Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metropolis"" "subject:"petropolis""
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A cidade como negócio: aspectos da atuação do setor imobiliário e da relação público-privado na Barra Funda e na Água Branca (Município de São Paulo) - um exame crítico da operação urbana Água Branca e do projeto \'Bairro Novo\' / The city as a business: the urban and urbanistic changes undertaken by the real estate sector in the city of São Paulo - a critical examination of two big projects of large-scale intervention \"the Água Branca Urban Intervention\" (Operação Urbana Água Branca) and \"the Bairro Novo Project \"Aluísio Wellichan Ramos 16 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho debruça-se sobre as transformações urbanas e urbanísticas empreendidas pelo setor imobiliário na cidade de São Paulo, em especial, nas imediações do eixo viário composto pelas vias Francisco Matarazzo/Carlos Vicari e Ermano Marchetti/Marquês de São Vicente, envolvendo parte da Barra Funda e da Água Branca. Trata-se de uma antiga área industrial cuja gênese remonta à primeira fase da industrialização e que é objeto, desde o início da década de 1980, de um crescente interesse do imobiliário voltado, sobretudo, ao setor terciário. Esta área vem sendo radicalmente transformada ao longo dos últimos vinte anos por inúmeras ações de caráter mais pontual e por dois grandes projetos: a Operação Urbana Água Branca e o Projeto Bairro Novo, elaborados por meio da associação do poder público com poderosos interesses privados. A análise do imobiliário, com ênfase na associação do público com o privado, revelou novas estratégias de incorporação de terras e da arquitetura de grandes projetos que visam, em conjunto, ampliar a reprodução do capital, extraindo rendas extras e sobrelucros. A união dos poderes público e privado no que se refere à produção do espaço urbano, além de potencializar os mecanismos de reprodução do capital, ainda concorre para ampliar a intensidade da segregação sócio-espacial da camada mais pobre da população. Para se chegar a esse entendimento, recorreu-se à história da industrialização e urbanização na cidade de São Paulo, buscando compreender os principais aspectos e facetas destes processos, que pudessem ter interesse à temática aqui discutida. Quantos aos procedimentos metodológicos, este trabalho valeu-se, por um lado, de pesquisa teórico-bibliográfica em livros, dissertações, teses, documentos de órgãos públicos e periódicos e, por outro lado, de pesquisa empírica baseada, sobretudo, em observações da realidade concreta / This work is about the urban and urbanistic changes undertaken by the real estate sector in the city of São Paulo, especially in the areas surrounding the road axis consisting of the roads Francisco Matarazzo/Carlos Vicari and Ermano Marchetti/Marquês de São Vicente, encompassing part of Barra Funda and Água Branca. This is an old industrial area originated in the first stage of the industrialization, where, since the beginning of the 1980\'s, there has been a growing interest of the real estate sector geared especially towards the tertiary sector. This area has been suffering radical changes throughout the last twenty years, due to several actions of a sharper nature and two big projects of large-scale intervention: the Água Branca Urban Intervention (Operação Urbana Água Branca) and the Bairro Novo Project, elaborated by means of the association of the public power with powerful private interests. The analyzis of the real state, referred to in the extent of the association of the public with the private sector, has revealed new strategies of incorporation of lands and of the architecture of big projects whose aim is, jointly, to broaden the reproduction of capital, having extra income and amplified profit. The union of the public and private powers, in relation to the production of the urban space, besides potentizing the reproduction mechanisms of the capital, still cooperates to broaden the intensity of the social-spacial segregation of the poorer classes of the population. To arrive at this understanding, the story of the industrialization and the urbanization of the city of São Paulo had to be examined, in a search to understand the main aspects and facets of these processes, which might be of interest to the subject of this work. As to the methodological procedure, this work took advantage, on one hand, of theoretical-bibliographic research in books, dissertations, theses, public documents, and journals, and, on the other hand, of an empirical survey, based especially in the observation of the concrete reality
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Peregrinos do sertão profundo: uma etnografia da música de Elomar Figueira Mello / Pilgrims of the deep sertão: an ethnography of music of Elomar Figueira MelloAndre Kees de Moraes Schouten 07 March 2006 (has links)
Entendido como uma etnografia da música, este trabalho tem como foco da investigação o fazer musical do compositor baiano Elomar Figueira Mello, na sua intenção de comunicar uma experiência do sertão através de seus discos e em suas apresentações pelos palcos de teatros e salas de concerto metropolitanas. A partir de duas imagens que emergem da figura do compositor, tanto da análise de seus discos como em meio à experiência de campo, arrisco uma interpretação de sua obra como expressão de uma experiência sintética, liminoide, capaz de comunicar um mundo tradicional na era da reprodutibilidade técnica. / Understood as an ethnography of music, this work focuses on the music-making of the Brazilian northeastern composer Elomar Figueira Mello, in his intention to comunicate an experience of the ?sertão? through both his records and his performances in the metropolitan theatres and concert rooms. Using two images that emerge from the figure of the composer, constructed through record analyses and fieldwork experience, this work risk interpreting of his work as a synthetic experience, liminoid, able to communicates a traditional world in the age of mechanical reproduction.
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Genève et Prague : quelles stratégies pour quelle métropolisation ? : Compétitivité et gouvernance de deux métropoles intermédiaires en construction / Geneva and Prague : which strategies for which metropolitan development ? : Competitiveness and governance of two intermediate metropolises under constructionDelaugerre, Jean Baptiste 27 January 2014 (has links)
Genève et Prague sont deux métropoles en construction. La métropolisation revêt des formes différentes : l’affirmation d’une capitale qui veut être une métropole et la « tête de pont » des investissements étrangers en Europe centrale pour Prague ; la construction d’une agglomération sur trois Etats pour Genève (agglomération franco-valdo-genevoise). Les trajectoires de ces deux métropoles sont également différentes et font l’objet d’une comparaison : Prague est une ville post-socialiste en rattrapage rapide vingt ans après la chute du régime communiste tandis que Genève est une métropole d’Europe occidentale, ville internationale depuis un siècle. Deux conceptions se font face et orientent les stratégies d’acteurs : d’un côté, les acteurs praguois assurent un développement rapide selon une logique multipolaire de la capitale tchèque ; de l’autre, on assiste à une certaine peur de la croissance qui freine la menée de grands projets et la concrétisation du Grand Genève, l’agglomération transfrontalière franco-valdo-genevoise. / Geneva and Prague are two metropolises under construction. However, metropolitan development is different in each city: Prague is a capital-city which wants to be a metropolis and attract and concentrate foreign investment in Central-Eastern Europe, whereas Geneva is the heart of a three States-cross-border city (France, cantons of Geneva and Vaud). Their trajectories are also different and are comparable: Prague is a post socialist city quickly catching up twenty years after the fall of the communist regime, and Geneva is an old international city in Western Europe. Two territorial visions are orienting the leaders’ strategies: on the one hand, Prague leaders are promoting a balanced and polycentric city development; on the other hand, one observes a certain « growth fear » which slows down the achievements of big projects such as the cross-border city formation called « Grand Genève ».
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La reconversion des anciens hôpitaux, un enjeu pour les centres hospitaliers et les métropoles françaises : expériences comparées à Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, Poitiers et Saint-Etienne / The redevelopment of former hospitals, a major issue for public healthcare establishments and metropolises : compared experiences in Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, Poitiers and Saint-EtiennePétillot, Anne 31 January 2013 (has links)
Depuis vingt-cinq ans, les centres hospitaliers universitaires français connaissent un mouvement sans précédent de regroupement de leurs activités médicales qui les conduit à désaffecter puis à vendre de nombreux sites hospitaliers.La reconversion de ces anciens hôpitaux est un enjeu majeur pour les établissements publics de santé comme pour les collectivités. Les premiers doivent valoriser au mieux leur patrimoine pour financer la modernisation ou la construction des hôpitaux en activité. Les secondes doivent réussir la transformation des grands enclos ainsi libérés et garantir leur bon usage au bénéfice des populations des métropoles concernées.Après avoir mis en lumière les mécanismes de décision et de gestion propres à chacun des acteurs et souligné la diversité des attentes, le travail s’appuyant sur l’analyse comparée de neuf opérations situées à Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, Poitiers et Saint-Etienne, s’attache à identifier les potentiels de développement urbain des anciens hôpitaux, leurs valeurs parfois paradoxales, enfin le rôle de l’établissement de santé, de la ville ou de l’agglomération, ainsi que de la société civile dans la production des opérations.Cette approche croisée et quantifiée conduit à esquisser des axes de travail d’intérêt général. Ceux-ci concernent aussi bien les centres hospitaliers dans la préparation et la conduite du processus de désaffectation et de cession que les collectivités dans la définition des besoins et la mise en œuvre des opérations. Est mis en avant pour finir le rôle de l’Etat pour réduire les contradictions, aider à la juste évaluation des biens et accélérer les processus de transformation urbaine. / In the past 25 years, French teaching hospitals have had to concentrate their activities as never before, leading to many hospital sites being closed down and sold off. The redevelopment of these former hospitals is a major issue for public healthcare establishments and local authorities alike. The former need to enhance their property to raise funds to modernise and build hospitals in use. The latter need to oversee the transformation of the huge complexes newly available and ensure they benefit the inhabitants of the cities involved. After examining the decision-making process and management implemented by all players and highlighting the sheer diversity of expectations, a comparative analysis of nine operations located in Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, Poitiers and Saint-Etienne pinpoints potential urban development of former hospitals, their sometimes contradictory values and the role of the healthcare establishment, city council and civil society in the production of the operations. This comparative approach, backed with figures, leads to some general-interest suggestions. These involve not only the hospitals which prepare and lead the closing process and transfer, but also the local authorities which define requirements and implement operations. Finally, the government’s role of reducing contradictions, helping to properly assess the property and speeding up the processes of urban transformation is also covered.
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Histoire des relations entre Paris et ses canaux : formes, usages et représentations, 1818-1876 / History of the relations between Paris and its canals : forms, uses and representations, on 1818-1876Guével, Solenn 27 January 2017 (has links)
La recherche propose d’interroger ce qui lie et qui a pu un jour lier Paris à ses canaux, afin d’alimenter et d’élargir les réflexions actuelles sur les problématiques urbaines et sur la définition des modes et temps de constitution de la ville, soit de comprendre les liens entre ville et infrastructure.À travers l’étude de la forme du paysage et du tissu rural et urbain, des projets, des acteurs privés et publics, des activités et des usages et, enfin, des représentations, le rôle et la place tenus par les canaux parisiens, destinés au transport de marchandises et à l’adduction d’eau, sont appréhendés, permettant ainsi de saisir, dans le temps, la complexité des processus de constitution et d’évolution de l’espace urbain à Paris, révélant, à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle territoriale, au gré des questions posées, les relations entre ville et canal au XIXème siècle.Dans un premier temps, pourquoi la capitale a-t-elle besoin de canaux ? Quelles sont les conditions de leurs implantations ? Quelles sont les spécificités de cette infrastructure ? Quel est son tracé ? Comment les canaux se sont-ils surimposés aux territoires ? Quels paysages ont-ils fabriqués ? Sont-ils un embellissement et un monument pour le territoire et/ou une coupure dans les tissus existants ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous essayons de comprendre comment les canaux parisiens se sont inscrits dans le territoire.Dans un second temps, pourquoi des entrepôts sont-ils construits le long des voies d’eau ? De quels types sont-ils ? Y-a-t-il une distinction entre ceux établis à Paris et ceux réalisés à La Villette ? Quelles transformations engendrent-ils ? Quelle place tiennent-ils dans le développement industriel et commercial de la capitale ? De plus, comment le territoire s’urbanise-t-il aux abords des infrastructures ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous tentons de montrer comment la ville s’est adaptée aux canaux parisiens.Dans un troisième temps, pourquoi est-il décidé de couvrir une partie du canal Saint-Martin sous le Second Empire ? Quels sont les impacts de cette couverture sur le transport de marchandises et l’activité industrielle bordant la voie d’eau ? Comment les trames viaire et parcellaire évoluent-elles ? Des projets, liés au service de l’infrastructure et/ou de la ville, apparaissent-ils ? Alors qu’une partie du canal Saint-Martin est recouvert et que la commune de La Villette est rattachée à la capitale, pourquoi des travaux de modernisation des canaux de l’Ourcq et Saint-Denis sont-ils entrepris ? Quels aménagements sont réalisés ? Comment le territoire traversé par l’infrastructure évolue-t-il ? Par rapport à ces questions, nous essayons de mesurer comment les canaux parisiens se sont intégrés à la ville.Nous tentons donc de comprendre comment les canaux parisiens, grands ouvrages à vocation industrielle, se sont inscrits dans le territoire ; comment la ville s’est adaptée à cette infrastructure et comment cette dernière s’est intégrée à Paris. Nous essayons de montrer que de leur création à la fin du XIXème siècle (1818-1876), qu’ils servent au transport de marchandises ou à l’adduction d’eau, qu’ils soient à l’air libre ou recouverts, les canaux ont exercé une influence forte sur la formation de la ville qu’ils traversent ; ils peuvent ainsi être considérés comme des éléments fondateurs de l’espace urbain à leurs abords.Visant à construire un objet historique, en analysant la pluralité des relations entre Paris et ses canaux au cours du XIXème siècle, la thèse souhaite mener une enquête à partir de questionnements divers qui empruntent à plusieurs disciplines, s’attachant aux questions des formes, des usages et des représentations. Outil de réflexion visant à une meilleure compréhension des liens entre ville et infrastructure, elle souhaite apporter des pistes de réflexions face aux interrogations actuelles sur les possibilités de tirer profit de leur présence et sur la manière dont peuvent ou pourraient se reconstituer leurs abords / This research proposes to investigate the comprehensive set of past and present relations between Paris and its canals, in order to fuel and expand the current reflection on urban issues and the definition of the specific modes and temporalities at stake in the formation of the city, allowing one to understand the links between city and infrastructure.Through the study of a broad scope of themes, from landscape to the form of urban or rural fabric; to projects, private and public actors, acjavascript:nouvelleZone('abstract');_ajtAbstract('abstract');tivities and uses; to their representation; this study seeks to understand the role played by the canals and their place in Paris, as a means for both the transportation of merchandise and the supply of water, in order to grasp the complexity of the evolution and processes of formation of Parisian urban spaces over time, thus revealing at both local and territorial scale the relations between city and canal during the XIXth century.Firstly, we will focus on the need for canals in Paris, capital of France. What are the conditions governing their position? What is specific about this infrastructure and its layout? How are the waterways superimposed upon the urban territory, and what landscape do they generate? Are they a form of territorial embellishment and monument, and/or an incision in the existing urban fabric? With regard to these questions, we will try to understand how Parisian waterways are inscribed in this territory.Secondly, why are the warehouses built along the waterways? Of what type are they? Is there any differentiation between those established in Paris and those in La Villette? What kind of transformation are they generating? What is their place in the industrial and commercial development of the capital? Furthermore, how are the adjacent areas to the waterways urbanized? In relation to these issues, we will try to demonstrate how the city has adapted to the Parisian canals.Thirdly, why has the decision been made to cover a segment of Canal Saint-Martin during the Second Empire? How does this covering impact freight transportation and industrial activity along the waterway? How does the street systems and lot configurations evolve? Are any projects linked to this infrastructure and/or the city, coming up? Why are modernization projects for both canals of Ourcq and Saint-Denis undertaken while a length of the Saint-Martin canal is covered and the town of La Villette is annexed to Paris? What was the scope of work for these projects? How does the territory traversed by the infrastructure evolve? In this regard, we will attempt to measure how the Parisian canals were integrated to the city.We will try to understand how the Parisian canals, as large works of civil and industrial engineering, are inscribed within its territory, how the city adapts to this infrastructure and, inversely, how it adapts to the city. We will try demonstrate that, since their creation at the end of the XIXth century (1818-1876), canals have strongly influenced the urban formation of the cities from which they were excavated, whether used for the transportation of merchandise or water supply, whether open-air or covered. These canals can thus be considered as founding elements for their surrounding urban spaces.Through an analysis of the plurality of relations between Paris and its canals along the XIXth century, this thesis aims to construct an historical object. As an investigation starting from various issues borrowing from multiple disciplines, it focuses on the questions of form, use and representation. As a tool of reflexion intended to foster a greater understanding of the links between city and infrastructure, it seeks to bring new perspectives to the current issues of existing infrastructure and develop strategies, which exploit their presence within urban fabric, and the ways in which their edges and surroundings could be reconstituted
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A Monte-Carlo approach to dominant scatterer tracking of a single extended target in high range-resolution radarDe Freitas, Allan January 2013 (has links)
In high range-resolution (HRR) radar systems, the returns from a single target may fall in multiple
adjacent range bins which individually vary in amplitude. A target following this representation is
commonly referred to as an extended target and results in more information about the target. However,
extracting this information from the radar returns is challenging due to several complexities.
These complexities include the single dimensional nature of the radar measurements, complexities
associated with the scattering of electromagnetic waves, and complex environments in which radar
systems are required to operate. There are several applications of HRR radar systems which extract
target information with varying levels of success. A commonly used application is that of imaging
referred to as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and inverse SAR (ISAR) imaging. These techniques
combine multiple single dimension measurements in order to obtain a single two dimensional image.
These techniques rely on rotational motion between the target and the radar occurring during the
collection of the single dimension measurements. In the case of ISAR, the radar is stationary while
motion is induced by the target.
There are several difficulties associated with the unknown motion of the target when standard Doppler
processing techniques are used to synthesise ISAR images. In this dissertation, a non-standard Dop-pler approach, based on Bayesian inference techniques, was considered to address the difficulties.
The target and observations were modelled with a non-linear state space model. Several different
Bayesian techniques were implemented to infer the hidden states of the model, which coincide with
the unknown characteristics of the target. A simulation platform was designed in order to analyse
the performance of the implemented techniques. The implemented techniques were capable of successfully
tracking a randomly generated target in a controlled environment. The influence of varying
several parameters, related to the characteristics of the target and the implemented techniques, was
explored. Finally, a comparison was made between standard Doppler processing and the Bayesian
methods proposed. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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The flâneur in contemporary society with special reference to the work of Francis AlÿsMcDowall, Estelle 08 December 2011 (has links)
The contemporary flâneur is confronted with a radically different world in comparison to the Parisian arcades of the nineteenth century during which the idea of the flâneur was conceptualised. The current urban milieu of the flâneur is dominated by consumerism, computer systems and surveillance, and the research posed here explores the flâneur within this environment. The flâneur was originally visualised on the streets and arcades of the city; however, cities do not only exist as buildings and streets and have become global entities that are constituted from the physical and the virtual. Throughout this study reference is primarily made to the work of Francis Alÿs to elucidate theoretical concepts. This study proposes that there is an absence of the teleological goal in the journey of the flâneur and as such, the flâneur wanders the streets without aim; however, in the process creates narratives and leaves traces of his journey. The ubiquity of surveillance in the contemporary metropolis complicates the flâneur's relationship with the latter. Consequently the impact of surveillance on the flâneur and the flâneur's daily wanderings are examined to ascertain its influence on the flâneur in a hyperreal society. In contemporary thinking, the traditional idea of the male flâneur requires reassessment and this research investigates the possibility of the female flâneur and women's presence in the public spaces of the city and the virtual realm of cyberspace. Furthermore, women are intricately linked to consumerism and their experience and position in the city are influenced by being seen as objects of the gaze. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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Do Fixo ao Fluxo: Expressões da Acumulação Rentista-patrimonial Ampliada na Produção do Espaço da Metrópole de RecifeNascimento, Alexandre Sabino do 18 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-19T14:05:45Z
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Tese Versão Biblioteca.New.pdf: 8228465 bytes, checksum: 555e31ae83e9955c8ba2d9d9fc24b9ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-19T14:05:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese Versão Biblioteca.New.pdf: 8228465 bytes, checksum: 555e31ae83e9955c8ba2d9d9fc24b9ae (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-18 / FACEPE / Grandes empresas e grupos econômicos, dentro do atual processo de reprodução ampliada do capital e de seu regime de acumulação com dominância da valorização financeira, requerem, cada vez mais, grandes negócios (megaprojetos, megaeventos), e esses só são viáveis em parceria com o Estado. Esta relação, com o tempo, torna-se mais complexa e envolve uma série de inovações em arranjos político-institucionais e espaciais. Assim, questionou-se se grandes obras ligadas à reestruturação do espaço metropolitano implementadas na Região Metropolitana do Recife - RMR podiam ser consideradas expressões de uma acumulação rentista-patrimonial ampliada entre o Estado e diferentes frações do capital, amplificando a unidade contraditória entre fixos e fluxos própria da reprodução do capital contemporâneo. Para responder a essa, questão buscou-se demonstrar as ações do Estado e o seu papel na concentração e centralização do capital nas mãos de oligarquias econômicas, neste caso, grupos econômicos nacionais ligados à produção do espaço (construção civil) e ao capital financeiro, e em assegurar importantes condições econômicas e extraeconômicas para a acumulação, com o uso dos fundos públicos, créditos subsidiados, incentivos fiscais, terras entre outros. Identificou-se que setores como o da construção civil ganham com o crescimento da economia nacional que leva à busca por investimentos em capital fixo, que também ocorre em períodos de crises econômicas do sistema capitalista. Optou-se por uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativa, explicativa, documental e bibliográfica. Fundamenta-se aqui na compreensão de que urbanização, modernização, política econômica e o planejamento são realidades sociais, e que toda realidade social é espacial e historicamente determinada. Na organização da exposição da tese, optou-se por seguir o método regressivo-progressivo de H. Lefebvre. Entende-se, nesta pesquisa, que os grandes negócios da produção do espaço têm como principais beneficiados as grandes empreiteiras “As Campeãs Nacionais”. Analisaram-se os grandes projetos: Cidade da Copa/Arena Itaipava; Rota dos Coqueiros e Cidade Saneada como representativos de uma “nova” articulação entre o público e o privado dentro do processo chamado por nós de acumulação rentista-patrimonial ampliada entre Estado e capital. Assim, o estudo focou-se na reestruturação econômica e espacial da RMR ligadas a esses projetos e concluiu que este processo é produto da concorrência global capitalista agora movida por um amplo processo de financeirização da economia mundial, fruto de um ajuste espaço temporal do sistema e sua ligação com a produção do espaço, e também representa uma coalizão de interesses entre frações do capital nacionais e locais representantes de grupos econômicos ligados ao setor da construção civil, via arranjos político-institucionais e espaciais como concessões e parcerias público-privadas, financiamentos de longo prazo e participações no capital social de um número seleto de empresas do setor da construção pesada ligadas a grandes holdings nacionais, agentes esses capazes de manipular o fundo público via poder político e econômico, dentro de um contexto de imbricação de escalas geográficas. / Major companies and economic groups, within the current expanded reproduction process of the capital and its accumulation regime with dominance of financial valuation, require, increasingly, major business (mega projects, mega-events), and those can only be feasible in partnership with the State. This relationship, over time, becomes more complex and includes a number of innovations in political-institutional and spatial arrangements. Thus, the question has been raised as to whether great works connected to the restructuring process of the metropolitan space implemented in the Metropolitan Region of Recife – MRR could be considered as expressions of an expanded patrimonial rentier accumulation among the State and different fractions of the capital, amplifying the contradictory unity between ‘’fix and flows’’ peculiar of the reproduction of the contemporary capital. To solve this question efforts have been made to demonstrate the actions of the State and its role regarding the concentration and centralization of the capital in the hands of economic oligarchies, in this case, national economic groups connected to space production (building construction) and to the financial capital, and to assure important economic and extra-economic conditions for accumulation, using public funds, subsidized credit, tax incentives, lands and others. It has been identified that sectors such as building construction gain from the growth of the national economy, leading to the search for investments in fixed capital, which also occurs in times of economic crises of the capitalist system. It has been chosen a qualitative, explanatory, documentary and bibliographic type of research. It is based here on the understanding that urbanization, modernization, economic policy and planning are social realities, and that all social reality is spatially and historically determined. In the organization of the thesis exhibition it was chosen to follow the regressive-progressive method of H. Lefebvre. It is understood in this research that the big businesses of production of the space have as main beneficiaries the great contractors "The National Champions". The major projects have been analyzed: The Cup City/Itaipava Arena; Rota dos Coqueiros e Cidade Saneada as representative of a ‘’new’’ articulation between public and private within the process which we call expanded patrimonial rentier accumulation between State and capital. Thus, the study focused on the economic and spatial restructuring of the MRR linked to those projects and concluded that this process is the result of global capitalist competition now driven by a broad process of financialization of the world economy, result of an space-time adjustment of the system and its link with the production of the space, and also represents a coalition of interests among national and local fractions of the capital which represent economic groups connected to the construction industry, via political-institutional and spatial arrangements such as concessions and public-private partnerships, long-term debt and shares in the social capital of a select number of companies from the heavy construction sector linked to great national holdings, being those agents able to manipulate the public fund via political and economic influence, in an overlay context of geographic scales.
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[pt] A partir do conceito de intervenção de Robert Smithson criado nos final dos anos 60, em que transforma a própria ideia de sítio utilizada inicialmente nos trabalhos de Land art, ao trabalhar de forma orientada para os sites específicos e permite que sejam escavadas diferentes camadas de significado presentes nesses locais, reafirmando a capacidade da arte em penetrar questões de natureza política, econômica, social e cultural e introduzir um olhar crítico sobre a situação urbana. Tais contribuições de Smithson basearam as intervenções do projeto Arte/Cidade em seus quatro módulos realizados na cidade de São Paulo, no período de 1997 a 1997. As instalações do projeto levaram em consideração a escala urbana assim como aspectos sociais e políticos que insidiam em áreas escolhidas e enfatizaram contradições, perdas de referências e transformações sofridas pela metrópole. Busca-se no presente trabalho avaliar as contribuições do terceiro módulo do projeto, A Cidade e suas Histórias ocorrido na cidade de São Paulo em 1997, e suas articulações com história, patrimônio e utilização do espaço urbano na metrópole. / [en] From the concept of intervention of Robert Smithson created in the late 60s, it transforms the very idea of site initially used in the works of Land Art, while working in a targeted manner to specific sites and allows different layers of meaning are excavated present at these sites, confirming the ability of art to penetrate matters of political, economic, social and cultural nature and introduce a critical eye on the urban situation. Such contributions Smithson based project interventions Art / Town in its four modules conducted in the city of São Paulo, in the period 1997-1997. Facilities project took into consideration the urban scale as well as social and political aspects which threaten areas chosen and emphasized contradictions, loss of referrals and transformation within the metropolis. Search in the present work was to evaluate the contributions of the third module of the project, The City & Histories held in São Paulo in 1997, and its links with history, heritage and use of urban space in the metropolis.
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Vývoj moderní vizuální komunikace metropolí v ČR, Německu a Rakousku s ohledem na přístupnost / Development of modern visual communication in Czech, German and Austrian metropolises with a regard on accessibilityBoháčová, Ludmila January 2015 (has links)
Development of modern visual communication in Czech, German and Austrian metropolises with a regard on accessibility The thesis deals with the contemporary visual communication in cities. First part is dedicated to the historical development of this discipline and notes the personalities who shaped it. Next part focuses on theoretical background and graphic elements of visual communication with a focus on accessibility. The main part is devoted to a detailed examination of selected elements of visual communication: unified visual style, wayfinding systems on the surface and in the subway. These elements are examined on the example of the capitals of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. In conclusion, the acquired knowledge is used for analysis of wayfinding signs in the newly opened metro stations in Prague in 2015.
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