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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Akademins (o)föränderliga genusmönster" : En analys av jämställdhetsinsater vid Luleå tekniska universitet / "(Un)changing gender patterns in academia" : An analysis of gender equality efforts  at Luleå University of Technology

Källhammer, Eva January 2017 (has links)
I denna avhandling fokuseras akademins (o)föränderliga genusmönster för att öka kunskapen om förutsättningarna för långsiktig förändring av rådande genusmönster i akademin. Trots olika jämställdhetsinsatser vid högskolor och universitet är de nämligen fortfarande könssegregerade, vilket är speciellt tydligt på höga positioner. Endast 27 procent av professorerna i akademin är kvinnor (SCB, 2016) och vid Luleå tekniska universitet är motsvarande andel 19 procent (Luleå tekniska universitet, 2017). För att förstå bakgrunden till detta och undersöka vägar till förändring studeras i avhandlingen fem projekt vid Luleå tekniska universitet som genomförts under perioden 2005-2013. Utifrån tidigare forskning om akademins genusmönster analyseras och kategoriseras projektens jämställdhetsinsatser som individorienterade, strukturorienterade och processorienterade insatser. Genom intervjuer, fokusgrupper, observationer, olika interaktiva metoder och workshopar söks svar fyra frågeställningar: Vilka förutsättningar i form av metaforer och diskurser råder i projektens akademiska kontext? Hur kan en individorienterad, strukturorienterad respektive process-orienterad ansats användas för att förstå förutsättningarna för jämställdhetsinsatser i akademin? Hur påverkar kombinationen av genusteori och interaktiva metoder förutsättningarna för jämställdhetsinsatser i akademin? Hur påverkar persona som förändringsmetod förutsättningarna för jämställdhetsinsatser?   I avhandlingen kombineras genusteori med interaktiva metoder, dels för att skapa förståelse för hur genusmönster skapas och återskapas i strukturer, symboler, interaktioner och identiteter (Acker, 1990, 1992, 1999), dels för att minska motståndet mot förändringar genom att involvera aktörer som berörs av forskningen i förändringsprocessen. Trots en tydlig jämställdhetsambition vid Luleå tekniska universitet visar resultaten att den meritokratiska diskursen och diskursen om den jämställda akademin överskuggar jämställdhetsdiskursen, vilket bidrar till att upprätthålla rådande genusmönster. Metaforer som den avsmalnande pyramiden, läckande pipelinen eller svarta hålet kan enligt analysen både främja och hindra förutsättningarna för jämställdhetsinsatser i akademin. Universitetets jämställdhetsinsatser har över tid förändrats från individorienterade med fokus på att stärka enskilda kvinnor, till mer strukturorienterade med inriktning på att förändra missgynnande strukturer för kvinnor och andra missgynnade grupper. På senare tid har även insatser med en processorienterad ansats gjorts som fokuserar på att medvetandegöra och förändra könsskapande processer i akademin. Persona i kombination med andra interaktiva metoder, som värderingsövningar, forumteater och scenarios, visar sig i avhandlingen kunna fungera som förändringsmetod vid jämställdhetsinsatser för att synliggöra och kritiskt reflektera över bristande jämställdhet samt främja förändring.

從語料庫看台灣華語身體部位詞詞彙的詞彙結構、語意表現及詞彙化 / Word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization: linguistic usages containing body-part terms liǎn / miàn, yǎn / mù and zuǐ / kǒu in Taiwan mandarin

許筱翎, Hsu, Hsiao-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要的目的為找出六個身體部位詞-臉、面、眼、目、嘴、口在台灣華語的真實使用情形。本篇所分析的語料皆來自於目前收錄最多筆語料、體裁種類平衡、被廣泛使用的中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0版。我們有系統地分析了包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙的內部構造、語意分佈、與詞彙化類型。研究結果發現,在包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙中,[NN]N為最顯著的詞彙內部構造。而在語意分布的部份,相較於臉、眼、嘴,面、目、口較常被用來表達轉喻及隱喻等非字面上的意義。此外,人與情緒為最為普遍的轉喻意,這兩個轉喻用法在六個身體部位詞詞彙中皆可發現。此外,當身體部位詞詞彙表達人這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N ; 當身體部位詞詞彙表達情緒這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N與[VN]V。另外,大體上來說,無論身體部位詞詞彙是表達轉喻意或隱喻意,[NN]N為最普遍的內部構造。並且,當身體部位詞詞彙表達轉喻意或隱喻意時,最常出現的詞彙化類型為隱喻詞彙化(metaphorical lexicalization)。本研究結果期望能提供語料庫辨別轉喻及隱喻的方法,並期望轉喻及隱喻的研究可以從長久以來偏向質性的討論分析,擴展到量化的比較與討論。 / This study aims at finding the actual usage patterns of the six body-part terms liǎn, miàn, yǎn, mù, zuǐ, and kǒu extracted from the largest, balanced and widely-used Sinica Corpus 4.0. The word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization types in the six body-part terms are systematically analyzed and compared. The results show that, in terms of word component structures, the [NN]N structure is the most dominant word component structure across the six body-part terms. As for meaning distribution, it is found that miàn, mù, and kǒu are more frequently used to denote non-literal meanings (either metonymic or metaphorical meanings) than their counterparts – liǎn, yǎn, and zuǐ. In addition, PERSON and EMOTION are the most prevalent metonymic meanings across the six body part terms. It is also found that when the body-part terms denote PERSON, the most dominant word component structure is [NN]N, while when they denote EMOTION, [NN]N and [VN]V are the most dominant structures. In general, the [NN]N structure shows the highest frequency of occurrences in all the six body part terms when they are used either metonymically or metaphorically. As for the lexicalization types, most of the disyllabic words containing the six body-part terms are in metaphorical lexicalization when they denote metonymic or metaphorical meanings. The results may provide some insights for refining procedures of identifing metaphors and metonymies in corpora so as to accelarate quantification and statistical evaluation.

Messages in games and player backgroundA player study about modeling and conveying emotional states through game rules and mechanics : A player study about modeling and conveying emotional states through game rules and mechanics

Malkan Nelson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Games can be used to convey meaning and communicate messages. While there is ample research on games' expressive capacities, how players' backgrounds impact game interpretation has thus far been under-explored.  This study explores this gap by way of testing an expressive game and discerns if there is a relationship between how people experience a game and their personal background and current state of mind. To engage this question, we conducted a player study. We developed the abstract, metaphorical game “Lorn” intended for this purpose. The game together with an online survey, intended to assess players' background and state of mind, was distributed to potential participants. After having played the game, the participants shared their interpretation of the message in the game and their experiences and feelings they experienced while playing. 15 people participated in the player study. The result indicates there are differences in how people interpret a message depending on their personal background and their current state of mind. / Spel kan användas för att förmedla både budskap och mening. Trots att det finns omfattande forskning på hur man kan uttrycka sig med spel, så är forskning kring hur spelares bakgrund påverkar deras tolkning bristfällig. Den här studien utforskar detta genom att testa ett “expressivt spel” och urskilja om det finns någon koppling mellan hur människor upplever ett spel och deras personliga bakgrund och sinnesstämning. Vi utförde en spelarstudie för att undersöka den här frågan. För detta ändamål utvecklade vi det abstrakta, metaforiska spelet “Lorn”. Tillsammans med en online enkät, som ämnade att ta reda på spelarnas bakgrund och sinnesstämning, distribuerade vi spelet till potentiella deltagare. Efter att ha spelat spelet delgav deltagarna sina tolkningar av betydelsen, sina upplevelser av Lorn, och vilka känslor de kände när de spelade spelet. 15 personer deltog i studien. Våra resultat indikerar att det finns skillnader i hur människor tolkar budskap beroende på deras personliga bakgrund och sinnesstämning.

How Chinese - English Bilinguals Think About Time : The Effects of Language on Space-Time Mappings

Zhang, Qiu Jun January 2020 (has links)
The last decades have witnessed the resurgence of research on linguistic relativity, which provides empirical evidence of possible language effects on thought across various perceptual domains. This study investigated the linguistic relativity hypothesis in the abstract domain of time by looking at how L1 Chinese - L2 English bilinguals conceptualize time in two-dimensional space. English primarily relies on horizontal spatial items to talk about time (e.g., back to youth); in addition to horizontal spatial metaphors (e.g., ‘front year’), Chinese speakers also commonly use vertical metaphors to describe time (e.g., ‘up week’). If language has an effect on thought, then spatial-temporal metaphors should shape people’s temporal cognition. In this study, we examined whether spatial-temporal metaphors impact online processing of time and long-term habitual thinking about time. Experiment 1 showed that bilinguals could automatically access the timeline which corresponded to the immediate linguistic context. In Experiment 2, a majority of bilinguals demonstrated salient vertical bias for temporal reasoning, whereas a small number of participants relied on the horizontal axis to represent time. The dominant thinking patterns for time documented here (65% prefer a vertical representation of time; 35% horizontal) run counter to the fact that horizontal metaphors are twice as common in Chinese as vertical metaphors. Further, it was found that bilinguals who used English more frequently were more likely to have a less vertical bias, which suggested a role of L2 experience in conceptual representations. Taken together, the evidence in this study showed that spatial-temporal metaphors have both short-term and long-term effects on mental representations of time, but also that space-time mappings do not depend solely on linguistic factors.

Trumpovské metafory: Vyobrazení Donalda Trumpa žánrem comedy news v průběhu amerických prezidentských voleb 2016 / The Trump Metaphors: Comedy News Portrayal of Donald Trump During the 2016 US Presidential Election

Králová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the implications of metaphorical language, which comedy news programs used to portray Donald Trump as a candidate during the 2016 US presidential election. First, the author outlines the most important moments of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, then introduces the comedy news genre as well as three comedy news programs - The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight and Real Time - which are included in the analytical part of the thesis. The thesis continues with the theoretical and methodological chapters, in which conceptual metaphor analysis based on the works of Lakoff, Johnson and Yanow is presented. The metaphor analysis itself, performed on 73 comedy news episodes, reveals that mostly the same metaphors were used across all three programs and they overwhelmingly portray Donald Trump as non-human. As the election kept approaching, Donald Trump was increasingly portrayed as "a natural disaster," "the apocalypse" or "the Devil." The author suggests that the overall tacit objective of the metaphors used in the three comedy news programs was to dehumanize Donald Trump. Finally, the limitations of the analysis are discussed and suggestions for further research on the implications of metaphorical language are made.

"attention is love" : känslighet och uppmärksamhet som praktisk kunskap i psykoterapi

Mårtensson Astvik, Ia January 2020 (has links)
Denna utforskande vetenskapliga essä vill fördjupa och begreppsliggöra ett praktiskt kunnande för en psykoterapeut utifrån en berättelse från en arbetsdag i dennes profession. Ett inledande citat av nobelpristagare Olga Tokarczuk: ”Känsligheten som den allra blygsammaste formen av kärlek (…)”, blir essäns avstamp som sedan följs och vars betydelse vävs samman med berättelsen. En överordnande undran vid essäns avfärd är vad begreppet känslighet, uppmärksamhet och kärlek har för betydelse för psykoterapeuten i sin profession. Olika filosofers, författares och poeters texter och berättelsen väver i essän fram det praktiska kunnandet, omdömet och kraften i att vara den som finns för en annan som lider och samtidigt finnas för sitt eget lidande. Det betyder att den egna sårbarheten avtäcks hos den profession som är på plats i sitt arbete för att ta del av en annan människas tillvaro och verklighet men även förnimma och hantera det som inte berättas eller verbaliseras. Essän begreppsliggör känsligheten uppmärksamheten och kärleken genom att söka och finna deras ursprung i antikens filosofi och idéerna om kärlek och kunskap. Därifrån går undersökandet till kärlek som en moralfilosofisk ide. Ur det arbetet förs tankar och de olika filosofernas funderingar in och prövar begreppet kärlek som ett praktiskt kunnande i psykoterapi. Att kärlek till klienter och kärlek till sig själv, möjligen är en praktisk kunskap. / This exploratory scientific essay aims to deepen and conceptualize a practical knowledge for a psychotherapist based on a story from a working day in her profession. An introductory quote by Nobel Laureate Olga Tokarczuk “Sensitivity as the most modest form of love (…)”, becomes the springboard of the essay which is then followed and whose meaning is woven together with the story. An overarching wonder at the essay’s departure is what the concept of sensitivity, attention and love has for the psychotherapist in her profession. Essentially, the texts of various philosophers, writers and poets and the story weave the practical knowledge, discernment and power of being the one who exists for another who suffers and at the same time exists for her own suffering. This means that one's own vulnerability is uncovered by the profession that is present in its work to take part of another person's existence and reality, but also to perceive and deal with what is not told or verbalized. The essay conceptualizes sensitivity to attention and love by seeking and finding their origin in ancient philosophy and the ideas of love and knowledge. From there, the study goes to love as a moral-philosophical idea. From that work, thoughts and the philosophers' ideas are brought in and tested for the concept of love as a practical knowledge in psychotherapy. That love for clients and love for themselves, possibly is a practical knowledge

La possibilité d’un transfert culturel : Stratégies de traduction des noms propres et des métaphores dans un texte socio-politique / The possibility of a cultural transfer : Strategies for translating proper names and metaphors in a socio-political text

Turesson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the translation strategies used in order to translate a socio-political text from French to Swedish with focus on proper names and metaphors. Proper names and metaphors are deeply culture rooted and containers of specific elements familiar only to an initiated audience. The main purpose is to investigate the possibility of transferring these underlying elements from one culture to another, keeping in mind the genre, the aim (or skopos), the Interpretive Theory of Translation and the pragmatic aspect. Vinay and Darbelnet and Rune Ingo offered the methods for the translation of proper names. The most common strategy used was transfer or literal translation, in certain cases followed by a complementary information, and equivalence. The conceptual theory worked as a starting point for the classification of metaphors and the strategies proposed by Peter Newmark structured the translation. With the concepts of war and family the pragmatic aspect needed to be considered more frequently than with the concept of game and the procedures of conversion of metaphor to sense and translation of metaphor by simile were used to a lager extent than that of reproducing the same image. Analysing each case one by one and applying the most suitable strategy according to context and circumstances, with respect to culture differences and sense, helped us to form a coherent unity providing a suitable ground for a cultural transfer to grow, or at least to show.

Conceptual Metaphors for Covid-19 : An Analysis of Metaphors for Covid-19 in the Discourse of Political Leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia

Andersson, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Since the emergence of Covid-19 in December 2019, metaphors to talk about the pandemic have been extensively used in political discourse. This study aims to compare metaphors for Covid-19 in the discourse of political leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia by drawing upon three conceptual metaphors found by De la Rosa (2007). The following conceptual metaphors are investigated: DISEASE IS A WAR, DISEASE IS A NATURAL FORCE, and DISEASE IS A JOURNEY. To find metaphors for Covid-19, one corpus of transcribed political discourse was compiled for each country. The corpora were then searched using lemmas of words specific to each conceptual metaphor. By drawing upon conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) instances of metaphor usage were then analyzed. The frequency results showed the natural force metaphor to be the more frequently used in the UK and Canada corpora. In contrast, no occurrences of natural force metaphors were found in the USA or Australia corpora. The war metaphor was most frequently used in the USA corpus, and in the Australia corpus, the war and journey metaphor were used at similar frequencies. The findings of this study indicate that there is a difference in both frequency and choice of conceptual metaphors between the four corpora. The analysis also suggests that different metaphors can be used for different purposes.

»… nur ein Weiberer liebt so einen weichherzigen Gesang«: Gender-Metaphern in Joseph Riepels Anfangsgründen zur musicalischen Setzkunst

Eckert, Stefan 22 September 2023 (has links)
Die musiktheoretische Schriften Joseph Riepels (1709-1782) sind nicht nur für ihren Beitrag zur Satzlehre des 18. Jahrhunderts, sondern auch für ihre Dialogstruktur und Riepels eigenwilligen Sprachgebrauch bekannt. In der Tat, Riepels Traktate, die einem wirklichen Kompositionsunterricht ähneln und sich als lebhaftes Zwiegespräch zwischen einem Lehrer und Schüler entfalten, bestehen nicht aus einer Sammlung trockener Kompositionsregeln, sondern sie konfrontieren uns mit dem musikalischen Denken des 18. Jahrhunderts. Gender-Metaphern spielen eine große Rolle in Riepels Beschreibung von musikalischer Form. Während er, nicht unerwartetet, den Dur-Moll Tonartenkontrast dem männlichen und weiblichen Geschlechtsunterschied gleichsetzt, erstreckt sich sein Gebrauch von Gender zur Erklärung von Musik auch auf andere Gebiete. Beispielsweise vergleicht Riepel den Effekt einer Komposition in Moll, die mit einem Dur-Akkord endet, mit einem Mann, der, nachdem er für eine lange Zeit den Geschichten seiner Frau zugehört hat, ihr dann einfach sagt: »Halt den Mund Frau«. Er bezeichnet eine bestimmte melodische Fortführung als ›verkehrten Zwitter‹, beurteilt Melodien in Bezug auf Gender und erklärt, »nur ein Weiberer liebt so einen weichherzigen Gesang«, und er vergleicht nicht zuletzt die Hierarchie innerhalb einer Tonart mit der Rangordnung zwischen Männern und Frauen auf einem Bauernhof. Ausgehend von den Studien von Lakoff und Johnson betrachte ich Metaphern nicht einfach als unterhaltsame Art und Weise, um über Musik zu sprechen, sondern ich verstehe sie als Zeugnis dafür, wie soziale Strukturen in musikalische Strukturen eingebettet sind. Während stetige Strömungen der Zeit und ein größeres Verlangen für sprachliche Abstraktion, diese Verbindung zwischen musikalischen und sozialen Strukturen weggewaschen haben, bringen Riepels Schriften sie nachdrücklich zum Vorschein. In diesem Vortrag untersuche ich deshalb einen Moment in der Entstehung von Gender-Metaphern als Beitrag zur historischen Bewertung von musikalischen Konzeptionen. / The music theoretical writings of Joseph Riepel (1709-1782) are known not only for their contribution to eighteenth century compositional theory but also for their dialogue structure and Riepel’s idiosyncratic language usage. Indeed, Riepel’s treatises, which resemble actual lessons in composition and unfold as lively dialogues between a teacher and a student, render not stifled attempts in regulating musical composition but confront and engage us with mid-eighteenth century musical thought. Gender metaphors play a large role in Riepel’s account of musical structure. While not unexpectedly he equates the major-minor key difference with the masculine-feminine opposition, his use of gender as a means of explaining music extends to other areas as well. For example, within his discussion of form he compares the effect of a composition in minor that ends with a major chord to a husband who, after listening for a long time to his wife’s stories, simply says to her “Shut up woman,” and he identifies a particular continuation of a phrase as a “reversed hermaphrodite.” He judges melodies in terms of gender, stating, for example, that “… only a womanly man would love such a softhearted melody.” And, finally, he compare the relationships within a given key to the hierarchical relationship between the men and women working on a farm. Drawing on Lakoff and Johnson’s work I argue that these metaphors constitute not simply “entertaining” ways of talking about music, but that they tell us something about how underlying social structures reside in musical structure. While the steady currents of time and the desire for greater linguistic abstraction have washed away the association between musical and social structures, Riepel’s writings forcefully articulate these associations. This paper examines a moment in the formation of gender metaphors contributing to a historical appraisal of musical conceptions.

Metaphorical Language and the Response to ‘Exile’ in the Book of Jeremiah

Kuriyachan, Sherley 11 1900 (has links)
The crux of Jeremiah’s message depicted in the book of Jeremiah is the upcoming Babylonian invasion on Judah as a result of their sins and the unusual call on Judah to yield to the Babylonians. Jeremiah’s prophecy to the Judeans claimed that foreign invasion would result in the destruction of the nation and exile of its inhabitants. For this, he faced grave animosity from the recipients of his message especially the kings and the prophets and he even suffered persecution under them. The reasons for the hostility against him as portrayed in the book are investigated. The book of Jeremiah highlights that after the invasion, the Babylonians showed a special concern to Jeremiah and gave him privilege to choose whether he would go to Babylon or stay behind in Judah. Strangely, the prophet, who emphasized that the nation of Judah should not resist the Babylonian rule and should be exiled to Babylon, when given a choice, chose to stay behind in Judah. This appears to be a strange response of Jeremiah toward Babylonian exile. Also, when the Johanan faction forced Jeremiah to flee from Judah and find asylum in Egypt to escape another suspected Babylonian threat, Jeremiah responds negatively. The various responses of the kings, prophets and Jeremiah toward the destruction and exile require explanation. At the outset, the reason why there was fierce hostility against Jeremiah’s message appears to be Judah’s reluctance to be subdued by a foreign nation as the biblical text portrays. However, the book of Jeremiah appears to use many metaphors to point to the reasons for resentment against Jeremiah and his message. The study of the metaphors in Jeremiah employing cognitive linguistics methodology, using conceptual metaphor theory and conceptual blending theory has shown the interconnectedness of the metaphors and the meanings it implies. The metaphors of “destruction” and “exile” are found to be connected to the concept of shame. Jeremiah’s prediction of the forthcoming destruction of the land, cities, Temple, exile of Judeans, collapse of the Davidic throne and all kinds of calamities that would befall the city of Jerusalem and the nation of Judah is found to be associated with “shame.” Likewise, the metaphor of “restoration” is found to be connected to the concept of honour. Jeremiah’s prophecy of “restoration” is portrayed as replenishment of land, rebuilding of cities, return of the exiles, and restoration from all kinds of calamities termed as “return of honour.” This shows that the concepts of honour and shame play a key role to explain the antagonistic responses toward Jeremiah’s prophecy of the Babylonian invasion and exile. Also, by using conceptual metaphor analysis, Jeremiah’s reluctance to go to Babylon or Egypt can be explained as his anticipation to witness the restoration of the nation of Judah and return of its honour as Yahweh had promised.

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