Spelling suggestions: "subject:"microtubules"" "subject:"μicrotubules""
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Defining the Role of Rubella Virus Nonstructural Proteins in Replication Complex Assembly and Fiber FormationMatthews, Jason D 30 March 2010 (has links)
Rubella virus (RUBV) is a positive-strand RNA virus and the causative agent of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome in humans. To replicate its RNA, RUBV forms membrane-associated spherules, called replication complexes (RCs), the induction of which requires the two virus nonstructural proteins (NSPs), P150 and P90. Interestingly, late in infection the NSPs form a unique cytoplasmic fiber network, similar in appearance to microtubules, the function of which is unknown. Little is known about the roles of the RUBV NSPs in forming these structures and, to this end, we scrutinized the behavior and biochemical properties of the NSPs, both after expression from plasmids and during RUBV infection, using mutagenic, biochemical and pharmacological approaches. The following findings were made: First, the precursor from which P150 and P90 are produced via an embedded protease at the C-terminus of P150, called P200, was required for initial targeting to cytoplasmic foci. P150 was the determinant of fiber formation and while P90 had no specific targeting sequences on its own, P90 sequences within P200 were required for correct targeting of P200. An alpha-helix at the N-terminus of P150 was also important for correct targeting of P200, putatively by mediating the interaction between P150 and P90 within the precursor. Second, the membrane binding domain within the NSPs was within the N-terminal ~450 amino acids of P150. P150 is in an exceptionally tight association with membranes. Third, both the N- and C-terminal regions of P150, and specifically long alpha-helices within these regions, are necessary for fiber formation. Fiber formation relied on an intact microtubule network, but neither microtubule repositioning nor dynamic movement along microtubules was required. Additionally, it was shown that microtubules were not necessary in RUBV replication. Finally, P150 fibers were not required for RUBV replication; however, it was shown that the fibers are likely important in formation of cytoplasmic extensions through which a novel system of cell-to-cell transport of viral RNA in the absence of virus particles appears to occur.
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Role of the Kinases NEK6, NEK7 and NEK9 in the Regulation of the Centrosome CycleSdelci, Sara 13 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis project is focused on the study of the signaling module formed by the NIMA-related protein Nek6, Nek7, and Nek9 and their function during early mitosis, with particular interest in centrosome separation and maturation.
Nek9/Nercc1 was identified by Dr. Joan Roig. Nek9 is expressed in all cell lines and tissues studied is inactive during interphase while during mitosis is activated through phosphorylation by Plk1 which is in fact able to bind Nek9 and subsequently phosphorylates Nek9 on its activation loop.
During mitosis Nek6 and Nek7 bind the C-terminal of Nek9. Once active, Nek9 can phosphorylate Nek6 and Nek7, thus activating them. Active Nek9 localizes at centrosome, suggesting that Nek9/Nek6-7 has important functions in the organization of microtubules during cell division. Confirming this idea, it has been shown that the microinjection of anti-Nek9 module induces arrest in prometaphase with disorganized spindle structures and misaligned chromosomes, or leads to abnormal mitosis resulting in aneuploidy. In the same direction, interference with the function of Nek7 or Nek6 leads to abnormal mitotic progression and spindle formation.
We described how the Nek9/Nek6-7 module could provide a link connecting Plk1 and Eg5 in the context of centrosome separation. we analyzed the effects of Plk1, Eg5, Nek9, Nek6 or Nek7 down-regulation by RNAi on the extent of separation of duplicated centrosomes in prophase cells and we observed how this downregulation was affecting centrosome separation.
We determine whether the activation of Nek9 or Nek6 could induce centrosome separation trasfecting cells with the active form of these two kinases; a considerable amount of cells that were in interphase shown separate centrosome demonstrating that Nek9/Nek6 are sufficient to induce centrosome separation. To test whether active Nek9 and Nek6 exerted their effect through the regulation of Eg5 we simultaneously transfected the cells with Eg5 siRNAs and we completely lost the centrosome separation described above.
We demonstrated by immunofluorescence that the key event during centrosome separation was the recruitment of Eg5 at centrosomes and that the down-regulation of Plk1, Nek6, Nek7 or Nek9 resulted in prophase cells with unseparated centrosomes because Eg5 was not properly recruited.
To prove whether the phosphorylation on Ser-1033 controls the accumulation of Eg5 to centrosomes and centrosome separation during early mitosis we transfected cells with wild type Eg5 or Eg5 S1033A; the wild type form of the kinesin was able to localize at centrosome and rescue the normal phenotype while Eg5 S1033A was not able to localize and resulted in cells delayed in mitosis.
Plk1, the Nek9 activator, is involved in the regulation of centrosome maturation during early mitosis. Centrosome maturation refers to the process through which centrosomes increase size and microtubule nucleation activity and requires the accumulation of γ-TuRC complexes at centrosome. This recruitment depends on Nedd1 that acts as γ-Tubulin targeting factor. Plk1 depletion prevents accumulation of Nedd1 at centrosome.
Our experiments show the importance of Nek9 in the regulation of centrosome maturation downstream of Plk1. Depletion of Nek9 by siRNA determined a decrease of γ-Tubulin and Nedd1 at centrosome. Further we investigated the upstream role of Plk1 depleting Plk1 and trasfecting active Nek9 and it was able to rescue the normal phenotype.
Nek9 can interact with Nedd1 during mitosis and phosphorylates it provoking its accumulation at centrosome. The no-phosphorylable form of Nedd1 was not able to accumulate at centrosome and support the accumulation of γ-Tubulin there, determining a delay of the cells in prometaphase. Our results show that Nek9 is the link between Plk1 activity and the recruitment of Nedd1 to the centrosome and that the pathway formed by Plk1/Nek9/Nedd1 can be a key element in the control of mitotic centrosome maturation.
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Leveraging the motor protein Kinesin to manipulate DNA molecules in synthetic environment / Einsatz des Motorproteins Kinesin zur Manipulation von DNS Molekuelen in synthetischen UmgebungenDinu, Cerasela Zoica 07 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit stammt aus (ist in) dem Bereich der NanoBioTechnologie. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Motorprotein Kinesin und Mikrotubuli einzusetzen, um DNS-Moleküle in einem synthetischen Umgebung zu manipulieren. Diese Doktorarbeit setzt sich aus fünf Kapiteln zusammen. In der Einführung wird die makromolekulare Struktur der Zelle beschrieben, z.B. das Zytoskelett und Kinesin, eins der Motorproteine, die auf Mikrotubuli entlang laufen können. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kapitels liegt auf der Nützlichkeit biologischer Motoren für den Aufbau und die Organisation von Strukturen im technischen Umfeld. Das zweite Kapitel zeigt, wie Kinesin und Mikrotubulis in einem synthetischen Umfeld für den Transport verschiedener Frachten, z.B. Streptavidin, Quantum dots oder DNS-Molekülen, genutzt werden können. Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Manipulation der DNS-Moleküle durch motor-gesteuerte Mikrotubulis und wie dieser Fracht-Transport-Mechanismus prinzipiell als Basis für die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte im Bereich des Bioingenieurwesens dienen kann. Ein Beispiel für ein solches Konzept ist die auf DNS basierende Molekularelektronik, bei der die Bindung und Streckung von DNS-Molekülen zwischen leitfähigen Oberflächen notwendig ist. Das dritte Kapitel beschreibt den Einfluß der Oberflächeneigenschaften auf die DNS-Anbindung. Es bietet Antworten darauf, wie diese Eigenschaften erforscht, spezifisch gestaltet und vorbereitet werden können, so daß sie der wissenschaftlichen Zielsetzung angemessen sind. Auf die Betrachtung von komplexen Musteranordnungen, wie sie in der Nanoelektronik genutzt werden können, wird im vierten Kapitel eingegangen. Hier wird auf praktische Art und Weise deutlich gemacht, wie DNS-Moleküle an leitfähige Oberflächen gebunden und dort durch Motorproteine und Mikrotubulis manipuliert werden können. Die Vorteile der motor-basierten Manipulation gegenüber den konventionellen Methoden wie AFM oder der optischen Pinzette werden diskutiert. Das fünfte und letzte Kapitel zeigt, wie man das Kinesin-Mikrotubuli-System nutzen kann, um daraus Informationen über DNS-Moleküle abzuleiten. Dafür wurde das Verhalten der Mikrotubulis in Beziehung auf die von gebundenen DNS-Molekülen ausgeübten Kräfte untersucht. Zusammenfassend habe ich experimentelle Untersuchungen und Färbeprotokolle entwickelt, um den gesamten Manipulationsprozeß zu detektieren, visualisieren und kontrollieren. Weiterhin untersuchte ich seine Implikationen auf theoretische Analysen, sowie auf praktische Anwendungen im Nano-Ingenieurwesen. Meine Daten demonstrieren, das DNS-Moleküle im synthetischen Umfeld so manipuliert werden können, daß kontrollierte DNS-Bioschnittstellen entstehen; Schnittstellen, die sowohl für weitere nanoelektronische Anwendungen als auch für topologische DNS-Studien genutzt werden können. Es wird weiterhin erwartet, daß das Kinesin-Mikrotubuli-System für die 3D-Anordnung auf biomolekularer Ebene im technischen Umfeld eine ebenso wichtige Rolle spielen wird. Die Fähigkeit, Vorlagen von Biomolekülen und/oder Anordungen mit definierten Eigenschaften zu schaffen und gleichzeitig ihre biologische Aktivität zu erhalten, kann als Beweis dienen, daß biologische Motoren für die molekulare Fertigung genutzt werden können. - (Die Druckexemplare enthalten jeweils eine CD-ROM als Anlagenteil: QuickTimeMovies (ca. 86 MB)- Übersicht über Inhalte siehe Dissertation S. IX - XIII) / The work described in this thesis is in the field of NanoBioTechnology. Its goal is to leverage the motor protein kinesin and its microtubule track to manipulate DNA molecules in synthetic environment. This thesis contains five chapters. The first chapter describes macromolecular structures of the cell: i. e. the cytoskeleton and one of the motor proteins that move along it, kinesin. Emphasized is how biological motors might prove useful for organizing structures in engineered environments. The second chapter demonstrates how kinesin and microtubules can be used in synthetic environments to transport different cargos: i.e. streptavidin, quantum dots and DNA molecules. Special emphasis is placed on the manipulation of DNA molecules by the motor-driven microtubules. This cargo transport mechanism serves as a proof-of-principle for new bioengineering concepts such as DNA-based molecular electronics. The third chapter describes the influences of the surface properties on the DNA attachment and offers answers as how surface characteristics can be investigated, specifically designed and prepared so that they can serve the desired scientific purpose. The fourth chapter describes the manner in which DNA molecules can be attached to conductive surfaces and manipulated with motor proteins and microtubules. The complex DNA pattern formation that can be used for nanoelectronics is demonstrated. The advantages of motor-based manipulation over the conventional "one-by-one" methods (AFM, optical tweezers etc.) are discussed. The fifth and last chapter shows how one can use the kinesin-microtubule system to derive information about DNA molecules. For this, the response of the microtubules to forces exerted by attached DNA molecules has been studied. In summary, I have generated experimental assays and staining procedures to detect, visualize and control the entire manipulation process and to investigate its implications for theoretical analysis as well as for practical nano-engineered applications. My data demonstrated that DNA molecules can be manipulated in synthetic environment by kinesin and microtubules in such a way that controlled DNA biointerfaces can be generated. These biointerfaces can then be used for nanoelectronical application as well as for DNA topological studies. The kinesin-microtubule system is also expected to be equally important for 3D biomolecular assembly in engineered environments. The ability to generate templates of biomolecules and/or bioassemblies with well-defined features while maintaining their bioactivity, serves as proof-of-principle that biological motors can be used for molecular manufacturing. - (The pressure copies contain in each case a CD-ROM as component: QuickTimeMovies (ca. 86 MB)- To overview of contents see thesis P. IX - XIII)
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How Kinesin-1 Deals With Roadblocks: Biophysical Description and Nanotechnological ApplicationKorten, Till 28 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Proteins have been optimized by evolution for billions of years to work on a nanometer scale. Therefore, they are extremely promising for nanotechnological applications. Cytoskeletal filaments propelled by surface-attached motor proteins have been recently established as versatile transport platforms for nano-sized cargo in molecular sorting and nano-assembly devices. However, in this gliding motility setup, cargo and motors share the filament lattice as a common substrate for their activity. Therefore, it is important to understand the influence of cargo-loading on transport properties.
By performing single molecule stepping assays on biotinylated microtubules, it was shown that kinesin-1 motors first stop and then detach when they encounter a streptavidin obstacle on their path along the microtubule. Consequently, the deceleration of streptavidin coated microtubules in gliding assays could be attributed to an obstruction of kinesin-1's path on the microtubule rather than to "frictional" streptavidin-surface interactions.
The insights gained by studying kinesin-1's behavior at obstacles were then used to demonstrate a novel sensing application: Using a mixture of two distinct microtubule populations that each bind a different kind of protein, the presence of these proteins was detected via speed changes in the respective microtubule populations. In future applications, this detection scheme could be combined with other recent advancements in the field, creating highly integrated lab-on-a-chip devices that use microtubule based transport to detect, sort and concentrate analytes.
It has been envisioned that the kinesin-1-microtubule system could be used for even more complex appliances like nano-assembly lines. However, currently available control mechanisms for kinesin-1 based transport are not precise enough. Therefore, improved temporal control mechanisms for kinesin-1 were investigated: Using a polymer that changes its size in solution with temperature, starting and stopping of gliding microtubules was demonstrated. In combination with local heating by light, this effect could be used to control the gliding of single microtubules. Finally, a strategy to create photo-switchable kinesin-1 was developed and tested for feasibility using molecular modeling.
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Fonctions de la voie p39Mos-Xp42Mpk1 dans la reprise de la méiose, la morphogenèse du fuseau et la phosphorylation de Raf induites par la progestérone ou l'insuline dans les ovocytes de xénopeBaert, Frédéric Vilain, Jean-Pierre. January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la vie et de la santé : Lille 1 : 2004. / N° d'ordre (Lille 1) : 3541. Résumé en français et en anglais. Articles en anglais intégrés au texte. Titre provenant de la page de titre du document numérisé. Bibliogr. p. 109-154.
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Ανοσοσήμανση πρωτεϊνικών δομών (μικροσωληνίσκοι-κεντρόσωμα-κινητοχώρος) και in situ υβριδοποίηση με φθοροχρώματα σε κυτταρικές σειρές ανθρώπου και μυός επιβεβαιώνουν την ανευπλοειδογόνο δράση της φαρμακευτικής ένωσης υδροχλωροθειαζίδιο / Immunodetection of protein structures (microtubules-centrosome-kinetochore) and fluorescence in situ hybridization in houman and mouse cell lines confirm the aneugenic activity of the pharmaceutical compound hydrochlorothiazideΣαλαμαστράκης, Σπυρίδων 28 June 2007 (has links)
Η ακεραιότητα και η λειτουργία της μιτωτικής συσκευής διαδραματίζει ουσιώδη ρόλο για τον ορθό προσανατολισμό και την ολίσθηση των χρωμοσωμάτων στους πόλους της ατράκτου, οδηγώντας στον ισομερή διαχωρισμό των χρωμοσωμάτων κατά τη μιτωτική ή μειωτική διαίρεση. Τροποποιήσεις του δικτύου των μικροσωληνίσκων (α- και β-τουμπουλίνη) και των κέντρων οργάνωσης αυτών (ΜΤΟC, γ-τουμπουλίνη) είναι δυνατόν να προκαλέσουν βλάβες στη μιτωτική συσκευή, διαταράσσοντας το χρωμοσωματικό αποχωρισμό, με αποτέλεσμα το σχηματισμό ανευπλοειδικών κυττάρων. Η διουρητική φαρμακευτική ένωση υδροχλωροθειαζίδιο (HCTZ) χορηγείται κατά της υπέρτασης και είναι γνωστό ότι προκαλεί μη αποχωρισμό σε διπλοειδή στελέχη του μύκητα Aspergillus nidulans. Πρόσφατες μελέτες της ερευνητικής μας ομάδας έχουν δείξει ότι επάγει αυξημένες συχνότητες μικροπυρήνων και διαταράσσει το χρωμοσωματικό αποχωρισμό σε καλλιέργειες ανθρωπίνων λεμφοκυττάρων in vitro. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η επίδραση του HCTZ στην οργάνωση του δικτύου των μικροσωληνίσκων κατά τη μεσόφαση και τη μίτωση, με συνδυασμένη εφαρμογή μεθόδων διπλής ανοσοσήμανσης των πρωτεϊνών των μικροσωληνίσκων, του κεντροσώματος και του κινητοχώρου. Εφαρμόστηκε επίσης in situ υβριδοποίηση με φθοροχρώματα (FISH), με α-satellite πανκεντρομερικό ανιχνευτή, για τον εντοπισμό μη ενσωματωμένου (lagging) χρωμοσωματικού υλικού. Η μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε σε κυτταρικές σειρές μυός C2C12 και ανθρώπου HFFF2. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι το HCTZ προκαλεί μείωση του ρυθμού διαίρεσης, αποδιοργάνωση του δικτύου των μικροσωληνίσκων και αυξημένη συχνότητα ανώμαλων μεταφάσεων με ποικίλο αριθμό σημάτων γ-τουμπουλίνης. Αυξάνει το ποσοστό των μεταφάσεων και μειώνει το ποσοστό των ανα-τελοφάσεων, προκαλώντας συσσώρευση των κυττάρων στο στάδιο της μετάφασης. Επίσης, επάγει τη χρωμοσωματική καθυστέρηση, καθώς αυξάνει τη συχνότητα των μικροπυρήνων που παρουσιάζουν τόσο σήμα κινητοχώρου όσο και σήμα κεντρομέρους. Η γενετική δράση του στα κύτταρα C2C12 δε φαίνεται να επηρεάζεται σημαντικά από τη χρονική διάρκεια έκθεσης των κυττάρων σ’ αυτό. Από τις δυο κυτταρικές σειρές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν φαίνεται ότι τα κύτταρα C2C12 είναι περισσότερο ευαίσθητα στην απόκριση στο HCTZ. Τα αποτελέσματα μας, υποδεικνύουν ανευπλοειδογόνο δράση της φαρμακευτικής ένωσης, επιβεβαιώνοντας και ενισχύοντας προηγούμενα ευρήματα της ερευνητικής μας ομάδας. / The integrity and function of mitotic apparatus play essential role for the equitable orientation and the slipping of chromosomes to the spindle poles, indicating normal distribution of chromosomes during mitotic or meiotic division. Modifications of the microtubule network (α- and β- tubulin) and microtubule-organizing centers (MTOC, γ- tubulin) may cause severe damage to the mitotic apparatus, disturbing the segregation of chromosomes and resulting to aneuploid cells. The diuretic drug hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) is used for the treatment of hypertension and has been found to induce non-disjunction in diploid strains of Aspergillus nidulans. Recent studies of our team have shown that HCTZ produces increased frequencies of micronuclei and disturbs chromosome segregation in human lymphocytes cultures treated in vitro. In the present study was investigated the effect of HCTZ on the organization of the microtubule network during mesophase and mitosis, with combined application of double immunofluorescence staining assay, for the visualization of microtubules, centrosomes and kinetochore proteins. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), with α-satellite pancentromeric probe, was also applied, for the localization of not integrated (lagging) nuclear material. The study was realized in C2C12 mouse cells and HFFF2 human cells. Our results revealed that HCTZ causes decrease of the cell division rate, disorganization of the microtubule network and increased frequency of abnormal metaphases with various γ-tubulin signals. HCTZ increases the percentage of metaphases and decreases the percentage of ana-telophases, indicating a metaphase arrest. Also, induces chromosome delay, as was shown from the high frequency of micronuclei that presents kinetochore and centromere signal. The genetic activity of HCTZ in C2C12 cells does not appear to be significantly influenced by the duration of the cell’s exposure time to the drug. It appears that C2C12 mouse cells are more sensitive in their response to the HCTZ. These results indicate aneugenic activity of this drug, confirming and enhancing our previous findings.
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Interaction de Tau avec la petite GTPase Rab5Morisse, Grégoire M. 07 1900 (has links)
La protéine Tau joue un rôle essentiel dans les neurones, notamment par ses
interactions avec les éléments du cytosquelette. Des études récentes ont également montré
que Tau était impliquée dans la motilité des organelles le long des microtubules axonaux.
Dans ce mémoire de Maîtrise, nous avons démontré par recouvrement sur gel une
nouvelle interaction in vitro pour Tau avec la petite GTPase Rab5, qui est impliquée dans
l’endocytose précoce. De plus, nous avons montré que Tau et Rab5 immuno-précipitaient
sur une même population de vésicules in vivo. La sur-expression de Tau dans des neurones
primaires de l’hippocampe nous a permis de montrer que Tau et Rab5 avaient une
distribution similaire dans l’axone des neurones, suggérant un rôle de Tau dans l’ancrage
des endosomes précoces sur les microtubules. Par contre, à la différence de ce qui a pu être
observé dans certaines études, la sur-expression de Tau n’a pas inhibé le transport axonal
des endosomes précoces. Enfin, nous avons montré que Tau interagissait préférentiellement
avec la Rab5 active liée au GTP et des résultats préliminaires nous laissent penser que Tau
serait un effecteur ou une GAP pour Rab5.
Dans les tauopathies, la Tau devient hyperphosphorylée, décroche des microtubules
axonaux et forme des agrégats dans le corps cellulaire du neurone. Ces modifications
biochimiques et de localisation de la protéine Tau pourraient être la source d’une perte
d’interaction de la Tau avec Rab5 et être responsable de certaines atteintes neurologiques
observées dans les tauopathies. / Tau protein plays an essential role in neurons, in particular in its interactions with
cytoskeletal elements. Recent studies have shown that Tau was also regulating organelles
motility along axonal microtubules.
In this work, using far-western blot, we have shown a new in vitro interaction for
Tau with the small GTPase Rab5, a protein implicated in early endocytosis. Furthermore,
we have shown that Tau and Rab5 were immuno-precipited on a same pool of vesicles in
vivo. Over-expression of Tau in primary hippocampal neurons have shown that Tau and
Rab5 have a similar distribution in axons, suggesting that Tau plays a role as an anchor
protein for early endosomes onto microtubules. In contrast to what has been shown earlier
in other studies, Tau did not blocked axonal transport of early endosomes. Finally, we have
shown that Tau was interacting preferentially with the active form of Rab5 bound to GTP
and preliminary results suggest that Tau would be an effector or a GAP for Rab5.
In tauopathies, Tau become hyperphosphorylated, loose its affinity with axonal
microtubules and form aggregates in the cell body of the neuron. This biochemicals
modifications and relocalisation of Tau protein might be responsible for a loss of
interaction between Tau and Rab5 and consequently of some of the neuropathological
symptoms observed in tauopathies.
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Caractérisations biochimique anatomique et comportementale des souris dépourvues de la protéines STOP : un modèle expérimental pour l'étude de symptômes psycho-affectifsFournet, Vincent 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La protéine STOP (MAP6) associée aux microtubules joue un rôle clé dans l'architecture neuronale et la plasticité synaptique, dont les dysfonctionnements sont considérés comme étant impliqués dans la physiopathologie des maladies psychiatriques. En accord avec cette hypothèse, la délétion de la protéine STOP chez la souris, conduit à des altérations neuroanatomiques, biochimiques et comportementales, en partie atténuées par des traitements antipsychotiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons tout d'abord examiné les possibles altérations des systèmes monoaminergiques chez les souris STOP KO. Chez les souris mutantes, les marqueurs sérotoninergiques et noradrénergiques sont accumulés dans le mésencéphale et, au contraire fortement diminués dans toutes les régions de projections du cerveau antérieur. De plus, ces déséquilibres monoaminergiques sont associés à une augmentation du statut dépressif, une diminution du statut anxieux et des déficits dans des tâches d'apprentissage et de mémorisation. Les effets d'un traitement chronique par la fluoxétine ou par l'épothilone D, un composé analogue du taxol stabilisant les microtubules, sur l'humeur et les performances cognitives des souris STOP KO ont aussi été évalués. Le traitement chronique par la fluoxétine induit des effets paradoxaux sur le statut dépressif et le statut anxieux des souris STOP KO suivant les tests effectués, probablement à cause d'une hypersensibilité au stress. En revanche, les traitements chroniques à la fluoxétine et à l'épothilone D ont amélioré la mémoire à court terme des souris STOP KO. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que la délétion de la protéine STOP chez la souris induit de fortes altérations de l'humeur et des performances cognitives et que la protéine STOP pourrait avoir un rôle crucial dans le développement des systèmes monoaminergiques.
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Molecular dissection of established and proposed members of the Op18/Stathmin family of tubulin binding proteins /Brännström, Kristoffer, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Mitotic regulation of Aurora B kinase by TD-60 /Nitcher, Sara Eileen Rosasco. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in electronic form as viewed 2/16/2009.
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