Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neologism"" "subject:"ideologism""
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Transexotic : worse than dengue, better than LDSNylund, Carolina January 2013 (has links)
Transexotic. "Come as you are as you were as I want you to be" Menu Starter: Nachos with Mexican sauce. Main course: Chilli con carne in Santa María taco shells, Fish in pasilla chilli and Rajas con crema y queso. Dessert: seasonal delicacies. Hostess: Rosinha Transexotic, a familiar figure to everyone from Evert Taubes The Girl from Havana and Lill Lindfors Teresa . "The project Transexotic by the artist Carolina Nylund addresses international stereotypes, specifically the idea of " the other " as it may be projected or manifested through one's own personality. To what extent do we allow and accept that our personalities, our identities are formed in part by the limited two-dimensional caricatures invented and maintained by forces and phenomena external to us? Nationalism, patriotism, politics, ethnicity, subcultural affiliation, gender, sexuality, career, family: there are countless factors that may play a role in shaping an identity and which can also affect how we are perceived by others. And when we feel that gaze, how does that affect us? " - Finbar Krook Rosato, Curator, Atelier 123.
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La traduction du « Voyage au bout de la nuit » de Céline en roumain : questions de rythme et de poétique / Translating Céline’s Voyage au bout de la nuit into Romanian : matters of Rhythm and PoeticsRomaniuc-Boularand, Bianca 19 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude envisage la traduction du Voyage au bout de la nuit de Céline en roumain sous l'angle de la transmission d'une poétique qui se construit sur des valeurs rythmiques. La thèse, qui prend comme fil conducteur la métaphore du jazz,se concentre sur les aspects lexicaux du rythme. Dans la première partie, l'effet dev ariation, source de rythme jazzé, est étudié à travers l'analyse de la traduction du pronom on. L'examen de la variation prend également comme champ d'application l'usage particulier de la variation graphique. Autour de la variation minuscule / majuscule, Céline organise d'autres variations fonctionnelles et textuelles : la variation mention / usage, la variation métaphore / allégorie, la variation polyphonique des points de vue énonciatifs. La deuxième partie, placée sous le signe de l'improvisation, souligne le rôle du néologisme dans la création de ce rythme textuel. Nous étudions le traitement, dans la traduction, des inventions formelles, tout comme la réponse donnée à un certain type d'ambiguïté, que Céline crée en mettant en valeur le sens étymologique des mots. La troisième partie identifie des principes qui caractérisent le fonctionnement poétique du texte, en les signalant comme des défis pour la traduction : la récurrence lexicale, le foisonnement sémantique, l'effet de littéralité des tours figés, la remotivation des rapports arbitraires entre les signifiants. La thèse aborde le sujet dans une perspective précise, analytique, qui se situe au plus près du texte / This study examines the technical and poetic aspects of the translation of Célines Voyage au bout de la nuit, through comparative analysis of its Rumanian versions.The notion of rhythm provides the studys anchoring principle. Here the rhythm ofCélines prose is apprehended in its lexical dimension, with particular attention to a 5guiding theme, namely that of jazz music. In the first part, the jazz theme isfore-grounded through an examination of Célines orthographic variations andspecifically to his idiosyncratic use of small and capital letters. It also brings to bearthe varied effect of the use of the pronoun on. The second part of the thesis isdevoted to the topic of improvisation. It presents an analysis of ways in which formal,functional and semantic neologisms are rendered in Rumanian translations. Finally,the third part seks to identify several governing principles of a poetic dimension inCélines novel, which often pose a challenge to translators, such as lexicalrecurrence, semantic profusion, literal usage and the arbitrary relation of signifiers.This thesis proposes an analytical contribution to scholarschip on Céline through aclose, « practico-theoretical reading of the text
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Estudo semântico-lexical do códice oitocentista Memoria sobre o Plano de Guerra Offensiva e Deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso / A Lexical-semantic study on the Eight-Hundredth Codex \"Memoria sobre o plano de Guerra offensive e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso\" (Memoir on the Offensive and Defensive War Plan of Matto Grosso Captainship)Moraes, Milena Borges de 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta tese, com o intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão em torno da história da formação da língua portuguesa no Brasil, propõe como objetivo geral realizar um estudo do léxico no município de Cáceres-MT, tendo como base a discussão sobre manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico de unidades lexicais extraídas de um manuscrito oitocentista. Os objetivos específicos são os seguintes: (i) compreender a história social da Capitania de Mato Grosso e do município de Cáceres, a partir das informações constantes no manuscrito Memoria, e aspectos que envolvam as condições de produção do documento e a biografia do autor; (ii) levantar o léxico do manuscrito, com recorte nos substantivos e adjetivos para servir de base na seleção das unidades lexicais a serem testadas in loco, e investigar a acepção registrada no documento das unidades lexicais, caracterizando, assim, o léxico do período oitocentista; (iii), fazer um cotejo lexicográfico abrangendo dicionários gerais dos séculos XVIII ao XXI; (iv) testar e identificar, a partir do corpus oral constituído por meio de pesquisa de campo na região urbana cacerense, o grau de manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico em relação às unidades lexicais e suas respectivas acepções registradas no manuscrito. Dessa forma, toma-se como corpus de língua escrita de análise o manuscrito oitocentista Memoria sobre o plano de guerra offensiva e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso e, a partir das unidades lexicais selecionadas e extraídas dele, realizou-se a pesquisa de campo para o recolhimento do corpus de língua oral. Antes dessa recolha, tendo como base teórico-metodológica as disciplinas de Dialetologia e de Geolinguística, selecionou-se a localidade (município de Cáceres - MT) e os informantes (total de dezesseis); elaborou-se o questionário semântico-lexical, considerando fundamentalmente a proposta apresentada pelo Comitê Nacional do Projeto ALiB (2001); e realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e as transcrições das entrevistas. Para análise de natureza semântico-lexical dos corpora, recorreu aos estudos lexicográficos e lexicológicos. Tomando por base os resultados do estudo realizado, constatou-se que na realidade linguística do informante cacerense encontram-se unidades que já integravam o léxico oitocentista da língua portuguesa escrita no Brasil, ou seja, há uma memória semântico-lexical que se mantém no sistema lexical, provavelmente, devido às condições sócioculturais do município de Cáceres, Mato Grosso, cuja população, em grande parte, por quase duzentos anos, viveu na área rural. Todavia, vislumbrou-se um certo equilíbrio entre a manutenção do léxico oitocentista sem deixar de lado a inovação e o mecanismo polissêmico constitutivo do léxico. / This thesis aims to contribute for a reflection on the history of Brazilian Portuguese language formation by proposing a study on the lexicon in the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, based on a discussion on the maintenance, the tendency to maintain, the disuse, the tendency to disuse and the semantic neologism of lexical units extracted from an eighthundredth manuscript. The specific goals of the study are the following: (i) understand the social history of the Mato Grosso Captainship and the municipality of Cáceres from the information available in the manuscript Memoria, and from aspects involving the conditions of production of the document and the authors biography; (ii) survey the lexicon of the manuscript, taking nouns and adjectives as the basis in the selection of lexical units to be tested in loco and investigate the meaning of lexical units registered in the document, thus characterizing the lexicon of the eight-hundredth period; (iii) carry out a lexicographical comparison including general dictionaries from the 18th to 21th centuries; (iv) test and identify, from the oral corpus built through the field work in the urban region of Cáceres, the degree of maintenance, the tendency to maintain, the disuse, the tendency to disuse and the semantic neologism regarding the lexical units and their respective meanings recorded in the manuscript. FFIn In order to achieve these goals, we take the eight-hundredth manuscript Memoria sobre o plano de Guerra offensive e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso [Memoir on the Offensive and Defensive War Plan of Matto Grosso Captainship] as a written language corpus for analysis and from the lexical units extracted and selected from this work we carried out field work to collect an oral language corpus. Before collecting this material, the courses Dialectology and Geolinguistics were used as theoretical and methodological basis for the selection of the site (municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso) and the informants (a total of sixteen). We then prepared a semantic-lexical questionnaire essentially considering the proposal presented by the National Project Committee (ALiB, 2001) and carried out the field research and the transcription of the interviews. Lexicographical and lexicological studies were used in the analysis of the lexical-semantic nature of the corpora. Building on the results of the study, we found out that the linguistic reality of the Cáceres informant showed units already comprised in the eight-hundredth lexicon of written Portuguese language in Brazil, that is, there is a semantic-lexical memory remaining in the lexical system, probably due to the sociocultural conditions of the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, where, for almost two hundred years, most of the population lived in the rural area. Nonetheless, a certain balance between the maintenance of the eight-hundredth lexicon was conceived without leaving aside innovation and the polysemic mechanism constituting the lexicon.
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Un journal réactionnaire sous la Convention thermidorienne : La Quotidienne / A reactionary newspaper in 1795 : La QuotidienneEljorf, Ghazi 31 May 2017 (has links)
Nous abordons par le biais de ce journal un chapitre de la pensée réactionnaire en France après la Révolution – précisément en 1795 –, chapitre constitué par un journal favorable à la monarchie, à savoir La Quotidienne. Si le titre de notre thèse se focalise sur la Convention thermidorienne, le corpus de notre recherche comprend également le mois de décembre 1796, sous le Directoire, ce qui nous permet de mesurer l’évolution du journal entre ces deux systèmes politiques. Nous nous intéressons principalement à la littérature publiée dans La Quotidienne, sous des formes et des genres variés (poésie, dialogues, théâtre…), non sans avoir d’abord examiné le contexte de la publication : l’histoire politique de la Convention thermidorienne et la renaissance, timide et mesurée, de la liberté de la presse après le 9 Thermidor. Entre ces deux volets de notre recherche, nous proposons une description matérielle du journal (forme des articles, structuration en rubriques, souscription, etc.)Nous avons lu La Quotidienne d’un œil curieux et aussi objectif que possible ; mais surtout avec plaisir : notre intérêt pour ce journal est en effet né d’une double passion pour la littérature et pour la presse. Nous souhaitons que les lecteurs de cette recherche puissent éprouver le même intérêt pour un journal quelque peu oublié quant à sa période révolutionnaire, mais qui est un petit théâtre où se jouent en direct et de façon originale, les grands enjeux idéologiques de la période. / Our purpose throughout this research on La Quotidienne, a Parisian daily newspaper, is to deal with an aspect of reactionary thought in France at the end of the Revolution, in 1795 to be precise. Even though the title of this thesis focuses on the Thermidorian Convention, our research includes December 1796 issues, published therefore under the Directory rule. This allows us to consider the evolution of this paper between two political systems.Our thesis mostly focuses on the different genres and forms of literature published in La Quotidienne (poetry, dialogues, theatre…). It was however necessary to first consider the general context of publication: the political history of the Thermidorian Convention, as well as the timid and careful rebirth of press freedom after the 9th Thermidor. Between these two parts, we provide a material description of the newspaper (headings, articles, sections, subscription, etc.)We have read La Quotidienne with curiosity and as objectively as possible; but also with a pleasure derived from our strong attachment to literature and the press. We wish to convey some of this pleasure to our readers, when they discover this somewhat neglected newspaper – a small stage where the main ideas of the time are at play.
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Apprendre comme Inventer / [Learning as Thinking Up]Delacour, Gérard 01 July 2010 (has links)
Apprendre comme Inventer, essai pour introduire le concept didactique d'insension. Apprendre est une activité, aussi bien au sens de « to teach », du point de vue de l’enseignant, apprendre comme enseigner, qu’au sens de « to learn », du point de vue de l’apprenant, c’est-à-dire apprendre comme connaître. L’analyse de l’activité par la Didactique professionnelle en tant qu’analyse de ce qui est productif et constructif dans l’action, peut s’appliquer à l’action d’apprendre. Or il existe, à côté de la conceptualisation dans l’action, des moments où le Sujet apprend en s’incorporant à lui-même la connaissance. Ce moment est un acte du Sujet par induction, c’est-à-dire par colligation d’éléments épars, perçus et/ou imaginés. Le Sujet accède ainsi au sens qu’il donne en acte à l’apprendre. Cette saisie du sens, ou « insension » est une invention du Sujet qui participe doublement à son développement : d’une part, les connaissances appropriées au Sujet par le Sujet engagent le développement de sa compétence, d’autre part, l’activité d’apprendre comme inventer est conjointe au développement identitaire du Sujet. Pour l’ingénierie didactique de formation, apprendre à enseigner demande l’écoute de la singularité du cadre de référence du Sujet. Pour faciliter à l’ignorant le passage à la connaissance, c’est-à-dire à l’incorporation des savoirs référencés, il faut que les dispositifs de formation aient pour point de départ la perspective de l’apprenant. Le Sujet ignorant est reconnu capable d’apprendre à partir de son cadre de référence, tel qu’il est, c’est-à-dire capable d’un acte d’incorporation pour soi des savoirs que l’insension (colligation) transforme en connaissances. Le Sujet peut alors accéder socialement à la reconnaissance de sa compétence. / Learning as Thinking Up, an introduction to the didactic concept of "insension". ”Apprendre” in French, is an activity, meaning both “to teach” from the point of view of the teacher, and “to learn” from the perspective of the student (hereafter referred to as the “Subject” or the “Uninitiated”). The activity’s analysis by Professional Didactic, that is to say an analysis of what is productive and constructive within an action, can be applied to “learning”. However, in attempting to understand the learning process, one recognizes that there do exist, along with the conceptualization within the action, times when the subject learns by self-incorporating knowledge. This is when the Subject reacts, by use of induction, that is to say by the colligation of scattered elements, as they are perceived and/or imagined. Thus, the Subject accesses to the meaning he or she gives to learning. This grasping of the meaning or "insension" is an invention of the Subject which participates in a double development: on the one hand, the knowledge appropriated to the Subject by the Subject, initiates his skills’ development, and on the other hand, the thinking up learning activity is linked to the development of the Subject’s identity. Educational training planning requires taking into account the Subject’s personal reference framework. In order to lead the Uninitiated towards “knowing”, that is to say, the incorporation of referenced knowledge, it is necessary that the training schemes have, as a starting point, the point of view of the Uninitiated. The Uninitiated is recognized as being able to learn from his or her personal reference framework, that is to say able to act on referenced knowledge for its self-incorporation. The insension (colligation) transforms it into personal knowledge. Therefore, the Subject accesses to social recognition of its skills.
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La confrontation au système de la langue française des emprunts lexicaux à l'arabe dans le domaine de la finance islamique : étude graphique, morphosyntaxique, morpholexicale, sémantique et syntaxique / .Awwad, Mousa 15 December 2017 (has links)
Cette étude traite du sujet des emprunts lexicaux dans le domaine de la finance islamique. Etant donné que ces emprunts sont employés dans un environnement nouveau totalement différent de celui dont ils sont issus, ils rencontrent une confrontation au système de la langue receveuse. C’est cette confrontation qui se manifeste à tous les niveaux linguistiques : graphique, morphologique, morphosyntaxique, morpholexical, sémantique, contextuel et syntaxique que nous nous proposons d’étudier dans notre recherche. Au niveau graphique, nous discutons et analysons la variance formelle que les emprunts de ce domaine ont reçue en français. Au niveau morphologique, nous abordons le sujet des sigles et leur formation dans le domaine de la finance islamique. Concernant la morphosyntaxe, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de la singularisation ou la pluralisation d’un emprunt et le choix du genre de cet emprunt. Au niveau morpholexical, c’est le problème de la dérivation de ces unités qui est analysé et observé dans le corpus. Au niveau contextuel, nous reprenons la question du transcodage et du double transcodage des emprunts que nous essayons de développer, en ajoutant à la littérature déjà existante un axe qui n’a pas été traité auparavant : la problématique de transcodage des emprunts composés. La syntaxe des emprunts, sera traitée dans cette étude à partir de deux points primordiaux. Le premier étant la combinaison lexicale des emprunts avec les lexies de la langue receveuse ; le deuxième concerne, quant à lui, le comportement sémantico-syntaxique des emprunts. / This study deals with the subject of lexical loan words in the Islamic finance field. Therefore, and because these words are used in a new and totally different environment, they encounter a confrontation with the recipient language system. Hence, the purpose of the present thesis is to study this confrontation at all linguistic levels; be it graphic, morphological, morpholexical, semantic, contextual and syntactic. On the graphic level, the analysis will focus on the formal variance that loan words of this domain received in French. On the morphological level, we address the subject of acronyms and their formation in the Islamic finance field. With regard to the morphosyntax, our interest lies not only on the singularization or the pluralization of the loan words but on the choice of the grammatical gender of these loan words as well. On the morpholexical level, an analysis of the problem resulting from the derivation of these units as observed in the corpus. On the contextual level, we address again the issue of transcoding and double-transcoding of loan words that we are trying to develop. A concept that will add to the existing literature an axis that has not been dealt with before: the case of transcoding compound loan words. To sum up, this study deals with the syntax of loan words from two points of view. Firstly, it focusses on the lexical combination of loan words with the lexis of the recipient language and secondly, it focusses on the semantic-syntactic behavior these loan words.
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Neologismus v lingvistickém, mediálním a běžném obrazu světa / Neologism in the linguistic, media and common picture of the worldLišková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation is to answer the research question What is a neologism? The research was inspired by the methodology relying on three types of data that J. Bartmiński specifies for studying stereotypes as part of the language picture of the world, i. e. systemic, textual and empirical data. Neologisms are expounded by confronting the linguistic, media and everyday picture of the world with the use an explicative characteristic including connotations of the concept. After introducing the neologism within the context of words marked stylistically with respect to time, the exposition is structured according to (non- homogeneous) criteria, on the basis of which neologisms in the reviewed literature are defined: the criterion of existence, the criterion of time, the lexicographic criterion, the psychological criterion, the structural criterion, the criterion of variety and the criterion of instability and stability. The media image of neologism was examined using the qualitative-quantitative method of content analysis in 93 media texts from 2006 and 2007, and 2016 and 2017. The empirical data were obtained by questionnaires from 2017 and 2018 with 100 respondents aged 11 to 81. In summary, the concept of neologisms is understood as a very heterogeneous one. A list...
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Estudo semântico-lexical do códice oitocentista Memoria sobre o Plano de Guerra Offensiva e Deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso / A Lexical-semantic study on the Eight-Hundredth Codex \"Memoria sobre o plano de Guerra offensive e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso\" (Memoir on the Offensive and Defensive War Plan of Matto Grosso Captainship)Milena Borges de Moraes 04 March 2016 (has links)
Esta tese, com o intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão em torno da história da formação da língua portuguesa no Brasil, propõe como objetivo geral realizar um estudo do léxico no município de Cáceres-MT, tendo como base a discussão sobre manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico de unidades lexicais extraídas de um manuscrito oitocentista. Os objetivos específicos são os seguintes: (i) compreender a história social da Capitania de Mato Grosso e do município de Cáceres, a partir das informações constantes no manuscrito Memoria, e aspectos que envolvam as condições de produção do documento e a biografia do autor; (ii) levantar o léxico do manuscrito, com recorte nos substantivos e adjetivos para servir de base na seleção das unidades lexicais a serem testadas in loco, e investigar a acepção registrada no documento das unidades lexicais, caracterizando, assim, o léxico do período oitocentista; (iii), fazer um cotejo lexicográfico abrangendo dicionários gerais dos séculos XVIII ao XXI; (iv) testar e identificar, a partir do corpus oral constituído por meio de pesquisa de campo na região urbana cacerense, o grau de manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico em relação às unidades lexicais e suas respectivas acepções registradas no manuscrito. Dessa forma, toma-se como corpus de língua escrita de análise o manuscrito oitocentista Memoria sobre o plano de guerra offensiva e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso e, a partir das unidades lexicais selecionadas e extraídas dele, realizou-se a pesquisa de campo para o recolhimento do corpus de língua oral. Antes dessa recolha, tendo como base teórico-metodológica as disciplinas de Dialetologia e de Geolinguística, selecionou-se a localidade (município de Cáceres - MT) e os informantes (total de dezesseis); elaborou-se o questionário semântico-lexical, considerando fundamentalmente a proposta apresentada pelo Comitê Nacional do Projeto ALiB (2001); e realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e as transcrições das entrevistas. Para análise de natureza semântico-lexical dos corpora, recorreu aos estudos lexicográficos e lexicológicos. Tomando por base os resultados do estudo realizado, constatou-se que na realidade linguística do informante cacerense encontram-se unidades que já integravam o léxico oitocentista da língua portuguesa escrita no Brasil, ou seja, há uma memória semântico-lexical que se mantém no sistema lexical, provavelmente, devido às condições sócioculturais do município de Cáceres, Mato Grosso, cuja população, em grande parte, por quase duzentos anos, viveu na área rural. Todavia, vislumbrou-se um certo equilíbrio entre a manutenção do léxico oitocentista sem deixar de lado a inovação e o mecanismo polissêmico constitutivo do léxico. / This thesis aims to contribute for a reflection on the history of Brazilian Portuguese language formation by proposing a study on the lexicon in the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, based on a discussion on the maintenance, the tendency to maintain, the disuse, the tendency to disuse and the semantic neologism of lexical units extracted from an eighthundredth manuscript. The specific goals of the study are the following: (i) understand the social history of the Mato Grosso Captainship and the municipality of Cáceres from the information available in the manuscript Memoria, and from aspects involving the conditions of production of the document and the authors biography; (ii) survey the lexicon of the manuscript, taking nouns and adjectives as the basis in the selection of lexical units to be tested in loco and investigate the meaning of lexical units registered in the document, thus characterizing the lexicon of the eight-hundredth period; (iii) carry out a lexicographical comparison including general dictionaries from the 18th to 21th centuries; (iv) test and identify, from the oral corpus built through the field work in the urban region of Cáceres, the degree of maintenance, the tendency to maintain, the disuse, the tendency to disuse and the semantic neologism regarding the lexical units and their respective meanings recorded in the manuscript. FFIn In order to achieve these goals, we take the eight-hundredth manuscript Memoria sobre o plano de Guerra offensive e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso [Memoir on the Offensive and Defensive War Plan of Matto Grosso Captainship] as a written language corpus for analysis and from the lexical units extracted and selected from this work we carried out field work to collect an oral language corpus. Before collecting this material, the courses Dialectology and Geolinguistics were used as theoretical and methodological basis for the selection of the site (municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso) and the informants (a total of sixteen). We then prepared a semantic-lexical questionnaire essentially considering the proposal presented by the National Project Committee (ALiB, 2001) and carried out the field research and the transcription of the interviews. Lexicographical and lexicological studies were used in the analysis of the lexical-semantic nature of the corpora. Building on the results of the study, we found out that the linguistic reality of the Cáceres informant showed units already comprised in the eight-hundredth lexicon of written Portuguese language in Brazil, that is, there is a semantic-lexical memory remaining in the lexical system, probably due to the sociocultural conditions of the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, where, for almost two hundred years, most of the population lived in the rural area. Nonetheless, a certain balance between the maintenance of the eight-hundredth lexicon was conceived without leaving aside innovation and the polysemic mechanism constituting the lexicon.
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Neologie v současné francouzské slovní zásobě / Neology in Contemporary French LexiconHánková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the study of neology and neologisms in contemporary French. The theoretical part defines the concepts of neology and neologism, word-formation processes in general and specific word-formation processes classified as formal neology, semantic neology and borrowings. The empirical part describes the formation of the corpus created for the purposes of the thesis, which is based on texts selected form current French press (the daily broadsheet Le Monde and the weekly tabloid Voici). The core section of the thesis presents samples and analyses of individual word-formation processes which appeared in the author's corpus. The data are accompanied by a basic statistical analysis of the relative proportions of individual word-formation processes. The research shows that borrowings, especially those from English, represent the most frequent word-formation process in both newspapers. Borrowings constituted nearly a half of all identified neologisms (45%) in Voici and nearly one third of the neologisms (28%) in Le Monde. KEYWORDS Neology, neologism, language registers, official word formation, word-formation processes, French press, Le Monde, Voici
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Nové názvy profesí / New Names of ProfessionsKožuriková, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis New Names of Professions is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, basic terms from the world of work are defined; the essential term is profession. Furthermore, neologisms are defined in the first part in accordance with professional literature without being confined to denomination of persons. For the purposes of the practical part, new names of professions were excerpted from the list of professions of the employment office and from a list in Učitelské noviny. Their occurrence was further verified using the EDA and Newton media databases and the results of the research were compared with the created list. An alphabetical list of the excerpted professions and a thematically divided list of those professions are an integral part of this work.
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