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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De rubricerade våldtäktsmyterna och det dolda ansvaret : En feministisk kritisk diskursanalys om konstruktionen av ansvar och skuld i svenska nyhetsrubriker om mäns sexuella våld mot kvinnor / News headline rape myths and the hidden responsibility : A feminist critical discourse analysis of the construction of responsibility and guilt in Swedish news headlines about men's sexual violence against women

Niklasson, Eva-Lena, Hedlund, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Studien utforskar hur svenska nyhetsmediers rubriksättning medverkar till mediediskursen om mäns våld mot kvinnor. Genom feministisk kritisk diskursanalys undersöks hur rubrikers struktur konstruerar ansvar och skuld genom våldtäktsmyter och språkliga funktioner. Transitivitetsanalys utgör grunden för att studera de språkliga funktionerna och kombineras med teorin om våldtäktsmyter. Studien granskar rubriker från Sveriges fyra största nyhetstidningar: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet när de rapporterar om våldtäktsfall som begåtts i Sverige.  Resultatet visar att det i rubrikerna förekommer våldtäktsmyter som tillsammans med språkliga funktioner, som nominalisering och passiv form, bidrar till en nedtoning av förövarens ansvar samt ger en ensidig bild av våldet. Studien visar även att skuldbeläggning av både offer och förövare sker genom uppseendeväckande titlar och omständigheter samt språkliga funktioner, vilket även ses bidra till ett upprätthållande av våldtäktsmyter. Myterna ter sig dock något mer diskreta jämfört med tidigare studier varför deras existens kan ses som mer raffinerad.  Synligheten av brottet och de inblandades könstillhörighet ses som en avgörande faktor i att skildra den strukturella samhällsproblematiken som det sexuella våldet utgör. Studien visar att en förändring av rubrikernas struktur och språk kan utgöra en omgående skillnad i hur ansvar och skuld konstrueras i mediediskursen om mäns våld mot kvinnor. / The study explores how the headlines of Swedish news media contribute to the media discourse on men's violence against women. Through feminist critical discourse analysis, it examines how the structure of headlines constructs responsibility and guilt through rape myths and linguistic functions. Transitivity analysis forms the basis for studying the linguistic functions and is combined with the theory of rape myths. The study examines headlines from Sweden's four largest newspapers: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, and Svenska Dagbladet when reporting on rape cases that have occurred in Sweden.  The results show that the headlines contain rape myths that, together with linguistic functions such as nominalization and passive voice, contribute to downplaying the perpetrator's responsibility and provide a one-sided view of the violence. The study also reveals that blaming both the victim and the perpetrator occurs through sensational titles and circumstances, as well as linguistic functions, which are also seen to contribute to the perpetuation of rape myths. However, the myths appear somewhat more discreet compared to previous studies, which is why their existence can be seen as more refined.  The visibility of the crime and the gender identity of those involved are seen as crucial factors in depicting the structural societal problem that sexual violence represents. The study suggests that a change in the structure and language of headlines can make an immediate difference in how responsibility and guilt are constructed in the media discourse on men's violence against women.

Medietidningarnas AI-porträtt : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur AI skildras i tidningarna Resumé och Dagens Media / The media newspapers AI portrait : A quantitative content analysis of how AI is framed in Resumé and Dagens media

Granrot, Emil, Victor, Alida January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur AI gestaltas i tidningarna Resumé och Dagens Media som är inriktade på media- och kommunikation. Detta uppnås genom att studera tidningarnas artiklar om AI. Studien undersöker vilka gestaltningar som förekommer i artiklarna och om tidningarna uppfyller UNESCO:s riktlinjer om hur journalister bör rapportera om AI. De gestaltningar som undersöks är sociala framsteg, Pandora´s box, ekonomisk utveckling/konkurrenskraft, utfallsframe och tidsperspektiv. Det undersöks även hur ofta AI ersätter syssla förekommer. De riktlinjer från UNESCO som undersöktes var AI:s begränsningar, det mänskliga arbetet, land, andra röster, suggestiva bilder och miljöaspekter. Det teoretiska ramverk som studien bygger på är gestaltningsteorin och teknologisk determinism. Studiens resultat visar att Resumé och Dagens Media Resumé tenderar att skildra AI som eftersträvansvärt genom att beskriva konsekvenserna av att använda AI som något läsaren vinner på. AI gestaltas även som en teknik som, helt eller delvis, kommer ersätta sysslor och arbetsuppgifter i mediabranschen. De variabler som kommer från UNESCO:s riktlinjer förekommer generellt sätt mindre. Resultatet visar att tidningarna skildrar AI som en teknik som utvecklas av sig själv, inte går att kontrollera, har få begränsningar, inte får mycket kritik, inte påverkar miljön och kan likställas med en människa. Således anammar de teorin teknologisk determinism, och i synnerhet de typer som kallas justificatory och normative. / The purpose of this study is to examine how AI is framed in Swedish news media oriented toward media and communication. This is achieved by studying the magazines Resumé and Dagens Media´s articles about AI. This study examines which frames can be found in the articles and if the magazines manage to fulfill recommended guidelines created by UNESCO on how journalists should report on AI. The frames that are examined are social progress, Pandora´s box, economic development/competitiveness, outcome frame and temporal frame. It is also examined how often AI replaces a task.  The UNESCO guidelines that are examined are the limitations of AI, the human labor behind AI, country, other voices, suggestive images and environmental aspects. The theoretical frameworks the study is built upon are framing theory and technological determinism. The study´s results show that Resumé and Dagens Media tend to portray AI as something desirable by describing the consequences of using AI as something the reader will benefit from. AI is also portrayed as a technology that will, completely or partially, replace tasks within the media industry. The variables that derive from the UNESCO guidelines generally occur less. The result shows that the magazines portray AI as a technology that can evolve by itself, cannot be controlled, have few limitations, does not get much critique, does not affect the environment, and can be equated with a human being. Therefore, the theory technological determinism is applied by the magazines, especially the types that are called justificatory and normative.

Tabloidization in Swedish news media? The ongoing pandemic in focus : A quantitative content analysis of how Swedish news media communicates about the COVID-19 vaccine / : Tabloidisering i svenska nyhetsmedier? Den pågående pandemin i fokus En kvantitativ innehållsanalys hur svensk nyhetsmedia kommunicerar om COVID-19 vaccinet

Brandelid, Annie, Eklund, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
In times of crises such as pandemics, wars or natural disasters, the responsibility of the news media increases. Previous research has shown that people in crisis tend to seek information in traditional media and find it the most reliable source. Today's media landscape has faced a new paradigm shift in the form of digitalization that has had an extensive impact on society and information is now more easily available to the public. As a result, this study will examine the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on vaccination, which has received strong media attention in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to contribute with new research by analyzing how Sweden's largest morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the largest evening newspaper Aftonbladet communicated regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The study's four research questions aim to investigate whether there are any differences or similarities in how Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter communicated through source power, tabloidization, and dimensions from previous research: RQ1. How does Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter use and mention sources in their articles RQ2. How are the articles conducted in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter regarding focus dimensions (societal or individual, episodic or thematic)? RQ3. How are the articles conducted in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter regarding style dimensions (personal or impersonal, emotional or unemotional)? RQ4. Do the articles in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter have tendencies of tabloidization based on the content and headline (positive or negative, match between headline and text)? To answer the four research questions, a quantitative content analysis has been used by analyzing a total of 200 newspaper articles over a six-month period. With assistance of the tool Retriever, 100 articles from each newspaper were retrieved and produced through an unbound random selection. With help of the designed code sheet and the code book the units have been analyzed in SPSS. The theoretical framework is based on the basic principles of journalism, from event to news, agenda-setting, framing, and tabloidization. The data have been analyzed, reflected and discussed with the theoretical framework along with the previous research, the results show that Swedish media has shown a high scale of objectivity however, tendencies of tabloid permeate in both newspapers. The most important finding of the study is the indication that Dagens Nyheter, which according to previous research tends to cover hard news, instead strive against further tabloidized news coverage. / I tider av kriser så som pandemier, krig eller naturkatastrofer ökar nyhetsmedias ansvar. Tidigare forskning har visat att människor i kris tenderar att söka efter information i traditionella medier för att hitta den mest pålitliga källan. Dessutom har dagens medielandskap stött på ett nytt paradigmskifte i form av digitalisering som har haft en vidsträckt påverkan på samhället och information är nu lättare tillgänglig för allmänheten. Som ett resultat kommer denna studie att undersöka den pågående COVID-19-pandemin med fokus på vaccination, som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet i media. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med ny forskning genom att analysera hur Sveriges största morgontidning Dagens Nyheter och den största kvällstidningen Aftonbladet kommunicerat angående COVID-19-vaccinet. Studiens fyra forskningsfrågor syftar till att undersöka om det finns några skillnader eller likheter i hur Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter kommunicerat genom källkraft, tabloidisering och dimensioner från tidigare forskning: RQ1. Hur använder och nämner Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter källor i sina artiklar? RQ2. Hur är artiklarna i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter utformade gällande fokusdimensioner (samhällelig eller individuell, episodisk eller tematisk)? RQ3. Hur är artiklarna i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter utformade gällande stildimensioner (personlig eller opersonlig, känslomässig eller okänslomässig)? RQ4. Har artiklarna i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter tendenser till tabloidisering baserat på innehåll och rubrik (positiv eller negativ, matchning mellan rubrik och text)? För att svara på de fyra frågorna har en kvantitativ innehållsanalys använts genom att analysera totalt 200 tidningsartiklar under en sexmånadersperiod. Med hjälp av verktyget Retriever har 100 artiklar från varje tidning valts ut genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval. Med hjälp av det utformade kodschemat och kodboken har enheterna analyserats i SPSS. Det teoretiska ramverket bygger på journalistikens grundläggande principer, från händelse till nyheter, agenda-setting, framing och tabloidisering. Datan har analyserats, reflekteras och diskuteras med hjälp av teoretiska ramen samt tidigare forskning. Resultaten visar att de svenska medierna har kommunicerat med en hög grad av objektivitet, men att tabloidiseringen genomsyrar båda tidningar. Studiens viktigaste resultat visar bland annat att Dagens Nyheter, som enligt tidigare forskning tenderar att rapportera hårda nyheter, istället lutar mot en mer tabloidisering i sin nyhetsrapportering.

Offer och förövare : En retorisk analys av hur offer och förövare gestaltas i nyhetsmedia / Victims and perpetrators : A rhetorical analysis of how victims and perpetrators are portrayed in news media

Söder, Filippa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to create knowledge about how Swedish news media report on gang-related shootings, in particular how victims and perpetrators are portrayed, to discuss how media reports can affect readers´perseptions. In order to answer the purpose of the study, framing and a modified pentad analysis were used. The study is a text interpretation with a hermeneutic approach, which allows an interpretation of the analysis result. The conclusion of the study shows that victims and perpetrators are portrayed in a generalized way. Several frames have been identified that indicate that thee are stereotypical conceptions about both how a person who is involved in a shooting is as a person and where this person lives. In turn, the study shows that this portrayal of the actors can have an impact on how readers of the news media perceive the events and their actors. It appears that there are differences in how victims are portrayed depending on whether the victim has a previous criminal record or not. The possible impact that arises is mainly that the actors in the events are dehumanized by the readers if the person has been punished before, and that this in turn leads to people in society starting to value people´s lives differently. The life of a gang criminal dose not appear in the articles to be as valuable as a person who does not have a previous criminal record.

Det osynliga våldet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen om våld i äldres parrelationer / The Invisible Violence : A qualitative content analysis of news reporting regarding intimate partner violence in elderly couples

Lindström, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få kunskap om hur nyhetsmedia rapporterar om våld i äldres parrelationer. Fokus var att studera hur våldet framställs och förklaras samt hur förövare, offer och deras relation framställs i nyhetsartiklar. Studien utgår från en förståelse att medias framställning av våldet påverkar allmänhetens uppfattning om våldet. Med utgångspunkt i detta syftar studien till att få ökad kunskap om vilken bild av våld i äldres parrelationer som kommuniceras till allmänheten genom nyhetsmedia.  Denna kvalitativa studie baseras på totalt 33 stycken nyhetsartiklar publicerade mellan januari 2019 och mars 2022 i Dagens Nyheter, Svenska dagbladet, Expressen och Aftonbladet. Resultatet visar på att nyhetsrapporteringen främst handlar om dödligt våld. Våldet förstås som enskilda och isolerade händelser, där en förståelse av våldet som våld i nära relation är frånvarande. Beskrivningarna av förövare, offer och deras relation gör att de framställs enligt ålderistiska och stereotypa bilder av äldre. / The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about how the news media reports on intimate partner violence among elderly couples. The focus was on studying how the violence is portrayed and explained and how perpetrators, victims and their relationships are portrayed in news articles. The study is based on an understanding that the media's portrayal of the violence affects the public's perception of the violence. Based on this, the study aims to gain increased knowledge about the image of violence in the elderly’s couple relationships that is communicated to the public through news media.  This qualitative study is based on a total of 33 news articles published between January 2019 and March 2022 in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Aftonbladet. The results show that the media’s reporting is mainly about lethal violence. The violence is portrayed as individual and isolated events, where an understanding of the violence as domestic violence is absent. The media's descriptions of perpetrators, victims and their relationships lead to that they are presented according to ageist and stereotypical images of the elderly.

Bortom skott i rubrikerna : en analys av dödsskjutningar som ett socialt problem i nyhetsmedier

Edwall, Nathalie, Stålberg, Marielle January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att analysera hur dödsskjutningar konstrueras som ett socialt problem i nyhetsmedier samt undersöka hur socialt arbete relateras till fenomenet i nyhetsartiklar. För att uppnå syftet har nyhetsartiklar publicerade år 2023 av fyra olika medieredaktörer använts som empiriskt material. Nyhetsartiklarna har studerats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, med utgångspunkt i ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv på hur sociala problem skapas och med en framingteoretisk infallsvinkel. Resultatet av studien visar att nyhetsrapporteringen präglas av två teman, känsloramen och ansvarsramen. Inom känsloramen ryms studiens resultat som påvisar att nyhetsrapporteringen präglas av känslor. Både i den bemärkelse att människors känslor kring en dödsskjutning presenteras, liksom att scenarion och offer gestaltas på ett sätt som kan framkalla känslor hos mottagarna, och därmed bidra till en konstruktion av dödsskjutningar som ett skrämmande och hotfullt socialt problem. Ansvarsramen belyser hur socialt arbete inte direkt pekas ut som ansvarigt till problematiken, utan där socialtjänsten snarare rapporteras om i relation till enskilda fall där dem brustit i sitt ansvar. Slutligen är polis och skola aktörer som relateras till ansvarsfrågan rörande gängkriminaliteten och det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet, där samverkan lyfts som en nyckel i bekämpandet av brottsligheten. I sin helhet belyser studien ett samspel mellan nyhetsmedier och konstruktionen av ett idag aktuellt socialt problem. Som akademisk disciplin ämnar socialt arbete att studera sociala problem och hur de påverkar individer och samhället. Hur det sociala problemet konstrueras påverkar följaktligen vilka åtgärder som adresseras.

台灣電視新聞正確性之個案研究 / The Case Study of Television News Accurency in Taiwan

高明慧, Kao, Ashley Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討哪些因素會影響台灣電視新聞的正確性、以及記者報導新聞錯誤的原因,除了探討傳統認知新聞性質、新聞取得方式、記者本身專業程度對新聞內容影響外,本研究也嘗試分析媒介組織常規、意識形態如何影響記者新聞報導的正確性。本研究採用個案研究及深入訪談兩種研究方法,選擇科學、生活、司法三種新聞類型之三則新聞報導為個案,深入訪談六位撰稿記者以及三位消息來源,深入了解哪些因素可能影響電視新聞正確性以及記者報導錯誤發生的原因。 研究主要發現如下: (一)不論何種類型新聞,電視新聞主觀錯誤多於客觀錯誤。 (二)對新聞觀點的不同及電視新聞篇幅限制,造成消息來源與記者對錯誤認知歧見嚴重 (三)媒介組織機構常規與政策影響新聞「正確性」最嚴重。 (四)影響新聞正確性因素,隨著新聞類型不同,影響程度亦有所不同。 / This research mainly conducts the causes to influence the news accuracy of television news in Taiwan, and the reason why journalists make mistakes while reporting. Besides the influence of news content caused by traditional acknowledged news, the methods to obtain news, professionalism of journalists, this research also try to analyze how the ideology and the policies of media organization impact on the news accuracy of individual journalists. This research adopts case study method and in-depth interview method, choosing three reports from science, leisure, and juristic categories as study cases, and interviewed six journalists and three sources, to figure out the causes to influence the news accuracy of television news and the reason why journalists make mistakes while reporting. Findings of this research: 1.Despite of the type of news, television news has more subjective errors than objective errors. 2.Difference of viewpoints toward news and the time limitation of television news result in different opinions of misapprehension between journalist and source. 3.Rules and policies of media organization are most influential to the news accuracy. 4.The causes to influence news accuracy are different due to the type of news, the degree of impact also differs.

The celebrity gossip column and newspaper journalism in Britain, 1918-1939

Newman, Sarah Louise January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses the content, tone, form and authorship of the national newspaper gossip column 1918-1939, as a new means through which the qualities of the popular press in this period can be more closely defined. Often dismissed as an example of the sensational, Americanization of early twentieth-century popular culture, the celebrity gossip column has been loosely grouped with the friendly, informal language and bolder formatting of the ‘New Journalism’ of the late nineteenth century and the development of the dramatic ‘human-interest’ stories of ‘everyday life’ in the interwar period (LeMahieu, 1988; Wiener, 1988). Through a comparative study of six newspapers including the Daily Express, Daily Mail and News of the World, I analyse the changing representation of the celebrity subject, and, originally, the shifting character and persona of the gossip columnist. Whereas some historians have analysed the content of newspapers without considering the questions of the newspaper’s production, I analyse newspaper employment records, gossip columnists’ memoirs and their unpublished letters and diaries to define the specific economic, social and cultural circumstances which, I argue, influenced their public portrayal. Also, in examining the unpublished correspondence between editors, proprietors and columnists and the burgeoning print culture of journalistic training manuals and professional memoirs, I provide a history of the press’s professionalization in this period. The national popular press has often been used as a historical source to define national character and national identity in the interwar period (Bland, 2008; Kohn, 1992). By scrutinizing the content and production of the gossip column and particularly the class, behaviour, interactions and subject matter of the columnist, I argue that the gossip column presented a version of ‘Britishness’ that was not so inward-looking and domesticated as so many accounts of interwar Britain suggest.

Mediální reflexe politické agendy prezidenta Václava Klause / Media reflection of the president Václav Klaus' political agenda

Picková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Presidents are said to exert their influence mainly through addressing the public and public speaking. Setting the media agenda is considered as one of the presidents' main strategic powers. Although the contemporary Czech president Václav Klaus enjoys substantial media attention, it is not granted that the media report on everything he says and emphasises. This research focuses on the interaction between presidential speeches at important occasions, represented by the 1 January, 28 October, and 17 November address, and the media represented by three nation-wide dailies Mladá fronta DNES, Právo and Blesk. The time span of the research is 2007 to 2011. The analysis seeks to examine how often were the presidential speeches reported by the media, and which particular topics from them generated press coverage. The results show that the media were mostly attracted by the 1 January address, while the 17 November speech received least attention. It has also emerged that the media reporters have been choosing selectively which topics from the speeches to cover. The scope of the space dedicated to each of the topics by the president in his speeches has not been reflected by the journalists. Therefore, significant differences in the topical priorities between the presidential and media agenda were...

Framing Mali : Swedish media portrayal of an armed conflict

Norberg, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Research has shown that news media reporting on foreign affairs tend to rely heavily on official sources (e.g. Schwalbe, 2013; Entman, 2004; Lawrence, 2009). This thesis analyse whether this is the case in Swedish news media reporting on the armed conflict in Mali, where Sweden has troops sanctioned by the UN. A more broader perspective is also analysed: How does the news media portray the armed conflict, and are there any differences between national daily newspapers (considered more “sober”) and national evening newspapers (considered more sensational)? An inductive framing analysis is used to identify frames not available in previous research. These frames, together with frames identified in other studies, are then used in a quantitative content analysis to measure to what extent the frames occur in the texts. Among the most important findings were that Swedish news media did in fact rely on Swedish official reporting to a large extent. The two evening newspapers, Aftonbladet and Expressen, used Swedish official sources in approximately 60% of their articles. The daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, used Swedish official sources in about 35% of their articles. The main source used was also analyzed: This showed that Swedish official sources were the most common, in between 23% to 62% of the articles. The second most used source differed, but were in the range 9% to 18%. Other important results of the main themes of the articles showed that direct actions of war and other types of violence were the most commonly used. Peace efforts/negotiations and life of Mali civilians were the least common. The thesis also concludes that while there are variables where the evening newspapers and the daily newspapers can be grouped in those categories, that is often not the case.

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