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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vallons obscurs au pays du soleil. Etude d'un objet géographique, toponyme niçois devenu habitat européen

Tibaut, Aurélie 04 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les Vallons Obscurs sont des sites Natura 2000 de la région niçoise, ensemble de vallons de rive gauche du Var, proches de la ville et protégés sur les plans régional, national et européen. Au XIXe siècle, le Vallon Obscur était un site niçois célèbre pour ses caractères physiques. La recherche porte d'abord sur la définition de cet objet géographique. Que sont les vallons obscurs, quels critères leur donnent vie et permettent de les localiser ? Cette expression imagée est à la fois toponyme, but de promenades touristiques et site remarquable. La deuxième partie, fondée sur l'exploitation des relevés de terrain et des documents d'archive, aborde l'origine et l'originalité de l'obscurité et compare les géosystèmes et les paysages des vallons obscurs à ceux des vallons qui ne le sont pas. La troisième partie explore l'avenir de ces vallons. La disparition du Vallon Obscur originel pose la question de la sensibilité et de la fragilité de tels sites. Une typologie des vallons étudiés ouvre la réflexion sur les processus à l'origine des mesures de protection et sur leurs conséquences. L'étude du vallon obscur, petit objet géographique qui n'est ni vallon sombre ni ravin obscur, conduit à discuter des politiques de gestion de l'environnement à échelles emboîtées.

Zhodnocení péče o lokality soustavy Natura 2000 chránící modráska očkovaného a modráska bahenního. Chrání také další vzácné druhy a biotopy? / Assessment of the state of Natura 2000 locations protecting Dusky and Scarce Large Blue butterflies. Can other endangered species and habitats profit from the protection of these sites?

Glückseligová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
Land-use change that took place in the second half of the 20th century affected population sizes and viabilities of many species adapted to extensive land use. Dusky and Scarce large blue butterflies are ones of these species. Both number of their populations and population sizes declined all over Europe. During the last decade, many protected areas of the Natura 2000 network have been established to preserve these butterfly species. Protected areas are managed specifically to support viability of the Maculinea populations. This thesis investigates a current status set of the Natura 2000 sites in southwest Bohemia protecting one or both Maculinea butterfly species. Implementation of the specific management was found to be a crucial factor for successful protection of the Dusky and Scarce large blue butterflies. We found that there are significant differences in managements applied in different locations. Almost half of protected areas are managed in inappropriate ways, their butterfly population sizes were very small or already extinct. Other sites are managed well and stable Maculinea populations live there. An assumption that a specific Maculinea management could also support another rare or endangered species has been tested in this thesis too. All available records (i.e. field inventories,...

De sista ängarna: En studie över den historiska bördigheten i dagens skyddade ängar i Kronobergs län

Hägertorp, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Ängen var länge ett viktigt markslag som försörjde djuren med hö och lövfoder. Under 1800- och början av 1900-talet påbörjades en förändring och effektivisering inom jordbruket som ledde till att stora arealer äng plöjdes upp och lades om till åker. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad det är för typ av ängsmark som hävdas idag och hur detta kan påverka dagens synsätt på hur en äng ursprungligen såg ut. Hypotesen som detta arbete bygger på är att det är de ängar som förr (1800-tal och tidigare) som klassades som de sämre inom byn som finns bevarade idag eftersom de bättre ängarna plöjdes upp till åker. För att testa denna hypotes har 31 byar med ängar som finns skyddade som naturreservat- eller Natura 2000-område undersökts i Kronobergs län. Med hjälp av historiska kartor och skiftesakter från 1800-talet studerades ängsboniteten i respektive by. Resultatet visar att det är de bättre ängarna som hävdas idag i de undersökta byarna och hypotesen har i detta fall visat sig vara felaktig. Eftersom många människor idag saknar erfarenhet av ängsbruk får de kvarvarande slåttermarkerna representera bilden av hur en äng ska se ut. Undersökningen har visat att det var ängar av låg bonitet som var vanligast på 1800-talet. De som finns bevarade idag hade framför allt en god till mycket god bonitet, vilket innebär att de inte är representativa och på så vis ger en felaktig bild. Inför framtiden bör man därför tänka på att integrera både natur och kultur i bevarandet av ängar. Genom att skydda marker av varierande bonitet, både de bra och de dåliga, får man olika naturliga förutsättningar och på så vis även olika artsammansättningar.

Právní úprava vytvoření a ochrany soustavy NATURA 2000. / Legal regulation of the creating and protection of the Natura 2000 network

Jiráková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with a complete legal analysis of the process of the creation and the protection of the Natura 2000 network. The Natura 2000 system is a system of protected areas created on its territory by all EU Member States. Its aim is to protect the rarest and the most endangered species of wild plants, wildlife and natural habitat types occurring within the European Union. At the heart of the network there are two key legal acts of secondary legislation on nature protection, namely Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds and Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats. The diploma thesis is structured into five voluminous chapters. In the first chapter, the author mentions international treaties which, with their subject-matter of protection, intertwine with the natura's directives and (not only) laid the foundation for their later admission. In the second chapter entitled Natura 2000, in the context of EU law, it draws attention to both the basic EU legal acts which gave rise to the Natura 2000 network but also to important soft law documents and the Regulation 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on non- native invasive species whose interdependence with the said Directives is beyond...

Sveriges skydd av livsmiljöer : En rättslig studie över Sveriges skydd av skogliga livsmiljöer,i ljuset av de krav som uppställs i EU:s art- och habitatdirektiv / A legal study of Sweden’s protection of forest habitats, in light of the EU Habitats Directive

Hermansson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Riksintresse; Bevarande eller nyttjande : Vindkraftsutbyggnad inom Natura 2000- områden

Lindqvist, Petra January 2008 (has links)
<p>Natura 2000 is part of the European Union: s framework to protect and preserve biological diversity. Natura 2000- areas are by the goverment appointed to areas of national interest for preserving nature. Also wind power stations are appointed as of national interest and the reason for this is the goverments goal to get energy from reneweble energysources. This essay describes when both these intrests conflict eachother when it comes to building wind power stations <em>within</em> Natura 2000- areas. The main focus of this essay is a casestudy of two cases from two different counties, Dalarna- and Norrbotten county, where applications have been made to build wind power stations within existing Natura 2000- ares, both cases have reached the court dealing with enviromental issues. In Dalarna county the court dealing with enviromental issues said no to the application and in Norrbotten the court said yes but in both cases simular factors seem to have been determining the outcome. For instance seem the Natura 2000 protection to be of minor consideration and rather <em>what kind</em> of habitats and biotopes that could be damaged in case of putting up a wind power station park and <em>how</em> these habitats and biotopes would be affected seems to have been the main focus. In Dalarna county the area is consisting to onehundered percent of the priority biotope western taiga and in Norrbotten the area holds different types of biotopes of which some are counted as prioritied biotopes. The amount of energy produced have also been in focus when judgement have been made in the two cases. The fact that both wind power stations and Natura 2000 are of national interest seem to have been of no consideration and the conflict between these two interests does not seem to have been in focus in the two cases.</p>

Riksintresse; Bevarande eller nyttjande : Vindkraftsutbyggnad inom Natura 2000- områden

Lindqvist, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Natura 2000 is part of the European Union: s framework to protect and preserve biological diversity. Natura 2000- areas are by the goverment appointed to areas of national interest for preserving nature. Also wind power stations are appointed as of national interest and the reason for this is the goverments goal to get energy from reneweble energysources. This essay describes when both these intrests conflict eachother when it comes to building wind power stations within Natura 2000- areas. The main focus of this essay is a casestudy of two cases from two different counties, Dalarna- and Norrbotten county, where applications have been made to build wind power stations within existing Natura 2000- ares, both cases have reached the court dealing with enviromental issues. In Dalarna county the court dealing with enviromental issues said no to the application and in Norrbotten the court said yes but in both cases simular factors seem to have been determining the outcome. For instance seem the Natura 2000 protection to be of minor consideration and rather what kind of habitats and biotopes that could be damaged in case of putting up a wind power station park and how these habitats and biotopes would be affected seems to have been the main focus. In Dalarna county the area is consisting to onehundered percent of the priority biotope western taiga and in Norrbotten the area holds different types of biotopes of which some are counted as prioritied biotopes. The amount of energy produced have also been in focus when judgement have been made in the two cases. The fact that both wind power stations and Natura 2000 are of national interest seem to have been of no consideration and the conflict between these two interests does not seem to have been in focus in the two cases.

Gestion forestière et biodiversité, les enjeux de conservation d'une espèce parapluie : Limoniscus violaceus (Coleoptera)

Gouix, Nicolas 24 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le taupin violacé - Limoniscus violaceus (Müller, 1821) - est une espèce de coléoptère vivant dans le terreau des cavités d'arbres. Menacé d'extinction en Europe, il est inscrit en Annexe II de la directive " Habitats " dont l'objectif est d'assurer la préservation des habitats et des espèces d'intérêt communautaire au sein du réseau Natura 2000. Les gestionnaires d'espaces naturels où il est présent doivent assurer l'état de conservation de ses populations. Cependant, les difficultés de détection de l'espèce ont limité le développement des connaissances sur sa biologie et son écologie essentielles à la mise en place d'une stratégie de conservation. Cette lacune a motivé la réalisation de ce travail de thèse. Il commence par la compilation des données relatives à sa répartition: 184 localités à travers 17 pays. Plusieurs discordances avec les données énoncées par le réseau Natura 2000 sont mises en évidence. Une méthode de suivi de l'espèce par piégeage à émergence est développée et testée dans 5 sites Natura 2000 français. Les résultats obtenus associés à la description des cavités d'arbres et de leur environnement permettent l'identification d'un modèle prédictif des cavités habitées par Limoniscus violaceus dépendant de deux facteurs simples d'utilisation : l'état d'avancement de la cavité et la circonférence de l'arbre à 30 cm du sol. L'étude de leur valeur seuil et de leurs intervalles de confiance conduit à l'élaboration d'une règle de décision pour l'évaluation des habitats favorables à l'espèce. Parallèlement, l'analyse de la composition des assemblages d'espèces échantillonées se base sur la détermination de 231 coléoptères saproxyliques. La préservation des cavités favorables pour Limoniscus violaceus apparait bénéfique pour la majorité d'entre eux, justifiant le potentiel d'espèce parapluie qui lui est attribué. Dans une perspective de prospection, une liste d'espèces indicatrices est identifiée. Elle permet de prioriser les sites au sein desquels une stratégie de suivi des cavités basses favorables pour la biodiversité et pour Limoniscus violaceus doit être envisagée. L'étude du comportement de dispersion à partir des résultats d'échantillonnage par émergence associé aux connaissances bibliographiques suggère une taille des populations locales d'environ 10 adultes dont 3 dispersent par cavité chaque année. Un regard sur la sex-ratio apporte des éléments complémentaires de réflexion sur le fonctionnement des populations. Enfin, un cas concret de stratégie de conservation pour l'espèce en forêt de Grésigne est présenté. Afin d'assurer le recrutement d'arbres à cavité pour pérenniser les populations de Limoniscus violaceus, des recommandations de gestion fondées sur l'aménagement forestier en cours et l'étude des origines des cavités sont émises.

Προοπτικές βιώσιμης τουριστικής ανάπτυξης στο Εθνικό πάρκο Χελμού-Βουραϊκού

Στιβανάκη, Βασιλική 05 1900 (has links)
Οι περιοχές που ανήκουν στο Ευρωπαϊκό οικολογικό δίκτυο «Φύση 2000» γνωστές και ως προστατευόμενες περιοχές είναι κατάλληλες για την ανάπτυξη πολλαπλών και ήπιων τουριστικών δραστηριοτήτων που σκοπό έχουν εκτός από την αι-σθητική απόλαυση του τοπίου, τη γνωριμία με το φυσικό περιβάλλον. Η αναγκαιότητα προστασίας και ανάδειξης του φυσικού πλούτου των συγκε-κριμένων περιοχών απαιτούν την εφαρμογή μιας στρατηγικής, η οποία θα αποτελεί-ται από εξειδικευμένα μέτρα, ενέργειες και δράσεις με σκοπό τη συστηματικότερη διαφύλαξη και διαχείριση των εν λόγω περιοχών και κατ’ επέκταση την εξασφάλιση της βιώσιμης τουριστικής ανάπτυξης για την ευρύτερη περιοχή. Αντικείμενο της παρούσης εργασίας είναι η μελέτη της προστατευόμενης πε-ριοχής Εθνικού Πάρκου Χελμού- Βουραϊκού με στόχο την ανάδειξη των ιδιαίτερων στοιχείων του φυσικού και ανθρωπογενούς περιβάλλοντος που θα χρησιμοποιηθούν για την οικοτουριστική ανάπτυξη της περιοχής. Από τη μελέτη των βιοτικών και αβιοτικών στοιχειών της περιοχής και με τη χρήση της ανάλυσης SWOT, εξάγονται χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για την εκτίμηση της παρούσας κατάστασης με απώτερο σκοπό την ορθολογικότερη αναβάθμιση και την επίτευξη μιας αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης έτσι ώστε να είναι ανταγωνιστική και πιο ελκυστική για όσους επιλέγουν τέτοιου είδους προορισμούς. / The areas of the European ecological network "Natura 2000" also known as protected areas are suitable for the development of multiple and mild tourist activities designed not only for aesthetic enjoyment of the landscape, the acquaintance with the natural environment.The need for protection and enhancement of the natural wealth of the harvest - area concerned require the implementation of a strategy which will consist of specific measures , actions and actions to support the systematic preservation and management of these areas and thus ensure sustainable tourism growth for the region.The subject of this work is the study of protected area National Park Chelmou- Vouraikos to highlight the specific elements of the natural and human environment to be used for ecotourism development.The study of biotic and abiotic elements of the region and by using analysis SWOT, useful conclusions are to assess the current situation with a view to rational upgrade and achieve efficient management in order to be competitive and more attractive for those who choose such destinations .

ES biologinės įvairovės apsaugą užtikrinančių teisės aktų įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje (šikšnosparnių apsaugos pavyzdžiu) / Implementation of the Law Acts in Lithuania that Vouch European Union Biodiversity Protection (The Example of the Bats Protection)

Šaltenytė, Aušra 05 January 2007 (has links)
Nowadays great attention is payed to the protection of the biodiversity not only in the EU but also in the whole world. The wane of the biodiversity was influenced by the intensive use of the natural resources and the decimation of the natural landscape. This process has become very fast and often irreversible. According to the protection of the biodiversity, the five international conventions have been signed: Ramsar Convention, Rio de Janeiro Convention, Washington Convention, Bonn Convention, Bern Convention. Lithuania has ratified all of them. Now Lithuania has a very important task to fulfil all the obligations and requirements. The most important obligation is to establish the Natura 2000 territories network. Though the requirements of the directives have been started implementing since 1999, the process still continues. The SPAs status has already been given to 77 localities and 299 are the SAC potentials. There are 12 territories that are intended for the bat protection in the SAC potentials register. Great concern has been showed to the protection of these animals in Europe. On purpose to give it a better protection 31 European countries have ratified the Agreement on the Conservation of Population of European Bats (EUROBATS). Lithuania signed it in 2001. The aim of the work is to study how successfully Lithuania deals with the main 8 obligations. The obligations are: the prohibition of the deliberate catching, keeping and killing, the protection of bats converts... [to full text]

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