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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relativistic effects : applications to multiferroic materials / Effets relativistes : applications aux matériaux multiferroïques

Dixit, Anant 18 December 2015 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur des matériaux à effets relativistes importants. L'hamiltonien semi-relativiste, couplé aux équations de Maxwell (EM), permet de déduire les sources de courant et de densité, incluant des termes de second ordre (polarisations de spin et de Darwin). Différents modèles sont développés par expansion des EM. L'étude ab initio montre que (1) le désordre atomique peut produire le ferrimagnétisme (FM) dans GaFeO3 (GFO) multiferroïque, (2) les états 3d Fe des octaèdres déformés ont une levée de dégénérescence tétraédrique (théorie du champ cristallin), (3) la polarisation électrique concorde avec l'expérience, (4) le mécanisme magnétoélectrique (ME) direct est insuffisant pour expliquer le ME observé. Pour Cr2O3, le calcul de l'état massif sous contraintes biaxiales n'explique pas son FM, la taille de l'échantillon ou l'excès d'oxygène pourrait de fait être important. Enfin, nous avons développé le XAS et le XMCD dans le code VASP et calculé ces spectres pour GFO. / We studied the physics of materials where relativistic effects are important. We first coupled the semi-relativistic Hamiltonian with the Maxwell's equations, and derived the current and density sources, which included second-order terms like the spin and Darwin polarizations. Different models were developed, by expanding the Maxwell's equations. We then performed ab initio studies to explain (1) site disorders as the origin of ferrimagnetism in multiferroic GaFeO3 (GFO), (2) crystal-field theory where the Fe 3d states at the deformed octahedra have tetrahedral splittings, (3) the electric polarization as a function of temperature, and (4) the insufficiency of the direct magnetoelectric (ME) mechanism to explain observed ME behavior. For Cr2O3, bulk calculations for different biaxial strains failed to explain its ferromagnetism, indicating that size or excess-O effects might be important. Finally, we implemented XAS and XMCD in VASP and computed these spectra for GFO.


Stefenon, Letícia Oberoffer 18 May 2011 (has links)
In this work, an analytical version of the method of discrete ordinates (ADO) is used in developing solutions to problems of rarefied gases confined by two infinite parallel plates with different chemical constitutions, that is, without the symmetry condition. The modeling of problems (Poiseuille Flow and Thermal Creep) are performed using the kinetic models of BGK and S, derived from the linearized Boltzmann equation. In order to describe the interaction between gas and surface, we use the core of Maxwell presenting a single accommodation coefficient and the Cercignani-Lampis core defined in terms of the coefficients of accommodation of tangential momentum and energy accommodation coefficient kinetics. A series of results are presented in order to establish a comparison of surface effects to the problems presented. / Neste trabalho, uma vers ao anal´ıtica do m´etodo de ordenadas discretas (ADO) ´e utilizada no desenvolvimento de solu¸c oes para problemas de gases rarefeitos confinados por duas placas paralelas infinitas com constitui¸c oes qu´ımicas diferentes, isto ´e, sem a condi¸c ao de simetria. A modelagem dos problemas (Fluxo de Poiseuille e Creep T´ermico) s ao realizados a partir dos modelos cin´eticos BGK e S, derivados da equa¸c ao linearizada de Boltzmann. A fim de descrever o processo de intera¸c ao entre o g´as e a superf´ıcie, utiliza-se o n´ucleo de Maxwell que apresenta um ´unico coeficiente de acomoda¸c ao e o n´ucleo de Cercignani-Lampis definido em termos dos coeficientes de acomoda¸c ao do momento tangencial e o coeficiente de acomoda¸c ao da energia cin´etica. Uma s´erie de resultados s ao apresentados a fim de estabelecer uma compara¸c ao dos efeitos de superf´ıcie para os problemas apresentados.

Vliv excentricity na radiální síly v asynchronním motoru / The influence of eccentricity upon the radial forces in an induction motor

Formánek, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to get familiar with the influence of radial forces in the induction machine. Induction motor is one of the most commonly used and most extended type of machine, therefore it is useful to detect the intensity of theese forces and their influence at operation of the machine. In this work ,radial forces are computed by the software simulation in ANSYS Maxwell. Models are created with help of module Rmxprt and finite elements method.These models are based on real induction motors with predefined size of eccentricity. In the final part we perform a measurement of deviations on the real machine using vibrometer.

Simulation gekoppelter Relaxations- und Erholungsprozesse bei technischen Gummiwerkstoffen mittels rheologischer Modelle

Scheffler, Christian 24 March 2009 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit ist es, auf der Basis von Messungen ein rheologisches Materialmodell für technische Gummiwerkstoffe zu erstellen, welches deren Eigenschaften nachbildet, insbesondere vorhandene komplexe Zusammenhänge zwischen Relaxation, Erholung, Versuchsgeschwindigkeit und Belastungsamplitude. Dabei wird sich auf die Simulation von großen einfachen, aber beliebigen Scherverformungen beschränkt, woraus ein skalarwertiges Modell resultiert. Anwendung finden generalisierte Maxwell-Elemente und generalisierte kontinuierliche Prandtl-Elemente. Verschiedene Modellvarianten werden diskutiert. Es wird ein Berechnungsprogramm unter MATLAB erstellt.

Propriétés asymptotiques des solutions à données petites du système de Vlasov-Maxwell / Asymptotic properties of the small data solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell system

Bigorgne, Léo 25 June 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de décrire le comportement asymptotique des solutions à données petites du système de Vlasov-Maxwell. En particulier, on s'attachera à étudier tant le champ électromagnétique que le champ de Vlasov par des méthodes de champs de vecteurs, nous permettant ainsi d'éviter toute contrainte de support sur les données initiales. La structure isotrope du système de Vlasov-Maxwell est d'une importance capitale pour compenser le phénomène de résonance causé par les particules approchant la vitesse de propagation du champ électromagnétique. De ce fait, plusieurs parties de ce manuscrit sont dédiées à sa description. Ajoutons également que les méthodes de champs de vecteurs sont connues pour être robustes et s'adapter relativement bien à d'autres situations telles que l'étude des solutions de l'équation des ondes sur un espace-temps courbé. Cette souplesse nous a notamment permis, contrairement aux travaux précédents sur ce sujet, de considérer des plasmas avec des particules sans masse.Notre étude débute par le cas des grandes dimensions d ≥ 4 où les effets dispersifs sont plus importants et permettent ainsi d'obtenir de meilleurs taux de décroissance sur les solutions du système et leurs dérivées. Une nouvelle inégalité de décroissance pour les solutions d'une équation de transport relativiste constitue d'ailleurs un élément central de la démonstration. Afin d'établir un résultat analogue dans le cas où les particules sont sans masse, nous avons dû imposer que le champ de Vlasov s'annule initialement pour les petites vitesses puis nous avons ensuite montré que cette hypothèse était nécessaire. Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons au cas tridimensionnel avec des particules sans masse, où une étude plus poussée de la structure des équations sera nécessaire afin d'obtenir les taux de décroissance optimaux pour les composantes isotropes du champ électromagnétique, les moyennes en vitesse de la fonction de distribution et leurs dérivées. Nous nous concentrons ensuite sur l'étude du comportement asymptotique des solutions à données petites du système de Vlasov-Maxwell massif en dimension 3. Des difficultés spécifiques nous forcent à modifier les champs de vecteurs utilisés précédemment pour l'équation de transport dans le but de compenser les pires termes d'erreurs des équations commutées. Enfin, on considère le même problème en se restreignant à l'étude des solutions à l'extérieur d'un cône de lumière. Les fortes propriétés de décroissance vérifiées par la moyenne en vitesse de la densité de particules dans cette région nous permettent d'affaiblir les hypothèses sur les données initiales et d'avoir une démonstration considérablement plus simple. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the asymptotic properties of the small data solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell system using vector field methods for both the electromagnetic field and the particle density. No compact support asumption is required on the initial data. Instead, we make crucial use of the null structure of the equations in order to deal with a resonant phenomenon caused by the particles approaching the speed of propagation of the Maxwell equations. Due to the robustness of vector field methods and contrary to previous works on this topic, we also study plasmas with massless particles.We start by investigating the high dimensional cases d ≥ 4 where dispersive effects allow us to derive strong decay rate on the solutions of the system and their derivatives. For that purpose, we proved a new decay estimate for solutions to massive relativistic transport equations. In order to obtain an analogous result for massless particles, we required the velocity support of the distribution function to be initially bounded away from $0$ and we then proved that this assumption is actually necessary. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the three dimensional massless case, where a stronger understanding of the null structure of the Vlasov-Maxwell system is essential in order to derive the optimal decay rate of the null components of the electromagnetic field, the velocity average of the particle density and their derivatives. We then focus on the asymptotic behavior of the small data solutions of the massive Vlasov-Maxwell system in 3d. Specific problems force us to modify the vector fields used previously to study the Vlasov field in order to compensate the worst error terms in the commuted transport equations. Finally, still for the massive system in 3d, we restrict our study of the solutions to the exterior of a light cone. The strong decay properties satisfied by the velocity average of the particle density in such a region permit us to relax the hypothesis on the initial data and lead to a much simpler proof.

Dynamic Modelling of a Fluidic Muscle with a Comparison of Hysteresis Approaches / Dynamisk Modellering av en Fluidisk Muskel med en Jämförelse av Hysteresmetoder

Antonsson, Tess January 2023 (has links)
n recent years, there has been a surge in interest and research into the utilisation of soft actuators within the field of robotics, driven by the novel capabilities of their inherently compliant material. One such actuator is the Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) which offers a high power-to-mass ratio, compliance, safety, and biological mimicry when compared to their traditional counterparts. However, because of their flexible and complex physical structure and the compressibility of air inside the PAM, they exhibit nonlinear dynamic behaviour, largely due to the influence of the hysteresis phenomenon. In order to implement strategies to counteract this effect, it first needs to be modelled. As such, this thesis investigates two approaches, namely the Maxwell-Slip (MS) and generalised Bouc-Wen (BW) models. Firstly, the test muscle's initial braid angle, maximum displacement, and maximum force are determined to establish the static force using a modified model. Data is then collected on the PAM's force-displacement hysteresis for 2-6 bar of pressure. Using the results from these experiments, the MS and BW model parameters are identified through optimisation. With the static and hysteresis force components characterised, two complete dynamic models are created. The findings show that, when compared to the collected force-displacement data, the BW model has greater accuracy for all pressures except at 4 bar, although both approaches demonstrate results within a satisfactory margin. Lastly, a model validation is conducted to compare the models using a new dataset, separate from the one on which they were trained. Data for this test is recorded at a pressure of 4 bar with a more complex reference that covers four different regions of the muscle's displacement range. Thereafter, both dynamic models are applied to assess their performance. It is evident from the results that the BW model produces a better outcome than the MS, achieving a normalised error of 5.3746% as compared to the latter's 12.835%. The higher accuracy of the generalised BoucWen method is likely due to it having a more complex structure, specialised parameters, and the ability to model asymmetric hysteresis. The Maxwell-Slip model may however still be preferable in some applications due to its relative simplicity and faster optimisation. / Under de senaste åren har intresset och forskningen ökat kring användningen av mjuka ställdon inom robotik, drivet av den innovativa potentialen som erbjuds av egenskaperna hos deras naturligt flexibla material. Ett sådant ställdon är den Pneumatiska Artificiella Muskeln (PAM) som erbjuder hög kraft i förhållande till vikten, elasticitet, säkerhet och biologisk imitation jämfört med dess traditionella motsvarigheter. Trots dessa fördelar så uppvisar PAM:s ett icke-önskvärt olinjärt dynamiskt beteende, till stor del på grund av deras flexibla och komplexa fysiska struktur samt kompressibiliteten av luft inuti PAM:en. Dessa olinjäriteter orsakar hysteresfenomenet i muskeln. För att implementera strategier för att kunna motverka denna effekt så måste den först modelleras. Till följd därav så undersöker denna avhandling två tillvägagångssätt, nämligen Maxwell-Slip (MS) och den generaliserade Bouc-Wen (BW) modellen. Inledningsvis identifieras testmuskelns initiala flätvinkel, maximala förskjutning och maximala kraft för att fastställa den statiska kraften med hjälp av en modifierad modell. Data samlas sedan in på PAM:ens kraft-förskjutningshysteres för 2-6 bar av tryck. Med hjälp av resultaten från dessa experiment identifieras MS- och BW-modellparametrarna genom optimering. Med de statiska och hystereskraftskomponenterna karakteriserade kan två kompletta dynamiska modeller framkallas. Resultaten visar att jämfört med den insamlade kraft-förskjutningsdatan har BW-modellen en större noggrannhet för alla tryck förutom vid 4 bar, men båda metoderna uppvisar resultat som är inom en godtagbar marginal. Slutligen genomförs en modellvalidering för att jämföra modellerna med hjälp av ett nytt dataset, annorlunda från den som de tränades på. Datan för detta test mäts vid ett tryck på 4 bar med en mer komplex referens som täcker fyra olika regioner av muskelns förskjutningsområde. Därefter tillämpas båda dynamiska modellerna för att bedöma deras prestanda. Det är uppenbart från resultaten att BW-modellen ger ett bättre resultat än MS-modellen, och uppnår ett normaliserat fel på 5,3746% jämfört med den sistnämndas 12,835%. Den högre noggrannheten hos den generaliserade Bouc-Wen-metoden beror sannolikt på att den har en mer komplex struktur, specialiserade parametrar och förmågan att modellera asymmetrisk hysteres. Maxwell-Slipmodellen kan däremot ändå vara att föredra i vissa sammanhang på grund av dess relativa simplicitet och snabbare optimering

Etude théorique et numérique des équations de Vlasov-Maxwell dans le formalisme covariant.

Back, Aurore 07 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Un nouvel point de vue est proposé pour la simulation des plasmas utilisant le modèle cinétique qui couple les équations de Vlasov pour la distribution des particules et les équations de Maxwell pour la contribution des champs électromagnétique. On part du principe que les équations de la Physique sont des objets mathématiques qui mettent en relation des objets géométriques. Afin de conserver les propriètés géométriques des différents objets intervenant dans une équation, on utilise, pour l'étude théorique et numérique, la géométrie différentielle. Il s'avère que toutes les équations de la Physique peuvent s'écrire à l'aide des formes différentielles et que sous ce point de vue celles-ci sont indépendantes du choix des coordonnées. On propose alors une discrétisation des formes différentielles en utilisant les B-splines comme fonctions d'interpolation. Afin d'être cohérent avec la théorie, on proposera également une discrétisation des différentes opérations de la géométrie différentielle agissant sur les formes différentielles. On teste notre schéma tout d'abord sur les équations de Maxwell avec plusieurs conditions aux bords et puisque ce schéma numérique obtenu est indépendant du système de coordonnées, on le teste également lorsque l'on effectue un changement de coordonnées. Enfin, on applique la même méthode sur les équations de Vlasov-Poisson 1D et on propose plusieurs schémas numériques.

Utilizing the Informal Economy: The Case of Chicago's Maxwell Street Market

Balkin,Steven, Morales, Alfonso, Persky, Joseph January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Metodologias de discretização espacial sem malha baseadas nos potenciais de Coulomb e Lennard-Jones para o método radial de interpolação por pontos (RPIM) aplicadas para solução numérica das equações de Maxwell

SOUSA, Washington César Braga de 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosana Moreira (rosanapsm@outlook.com) on 2018-07-18T20:55:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_MetodologiasDiscretizacaoEspacial.pdf: 9447147 bytes, checksum: 60a544ba8385eaaffbff838a5ce9babe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-07-19T12:24:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_MetodologiasDiscretizacaoEspacial.pdf: 9447147 bytes, checksum: 60a544ba8385eaaffbff838a5ce9babe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-19T12:24:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_MetodologiasDiscretizacaoEspacial.pdf: 9447147 bytes, checksum: 60a544ba8385eaaffbff838a5ce9babe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, três novos métodos de interação entre partículas baseados na lei de Coulomb e potencial de Lennard-Jones foram desenvolvidos e computacionalmente implementados visando gerar discretização espacial totalmente meshless que possa ser aplicada ao Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) na solução de equações diferenciais parciais. Estes novos métodos, chamados de Coulomb Law Discretization Method (CLDM), Electric Charge Gaussian Gradation Method (ECGGM) e Lennard-Jones Discretization Method (LJDM), empregam versões adaptadas de equações das forças vetoriais de Coulomb e Lennard-Jones para obter uma distribuição equilibrada de nós no espaço (estado de equilíbrio), com o intuito de alcançar alta qualidade na discretização espacial de estruturas complexas. Para este objetivo, uma nova métrica de qualidade é introduzida. O trabalho está apresentado na forma de agregação de três artigos cientí cos, os quais apresentam respectivamente os métodos: CLDM, ECGGM e LJDM. Os métodos RPIM e UPML (Uniaxial Perfectlly Matched Layers) são usados para resolver as equações de Maxwell no domínio do tempo para problemas 2D (modo TMz) e 3D. Os métodos CLDM, ECGGM e LJDM (cada um em conjunto com o método RPIM), são aplicados em problemas de espalhamento eletromagnético, com base em cilindros metálicos circulares, elípticos e triangulares (caso 2D). Para o caso 3D é aplicado o método LJDM/RPIM. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com soluções analíticas. / In this thesis, three new particle interaction methods based on the Coulomb's and Lennard- Jones' potentials have been developed (and computationally implemented), aiming to generate meshless spatial discretization which can be used to the Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) for solving partial di erential equations. These new methods, called Coulomb Law Discretization Method (CLDM), Electric Charge Gaussian Gradation Method (ECGGM) e Lennard-Jones Discretization Method (LJDM),employ adapted versions of Coulomb's and Lennard-Jones' vector forces equations for obtaining a balanced distribution of nodes in space (equilibrium state), in order to achieve high discretization quality of space and complex structures. For this aim, a new quality metrics is introduced. This doctoral thesis is presented as an aggregation of three scienti c papers, which present respectively the methods: CLDM, ECGGM and LJDM. The RPIM and the uniaxial perfectly matched layers (UPML) are used for solving Maxwell's equations in time domain for 2D (TMz mode) and 3D problems. The CLDM, ECGGM and LJDM methods (each in conjunction with the RPIM method) are applied to electromagnetic scattering problems, based on circular, elliptic and triangular metal cylinders (2D case). The LJDM / RPIM method is applied to the 3D case. The obtained results are in accordance with analytical solutions.

Um método para modelagem numérica plena da dispersão elétrica do solo usando aproximadores de padé e o método das diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo

NASCIMENTO, Júlio Antônio Salheb do 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by camilla martins (camillasmmartins@gmail.com) on 2017-03-28T11:55:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_MetodoModelagemNumerica.pdf: 7926563 bytes, checksum: c9cc3b2a11cac810ac516048be14a69c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-03-28T13:19:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_MetodoModelagemNumerica.pdf: 7926563 bytes, checksum: c9cc3b2a11cac810ac516048be14a69c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-28T13:19:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_MetodoModelagemNumerica.pdf: 7926563 bytes, checksum: c9cc3b2a11cac810ac516048be14a69c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Nesta Dissertação, é desenvolvido e implementado em software um método para modelagem da dispersão elétrica do solo através do método das diferenças nitas no domínio do tempo (FDTD). A metodologia é baseada na aplicação de aproximadores de Padé no domínio da frequência, de forma a representar a dependência espectral tanto da condutividade quanto da permissividade elétrica. As equações no domínio do tempo são obtidas através de simples manipulações algébricas e transformadas inversas de Fourier. Resultados obtidos experimentalmente em sistemas de aterramento solicitados por descargas atmosféricas articialmente produzidas são comparados aos resultados numéricos obtidos através do método proposto. Excelente concordância entre os sinais transitórios é observada. / In this dissertation, it is developed and implemented a numerical method for modeling the soil electrical dispersion using the Finite-Dierence Time-Domain method (FDTD). The methodology is based on the application of Padé approximants in frequency domain, in such a way to represent the spectral dependency of soil's conductivity and electrical permittivity. The time domain equations are obtained using simple algebraic operations and inverse Fourier transforms. Experimental results for grounding systems subjected to articial lightning pulses are compared with numerical results obtained using the proposed method. It was observed an excellent agreement between the corresponding transient signals.

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