans le contexte de l'accrétion cosmologique diffuse. / This thesis aims at making the link between galaxy evolution, morphology and internal physical processes, namely star formation as the outcome of the turbulent multiphase interstellar medium, using the cosmological zoom-in simulations, simulations of isolated and merging galaxies, and the analytic model of star formation. In Chapter 1, I explain the motivation for this thesis and briefly review the necessary background related to galaxy formation and modeling with the use of numerical simulations. I first explore the evolution of the morphology of Milky-Way-mass galaxies in a suite of zoom-in cosmological simulations through the analysis of bars. I analyze the evolution of the fraction of bars with redshift, its dependence on the stellar mass and accretion history of individual galaxies. I show in particular, that the fraction of bars declines with increasing redshift, in agreement with the observations. This work also shows that the obtained results suggest that the bar formation epoch corresponds to the transition between an early "violent" phase of spiral galaxies formation at z > 1, during which they are often disturbed by major mergers or multiple minor mergers as well as violent disk instabilities, and a late "secular" phase at z < 1, when the final morphology is generally stabilized to a disk-dominated structure. This analysis is presented in Chapter 2. Because such cosmological simulations form too many stars too early compared to observed galaxy populations, I shift the focus in Chapter 3 to star formation in a sample of low-redshift galaxy simulations in isolation at parsec and sub-parsec resolution. I study the physical origin of their star formation relations and breaks and show that the surface density threshold for efficient star formation can be related to the typical density for the onset of supersonic turbulence. This result holds in merging galaxies as well, where increased compressive turbulence triggered by compressive tides during the interaction drives the merger to the regime of starbursts. An idealized analytic model for star formation relating the surface density of gas and star formation rate as a function of the presence of supersonic turbulence and the associated structure of the ISM is then presented in Chapter 4. This model predicts a break at low surface densities that is followed by a power-law regime at high densities in different systems in agreement with star formation relations of observed and simulated galaxies. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to the alternative cosmological zoom-in technique Martig et al. 2009 and its implementation in the Adaptive Mesh Refinement code RAMSES. In Chapter 5, I will present the basic features of this technique as well as some of our very first results in the context of smooth cosmological accretion.

Transport elektrického náboje v tantalovém kondenzátoru / Transport of Electric Charge in Tantalum Capacitor

Pelčák, Jaromír January 2012 (has links)
The task of the thesis was studding of tantalum capacitors with solid electrolytes properties. Ta – Ta2O5 – MnO2 capacitor by its construction represents MIS structure, where tantalum anode has metal conductivity and MnO2 cathode is semiconductor. Isolation layer consists of tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 with relative permitivity r = 27. Dielectric thickness is typically in range from 30 to 150nm. The capacitor charge is not only stored and accumulated on electrodes but also in localised states (oxide vacancies) in isolation layer. The capacitor connected in normal mode represents MIS structure polarized in reveres direction when the applied voltage higher potential barrier between semiconductor - MnO2 cathode and isolation of Ta2O5. The transport of charge carriers via isolation layer is determined by Poole-Frenkel mechanisms and tunnelling. Poole-Frenkel mechanism of charge transport is dominant in low intensity of electric field. Tunnelling determines current at higher electric field intensity. During low intensity of electric field ohmic component is also presented which is determined by volume of resistance of impurities in isolation layer due to donor states of oxygen vacancies. Based on the modelling of measured VA characteristics is possible to estimate determine dielectric thickness of Ta2O5 and determine share of Poole-Frenkelov and tunnel current and charge transportation. The thesis is described charge transport and charge concentration on tantalum capacitor in low frequency area and analysis of capacitor behaviour at frequency band. The first impulse for the thesis was an effort to create equivalent circuit diagram of tantalum capacitor in respect of its physical and electrical behaviour. There is an opportunity to study and determine electric charge transport and its accumulation based on the equivalent circuit diagram structure. There is also a chance to define and trace potential barriers and charge distribution in the capacitor structure based on an measurement and carried out experiments. This methodology and analysis consists of electrical characteristic determination to create physical model of the capacitor describing it function, properties and behaviour.

Towards Industrial Fabrication of Electronic Devices and Circuits by Inkjet Printing Technology

Mitra, Kalyan Yoti 09 June 2021 (has links)
Printing since many years has been a well-known high throughput technology for producing replications of graphic arts entities (texts, images, aesthetics, gloss and physical impressions) over large varieties of substrates which are dedicated for various needful applications like newspapers, magazines, posters, official documents, packages, braille, textiles, decorative articles and many more. Due to the fact, that printing is a liquid-solution based replication process, where basic ink and substrate are needed, it is now not only limited to printing of graphic arts. Whenever an ink is deposited over a defined substrate and the process can be multiplied, it can be termed as printing and once the final product contains a functionality other than graphic arts application, it can be called as “Printed Functionality”. Some examples for printed functionalities can be found in the following fields: A. Printed electronics (using inks having electronic properties); B. Printed micro-fluidics (using inks having polymeric and elastic properties for directive purposes); C. 3-Dimensional printing (using inks containing binding properties for developing three dimensional structures); D. Printed photonics (using inks having self-assembling properties for building-up symmetric micro-structures); E. Printed pyroelectrics (using inks containing thermally flammable properties); F. Printed ceramics (using inks with ceramic particles) and G. Printed optics and functional surfaces (using inks with transparency, absorbency and reflective properties). All these mentioned applications require functional inks which in turn exhibits some physical-chemical properties e.g. particle size, particle loading, fluid’s rheological properties etc. These properties determine the feasibility of the material’s deposition (in this case the functional inks) with a suitable printing technology. The inkjet printing technology among others has several advantages such as contactless deposition processability, digitalization (batch size one & turn-over time zero), user defined customization and adaptation, industrial relevance, minimal ink demand for R&Ds, freedom of substrate regularity and µm-scale print accuracy etc. Some of the imminent players in the inkjet printing technology market are Canon, Kodak, Hewlett Packard, Fujifilm Dimatix, Konica Minolta and XAAR. They provide print solutions from small to industrial scale printheads, printers, equipments and accessories for the realization of huge variety of application ideas. The inkjet is a versatile, but yet matured technology which finds its use in various application areas e.g. home office documentation, large format posters, variable data printing, security printing, textile printing, wallpapers, household articles, curved surfaces like bottles, printing over edible items, printing of elevated surfaces etc. And, hence there are several literatures published which show the use of the inkjet printing technology in the development of products for printed electronics. Some of the common examples are development of passive and active devices e.g. capacitors, resistors, thin-film-transistors, photovoltaics, sensors, circuits like logic gates for electronic switching, device arrays for detection purposes, point of care health applications, energy harvesting applications etc. But, the exploitation of the inkjet technology has not been intense enough to declare the industrial relevance of the technology to be utilized as a fabrication tool in the market. Meanwhile, all the researchers around the globe aim at a single goal, which is the development of “Proof of Concept” devices and applications. Thus, here in this dissertation the implementation of the inkjet printing technology as a digital fabrication tool is exploited to manufacture and up-scale the printed electronic products, which can show an industrial relevance to the commercial market. The main motivation why printed electronics is in great demand (scientific point of view) and has intensely emerged in the last decades, is because of the primary challenges faced in the fabrication process steps of the µ-electronics society. It is know that the classically fabricated µ-electronic products are in the market since long time due to their high reliability, consistent performance and defined applications in circuitry. But, what cannot be ignored is the involved fabrication steps promote several demerits such as the in-flexibility towards the fabrication process, material wastage, in-ability to up-scale into larger areas and huge quantities, and physical rigidity. Some of these mentioned problems are commonly seen e.g. spin coating, chemical vapor-phase deposition, physical vapor-phase deposition, atomic layer deposition and sputtering fabrication technologies. In this present dissertation, on the contrary, the challenges linked with the manufacturing process of the µ-electronic devices using the inkjet technology are focused and attempts are made to counteract them. Some of the foreseen challenges are: A. process workflow adaptation in device manufacturing; B. validation and evaluation of device performance; C. industrializing the inkjet technology (manufacturing µ-electronics in massive quantities); D. evaluating the fabrication yield of printed devices; D. Generating statistics regarding reliability and scalability; and E. demonstrating tolerances in electronic performances. These are definitely the challenges which must be overcome, and these key research points are addressed in the dissertation.


林隆潤, Lin, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡( Balanced Scorecard, BSC)是一項可以協助描述、並推動組織策略付諸實行的利器,關於描述組織之價值創造的四個構面模式,可以當成高階管理團隊彼此間討論企業發展方向與策略議題優先性的共同語言。至於有關策略性衡量指標,除了是四大構面的績效指標之外,也應被視為BSC內四個構面具有因果關係連結的目標、項目;Robert S. Kaplan和David P. Norton共同創造出一個關於此連結的通用表達方式,用來協助高階主管進行討論,並稱之為策略地圖。他們同時也證明了BSC所寄託的一個基本原則,那就是「如果您能夠衡量,就可以管理」 從實務經驗中大多數人都會認為管理資訊系統不僅協助企業管理工作,也是產出各種衡量數據的利器,因此本研」究希望透過分析已導入過BSC之個案公司,探討該公司由策略地圖所引導出來的各項策略性衡量指標的資訊需求,是否能夠在其管理資訊系統中獲得滿足?管理資訊系統的建置是否應該優先支援公司策略性目標?實際上探訪各行業導入BSC之狀況,發現普遍存在著「數據落差」。 本研究旨在建構一套能夠彌補「數據落差的資訊需求規劃模式,利用商業智慧(BI)工具擷取ERP、CRM、SCM、Workflow、KM、e-Learning等管理資訊系統之有效數據,進行資訊加工後,提供給BSC資訊系統,在數位儀表板上顯示,以協助隨時管控策略性衡量指標之達成狀況。本研究也將BSC導入程序及資訊系統整合作業加以制式化,整理成BSC導入專案進度表,供其它有意導入BSC之企業參考,本論文最後延伸說明BSC在協助組織變革管理、協助智慧資本之衡量、及審視資訊資本齊備程度等方面,都很有助益。 / Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a powerful tool for describing and implementing an organization’s strategy. The four-perspective model of describing a value-creating organization can be regards as a language for executive teams to discuss the direction and priority of their strategic agenda. In terms of strategy measures, they do not only represent as the key performance indicators (KPIs) of four independent perspectives, but also regard as the cause-effect linkage of goals and items among the four perspectives of BSC. Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton created the expression model of the cause-effect linkage to assist the discussion process of executive teams. It is so called a strategy map. They both also demonstrated a fundamental principle underling the BSC; i.e. “If you can measure, you can manage it.” From an empirical perspective, people believe that management information systems (MISs) can help the efficiency and effectiveness of business administration as well as be the powerful tool of generating data for various performance measures. Therefore, by analyzing a case of a BSC roll-out enterprise, this research would like to address whether the data requirements of strategic measures generating from strategy maps are fulfilled by the data output from the MISs or not. Is it a necessity to support the strategic goals of an enterprise first in case of building MISs for an enterprise? After studying the status of roll-out BSC enterprises in different industries, it shows that there is a “KPI-data accuracy” issue between actual KPIs needed and the data resources from. The purpose of this research is to build a data requirement planning model to find out the “accurate data” by using a business intelligence (BI) tool to access the effective information from ERP, CRM, SCM, Workflow, KM, e-Learning; etc., and then to manipulate those data in order to output the BSC indicators for executive teams for monitoring the status achieved of BSC from the dashboard anytime. Moreover, the study also standardizes the BSC roll-out processes and the integration processes of MISs by summarizing into time tables of project management which can be regarded as a reference kit for enterprises intending to implement BSC in the future. Finally, the study also demonstrates the benefits of BSC in assisting change management of an organization, in evaluating the intellectual capital, and in measuring information capital readiness of an enterprise, etc.

Etude à basse température (4.2 k) du fonctionnement d'une matrice de détection InSb-Mis, à lecture CID, sous très faible flux de photons : applications astronomiques

Tiphène, Didier 30 October 1987 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude révèle le comportement d'une matrice de détection infrarouge portée à la température de l'hélium liquide (4.2K). La Société Anonyme de Télécommunications (France) réalise la matrice de détection 32x32 éléments senseurs, à lecture CID (Charge Injected Devices) sur susbtrat InSb (antimoniure d'indium). Son utilisation à la température de l'hélium liquide est différente de celle prévue par son fabricant (77 K). En particulier, le comportement du courant d'obscurité varie fortement entre ces deux valeurs de T. Seul le courant tunnel est encore actif à la température de l'hélium liquide (les courants d'origine thermique s'annulent). Sensible au potentiel de surface du semiconducteur, le courant tunnel de la structure MIS-InSb ne sature pas les puits de potentiel de la matrice InSbCID. La recherche du temps d'intégration maximum, la contrainte liée à la linéarité de la réponse photonique (spécialement sous faible flux de photons), l'optimisation du rendement quantique et la réduction du bruit de lecture constituent les points fondamentaux de cette étude. Cependant, les mesures expérimentales de la caméra ont révélé des effets secondaires liés au détecteur (dérive, réponse inertielle) ou au cablage électrique (diaphonie). Un chapitre spécial est réservé au comportement des matrices CID SAT en envîronement y. Le résultat de cette phase d'études est la réalisation de la caméra infrarouge CIRCUS (Caméra Infra-Rouge Courte longueur d'onde pour Utilisation au Sol).

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