Spelling suggestions: "subject:"managemement eee"" "subject:"managemement 2ee""
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[pt] Este estudo objetiva mostrar, mediante ao grande número de oferta de
fundos de investimentos, a dificuldade do investidor em escolher um bom fundo,
mesmo com o argumento largamente utilizado de que fundos de taxas de
administração alta, por terem gestão ativa, entregam melhores resultados. Para isso,
ordenou-se a totalidade dos fundos, ou seja, mais de 2.000 fundos de investimentos
das classes de renda fixa, ações e multimercados em quadrantes de alta e baixa taxa
de administração versus alto e baixo desempenho por diferentes intervalos. Os
resultados reforçam o quão é difícil a escolha e ter taxa de administração alta não
infere em resultados melhores. / [en] This study aims to show, through the large number of investment funds,
how difficult is to choose a good fund, even with the widely used argument that
funds with high management fees deliver better results, due to their active
management. For this, all the funds, it means more than 2,000 investment funds of
among fixed income, stock funds and multimarket funds were displayed in
quadrants defined as high and low management fees versus high and low
performance. The results reinforce how difficult the choice is and having a high
administration rate does not infer better results.
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Har aktiv fondförvaltning något värde? : en kvantitativ studie om aktivitetsgraden i aktivt förvaltade fonder / Has active fund management any value? : A quantitative study of trading frequency in active fund managementAndersson, Matilda, Grahn, Cindy January 2014 (has links)
I decennier har problematiken kring förvaltning belysts och i mångt och mycket har motpolerna aktiv- och passiv förvaltning jämförts. Tidigare forskning har påvisat att passiv förvaltning är att föredra framför aktiv förvaltning, bland annat på grund av de dyra förvaltningsavgifterna samt att förespråkarna antar en effektiv marknad. Ämnesområdet är ett väl utforskat område dock i högsta grad aktuellt. Tidigare forskning har inte belyst aktivitetsgraden i aktivt förvaltade fonder och därmed gavs implikation till fortsatt analysområde för den här studien. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera om aktivitetsgraden i aktivt förvaltade fonder kan förklara den riskjusterade avkastningen med hänsyn tagen till förvaltningsavgiften. En deduktiv ansats kommer tillämpas för utveckling av existerande teori. Utifrån uppsatsens syfte har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats för att analysera information som tilldelats av fondbolagens fondrapporter för att genomföra tester på olika tidsperioder. Uppsatsens resultat grundas på 81 aktivt förvaltade fonder vilka indikerar att det ej går att påvisa att en högre aktivitetsgrad leder till en högre riskjusterad avkastning. Likaså kan inte en högre förvaltningsavgift motiveras av aktivitetsgraden. Utfallet av analyserna beskrivs genom tabeller för att visualisera de statistiska analyserna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning inkluderar undersökning av vad fondbolagen definierar som krav för att klassificeras som aktivt förvaltade fonder. Utifrån att aktivitetsgraden är en ny infallsvinkel i utvärdering av aktiv förvaltning torde studiens resultat vara av intresse för gemene man då vi alla är investerare mer eller mindre i det privata livet. Investerare antas vara intresserade att veta vad som motiverar den höga förvaltningsavgiften samt hur investerade pengar blir förvaltade då konklusionen av studien är att aktivitetsgraden inte ger mervärde. / For decades, the problem of portfolio management has been discussed, specifically the comparisons between the opposite poles ‘active’ and ‘passive’ management. Previous research has shown that passive management is preferred over active management, predominantly because of the expensive management fees, as well as proponents assuming an efficient market. The subject area is a well- explored area yet, highly relevant. Previous research has not highlighted the trading frequency in actively managed funds and an implication for further analysis within this area was given. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the frequency of trade in actively managed funds may explain the risk-adjusted return, taking into account the management fees. A deductive approach will be applied to the development of existing theory. Based on the thesis purpose, a quantitative method was applied. As well as analyzing the information assigned by the mutual fund companies’ fund reports for conducting tests at different time periods. Results of the thesis are based on 81 actively managed funds, indicating that it is not possible to reveal that, a higher frequency of trade will lead to a higher risk-adjusted return. Likewise, a higher management fee is not justified by the level of activity. The outcomes of the analysis are depicted through tables to provide a visualization of the statistical and analytical questions explored. Suggestions for future research include; consideration of what the fund companies define as requirements that will be classified as actively managed funds. Based on the above notions the frequency of trade is a new approach to the evaluation of active management. Investors are presumed to have a known interest in what stimulates high management fees and how the money invested will be managed. With respect to the conclusion of this study; the level of the frequency in trade does not add any value.
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Aktiv Förvaltning - Resulterar det i högre avkastning än index?Rosén, Frida, Smestad, Christine January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur aktivt förvaltade fonder presterar jämfört med indexfonder, när avkastningen har justerats för förvaltningsavgiften. Indexfonden representeras av ett jämförelseindex och studien omfattar en tioårsperiod, 2000-2009. Det faktum att en apa vann aktie SM 1993, framför professionella placerare, visar att aktiekurser är slumpmässiga. Varför ska en investerare då lita på att en förvaltare är bättre på att utvärdera marknaden och dess placeringsmöjligheter än andra? Metod: En kvantitativ metod har använts i uppsatsen, där data har erhållits från Morningstar och SIX Telekurs. Det insamlade materialet har bearbetats i Microsoft Excel för att beräkna fondernas avkastning och prestationsmått. Resultatet har redovisats i tabeller och diagram i empirikapitlet, för att sedan analyseras och jämföras med den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat & slutsats: Endast en av tio aktivt förvaltade fonder överträffar index, därmed dras slutsatsen att indexfonder är ett bättre investeringsalternativ än aktivt förvaltade fonder. Resultatet visar därmed att den högre förvaltningsavgiften som fondbolagen kräver från sina kunder inte är berättigat. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Baserat på de resultat som kommit fram i uppsatsen, voredet intressant att genomföra en kvalitativ studie där fondförvaltarens åsikter är i fokus. Hur motiveras den höga förvaltningsavgiften, när de inte överträffar index? / Aim: The fact that a monkey won the Swedish Championship in stocks in 1993, ahead of professional investors, shows that stock prices are random. Why should an investor trust that a professional manager is better on evaluating the market and its investment opportunities than others? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how active managed funds perform compared to index funds, after subtraction of the management fee. The index fund is represented by a “comparison index” and the research covers a period of ten years, between 2000 and 2009. Method: A quantitative method has been used in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar and SIX Telekurs. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in diagrams and charts in order to analyse and compare it with the theory. Result & Conclusions: Only one out of ten active managed funds outperform index,therefore draws the conclusion that index funds is a better investment option than active managed funds. The result shows that the higher management fee that stock exchange companies claims is not appropriate. Suggestions for future research: Based on the results in this thesis, it would be interesting to do a qualitative research where the focus is on the fund managers’ opinions. How can they motivate the high management fee, when they don’t outperform index?
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L'évaluation de la performance des fonds mutuels : le cas de la France / Performance evaluation of mutual funds : the french contextBangash, Romana 19 April 2012 (has links)
Les fonds mutuels sont désormais reconnus comme une possibilité de diversifier des investissements en actions et constituent actuellement une alternative (ou un complément) aux investissements directs en actions. L'industrie des fonds mutuels est désormais présente dans la majorité des pays et a enregistré une croissance spectaculaire au cours des dernières années. En dépit de son importance, cette industrie a fait l'objet de peu de recherches en dehors des Etats-Unis. Notre étude a pour but de combler ce manque. A travers l'utilisation d'une base de données récente fournie par Eurofidai, nous analysons les attributs et la performance des fonds mutuels européens en fondant notre étude sur le cas des fonds d'actions français. Cette thèse de doctorat examine le problème de sélection des investisseurs confrontés à une masse d'information importante qui peut résulter en une certaine confusion lors de l'allocation d'actifs. Afin d'acquérir une meilleure compréhension des fonds mutuels, nous analysons certains facteurs et caractéristiques qui sont susceptibles d'avoir un impact sur leur performance et par conséquent influent sur la prise de décision des investisseurs. Notre étude empirique utilise des données mensuelles entre 1990 et 2009 sur un ensemble de fonds mutuels investis en actions françaises. Les objectifs de la recherche sont au nombre de trois : l'évaluation des performances des fonds mutuels, la détermination des caractéristiques ayant un impact sur ces performances et les explications potentielles de la structure des frais de gestion. Nos résultats révèlent que les fonds français préfèrent les actions à petite taille et book-to-market. Il apparaît que la taille du fonds et sa longévité ont un impact positif sur la performance. Nous montrons également qu'il existe des économies d'échelle dans les familles de fonds. Par exemple, les fonds contenant des titres à faibles capitalisation favorisent les investisseurs en réclamant des frais de gestion plus faibles.. Ce travail de recherche apporte aux chercheurs, analystes et investisseurs des éléments de réponse et permet ainsi à ces derniers d'affiner leur prise de décision relative à l'investissement dans l'industrie des fonds mutuels. / Ever since the investment community first recognized mutual funds as a means for diversification, asset preservation, and asset accumulation, academics and practitioners have conducted many studies designed to ascertain their appeal. The mutual funds are gaining importance worldwide and it has registered a spectacular growth in the entire world. Despite the importance of the mutual fund industry, it has received little academic attention outside the USA. Therefore, our study intends to contribute in filling this gap. Using a new database of Eurofidai, we analyze mutual funds' various aspects in European context with a case of French equity mutual funds. This study has introduced the problem investors have in selecting mutual funds, where the sheer amount of information on mutual funds results in investor confusion. To dispel this confusion and to bring a deeper understanding in mutual funds, we have examined certain factors and characteristics that affect the mutual funds performance and ultimately investors' decisions. This study followed suit by compiling monthly data from 1990 to 2009 for equity mutual funds domestically invested in France. We have three basic research objectives; performance evaluation of equity mutual funds; designating funds' characteristics effecting performance and potential determinants for structuring fund's fees being charged to investors. Our results reveal that French funds prefer smaller stocks and lower book to market ratio. We provide evidence of positive impact of funds' size and age on fund performance. We also found economies of scale in fund families. Funds having small cap holdings favor investors by charging low management fees. This research provides academics, analysts and investors some insight in mutual funds to refine their preferences and some key features to be considered while deciding their investments.
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Modelling management fees of mutual funds using multiple linearregression / Modellering av fonders förvaltningsavgift genom multilinjär regressionHallberg, David, Renström, Erik January 2017 (has links)
This paper seeks to investigate whether management fees, set by mutual funds, rely on a set of explanatory variables. The study includes equity, bond, and money market funds, all investing in securities registered in Sweden. Results obtained from the project show that changes in assets under management, standard deviation, and tracking error, for a course of 5 years, can provide some explanation to what management fees mutual funds set. In turn, this raises many interesting questions on how capital flows and fund differentiation affects the fees. Also, a market analysis of the Swedish fund market shows that elements of monopolistic competition are present. Finally, because of the scope of this study, several suggestions on further research have been made. / Denna artikel ämnar undersöka huruvida förvaltningsavgifter, satta av fonder, beror på ett antal förklarande variabler. Studien inkluderar aktie, obligations och korträntefonder, vilka investerar i värdepapper registrerade i Sverige. Resultat erhållna från projektet tyder på att förändringar i kapital under förvaltning, standardavvikelse och spårningsfel (tracking error), alla uppmätta över 5 år, delvis kan förklara vilka avgifter fonder sätter. I sin tur väcker detta flera intressanta frågor över hur kapitalflöden och fonddifferentiering påverkar avgifter. Dessutom visar en genomförd marknadsanalys över den svenska fondmarknaden att karaktäristiska drag av monopolistisk konkurrens är närvarande. Slutligen, i samband med studiens omfattning, så har flertalet förslag på vidare studier gjorts.
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FEES IN SUSTAINABLE MUTUAL FUNDS : The relationship between the return on sustainable mutual funds and the total expense ratio in the U.S. and SwedenCheraghi, Jonas, Sundqvist, Adam January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between the total expense ratio and the 5-year performance to last month for sustainable mutual funds registered in Sweden and the United States. The increasing amount of mutual funds and the shift towards sustainability in the society gives cause to study the relationship between the total expense ratio and the performance of sustainable mutual funds rather than conventional mutual funds. The analysis was conducted by testing the relationships through different regression models for both the Swedish and the U.S. market. A simple regression model was conducted for both markets to study the relation that the total expense ratio has to the 5-year performance to last month. To further analyse the relation between the two variables, a multiple regression model was conducted for both markets to further analyse the significant relationship between the total expense ratio and the 5-year performance to last month. The data was collected via Eikon and included mutual funds registered in Sweden and the U.S., each mutual fund collected was retrieved together with an ESG score which was the definitive factor whether the mutual fund could be considered as sustainable or not. The results gathered from the simple regression model for the Swedish market was found to have no significant relationship and the explanatory degree for the regression model was very low. The results regarding the simple regression model for the U.S. market are however found to be significant but with a low degree of explanation as well. Hence the result from this study indicates that there is no significant relationship between the total expense ratio and the 5-year performance to last month for the Swedish market when conducting a simple regression model, while the U.S. market has a low significant relationship between the variables. However, a multiple regression model for the Swedish market containing additional control variables presents a significant relationship between the total expense ratio and the 5-year performance to last month. The same results were found for the U.S. market when conducting a multiple regression model. The results for the Swedish simple regression model align with previous studies conducted within this area, where previous studies have found there to be no significant relationship between the total expense ratio and the performance of mutual funds, hence same results are applicable to sustainable mutual funds. However, this study did in fact also display significant relationships for the multiple regression model for the Swedish market as well as for both regression models for the U.S. market. Which indicates that the total expense ratio to some extents have an explanatory relationship between the total expense ratio and the 5-year performance to last month for sustainable mutual funds in both the Swedish market and the U.S. market.
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Avkastning och hållbarhet på fondmarknaden : En empirisk komparativ studie om hållbara aktiefonders avkastning kontra konventionella aktiefonder / Return and sustainability on the fund market : An empirical comparative study of sustainable equity funds return versus conventional equity fundsBackman, Ricky, Sundborn, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
För att investerare ska placera kapital mot hållbara investeringar krävs insikt om det finns en premie som valet av hållbara aktiefonder innebär eller om dessa motsvarar eller till och med överavkastar mot konventionella fonder. I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur den riskjusterade avkastningen, mätt som Jensens alpha, ser ut för hållbara och konventionella fonder. Studien undersökte 51 aktiefonder med hemvist i Sverige för åren 2017-2021 där datan samlades in från Avanza och hållbarhetsbetyg från Morningstar användes för klassificering av konventionella respektive hållbara fonder. Resultaten pekar på att hållbara aktiefonder har en riskjusterad avkastning som är 0,2 procentenheter högre än konventionella aktiefonder över hela tidsramen. Studien undersökte även förhållandet mellan riskjusterad avkastning och förvaltningsavgiften och fann ett marginellt positivt samband utifrån en regressionsanalys. Studien bidrar till forskningsområdet genom att närmare undersöka ett individuellt land till skillnad från tidigare studier och på senare årtal vilket ger en mer nutida förståelse för hållbara och konventionella aktiefonder på den svenska fondmarknaden. / For investors looking at placing their capital in sustainable equity funds, there is a need for knowledge as to how sustainable funds compare to their conventional peers. Do they demand a premium, have the same returns or even outperform? In this paper we look at the risk adjusted return, Jensen's alpha, on the Swedish fund market between the year 2017-2021 and how sustainable funds compare to conventional ones. The results indicate that sustainable funds outperform conventional funds with 0,2 percentage points over the entire time frame. The study also examined the relationship between fund fees and risk adjusted returns and found a marginal positive relationship from a regression analysis. The study contributes to the scientific field by closer examining a single country for a later time frame, giving a more contemporary understanding of sustainable and conventional funds on the Swedish fund market.
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