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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mýtus dokonalého biatlonového týmu a jeho konec / The myth of the perfect biathlon team and its end

Šulejová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the way in which the media presented the Czech biathlon team over the period of its greatest success, between 2012 and 2018. In this context, it deals with how often the media presented relationships, mood and cooperation in the team as perfect, helping to create the myth of an ideal team. The aim of the thesis is to answer the research question: How was the myth of an ideal biathlon team constructed by the media, biathlonists and the support team? This question is answered through an analysis of biathlon articles published in the years 2012 - 2018 across four Czech sports diaries, namely iSport.cz, sport.cz, sport.aktualne.cz and sport.iDNES.cz. The analysis uses qualitative content analysis extended by linguistic analysis of discourse. The analysis of the individual articles is based on theoretical background, devoted to the media's representation of reality, media logic, myth, heroism, myth in sport and discourse. The results of the analysis describe the way and means by which the actors helped construct the myth of a perfectly functioning biathlon team. The methods used with examples are given at the end of the thesis.

Protest Movements and the Climate Emergency Declarations of 2019: A New Social Media Logic to Connect and Participate in Politics

Doolen, Joseph January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between contemporary climate protest movements (Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future) and governmental bodies in European countries that declared a climate emergency in 2019. The primary contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate how emerging communication practices by these movements compare to the perceived influence of such practices among political decisionmakers in their governing bodies’ votes for a climate emergency declaration. Twitter content (tweets by movement accounts) surrounding protest actions of the climate movements was coded using concepts deduced from theoretical literature of participation, media and communication. Themes induced from this data were also used for coding. A thematic analysis of empirical interview text from semi-structured interviews of nine politicians in eight governmental bodies (six German city councils, that of Innsbruck, Austria and the Swiss cantonal parliament of Vaud) on this subject matter was done similarly. Relational thematic analyses of both datasets influenced the coding of one another. A frame analysis grounded in these data studied the use of social media imagery and text by the two movements. Another look at the interview data reflects the influence these movements had on climate emergency declarations via comparison of politicians’ stated impressions of the movements’ participation/influences with formations of tweeted movement frames. The data support the hypothesis that citizens engage via the connective power of personalized participatory culture on social media, enabling political participation. Today, we see a shift away from a political logic of social movements abiding to strong shared identity and meaning through frames of collective action. Instead, a social media logic, which aims to achieve the same functions, operates in loosely networked movements based on individualized frames of youth identity. This ‘connective identity’ bridges the participatory culture of social media with offline political participation in the streets and halls of power.

"Det absolut värsta jag varit med om" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kvällspressens rapportering om knivdådet på Ikea 2015 / "My absolute worst experience" : A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Newspapers Reports about the Knife Attack at Ikea 2015

Anselin, Fanny, Ucar, Anita January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är, utifrån ett journalistiskt perspektiv, att undersöka hur kvällspressen rapporterade och framställde Ikea och det knivdåd som ägde rum på företagets varuhus i Västerås, den 10 augusti 2015. Åtta nyhetsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Expressens webbplatser har analyserats. Metoden som har använts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med hermeneutisk analysstrategi, för att detaljerat undersöka nyhetsartiklarna genom deras rubriker, ingresser, mellanrubriker och brödtexter. Som analysverktyg användes nyhetsvärderingsteorin och medielogikens dramaturgiska teori. Resultatet visar att Aftonbladet och Expressen uppfyller sju av åtta nyhetskriterier i nyhetsvärderingsteorin vid rapporteringen om knivdådet på Ikea. Rapporteringen presenterade, bland annat, kulturell och geografisk närhet mellan händelsen och publiken. Rapporteringen fokuserade på hur olika vittnen (inklusive Ikeas personal) upplevde knivdådet, samt hur Ikea agerade efter händelsen. Resultatet visar också att berättarteknikerna i medielogikens dramaturgi presenterar Ikea som ytterligare ett offer i sammanhanget då Ikea framställs som chockade, empatiska och ansvarsfulla. Knivdådet framställs som oförutsägbart och chockerande. Utifrån resultatet kan vi dra slutsatsen att det unika och chockerande knivdådet på Ikea hade högt nyhetsvärde och därför bedömdes händelsen som intressant för publiken att ta del av. Ikea framställdes inte på ett kritiskt sätt, eftersom Ikea agerade empatiskt och ansvarsfullt omedelbart efter händelsen. / The purpose of this study is, from a journalistic perspective, to examine how the Swedish newspapers reported and presented Ikea and the knife attack that took place at the company's department store in Västerås, Sweden, on August 10, 2015. Eight news articles from the websites of the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen have been analyzed. Using a qualitative content analysis with a hermeneutic strategy the news articles has been analyzed in detail by their main headlines, leads, intermediate headlines and body texts. The News Value theory and the Media Dramaturgy of the Media Logic theory were used as analytic tools for this study. The result shows that the Swedish newspapers reported about the knife attack at Ikea by fulfilling seven out of eight news criterias from the News Value theory. The news reports presented, among other things, cultural and geographical proximity between the event and the audience. The news reports were also focused on how witnesses (including Ikeas staff) experienced the knife attack, and how Ikea took action after the event. Another result shows that the Media Logic Dramaturgy portrayed Ikea as another victim in the context of the event, since Ikea was portrayed as shocked and empathic. The knife attack was portrayed as unpredictable and shocking. Based on the results, one conclusion is that the unique and shocking knife attack at Ikea were newsworthy and therefore appraised as an interesting event for the audience to read about. Ikea was not presented in a critical way because Ikea acted empathetic and responsible immediately after the event.

"Jag hatar killar. Hatar hatar hatar" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Aftonbladets nyhetsrapportering kring överfallsvåldtäkt respektive festivalvåldtäkt / "I hate boys. Hate hate hate" : A qualitative content analysis of Aftonbladet's news reporting of assault rape and rape at festivals

Eriksson, Kajsa, Fors, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur kvällstidningen Aftonbladet gestaltar våldtäkt i sin nyhetsrapportering. De våldtäkter som studien kommer att analysera är våldtäkter som inträffat på festivalområden, avgränsat till de på Bråvallafestivalen 2016, samt övriga överfallsvåldtäkter som inträffat under sommaren 2016. Studien kommer även att undersöka potentiella likheter och skillnader i nyhetsrapporteringen av dessa två typer av våldtäkt. Analysmaterialet består av tre rapporterande artiklar om festivalvåldtäkter respektive tre om överfallsvåldtäkter. Genom att utgå från teorier såsom Christies teori om det ideala offret, gestaltningsteorin, medielogikens dramaturgi och teorin om nyhetsvärdering, i samband med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, analyseras respektive artikels textuella innehåll utefter fem olika teman. Dessa teman är hur rubrik och ingress konstrueras, hur offret gestaltas, hur gärningsmannen gestaltas, hur miljön gestaltas, och vilka andra aktörer som lyfts fram samt hur de lyfts fram. Analysresultaten, av de tre respektive tre artiklarna, sammanfattas sedan utefter den våldtäktstyp de behandlar, för att sedan jämföras med varandra.Resultaten av den tematiska analysen visar på att Aftonbladets framställning av festivalvåldtäkter till viss del skiljer sig från tidningens framställning av överfallsvåldtäkter. Genom användandet av mindre värdeladdade ord och mer neutrala beskrivningar i artiklarna om festivalvåldtäkt, framstår bland annat offren som mindre oskyldiga, gärningsmännen som mer passiva och distanserade, medan miljön kan tolkas som mindre respektabel, i jämförelse med artiklarna om överfallsvåldtäkt. Denna framställning kan tolkas normalisera de våldtäkter som inträffar på festivalområden. / The essay examines how the Swedish tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet portrays rape in their news reports. The rape cases that the study is going to analyze are rape that has occurred at festivals, delimited to Bråvallafestivalen 2016, as well as other cases of assault rape taking place during the summer of 2016. The study will also examine potential similarities and differences between the news reports of these two types of rape.By using theories such as Christie’s theory of the Ideal Victim, the Framing theory, the Dramaturgy of the Media Logic, and the News Value theory, in combination with a qualitative content analysis, the textual content of each article is analysed based upon five themes. These themes are how the headline and preamble are constructed, how the victim is portrayed, how the perpetrator is portrayed, how the environment is portrayed, and which other actors that are being mentioned as well as how they are being mentioned.The results of the thematic analysis shows that some differences do exist, when it comes to how Aftonbladet portrays rape at festivals in comparison to assault rape. By using less emotive words and more neutral descriptions in the articles about festival rape, the victims appear as less innocent, the perpetrators as more passive and aloof, while the environment could be perceived as less respectable, as compared to the articles about assault rape. This portrayal can be interpreted as normalizing the rapes that take place at festivals.

Framing Neverland : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningen av Leaving Neverland i svensk dagspress. / Framing Neverland : A quantitative content analysis about the framing of Leaving Neverland in Swedish daily press.

Loberg, Johan, Strömfors, Matilda, Grödem, Josephine January 2019 (has links)
Framing Neverland is a content analysis that examines how the documentary Leaving Neverland is portrayed in Swedish daily press between January 25 to May 20, 2019. It is through the questions “How does the framing of Leaving Neverland being perceived in Swedish daily press?” and “Does morning and evening presses differ in the framing?” the essay was designed. Entman's framing theory forms the basis of the study's theoretical framework and is supplemented with media logic and tabloidization, which is operationalized into variables in the study of 100 articles within Swedish daily press. The Swedish morning and evening newspapers are represented by the four largest daily newspapers in Sweden today; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. A cluster selection were made in the process of choosing the articles, because of the choice of newspapers which is the largest Swedish ones today, also a total selection when all published articles within the population have become objects for the survey. Previous research consists of framing theory and tonality of different subjects than this study, since similar essays traditionally relate to political and war reporting. Inspiration has been given from previous research on analysis tools to apply to this contemporary work which is at the intersection of popular culture and news content. The newspaper framing  in general is relatively homogeneous, which explains some tabloidization among, what we call, the quality press. The commercialization of the media gives rise to this, but some differences remain. Aftonbladet is the newspaper with the most frequent reporting by Leaving Neverland and then comes Expressen. Which means that the evening press prioritize this topic as a higher news value than what the morning press does. However, it is possible to extract a result which shows that the content of the morning press is of a more critical nature towards Leaving Neverland. Together, the result is thus presented through framing theory, media logic and tabloidization, which together explain how the documentary is framed. / Framing Neverland är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys som undersöker hur dokumentären Leaving Neverland gestaltas i svensk press mellan 25 januari till 20 maj 2019. Det är genom frågeställningarna “Hur ser gestaltningen av Leaving Neverland ut i svensk press?”  samt  “Skiljer sig morgon- och kvällspress i gestaltningen?”  som uppsatsen utformats. Gestaltningsteori står till grund för studiens teoretiska ramverk och kompletteras med medielogik och tabloidisering, vilket operationaliseras till variabler i studien av 100 artiklar inom svensk press. Svenska morgon- och kvällstidningar representeras genom de fyra största dagstidningarna i Sverige idag; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet. Det är således ett klusterurval som gjorts av de största tidningarna, men även ett totalurval då alla publicerade artiklar inom populationen har blivit objekt för undersökningen.  Tidigare forskning består av gestaltning och tonalitet av annan slags karaktär än denna studie, då liknande uppsatser traditionellt sett förhåller sig till politisk- och krigsrapportering. Inspiration har givits från tidigare forskning gällande analysverktyg för att applicera på detta nutida verk som befinner sig i skärningspunkten mellan populärkultur och nyhetsinnehåll. Resultatet i studien visar att tidningarnas sammanslagna gestaltning generellt är relativt homogen, vilket förklarar viss tabloidisering bland “kvalitetspressen”. Mediernas kommersialisering ger upphov till detta, men vissa innehållsmässiga skillnader kvarstår. Aftonbladet är den tidning som står för största delen av nyhetsrapporteringen av Leaving Neverland och därefter kommer Expressen. Detta innebär att kvällspressen anser att detta ämne har ett högre nyhetsvärde än vad morgonpressen gör. Således går det att utvinna ett resultat som påvisar att morgonpressens gestaltning är av mer kritisk karaktär gentemot Leaving Neverland. Tillsammans redovisas följaktligen resultatet genom gestaltningsteori, medielogik och tabloidisering, vilket tillsammans förklarar hur medierna gestaltning ser ut av dokumentären.

“Fansen rasar!” - eller gör de? : En kvalitativ studie om utformandet av artiklar baserade på källor hämtade från sociala medier / “The fans are raging!” - Or are they? : A qualitative study of the creation of articles based on sources gathered from social media

Lydén, Oskar, Hellgren, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på att undersöka i vilken utsträckning tidningsartiklar som baseras på källor hämtade från sociala medier uppfyller kriterierna för nyhetsurval samt vilka källkritiska principer som källorna uppfyller. Det undersöks även hur berättartekniker påverkar utformningen av artiklarna. Syftet är att utveckla en förståelse för vad som ligger till grund för skapandet av artiklarna samt bringa klarhet i huruvida skapandet av artiklarna legitimeras av de tre journalistiska teorierna nyhetsurval, källkritik och medielogik. Det empiriska materialet som studeras innefattar tre artiklar från Aftonbladet och en från Expressen. För att undersöka detta används en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och tematisering som metod. Studiens valda teorier och deras kriterier utgör grunden till de analytiska teman som används för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Resultatet av analysen visar att tidningsartiklarna uppfyller en eller flera kriterier som en händelse bör uppfylla för att legitimera skapandet av nyheten. Vidare visar studiens resultat att källorna som var hämtade från sociala medier inte uppfyller de källkritiska principerna samt att berättartekniker som tillspetsning, förenkling och intensifiering var de som påverkade utformningen av artiklarna mest. / The focus of this study is to investigate the extent to which newspaper articles based on sources gathered from social media fulfils the criteria for news selection and which source-critical principles that the sources fulfils. It also examines how narration affect the design of the articles. The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of what the basis for creating the articles is and to clarify whether the creation of the articles is legitimized by three journalistic theories which are news selection, source criticism and media logic. The empirical material studies is comprises three articles from Aftonbladet and one from Expressen. To investigate this a qualitative content analysis and thematization is used as method. The chosen theories and their criterias form the basis of the analytical themes used to analyse the empirical material. The result of the analysis shows that the newspaper articles meet one or more criteria that an event should fulfil in order to legitimize the creation of the news. Furthermore the study results shows that the sources obtained from social media did not measure the source-critical principles and that narrative techniques such as accentuation, simplification and intensification were those that affected the design of the articles most.

"En av gästerna, en kvinna [...] tog med vin, choklad och ost till bjudningen" : En kritisk diskursanalys av våldtäktsmyters användning i svenska nyhetsartiklar / "One of guests, a woman [...], brought wine, chocolate and cheese to the gathering" : A Critical discourse analysis of rape myths use in Swedish news articles

Hellqvist, Linnéa, Viktoria, Mirkovic January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie inriktar sig på att undersöka hur våldtäktsmyter används i svenska nyhetsartiklar. Mer specifikt undersöks sex stycken nyhetsartiklar varav tre kommer från morgontidningen Dagens Nyheter, respektive tre från kvällstidningen Expressen. Med en kritisk diskursanalys som både teori och metod möjliggör det att analyserar språket på djupet, och hitta underliggande strukturer, som våldtäktsmyter faktiskt är. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien utgår från teorin om kritisk diskursanalys, våldtäktsmyter, offerskapande och medielogik.   För att kunna finna underliggande strukturer och våldtäktsmyter användes olika analysverktyg hämtade från kritisk diskursanalys. Resultatet av denna studie visar att nyhetsartiklarnas manifesta budskap är öppna och feministiska. Underliggande och vid en mer djupgående läsning kan våldtäktsmyter avläsas i den fundamentala grunden. / This study targets how rape myths are used in Swedish news articles. Specifically, it examines three news articles from the morning paper “Dagens Nyheter” as well as three news articles from the evening paper “Expressen”. With a critical discourse analysis we found opportunity for theoretical and methodical analyses of news articles´ linguistics along with underlying structures of such rape myths. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the theory of critical discourse analysis, rape myths, victimization and media logic.   To find underlying structures and rape myths we used several analysis methods from critical discourse analysis. The result of this study shows that the news articles’ manifest messages as open and based on feminism values. However, through deeper interpretation, it is evident that rape myths are continuously used as the fundamental directive.

CROSSCHECKING ELLER MISSHANDEL? : En kritisk diskursanalys av kvällstidningars framställande av brott på ishockeyplanen. / Cross-checking or abuse? : A critical discourse analysis of tabloids framing of crime in ice hockey.

Larsson, Olle, Kågström, Rasmus January 2019 (has links)
Ice hockey is seen as a rough sport. Sometimes situations tend to become too violent and players now and then get suspended for their acts on the ice. In very unusual cases the legal system has been forced to step in and prosecute players for situations on the ice. This is the case with Jakob Lilja. The purpose of this essay is therefore to seek answers on how two Swedish tabloids have framed Lilja and how the news coverage has changed during this time. The theory used in the study makes it possible to highlight how Lilja has been framed in the tabloids and it also gives the study the opportunity to further explain how Lilja has been portrayed. The scientific method used in this study has been a critical discourse analysis to be able to study the 43 articles included in the analysis in a qualitative manner. The study shows that the news coverage from the case has changed during the course of the time. The early coverage shows the framing of Lilja as an ice hockey player while the latter coverage more frame him as a criminal. But there are differences. The different tabloids have framed the case in different ways and the study shows that one of them has framed Lilja more than the other.

”Skandinaviens mest bisarra kriminaldrama”: En kritisk diskursanalys av hur mordet på Kim Wall konstrueras i svenska podcasts. / ”Scandinavia's most bizarre criminal drama”: A critical discourse analysis of how the Kim Wall murder is constructed in Swedish podcasts.

Eriksson, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Föreliggande studie granskar hur mordet på Kim Wall konstrueras i svenska podcasts. Mediebevakningen av fallet har kritiserats för att vara spekulativ och oetisk och det är inte bara relevant, utan av största vikt att utreda huruvida den nya medieformen podcast följer i gammelmedias fotspår. Specifikt studeras fem podcastavsnitt varav tre stycken är privatägda och två stycken är public service-ägda. Genom kritisk diskursanalys spåras hur offer och förövare konstrueras utifrån ett genus- samt medielogiskt perspektiv. Därutöver analyseras likheter och/eller skillnader i dessa konstruktioner i privatägda respektive public service-ägda podcasts. Resultatet visar att såväl offer-, förövare- och fallet som sådant konstrueras utifrån fem olika diskursiva teman. I det första temat nästintill glorifieras förövaren Peter Madsen. I det andra- respektive tredje temat reduceras Kim Wall till en samling kroppsdelar och när hennes liv och gärning väl presenteras sker det genom en ofördelaktig förbindelse till Madsen. I det fjärde temat sensationaliseras brottet genom olika, medvetna eller omedvetna, diskursiva grepp. Slutligen beskrivs vissa skeenden med någon form av ironi, sarkasm eller satir. / The present study reviews how the Kim Wall murder is constructed in Swedish podcasts. The media coverage of the case has been criticized for being speculative and unethical and it is not only relevant, but of the utmost importance to investigate whether the new media form podcast follows in the footsteps of traditional media. Specifically, five podcast episodes are studied, of which three are privately owned and two are public service-owned. Through critical discourse analysis, it is traced how victims and perpetrators are constructed from a gender and media logic perspective. In addition, similarities and / or differences in these constructions are analyzed in privately owned and public service-owned podcasts. The result shows that both the victim, the perpetrator and the case as such are constructed based on five different discursive themes. In the first theme, the perpetrator Peter Madsen is practically glorified. In the second- and third theme, Kim Wall is reduced to a pile of body parts and when her life and deed are presented, it is done through an unfavorable connection to Madsen. In the fourth theme, the crime is sensationalized by various, conscious or unconscious, discursive approaches. Lastly, some events are described with some form of irony, sarcasm or satire.

A Changing Climate : How Climate is Communicated in Swedish and North American News Media / Klimatförändringar. Hur klimat kommuniceras i svenska och nordamerikanska nyhetsmedier

Kalla, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
This study analyses the frames and discourses in different news media reporting on the same events in news outlets in Canada, the US, and Sweden. This was done by analysing both digital-born media and legacy media. The theoretical framework consists of theories about discourse, framing, media logics, the economic prerequisites for journalism, and environmental journalism. The aim is to find what frames, discourses, tone and what voices are being heard in the news coverage of Greta Thunberg’s climate protest, the migrant caravan, and the UN report on climate change released in 2018. Also, differences in the different media are analysed. This is done through discourse analysis by using Fairclough’s CDA and the three-dimensional model, combined with tools from critical linguistics. The analysis of the news texts found that the discourses in the coverage of the three events followed previous research on journalistic values, production and the way that climate change events were reported (or not reported) on. The study also found some themes, frames, that were producing new discourses in climate change journalism. Among these was the way that Greta Thunberg and other young voices were heard on a subject that previously has been heavily focused on politicians, scientists and NGO’s. Thunberg and the migrant caravan were also covered more extensively by the news media included than the UN report, not framing climate in the articles, even though they are about climate change events.

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