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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acciones de Content Marketing y su relación con el engagement de usuario en la página de Facebook de pequeñas empresas del rubro de servicio de belleza / Content Marketing actions and their relationship with user engagement on the Facebook page of small companies in the beauty service sector

Escobar Arias, Christina del Rocio, Rivas Saavedra, Leslie Christalie 21 August 2020 (has links)
Las redes sociales han revolucionado el mundo al aportar nuevos medios con los cuales las microempresas y Pymes tienen mayores oportunidades de llegar a sus consumidores de distintas maneras y con un presupuesto alcanzable. Estos sectores representan una cadena importante dentro del desarrollo del Perú y dentro de ellos destacan, por su tasa de crecimiento, el sector de servicios de belleza, quienes debido a su presupuesto limitado han optado por invertir en publicidad y contenido de marketing online dentro de redes sociales como Facebook para atraer clientes a sus locales poco visibles. En la presente investigación se desarrollará la relación que existe entre las acciones de Content Marketing en Facebook y el engagement de marca de pequeñas empresas del rubro de servicios de belleza. / Social networks have revolutionized the world by providing new means with which microenterprises and SMEs have greater opportunities to reach their consumers in different ways and with an achievable budget. These sectors represent an important chain within the development of Peru and within them, due to its growth rate, the beauty services sector stands out, which due to its small budget have chosen to invest in advertising and online marketing content within social networks such as Facebook to attract customers to their inconspicuous stores. In this research, the relationship that exists between Content Marketing actions on Facebook and the brand engagement of small companies in the beauty services category will be developed. / Trabajo de investigación

Contribution à la mise en œuvre du BIM en rénovation : Proposition d'un Modèle de Maturité BIM spécifique / Contribution to the implementation of BIM in renovation : Proposal of a BIM specific Maturity Model

Joblot, Laurent 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour but de répondre à deux impératifs : travailler pour un secteur d’activité porteur économiquement, mais peu étudié scientifiquement : le domaine de la Rénovation, et proposer aux acteurs de ce secteur des outils d’accompagnement forts pour leur permettre de réussir leur transition numérique, enjeu majeur du XXIe siècle. L’état de l’art initial a démontré que, dans un contexte lié à la diffusion d’un Système d’Information tel que le BIM, il était indispensable de s’appuyer sur des leviers contribuant à son implantation : les Facteurs Clés de Succès, les fondamentaux du management de projet, la rédaction de Conventions BIM, l’Approche Intégrée de Projet et enfin les Modèles de Maturité. Pour s’assurer de l’adéquation entre ces différents leviers et les spécificités de la Rénovation, une enquête a été réalisée auprès d’un panel représentatif des petites entreprises qui le composent majoritairement. Elle a permis de confirmer l’état peu avancé de ce secteur dans la transition numérique en raison de la taille des structures elles-mêmes et de situations économiques réduisant souvent l’horizon de projection. Les acteurs ne sont, par ailleurs, pas toujours conscients de la nécessité du changement (se satisfaisant généralement de la 2D et de procédés artisanaux) et sont donc peu enclins à investir dans des solutions numériques telles que le BIM. En dépit des réticences qui ont pu être exprimées, la plupart des acteurs ont toutefois bien conscience que pour tirer parti de la transition au lieu de la subir, il faut qu’ils puissent être dotés d’outils d’accompagnement spécifiques à leurs usages et pratiques. Un référentiel permettant de mesurer leur maturité et ensuite de définir de façon réaliste leurs propres objectifs de développement : « BIM Maturity Model For Renovation » ou BiM²FR a donc été conçu. Le format choisi et la simplicité voulue de mise en œuvre devraient permettre aux petites entreprises de facilement caractériser leur situation et d’identifier leurs points faibles et forts, puis d’élaborer les grandes lignes de plans d'action individuels et appropriés à leurs activités. Les facteurs clés de succès étudiés et intégrés en filigrane dans le BiM²FR sont les marqueurs et gages de succès qui permettront aux entreprises de progresser au cours de la mise en œuvre du BIM. Pour élargir la portée de ce travail, une interface WEB libre permettant aux entreprises d’effectuer leur diagnostic de maturité BIM, a été développée. Le site www.BiM2FR.eu, outre l’aide qu’il peut apporter aux entreprises, offre, par l’intermédiaire des données collectées et échangées, un grand nombre de perspectives de recherches. / This research aims to answer two imperatives: 1) promote an economically promising sector, Renovation, that has not been subject to much scientific study; and 2) offer companies in this sector useful tools to help them succeed in their digital transition, a major challenge of the 21st century. When it comes to disseminating an Information System such as BIM, it is essential to use levers that enhance its implementation: the Critical Success Factor, fundamentals of Project Management, drafting BIM Execution Plans, an Integrated Project Delivery approach and Maturity Models. To ensure the right fit between these different levers and the specific needs of the Renovation segment, we conducted a survey with a representative panel of small enterprises, predominant in this sector. This survey confirmed that the sector is still in the early days of digital transition due to the small size of companies and economic situations that often reduce visibility and the ability to make long-term investment decisions. Small renovation firms are not always aware of the need for change (they are generally satisfied with 2D drawings and artisanal processes) and are therefore reluctant to invest in digital solutions such as BIM. In spite of this, most stakeholders are aware that in order to benefit from the transition or risk being left behind, they must find support in tools specific to their uses and practices. To measure their maturity and then realistically define their own development objectives, we therefore developed a "BIM Maturity Model for Renovation" or BiM²FR. The format and ease of implementation should enable small enterprises to identify their situation, emphasize their strengths and weaknesses, and then outline individual action plans suited to their activities. The Critical Success Factors analyzed and presented within BiM²FR should guarantee successful progress as companies implement BIM. In order to broaden the scope of this work, we created a free web interface for companies to make their own BIM maturity diagnosis. The site www.BiM2FR.eu, in addition to helping these companies, offers us, through the data collected and exchanged, a large number of research opportunities.

Uses, challenges and training needs regarding business skills for fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality

Nana, Keshni January 2019 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Visual Arts and Design, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Fashion entrepreneurs with no formal fashion-related education or training are hereafter referred to by the acronym FEWFFET (fashion entrepreneurs without formal fashion-related education or training). Entrepreneurship provides a feasible means of employment in a country where national unemployment rates are alarmingly high. To succeed, entrepreneurs require business knowledge and skill to operate profitable and sustainable businesses. However, entrepreneurs who were previously disadvantaged often possess only low levels of education, limited qualifications and training. This applies to survivalist fashion entrepreneurs in the Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) who produce various items of apparel and clothing. Over a third of these entrepreneurs are not formally educated in business management and may not possess the adequate knowledge to operate their fashion business successfully. The research aim was to investigate the uses and challenges pertaining to business skills amongst FEWFFET to determine their business skills training needs. The sample population included 105 black fashion entrepreneurs, operating micro, survivalist enterprises within peri-urban, resource-poor communities in the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) of Sedibeng, Gauteng. A quantitative study using non-probability purposive sampling and snowball sampling was performed. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were conducted with respondents at fabric and haberdashery stores or within their home-business environments. The results indicated that respondents lacked business plan development skills and showed only moderate skills in finance and marketing. Respondents indicated business skills training needs for developing a business plan, conducting basic bookkeeping, determining correct product pricing, drafting quotations and invoices, developing a budget, conducting basic market research and advertising their products and services.

Enterprise development on the margins : Making markets work for the poor?

Philip, Teresa Kate 23 September 2008 (has links)
This thesis is about the quest to build effective strategies to support the development of enterprise on the margins of the economy, to create jobs and reduce poverty. A core part of this challenge includes grappling with the role of markets in development, and of markets as a critical part of the context in which enterprise development in rural and peri-urban areas can either provide a path out of poverty – or instead serve to lock people into poverty. The thesis explores these issues by tracking the experience of the Mineworkers Development Agency (MDA) as it attempted to grapple with this challenge. MDA is the development wing of South Africa’s National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) , and was set up to create jobs and support enterprise development for communities affected by the loss of jobs on the mines. The thesis covers a fourteen-year period in MDA’s history, from its inception in 1988 until 2002. It tracks the learning process across several phases in the development of MDA’s approach. These included the development of worker co-operatives, the establishment of business service centres, value-chain work in the craft sector, and the commercialization of a juice product from the indigenous marula berry. In the process, MDA engaged with an emergent paradigm in the development sector called ‘Making Markets Work for the Poor’. Can markets really be made to work for the poor? Or even just made to work ‘better’ for the poor? Or is the process of inclusion in markets inexorably and inevitably one of making the poor work for markets? The thesis explores these issues in the context of MDA’s experience, locating this within a wider set of theoretical concerns over the role of markets in society, and the ways in which societies have protected themselves from the negative impacts of the development of market economies. It draws on wider political economy approaches to argue that markets are institutions that are socially constructed, and explores what scope there might therefore be to construct them differently. While recognising the importance of social protection, the thesis argues that there is a need to go beyond defensive strategies aimed at protecting society from markets, to identify new terms of engagement within markets to shape markets, and to harness their wealth-creating potential in ways that have different distributional consequences, as part of a long-term agenda of eradicating poverty.

L'efficacité du microcrédit dans les pays industrialisés : le cas de la France / The effectiveness of micro-credit in industrialized countries : a French case study

Kamaha, Marinette 22 September 2014 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer si les objectifs que se fixent les institutions demicrofinance (IMF) en France en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion, et en matièrede soutien au micro-entrepreneuriat, se traduisent dans les faits. Il s’agit plus précisémentd’apprécier la performance sociale des IMF tant en termes de portée sociale qu’en termesd’impact. Nous montrons dans une première partie que le microcrédit extra-bancaire en France aclairement un impact social car octroyé principalement aux personnes les plus pauvres et à cellesles plus en risque d’exclusion. Sa capacité à servir durablement le plus grand nombre estcependant remise en cause compte tenu du fait qu’aucune institution étudiée ne répond à lacontrainte de pérennité qu’est l’autosuffisance financière. Le maintien des subventions dans cecontexte s’avère donc indispensable. Nous trouvons en outre une adaptation de l’offre auxbesoins de la clientèle et mettons en évidence l’existence d’une stratégie dichotomique dans lesecteur (sociale vs économique), ce qui entraine un traitement différencié de la clientèle suivantl’objectif poursuivi par l’IMF. Dans une seconde partie, nous trouvons que dans un contextemarqué par la persistance de la crise économique, le microcrédit démontre une certaine capacité àsoutenir la création d’entreprises et d’emplois de qualité. Cette capacité dépend cependant dutype de microcrédit dont il s’agit (entrepreneurial vs insertion sociale). L’accompagnement serévèle fort utile dans l’ensemble, mais nous montrons des différences de perception parmi lesbénéficiaires. Le microcrédit se révèle en outre avoir un fort impact psychologique mais sesretombées économiques sont de faible ampleur. Nous trouvons en effet une amélioration globalede la situation professionnelle des bénéficiaires, mais soulignons la précarité des emplois occupéset la faiblesse des revenus. Ceci suggère un contraste entre perception et réalité économique / This thesis aims at determining whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) in France succeed inovercoming poverty and exclusion and in supporting entrepreneurship. More precisely, we assessthe social performance of the MFIs both in terms of outreach and impact. We show in a firstsection that non-bank MFIs in France reach the poor and individuals at high-risk of exclusion,and their offer is adapted to their clientele. However, because none of these IMFs are viable,their capacity to durably serve the largest number is questioned. This underlines the need formaintaining subsidies. We also highlight the existence of two types of strategy within the sector(social vs economic), which leads to a differentiated treatment of customers according to theobjective pursued by the MFI. In a second section we show that in a time of persistent economiccrisis, microcredit demonstrates some ability to support business and job creation. However, thisability depends on the type of microcredit in question (micro-enterprises lenders vs socialinclusion lenders). Business support shows itself very useful on the whole, but we bring to theforeground differences in perception among the beneficiaries. Besides, microcredit proves tohave a strong psychological impact even when economic gains are low. There is an overallimprovement in the working position of beneficiaries, although gains are limited by theprecariousness of jobs and relative low incomes. This suggests a contrast between perception andeconomic reality.

Le régime de la micro-entreprise, étude comparée de droit français et libanais / The regime of the micro-enterprise, comparative study of French and Lebanese law

Fadlallah, Haïssam 25 January 2013 (has links)
A cette époque de crises économiques internationales, de mondialisation et d’ouverture des marchés, la micro-entreprise apparaît plus que jamais comme une arme d'anti-crise et de création d'emplois. Dans ce contexte, les outils juridiques s'avèrent être le meilleur moyen pour accomplir ces objectifs. Ces outils sont principalement composés du droit des sociétés et des entreprises, du droit de la sécurité sociale et du droit fiscal. Cependant, ils ne sont pas les mêmes en France qu'au Liban. En effet, les législations de ces deux pays ont pendant longtemps porté des conceptions juridiques similaires. Or, depuis une vingtaine d'années le droit français a commencé à prendre un rythme d’évolution accéléré suite à l’influence exercé par le droit continental européen dans le cadre de l’harmonisation européenne. Ainsi, il s’agit d’intégrer les évolutions du droit français dans le droit libanais. Toutefois, le droit français connaît lui même plusieurs imperfections. C’est pourquoi un regard porté sur les législations appartenant à un autre système juridique que celui du « Droit civil », notamment sur celles appartenant à la famille de la « Common Law », pourrait apporter des solutions originales aux limites des droits français et libanais. Par conséquent, cette contribution vise à trouver des remèdes aux lacunes juridiques existantes en matière de micro-entreprise en France et au Liban et à élaborer de nouveaux moyens de la promouvoir. / At this time of international economic crises, globalization and open markets, the micro-enterprise appears more than ever as a weapon of anti-crisis and job creation. In this context, the legal tools are proving to be the best way to achieve these goals. These tools are mainly composed of company and corporate laws, social security law and tax law. However, they vary from France to Lebanon. Even though, for a long time, the legislations of both countries have carried similar legal concepts. Yet, for more than twenty years now French law has begun taking an accelerated pace of evolution, due to the influence of the European continental law in the context of European harmonization. Thus, the objective is to incorporate the French law evolutions in the Lebanese law. However, the French law suffers of several imperfections, this is why a glance at the legislations of other legal systems than the “Civil law”, in particular those of “Common law”, could provide original solutions to the limits of French and Lebanese law. Therefore, this paper aims to find cures for existing legal loopholes concerning the micro-enterprise in France and Lebanon and to develop new ways to promote it.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso de compra con la finalidad de reducir devoluciones y mermas en una microempresa comercializadora de calzados / Proposal to improve the purchasing process in order to reduce returns and losses in a trading microenterprise footwear

Vilchez Castañeda, Melody 30 March 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo la elaboración de propuestas de mejora para una microempresa comercializadora de calzados, en la cual se analizó el proceso de compras, dentro del cual se identificaron lo problemas de alto porcentaje de devolución de productos y alto porcentaje de mermas en el almacén, para luego analizar las causas raíces de los mismos y plantear innovadoras propuestas de mejora; asimismo, la propuesta planteada cuenta con su respectiva validación y análisis del impacto a los stakeholders. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones. / The objective of this research project is to prepare improvement proposals for a footwear marketing micro-enterprise, in which the purchasing process was analyzed, within which the problems of a high percentage of product returns and a high percentage of losses were identified. in the warehouse, to then analyze their root causes and propose innovative proposals for improvement; Likewise, the proposed proposal has its respective validation and analysis of the impact on stakeholders. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are presented. / Tesis

Entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys : n voorligtingsopgawe / Education directed to entrepreneurship : a guidance concern

Maré, G. F. (Gerhard Francois), 1964- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hedendaagse onderwys staan voor 'n omvattende voorligtings- en opleidingsopgawe om die jeug toe te rus om die arbeidsmark as entrepreneurs te betree. Onderwysers word toenemend voor die eis gestel om as fasiliteerders op te tree om leerlinge te begelei om beter by die eise van veranderende omstandighede, nuwe tegnologie en inligting aan te pas. In hierdie konteks vorm entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys een van die mees eietydse temas wat die onderwys moet aanspreek. Hoewel die voorsiening van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys reeds in die nuwe Norme en standaarde vir onderwyseropleiding as 'n kruiskurrikulere aangeleentheid beskryf word, is die behoefte aan 'n omvattende entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie nog nie voldoende aangespreek nie. In 'n antwoord op hierdie leemte word 'n voorgestelde implementeringstrategie vir entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys in hierdie studie ontwikkel. In die verloop van die ondersoek moes daar deeglik rekening gehou word met aspekte soos: • die rol en betekenis van entrepreneurskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks; • faktore wat entrepreneuriese sukses of mislukking onderle; • die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe entrepreneuriese ingesteldheid en entrepreneuriese vaardighede en • plaaslike en oorsese inisiatiewe om entrepreneurskap m die skoolkonteks te bevorder. In die empiriese ondersoek is die uitgangspunt gehuldig dat onderwysers se menings van deurslaggewende belang is om 'n entrepreneurskapsontwikkelingstrategie te rig. Onderwysers se menings is in elk van die volgende ondersoekvelde nagevors: • Onderwysers se toegerustheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys aan leerlinge te voorsien; • Onderwysers se eie implementering van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Die behoefte by leerlinge aan entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys; • Onderwysers se geslaagdheid om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer; • Die aangewesenheid van entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys as 'n onderwyseropgawe. Die navorsingsresultate is aangewend om binne die raamwerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse skolekonteks en onderwysbeleid 'n strategie voor te stel om entrepreneurskapsgerigte onderwys te implementeer. Die onderwys kan hierdeur 'n aansienlike bydrae lewer om die jeug voor te berei om as volwaardige en verantwoordelike landsburgers hulle plek in die samelewing vol te staan. / Education today stands before the comprehensive task to empower our youth through appropriate guidance and training to enter the job market as entrepreneurs. Teachers are increasingly put to the task to act as facilitators in their guidance of the youth to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances, new technology and information. Within this context, education directed to entrepreneurship forms one of the most timely issues that education should address. Although the provision of education directed to entrepreneurship has been described as a cross curricular concern within the new Norms and standards for teacher education it does not provide in the need for a comprehensive strategy to develop entrepreneurship in education. In an answer to this deficiency, this study is directed to develop a proposed implementation strategy to enhance entrepreneurship in education. In the course of this investigation it was needed to thouroughly account with concerns such as: • the role and significance of entrepreneurship within the South African school context; • factors which underlie entrepreneurial success or failure; • the development of a positive entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills and • local and foreign initiatives to enhance entrepreneurship within the school context. In the empirical investigation the v1ew is held that teachers opm10ns is of crucial importance to give direction towards a strategy to enhance entrepreneurship. Teachers views are examened within each of the following fields of investigation: • Teachers empoweredness to provide education directed to entrepreneurship to students. • Teachers own implementation of education directed to entrepreneurship • Students need for education directed to entrepreneurship. • Teachers sufficiency to implement education directed to entrepreneurship. • The appropriateness of education directed to entrepreneurship as a teacher concern. The results of the research is applied to propose an implementation strategy to enhance education directed to entrepreneurship within the framework of the South African school context and policy of education. The conclusion was reached that educators can greatly contribute to prepare our youth so that they can take up their positions in the community as responsible and able citizens. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Behovet av formell ekonomistyrning hos mikroföretag i tillväxt : En flerfallsstudie / The need for formal management control of microenterprises in growth : a multi-case study

Hillström, Robin, Larsson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Mikro- och småföretag har fått en allt större betydelse för sysselsättningen och den ekonomiska tillväxten i Sverige. 22.6 % av Sveriges företag klassificeras som mikroföretag och denna storleksklass har svårt att växa vidare. I denna storleksklass är viljan att växa vidare god, dock avtar den då antalet anställda inom en organisation ökar. Detta då komplexiteten att styra och kontrollera företaget ökar. När ett företag växer ökar behovet av formell ekonomistyrning och att utveckla det kommer främja ett företags långsiktiga tillväxt. Att inte införa formell ekonomistyrning kan orsaka att ett företag inte uppnår dess fulla tillväxtpotential och kan medföra stor skada inom ett företag. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet är att utveckla en konceptuell modell som beskriver och förklarar behovet av formell ekonomistyrning hos mikroföretag i tillväxt, vilket ska möjliggöras genom två delsyften. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsansats med flerfallstudie ansågs lämplig för studiens forskningsfråga och syfte. För empiriinsamling valdes semi-strukturerade intervjuer och dokument. Slutsats: Behovet av att införa formell ekonomistyrning tilltar under ett företags tillväxt. I uppstarten behövs det för att ett företag ska överleva, sälja och ha möjlighet att utveckla en produkt. Vid ökad efterfråga växer behovet av formell ekonomistyrning för att kontrollera tillväxten och möjliggöra arbete mot de uppsatta målen. Under ett företags utveckling utökas dess organisation vilket ökar behovet av att vidareutveckla den formella ekonomistyrningen. / Background and discussion: Micro- and small enterprises have become increasingly important for the employment and economic growth in Sweden. 22.6 % of the Swedish companies are classified as micro-enterprises, and this size class has difficulties to grow on. The desire to continue to grow in this size class is good, however it decreases as the number of employees within an organization increases. This is because the complexity of managing and controlling the company increases. When a company grows, the need for formal management control increases and to develop it will promote a company’s long-term growth. To not introduce formal management control may cause the company to not achieve its full growth potential and can also cause great damage within a company. Purpose: The overall purpose is to develop a conceptual model that describes and explains the need for formal management control of micro-enterprises in growth, which will be enabled through two smaller purposes. Method: A qualitative approach with a multiple case study was considered appropriate for the study’s research question and purpose. For empirical data collection was semi-structured interviews and documents selected. Conclusion: The need to establish formal management control increases during a company’s growth. In the start-up is it needed for a company to survive, to sell and have the opportunity to develop a product. In case of increased demand is the need for formal management control growing to control the growth and facilitate work towards the established goals. During the development of the company its organization expands, which increases the need to further develop the formal management control.

Social capital and cooperative enterprise development : a case study in Mpumalanga, South Africa

Manthata, Grace Tshegofatso 01 1900 (has links)
Social capital is a concept that is broadly referred to as norms, networks, trust and forms of social connections that allow people to act collectively. This study explores the role of social capital in the process of developing micro-enterprises cooperatively. The study attempts to delve beneath how social capital manifests in different social contexts found in developing communities such as Masana. The field-work observations and the data collected through a qualitative research design provided abundant evidence of social capital, and the profile that emerged reaffirmed the argument that the outcomes of social capital can be both negative and positive. This study argues that to better leverage social capital for development initiatives, development planners and implementers need to understand social capital as potentially both a blessing and blight. Hopefully this sudy will contribute to the body of knowledge and influence development policies and interventions that leverage social capital for development initiatives. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)

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