Spelling suggestions: "subject:"major depression"" "subject:"sajor depression""
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Comunicação não-verbal e depressão: uso de indicadores não-verbais para avaliação de gravidade, melhora clínica e prognóstico / Nonverbal communication and depression: the use of non-verbal indicators for assessment of severity, clinical improvement and prognosisFiquer, Juliana Teixeira 19 January 2011 (has links)
Depressão é um transtorno de humor de alta prevalência e repercussões negativas para o indivíduo do ponto de vista físico, psicológico e social. Entre os múltiplos aspectos da doença ainda pouco investigados está o comportamento expressivo não-verbal que pode indicar emoções, pensamentos e intenções automáticos que ocasionam problemas interpessoais e piora da depressão. O objetivo desta tese foi investigar o papel da comunicação não-verbal como parâmetro para avaliar características diagnósticas, prognósticas e de melhora clínica da depressão. Para tanto, foram usadas técnicas etológicas para observação de: 1) indicadores não-verbais de pacientes deprimidos (em associação com medidas clínicas e neuropsicológicas); e 2) fatores comportamentais de envolvimento não-verbal de pacientes e do entrevistador. A tese foi dividida em duas partes. Na Parte I apresentam-se estudos que enfocam o comportamento de pacientes deprimidos (n=40) submetidos a três diferentes condições de tratamento com Estimulação Elétrica Transcraniana de Corrente Contínua (ETCC). Pacientes foram avaliados no pré (T0) e pós-tratamento (T1) por meio de escalas para mensuração de sintomas depressivos (medidas clínicas); bateria de testes neuropsicológicos; e entrevistas filmadas. A análise das filmagens foi feita com catálogo de registro de frequência de comportamentos nãoverbais de pacientes (etograma), desenvolvido por nosso grupo de pesquisa. Encontramos que silêncio dos pacientes e menos movimentos expressivos faciais e de cabeça relacionam-se a maior intensidade da depressão, sendo que silêncio em T0 prediz pior prognóstico em T1. Mediante melhora clínica, indicadores de emoções negativas decrescem (ex. choro, testa franzida) enquanto de interesse interpessoal aumentam (ex. contato ocular, yes-nooding). Pacientes também apresentam alterações em funções mnêmicas de longo prazo, atencionais e executivas. Mediante melhora clínica, o desempenho aumenta nas tarefas executivas e atencionais. Melhor performance em tarefa de atenção focada em T0, entretanto, associou-se a menos afetos positivos em T1. Os resultados indicam que a depressão compromete o funcionamento afetivo, cognitivo e expressivo dos pacientes e que indicadores não-verbais apresentam padrão mais consistente de associação com medidas clínicas do que variáveis neuropsicológicas. Na Parte II, apresentam-se estudos que enfocam a interação de pacientes deprimidos (n=38) com seu entrevistador (n=1). Pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento medicamentoso e avaliados no pré (T0) e pós-tratamento (T1) por meio de medidas clínicas e entrevistas filmadas. A análise das filmagens foi feita com um etograma de registro de frequência e duração de comportamentos de pacientes e do entrevistador. Encontramos que comportamentos nãoverbais de envolvimento de pacientes (fator Esforço Comunicativo, EC) e do entrevistador (fator Encorajamento, EN) estão associados e aumentam ao longo da interação. O ajuste (convergência) entre EC e EN ao longo da entrevista associa-se com satisfação dos pacientes. EC em T0 prediz redução de afetos negativos em T1 e, após melhora clínica, EC e EN aumentam. Portanto, o comportamento de busca por suporte social associa-se a maior apoio do entrevistador e este aumento de envolvimento pode indicar melhora clínica. O conjunto de achados sugere que a comunicação não-verbal, avaliada com técnicas etológicas, transmite informações relevantes associadas à gravidade, melhora clínica e prognóstico da depressão / Depression is a highly prevalent mood disorder bearing negative consequences for individuals in physical, psychological and social domains. Among the many aspects of the disease which remain poorly understood, the expressive nonverbal behavior of sufferers is an important example: it has been highlighted as an indicator of emotions, automatic thoughts and intentions which can lead to interpersonal problems and worsening of depression. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of such nonverbal communication in the evaluation of depression diagnosis, prognosis and clinical response. To this end, we conducted an ethological observation where we analyzed: 1) non-verbal indicators of depressed patients (in combination with clinical and neuropsychological measures), and 2) behavioral factors of nonverbal involvement of patients and their interviewers. This thesis is divided in two parts. Part I presents studies focused on the behavior of patients (n=40) treated with different types of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Patients are evaluated before (T0) and after treatment (T1) through clinical scales for the assessment of depressive symptoms, neuropsychological tests, and the analysis of videotaped interviews. The analysis of interviews is based on an ethogram developed by our research group, wherein the frequencies of nonverbal behaviors of patients are registered. We found that silence, as well as low levels of expressive facial and head movements were related to higher depression severity. Silence at T0 also predicted poor prognosis at T1. There was a decrease in the frequency of indicators of negative emotions (e.g. crying, frowning) and increase in pro-social indicators (e.g. eyes contact, yes-nooding) upon clinical improvement. Patients also showed alterations in long-term memory, attention and executive functions. Their performance increased in executive and attentional tasks, upon clinical improvement. However, a better performance in the focused attention task at T0 was associated with less positive affect at T1. The results indicate that depression affects the patients emotional, cognitive and expressive functioning. In addition, non-verbal indicators showed a more consistent pattern of being associated with clinical measures than with neuropsychological measures. In Part II, we show studies focused on the interaction of depressed patients (n=38) with their interviewer (n=1). Patients treated with psychopharmacotherapy were evaluated before (T0) and after treatment (T1) through clinical scales, and videotaped interviews. Interviews were analyzed through the use of an ethogram which considers frequency and duration of both patients and interviewer behaviors. We found that nonverbal behaviors of involvement of patients (Speaking Effort factor, SE) and their interviewer (Encouragement factor, EN) were correlated and both of them increased during the interaction. The adjustment (convergence) between SE and EN during the interview was associated with patient satisfaction. SE at T0 predicted a reduction of negative affect at T1. Additionally, both factors increased after clinical improvement. Therefore, the support seeking behavior is associated with support giving behavior of the interviewer. The increase of both involvement behaviors may therefore indicate clinical improvement. Taken together, these findings suggest that nonverbal communication, when evaluated by ethological techniques, can convey important information on the severity, prognosis and amenability to clinical improvement of depression
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Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) com e sem sintomas psicóticos: investigação neuroquímica por espectroscopia de próton / Major depressive disorder with and without psycotic symptoms: neurochemical investigation by proton ressonance spectroscopyHelena Pinho de Sá 25 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução. O Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) é um dos mais prevalentes e incapacitantes entre os transtornos mentais. Apesar disso, sua classificação ainda é baseada em sinais e sintomas, uma vez que suas causas e fisiopatologia ainda não foram totalmente esclarecidas. A presença de sintomas psicóticos é relativamente comum durante um episódio depressivo e está associada a particularidades clínicas e biológicas, mas é subdiagnosticada na prática clínica e os processos fisiopatológicos que caracterizam este tipo de depressão foram insuficientemente estudados, ainda mais ao se considerar a extensa literatura acerca das formas não psicóticas de depressão. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de investigar a neuroquímica do giro do cíngulo anterior (CA), região cerebral constituinte da neurocircuitaria relacionada à fisiopatologia do TDM, na forma psicótica deste transtorno. Para este objetivo, foram comparadas as concentrações absolutas dos metabólitos entre os grupos portadores de TDM com e sem sintomas psicóticos e controles saudáveis por meio de espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética de hidrogênio (1H-ERM). Secundariamente, analisou-se a interferência de variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas na medida desses metabólitos. Esperava-se que os pacientes com sintomas psicóticos (TDM-P) apresentassem alterações neuroquímicas tanto em relação ao grupo de controles saudáveis quanto a pacientes com depressão sem sintomas psicóticos (TDM-NP), independentemente da gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Casuística e métodos. Os pacientes portadores de episódio depressivo maior (com e sem sintomas psicóticos), segundo o DSM-IV, foram recrutados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP) e avaliados através da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID). A gravidade de sintomas depressivos e psicóticos, bem como o nível de funcionamento global foram avaliados por meio das escalas de Hamilton, BPRS e GAF (respectivamente). Foram coletadas informações a respeito de histórico de tentativas de suicídio, tratamento medicamentoso, comorbidades psiquiátricas e clínicas. Controles saudáveis da comunidade geral foram recrutados por convite da equipe de pesquisa. Utilizou-se 1H-ERM de voxel único, com tempo de eco (TE) curto (31ms), em campo magnético de 3 Tesla para a avaliação do CA de 20 pacientes com TDM-P, 22 com TDM-NP e 20 voluntários saudáveis. Foram analisados valores absolutos do glutamato (Glu), glutamato mais glutamina (Gln+Glu), N-acetilaspartato mais N-acetilaspartato-glutamato (NAA + NAAG), Fosforilcolina mais Glicerol-fosforilcolina (PC + GPC), mio-inositol (Myo) e Creatina (Cr). Dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos foram analisados através de ANOVA e qui-quadrado, enquanto os níveis de metabólitos foram comparados através de MANOVA. Correlações bivariadas entre dados clínicos e metabólitos foram analisadas por teste de Pearson ou Spearman. O nível de significância estatística empregado foi o de p <0,05. Resultados. Pacientes com TDM-P apresentaram menor escolaridade e pior funcionamento global, tanto em relação aos controles quanto em relação aos pacientes sem psicose. Os grupos de pacientes não diferiram entre si em relação à gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Em relação aos metabólitos, houve diferença significativamente estatística entre os grupos diagnósticos. O grupo com TDM-P apresentou níveis de Glu inferiores tanto em relação ao grupo TDM-NP quanto ao grupo controle e níveis de PC + GPC e de NAA + NAAG inferiores ao grupo controle (a redução deste último metabólito atingindo significância estatística em nível de tendência apenas. Entre os sexos, os níveis de Glu e de NAA+NAAG dos participantes do sexo masculino foram inferiores aos do feminino. Por fim, os níveis de Glu e Gln+Glu foram inferiores no sexo masculino do TDM-P em relação aos demais grupos e os de Cr foram inferiores no sexo masculino no TDM-NP também em relação aos outros grupos. No entanto, as diferenças em relação ao sexo não atingiram significância estatística, possivelmente por limitações do tamanho amostral. Conclusão.Os níveis de metabólitos do CA sofreram interferência do diagnóstico e os resultados apontaram para efeito do sexo e da interação diagnóstico-sexo. As diferenças dos níveis de Glu, NAA+NAAG e PC+GPC entre os diagnósticos sugerem alterações de neurotransmissão glutamatérgica, metabolismo de membrana e integridade neuronal na TDM-P e corroboram os achados de outras áreas de estudo em depressão em psicose, que sugerem que a forma psicótica da depressão estaria mais associada ao estado de hipercortisolemia, e esta, por sua vez, levaria às alterações cerebrais compatíveis com as alterações encontradas no CA neste estudo. Além disso, os resultados apontam para a interferência do sexo nos níveis de Glu e NAA+NAAG, sugerindo um papel protetor dos hormônios femininos para o sistema glutamatérgico e ciclo do NAA. Ainda, este estudo não confirma hipóteses prévias de que as alterações biológicas entre os tipos de depressão seriam secundárias a maior gravidade de sintomas depressivos nos pacientes com TDM-P. / Introduction: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent and disabling of mental disorders. Nevertheless, its classification is still based on signs and symptoms, since its causes and pathophysyology has not been fully clarified. The presence of psychotic symptoms are relatively common during a depressive episode and is associated with clinical and biological peculiarities, but is underdiagnosed and its pathophysiology have been insufficiently studied, especially when considering the extensive literature on non-psychotic forms of depression. The aim of this study is to investigate the neurochemistry of the anterior cingulated gyrus (AC), a brain\'s neurocircuitry constituent related to the pathophysiology of MDD with psychosis/in the form of psychotic disorder. For this propose, we compared/ were compared the results of the metabolites between groups of patients with MDD with and without psychotic symptoms and controls by- proton resonance spectroscopy imaging of hydrogen (1rH-MRS). Secondly, the interference of socio-demographic and clinical on the cerebral metabolites. It was expected that patients with psychotic symptoms (MDD-P) present neurochemical changes in relation to the group of health controls and patients with depression without psychotic symptoms (MDD-Wo), regardless of the severity of depression symptons. Methods: The groups were diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). The severity of depressive and psychotic symptoms, as well as the level of overall functioning were assessed using the Hamilton Rating Scale, BPRS and GAF (respectively). We collected information about the history of suicide attempts, drug treatment, psychiatric and medical comorbidities.1\'H-MRS single voxel, with echo time (TE) short (3lms) in a magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla was used for the evaluation of CA in 20 patients with MDD-P, 22 with MDD-Wo and 20 healthy subjects. We analyzed the absolutevalues of glutamate (Glu), glutamate plus glutamine (Gln+Glu), N-acetylaspartate plus N-acetyl aspartate-glutamate (NAA+NAAG), glycerol phosphorylcholine plus phosphorylcholine plus choline (PC+GPC), myo-inositol (Myo) and creatine (Cr). Data on socio-demographic and clinical information were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square, while the levels of metabolites were compared by MANOVA. The statistical significance level used was p <0.05. Results: Patients with MDD-P had less schooling and poorer overall functioning, both in relation to the controls as compared to patients without psychosis. Patient groups did not differ in the severity of depressive symptoms. Glu levels of MDD-P were lower than the MDD-Wo and the control group; NAA+NAAG levels of MDD-P were lower than in control and GPC+PC levels of MDDP were lower than the MDD-Wo. Between the sexes, Glu and NAA + NAAG levels of males were lower than females. Finally, Glu, Glu+Gln and Cr levels were different between the sexes within the groups. Conclusion:The group levels of metabolites of CA have been interfered with diagnosis and the effect of gender and gender-diagnosis interaction were close to be meaningful. The differences in the levels of Glu, NAA + NAAG and GPC + PC between diagnoses are possibly related to higher hypercortisolemia found in the MDD-P and the brain concentration of kynurenine metabolites imballance more similar with schizophrenia than MDD. The interference of sex for the levels of Glu and NAA + NAAG suggests a protective role of female hormones to glutamatergic system and cycle of the NAA. Still, probably the severity of the depressive episodes not implicated in the neurochemical differences between MDD-P and MDD-Wo
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Comunicação não-verbal e depressão: uso de indicadores não-verbais para avaliação de gravidade, melhora clínica e prognóstico / Nonverbal communication and depression: the use of non-verbal indicators for assessment of severity, clinical improvement and prognosisJuliana Teixeira Fiquer 19 January 2011 (has links)
Depressão é um transtorno de humor de alta prevalência e repercussões negativas para o indivíduo do ponto de vista físico, psicológico e social. Entre os múltiplos aspectos da doença ainda pouco investigados está o comportamento expressivo não-verbal que pode indicar emoções, pensamentos e intenções automáticos que ocasionam problemas interpessoais e piora da depressão. O objetivo desta tese foi investigar o papel da comunicação não-verbal como parâmetro para avaliar características diagnósticas, prognósticas e de melhora clínica da depressão. Para tanto, foram usadas técnicas etológicas para observação de: 1) indicadores não-verbais de pacientes deprimidos (em associação com medidas clínicas e neuropsicológicas); e 2) fatores comportamentais de envolvimento não-verbal de pacientes e do entrevistador. A tese foi dividida em duas partes. Na Parte I apresentam-se estudos que enfocam o comportamento de pacientes deprimidos (n=40) submetidos a três diferentes condições de tratamento com Estimulação Elétrica Transcraniana de Corrente Contínua (ETCC). Pacientes foram avaliados no pré (T0) e pós-tratamento (T1) por meio de escalas para mensuração de sintomas depressivos (medidas clínicas); bateria de testes neuropsicológicos; e entrevistas filmadas. A análise das filmagens foi feita com catálogo de registro de frequência de comportamentos nãoverbais de pacientes (etograma), desenvolvido por nosso grupo de pesquisa. Encontramos que silêncio dos pacientes e menos movimentos expressivos faciais e de cabeça relacionam-se a maior intensidade da depressão, sendo que silêncio em T0 prediz pior prognóstico em T1. Mediante melhora clínica, indicadores de emoções negativas decrescem (ex. choro, testa franzida) enquanto de interesse interpessoal aumentam (ex. contato ocular, yes-nooding). Pacientes também apresentam alterações em funções mnêmicas de longo prazo, atencionais e executivas. Mediante melhora clínica, o desempenho aumenta nas tarefas executivas e atencionais. Melhor performance em tarefa de atenção focada em T0, entretanto, associou-se a menos afetos positivos em T1. Os resultados indicam que a depressão compromete o funcionamento afetivo, cognitivo e expressivo dos pacientes e que indicadores não-verbais apresentam padrão mais consistente de associação com medidas clínicas do que variáveis neuropsicológicas. Na Parte II, apresentam-se estudos que enfocam a interação de pacientes deprimidos (n=38) com seu entrevistador (n=1). Pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento medicamentoso e avaliados no pré (T0) e pós-tratamento (T1) por meio de medidas clínicas e entrevistas filmadas. A análise das filmagens foi feita com um etograma de registro de frequência e duração de comportamentos de pacientes e do entrevistador. Encontramos que comportamentos nãoverbais de envolvimento de pacientes (fator Esforço Comunicativo, EC) e do entrevistador (fator Encorajamento, EN) estão associados e aumentam ao longo da interação. O ajuste (convergência) entre EC e EN ao longo da entrevista associa-se com satisfação dos pacientes. EC em T0 prediz redução de afetos negativos em T1 e, após melhora clínica, EC e EN aumentam. Portanto, o comportamento de busca por suporte social associa-se a maior apoio do entrevistador e este aumento de envolvimento pode indicar melhora clínica. O conjunto de achados sugere que a comunicação não-verbal, avaliada com técnicas etológicas, transmite informações relevantes associadas à gravidade, melhora clínica e prognóstico da depressão / Depression is a highly prevalent mood disorder bearing negative consequences for individuals in physical, psychological and social domains. Among the many aspects of the disease which remain poorly understood, the expressive nonverbal behavior of sufferers is an important example: it has been highlighted as an indicator of emotions, automatic thoughts and intentions which can lead to interpersonal problems and worsening of depression. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of such nonverbal communication in the evaluation of depression diagnosis, prognosis and clinical response. To this end, we conducted an ethological observation where we analyzed: 1) non-verbal indicators of depressed patients (in combination with clinical and neuropsychological measures), and 2) behavioral factors of nonverbal involvement of patients and their interviewers. This thesis is divided in two parts. Part I presents studies focused on the behavior of patients (n=40) treated with different types of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Patients are evaluated before (T0) and after treatment (T1) through clinical scales for the assessment of depressive symptoms, neuropsychological tests, and the analysis of videotaped interviews. The analysis of interviews is based on an ethogram developed by our research group, wherein the frequencies of nonverbal behaviors of patients are registered. We found that silence, as well as low levels of expressive facial and head movements were related to higher depression severity. Silence at T0 also predicted poor prognosis at T1. There was a decrease in the frequency of indicators of negative emotions (e.g. crying, frowning) and increase in pro-social indicators (e.g. eyes contact, yes-nooding) upon clinical improvement. Patients also showed alterations in long-term memory, attention and executive functions. Their performance increased in executive and attentional tasks, upon clinical improvement. However, a better performance in the focused attention task at T0 was associated with less positive affect at T1. The results indicate that depression affects the patients emotional, cognitive and expressive functioning. In addition, non-verbal indicators showed a more consistent pattern of being associated with clinical measures than with neuropsychological measures. In Part II, we show studies focused on the interaction of depressed patients (n=38) with their interviewer (n=1). Patients treated with psychopharmacotherapy were evaluated before (T0) and after treatment (T1) through clinical scales, and videotaped interviews. Interviews were analyzed through the use of an ethogram which considers frequency and duration of both patients and interviewer behaviors. We found that nonverbal behaviors of involvement of patients (Speaking Effort factor, SE) and their interviewer (Encouragement factor, EN) were correlated and both of them increased during the interaction. The adjustment (convergence) between SE and EN during the interview was associated with patient satisfaction. SE at T0 predicted a reduction of negative affect at T1. Additionally, both factors increased after clinical improvement. Therefore, the support seeking behavior is associated with support giving behavior of the interviewer. The increase of both involvement behaviors may therefore indicate clinical improvement. Taken together, these findings suggest that nonverbal communication, when evaluated by ethological techniques, can convey important information on the severity, prognosis and amenability to clinical improvement of depression
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Bem-estar subjetivo: influência de variáveis pessoais e situacionais em auto-relato de afetos positivos e negativos / Subjective well-being: the influence of personal and environmental factors in reports of positive and negative affectsJuliana Teixeira Fiquer 31 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do Estudo 1 foi comparar auto-relatos de afetos positivos e negativos de homens e mulheres de diferentes grupos etários (jovens, adultos, meia-idade e idosos), habitantes de quatro cidades brasileiras. Aplicou-se a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (PANAS) a uma amostra composta por habitantes de São Paulo/capital (N = 84), de Socorro-SP (N = 85), de João Pessoa-PB (N = 80) e de Salvador-BA (N = 82). Os resultados foram analisados através de ANOVA. Encontrou-se efeito principal significativo de cidade e idade para afetos positivos e negativos. Habitantes de São Paulo apresentaram escores mais baixos de afetos positivos em comparação com habitantes das demais cidades e escores mais elevados de afetos negativos em comparação com habitantes de Socorro. Os idosos apresentaram escores mais elevados de afetos positivos e mais baixos de afetos negativos que os adultos e os jovens. Finalmente, foi encontrado efeito de interação sexo x idade. Mulheres adultas relataram mais afetos negativos que homens adultos, enquanto na velhice as mulheres ultrapassaram os homens quanto aos escores de afetos positivos. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com as previsões feitas pela teoria da seletividade socioemocional, segundo a qual o bem-estar aumenta com a idade em função de uma melhor regulação de emoções. A presente pesquisa mostra que relatos de afetos positivos e negativos podem ser modulados por gênero em faixas etárias específicas. O conflito maternidade x emprego é um grande fator de estresse e pode contribuir para os resultados obtidos. O objetivo do Estudo 2 foi verificar até que ponto o padrão de resultados de Desejabilidade Social (DS) replicaria o padrão de resultados obtido para a PANAS através da aplicação da Escala de Desejabilidade Social de Crowne e Marlowe (1960) a uma amostra de participantes (N = 115) com distribuição por sexo e idade semelhante a do primeiro estudo. Foi encontrado efeito principal significativo de idade, com os idosos apresentando escores mais elevados de DS que pessoas mais jovens, mas não foi encontrada diferença significativa de gênero para os escores de DS. Estes dados indicam que os resultados do Estudo 1 não podem ser inteiramente atribuídos à influência de DS. O objetivo do Estudo 3 foi comparar auto-relatos de Afetos Positivos e Negativos de pacientes deprimidos e de pessoas sem depressão. A amostra clínica foi constituída por homens e mulheres de meia-idade (14 homens e 27 mulheres), diagnosticados com Transtorno Depressivo Maior, provenientes do Instituto de Psiquiatria de um hospital público. A amostra não clínica foi a mesma utilizada no Estudo 1, constituída por homens e mulheres também de meia-idade, habitantes da cidade de São Paulo. O grupo com depressão apresentou escores de afetos negativos mais altos e de afetos positivos mais baixos em comparação com o grupo controle. Concluímos que a PANAS é um instrumento sensível para a diferenciação de estados de ânimo patológicos e não patológicos. / The objective of Study 1 is the comparison of reports of positive and negative affects presented by men and women belonging different age groups (young, adult, middle-aged and elderly) and different locations. People from four brazilian cities were subjected to a questionnaire the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and the results were analyzed through ANOVA. The resulting sample is composed of a mixture of questionnaires answered by 84 people from São Paulo-SP, 80 people from João Pessoa-PB, 85 people from Socorro-SP, and 82 people from Salvador-BA. We have found city and age to be of high relevance to both positive and negative affect levels. The inhabitants of São Paulo scored lower with respect to positive affects than the inhabitants of the other three cities. The inhabitants of São Paulo also scored higher in negative affects than the inhabitants of Socorro. Elderly people scored higher in positive affects and lower in negative affects than both adults and young people. Lastly, we found an interaction between sex and age. Adult women reported larger quantities of negative affects than men of the same age. Elderly women, on the other hand, scored higher with respect to positive affects than men at that same age. The observed results are in accordance with what is predicted by the socioemotional selectivity theory, which dictates that well-being increases with age due to changes that favor emotional stability. Our research shows that the effects of gender on positive and relative affect reports are also related to age. The maternity vs. job conflict represents an important source of stress that may have contributed to these results. The objective of Study 2 is to check whether Social Desirability (SD) can replicate the patterns of results that we obtained for PANAS in Study 1. To that extent, we applied the Social Desirability Scale of Crowne and Marlowe (1960) to a randomly selected sample of 115 individuals with sex and age distributions that resembled the distributions of our first study. We found evidence that SD scores were related to age, with elderly people reporting higher scores of SD than younger people. However, we found no statistically relevant evidence that gender could influence SD scores. This data points toward the fact that the results we observed in Study 1 cannot be completely explained by SD influence. The objective of Study 3 is to compare reports of positive and negative affects in depressive and non-depressive individuals. The clinical sample is composed of middle-aged men and women (14 men and 27 women) who had been previously diagnosed with Major Depression. The non-clinical sample was the same we used in Study 1, which is also composed of middle-aged men and women who reside in the city of São Paulo. Individuals belonging to the depression group scored higher and lower with respect to negative and positive affects, respectively, than the individuals belonging to the non-depressive group. We were able to establish that PANAS is indeed an adequate instrument for distinguishing between depressive and non-depressive emotional states.
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Spiritual Well-Being and Depressive Symptoms in Female African American Suicide Attempters: Mediating Effects of Optimism and PessimismHirsch, Jameson K., Nsamenang, Sheri A., Chang, Edward C., Kaslow, Nadine J. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Spiritual well-being is a well-established predictor of mental health, yet the potential mechanisms of this association are relatively unexplored. We examined the influence of spirituality, including religious and existential well-being, on depressive symptoms, and the potential mediating effect of optimism and pessimism, in a sample of 66 African American female suicide attempters. Participants were recruited from a large, urban hospital and completed the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Life Orientation Test-Revised, and the Beck Depression Inventory-II. The association between spiritual well-being and depressive symptoms was mediated indirectly through both optimism and pessimism; greater religious and existential well-being was related to more optimism, and less pessimism and, in turn, to fewer depressive symptoms. Historically, spiritual well-being has been important to the African American community, and its beneficial effects on mental health might be explained, in part, by their effect on cognitive-emotional functioning.
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Marital Status as a Proxy Measure of Social Support and its Influence on Health Status and Depression RatesVogel, Octavia L 04 December 2008 (has links)
Diabetes disproportionately affects minority populations. Social support, and more specifically marriage, has been found to buffer the negative effects of diabetes and depression. Data collected from African Americans with type 2 diabetes in Atlanta and NHANES data were compared to examine whether marriage affects health status and mental health. Approximately, 1742 African Americans aged 18-80 were included in this study. Chi square analysis revealed that married men had lower rates of depression (15.9% vs. 24.7%) compared to unmarried men (p < 0.05), but the same effect was not found in women. The findings show that marriage was not associated with HbA1c, but was associated with rates of depression. The lack of association of HbA1c with marriage may be because marriage may not be the best proxy of social support in the African American community. Future research should focus on alternative forms of social support such as cohabitation, extend family, and friend.
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The Lack of Negative Affects as an Indicator for Identity Disturbance in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary ReportWalter, Marc, Berth, Hendrik, Selinger, Joseph, Gerhard, Urs, Küchenhoff, Joachim, Frommer, Jörg, Dammann, Gerhard 18 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) suffer from instability of their relationships, their affectivity and their identity. The purpose of the study was to investigate negative affects and identity disturbance in patients with BPD and in patients without personality disorder using questionnaire data and interview data.
Sampling and Methods: Twelve patients with BPD and 12 patients with major depressive disorder without any personality disorder were assessed with the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO) and questionnaires (Inventory of Personality Organization, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). They were compared with respect to the frequency of negative affective verbal expressions using computerized content analysis methods.
Results: BPD patients showed higher levels of anxiety, depression and identity diffusion in the questionnaires than major depressive disorder patients without personality disorder. However, they did not report more negative affective expressions in the interview. Patients with identity disturbance of both groups showed higher values of negative mood in the questionnaires, but less anger, less anxiety and less affective intensity in the interview.
Conclusion: The preliminary findings indicate that patients with identity disturbance show high levels of negative affects in questionnaires but only few negative affects in the interview situation. More studies are needed to enhance the understanding of negative affects and identity disturbance in BPD. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Anxious and non-anxious forms of major depression: familial, personality and symptom characteristicsGoldberg, D. P., Wittchen, H.-U., Zimmermann, P., Pfister, H., Beesdo-Baum, K. 11 June 2020 (has links)
Background: Earlier clinical studies have suggested consistent differences between anxious and non-anxious depression. The aim of this study was to compare parental pathology, personality and symptom characteristics in three groups of probands from the general population: depression with and without generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and with other anxiety disorders. Because patients without GAD may have experienced anxious symptoms for up to 5 months, we also considered GAD with a duration of only 1 month to produce a group of depressions largely unaffected by anxiety.
Method: Depressive and anxiety disorders were assessed in a 10-year prospective longitudinal community and family study using the DSM-IV/M-CIDI. Regression analyses were used to reveal associations between these variables and with personality using two durations of GAD: 6 months (GAD-6) and 1 month (GAD-1).
Results: Non-anxious depressives had fewer and less severe depressive symptoms, and higher odds for parents with depression alone, whereas those with anxious depression were associated with higher harm avoidance and had parents with a wider range of disorders, including mania.
Conclusions: Anxious depression is a more severe form of depression than the non-anxious form; this is true even when the symptoms required for an anxiety diagnosis are ignored. Patients with non-anxious depression are different from those with anxious depression in terms of illness severity, family pathology and personality. The association between major depression and bipolar disorder is seen only in anxious forms of depression. Improved knowledge on different forms of depression may provide clues to their differential aetiology, and guide research into the types of treatment that are best suited to each form.
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A Search for Meaning: The Family’s Response to Serious Mental IllnessBurrelsman, Katherine Marie January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Major Depressive Disorder and Its Related Phenotypes.Aragam, Nagesh Ramarao 17 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a complex and chronic disease that ranks fourth as cause of disability worldwide. Thirteen to 14 million adults in the U.S. are believed to have MDD and an estimated 75% attempt suicide making MDD a major public health problem. Recently several genome-wide association (GWA) studies of MDD have been reported; however, few GWA studies focus on the analysis for MDD related phenotypes such as neuroticism and age at onset of MDD. The purpose of this study is to determine risk factors for MDD, identify genome-wide genetic variants affecting neuroticism and age at onset as quantitative traits, and detect gender differences influencing neuroticism.
Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed on 1,738 MDD cases and 1,618 non-MDD controls to determine phenotypic risk factors for MDD. Multiple linear regression analyses in PLINK software were used for GWA analyses for neuroticism and age at onset of MDD with 437,547 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs).
Gender (OR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.24 - 1.64) and a family history (OR: 2.88; 95% CI: 2.48 - 3.35) were significantly associated with an increased risk of MDD, which supports the findings of prior studies. Through GWA analysis 34 SNPs were identified to be associated with neuroticism (p < 10-4). The best SNP was rs4806846 within the TMPRSS9 gene (p = 7.79 x10-6). Furthermore, 46 SNPs were found showing significant gene x gender interactions for neuroticism with p<10-4. The best SNP showing gene x gender interaction was rs2430132 (p = 5.37x10-6) in HMCN1 gene. In addition, GWA analysis showed that several SNPs within 4 genes (GPR143, ASS1P4, MXRA5 and MAGEC1/2) were significantly associated with age at onset of MDD (p < 5x10-7).
This study confirmed previous findings that MDD is associated with an increased prevalence in women (about 43% more compared to men) and is highly heritable among first degree relatives. Several novel genetic loci were identified to be associated with neuroticism and age at onset. Gender differences were found in genetic influence of neuroticism. These findings offer the potential for new insights into the pathogenesis of MDD.
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