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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationen mellan mångfald, miljörapportering och medieexponering

Eriksson, Linnéa, Svensk, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Globalt pågår debatter kring mångfald inom ledningsgrupper. Forskare på området är hittills inte överens om de effekter som mångfald inom affärsvärlden medför, ändå finns starka åsikter kring hur en ledningsgrupp bör utformas utifrån kön, ålder, utbildning och etnicitet. Spekulation avseende mångfalds betydelse för hållbar utveckling förekommer och i takt med ökade krav på hållbarhetsrapportering växer intresset för faktorer som kan främja denna form av rapportering. I dagsläget saknas tvingande standarder för hållbarhetsrapportering, men den miljömässiga delen inom hållbarhetsrapportering, som i studien betecknas CED-rapportering,är offentlig information och uppmärksammas i media. Media, som dels bildar normer, dels avspeglar allmänhetens förväntningar, har makten att påverka ett företags rykte. Relationen mellan mångfald i bolagsstyrelse, CED-rapportering och medieexponering är således ett aktuellt område värt att fördjupa sig i. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera om mångfald i bolagsstyrelse påverkar CED-rapportering och om rapporteringen i sin tur inverkar på den grad av exponering som multinationella företag ges i media. Urvalsramen utgjordes av multinationella företag från GRI:s databas. Av 447 företag uppfyllde 202 studiens krav. Strukturella ekvationsmodeller visar att mångfald i bolagsstyrelse inte påverkar CEDrapportering. Rapporteringen påverkar däremot företags exponering i media. Företags storlek och georgrafiska placering har en inverkan på mångfald, CED-rapportering och medieexponering. / Debates about diversity among board directors are in progress globally. Scientists are in disagreement about the impacts of diversity in the business world. Yet there are strong opinions about a group’s formation on the distribution of gender, age, education and ethnicity. There are speculations of a possible relationship between diversity and sustainability reporting. The growing demands of such reporting increases the interest to determine which factors promote sustainability reporting. This study intends to explore theCorporate Environmental Disclosure (CED) of sustainability reporting. Currently there are no mandatory standard for sustainability reporting, such information is public though and exposures in media. Media compares the reports to public expectations and has the power to affect a company’s reputation. The relationship between board diversity, environmentalreporting and media exposure is hence an area worth exploring.The main intent of this study was to describe and analyse whether board diversity affects CED. Further the intent was to explore whether CED affects media exposure. The sampling for the study consisted of multinational companies. Of 447 examined, 202 formed the basis. The results of the study established by structural equation modeling, stated that board diversity is not associated with CED. Yet the study indicates that CED affects media exposure. External variables that were found to have effect on board diversity, CED or media exposure were firm size and geographical

I en tid av terror : En kvantitativ pilotstudie om studenters oro för ett eventuellt terrordåd i Sverige

Ljungdahl, Hannah, Zilic, Melisa January 2023 (has links)
In a time filled with concerns and threats of terrorism, Sweden faces a challenge that demands our full attention. In this critical situation, we have chosen to investigate how students perceive the threat of a potential terrorist attack. Previous research has shown that people's trust in authorities affects the extent to which they feel fear about the possibility of a terrorist attack. Prior research has further emphasized the importance of media consumption and gender in shaping the experience of fear. The purpose of this pilot study is to examine how the increased threat to Sweden influences the level of fear among students across the country regarding a potential terrorist attack in Sweden. Additionally, the aim is to investigate whether trust in the general public has any significance for fear, while controlling for the impact of media consumption and gender. The theoretical framework draws upon Beck's theory of the risk society, Giddens' concepts of ontological security, trust, and expert systems, and finally Misztal's definition of the concept of trust. Data collection involves a survey, with the sample consisting of individuals over 18 years of age residing in Sweden and studying at a university or college. Univariate analysis, as well as bivariate and multiple regression analysis, were used to analyze the collected data. The study revealed that students' experiences of fear varied, with trust in authorities and the general public having no impact on their fear levels. However, the degree of fear was significantly influenced by students' media consumption, which also affected the relationship between trust and fear. / I en tid fylld av oro och hot om terrordåd står Sverige inför en utmaning som kräver vår fulla uppmärksamhet. I detta kritiska läge har vi valt att undersöka hur studenter upplever hotet om ett eventuellt terrordåd. Tidigare forskning har visat på att människors tillit till myndigheter påverkar i vilken utsträckning de känner oro för att ett eventuellt terrordåd ska ske. Forskning har ytterligare understrukit mediekonsumtion och köns betydelse för upplevelsen av oro. Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att undersöka hur det ökade hotet mot Sverige påverkar i vilken utsträckning studenter runt om i landet känner oro för ett eventuellt terrordåd i Sverige. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om tilliten till allmänheten har någon betydelse för oron, samt kontrollera för mediekonsumtion och köns betydelse. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår ifrån Becks teori om risksamhället, Giddens begrepp ontologisk trygghet, tillit samt expertsystem och till sist Misztal definition av tillitssbegreppet. Datainsamlingen består av en enkätundersökning, där studiens urval består av personer över 18 år bosatta i Sverige som studerar på universitet eller högskola. Univariatanalys samt bivariat- och multipel regressionsanalys användes för att analysera studiens insamlade data. Studien visade att studenters upplevelser av oro är utspridd där tilliten till allmänheten inte har någon påverkan på deras oro. Graden av oro påverkas däremot till stor del av studenternas mediekonsumtion som även påverkar sambandet mellan tillit och oro.

Commitment inom hållbarhetsrapportering

Vikblom, Julia, Olsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Studier visar att konsumenter föredrar företag som är ansvarstagande och kan välja att bojkotta företag som inte uppvisar en god hållbarhetsrapportering. Dock visar viss forskning att för mycket rapportering om hållbarhetsarbete kan få negativa konsekvenser, exempelvis ökad skepticism hos intressenterna. Denna studie har fokuserat på hur företag använder begreppen commitment to eller committed to i hållbarhetsrapporter. Studiens syfte var att analysera om medieexponering påverkar användandet av commitment och detta testadesgenom en regressionsanalys. Dessutom syftade studien att analysera om det finns en skillnad i commitment och vad företag committar sig till mellan olika marknadsekonomier. Detta testades genom ett flertal t2-test. Urvalet bestod av hållbarhetsrapporter från 214 företag, varav 88 europeiska och 126 amerikanska som tidigare sammanställts i Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationers (CER:s) CSR-databas. Resultatet visade ett positivt signifikant samband mellan medieexponering och commitment samt en skillnad i commitment mellanolika marknadsekonomier. Det fanns en svag signifikant skillnad för commitment beträffande samhällsansvar, men resterande kategorier som studerats uppvisade ingen skillnad. / Studies show that consumers prefer responsible companies and will boycott those who will not present good corporate social responsibility. However, some research show that too much communication about CSR can have negative consequences, e.g. increased scepticism among stakeholders. This study has been focusing on how companies use commitment to or committed to in CSR-reports. The aim of the study was to analyse if media exposure affects the use of commitment and this was tested with a regression analysis. Furthermore, the aim of this study was also to analyse if a difference in commitment existed between marketeconomies and if there were any difference in what those companies are committed to. This was tested with several t-tests. The sample consisted of CSR-reports from 214 companies, of which 88 where European and 126 American. The reports were collected earlier in a database from Centre for research on economic relations (CER). The result showed a positive significant connection between media exposure and commitment and that there was a positive significant difference between difference between market economies. There was a weaksignificant difference in commitment to society between the market economies, but the rest of categories that was studied did not show any difference.

Bankernas rapportering av socialt ansvar och dess inverkan på bankens medieexponering

Wiklund, David, Ågren, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle ställer allt högre krav på att företag ska agera utifrån etthållbarhetsperspektiv. I takt med detta väljer allt fler företag att vara transparenta genom att hållbarhetsrapportera sitt sociala ansvar, trots att hållbarhetsrapporteringen inte är ett lagstadgat krav. Tidigare studier av bankernas sociala rapportering har till stor del gjorts med stöd av legitimitetsteorin. Studierna har funnit att företagens rapportering av socialt ansvar påverkas av förklaringsvariabler som exempelvis närhet till kunder, medieexponering, storlek på företaget och intressenternas värderingar.Vår studie tar avstamp utifrån tidigare forskning och syftar till att beskriva och analysera om bankernas rapportering av socialt ansvar vad gäller arbetsförhållande och produktansvar bidrar till en ökad medieexponering. Studien analyserar också hur de bakomliggande faktorerna storlek, diversifiering och decentralisering påverkar bankernas rapportering avarbetsförhållande och produktansvar vad gäller socialt ansvar. Studien omfattar hållbarhetsrapporter från 110 banker som fanns upptagna i GRI:s databas. Den beroende variabeln var medieexponering som mättes genom antal nyhetsträffar på bankerna i Googles databas. De övriga variablerna var rapportering av arbetsförhållanden vad gäller socialt ansvar, produktrapportering av socialt ansvar, bankens storlek, bankens decentralisering och bankens diversifiering.Resultatet av studien visar att bankernas rapportering av arbetsförhållanden inte bidrar till en ökad medieexponering, däremot innebär en mer utförlig rapportering av produktansvar att bankerna uppmärksammas mer i media. Resultatet visar också att produktrapporteringen påverkas av bankens storlek och diversifiering. Vidare visar resultatet att banker som tillämpar ett decentraliserat beslutsfattande är mer benägna att rapportera om dess socialaansvar vad gäller bankens arbetsförhållande. / Today's society is increasing demands on companies to act from a sustainability perspective. In line with this, more and more companies choose to be transparent through sustainability reporting, although sustainability reporting is not a legal requirement. Previous studies of banks' social reporting has largely been supported by the legitimacy theory. The studies have found that corporate reporting of social responsibility is affected by the variables such as; proximity to customers, media exposure, size of company and stakeholder values.Our study is based on previous research and aims to describe and analyze whether the banks' reporting of social responsibility regarding their working conditions and product contributes to greater media exposure. Furthermore, this study aims to describe and analyze how the underlying factors of the bank size, diversification and decentralized decision-making affect the sustainability reports subcategories: product responsibility and labor practices and decent work.The study includes sustainability reports from 110 banks in the GRI database. Data for five variables was collected and compared with the variable media exposure, defined as the number of hits for the banks in Googles search engine for news. The variables used in the study of banks are: reporting of labor practices and decent work, product responsibility reporting, size, decentralization and diversification. The results of the study demonstrate thata more detailed reporting of product responsibility contributes to the bank gaining more media attention. Furthermore, the result shows that extent of the product reporting is influenced by the bank´s size and diversification. The results of the study also show that the bank's reporting of employment does not contribute to increased media exposure. However, the results reveal that if the organization applies more decentralized decision-making, it is more likely that the bank reports on the social responsibility for working conditions to a greater extent.

Exploring Possible Predictors of Television Viewer Judgments of Athlete Behaviors

Earnheardt, Adam 24 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

協助生質柴油企業制定媒體公關行銷策略 -以又華股份有限公司為例 / A biodiesel company’s media stretagy for public relationship -a case study of Yeo Hua Co., Ltd

林宜樺 Unknown Date (has links)

Investigating excessive aggression during the preschool years through multiple data sources

Venter, Yolande 02 1900 (has links)
Although aggression as social phenomenon is widely researched, this research study aimed to illuminate the importance of early identification of excessively aggressive children specifically. The aim was to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of excessive aggressive behaviour during the preschool years. A qualitative research methodology was employed consisting of a parent interview, observations of the research participant and numerous play sessions consisting of various activities including free drawings; ‘Draw-a-Person ‘, a family drawing; the ‘Children’s Apperception Test’, and free play activities. The study explored various factors possibly leading to the onset and continuation of excessive aggressive behaviour. It seems clear that no single factor is responsible for the display of excessive aggression, but rather, multiple factors contribute to the problem of aggression as a whole. Play therapy is suggested as an effective method in the assessment and counselling of excessive aggressive behaviour in preschool children / Psychology / M.Sc. (Psychology)

Hosting Tour De France Under Covid-19: Bargain Or Burden For New Stage Cities?

Herzet, Cyril January 2021 (has links)
The Tour De France (TDF) is the third largest sporting event in the world and the biggest cycling race in terms of popularity and prestige. The event generates global media exposure and attracts millions of short- and long-term visitors each year, thus, TDF is extremely appealing for communities in search of profits. Using Linear Directional Mean (LDM) and semi-structured interviews (community and organization sides), this paper analyzes how TDF has spatially evolved through time by comparing the 2021 racetrack to other time intervals. Additionally, reasons of the potential shift in terms of spatial distribution are investigated considering current issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has severely affected the tourism sector and therefore, the benefits that communities were expecting to perceive by hosting TDF. Findings showed that the 2021 route deviated from previous editions time of the TDF history including 10 new stage cities that never hosted the event before. The respondent from the organization indicated the pandemic only indirectly affected the TDF route and that the location of the Grand Départ as well as the main internal constraints imposed to the organizers are key elements in the spatial distribution of the event. Interviewed communities acknowledged that there was risk while hosting TDF this year due to potential restrictive measures. However, they recognized that benefits brought by the race largely overweight potential negative impacts from the epidemic. Indeed, TDF remains a way to bring economic benefits, social cohesion, happiness, pride and satisfaction to hosting cities at a time when the tourism industry is at a standstill. / Le Tour de France (TDF) est le troisième événement sportif au monde et la plus grande course cycliste en termes de popularité et de prestige. L’événement génère une exposition médiatique mondiale et attire chaque année des millions de visiteurs à court et à long terme. Le TDF est donc extrêmement attrayant pour les communautés à la recherche de profits. À l’aide de la Direction Moyenne Linéaire (MLD) et d’interviews semi-structurées (côté communauté et organisation), ce mémoire analyse l’évolution spatiale du TDF au fil du temps en comparant le parcours de 2021 à d’autres intervalles temporelles de la course. En outre, les raisons du changement potentiel en termes de distribution spatiale sont étudiées en tenant compte des problèmes actuels dus à la pandémie de COVID-19 ayant gravement affecté le secteur du tourisme et, par conséquent, les avantages que les communautés espéraient percevoir en accueillant le TDF. Les résultats ont montré que l’itinéraire de 2021 s’écarte des éditions précédentes de l’histoire du TDF en incluant 10 nouvelles villes étapes qui n’ont jamais accueilli l’événement auparavant. Le répondant de l’organisation a indiqué que la pandémie n’a affecté qu’indirectement le parcours du TDF et que l’emplacement du Grand Départ ainsi que les principales contraintes internes imposées aux organisateurs sont des éléments clés dans la répartition spatiale de l’événement. Les communautés interrogées ont reconnu qu’il y avait un risque à accueillir le TDF cette année en raison des mesures restrictives potentielles. Cependant, elles ont admis que les bénéfices apportés par la course surpassaient largement les impacts négatifs potentiels dus à l’épidémie. En effet, le TDF reste un moyen d’apporter des effets économiques positifs, de la cohésion sociale, du bonheur, de la fierté et de la satisfaction aux villes hôtes à un moment où l’industrie du tourisme est au point mort.

L’impact de l’exposition aux médias sur l’évolution de la détresse psychologique des travailleurs de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec lors de la pandémie COVID-19

Jalbert, Megane 11 1900 (has links)
Contexte. La pandémie de la COVID-19 a amené son lot de détresse psychologique chez les travailleurs de la santé et des services sociaux (TSSS) du Québec. Ceux-ci se trouvaient déjà à risque d’éprouver des difficultés de santé mentale avant la pandémie, étant exposés à plusieurs événements critiques dans leur travail quotidien. Parallèlement à cette réalité, la pandémie a été très médiatisée et des points de presse quotidiens animés par la santé publique et le gouvernement étaient diffusés sur plusieurs plates-formes d’informations. Les études montrent que l’exposition médiatique à des traumas collectifs, tel que la COVID-19, est associée à des niveaux de détresse psychologique plus élevés chez la population générale. Les femmes sont aussi susceptibles de vivre des niveaux plus élevés de détresse psychologique que les hommes. Or, aucune étude ne fait état de l’impact de l’exposition aux médias sur la détresse psychologique vécue chez les TSSS en contexte de pandémie, ni en général. Objectifs. (1) Mesurer l’impact du degré d’exposition aux médias sur l’évolution de la détresse psychologique des TSSS pendant 37 semaines. (2) Mesurer l’effet modérateur du sexe biologique sur la relation entre le degré d’exposition aux médias et la détresse psychologique des TSSS. Méthode. Le devis est longitudinal, étant une étude de cohorte prospective. Ce sont 830 TSSS québécois qui ont participé à l’étude pendant les 1ière et 2ième vagues de la COVID-19, de mai 2020 à janvier 2021. La détresse psychologique, définie par des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux, a été mesurée à l’aide du PHQ-9 et du GAD-7. Des analyses statistiques à l’aide du modèle linéaire mixte ont été effectuées. Résultats. (1) Les TSSS qui se sont beaucoup ou énormément exposés aux médias rapportent un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes dépressifs que ceux étant très peu exposés. Les TSSS qui se sont beaucoup exposés aux médias rapportent un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes anxieux que ceux étant très peu exposés. (2) Il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les hommes et les femmes quant à la détresse psychologique vécue en fonction du degré d’exposition aux médias. Conclusions. Des campagnes de sensibilisation et d’éducation devraient être effectuées dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux quant à l’exposition aux médias des TSSS afin de ne pas créer de détresse psychologique inutile à ces derniers. L’exploration d’un temps limite d’exposition et du type de médias à privilégier constituent des pistes de recherches intéressantes pour la prévention de la détresse psychologique. / Context. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought its share of psychological distress to Quebec’s health and social services workers (HSSWs). These workers were already at risk of experiencing mental health issues prior to the pandemic, as they were exposed to several critical events in their daily work. Along with this reality, the pandemic was highly publicized, with daily press briefings by public health and other government officials being broadcast on several news platforms. Studies show that media exposure to mass trauma, such as COVID-19, is associated with higher levels of psychological distress in the general population. Women are also likely to experience higher levels of psychological distress than men. Yet, there are no studies reporting on the impact of media exposure on psychological distress experienced among HSSWs during the pandemic, or in general. Objectives. (1) To measure the impact of media exposure level on changes in psychological distress among HSSWs over 37 weeks. (2) To measure the moderating effect of biological sex on the relationship between media exposure level and psychological distress among HSSWs. Method. The design was longitudinal, being a prospective cohort study. A total of 830 Quebec’s HSSWs participated in the study during waves 1 and 2 of COVID-19, from May 2020 to January 2021. Psychological distress, conceptualized as depression and anxiety symptoms, was measured using the PHQ-9 and GAD-7. Statistical analyses using linear mixed models were performed. Results. (1) HSSWs who considered themselves often or greatly exposed to media reported significantly more depression symptoms than those who considered themselves rarely exposed. HSSWs who considered themselves often exposed to media reported significantly more anxiety symptoms than those who considered themselves rarely exposed. (2) There was no significant difference between men and women in experienced psychological distress as a function of media exposure level. Conclusions. Awareness and education campaigns should be carried out in the health and social services network regarding the media exposure of HSSWs in order to avoid creating unnecessary psychological distress for them. The exploration of a limit exposure time and the type of media to be favored are interesting avenues of research to prevent psychological distress.

Vilse i ett flöde av digital information : En metastudie om skolans roll i elevernas källkritiska utvecklingsförmåga / Lost in a stream of digital information

Svensson, Annie, Malmqvist, Julia January 2023 (has links)
The curiosity for source criticism was something that sparked in us during our internships. We discovered that students, even at an early age, frequently use digital sources and social media to find information and news. The purpose of this meta-study is to find out how the Swedish school system teaches the younger students about critical thinking and source criticism. The current Swedish curriculum mentions in the introductory chapters, along with the core content for Swedish and civics education, that the students should get the opportunity during their education in compulsory school to develop a source-critical approach. The research question posed was therefore “Are the younger students in compulsory school given the right tools and conditions to develop their critical thinking in civics education, to thus understand contemporary society?”. To find answers to this question, a qualitative textual analysis was conducted to determine a selection of related literature. The results showed that the schools lacked practical work regarding critical thinking and source criticism. As a result the teachers find it difficult to determine how it should be incorporated, along with which subject is responsible for it. Studies have shown confusion mainly among Swedish and civics teachers, since both teachers considered source criticism to be the other teacher's area of responsibility. The results also included which abilities are needed for a student to be able to develop a source-critical approach to thinking, also how a phenomenon can be interpreted differently depending on the experiences of the observer. The primary conclusion drawn was that there is a significant lack of research focusing on students in elementary school and how they relate to media and other information they meet every single day. It was also concluded that there is a lack of communication regarding this topic in the Swedish school system and how important it is for young students to develop critical thinking skills to be able to participate in our society as democratic citizens.

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