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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Group III Nitride/p-Silicon Heterojunctions By Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Bhat, Thirumaleshwara N 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present work focuses on the growth and characterizations of GaN and InN layers and nanostructures on p-Si(100) and p-Si(111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy and the studies of GaN/p-Si and InN/p-Si heterojunctions properties. The thesis is divided in to seven different chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction on III-nitride materials, growth systems, substrates, possible device applications and technical background. Chapter 2 deals with experimental techniques including the details of PAMBE system used in the present work and characterization tools for III-nitride epitaxial layers as well as nanostructures. Chapter 3 involves the growth of GaN films on p-Si(100) and p-Si(111) substrates. Phase pure wurtzite GaN films are grown on Si (100) substrates by introducing a silicon nitride layer followed by low temperature GaN growth as buffer layers. GaN films grown directly on Si (100) are found to be phase mixtured, containing both cubic and hexagonal modifications. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural and optical properties of GaN films grown with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 800 oC, when compared to the samples grown in the absence of silicon nitride buffer layer and with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 600 oC. Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of SixNy layers reveals the sources for superior qualities of GaN epilayers grown with the high temperature substrate nitridation process. The discussion has been carried out on the typical inverted rectification behavior exhibited by n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions. Considerable modulation in the transport mechanism is observed with the nitridation conditions. The heterojunction fabricated with the sample of substrate nitridation at high temperature exhibites superior rectifying nature with reduced trap concentrations. Lowest ideality factors (~1.5) are observed in the heterojunctions grown with high temperature substrate nitridation which is attributed to the recombination tunneling at the space charge region transport mechanism at lower voltages and at higher voltages space charge limited current conduction is the dominating transport mechanism. Whereas, thermally generated carrier tunneling and recombination tunneling are the dominating transport mechanisms in the heterojunctions grown without substrate nitridation and low temperature substrate nitridation, respectively. A brief comparison of the structural, optical and heterojunction properties of GaN grown on Si(100) and Si(111) has been carried out. Chapter 4 involves the growth and characterizations of InN nanostructures and thinfilms on p-Si(100) and p-Si(111) substrates. InN QDs are grown on Si(100) at different densities. The PL characteristics of InN QDs are studied. A deterioration process of InN QDs, caused by the oxygen incorporation into the InN lattice and formation of In2O3/InN composite structures was established from the results of TEM, XPS and PL studies. The results confirm the partial oxidation of the outer shell of the InN QDs, while the inner core of the QDs remains unoxidized. InN nanorods are grown on p-Si(100), structural characterizations are carried out by SEM, and TEM. InN nanodots are grown on p-Si(100), structural characterizations are performed. InN films were grown on Si(100) and Si(111) substrates and structural characterizations are carried out. Chapter 5 deals with the the heterojunction properties of InN/p-Si(100) and InN/p-Si(111).The transport behavior of the InN NDs/p-Si(100) diodes is studied at various bias voltages and temperatures. The temperature dependent ZB BH and ideality factors of the forward I-V data are observed, while it is governed through the modified Richardson’s plot. The difference in FB BH and C-V BH and the deviation of ideality factor from unity indicate the presence of inhomogeneities at the interface. The band offsets derived from C-V measurements are found to be Δ EC=1.8 eV and Δ EV =1.3 eV, which are in close agreement with Anderson’s model. The band offsets of InN/p-Si heterojunctions are estimated using XPS data. A type-III band alignment with a valence band offset of Δ EV =1.39 eV and conduction band offset of ΔEC=1.81 eV is identified. The charge neutrality level model provides a reasonable description of the band alignment of the InN/p-Si interface. The interface dipole deduced by comparison with the electron affinity model is 0.06 eV. The transport studies of InN NR/p-Si(100) heterojunctions have been carried out by conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM) as well as conventional large area contacts. Discussion of the electrical properties has been carried out based on local current-voltage (I-V) curves, as well as on the 2D conductance maps. The comparative studies on transport properties of diodes fabricated with InN NRs and NDs grown on p-Si(100) substrates and InN thin films grown on p-Si(111) substrates have also been carried out. Chapter 6 deals with the growth and characterizations of InN/GaN heterostructures on p-Si(100) and p-Si(111) substarets and also on the InN/GaN/p-Si heterojunction properties. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies reveal a considerable variation in crystalline quality of InN with grown parameters. Deterioration in the rectifying nature is observed in the case of InN/GaN/p-Si(100) heterojunction substrate when compared to InN/GaN/p-Si (111) due to the defect mediated tunneling effect, caused by the high defect concentration in the GaN and InN films grown on Si(100) and also due to the trap centers exist in the interfaces. Reduction in ideality factor is also observed in the case of n-InN/n-GaN/p–Si(111) when compared to n-InN/n-GaN/p–Si(100) heterojunction. The sum of the ideality factors of individual diodes is consistent with experimentally observed high ideality factors of n-InN/n-GaN/p–Si double heterojunctions due to double rectifying heterojunctions and metal semiconductor junctions. Variation of effective barrier heights and ideality factors with temperature are confirmed, which indicate the inhomogeneity in barrier height, might be due to various types of defects present at the GaN/Si and InN/GaN interfaces. The dependence of forward currents on both the voltage and temperatures are explained by multi step tunneling model and the activation energis were estimated to be 25meV and 100meV for n-InN/n-GaN/p–Si(100) and n-InN/n-GaN/p–Si(111) heterojunctions, respectively. Chapter 7 gives the summary of the present study and also discusses about future research directions in this area.

Integration of epitaxial piezoelectric thin films on silicon / Intégration de film mince piézoélectrique épitaxial sur silicium

Yin, Shi 27 November 2013 (has links)
Les matériaux piézoélectriques, comme le titanate-zirconate de plomb Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT), l’oxyde de zinc ZnO, ainsi que la solution solide de Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), sont actuellement l’objet d’études de plus en plus nombreuses à cause de leurs applications innovantes dans les systèmes micro-électromécaniques (MEMS). Afin de les intégrer sur substrat de silicium, certaines précautions doivent être prises en compte concernant par exemple des couches tampon, les électrodes inférieures. Dans cette thèse, des films piézoélectriques (PZT et PMN-PT) ont été épitaxiés avec succès sous forme de monocristaux sur silicium et SOI (silicon-on-insulator) par procédé sol-gel. En effet, des études récentes ont montré que les films piézoélectriques monocristallins semblent posséder des propriétés supérieures à celles des films polycristallins, permettant ainsi une augmentation de la performance des dispositifs MEMS. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de réaliser l'épitaxie de film monocristallin de matériaux piézoélectriques sur silicium. L'utilisation d’une couche tampon d'oxyde de gadolinium (Gd2O3) ou de titanate de strontium (SrTiO3 ou STO) déposés par la technique d’épitaxie par jets moléculaires (EJM) a été explorée en détail pour favoriser l’épitaxie du PZT et PMN-PT sur silicium. Sur le système Gd2O3/Si(111), l’étude par diffraction des rayons X (XRD) de la croissance du film PZT montre que le film est polyphasé avec la présence de la phase parasite pyrochlore non ferroélectrique. Cependant, le film PZT déposé sur le système STO/Si(001) est parfaitement épitaxié sous forme d’un film monocristallin. Afin de mesurer ses propriétés électriques, une couche de ruthenate de strontium conducteur SrRuO3 (SRO) déposée par ablation laser pulsé (PLD) a été utilisée comme l'électrode inférieure à cause de son excellente conductibilité et de sa structure cristalline pérovskite similaire à celle du PZT. Les caractérisations électriques sur des condensateurs Ru/PZT/SRO démontrent de très bonnes propriétés ferroélectriques avec présence de cycles d'hystérésis. Par ailleurs, le matériau relaxeur PMN-PT a aussi été épitaxié sur STO/Si comme l’a confirmé la diffraction des rayons X ainsi que la microscopie électronique en transmission (TEM). Ce film monocristallin est de la phase de perovskite sans présence de pyrochlore. En outre, une étude en transmission du rayonnement infrarouge au synchrotron a prouvé une transition de phase diffuse sur une large gamme de température, comme attendue dans le cas d’un relaxeur. L'autre intérêt d'avoir des films PZT monocristallins déposés sur silicium et SOI est de pouvoir utiliser les méthodes de structuration du silicium bien standardisées maintenant pour fabriquer les dispositifs MEMS. La mise au point d’un procédé de micro-structuration en salle blanche a permis de réaliser des cantilevers et des membranes afin de caractériser mécaniquement les couches piézoélectriques. Des déplacements par l'application d'une tension électrique ont ainsi pu être détectés par interférométrie. Finalement, cette caractérisation par interférométrie a été combinée avec une modélisation basée sur la méthode des éléments finis. Dans le futur, il sera nécessaire d’optimiser le procédé de microfabrication du dispositif MEMS afin d’en améliorer les performances électromécaniques. Enfin, des caractérisations au niveau du dispositif MEMS lui-même devront être développées en vue de leur utilisation dans de futures applications. / Recently, piezoelectric materials, like lead titanate zirconate Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT), zinc oxide ZnO, and the solid solution Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), increasingly receive intensive studies because of their innovative applications in the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). In order to integrate them on silicon substrate, several preliminaries must be taken into considerations, e.g. buffer layer, bottom electrode. In this thesis, piezoelectric films (PZT and PMN-PT) have been successfully epitaxially grown on silicon and SOI (silicon-on-insulator) in the form of single crystal by sol-gel process. In fact, recent studies show that single crystalline films seem to possess the superior properties than that of polycrystalline films, leading to an increase of the performance of MEMS devices. The first objective of this thesis was to realize the epitaxial growth of single crystalline film of piezoelectric materials on silicon. The use of a buffer layer of gadolinium oxide(Gd2O3) or strontium titanate (SrTiO3 or STO) deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been studied in detail to integrate epitaxial PZT and PMN-PT films on silicon. For Gd2O3/Si(111) system, the study of X-ray diffraction (XRD) on the growth of PZT film shows that the film is polycrystalline with coexistence of the nonferroelectric parasite phase, i.e. pyrochlore phase. On the other hand, the PZT film deposited on STO/Si(001) substrate is successfully epitaxially grown in the form of single crystalline film. In order to measure the electrical properties, a layer of strontium ruthenate (SrRuO3 or SRO) deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been employed for bottom electrode due to its excellent conductivity and perovskite crystalline structure similar to that of PZT. The electrical characterization on Ru/PZT/SRO capacitors demonstrates good ferroelectric properties with the presence of hysteresis loop. Besides, the relaxor ferroelectric PMN-PT has been also epitaxially grown on STO/Si and confirmed by XRD and transmission electrical microscopy (TEM). This single crystalline film has the perovskite phase without the appearance of pyrochlore. Moreover, the study of infrared transmission using synchrotron radiation has proven a diffused phase transition over a large range of temperature, indicating a typical relaxor ferroelectric material. The other interesting in the single crystalline PZT films deposited on silicon and SOI is to employ them in the application of MEMS devices, where the standard silicon techniques are used. The microfabrication process performed in the cleanroom has permitted to realize cantilevers and membranes in order to mechanically characterize the piezoelectric layers. Mechanical deflection under the application of an electric voltage could be detected by interferometry. Eventually, this characterization by interferometry has been studied using the modeling based on finite element method and analytic method. In the future, it will be necessary to optimize the microfabrication process of MEMS devices based on single crystalline piezoelectric films in order to ameliorate the electromechanical performance. Finally, the characterizations at MEMS device level must be developed for their utilization in the future applications.

Développement de briques technologiques pour la co-intégration par l'épitaxie de transistors HEMTs AlGaN/GaN sur MOS silicium / Development of technological building blocks for the monolithic integration of ammonia-MBE-grown AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with silicon MOS devices

Comyn, Rémi 08 December 2016 (has links)
L’intégration monolithique hétérogène de composants III-N sur silicium (Si) offre de nombreuses possibilités en termes d’applications. Cependant, gérer l’hétéroépitaxie de matériaux à paramètres de maille et coefficients de dilatation très différents, tout en évitant les contaminations, et concilier des températures optimales de procédé parfois très éloignées requière inévitablement certains compromis. Dans ce contexte, nous avons cherché à intégrer des transistors à haute mobilité électronique (HEMT) à base de nitrure de Gallium (GaN) sur substrat Si par épitaxie sous jets moléculaires (EJM) en vue de réaliser des circuits monolithiques GaN sur CMOS Si. / The monolithic integration of heterogeneous devices and materials such as III-N compounds with silicon (Si) CMOS technology paves the way for new circuits applications and capabilities for both technologies. However, the heteroepitaxy of such materials on Si can be challenging due to very different lattice parameters and thermal expansion coefficients. In addition, contamination issues and thermal budget constraints on CMOS technology may prevent the use of standard process parameters and require various manufacturing trade-offs. In this context, we have investigated the integration of GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) on Si substrates in view of the monolithic integration of GaN on CMOS circuits.

Semipolar And Nonpolar Group III-Nitride Heterostructures By Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Rajpalke, Mohana K 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Group III-nitride semiconductors are well suited for the fabrication of devices including visible-ultraviolet light emitting diodes, high-temperature and high-frequency devices. The wurtzite III-nitride based heterostructures grown along polar c-direction have large internal electric fields due to discontinuities in spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. For optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes and laser diodes, the internal electric field is deleterious as it causes a spatial separation of electron and hole wave functions in the quantum wells, which decreases emission efficiency. Growth of GaN-based heterostructures in alternative orientations, which have reduced (semipolar) or no polarization (nonpolar) in the growth direction, has been a major area of research in the last few years. The correlation between structural, optical and transport properties of semipolar and nonpolar III-nitride would be extremely useful. The thesis focuses on the growth and characterizations of semipolar and nonpolar III-nitride heterostructures by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the III-nitride semiconductors. The importance of semipolar and nonpolar III-nitride heterostructures over conventional polar heterostructures has been discussed. Chapter 2 deals with the descriptions of molecular beam epitaxy system and working principles of different characterization tools used in the present work. Chapter 3 addresses the molecular beam epitaxial growth of nonpolar (1 1 -2 0) and semipolar (1 1 -2 2) GaN on sapphire substrates. An in-plane orientation relationship is found to be [0 0 0 1] GaN || [-1 1 0 1] sapphire and [-1 1 0 0] GaN || [1 1 -2 0] sapphire for nonpolar GaN on r-sapphire substrates. Effect of growth temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties of nonpolar GaN has been studied. The growth temperature plays a major role in controlling crystal quality, morphology and emission properties of nonpolar a-plane GaN. The a-plane GaN shows crystalline anisotropy nature and it has reduced with increase in the growth temperature. The surface roughness was found to decrease with increase in growth temperature and film grown at 760°C shows reasonably smooth surface with roughness 3.05 nm. Room temperature photoluminescence spectra show near band emission peak at 3.434 -3.442 eV. The film grown at 800 ºC shows broad yellow luminescence peak at 2.2 eV. Low temperature photoluminescence spectra show near band emission at 3.483 eV along with defect related emissions. Raman spectra exhibit blue shift due to compressive strain in the film. An in-plane orientation relationship is found to be [1 -1 00] GaN || [1 2-1 0] sapphire and [-1 -1 2 3] GaN || [0 0 0 1] sapphire for semipolar GaN on m-plane sapphire substrates. The surface morphology of semipolar GaN film is found to be reasonably smooth with pits on the surface. Room temperature photoluminescence shows the near band emission (NBE) at 3.432 eV, which is slightly blue shifted compared to the bulk GaN. The Raman E2 (high) peak position observed at 569.1 cm1. Chapter 4 deals with the fabrication and characterizations of Au/nonpolar and Au/semipolar GaN schottky diodes. The temperature-dependent current–voltage measurements have been used to determine the current mechanisms in Schottky diodes fabricated on nonpolar a-plane GaN and semipolar GaN epilayers. The barrier height (φb) and ideally factor (η) estimated from the thermionic emission model are found to be temperature dependent in nature indicate the deviations from the thermionic emission (TE) transport mechanism. Low temperature I-V characteristics of Au/ GaN Schottky diode show temperature independent tunnelling parameter. Barrier heights calculated from XPS are found to be 0.96 eV and 1.13 eV for Au/nonpolar GaN and Au/semipolar GaN respectively. Chapter 5 demonstrates the growth of InN on r-sapphire substrates with and without GaN buffer layer. InN film and nanostructures are grown on r-sapphire without GaN buffer layer and they are highly oriented along (0002) direction. The electron microscopy study confirms the nanostructures are vertically aligned and highly oriented along the (0001) direction. The Raman studies of InN nanostructures show the SO modes along with the other possible Raman modes. The band gap of InN nanostructures is found to be 0.82 eV. InN grown with a-plane GaN buffer shows nonpolar orientated growth. Growth temperature dependent studies of nonpolar a-plane InN epilayers are carried out. The valence band offset value is calculated to be 1.31 eV for nonpolar a-plane InN/GaN heterojunctions. The heterojunctions form in the type-I straddling configuration with a conduction band offsets of 1.41 eV. Chapter 6 deals with the temperature dependent I-V characteristics of the nonpolar a-plane (1 1 -2 0) InN/GaN heterostructures. The measured values of barrier height and ideality factor from the TE model show the temperature dependent variation. The double Gaussian distribution has mean barrier height values ( ϕb ) of 1.17 and 0.69 eV with standard deviation (σs ) of 0.17 and 0.098 V, respectively. The modified Richardson plot ln (Is/T2)-q2σ2/2k2T2 ) versus q/kT in the temperature range of 350 – 500 K, yielded the Richardson constant of 19.5 A/cm2 K2 which is very close to the theoretical value of 24 A/cm2 K2 for n-type GaN. The tunneling parameters E0 found to be temperature independent at low temperature range (150 –300 K). Chapter 7 concludes with the summary of present investigations and the scope for future work.

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial MnSi(111) Thin Films

Karhu, Eric 12 January 2012 (has links)
MnSi(111) films were grown on Si(111) substrates by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to determine their magnetic structures. A lattice mismatch of -3.1% causes an in-plane tensile strain in the film, which is partially relaxed by misfit dislocations. A correlation between the thickness dependence of the Curie temperature (TC) and strain is hypothesized to be due to the presence of interstitial defects. The in-plane tensile strain leads to an increase in the unit cell volume that results in an increased TC as large as TC = 45 K compared to TC = 29.5 K for bulk MnSi crystals. The epitaxially induced tensile stress in the MnSi thin films creates an easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy. The magnetoelastic coefficient was obtained from superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry measurements combined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) data. The experimental value agrees with the coefficient determined from density functional calculations, which supports the conclusion that the uniaxial anisotropy originates from the magnetoelastic coupling. Interfacial roughness obscured the magnetic structure of the SPE films, which motivated the search for a better method of film growth. MBE grown films displayed much lower interfacial roughness that enabled a determination of the magnetic structure using SQUID and polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR). Out-of-plane magnetic field measurements on MBE grown MnSi(111) thin films on Si(111) substrates show the formation of a helical conical phase with a wavelength of 2?/Q = 13.9 ± 0.1 nm. The presence of both left-handed and right-handed magnetic chiralities is found to be due to the existence of inversion domains that result from the non-centrosymmetric crystal structure of MnSi. The magnetic frustration created at the domain boundaries explains an observed glassy behaviour in the magnetic response of the films. PNR and SQUID measurements of MnSi thin films performed in an in-plane magnetic field show a complex magnetic behaviour. Experimental results combined with theoretical results obtained from a Dzyaloshinskii model with an added easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy reveals the existence of numerous magnetic modulated states that do not exist in bulk MnSi. It is demonstrated in this thesis that modulated chiral magnetic states can be investigated with epitaxially grown MnSi(111) thin films on insulating Si substrates, which offers opportunities to investigate spin-dependent transport in chiral magnetic heterostructures based on this system.

Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Binary and Ternary Skutterudite Thin Films

Daniel, Marcus 20 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing interest in an effciency enhancement of existing energy sources led to an extended research in the field of thermoelectrics. Especially skutterudites with their high power factor (electric conductivity times Seebeck coefficient squared) are suitable thermoelectric materials. However, a further improvement of their thermoelectric properties is necessary. The relatively high thermal conductivity can be decreased by introducing loosely bound guest ions, whereas atom substitution or nanostructuring (as thin films) could yield an increased power factor. The present work proves the feasibility to deposit single phase skutterudite thin films by MBE technique. In this regard CoSby and FeSby film series were deposited with three different methods: i) codeposition at elevated temperatures, ii) codeposition at room temperature followed by post-annealing, and iii) modulated elemental reactant method. The structural and thermoelectric properties of these films were investigated by taking the thermal stability of the film and the substrate properties into account. Compared to the stoichiometric Sb content of skutterudites of 75 at.%, a small excess of Sb is necessary for achieving single phase skutterudite films. It was found, that the deposited single phase CoSb3 films reveal bipolar conduction (and therefore a low Seebeck coefficient), whereas FeSb3 films show p-type conduction and very promising power factors at room temperature. The need of substrates with a low thermal conductivity and a suitable thermal expansion coefficient is also demonstrated. A high thermal conductivity influences the measurements of the Seebeck coefficient and the obtained values will be underestimated by thermal shortening of the film by the substrate. If the thermal expansion coefficient of film and substrate differ strongly from each other, crack formation at the film surface was observed. Furthermore, the realization of controlled doping by substitution as well as the incorporation of guest ions was successfully shown. Hence, this work is a good starting point for designing skutterudite based thin film structures. Two successful examples for such structures are given: i) a thickness series, where a strong decrease of the resistivity was observed for films with a thickness lower than 10nm, and ii) a FexCo1-xSb3 gradient film, for which the gradient was maintained even at an annealing temperature of 400°C.

Couches minces d'oxydes pyroélectriques épitaxiées sur Si pour la récupération d'énergie thermique / Epitaxia! pyroelectric oxide thin films on Si for thermal energy harvesting

Moalla, Rahma 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes de récupération d'énergie sont prometteurs pour l'auto-alimentation des dispositifs intégrés. Les matériaux pyroélectriques couplant un changement de température à un changement de polarisation électrique peuvent être utilisés pour la conversion de l'énergie thermique en énergie électrique sans nécessité de maintien de gradients thermiques qui constitue un inconvénient majeur dans les modules thermoélectriques compacts. Dans cette thèse, le PbZro.52Tio.48O3 (PZT) et le BaxSr1-xTiUO3 (x = l et x = 0.7) à fort coefficients pyroélectriques, sont choisis, élaborés en couches minces épitaxiées, caractérisés pour étudier leur potentiel de récupération d'énergie thermique. Ce travail comporte deux aspects : le premier consiste au développement et l'optimisation des conditions de croissance des hétérostructures intégrées et épitaxiées sur silicium. Le deuxième est focalisé sur l'étude des propriétés fonctionnelles (ferroélectriques, diélectriques et pyroélectriques) et à l' estimation du pouvoir de récupération d'énergie principalement des couches de PZT. Une corrélation entre ces deux aspects est ainsi présente. Un changement de la structure cristalline est montré sur les empilements intégrés sur Si, en comparaison avec des structures équivalentes réalisées sur substrat de STO. L'impact de ceci a été directement constaté sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des couches hétéroépitaxiées de PZT. Ainsi une anisotropie importante de ces propriétés a pu être mise en évidence, en complétant cette étude par des mesures dans le plan a l'aide de peignes interdigités. Ces observations ont été cohérentes avec les mesures de la diffraction des rayons X en fonction de la température. Par ailleurs, les différentes méthodes et configurations de mesures du coefficient pyroélectrique sur PZT ont permis une meilleure compréhension du phénomène et la distinction des diverses contributions existantes. La mesure statique indirecte issue de la variation de la polarisation rémanente en fonction de la température renseigne sur l'effet pyroélectrique intrinsèque (et secondaire). Cependant les mesures dynamiques du courant pyroélectrique pendant un changement de la température contiennent toutes les contributions pyroélectriques et non pyroélectriques, comme les effets extrinsèques et le courant de relaxation. Des mesures pyroélectriques dynamiques sous champ électrique, se rapprochant des conditions de cycles de récupération d'énergie thermique, ont permis de montrer que des courants de conduction apparaissaient même pour des bonnes couches de PZT diélectriques épaisses. Ces courants masquent les courants pyroélectriques et rendent l'application de générateur électrique par cycles thermodynamiques sous champ électrique rédhibitoire. Des composants passifs n'utilisant pas ou peu de champs électriques tels que des capteurs devront plutôt être envisagées. / Due to the wasted heat in ever more compact microelectronic devices, the harvesting of thermal energy has become interesting for self-powering small devices. Consequently, pyroelectric materials witch couple a change in temperature to a change in electrical polarization may be used for the conversion of the thermal energy to an electric energy without necessity of maintaining thermal gradients that is a main drawback in compact devices with thermoelectric materials. In this thesis, PbZro.52Tio.48O3 (PZT) and BaxSr1-xTiUO3 (x = l and x = 0.7), with high pyroelectric coefficients are chosen, elaborated in thin epitaxial layers, characterized structurally and electrically to study their potential for thermal energy harvesting. This work has two aspects: the first consists in the development and optimization of the growth conditions of epitaxial heterostructures integrated on Si. The second one focuses on the study of the functional properties ( ferroelectric, dielectric and pyroelectric) and the estimation of the energy harvesting efficiency mainly of PZT layers. A correlation between these two aspects is then done. A change in the crystal structure is shown on the Si-integrated stacks in comparison with equivalent structures grown on STO substrate. This structural behavior impacts directly the functional properties of the heteroepitaxial layers of PZT. Th us, an important anisotropy of these properties was demonstrated and completed by a study of the in plane properties using measurements by interdigital capacitors. These observations were consistent with measurements of X - ray diffraction as a function of temperature. Otherwise, different methods and configurations of pyroelectric coefficient measurements on PZT have allowed a better understanding of the phenomenon and the distinction of the various existing contributions. The indirect static measurement resulting from the variation of the remnant polarization as a function of the temperature gives the intrinsic (and secondary) pyroelectric contributions. However, the dynamic measurements of the pyroelectric current during a change of the temperature contain all the pyroelectric and non-pyroelectric contributions, such as the extrinsic effects and the relaxation current . Dynamic pyroelectric measurements under an electric field are near to the conditions of thermal energy harvesting cycles. Conduction currents appeared, even for good layers of thick dielectric PZT, and mask the pyroelectric currents. This makes the application of electric generator by thermodynamic cycles under electric field prohibitive. Passive components using low or no electrical field such as sensors should be considered.

Group III-Nitride Epitaxial Heterostructures By Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Roul, Basanta Kumar 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Group III-nitride semiconductors have received much research attention and witnessed a significant development due to their ample applications in solid-state lighting and high-power/high-frequency electronics. Numerous growth methods were explored to achieve device quality epitaxial III-nitride semiconductors. Among the growth methods for III-nitride semiconductors, molecular beam epitaxy provides advantages such as formation of abrupt interfaces and in-situ monitoring of growth. The present research work focuses on the growth and characterizations of III-nitride based epitaxial films, nanostructures and heterostructures on c-sapphire substrate using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy system. The correlation between structural, optical and electrical properties of III-nitride semiconductors would be extremely useful. The interfaces of the metal/semiconductor and semiconductor heterostructures are very important in the performance of semiconductor devices. In this regard, the electrical transport studies of metal/semiconductor and semiconductor heterostructures have been carried out. Besides, studies involved with the defect induced room temperature ferromagnetism of GaN films and InN nano-structures have also been carried out. The thesis is organized in eight different chapters and a brief overview of each chapter is given below. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction on physical properties of group III-nitride semiconductors. It also describes the importance of III-nitride heterostructures in the operation of optoelectronic devices. In addition, it also includes the current strategy of the emergence of room temperature ferromagnetism in III-nitride semiconductors. Chapter 2 deals with the basic working principles of molecular beam epitaxy system and different characterization tools employed in the present work. Chapter 3 describes the growth of GaN films on c-sapphire by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The effects of N/Ga flux ratio on structural, morphological and optical properties have been studied. The flux ratio plays a major role in controlling crystal quality, morphology and emission properties of GaN films. The dislocation density is found to increase with increase in N/Ga flux ratio. The surface morphologies of the films as seen by scanning electron microscopy show pits on the surface and found that the pit density on the surface increases with flux ratio. The room temperature photoluminescence study reveals the shift in band-edge emission towards the lower energy with increase in N/Ga flux ratio. This is believed to arise from the reduction in compressive stress in the GaN films as it is evidenced by room temperature Raman study. The transport studies on the Pt/GaN Schottky diodes showed a significant increase in leakage current with an increase in N/Ga ratio and is found to be caused by the increase in dislocation density in the GaN films. Chapter 4 deals with the fabrication and characterization of Au/GaN Schottky diodes. The temperature dependent current–voltage measurements have been used to determine the current transport mechanism in Schottky diodes. The barrier height (φb) and the ideality factor (η) are estimated from the thermionic emission model and are found to be temperature dependent in nature, indicating the existence of barrier height inhomogeneities at the Au/GaN interface. The conventional Richardson plot of ln(Is/T2) versus 1/kT gives Richardson constant value of 3.23×10-5 Acm-2 K-2, which is much lower than the known value of 26.4 Acm-2 K-2 for GaN. Such discrepancy of Richardson constant value was attributed to the existence of barrier height inhomogeneities at the Au/GaN interface. The modified Richardson plot of ln(Is/T2)-q2σs2/2k2T2 versus q/kT, by assuming a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights at the Au/GaN interface, provides the Schottky barrier height of 1.47 eV and Richardson constant value of 38.8 Acm-2 K-2 which is very close to the theatrical value of Richardson constant. The temperature dependence of barrier height is interpreted on the basis of existence of the Gaussian distribution of the barrier heights due to the barrier height inhomogeneities at the Au/GaN interface. Chapter 5 addresses on the influence of GaN underlayer thickness on structural, electrical and optical properties of InN thin films grown using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The high resolution X-ray diffraction study reveals superior crystalline quality for the InN film grown on thicker GaN film. The electronic and optical properties seem to be greatly influenced by the structural quality of the films, as can be evidenced from Hall measurement and optical absorption spectroscopy. Also, we present the studies involving the dependence of structural, electrical and optical properties of InN films, grown on thicker GaN films, on growth temperature. The optical absorption edge of InN film is found to be strongly dependent on carrier concentration. Kane’s k.p model is used to describe the dependence of optical absorption edge on carrier concentration by considering the non-parabolic dispersion relation for carrier in the conduction band. Chapter 6 deals with the analysis of the temperature dependent current transport mechanisms in InN/GaN heterostructure based Schottky junctions. The barrier height (φb) and the ideality factor (η) of the InN/GaN Schottky junctions are found to be temperature dependent. The temperature dependence of the barrier height indicates that the Schottky barrier height is inhomogeneous in nature at the heterostructure interface. The higher value of the ideality factor and its temperature dependence suggest that the current transport is primarily dominated by thermionic field emission (TFE) other than thermionic emission (TE). The room temperature barrier height and the ideality factor obtained by TFE model are 1.43 eV and 1.21, respectively. Chapter 7 focuses on the defect induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Ga deficient GaN epitaxial films and InN nano-structures grown on c-sapphire substrate by using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The observed yellow emission peak in room temperature photoluminescence spectra and the peak positioning at 300 cm-1 in Raman spectra confirms the existence of Ga vacancies in GaN films. The ferromagnetism in Ga deficient GaN films is believed to originate from the polarization of the unpaired 2p electrons of nitrogen surrounding the Ga vacancy. The InN nano-structures of different size are grown on sapphire substrate, the structural and magnetic properties are studied. The room temperature magnetization measurement of InN nano-structures exhibits the ferromagnetic behavior. The saturation magnetization is found to be strongly dependent on the size of the nano-structures. Finally, Chapter 8 gives the summary of the present work and the scope for future work in this area of research.

Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Binary and Ternary Skutterudite Thin Films

Daniel, Marcus 02 April 2015 (has links)
Increasing interest in an effciency enhancement of existing energy sources led to an extended research in the field of thermoelectrics. Especially skutterudites with their high power factor (electric conductivity times Seebeck coefficient squared) are suitable thermoelectric materials. However, a further improvement of their thermoelectric properties is necessary. The relatively high thermal conductivity can be decreased by introducing loosely bound guest ions, whereas atom substitution or nanostructuring (as thin films) could yield an increased power factor. The present work proves the feasibility to deposit single phase skutterudite thin films by MBE technique. In this regard CoSby and FeSby film series were deposited with three different methods: i) codeposition at elevated temperatures, ii) codeposition at room temperature followed by post-annealing, and iii) modulated elemental reactant method. The structural and thermoelectric properties of these films were investigated by taking the thermal stability of the film and the substrate properties into account. Compared to the stoichiometric Sb content of skutterudites of 75 at.%, a small excess of Sb is necessary for achieving single phase skutterudite films. It was found, that the deposited single phase CoSb3 films reveal bipolar conduction (and therefore a low Seebeck coefficient), whereas FeSb3 films show p-type conduction and very promising power factors at room temperature. The need of substrates with a low thermal conductivity and a suitable thermal expansion coefficient is also demonstrated. A high thermal conductivity influences the measurements of the Seebeck coefficient and the obtained values will be underestimated by thermal shortening of the film by the substrate. If the thermal expansion coefficient of film and substrate differ strongly from each other, crack formation at the film surface was observed. Furthermore, the realization of controlled doping by substitution as well as the incorporation of guest ions was successfully shown. Hence, this work is a good starting point for designing skutterudite based thin film structures. Two successful examples for such structures are given: i) a thickness series, where a strong decrease of the resistivity was observed for films with a thickness lower than 10nm, and ii) a FexCo1-xSb3 gradient film, for which the gradient was maintained even at an annealing temperature of 400°C.:Contents 1 Introduction 2 Nanostructured thermoelectric materials 2.1 Thermoelectric materials and ZT 2.2 Recent developments in improving ZT in thin films 3 Thermoelectric transport theory 3.1 Electronic transport coefficients 3.2 Lattice thermal conductivity 4 Skutterudites as promising thermoelectric material 4.1 CoSb3 4.1.1 Structural properties of skutterudites 4.1.2 Band structure of CoSb3 and density of states 4.1.3 Thermoelectric properties of CoSb3 4.1.4 Synthesis of CoSb3 thin films 4.2 FeSb3 4.2.1 Structural and thermoelectric properties of FeSb3 thin films 4.2.2 Synthesis of FeSb3 thin films 5 Experimental methods 5.1 Basic methods for structural characterization 5.2 Electric characterization: Resistivity and Hall measurements using van der Pauw geometry 5.3 Thermoelectric characterization (Seebeck coefficient) 5.4 Thermal characterization methods 6 Deposition of skutterudite thin films 6.1 Deposition chamber and deposition parameters 6.2 Deposition methods 6.3 Composition control of skutterudite films 7 Control of structural properties by the used deposition method 7.1 Structural properties of CoSb3 thin films 7.1.1 Crystallization characteristics of CoSb3 films 7.1.2 Comparison of films deposited with different deposition methods 7.1.3 Influence of different deposition parameters on the film properties 7.2 Structural properties of FeSb3 thin films 7.2.1 Crystallization behaviour 7.2.2 Structural properties of post-annealed Fe-Sb films prepared by codeposition 7.2.3 Influence of the heating rate on the film properties 8 CoSb3 and FeSb3 composition series 8.1 CoSby composition series 8.1.1 Films deposited at elevated temperatures 8.1.2 Annealed films 8.2 FeSby composition series 9 Influence of various substrates on the film properties 9.1 Substrate influence on the film morphology 9.2 Substrate influence on thermoelectric properties and measurements 10 FexCo1-xSb3 - controlled doping by substitution of Co with Fe 10.1 Properties of codeposited FexCo1-xSb3 films 10.2 Properties of FexCo1-xSb3 films deposited via MERM 11 Filled CoSb3 thin films 12 Examples for nanostructured thin film approaches 12.1 CoSb3 thickness series 12.2 FexCo1-xSb3 gradient films 13 Summary and Outlook

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