Spelling suggestions: "subject:"marketsegmentation"" "subject:"marketfragmentation""
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Proyecto iCook – Servicio de delivery de ingredientes listos para cocinar / iCook Project - Ready-to-cook ingredients delivery serviceCalderon Galindo, Nadzhna Estrella, Quiroz San Román, Tamara Naissa, Rafaile Chombo, Stephany Elizabeth, Ricaldi Vasquez, Estephany Etelvina, Zamora Rivera, Jenny del Rocío 01 December 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se tomó en cuenta de qué forma ha cambiado el estilo de vida respecto a la coyuntura actual que está atravesando el país. Debido a ello, se está llevando a cabo la implementación de iCook, un modelo de negocio, que brinda insumos listos para cocinar, ahorrándole tiempo a los consumidores y evitándoles la exposición al momento de salir a realizar las compras para cocinar.
En primer lugar, se dio paso a la investigación de mercado. Gracias a esta información recaudada se pudo segmentar a estos consumidores peruanos para obtener el target adecuado para iCook; así como, delimitar la zona geográfica para su desarrollo como negocio.
En segundo lugar, para la implementación de este modelo de negocio, se realizó validaciones, con el propósito de conocer la aceptación de la marca, de forma que se logre satisfacer las necesidades del público objetivo.
Una vez que se conoció la aceptación del modelo de negocio, se procedió a plantear los objetivos, metas y estrategias a desarrollar tanto en un corto como en un largo plazo, a fin de conocer el presupuesto requerido en los tres primeros años de vida del proyecto.
Finalmente, se concluyó que el proyecto es viable y crea valor, pues se obtuvo un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) positivo y mayor al Costo de Oportunidad (COK). Por otro lado, la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) también supera al COK, reflejando que el proyecto es sostenible y se encuentra en óptimas condiciones para salir en marcha al mercado peruano. / In the present work, it was taken into account how the lifestyle has changed with respect to the current situation that the country is going through. Due to this, the implementation of iCook is being carried out, a business model that provides ready-to-cook inputs, saving time for consumers and avoiding exposure when going out to make purchases to cook.
First, market research began. Thanks to this information collected, it was possible to segment these Peruvian consumers to obtain the right objective for iCook; as well as, delimit the geographical area for its development as a business.
Second, for the implementation of this business model, validations were carried out, with the purpose of knowing the acceptance of the brand, in order to satisfy the needs of the target audience.
Once the acceptance of the business model was know, the objectives, goals and strategies to be developed both in the short and in the long term were proposed, in order to know the budget required in the first three years of the project's life.
Finally, it was conclude that the project is viable and creates value, since a positive Net Present Value (NPV) was obtained and greater than the Opportunity Cost (COK). On the other hand, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) also exceeds the COK, reflecting that the project is sustainable and is in optimal conditions to go live in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación
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Determining the market profile of black visitors to a resort in the Vaal region.Mojakisane, M.M. 11 1900 (has links)
B. Tech. (Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Human Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Tourism is considered one of the most important industries in the global economy and is still growing, especially in South Africa. Effective marketing is only possible if knowledge is available on tourists’ decisions, wants, needs and so forth. This will allow for effective market segmentation and improve the understanding of the market and what the market requires. This will also lead to more effective marketing campaigns, marketing spend and use of scarce resources. This can be achieved by studying the unique characteristics of the various markets in South Africa.
Market segmentation refers to a technique used by tourism organisations to divide a market into smaller, more clearly defined, groups that share similar needs, wants and characteristics. This will allow for tailor-made products and services. Although the tourism industry in South Africa is well developed for the Caucasian market it is not as familiar with the black market and its needs. Therefore products cannot be developed according to the life styles of black South Africans. This requires more research to be conducted.
The main purpose of the study was thus to segment the black market visiting Abrahamsrust Resort in the Vaal Region. This has enabled the researcher to identify important factors with regard to market segmentation to be implemented for black tourists in the Vaal Region and enable marketers to target the selected market segments in the region.
A total number of 400 questionnaires were distributed among visitors of which 319 were completed and used. All questionnaires were distributed at Abrahamsrust Resort. Data were used and captured in the form of graphs and tables so as to design the profile. The main variables of this study were gender, occupation, language, province of origin, number of visits, number of children, number of days spent as well as average spend. The results found can contribute in the sense of helping marketers to target the selected target market. Suggestions from attendees were that management should improve facilities and services at the events.
In order to cluster the segments, hierarchical clustering was done which revealed three significant clusters based on travel motivations, namely Social Relaxers, Quality Seekers and Loyal Relaxers. Cluster one is motivated by social and relaxing needs, cluster two focuses on quality and value for money aspects and cluster three seems to be the loyal visitors to the resort travelling for relaxation purposes. In terms of describing the three clusters it was found that the demographic segmentation variables did not differ significantly between the clusters, with only a small difference in terms of gender. In terms of describing the behavioural segmentation variables it was also found that the clusters did not differ significantly but differences were found on number of days at the resort and recreation activities preferred for the children. Besides the differences in travel motivations it was thus found that the current market is very much homogenous. This holds certain implications for the marketing strategy of the resort.
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The Labour-market Experiences of Skilled African Women in Sweden : The Case of Kenyan WomenMugororoka, Fortune Chanelle January 2020 (has links)
The study sought to understand the labour-market experiences of Kenyan women living in Swedenfrom a precarity standpoint. Specifically, from the point of view of uncertainty and vulnerability ofAfrican migrants workers in the labor market. The research explored how individual, structural, andcultural factors influenced the choice of profession and the labour market participation of Kenyanmigrant women in Sweden. Intersectionality, Precarity and the Dual Labor Market theory were thetheories picked to make sense of the particular vulnerabilities experienced, and strategies adoptedby Kenya migrant women in the Swedish labour market. A qualitative approach was adopted by thestudy and a case-study specifically used. Semi -structured interviews were used as the tool for datacollection and the data coded and analyses thematically. The research found out that African wokenfaced challenges in the Swedish labour market despite their academic qualifications, workexperience or Swedish language skills. Gender and ethnicity were found to be contributing factorsto these women being embedded mostly in the secondary segments of the labour market. Dualismor the labor market segmentation theory- divided into two sections; the primary and the secondaryjobs proved useful as it enabled the research make sense of the participants embeddedness in thesecondary labour markets. The concept of precarity was helpful in analysing various precariouswork undertaken by the participants from the beginning of their migration to Sweden and aftermany years of being in the country. The combination of the dual labor market theory with theintersectionality approach was significant to the study as it highlighted the dichotomy and thecomplexity of interactions between race, gender and ethnicity in the labor market. The findings ofthe research generally confirmed previous studies that show that highly skilled migrant women aremostly situated in the secondary segments of the labour market or face discrimination whenpositioned in primary jobs due to their different ethnicity and different culture. The studyrecommends that further research be done with a a larger sample and the same study done in otherEuropean countries for comparison purposes.
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[pt] O propósito deste trabalho foi analisar as características
relevantes de
um sistema de distribuição eletrônica para hotéis usando
diretrizes baseadas no
mercado e explorando variantes para diferentes segmentos
de mercado. Neste
estudo, foram entrevistados 116 indivíduos, usuários de
Internet. Os
entrevistados responderam um questionário aplicado pela
Internet. Este
questionário subsidiou a composição do serviço, utilizando
o método de análise
conjunta. Posteriormente, os respondentes foram
segmentados, a partir de suas
utilidades, utilizando a análise de clusters. Os
entrevistados também avaliaram
afirmativas que buscavam corroborar os resultados obtidos
nas análises e
levantar informações adicionais. Na segmentação também
foram utilizados
dados demográficos e psicográficos dos respondentes. Os
resultados revelaram
os atributos relevantes para a composição do serviço e
forneceram subsídios
para a segmentação do serviço para diferentes mercados. / [en] The propose of this work was to analyze the optimal
combination of
attributes for an electronic distribution system for
hotels. The study was based on
consumer´s interviews and variations for different market
segments were
explored. In this study, 116 individuals had been
interviewed and the
questionnaire was applied by the Internet. The
questionnaire subsidized the
composition of the service using the method of Conjoint
Analysis. The utilities
obtained in this first part were used to segment the
respondents using Clusters
Analysis. The respondents had also evaluated some
affirmations with the
objective to corroborate the previous results and to
obtain additional information.
Demographics and psychographics data had also been used in
the segmentation
part. The results had showed the optimal combination of
attributes for the
composition of the service and allowed the segmentation of
service for different
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Improving Travel Satisfaction with Public TransportFernández Abenoza, Roberto January 2017 (has links)
The existing link between PT travelers’ satisfaction, ridership and loyalty prove the relevance of improving overall trip satisfaction. The thesis present an array of approaches and methodologies aiming at increasing overall satisfaction with PT door-to-door trips while covering important issues that previous research has failed to address. These knowledge gaps include: disregarding the different needs and priorities of different type of travelers; overlooking the evolution over time and across geographical areas that overall satisfaction and satisfaction with specific service attributes may experience; and, neglecting the importance of access and egress legs. Based on the Swedish customer satisfaction barometer (2001-2013), an investigation of the determinants of PT satisfaction and their evolution over time (I) shows that: a) the deterioration of overall satisfaction with PT in Sweden in recent years is driven by a decrease in satisfaction with customer interface and length of trip time; b) these two service aspects as well as operation are found as key determinants of overall satisfaction which users consistently rate among the least satisfactory. The diversity of needs and priorities of SKT travelers was reduced into 5 distinctive multi-modal travelers’ groups (II). These travelers’ groups exhibited geographical disparities and an in between-groups overall similarity in the importance attached to the service attributes. Nevertheless, some noticeable differences could be observed. The service attributes’ importance levels reveal overall changes in appreciations and consumption goals over time. A number of both normative and heuristic satisfaction aggregation rules are tested on METPEX dataset for different types of trip configurations (III). The results show that normative rules can better reproduce overall travel satisfaction than heuristic rules, indicating that all trip legs need to be considered when evaluating the overall travel experience. / Kontinuerlig urban tillväxt, miljöproblem, konkurrens om begränsat utrymme, längre pendlingsavstånd samt behovet av att främja rättvisa och jämlikhet i samhället är de främsta anledningarna till förbättringar av kollektivtrafikens (KT) tjänster och attraktionskraft för att få fler resenärer att byta från bil till KT och därmed en viktig politisk fråga i många länder över hela världen. Den befintliga kopplingen mellan KT-resenärens tillfredsställelse, antalet passagerare och lojalitet visar betydelsen av att förbättra resans övergripande tillfredsställelse. De tre artiklar som ingår i denna licentiatavhandling presenterar en rad tillvägagångssätt och metoder som syftar till att öka den totala tillfredsställelsen med KT i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor samt täcker viktiga frågor som tidigare forskning har misslyckats med att ta itu med. Dessa kunskapsluckor inkluderar de olika behov och prioriteringar som olika typer av resenärer har, utveckling över tid och över geografiska områden som total tillfredsställelse och tillfredsställelse med specifika serviceattribut kan påverkas av samt försummelsen av resans av- och påstigningsdelar. Baserat på den svenska kundtillfredsställelsebarometern Svensk Kollektivtrafikbarometer (SKT) visar en undersökning av bestämningsfaktorerna för KT- tillfredsställelse och deras utveckling över tiden för KT-användare under åren 2001-2013 att (Artikel I): a) det skett en försämring av den sammanlagda tillfredsställelsen med KT i Sverige under de senaste åren som drivits av en minskning av tillfredsställelsen med kundgränssnittet och resans tid; b) att dessa två serviceaspekter samt drift är helt avgörande för övergripande tillfredsställelse och som resenärer konsekvent graderar bland de minst tillfredsställande. Mångfalden av behov och prioriteringar för SKT-resenärer reducerades till 5 distinkta multimodala resenärsgrupper (Artikel II). Dessa resenärsgrupper uppvisade geografiska skillnader och en i mellan-grupper övergripande likhet i vikt som fästs vid serviceattribut. Likväl kan några märkbara skillnader observeras. Serviceattributens betydelse avslöjar övergripande förändringar i uppskattnings- och konsumtionsmål över tid. De mer frekventa KT-användarsegmenten är mer nöjda över hela spektret och kännetecknas av en mer balanserad fördelning av attributens betydelse, medan en av grupperna – bilpendlare på landsbygden - är markant missnöjda med service- och driftattribut. Ett antal både normativa och heuristiska regler för aggregerad tillfredsställelse testas på METPEX-data (A Measurement Tool to determine the quality of the Passenger EXperience) för olika typer av resekonfigurationer (Artikel III). Detta görs för att förstå hur resenärer kombinerar delresors tillfredsställelse i en övergripande utvärdering av hela resan och för att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av tillfredsställelse med påstignings-, huvud- och avstigningsdel för hela reseupplevelsen i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor. Resultaten visar att normativa regler bättre kan återge övergripande resetillfredsställelse än heuristiska regler, vilket tyder på att alla resans delar måste beaktas när man utvärderar den samlade reseupplevelsen. I synnerhet ger viktning av tillfredsställelse med individuella delresor och de upplevda delresornas restider den bästa predikatorn för övergripande resetillfredsställelse, särskilt vid tillämpning av en väntetidsvikt på 3 eller 4 gånger i fordons- eller gångtid. Denna uppsättning artiklar skulle kunna hjälpa myndigheter att bättre utvärdera och tillgodose resenärernas behov genom att stödja tilldelning av resurser och prioriterandet av åtgärder i den mest effektfulla delen i en ”från dörr till dörr”-resa. / El rápido crecimiento urbano, problemas medioambientales, la competencia por el uso de espacios cada vez más limitados, el aumento de la distancia en los viajes pendulares así como la necesidad de fomentar una sociedad más equitativa e igualitaria, son algunas de las principales razones que hacen de la mejora de los servicios de transporte público (TP) y del trasvase de usuarios del transporte privado motorizado al TP una política clave en muchos países del mundo. La relación existente entre la mejora de la satisfacción del usuario de TP con el incremento de usuarios y de su fidelidad, prueban la importancia de mejorar la satisfacción global del usuario con el viaje. Los tres artículos incluidos en esta tesis de mitad de doctorado, en Suecia Licentiate thesis, presentan un variedad de enfoques y métodos que tienen como objetivo incrementar la satisfacción global con los viajes de puerta a puerta (desde el origen hasta el destino final) en los que el transporte público está involucrado, a la par de cubrir cuestiones importantes que no han abordado estudios previos. Estas lagunas de conocimientos incluyen: ignorar las distintas prioridades y necesidades de distintos tipos de viajeros; pasar por alto que tanto la satisfacción global con el viaje como la satisfacción con los atributos específicos del servicio pueden experimentar cambios a lo largo del tiempo y entre diversas zonas geográficas; y, el obviar la importancia que otras etapas del viaje (acceso y egreso), diferentes a la principal, pueden ejercer sobre la valoración global del viaje. Basado en el barómetro sueco de satisfacción del usuario de transporte público (SKT), se estudian los determinantes de la satisfacción con el TP y su evolución temporal, para usuarios de TP y para el período 2001-2013 (Artículo I). El artículo muestra que: a) el deterioro de la satisfacción global con el TP sueco experimentado en los últimos años se debe a la disminución de la satisfacción con el modo en el que la agencia de TP gestiona las quejas y el trato con los usuarios (customer interface), y de la duración del viaje (length of trip time); b) frequencia y la fiabilidad del servicio (operation) se suman a los dos ya mencionados atributos del servicio como factores determinantes de la satisfacción global con el TP. Son precisamente estos tres atributos los que consistentemente reciben unas valoraciones situadas entre las menos satisfactorias. Basándose en las características de tipo socio-económico, en las del viaje y en coeficientes de accesibilidad, se obtienen cinco grupos de viajeros multimodales relativamente homogéneos, los cuales ayudan a simplificar la complejidad existente, en términos de necesidades y prioridades, de todos los viajeros suecos - SKT (Artículo II). Los cinco grupos de viajeros exhiben disparidades geográficas y, en general, una semejanza entre grupos en la importancia atribuida a los atributos del servicio. Sin embargo, existen algunas diferencias notorias. A lo largo del tiempo, los niveles de importancia de los atributos del servicio revelan cambios generales en las apreciaciones y objetivos de consumo. Los grupos de viajeros que viajan más frecuentemente con transporte público están, de forma generalizada, más satisfechos con el viaje y muestran una distribución más equilibrada de la importancia dada a los atributos del servicio. Se hace destacable la marcada insatisfacción que uno de los grupos – los automovilistas rurales pendulares (rural motorist commuters)- muestran con los atributos relacionados con la operación (fiabilidad y frequencia). Una serie de reglas de agregación de la satisfacción del viajero, tanto normativas como heurísticas, son examinadas en el conjunto de datos de METPEX (Una herramienta de medición para determinar la calidad de la experiencia del viajero) para distintos tipos de configuraciones de viaje (Artículo III). El objetivo de este artículo es; entender como los viajeros combinan la satisfacción con cada una de las etapas del viaje en su valoración global del viaje, e investigar la importancia relativa que cada una de las tres etapas del viaje (acceso, principal y egreso) tienen sobre la experiencia de un viaje completo de puerta a puerta. Los resultados muestran que, en comparación con las reglas heurísticas, las reglas normativas pueden reproducir de una mejor manera la satisfacción global con el viaje; indicando que todas las etapas del viaje necesitan ser consideradas cuando se evalúa la experiencia global del viaje. En particular la ponderación de la satisfacción con cada una de los segmentos del viaje[1] con la duración percibida para cada una de los segmentos del viaje produce el mejor indicador de la satisfacción global del viaje, especialmente cuando se aplica una penalización por cada minuto de espera equivalente a 3 o 4 veces el tiempo en movimiento y/o caminando. Éste conjunto de artículos pretende ayudar a las operadores y autoridades pertinentes a evaluar y proveer de la mejor manera posible las necesidades de los viajeros mediante la priorización de medidas y asignación de recursos a la parte más relevante del viaje multimodal puerta a puerta. [1] Un segmento del viaje (trip leg) es la parte más pequeña en la que se descompone un viaje de puerta a puerta. Una etapa del viaje puede estar compuesta de uno o más segmentos del viaje. / <p>QC 20170202</p>
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De europeiska busskarosserierna – inte så attraktiva som förväntat : En undersökning och analys av den busstillverkande marknaden i Europa med hänsyn till Företag A och busskarosserier / The European bus body market – not asattractive as anticipated : A market research and analysis of the bus body manufacturing industry in Europe, with consideration of Company AMenzing, Helena E, Franzén, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Målet med arbetet var att undersöka och analyserad en europeiska bussmarknaden för att se om Företag A kan bredda sin verksamhet och nå denna eventuellt nya marknad. För att kunna göra det gjordes först en marknadsundersökning där alla aktörer kartlades. Dessa aktörer analyserades för att se om marknaden var intressant samt för att se vilka av dem som kunde vara potentiella kunder och potentiella konkurrenter. Även busstillverkarnas produktkrav och produktönskemål undersöktes för att se om Företag A kunde erbjuda dem några av sina befintliga produkter. Intervjuer gjordes med Företag A, deras leverantörer, deras kunder och deras kunders kunder för att få en bättre förståelse för marknaden, Företag A:s befintliga produkter, produkterna de skulle behöva och vad som faktiskt efterfrågades på marknaden. En analys av Företag A:s möjlighet till expansion gjordes med hjälp av Ansoffs teorier om tillväxtstrategi, där det framkom att enda möjligheten för Företag A att expandera till Europa i dagsläget var via en marknadsutveckling. En SWOT-‐analys gjordes därför där Företag A:s styrkor och svagheter jämfördes mot den potentiella marknadens möjligheter och hot. Där såg vi att Företag A:s största styrkor idag inte var egenskaper som efterfrågades på marknaden, att Företag A idag inte hade möjlighet att konkurrera om möjligheterna på marknaden och att hoten på densamma var överhängande. En konkurrenskraftsanalys gjordes utifrån Porters fem krafter där det framkom att den europeiska bussmarknaden har låga inträdes-‐ och utträdesbarriärer, kraftfulla köpare och hög industrikonkurrens vilket ger en teoretiskt oattraktiv marknad med chans till stabil men låg avkastning. Slutsatsen blev därför att marknaden inte var så intressant som det i begynnelseläget hade verkat och rekommendationen till Företag A blev således att de inte borde satsa på att försöka expandera dit i dagsläget. För att avsluta rapporten i en mer positiv klang så adderades även några rekommendationer för vad Företag A skulle kunna göra istället. / The purpose of the project was to research and analyse the European bus market to see if Company A could expand their business and reach the potential new market. In order to do so all the market players were first mapped. These were then analysed to see if the market was attractive and to see which of them could be potential customers and potential competitors. The bus manufacturers' product requirements and product preferences were examined to see if Company A could offer them some of their existing products. Interviews were conducted with Company A, their suppliers, their customers and their customers' customers to get a better understanding of the market, Company A's existing products, the products they need and what actually was requested on the market. An analysis of Company A's potential expansion was made using Ansoff's theories of growth strategy, where it appeared that the only possibility for Company A to expand to Europé in the current situation was through a market development. A SWOT analysis was therefore made where Company A's strengths and weaknesses were compared to the potential market opportunities and threats. There it was clear that greatest strengths of Company A today were not the qualities that were wanted on the market. Company A did not currently have the opportunity to compete for the market opportunities present and the market threats were imminent. A competitive analysis based on Porter's five forces made it clear that the European market for buses have low entry and exit barriers, powerful buyers and a high industry competition. His makes it an unattractive market where there is chance for a stable but low return. It was therefore concluded that the market was not as interesting as it had been in the initial position. The recommendation for Company A was therefore that they should not focus on trying to expand to the European bus market in their present situation. To conclude the report with a more positive connotation some other recommendations for what Company A could do instead were added.
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Алгоритмизация принятия решений и оценка рентабельности малого и среднего бизнеса в условиях выхода на маркетплейс : магистерская диссертация / Algorithmization of decision-making and assessment of the profitability of small and medium-sized businesses in terms of entering the marketplaceЧистяков, В. Д., Chistyakov, V. D. January 2021 (has links)
Традиционная модель, при которой производители продают оптовым или розничным продавцам, которые, в свою очередь, продают конечному потребителю, существует уже сотни лет - все это способствовало установлению тесных, лояльных и выгодных отношений с третьими лицами, но Интернет все это изменил: электронная торговля открыла новые каналы распространения. Сегодня развитие технологий не только меняет жизнь людей, но и открывает новые возможности для ведения бизнеса за рубежом и если производители хотят оставаться актуальными, они также должны развиваться. / The traditional model, in which manufacturers sell to wholesalers or retailers, who in turn sell to the end consumer, has been around for hundreds of years - all of which have fostered close, loyal and profitable relationships with third parties, but the Internet has changed it all: e-commerce has opened up new distribution channels. Today, the development of technology not only changes people's lives, but also opens up new opportunities for doing business abroad and if manufacturers want to remain relevant, they must also develop.
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Handla ultra fast fashion, igen? : - En kvantitativ om konsumentbeteende inom ultra fast fashion / Consume fast fashion, again? : A quantitative study on consumer behavior in ultra fast fashion.Deborg, Julia, Nestserava, Tanja January 2023 (has links)
Ultra fast fashion är ett relativt nytt fenomen som definieras som företag som producerar kläder på kort tid och säljer dessa till lågt pris. Snabb förändrade trender i kombination med korta marknadsföringsvägar gör det möjligt för ultra fast fashion att växa. Granskningar har visat inhumana arbetsförhållanden för arbetare på fabriker som tillverkar produkterna och med tanke på att kläderna produceras så snabbt och billigt blir det även stora negativa konsekvenser för miljön. Trots att konsumenter kan känna till detta finns det många som ändå konsumerar ultra fast fashion. Den här studien har studerat konsumtionsbeteenden inom ultra fast fashion för att ta reda på vilka demografiska faktorer som gör att människor handlar ultra fast fashion samt om de har handlat ultra fast fashion tidigare, vad får dem att handla igen. Detta är en kvantitativ studie där data har samlats in genom en enkät. Undersökningen är utformad med demografiska frågor i början och med en betingad fråga i mitten som delar upp respondenterna. Den insamlade datan visar att den demografiska faktorn som gör att man handlar ultra fast fashion är kön då kvinnor visade sig handla ultra fast fashion i större utsträckning än män. Det kan inte sägas säkert att ålder spelar in om man handlar fast fashion eller inte, inte heller hur konsumenternas köpbeteende av ultra fast fashion påverkas av hur miljömedveten man känner sig eller hur hög socioekonomisk status man har. Studien behandlar även konsumentens känsla efter att ha handlat ultra fast fashion samt beslut att handla i framtiden. Det visar sig att det är låg sannolikhet att konsumenten som har handlat ultra fast fashion tidigare handlar ultra fast fashion igen, men vad det beror på kan inte med säkerhet sägas. / Ultra fast fashion is a relatively new phenomenon defined by companies that produce clothes in a short time and sell them at a low price. Rapidly changing trends and short marketing paths allow ultra fast fashion to grow and shorten the production line. Studies have shown inhumane working conditions for workers in factories that manufacture ultra fast fashion products. Long working hours and low wages are just two of many negative aspects. As the garments are not manufactured in a sustainable way and are consumed in abundance, its consumption has a large negative environmental impact. Most consumers are aware of the negative impact on the environment and the poor working conditions for workers, while many continue to consume ultra fast fashion. This study has analyzed ultra fast fashion consumption behaviors to find out which demographic factors make people buy ultra fast fashion and if they have bought ultra fast fashion before, what makes them buy it again. This is a quantitative study where data has been collected through a survey. The survey is designed with demographic questions at the beginning and with a conditional question in the middle that divides the group of respondents. Collected data shows that the demographic factor that makes one buy ultra fast fashion is when women were found to buy ultra fast fashion to a greater extent than men. The age of the consumers is not significantly proven to affect whether the consumer chooses to buy ultra fast fashion or not, neither are the factors environmentally aware or socioeconomic status. The study also deals with the consumer's feelings after shopping ultra fast fashion and decisions to shop in the future. It turns out that there is a low probability that the consumer who has shopped ultra fast fashion before will shop ultra fast fashion again, however there is no sure connection as to what this is due to.
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Direct marketing and Asian American in Inland EmpireHutabarat, Laura Louisa 01 January 2003 (has links)
This thesis employed a series of surveys of Asian Americans residing in the Inland Empire to determine their personal views towards direct marketing. Data is broken out by age, gender, ethnicity and employment status.
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單身熟齡女性退休市場商機分析 / Business Opportunities in the Retirement Market of Single Mature Women李芸英, Li, Yun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
就實際需求面而言,可分成五大層面:健康美麗的緩老需求、安適終老的居住需求、經濟自主的理財需求、教育休閒的娛樂需求、及自我實現的價值需求。根據這五大需求,分別衍生出22項潛在商機,分屬醫療保健、智慧科技、居住交通、金融服務、生活支援及工作休閒等六大構面。 / The changing population structure caused by population aging and low fertility rate has created numerous opportunities for business targeting the elders, which also changes consumer behavior and values in the society. At the moment, the development of silver market mostly focuses on the elders today. However, the forty-to-sixty-year-olds who are going to be retiring in the next twenty years have higher educational background and economic power; moreover, they are more open-minded and have experienced the boost of modern technologies, which gives them much more different expectation for life in retirement than the elders today.
Also, the silver market is not homogeneous, and the niche market for single elder women has the brightest prospect. Nevertheless, there is barely any consumer research for the elder niche markets in Taiwan.
Therefore, this pioneer research targets at single mature females with high educational level, high income, and high qualifications. They are open-minded, financially independent, able to use their time freely, willing to invest in themselves; above all, they have strong consuming capacity. Through exploration of the expectation and demand of the target customers, the potential business opportunities can be uncovered.
The research starts with literature review, analyzing the current social data, the change of population structure, relevant theoretical models, and the current market conditions. Then it adopts the method of individual in-depth interview to understand the family condition, life style, and ideas about retirement of every interviewee. The result of the research shows that the interviewees could be divided into four clusters: the small happiness holders with introverted housebound disposition, the adventurers who stay mentally young and love to try something new, the fighters who care about the society and life quality, and the leaders who love luxuries and to control everything. The interviewees’ expectations of future have already overpassed the most fundamental levels of needs: physiological and safety needs, and are inclined to higher levels needs: social, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs.
There are five aspects regarding the practical demands: the ways to slow aging and keep health and beauty, a nice shelter to enjoy the comfortable retirement life, the finance-management to be financially independent, education and entertainment, and the chances of self-actualization. Twenty-two potential business opportunities can be derived from these demands, which respectively belong to the following six categories: medical and health care, intelligence technology, housing and transportation, financial service, living support, and work and entertainment.
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