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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Exercise and Nursing Care on Postpartum Depression

Whaley, Greyson 14 April 2022 (has links)
Abstract Introduction and Background: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), “postpartum depression is depression that occurs after having a baby which is more intense and lasts longer than those of “baby blues,” a term used to describe the worry, sadness, and tiredness many women experience after having a baby.” It also states, “1 in 8 women report symptoms of depression after giving birth, about 1 in 5 (20%) women were not asked about depression during a prenatal visit, and over half (50%) of pregnant women with depression were not treated.” Purpose Statement: The purpose of this research is to investigate the connection between preventing postpartum depression or reducing postpartum depression with exercise interventions along with incorporating nursing and other healthcare professions. Literature Review: The design of studies included two randomized control trials, one randomized control trial with a prospective pretest-posttest experimental design, one cross-sectional descriptive design, and a population-based, prospective cohort design. These five articles were found through PubMed, Google Scholar, and the ETSU library database. Findings: Exercise interventions are beneficial to reduce postpartum depression symptoms. Nurses specifically can utilize this data to assist women with postpartum depression symptoms and provide better education throughout pregnancy and early postpartum to help prevent postpartum depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Future research is suggested to focus on the mode, frequency, intensity, and duration to describe the volume of physical activity in a given time frame that is needed to affect postpartum depression. Keywords: exercise, postpartum depression, nursing

Examining Predictors of Attitudes and Knowledge of Registered Nurses and Nursing Students in Tennessee toward Pregnant and Perinatal Women with a Substance Use Disorder

Patrylo, Jessica 01 August 2021 (has links)
Substance use disorders (SUDs) among pregnant and perinatal women continue to be a national public health crisis. Furthermore, nursing students and perinatal nurses have historically negative and punitive attitudes toward this vulnerable population of women. As nurses are primary care providers for pregnant and perinatal women, this is troublesome as perinatal patients express feeling stigmatized by nurses whom they should be able to trust. This contributes to the reluctance of women to seek needed medical and prenatal care. Tennessee was the first state to criminalize drug use in pregnancy and has higher neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) rates, which were more than 2 times the national average in 2017. The purpose of this descriptive cross-sectional non-experimental study was to examine how formal SUD nursing education, personal experiences, and participant characteristics predict attitudes and knowledge of nursing students and practicing perinatal nurses in Tennessee toward pregnant and perinatal women with an SUD. The sample consisted of 262 nursing students and 99 perinatal nurses across the west, middle, and eastern regions of Tennessee. A linear multiple regression showed that having a personal experience with a close friend with an SUD was predictive of improved knowledge scores of pregnant and perinatal SUDs. Independent samples t-tests were non-significant between formal SUD nursing education and attitudes and knowledge. Additionally, non-significant findings were seen between having a personal experience with a family member with an SUD and attitudes and knowledge. The findings suggest that Tennessee nursing education efforts were not influential in positively affecting attitudes and knowledge scores toward pregnant and perinatal women with an SUD. Future studies focused on exploring various educational interventions to promote knowledge, improve attitudes, and empathy in nursing populations toward pregnant and perinatal women with an SUD are warranted.

Food Group Intake and Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic Children

Alhassan, Basil A., Liu, Ying, Slawson, Deborah, Peterson, Jonathan, Marrs, Jo-Ann, Clark, W. Andrew, Wang, Liang, Omoike, Ogbebor E., Alamian, Arshman 12 November 2018 (has links)
Background: A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy, and proteins is known to have multiple beneficial health effects. However, a very limited number of studies have characterized food group intake and its association with cardiometabolic risk factors in Hispanic children. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to 1) assess food group intake in a sample of Hispanic children; and 2) examine the association between food group intake and overweight and elevated blood pressure in the same population. Methods: Data came from a pilot study of metabolic syndrome in Hispanic children. The study sample consisted of 116 2-to-10-year-old children receiving well-child care at a community health center in Johnson City, TN, from June 2015 to June 2016. Blood pressure, height and weight were measured using standard protocols. Food group intake was ascertained using the Block Kids Food Screener, a validated instrument. Child’s age, sex, and mother’s educational attainment were included as covariates. Binomial test of proportions was used to compare the study sample with the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) gender-age group proportions not meeting recommended daily food group intake. Two sample t-test was used to examine differences in mean food intake by outcome variables of elevated blood pressure (>=90th percentile for age and sex) and being overweight (>85th percentile of the 2000 CDC growth charts). Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the association between food group intake and elevated blood pressure and being overweight while accounting for child's sex, age, and mother's educational attainment. Results: Hispanic children exceeded minimum fruit and legume national recommendations. Compared with the corresponding NHANES gender-age groups, a larger proportion of the sample met legume recommendations. However, similar proportions met fruit, vegetable, wholegrain, fiber and dairy recommendations. Children with elevated blood pressure ate less fruits, vegetables, and legumes than children with normal blood pressure. Legume intake (OR: 0.052, 95% CI: 0.04-0.64), dairy intake (OR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.37-0.99), and fiber intake (OR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.81-0.96) were protective against elevated blood pressure. In contrast, only fruit intake was protective against overweight (OR: 0.93, 95% CI: 0.87-0.99). Conclusion: Public health nutrition programs aimed at reducing the prevalence of overweight and elevated blood pressure in Hispanic children should consider supporting the intake of legumes, dairy, and fiber (for decreasing elevated blood pressure), and fruits (for reducing overweight).

Maternal Correlates of Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic Children

Alhassan, Basil A., Liu, Ying, Slawson, Deborah, Peterson, Jonathan, Marrs, Jo-Ann, Clark, W. Andrew, Wang, Liang, Loudermilk, Elaine, Alamian, Arshman 11 November 2018 (has links)
Maternal obesity, physical inactivity, and negative perceptions of neighborhoods have been identified as obesogenic factors in older children; however, no study has explored this relationship in young Hispanic children. Furthermore, the relation between obesogenic maternal factors and blood pressure in Hispanic children has not been examined. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the association between Hispanic mother’s physical activity (PA) levels, body mass index (BMI), and PA-related perceptions of neighborhoods and their children’s PA, TV screen time, blood pressure (BP), and BMI. Methods: Data of 118 mother-child dyads enrolled in a cross-sectional study of metabolic syndrome in Hispanic children at a community health center in Johnson City, TN were used. Parent and child questionnaires were used to ascertain mother’s BMI, PA, perception of the safety and availability of PA amenities in their children’s neighborhoods, satisfaction with their children’s neighborhoods as a place to bring up children, and children’s PA and TV screen time. Children’s height, weight, and BP were measured. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the association between child and maternal variables, adjusting for mother’s education and the child’s sex and age. Results: Children of obese mothers were more likely than children of mothers with normal BMI to engage in less than three days of at least 60 minutes of vigorous PA per week (OR: 6.47: 95% CI: 1.61-26.0). Children whose mothers did not engage in moderate PA were more likely to engage in less than three days of at least 60 minutes of vigorous PA per week (OR: 2.92, CI: 1.18-7.24); and have elevated BP (OR: 2.50, 95% CI: 1.02-4.53) than children whose mothers engaged in moderate PA. Conclusion: Our results suggest the need for interventions to help Hispanic mothers model physical activity and achieve and maintain healthy weight; if successful, these strategies could potentially influence their children’s blood pressure and physical activity levels.

Method of Infant Feeding as a Predictor of Maternal Responsiveness

Drake, Emily Eiwen 01 January 2005 (has links)
Infants need to develop effective, secure attachment to their primary caregivers in the first year of life. Researchers have not been able to identify all the factors that may influence the development of infant attachment. Most of the studies in this area have been done without regard to infant feeding as a potential factor. Maternal responsiveness appears to be key in the child's development of secure attachment behaviors, yet even after decades of research on infant attachment and maternal responsiveness, there is little evidence available to assist with early identification of families at risk and few interventions known to be effective in promoting maternal responsiveness.The research questions for this study were: 1) Do mothers who exclusively breastfed their infants for at least 6 weeks report more maternal responsiveness behaviors 2-4 months after delivery compared to mothers who exclusively formula feed their infants? 2) How well does breastfeeding duration predict self-reported maternal responsiveness at 2-4 months once socio-demographics and maternal characteristics (i.e., self-esteem, satisfaction with life) are statistically controlled?A cross-sectional survey design was used to assess the variables of maternal responsiveness, feeding patterns, and maternal characteristics in a convenience sample of 200 mothers in the first 2-4 months after delivery. The 60-item instrument included scales to measure maternal responsiveness (MIRI: Amankwaa et al., 2002), self-esteem (RSE: Rosenberg, 1965), and satisfaction with life (SWLS: Diener et al., 1985) as well as infant feeding and socio-demographic questions. A mixed mode data collection strategy was used combining Internet data collection with traditional paper-and-pencil survey methods.Somewhat surprisingly, mothers who exclusively breastfed for at least 6 weeks did not report any more maternal responsiveness behaviors compared to mothers who formula fed their infants. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that satisfaction with life, self-esteem, and parity, but not breastfeeding, explained a significant portion of the variance in self-reported maternal responsiveness scores. Further research in this area is needed. It should be noted that this is one of few studies of maternal responsiveness using a self-report instrument and may also be the first study of maternal responsiveness using Internet data collection.

Respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais de recém-nascidos pré-termos submetidos a duas técnicas de banho de imersão: ensaio clínico cruzado / Physiological and behavioral responses of preterm newborn underwent to two immersion baths techniques: cross-over clinical trial

Freitas, Patricia de 28 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: a revisão de literatura aponta que os recém-nascidos submetidos ao banho de imersão produzem menor variação térmica pós-banho comparado aos submetidos ao banho com esponja. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde vem capacitando profissionais que atuam em unidades de internação neonatal para implementar o Método Mãe Canguru e, entre outras práticas, recomenda que o recém-nascido pré-termo (RNPT) e com baixo peso seja submetido ao banho de imersão envolto em cueiro ou lençol, sugerindo mudança da prática hegemônica do banho com esponja ou banho de imersão convencional. No entanto, a técnica de banho de imersão recomendada carece de evidências científicas quanto a sua segurança em relação às repercussões na estabilidade da temperatura corporal (T), frequência cardíaca (FC), cortisol salivar (CS) e comportamental em RNPT. Hipótese: os RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envoltos em lençol (BIE) apresentam respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais similares aos submetidos à técnica de banho de imersão convencional (BIC), nos primeiros 20 minutos pós-banho. Objetivo: avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais de RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envolto em lençol (BIE) e banho de imersão convencional (BIC). Método: ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado com amostra composta por 43 RNPT, internados na Unidade Neonatal de um hospital escola da cidade de São Paulo. Os RNPT foram alocados no grupo A ou B, seguindo uma lista de randomização gerada pelo software R que foi envelopada e mantida com os auxiliares da pesquisa responsáveis pelos banhos dos RNPT. A randomização definiu a técnica do primeiro banho que o RN seria submetido. Somente após análise dos dados foi aberto o envelope da randomização sendo identificado que no grupo A, o primeiro banho foi o BIC (intervenção controle) e no grupo B, o BIE (intervenção experimental). A técnica do BIE seguiu a técnica recomendada no Manual Atenção Humanizada ao Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso: Método Mãe-Canguru, publicada pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram utilizadas filmadoras para obter os valores da FC e da SatO2 registradas pelo monitor cardíaco instalado nos RNPT e para captar imagens das reações comportamentais antes e após os banhos. As temperaturas axilares foram aferidas com termômetro digital e amostras de saliva foram coletadas com esponja oftálmica (Merocel)®, refrigeradas e processada pelo teste Elisa. As filmagens do estado comportamental 10 minutos pré e 10 e 20 minutos pós-banho foram analisadas utilizando o instrumento de avaliação do sono-vigília validado por Brandon e Holditch-Davis. Os dados foram registrados em formulário próprio e armazenados em planilha Microsoft Excel. A análise estatística foi realizada com os programas Minitab, versão 16.1 e SPSS, versão 20. Além da análise descritiva das variáveis numéricas para obtenção de medidas de tendência central e dispersão e frequências absoluta e relativa, foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher; o teste T pareado, ANOVA e Modelos Generalizados Lineares na análise dos dados. Resultados: As temperaturas axilares médias dos RNPT pré-BIC e pré-BIE foram, respectivamente, 36,695°C e 36,667°C, p = 0,329. No 10° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias das temperaturas axilares foram, respectivamente, 36,533°C e 36,535°C, p = 0,944. No 20° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias da temperatura axilar foram 36,626°C e 36,628°C, p = 0,663. Houve queda na temperatura axilar no 10° minuto pós-banho, independente do tipo de banho realizado (p <0,001). A hipótese de que o BIE é equivalente ao BIC em relação à variação da temperatura axilar foi confirmada. Houve redução significante nos valores das FC no 10° e 20° minutos pós-BIC e BIE comparados aos valores pré-banho, independente do tipo de banho (p<0,001). Ocorreu aumento gradativo dos valores médios de SatO2 no 10º e 20° minutos após os banhos sem diferenças significantes nos valores pré-banhos, p = 0,969. A concentração do cortisol salivar aumentou após o banho em ambos os grupos, p = 0,001, entretanto não ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos, ou seja, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentaram após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p = 0,797. O percentual de tempo em estado sono ativo aumentou após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p<0,001, ou seja, houve mudança significativa no comportamento do recém-nascido, sem diferenças entre os banhos, p = 0,425. Conclusão: Tanto os RNPT que receberam BIC quanto os que receberam BIE apresentaram queda na temperatura corporal no 10° minuto pós-banho com aumento da temperatura corporal no 20° minuto pós-banho. Comparado aos achados da literatura, a redução da temperatura corporal foi menor que no banho com esponja. O BIE é equivalente ao BIC, portanto ambos são indicados aos RNPT. Convêm salientar o aumento dos custos do BIE em razão do consumo de lençol e da capacitação necessária da equipe de enfermagem nesta técnica de banho, sem prolongar o tempo médio dispendido no banho, visto que poderá reduzir a temperatura da água do banho e consequentemente causar queda na temperatura corporal do RN. / Introduction: the literature review shows that newborns underwent to immersion baths produce less post-bath thermal variation compared to those underwent to the sponge bath. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health has been qualifying working professionals in neonatal hospitalization units to implement the Kangaroo Mother Care and, among other practices, recommends that the preterm newborn infants (PNI) and underweight are underwent to the swaddle immersion bath wrapped in clothes or sheet, suggesting change of the hegemonic practice of sponge bath or conventional immersion bath. However, the immersion bath technique recommended requires more scientific evidence about its safety in relation to impact on the stability of body temperature (T), heart rate (HR), salivary cortisol (SC) and behavioral in PNI. Hypothesis: PNI underwent to swaddle immersion bath wrapped in sheet (SIB) have physiological and behavioral responses similar to those underwent to the conventional immersion bath technique (CIB), in the first 20 minutes post-bath. Objective: To evaluate the physiological and behavioral parameters of preterm newborn infants underwent to swaddle immersion bath in sheet (SIB) and conventional immersion bath (CIB). Method: Randomized crossover clinical trial with a sample of 43 preterm newborn infants in the neonatal unit of a university hospital in the city of Sao Paulo. PNI were allocated in the A or B groups, following a randomization list which was generated by the software R, which was enveloped and maintained with research assistants who were responsible for the baths of PNI. Randomization list defined the first bath technique that the newborn was underwent. The randomization envelope was only opened after data analysis being identified that in group A, the first bath was the CIB (control intervention) and group B, the SIB (experimental intervention). The SIB technique followed the technique recommended in the Humane Care Infant, Low Birth Weight: Kangaroo Mother Care Manual, published by the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Video cameras were used for the HR and SpO2 values recorded at heart monitor installed in the PNI and to capture images of behavioral responses before and after baths. Axillary temperatures were measured with a digital thermometer and saliva samples were collected with ophthalmic sponge (Merocel) ®, refrigerated and processed by the Elisa test. The video recorded of behavioral states of 10 minutes pre-baths and 10 and 20 minutes post-baths were analyzed using the sleep-wake assessment tool validated by Brandon and Holditch-Davis. Data were recorded and stored in the proper form in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab software, version 16.1 and SPSS, version 20. In addition to the descriptive analysis of numerical variables to obtain measures of central tendency, dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies, Chi-square tests were used and Fisher Exact, the paired T-test, ANOVA and Generalized Linear Models in the data analysis. Results: The mean axillary temperatures of PNI pre-CIB and SIB were respectively 36.695 °C and 36.667 °C, p = 0.329. At 10 minutes post-CIB and SIB, the mean axillary temperatures were, respectively, 36.533 ° C to 36.535 ° C, p = 0.944. At 20 minutes post- CIB and SIB, the average of axillary temperature were 36.626°C and 36.628 ° C, p = 0.663. There was a decrease in the axillary temperature at 10 minutes post-bath, regardless of the type performed bath (p < 0.001). The hypothesis that the SIB is equivalent to the CIB related to the variation in the axillary temperature was confirmed. There was a significant reduction in the HR values at the 10th and 20 th minutes after CIB and SIB compared to pre-bath values, regardless type of the bath (p< 0.001). There was a progressive rise on SpO2 mean values on the 10th and 20 th minutes after baths with no significant differences in pre-baths values, p = 0.969. The salivary cortisol concentrations increased after bathing in both groups, p = 0.001, however there were no differences between the groups, in other words, salivary cortisol levels increased after bathing, regardless of the type of bath, p = 0.797. The percentage of time in active sleep state increased after bathing, regardless of bath type, p <0.001, that is meaning there was significant change in newborn behavior, without differences between baths, p = 0.425. Conclusion: Both the PNI who received CIB, as those receiving SIB, had a decrease in body temperature in the 10th minute post bath followed by an increased body temperature at 20 minutes post-bath. Compared to previous studies, reduction of body temperature was lower than in the sponge bath. The SIB is equivalent to the CIB therefore both are recommended for preterm infants. It should be emphasized the increased in the SIB costs due to the bed sheet consumption and the required nursing staff training in this bath technique, without extending the average time spent in the bath, as it may reduce the temperature of the bath water, consequently causing body temperature drop on the newborn

Elaboração de um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do cateter central de inserção periférica em neonatos / Development of a risk score for nonelective removal of peripherally inserted central catheters in neonates

Costa, Priscila 10 November 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (CCIP) é um dispositivo vascular central inserido através de veias periféricas que permite a infusão de soluções hiperosmolares e medicações por tempo prolongado. Complicações mecânicas e infecciosas podem ocorrer com seu uso, resultando em remoção não eletiva do cateter. Um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do CCIP que considere conjuntamente o valor prognóstico ponderado de diversos fatores de risco representa uma ferramenta valiosa para o planejamento do cuidado de enfermagem com enfoque na prevenção ou atenuação dos fatores identificados, e consequente melhoria da qualidade da assistência. Objetivo: Elaborar um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do cateter central de inserção periférica em neonatos. Método: Estudo de coorte com coleta prospectiva de dados realizado no período de 31 de agosto de 2010 a 30 de agosto de 2012 com 436 recém-nascidos internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um hospital terciário em São Paulo submetidos à instalação de 524 CCIPs. As variáveis relacionadas às características clínicas do neonato, à técnica de inserção do cateter e à terapia intravenosa que indicou a instalação do CCIP foram analisadas quanto ao seu potencial preditivo para remoção não eletiva do CCIP através de análise bivariada, e posterior regressão logística. O escore de risco ponderado foi construído baseado na razão de chances das variáveis preditoras e sua acurácia foi avaliada através da área sob a curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Resultados: O escore de risco foi composto pelos seguintes fatores de risco: diagnóstico de transtorno transitório do metabolismo (hipoglicemia, hiperglicemia, distúrbios do cálcio, magnésio, sódio e potássio), inserção prévia do CCIP, uso do CCIP 2.0 French de poliuretano com dupla via, infusão de múltiplas soluções endovenosas através do CCIP 1.9 French de silicone com única via, e posição não central da ponta do CCIP. Sua acurácia foi de 0,76 [IC 95%: 0,73-0,78]. Sua aplicação permitiu classificar os recém-nascidos em três categorias de risco: baixo (0 a 3 pontos), moderado (4 a 8 pontos) e alto ( 9 pontos) risco para remoção não eletiva. Conclusão: Recomenda-se a adoção de estratégias preventivas da remoção não eletiva do CCIP baseadas em evidência de acordo com a classificação e fatores de risco do recém-nascido. Além disso, sugere-se evitar a inserção de múltiplos cateteres, a posição não central da ponta do CCIP, e a instalação de cateteres de silicone de única via para a administração de cinco ou mais classes de soluções endovenosas. / Background: Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) is a central vascular access device inserted via cannulation of a peripheral vein that allows the infusion of hyperosmolar solutions and medications over a prolonged dwell time. Mechanical and infectious complications can result from its use leading to nonelective removal of the device. A risk score for nonelective removal of PICC-lines that considers jointly a weighted prognostic value of several risk factors can represent a valuable tool for planning the nursing care focused on preventing or modifying identified risk factors, and thereby improving the quality of care. Aim: To develop a risk score for nonelective removal of PICCs in infants. Methods: A cohort study with prospective data collection between August 31, 2010 and August 30, 2012 in 436 infants admitted to a tertiary-level neonatal intensive care unit in São Paulo and submitted to 524PICC insertions. Variables related to the clinical characteristics of the neonate, the technique of catheter insertion, and intravenous therapy that indicated PICC were analysed for their nonelective predictive potential through bivariate analysis, followed by a logistic regression. Predictors were weighted points proportional to their odds ratio in order to develop the risk score. The accuracy of the risk score model was examined by calculating the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). Results: The risk score was composed of the following risk factors: diagnose of transitory metabolic disorders (hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, disorders of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium), previous PICC line insertion, insertion of 2.0 French dual-lumen polyurethane PICC, noncentral tip position, and multiple intravenous solutions in a 1.9 French single-lumen silicone PICC. The accuracy of the risk score was of AUC=0.76 [IC 95%: 0.73-0.78]. Its application allowed classify newborns into three nonelective removal risk categories: a low-risk group (0-3 points), a moderate-risk group (4-8 points), and a high-risk group ( 9 points). Conclusion: It is recommended the adoption of evidence-based preventive measures according to the classification and risk factors of the newborn in order to avoid nonelective removal of PICC. The avoidance of repeated PICC insertions, noncentral tip position, and placement of single-lumen silicone PICCs for administration of five or more intravenous solutions is suggested.

Respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais de recém-nascidos pré-termos submetidos a duas técnicas de banho de imersão: ensaio clínico cruzado / Physiological and behavioral responses of preterm newborn underwent to two immersion baths techniques: cross-over clinical trial

Patricia de Freitas 28 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: a revisão de literatura aponta que os recém-nascidos submetidos ao banho de imersão produzem menor variação térmica pós-banho comparado aos submetidos ao banho com esponja. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde vem capacitando profissionais que atuam em unidades de internação neonatal para implementar o Método Mãe Canguru e, entre outras práticas, recomenda que o recém-nascido pré-termo (RNPT) e com baixo peso seja submetido ao banho de imersão envolto em cueiro ou lençol, sugerindo mudança da prática hegemônica do banho com esponja ou banho de imersão convencional. No entanto, a técnica de banho de imersão recomendada carece de evidências científicas quanto a sua segurança em relação às repercussões na estabilidade da temperatura corporal (T), frequência cardíaca (FC), cortisol salivar (CS) e comportamental em RNPT. Hipótese: os RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envoltos em lençol (BIE) apresentam respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais similares aos submetidos à técnica de banho de imersão convencional (BIC), nos primeiros 20 minutos pós-banho. Objetivo: avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamentais de RNPT submetidos ao banho de imersão envolto em lençol (BIE) e banho de imersão convencional (BIC). Método: ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado com amostra composta por 43 RNPT, internados na Unidade Neonatal de um hospital escola da cidade de São Paulo. Os RNPT foram alocados no grupo A ou B, seguindo uma lista de randomização gerada pelo software R que foi envelopada e mantida com os auxiliares da pesquisa responsáveis pelos banhos dos RNPT. A randomização definiu a técnica do primeiro banho que o RN seria submetido. Somente após análise dos dados foi aberto o envelope da randomização sendo identificado que no grupo A, o primeiro banho foi o BIC (intervenção controle) e no grupo B, o BIE (intervenção experimental). A técnica do BIE seguiu a técnica recomendada no Manual Atenção Humanizada ao Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso: Método Mãe-Canguru, publicada pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram utilizadas filmadoras para obter os valores da FC e da SatO2 registradas pelo monitor cardíaco instalado nos RNPT e para captar imagens das reações comportamentais antes e após os banhos. As temperaturas axilares foram aferidas com termômetro digital e amostras de saliva foram coletadas com esponja oftálmica (Merocel)®, refrigeradas e processada pelo teste Elisa. As filmagens do estado comportamental 10 minutos pré e 10 e 20 minutos pós-banho foram analisadas utilizando o instrumento de avaliação do sono-vigília validado por Brandon e Holditch-Davis. Os dados foram registrados em formulário próprio e armazenados em planilha Microsoft Excel. A análise estatística foi realizada com os programas Minitab, versão 16.1 e SPSS, versão 20. Além da análise descritiva das variáveis numéricas para obtenção de medidas de tendência central e dispersão e frequências absoluta e relativa, foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher; o teste T pareado, ANOVA e Modelos Generalizados Lineares na análise dos dados. Resultados: As temperaturas axilares médias dos RNPT pré-BIC e pré-BIE foram, respectivamente, 36,695°C e 36,667°C, p = 0,329. No 10° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias das temperaturas axilares foram, respectivamente, 36,533°C e 36,535°C, p = 0,944. No 20° minuto pós-BIC e BIE, as médias da temperatura axilar foram 36,626°C e 36,628°C, p = 0,663. Houve queda na temperatura axilar no 10° minuto pós-banho, independente do tipo de banho realizado (p <0,001). A hipótese de que o BIE é equivalente ao BIC em relação à variação da temperatura axilar foi confirmada. Houve redução significante nos valores das FC no 10° e 20° minutos pós-BIC e BIE comparados aos valores pré-banho, independente do tipo de banho (p<0,001). Ocorreu aumento gradativo dos valores médios de SatO2 no 10º e 20° minutos após os banhos sem diferenças significantes nos valores pré-banhos, p = 0,969. A concentração do cortisol salivar aumentou após o banho em ambos os grupos, p = 0,001, entretanto não ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos, ou seja, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentaram após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p = 0,797. O percentual de tempo em estado sono ativo aumentou após o banho, independente do tipo de banho, p<0,001, ou seja, houve mudança significativa no comportamento do recém-nascido, sem diferenças entre os banhos, p = 0,425. Conclusão: Tanto os RNPT que receberam BIC quanto os que receberam BIE apresentaram queda na temperatura corporal no 10° minuto pós-banho com aumento da temperatura corporal no 20° minuto pós-banho. Comparado aos achados da literatura, a redução da temperatura corporal foi menor que no banho com esponja. O BIE é equivalente ao BIC, portanto ambos são indicados aos RNPT. Convêm salientar o aumento dos custos do BIE em razão do consumo de lençol e da capacitação necessária da equipe de enfermagem nesta técnica de banho, sem prolongar o tempo médio dispendido no banho, visto que poderá reduzir a temperatura da água do banho e consequentemente causar queda na temperatura corporal do RN. / Introduction: the literature review shows that newborns underwent to immersion baths produce less post-bath thermal variation compared to those underwent to the sponge bath. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health has been qualifying working professionals in neonatal hospitalization units to implement the Kangaroo Mother Care and, among other practices, recommends that the preterm newborn infants (PNI) and underweight are underwent to the swaddle immersion bath wrapped in clothes or sheet, suggesting change of the hegemonic practice of sponge bath or conventional immersion bath. However, the immersion bath technique recommended requires more scientific evidence about its safety in relation to impact on the stability of body temperature (T), heart rate (HR), salivary cortisol (SC) and behavioral in PNI. Hypothesis: PNI underwent to swaddle immersion bath wrapped in sheet (SIB) have physiological and behavioral responses similar to those underwent to the conventional immersion bath technique (CIB), in the first 20 minutes post-bath. Objective: To evaluate the physiological and behavioral parameters of preterm newborn infants underwent to swaddle immersion bath in sheet (SIB) and conventional immersion bath (CIB). Method: Randomized crossover clinical trial with a sample of 43 preterm newborn infants in the neonatal unit of a university hospital in the city of Sao Paulo. PNI were allocated in the A or B groups, following a randomization list which was generated by the software R, which was enveloped and maintained with research assistants who were responsible for the baths of PNI. Randomization list defined the first bath technique that the newborn was underwent. The randomization envelope was only opened after data analysis being identified that in group A, the first bath was the CIB (control intervention) and group B, the SIB (experimental intervention). The SIB technique followed the technique recommended in the Humane Care Infant, Low Birth Weight: Kangaroo Mother Care Manual, published by the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Video cameras were used for the HR and SpO2 values recorded at heart monitor installed in the PNI and to capture images of behavioral responses before and after baths. Axillary temperatures were measured with a digital thermometer and saliva samples were collected with ophthalmic sponge (Merocel) ®, refrigerated and processed by the Elisa test. The video recorded of behavioral states of 10 minutes pre-baths and 10 and 20 minutes post-baths were analyzed using the sleep-wake assessment tool validated by Brandon and Holditch-Davis. Data were recorded and stored in the proper form in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab software, version 16.1 and SPSS, version 20. In addition to the descriptive analysis of numerical variables to obtain measures of central tendency, dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies, Chi-square tests were used and Fisher Exact, the paired T-test, ANOVA and Generalized Linear Models in the data analysis. Results: The mean axillary temperatures of PNI pre-CIB and SIB were respectively 36.695 °C and 36.667 °C, p = 0.329. At 10 minutes post-CIB and SIB, the mean axillary temperatures were, respectively, 36.533 ° C to 36.535 ° C, p = 0.944. At 20 minutes post- CIB and SIB, the average of axillary temperature were 36.626°C and 36.628 ° C, p = 0.663. There was a decrease in the axillary temperature at 10 minutes post-bath, regardless of the type performed bath (p < 0.001). The hypothesis that the SIB is equivalent to the CIB related to the variation in the axillary temperature was confirmed. There was a significant reduction in the HR values at the 10th and 20 th minutes after CIB and SIB compared to pre-bath values, regardless type of the bath (p< 0.001). There was a progressive rise on SpO2 mean values on the 10th and 20 th minutes after baths with no significant differences in pre-baths values, p = 0.969. The salivary cortisol concentrations increased after bathing in both groups, p = 0.001, however there were no differences between the groups, in other words, salivary cortisol levels increased after bathing, regardless of the type of bath, p = 0.797. The percentage of time in active sleep state increased after bathing, regardless of bath type, p <0.001, that is meaning there was significant change in newborn behavior, without differences between baths, p = 0.425. Conclusion: Both the PNI who received CIB, as those receiving SIB, had a decrease in body temperature in the 10th minute post bath followed by an increased body temperature at 20 minutes post-bath. Compared to previous studies, reduction of body temperature was lower than in the sponge bath. The SIB is equivalent to the CIB therefore both are recommended for preterm infants. It should be emphasized the increased in the SIB costs due to the bed sheet consumption and the required nursing staff training in this bath technique, without extending the average time spent in the bath, as it may reduce the temperature of the bath water, consequently causing body temperature drop on the newborn

Alojamento conjunto : a inclusão do pai nos cuidados da mãe e do bebê

Schmidt, Maria Luiza Soares January 2003 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Convergente-assistencial, que teve como objetivo: conhecer as expectativas do pai em relação a sua participação nas orientações e cuidados de sua mulher e filho, incluí-lo nas orientações e cuidados, e conhecer sua percepção sobre sua inserção no alojamento conjunto. Participaram nove pais que tiveram seus filhos em sistema de alojamento conjunto em um hospital-escola de Porto Alegre. As informações foram coletadas através de entrevista semi-estruturada, observações e anotações em diário de campo, e, após submetidas a uma análise de conteúdo do tipo temática proposta por Bardin (1977). Os temas encontrados foram: expectativas de participação do pai nos cuidados da mãe e do bebê; a participação do pai nos cuidados da mãe e do bebê e a percepção do pai sobre sua participação nos cuidados da mãe e do bebê. Constatou-se que o pai tem expectativa de poder participar e ficar junto de sua mulher e filho . Os pais demonstraram que realizar os cuidados dos bebês não é difícil, mostraram-se companheiros e tranqüilizadores de suas mulheres, apresentaram dificuldades em realizar os cuidados puerperais e o auxílio à mulher na amamentação. Os pais consideraram válida a experiência, recomendando que seja permanente e extensiva a outros hospitais. / This research follows a qualitative perspective and is of a convergent approach kind. The research had three main aims: to know the father's expectarions regarding, their participarion on their women's and children 's guidance and care, to invesrigate the father's perceprions about their presence in the rooming-in and to work towards inc1uding them in the actual guidance and care of their women and children. The nine father 's who participated in the research, ali had their children in the rooming-in of a school-hospital in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Infonnations was gathered through semi-sttuctured interviews, observarions and fieldnotes. Data was analysed through the content analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). Three themes has emerged from the analysis: the father's expectarions about his participarion on the care of the mother and the baby, his actual participation on the care of the mother and the baby and his perceprions on this participarion. One of the research findings was that father expect to be able to participate and stay together with his woman and child. The data analysis suggested that it is not difficult for interviewed fathers to take care of their babies. The fathers demonstrated to be companions and tranquilizers. However they had difficulties on puerperal cares and on helping the mother and the baby during the lactarion period. The fathers considered this experience to be valid and recomended that it should be made pemanent and extensi ve to other hospitals. / Se trata de una investigación cualitativa dei tipo Convergente-asistencial, que tuvo como objetivo: conocer las expectativas dei padre con relación a su participación en las orientaciones y cuidados hacia su mujer e hijo, incluirlo en las orientaciones y cuidados, y conocer su percepción sobre su inserción en el alojamiento conjunto. Participaron nueve padres que tuvieron a sus hijos en sistema de alojamiento -conjunto en un hospital-escuela de Porto Alegre. Las inforrnaciones fueron reunidas a través de entrevista semi-estructurada, observaciones y anotaciones en diario de campo, y después, sometidas a un analisis de contenido, temática propuesta por 8ardin (1977). Los temas encontrados fueron: expectativas de participación dei padre en los cuidados de la madre y dei bebé, la participación dei padre en los cuidados de la madre y dei bebé y la percepción dei padre sobre su participación en los cuidados de la madre y dei bebé. Se constató que el padre tiene expectativa de poder participar y quedarse junto a su mujer e hijo. Los padres demostraron que realizar los cuidados de los bebés no es difícil, se mostraron compaiíeros y tranquilizadores de sus mujeres, presentaron dificultades en realizar los cuidados puerperiales y a auxiliaria durante el arnamantamiento. Los padres consideraron válida la experiencia, recomendando que sea permanente y extensiva a otros hospitales.

Känguruvård av extremt för tidigt födda barn : En journalgranskningsstudie

Norling, Anna, Lindvall, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Syfte. Undersöka användningen av kängurumetoden hos extremt för tidigt födda barn. Bakgrund. Kängurumetoden (KM) är en evidensbaserad metod som innebär att barnet bärs hud mot hud på förälderns bröst i upprätt ställning. Metoden har många fördelar för det för tidigt födda barnet och har visat sig vara effektiv för att skapa starka band föräldrar och barn emellan. Forskning visar att det är en säker vårdmetod även för extremt för tidigt födda barn.   Design. En retrospektiv explorativ journalgranskningsstudie med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Journaler granskades för de 49 extremt för tidigt födda barn vårdade vid Norrlands universitetssjukhus mellan oktober 2011 och oktober 2013. Metod. Statistiska beräkningar gjordes med icke parametrisk korrelation enligt Spearman och Wilcoxon signed ranks test. I den kvalitativa delen utfördes textanalys av journalanteckningar. Resultat. Medianålder vid kängurudebuten var fyra dagar. De flesta barn kängurudebuterade med mamman, och pappor utövade känguruvård i mindre utsträckning än mammor. Ju tidigare barnet var fött, desto längre dröjde kängurudebuten, men känguruvård har förekommit så tidigt som dag fyra hos de mest för tidigt födda barnen. Slutsats. Neonatalvården har mycket att vinna på om vårdpersonalen lyckas hjälpa föräldrar i allmänhet, och pappor i synnerhet, till att tidigt våga närma sig och känguruvårda sina extremt för tidigt födda barn. Med utbildning och träning för personal och stöd till föräldrarna, kan KM användas i större utsträckning för de extremt för tidigt födda barnen. Kliniska implikationer. Resultaten av denna studie bidrar till insikter och djupare kunskap om användningen av KM för extremt för tidigt födda barn. Resultatet kan användas för att identifiera utvecklingsmöjligheter men även för att utvärdera framtida förbättringsarbete. Kunskapen om och tron på vinsterna med KM kan rädda liv. / Aims. To study the use of the KMC for extremely preterm infants. Background. Kangaroo-Mother care (KMC) is an evidence-based method that involves carrying the infant skin to skin on the parent’s chest in an upright position. The method brings many benefits for the preterm infant and has proven to be effective for creating strong bonds between parents and infants. Research shows that KMC is a safe method even for extremely preterm infants. Design. A retrospective exploratory medical records review using both quantitative and qualitative approach. Medical records were reviewed for the 49 extremely preterm infants cared for at Norrland’s University Hospital between October 2011 and October 2013. Methods. Statistical analysis were made by non-parametric correlation by Spearman and Wilcoxon´s signed ranks test. In the qualitative part text analysis of medical records was performed. Results. KMC onset was in a median age of four days after birth. The kangaroo onset was most often with the mother, and fathers performed less KMC than mothers. The more preterm the infant was born, the later kangaroo onset, but KMC has occurred as early as day four for the most preterm infants. Conclusion. Neonatal care has much to gain if nursing staff succeed in helping parents in general, and fathers in particular, to an early KMC onset. With education and training for staff and support to the parents, KMC can be used for the extremely preterm infants to a greater extent. Relevance to clinical practice. The results of this study contribute to the understanding and deeper knowledge about the use of KMC for extremely preterm infants. The result can be used to identify needs for development, but also to evaluate future improvements. Knowledge of and belief in the benefits of KMC can save lives.

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