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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos Mažeikių ir Telšių savivaldybių administracijose / The employees’ motivating systems in the administrations of Mažeikiai and Telšiai local governments

Bastakytė, Simona 23 January 2009 (has links)
Viešasis sektorius paskutiniu metu susiduria su darbuotojų migracijos problemomis, kurios yra susijusi su prastomis motyvavimo sistemomis viešajame sektoriuje, kur stokojama dėmesio darbuotojų kompetencijos palaikymui, lėšų šiuolaikinės personalo vadybos principus atitinkančioms darbo sąlygoms. Viešajame sektoriuje dirbančius žmones dėl geresnių darbo sąlygų perima privatusis sektorius, todėl darbuotojų motyvavimas viešajame sektoriuje, siekiant ne tik aukštos jų darbo kokybės, bet apskritai jų išlaikymo darbe, reikalauja kur kas didesnio teorinio bei praktinio susitelkimo nei iki šiol. Kad būtų išsiaiškinta viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojų motyvavimo sistema Mažeikių bei Telšių savivaldybėse, buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausiant 144 darbuotojus Mažeikių ir 130 – Telšių savivaldybėse. Tyrimo duomenys paneigė hipotezę, kad viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojams svarbesni yra nematerialiniai nei materialiniai motyvaciniai veiksniai, nes darbe Mažeikių bei Telšių savivaldybių darbuotojai prioritetiniais veiksniais laiko darbo užmokestį ir socialines garantijas, kurios juos labiausiai tenkina darbinėje veikloje. Paaiškėjo, kad dauguma Mažeikių bei Telšių savivaldybių darbuotojų norėtų geresnių darbo sąlygų ir mano, jog dirbtų geriau, jei darbo užmokestį lemtų rezultatai ir kokybė. Taip pat didžioji dalis tyrinėjamų savivaldybių darbuotojų teigia, kad motyvavimas yra reikalingas ir kad jie dažniausiai yra skatinami finansinėmis priemonėmis. Beveik pusė Mažeikių ir Telšių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently public sector confronts with employees migration problems which are connected with mean motivation systems in public sector wherein it is lack of attention to employees competence support and of finances for work conditions which would match principles of the modern staff management. People working in public sector migrates to private sector for the better work conditions therefore employee motivating in public sector (not only with the view of high work quality but to maintain them in their current workplace in general) demands higher theoretical and practical concentration than before. In order to ascertain the public sector employees’ motivating systems in the administrations of Mažeikiai and Telšiai local governments the quantitative research was accomplished. There were 144 participants in Mažeikiai local government and 130 participants in Telšiai local government. The results denied the hypothesis that immaterial motivating factors motivate employees in public sector more than material motivating factors, because preferential factors for employees in the administration of Mažeikiai and Telšiai local governments are salary and social guarantees, by which they are mostly satisfied. Majority of the employees in the administrations of Mažeikiai and Telšiai local governments would like better work conditions and think that they would work better if salary would depend on their working results and quality. Majority of the participants also state that motivating is... [to full text]

Paauglių mokymąsi motyvuojantys veiksniai / The motivating factors of teenagers‘ learning

Žemaitienė, Rasa 03 September 2008 (has links)
Mokymasis šiame amžiuje yra reikšmingas ne tik tuo, kad apima mąstymą ir jausmus, bet šis etapas labai reikšmingas tolimesnei gebėjimo mokytis sėkmei. Tai etapas, kuriame individas siekia atskleisti savo pažintines, dvasines galias ir gali rengtis tolimesniam savo gyvenimo įprasminimui. Tyrimo problema - didėjantis nelankančių mokyklos ir neturinčių motyvacijos mokytis moksleivių skaičius. Tyrimo objektas – paauglių mokintis mokykloje motyvuojantys veiksniai. Klausimas. Kokie bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje pobūdžio veiksniai, daro poveikį paauglių mokymosi motyvacijai ? Tiriamojo darbo tikslas yra atskleisti ir aprašyti pagrindinius veiksnius, turinčius įtakos mokymosi motyvacijai. Uždaviniai:  Atskleisti mokymosi motyvacijos sampratą.  Apibrėžti veiksnius galinčius turėti įtakos paauglių mokymosi motyvacijai.  Įvertinti veiksnių turinčių įtakos paauglių mokymosi motyvacijai bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje svarbą.  Nustatyti 13-15 m. paauglių mokymosi motyvaciją lemiančių veiksnių poveikio stiprumą ir charakteristikas.  Išryškinti mokytojo asmenybės reikšmę mokinių mokymosi motyvacijai. Šiai problemai spręsti buvo pasirinktas koreliacinis tyrimas. Koreliacinio tyrimo pagalba buvo nustatyti ryšiai tarp vidinių veiksnių (mokymosi motyvų raiškos) ir išorinių veiksnių (pedagoginių, psichologinių, socialinių teiginių). Koreliacinio tyrimo procedūra buvo atlikta remiantis C.M.Charles aprašytomis tyrimo metodikomis (Charles, 1999). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad paauglių mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Learning in our life is important not only for including intellection and feelings. This stage also is very important for further success of learning ability. This is a stage where a person has a possibility to develop his cognitive and mental power and is able to prepare for giving a sense for his further life. The problem of research – the number of students without learning motivation and with non - attendance is on the increase. The object of research – learning motivating factors of students at school The Question What factors at the secondary school influence the learning motivation of the students? The purpose of research – to develop and describe the main factors which influence for leaning motivation. The goals: • to develop the conception of learning motivation • to determine the factors which can influence learning motivation of the students • to evaluate the importance of the factors which can influence learning motivation of the students at school • to define the power and characteristics of influence for learning motivation between the teenagers of 13 – 15 years old • to emphasize the meaning of the teacher’s individuality for the learning motivation of the students Correlation research was chosen for solving this problem. The research helped to cleared up the relations between inner (expression of learning motivation) and outer (pedagogical, psychological and social affirmations) factors. Correlation research was performed with reference to C.M... [to full text]

Darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai ekonominės krizės sąlygomis / The changes in employee motivation under the circumstances of the financial crisis

Prenskaja, Irena 03 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe įvertinti „Valstybinės teismo psichiatrijos tarnybos prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai ekonominės krizės sąlygomis, iškeltos darbuotojų motyvacijos problemos sunkmečiu bei pateikti siūlymai kaip šias problemas spręsti. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamos motyvacijos, poreikių, motyvų, darbo motyvacijos ir motyvavimo sampratos; pagrindžiama motyvacijos svarba ir nauda, viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojų motyvacijos praktinė reikšmė; atskleidžiama ekonominės krizės įtaka darbuotojų motyvacijai ir analizuojami darbuotojus motyvuojantys veiksniai sunkmečiu, taip pat aprašomos bei vertinamos darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos, modeliai. Empirinėje dalyje aprašoma tyrimo metodologija, „Valstybinėje teismo psichiatrijos tarnyboje prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ atlikto tyrimo analizė, pateikiamas tyrimo apibendrinimas ir modeliuojamas minėtos tarnybos darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis ekonominės krizės sąlygomis. Apibendrinus gautus rezultatus konstatuojama, jog ekonominės krizės sąlygomis vyksta darbuotojų motyvacijos pokyčiai, tačiau „Valstybinėje teismo psichiatrijos tarnyboje prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos“ pasikeitusiems personalo poreikiams nėra skiriamas pakankamas dėmesys, nėra sukurta pagrįsta ir efektyvi darbuotojų motyvavimo sistema, todėl siūlomas minėtos tarnybos darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis, atitinkantis darbuotojų poreikius ekonominės krizės sąlygomis. / In this Final Master Thesis, the changes in employee motivation of "State Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" in the aftermath of economical crisis had been evaluated, and also the solutions to these problems had been suggested. The theoretical part provides the motivation needs, motives, work motivation and the concept of motivation, justifies the importance and benefits of motivating public sector employees and it's practical significance; reveals the impact of economic crisis on employee motivation and staff motivating, changes of motivate factors in difficult times are analyzed, as well as a description and assessment of staff motivation system, models. In the second part, the research methodology and analysis, performed in "State Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" are described; a summary of the study and simulation of the service employees' motivation model during the economic crisis is presented. The third section includes summarizing the findings stated that when the economic crisis is going on, employee motivation changes, however, the „State Forensic Psychiatry Department of the Ministry of Health" does not give sufficient attention to the changed personnel needs, does not create an effective motivation system based on employees. The service model of employee motivation, corresponding to the needs of workers during economic crisis is presented.

The Effect of Musical Mode, Major or Minor, on Motivating Children with Asperger's Syndrome

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of this research project is to explore which musical mode, major and minor, is more effective to motivate children with Asperger's syndrome. To determine the more effective mode, the researcher has conducted experiments with seven students, two female and five male, with Asperger's syndrome on motivation for participation. Simple dance movements were used as a method of measurement for their motivation. The subjects' task was copying the researcher's simple dance with music, in major or minor mode, or with no music. There were three conditions, no music, major music, and minor music. However, the first dance of the experiments that had no music condition was not measured as it was a pre-test. All of the subjects followed the dance movements three times. The second and third dances of the experiments that were major or minor music conditions were used to determine which musical mode is more effective. To determine subjects' motivation from major and minor music, there were three areas of measurement; competency (level of execution) of movements, facial expression, and concentration on the dance for each experiment. All of the experiments were video-recorded for the evaluation. As a tool of measurement, a seven-point Likert scale was used. In addition, there were three evaluators: a professional music therapist, MT-BC; an undergraduate music therapy student at ASU; and a music education student of master's degree at ASU. In the evaluation on the measurements, the scores of the major music condition were slightly higher than the scores of the minor music condition in all three areas; competency of movements, facial expression, and concentration on the dance. However, the differences of the results in all three areas were not statistically significant. / Dissertation/Thesis / MP3 file of major mode / MP3 file of minor mode / M.M. Music Therapy 2013

Návrh na zlepšení motivačního programu stevardek / Proposal of Improvement of Motivation Program of Stewards

Krátká, Regina January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on solutions connected with employees remuneration. Particular emphasis is given on job of steward/stewardness in Student agency company. Student agency company is among other activities specialized in bus services. The analysis investigate the development of the number of employes on transport line Brno - Prague from its foundation. It also describes current system of motivation. The goal of the work is to suggest new system, which carries on to get more satisfied and qualified employees.

Aspects of Engaging Problem Contexts From Students' Perspectives

Stark, Tamara Kay 01 December 2019 (has links)
Aspects of Engaging Problem Contexts From Students' PerspectivesTamara Kay Gandolph StarkDepartment of Mathematics Education, BYUMaster of ArtsToo many students have negative feelings towards mathematics which is causing them to disengage in their classrooms. This has led to student under-achievement. This study attempts to better understand how teachers can help students to reengage with mathematics by using more engaging contexts to develop mathematical content. The study began with the characteristics realistic, worthwhile, enjoyable or motivating as a framework for posing engaging problem contexts, which were synthesized from the current research literature. As students discussed what made contexts engaging, my understanding of what engaging problem contexts looked like expanded. The characteristics realistic and worthwhile were combined. Students felt contexts were more realistic and worthwhile when the contexts were authentic, purposeful and related to their everyday lives or a potential career situation. Furthermore, students felt context was enjoyable when it was interactive or included a good story. Finally, students discussed their frustration with repetition within problem contexts. Even if certain types of problems were engaging at first, if they saw them over and over again, they became unengaged. Students wanted to see a variety of new ideas and different kinds of contexts. This study better informs teachers and curriculum writers on what to include/exclude to make contexts more engaging for students.

Practice of multi-family housing renovations. Comparative study of Stockholm and Vilnius on motivating, driving and bottleneck factors

Valciukas, Sarunas January 2012 (has links)
Problem of unutilized energy saving potential in the multifamily housing stock of European Union has been emphasized by the European Commission (2008). Comparative study at hand takes tenant – owner associations of Stockholm and Vilnius as study cases. The goal is to find out what are the motivating and obstacle factors that create reasons for tenant – owner associations to invest or to delay investment into energy saving measures. Further aim is to generate suggestions for energy saving policy improvements based on the motivating and obstacle factors for the given capitals. Targets have been implemented by series of interviews held with board leaders of tenant – owner associations. Comparative study has revealed that main obstacles for energy saving renovation is of informational nature – lack of precise, reliable and verified data distracts from investments, since it is difficult to estimate the expected payback and other financial figures. Findings in the perspective of motivating factors are of monetary nature – tenant–owner associations are mostly motivated by monetary savings.

Intern kriskommunikation och motivation : en undersökande studie i hur mellanchefers kommunikation påverkar medarbetare / Internal crisis communication and motivation : A survey study in how middle managers’ communication affects employees

Petersson, Elise, Tagesson, Louise January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on how internal crisis communications in organizations are affected by how people in a leading position, here middle managers, communicate with their employees. The theories used to discuss this phenomena are Motivating Language Theory with its three dimensions together with different leadership theories. The study was conducted in Sweden and the data was gathered through two digital questionnaires. Some questions had a set of answers to choose from, whereas some were open ended. This was in order to more deeply understand the reasoning behind the answers given. One questionnaire was aimed toward middle managers and one towards employees. However, both questionnaires studied the same variables. The study was conducted in several different organizations and questionnaires were distributed to a total of 276 people. In this study the following statements can be asserted: in a Swedish context meaning-making language is preferred for both employees and middle managers, but direction-giving language is still most commonly used.

The Use of a Stimulus Control Transfer Procedure to Teach Spontaneous Manding to Children with Autism

Ward, Karen D. 12 1900 (has links)
Current research indicates that the inability to spontaneously communicate needs or wants may result in the acquisition of unconventional forms of requesting such as aggression and tantrums. This in turn limits the amount of access that students with autism have to neurotypical peers and social environments. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using a stimulus control transfer procedure on the acquisition of spontaneous mands. Four school-aged children with autism, two boys and two girls, participated in the study. A multiple baseline design across participants was utilized to demonstrate a functional relation between the stimulus control transfer procedures and the rate of spontaneous mands. Measurement variables included the frequency of spontaneous versus multiply-controlled mands during discrete trial training on a variety of verbal operants. Effectiveness of the intervention was analyzed through visual analysis and the magnitude of effect was assessed through effect size. Visual analysis indicated that three of the four participants learned to spontaneously mand for items out of view and demonstrated generalization across targets, staff and environments. The effect size for three participants were large (d = 1.94; d = 2.2; and d = 1.4), whereas the outcome of intervention for one participant (d = 0.98) indicated moderate effect. The overall (d = 1.15) outcome demonstrated a large effect of the intervention on the rate of mands. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that early and intensive behavior intervention programs for children with autism incorporate this type of procedure for socially significant outcomes.

The importance of self-esteem in learning and behavior in children with exceptionalities and the role magic tricks may play in improving self-esteem and in motivating learning

Bauman, Shannon 01 December 2012 (has links)
This paper was written using various research based sources to determine the effects of self-esteem on learning and behaviors and whether or not the use of magic tricks can play a role in raising self-esteem and in motivating learning for children with exceptionalities. There have been multiple studies that show self-esteem has a significant effect on a child's ability to learn as well as studies that show self-esteem plays a role in a child's behavior. There are opposing studies showing that self-esteem has no effect on learning and behavior in children with and without exceptionalities. There was no information found that state high self-esteem has a negative effect on learning or motivation in children with exceptionalities or without exceptionalities. Regardless of whether or not one agrees that self-esteem affects learning and behavior in children with exceptionalities, it is important that educators find ways to help all children with exceptionalities, as well as without exceptionalities, improve their self-esteem thereby possibly helping improve learning, behavior, and motivation. One possible way to help raise self-esteem in children with exceptionalities is the use of magic tricks inside and outside the classroom. Incorporating the use of magic tricks in lessons seems to motivate learning. The information on the use of using magic tricks to raise self-esteem is limited to few articles and only one study. While the information on using magic to improve self-esteem in children with exceptionalities is limited, the information collected to date all state positive results using magic tricks to not only raise self-esteem but to also to motivate learning in children with exceptionalities.

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