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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of the implication of involving local communities in biodiversity conservation : a case study of Blouberg Nature Reserve in Limpopo, South Africa

Rampheri, Mangana Berel January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / This work aimed at assessing the implications of involving local communities in biodiversity conservation in Blouberg Nature Reserve (BNR) in Limpopo Province, South Africa. To achieve this objective, firstly biodiversity status before and after involving local communities in conservation initiatives was assessed using multi-temporal medium-resolution Landsat series data and species diversity indices. The results showed that there were significant variations (α = 0.05) in tree species diversity in BNR for before and after involving local communities. For example, tree species diversity was low after involving communities particularly for the years 1996 and 2019. Secondly, benefits and costs of involving local communities in biodiversity conservation as well as their investigate views, perceptions and attitudes BNR management were assessed. The study demonstrated local communities do not obtain sufficient benefits or incur numerous costs from the nature reserve. Despite this, there was considerable support for biodiversity conservation (84.2%) since household respondents still held positive attitudes towards biodiversity conservation in the reserve. For, example most of them indicated that they would report illegal activities to the authorities. However, despite lack of participation by the majority of the household respondents (89.6%) in biodiversity conservation, they demonstrated understanding of the relevance of nature conservation. In contrary, the BNR Manager stated that the local communities received benefits in the form of fuel-wood for special occasions such as funerals and bush meat sold at treasury approved tariffs during culling. However, illegal activities like poaching are still experienced in the nature reserve. Thus, the study underscores the relevance the integrating satellite data and qualitative information in assessing the ecological condition of PAs. Such information can help in biodiversity monitoring and decision-making on conservation of biodiversity. Keywords: biodiversity conservation; community-based natural resource management approach; ecological status; mapping; satellite data; spatial characterisation; species diversity; statistical analysis.

Léčebna se speleoterapií Ostrov u Macochy / Sanatorium with Speleotherapy Ostrov u Macochy

Hendrych, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The diploma project proposes The Children´s Sanatorium with Speleotherapy Ostrov u Macochy which is to take place in the Císařská Cave. Site is located close to the mentioned cave in an exposed natural environment adjacent by urban housing which is represented by dispersed detached houses. An ambition of project is connecting an existing down-entrance to Císařská Cave with design new up-entrance, building of speleotherapy and existing development. There is created a new interconnection which respects and supports a local morphology. The building is situated on the end of connector in direct continuity with existing roads and development which suitably complements because of architecture form based on an archetyp of traditional cottage. The complex offers services for rehabilitation, sanatorium, accommodation and sports for childrens clients and general public too. A project intention was an effort to maximize incorporation the volume to feature of town, townscape with gabled roofs and natural surroundings with preservation high users comfort.

Výskyt ochranářsky významných druhů PR Tetínské skály a jeho ovlivnění environmentálními faktory / The influence of environmental factors on abundance of conservation important species in Tetínské skály Nature Reserve

Augustinová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
Tetínské skály Nature Reserve is one of the major sites for the presence of protected species, which are Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Saxifraga rosacea subsp. Sponhemica and Saxifraga paniculata. My goal was a field survey and data collection about the incidence of these species on the surfaces of rock walls, followed by identification of key environmental factors and description of their impact on the species. Such survey has not been conduncted so far. I used mainly multivariate analysis, PCA and RDA and One-way ANOVA to determine the interrelationships. The analysis results showed significant differences in species abundances influenced by different combinations of environmental factors. The factors with significant influence include cardinal direction. The highest proportion of species abundances showed areas of eastern orientation. Another important factor was shading from vegetation, which proved to have strong negative impact on abundace, especially for species S.rosacea subsp. sponhemica and D. gratianopolitanus. These two variables indicate a preference for sunny areas. Other factors with a significant influence on the occurrence of species are also a presence of soil surface rock wall and a presence of gardens in the area over the rock wall, which greatly increased the proportion of...

Uppföljningsinventering av Karlsviks och Bohults naturreservat - observerade förändringar sedan reservaten bildades / Follow-up inventory of Karlsvik and Bohult nature reserves - observed changes since their establishment

Ljungkvist, Max, Trapp, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Broadleaved forests are highly valuable biotopes with important recreational value and contain rich occurrences of species of conservation concern. To monitor the development of nature values in a forest ecosystem during an interval of approximately ten years, follow-up inventories were carried out, following the first inventories which took place ten years ago in two nature reserves (Karlsvik and Bohult) dominated by broadleaved trees in the county of Halland, Sweden. Indicator species of lichen and moss were searched for and compared to the first inventories. The results show that both reserves contain more indicator species today than approximately ten years ago, though a change in the species composition was observed. In Bohult fewer indicator lichens were observed, although more observations were made of indicator mosses - making the total number of indicator species higher than in the previous inventory. Potential explanations to the differing results of the two reserves were discussed and assessed to be for varied reasons. The observed increased occurrences of indicator species may be due to increased continuity leading to bigger and older trees which make way for more epiphytes. The observed decreased occurrences of indicator species may be due to human activity such as newly carried out clearcutting in close proximity to the reserve (which could lead to edge effects or other environmental stresses), nitrogen deposition or exploitation. An observed threat for both reserves is the increasing growth of norway spruce (Picea abies) which may outcompete broadleaved species and the potential indicator species they may inhabit. / Sammanfattning Ädellövskogar är mycket värdefulla naturtyper med höga rekreationsvärden och med rika förekomster av naturvårdsarter. För att utvärdera förändringen av skogliga naturvärden inom en tidsperiod av ca tio år utfördes uppföljningsinventeringar av två tidigare inventerade naturreservat som domineras av ädellövskog i Hallands län i Sverige. Signalarter av lavar och mossor eftersöktes och jämfördes med tidigare funna signalarter. Båda reservatens ursprungliga inventeringar utfördes för ca tio år sedan och resultaten visar att de båda reservaten nu har fler signalarter än tidigare, samtidigt som en förändring observerades i artsammansättningen då samtliga signalarter ej återfanns. I Bohult observerades färre signalartslavar, men fler signalartsmossor - vilket resulterade i ett större antal signalarter totalt för området. Potentiella förklaringar till de skilda förändringarna diskuterades och bedömdes bero på varierande orsaker. Det större antalet observerade signalarter skulle kunna förklaras av ökad tid för kontinuitet med fler grova och äldre träd som utgör lämpliga substrat för kolonisering av de eftersökta signalarterna. Det färre antalet observerade signalartslavar i Bohult skulle kunna bero på mänsklig påverkan i form av nyligen utförda kalavverkningar i angränsning till reservatet, vilket kan bidra till kanteffekter eller andra påfrestningar på miljön. Kvävenedfall, dikning av vattendrag eller annan exploatering föreslås också som möjlig orsak. Ett observerat hot för båda reservaten var igenväxningen av gran, vilken skulle kunna konkurrera med ädellövträden och de signalarter de kan husera.

Bevarande av svenska skogars biologiska mångfald : En sammanställning över metoder och verktyg som används i Sverige för att bevara mångfalden med fokus på spridningskorridorer och naturvårdsbränningar samt möjliga vägar framåt i ett föränderligt klimat / Conservation of Swedish forests' biodiversity : A summary of methods and tools used in Sweden for biodiversity conservation with focus on corridors and conservation burning as well as possible ways forward in a changeable environment

Johansson, Elin, Malm, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige såväl som globalt minskar kraftigt och har gjort under en längre tid. Utdöendetakten idag är upp till 1000 gånger snabbare än den naturliga och många arter har redan dött ut delvis på grund av klimatförändringar. Syftet med översikten är att sammanställa vilka metoder som i Sverige används för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden i skogen och se hur effektiva dessa är. Även möjliga vägar framåt kommer att diskuteras. Bevarandemetoderna och -verktygen som används i Sverige är bland annat spridningskorridorer, naturvårdsbränning, naturreservat, det svenska artprojektet, åtgärdsprogram, frivilliga avsättningar och naturvårdshänsyn vid avverkningar. Samtliga metoder och verktyganvänds för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden i svenska boreala skogar. I forskningsöversikten beskrivs varje metod eller verktyg och vilka effekter som dessa ger. Resultatet fokuserar på metoderna naturvärdsbränning och spridningskorridorer, även om formellt avsatta områden så som naturreservat är den mest använda metoden i Sverige i nuläget. Alternativa metoder som borde implementeras i svenska skogar presenteras också. Dessa är mikroklimatisk buffring, identifikation av nyckelbiotoper samt utökad planering och samarbete. Slutligen presenteras ett didaktiskt perspektiv om elevers förståelse av biologisk mångfald, vilka undervisningssätt som vanligen används för att lära ut om biologisk mångfaldsamt vilka undervisningssätt som framöver bör användas för att öka elevernas kunskaper. Litteraturöversikten visar att dagens bevarandemetoder i Sverige ger betydligt större positiva effekter än negativa och att dessa bör fortsätta användas och i vissa fall utökas. Angående alternativa metoder finns det stöd för att dessa skulle fungera väl även inom Sverige. Den didaktiska undersökningen visar att elever och lärarstudenter visar en nedåtgående kunskapskurva om biologisk mångfald och att detta har pågått under en längre tid. Undervisningsmetoder som oftast används är grupparbeten och -diskussioner, lärarledda presentation och fältstudier. Dessa metoder bör fortsätta användas, gärna tillsammans med lektioner eller projekt utomhus och besök till verksamma laboratorier, för att öka elevernas förståelse kring biologisk mångfald. / The biodiversity in Sweden as well as globally is decreasing at an alarming rate and has been for a rather long time. The extinction rate is up to 1000 times higher than the normal rate and many species has already gone extinct partly due to climate change. The purpose of this summery is to compose commonly used conservation methods and tools in Sweden and see how efficient these are. Possible ways forward will also be discussed. Conservation methods and tools commonly used in Sweden are corridors, conservation burning, nature reserves, the Swedish Species Project and actions programs. All the mentioned methods and tools are used for biodiversity conservation in Swedish boreal forests. In this literature review each method or tool is described as well as its effects on biodiversity. Corridors and conservation burning are the focus for the report even though nature reserves is the most used method in Sweden today. Alternative methods for biodiversity conservation that we believe should be implemented in Swedish forests will also be presented. These methods are microclimatic buffering, identification of key biotopes and extended planning and communication between the owners and the state or municipality and other involved organizations. Lastly, a didactive perspective is presented in which students’ knowledge of biodiversity, common teaching methods regarding biodiversity and optimal teaching methods for an increased understanding will be discussed. The review show that the commonly used methods in Sweden are much more positive than negative and should therefore continue, and in some cases be extended. Regarding alternative methods, there is significant support for positive results in Sweden if used. The didactic analysis show that students and teacher students show a decreasing knowledge with respect to biodiversity and that this has gone on for quite some time now. Teaching methods often used in biodiversity education is groupwork and -discussions, presentations and field studies. These methods should continue being used as well as lessons or projects outdoor and field trips to laboratories to increase the students’ knowledge about biodiversity.

Beror mortalitet hos tall (Pinus sylvestris) och gran (Picea abies) på art, storlek eller markslag? : Trädskiktet i Säby Västerskog, 1937 jämfört med 2022 / Does the mortality of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) depend on species, size, or ground type? : The tree layer in Säby Västerskog, 1937 compared to 2022

Janiec, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
Tall och gran är de vanligaste trädarterna i svenska skogar. Förutom deras ekonomiska värde är de viktiga värdar för andra organismer och nyttjas oftast när de är döda. Säby Västerskog har skyddats i hundra år och är ett urskogsartat naturreservat där inga fördjupade analyser av dynamiken i trädskiktet har gjorts sedan 1930-talet. Denna studie gjordes med syfte av att uppdatera informationen om reservatets trädstatus samt att undersöka mortaliteten hos skogens barrträd. Det som undersöktes var om mortaliteten skiljde sig mellan trädslag, storleksklass och markslag. Förändringar i grundytan och balansen mellan arten undersöktes också. Träd identifierades med hjälp av data från en detaljerad karta från 1937, det togs mått på deras diameter och noterades vilken mark de stod på. Fler granar än tallar har dött i reservatet sedan 1937. Trädens storlek spelade ingen roll för tallars mortalitet, men väl för granar. Granens mortalitet skiljde sig inte mycket mellan olika markslag, men verkade spela roll för tall som hade högst mortalitet på våtmark och lägst på blockmark. Trots mortaliteten ökade trädens grundyta. Balansen mellan arterna förblev samma. / Scots pine and Norway spruce are the most common tree species in Swedish forests. They are important hosts to other organisms – mostly as dead wood. Säby Västerskog has been protected in hundred years but no in-depth analyses of dynamics in the tree layer have beendone since the 1930s. This study was done to update the information about the reserve’s tree status and examined mortality of conifers. I evaluated if mortality depended on tree species, size of the trees, or the type of ground they stood on. I also examined changes in trees’ basal area. The trees were identified with help of an old, detailed map from 1937. Their diameters were measured and the ground type they were standing on was noted. More spruces than pines had died in the reserve since 1937. Mortality varied with the tree size for spruce but not for pines. The mortality of pines varied among ground types (with the highest on wetlands and lowest on boulder deposits), but not for spruce. Despite high mortality basal area had increased. The balance between the species remained the same.

Совершенствование подходов к оценке природных ресурсов особо охраняемых территорий : магистерская диссертация / Enhancement of approaches to the specially protected areas’ assessment

Русаков, Г. В., Rusakov, G. V. January 2018 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация: 83 с., 6 рис., 24 табл., 64 источника, 3 приложения. Тема исследования является актуальной, так как оценка природных ресурсов – это сложная научная и практическая задача, вызывающая многочисленные споры среди экспертов. Перевод натуральных единиц природных ресурсов и особенно экологических благ в денежное выражение не имеет в настоящее время единого подхода, а для особо охраняемых территорий данная процедура усложняется многократно. Особо охраняемые территории являются значимой частью национального богатства страны и мира. Поэтому стоимостная оценка особо охраняемых территорий представляет большой научный и практический интерес. Целью работы является усовершенствование действующих подходов к оценке природных ресурсов особо охраняемых территорий. Объектом выступают природные ресурсы и экологические блага особо охраняемых территорий. Предметом данной диссертации являются подходы к оценке природных ресурсов и экологических благ. Научная новизна диссертационного исследования: проанализировав основные подходы к оценке природных ресурсов, разработана классификация методов, которая подходит исключительно для оценки особо охраняемых территорий. Усовершенствован подход к оценке растений и животных, занесенных в Красную книгу. Суть подхода заключатся в том, что размер штрафа за незаконную охоту и добычу животных и растений, занесенных в Красную книгу, будет соответствовать ценам на «черном» рынке экзотических животных и растений. Диссертация состоит из введения, 3-х глав, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложений. Первая глава посвящена исследованию действующих подходов к оценке природных ресурсов и экологических благ особо охраняемых территорий. Во второй главе анализируется опыт проведения стоимостной оценки природных ресурсов и экологических благ особо охраняемых территорий в России и за рубежом. В третьей главе проводится предварительная стоимостная оценка природных ресурсов и экологических благ Висимского заповедника. / Master's thesis: 83 pp., 6 images, 24 tables, 64 sources, 3 applications. The research topic is relevant because the assessment of specially protected areas has a great scientific and practical interest. The specially protected areas are parts of the national wealth therefore the assessment of these areas is the necessary task to evaluate the common economic wealth. The purpose of the research is the enhancement of approaches to the specially protected areas’ assessment. The object is natural resources and environmental benefits of specially protected areas. The subject of the thesis is the study of approaches to the natural resources and environmental benefits assessment. The thesis consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, a list of used sources and applications. The first chapter is devoted to the study of current approaches to the assessment of natural resources and ecological benefits of specially protected areas. The second chapter analyzes the experience of valuation of natural resources and environmental benefits of specially protected areas in Russia and abroad. In the third chapter, a preliminary valuation of the natural resources and ecological benefits of the Visimsky State Reserve is carried out.

Assessing the implementation of the Robford conservation community benefit centre model

Hicks, Robert William 03 1900 (has links)
Ecotourism has often failed to deliver appropriate, tangible benefits to host communities living near protected areas in developing regions of Africa. The Robford Community Conservation Benefit Centre (RCCBC) model was developed as a means to overcome many of the common problems of community-based ecotourism and to enhance the range and flow of benefits to such communities by developing a suite of products and programmes aimed specifically at scientists, volunteer tourists and participatory environmental research tourists. This study tests the aims that the necessary tourism, geographic, social and research conditions are present for the implementation of the RCCBC model in a local community situated close to the Great Fish River Nature Reserve (GFRNR) in South Africa. Situational assessment fieldtrips determined that the GFRNR, its immediate tourism egion and the ten settlements surrounding the nature reserve conformed to RCCBC development guidelines and were suitable for further detailed investigation. One of the settlements, Glenmore Village, conformed most closely to the RCCBC model’s guidelines for selecting a preferred host community. A census survey of all households in Glenmore determined a demographic profile of village residents. A random sample survey of 70 Glenmore households established a social profile of the community’s residents and their attitude to various aspects of the RCCBC model. A spatial analysis of the Glenmore precinct determined that sufficient, suitable land was available for the development of RCCBC products and programmes. The findings of the research indicated that the tourism, geographic, social and research conditions were present at Glenmore, the GFRNR and its surrounding tourism region for the implementation of the RCCBC model and the development of the model’s proposed products and programmes at Glenmore Village. Implementation of the RCCBC model at Glenmore and the GFRNR as a pilot study could introduce a new way of bringing tangible, meaningful benefits to select communities located close to protected areas in existing tourism regions that have failed to benefit either completely or partially from traditional forms of ecotourism development in the past. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Aspects of the conservation of oribi (Ourebia ourebi) in KwaZulu-Natal.

Grey, Rebecca Victoria. January 2006 (has links)
The oribi Ourebia ourebi is probably South Africa's most endangered antelope. As a specialist grazer, it is extremely susceptible to habitat loss and the transformation of habitat by development. Another major threat to this species is illegal hunting. Although protected and listed as an endangered species in South Africa, illegal poaching is widespread and a major contributor to decreasing oribi populations. This study investigated methods of increasing oribi populations by using translocations and reintroductions to boost oribi numbers and by addressing overhunting. Captive breeding has been used as a conservation tool as a useful way of keeping individuals of a species in captivity as a backup for declining wild populations. In addition, most captive breeding programmes are aimed at eventually being able to reintroduce certain captive-bred individuals back into the wild to supplement wild populations. This can be a very costly exercise and often results in failure. However, captive breeding is a good way to educate the public and create awareness for the species and its threats. Captive breeding of oribi has only been attempted a few times in South Africa, with varied results. A private breeding programme in Wartburg, KwaZulu-Natal was quite successful with the breeding of oribi. A reintroduction programme for these captive-bred oribi was monitored using radio telemetry to assess the efficacy of such a programme for the oribi. As with many reintroductions of other species, this one was not successful and resulted in many mortalities. However, many variables have been identified that contributed to the failure of this programme and they can be adapted to increase the chances that captive breeding and reintroduction be a viable conservation tool for oribi. Besides captive breeding and reintroductions, the translocation of wild animals can also be effective in sustaining wild populations. Translocations usually appreciate a higher rate of success than reintroductions. A translocation of wild oribi was attempted in this study. This involved the translocation of four males and eleven females and a year-long monitoring programme. This translocation proved to be extremely successful in establishing a sustainable wild population of oribi with few mortalities and several births. However, such translocations can only be attempted when there is suitable habitat and high security from poaching. One source of oribi for the translocation part of the study was from a housing estate that had a high density population of oribi. The existence of such a thriving population of animals on what is often a controversial type of development led to a case study investigation. Housing developments are increasing in size and in numbers in South Africa, and are rarely held accountable for the destruction caused to local habitat or wildlife. This case study used this housing estate as an example of development and conservation cooperating and enjoying the success of a thriving population of endangered oribi. Many variables have been identified that contribute to the success of this venture and that could be used as a requisite for planned housing developments in the future. In particular, clustering of houses to leave open wild areas that are managed ecologically. Finally, the issue of illegal hunting was identified as a very serious threat to oribi conservation. Using surveys, residents of rural settlements and landowners were probed about this issue so that a demographic profile of hunters could be created. This profile could then be used to make recommendations on ways to slow the spread of illegal hunting as well as educate hunters and conservation laws. The results showed that many rural people hunt on a regular basis and most hunt with dogs. It also III showed that there is a high level of ignorance amongst these people on the laws concerning conservation and wildlife species. It was concluded from this study that captive breeding and reintroduction of oribi might be a way to enhance wild populations, but might be more useful in creating public awareness. Translocation, on the other hand, was extremely successful as a way of saving doomed populations and augmenting stable ones. However, it requires suitable and protected habitat. Using housing estates as havens for endangered species is an option but only if the right legislation is passed and cooperation demanded with large portions of land remaining undeveloped. Addressing illegal hunting is the most important, and possibly the most difficult hurdle for oribi conservation besides habitat destruction. Finally, recommendations for oribi conservation and management were made based on the results from this study. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Indikatorenbasierte Bewertung der Freiraumentwicklung

Walz, Ulrich 02 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Für den im Aufbau befindlichen Monitor zur Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung im Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e. V. sollen im Teilsystem „Freiraumstruktur und Landschaftsfunktionen“ zur Beschreibung von Zustand, Entwicklung und Belastung der Freiräume geeignete Indikatoren entwickelt werden. Dazu werden in diesem Beitrag zunächst vorhandene oder konzeptionierte Indikatorensysteme auf Bundesebene hinsichtlich Ihrer Inhalte zum Freiraum untersucht und verglichen. Auf dieser Basis werden Überlegungen zu ergänzenden Indikatoren angestellt. Es werden Indikatoren u. a. zur Naturnähe und Störungsintensität der Flächennutzung, zu Schutzgebieten, zur Durchlässigkeit des Verkehrsnetzes, zur Dichte von kleinräumigen Landschaftselementen in der Offenlandschaft, zu Veränderungen der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche in Überschwemmungsgebieten und zur Qualität von Erholungsgebieten vorgeschlagen. Deutlich wird aber auch, dass neben den ATKIS-Daten weitere Datengrundlagen herangezogen werden müssen, die derzeit teilweise noch nicht flächendeckend verfügbar sind.

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