Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonadoption"" "subject:"iotadoption""
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Grandir au sein d'une famille pluriethnique : l'expérience de l'enfant adopté et de sa familleGermain, Patricia January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Drivers of Knowledge Base Adoption, Analysis of Czech Corporate Environment / Drivers of Knowledge Base Adoption, Analysis of Czech Corporate EnvironmentRakovská, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses the process of knowledge-base adoption in the enterprise environment. Using data from two knowledge-management systems operated by the company, Semanta, s.r.o. we studied the day-to-day interactions of employees using the system and identified the important drivers of system adoption. We began by studying the effect of co-workers' collaborative activities on knowledge creation within the system. It was found that they had a positive and significant impact upon overall knowledge creation and thus on adoption. Secondly, we explored how the newly defined concept of gamification could help determine and encourage an increase in knowledge creation. The use of gamification tools, such as the "Hall of Fame" page, turned out to have significant influence in the adoption process. Thirdly, we examined how users continually seek knowledge within the system and how asking for missing information and being supplied with answers has an impact on adoption rates. It was shown that the quicker the responses and the more experts dealing with requests the greater the impact on knowledge base adoption. Finally, we showed that the size and character of the company deploying the knowledge management system does not influence the adoption drivers. This thesis represents an effort to fill the...
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Facilitating adoption of e-banking in Saudi Arabia through reduction of perceived risk in e-bankingAlsomali, Zawlikhah January 2015 (has links)
A significant amount of work has been done over last one decade on identifying factors that influence adoption of e-banking among consumers. Despite a decade of research the same issues have been highlighted as influencing factors of adoption of e-banking and this is because the existing research has provided little practical guidance on how to address the issues highlighted in the researches in order to increase adoption of e-banking. This research aims to investigate one of the key factors identified as influencing factor of adoption of e-banking, perception of risk. This research looks at perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector in detail, identifying the factors that affect the perception of risk and how to resolve this so as to reduce the perception of risk and increase adoption of e-banking. This research also considers the influence of cultural factors on perception of risk and adoption of e-banking. This research adopts a pragmatist philosophy and mixed method design in order to provide sufficient depth and understanding of the findings to be of practical use. Data was collected using questionnaire surveys and focus groups in two stages. Based on the findings of the questionnaire survey the conceptual framework was validated. Then focus group interviews were conducted to obtain more insight into the responses and findings of the research. One of the contributions of the focus groups was identification of solutions to the problems that related to perception of risk. This research finds security and financial risks are the key risks affecting perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. But in addition other risks such as transaction risk, time risk, and performance risks also influence perception of risk. In addition, this research finds that e-banking should be implemented considering the cultural dimensions in mind because cultural factors also have a significant influence on the perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. Based on the findings, this research proposes several solutions to reduce perception of risk in Saudi e-banking sector. The key recommendation is that e-banking channel should preserve some of the attributes of the brick and mortar channel which are valued high by Saudi customers such as one-to-one interaction.
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Le mariage et ses évolutions : études comparatives de droit francais et de droit iranien / Marriage and its evolution : comparative studies of French law and Iranian lawLajevardi, Seyed Vahid 02 October 2014 (has links)
L’évolution sociologique dans les deux pays au cours de ces cinquante dernières années a été rapide. Les conceptions de la famille ont évolué dans le temps et dans l'espace, selon les époques et selon les sociétés avec le développement de la famille nucléaire. Depuis longtemps le mariage est considéré comme une chaine entre l’homme et la femme pour créer la famille. Aujourd’hui en France, le mariage n’est pas la seule voie pour créer des relations entre les hommes et les femmes, et surtout pour créer une famille ou pour avoir des relations sexuelles. Il existe plusieurs modes de vie en famille. Les sociétés contemporaines se caractérisent par le pluralisme. Familles en mariage, familles hors mariage. En Iran selon la loi, la coutume du mariage reste la voie unique des relations entre les hommes et les femmes.En fait, ce qui dans chaque société représente une menace forte pour la famille, c’est l’individualisme exagéré et les familles désunies. L’individualisme extrême peut être analysé comme une cause de dérobade pour les individus ce qui a pour effet de rendre les protagonistes inattentifs au concept social de la famille et ne lui permet plus de jouer son rôle de vecteur des valeurs sociales telles que l’éducation des enfants, la transmission de la culture et de la morale sociale de la famille. Dans notre thèse nous expliquons quelle est la place sociale du mariage en Iran et la place de la religion au sujet du mariage, nous faisons une comparaison entre les deux droits, nous parlons de la loi Chiite qui, grâce à sa flexibilité, peut être un outil pour faire avancer les réformes du droit de la famille et du mariage et nous aider à résoudre les problématiques actuelles de la société dues au cadre religieux.En Iran, pour protéger la famille, des réformes sont nécessaires. Avec les évolutions sociales la famille a changé, il est donc indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement de la société que la loi se mette en harmonie avec ces évolutions. Ces changements de forme de société sont en marche depuis plus de 30 ans mais la loi, elle, n’a presque pas évoluée. Notre étude approfondie des deux systèmes juridiques, notre comparaison et notre regard croisé peuvent être une aide précieuse à une évolution, respectueuse de nos valeurs, aujourd’hui nécessaire. / The sociological evolution in both countries over the past 50 years has been fast. The concept of family has evolved through time and place, based on different periods and different societies along with the development of nuclear family. For a long time marriage has been considered as a way for men and women to build a family. Today in France, marriage is not the only way to build up a relationship between men and women and especially to start a family or sexual relationships. There exist various family life styles. Contemporary societies are characterized by pluralism: marriage-based families, non marriage-based families. According to the law in Iran, the custom of marriage is the only way for men and women to be on a relationship.In fact, what is considered as a great menace to the family in each society is the exaggerated individualism and split families. Extreme individualism can be analyzed as a factor for individuals to evade responsibilities. Consequently people become indifferent to the social concept of family and do not play their role as vectors of the social values anymore, like educating the children, the transmission of the culture and of the social morals of the family.In our thesis we will talk about the social status of marriage in Iran and the standing of religion regarding marriage, we will make a comparison between Iranian and French Law, talk about the Shiite law which, thanks to its flexibility, can be a tool for advancing the reforms of family and marriage rights and for helping solve the current problems of Iranian society based on a religious framework.In Iran reforms are necessary to protect families. The family has been changed throughout social evolutions; therefore for society to function properly, it is absolutely necessary for the law to be in keeping with these evolutions. These changes of society structure started more than 30 years ago but the law has barely evolved. This detailed and thorough study of the two legal systems, their comparative analysis can be a great help towards promoting today necessary but reverent evolution of our values.
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Motivations et barrières à l'adoption des technologies solaires par les ménages marocains : quels enseignements pour les politiques publiques ? / Motivations and barriers to solar technologies adoption by moroccan households : lessons for the public policiesJuidette, Mehdi 11 December 2015 (has links)
Le Maroc, en tant que pays non producteur d’énergie fossile, subit de plein fouet les fluctuations des prix des produits entrant dans la production de l’énergie. Afin de créer une indépendance énergétique, il a lancé en 2007 un programme qui vise à produire de l’énergie à partir de sources alternatives aux sources fossiles. Dans notre thèse, nous essayons à travers une démarche qualitative de comprendre les motivations et également les barrières qui ont une influence directe sur la décision d’adoption des technologies solaires par les ménages marocains. Pour ce faire nous nous sommes appuyés sur un cadre théorique ayant été utilisé dans plusieurs contextes pour comprendre notre objet de recherche qui est la diffusion d’une innovation technologique. Après avoir présenté une revue de littérature sur les différents modèles de diffusion, nous avons réalisé une étude comparative entre trois pays ayant déjà entamé l’expérience du solaire voire même devenus pionniers en la matière et le Maroc. Par la suite, nous avons réalisé une approche qualitative en deux temps. Nous avons réalisé des entretiens d’experts avec les principaux acteurs de la filière solaire au Maroc. Ensuite nous avons organisé des groupes de discussion avec des ménages ayant adopté ou non des technologies solaires. Cette approche nous a permis d’identifier des axes de travail importants sur lesquels le pouvoir public devrait agir. Nous avons constaté que le facteur coût joue un rôle central dans la décision d’achat de ces technologies, de même que l’accès à l’information, d’où l’importance d’une bonne communication autour des possibilités offertes par le solaire / Morocco is not a country that produces a fossil energy. He undergoes the price fluctuations of the products used in the energy production. In order to to reduce its energy bill, he started in 2007 an ambitious program which aims to produce energy starting from alternative sources. He seeks to produce 42% of his energy needs starting from renewable energies including 14% from the solar one. In our thesis, we try through a qualitative approach to understand the motivations and also the barriers which have a direct influence on the decision of adoption of solar technologies by Moroccan households. After having presented a review of literature on the various models of diffusion, we carried out a comparative study between three countries having already started the experiment of solar and even become pionniers on the matter and Morocco. Thereafter, we carried out a qualitative approach in two times. We carried out talks with the main actors of the solar sector in Morocco. Then we organized focus groups with households having adopted or not solar technologies. This approach enabled us to identify important work axes on which the public authority should act. We noted that the factor cost plays a central role in the decision of purchase of these technologies. Just as the access to the information which can be sometimes erroneous from where importance of a good communication around the opportunities given by the solar technologies
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L'adoption et les droits de l'enfant en Afrique francophone : réflexions sur les droits malien et sénégalais / The adoption and children's rights in Francophone Africa : reflections on Malian and Senegalese rightsCoulibaly, Mahamane 01 June 2015 (has links)
Les droits maliens et sénégalais de l'adoption recèlent d'importantes lacunes auxquelles l'étude envisage de remédier. En effet, les législateurs malien et sénégalais dans leur œuvre de codification du droit de l'adoption, ont, d'une façon malencontreuse, adopté la législation française sur l'adoption en faisant abstraction des réalités socio juridiques de leurs pays. Dans ces pays, il existe deux formes d'adoption légale calquées sur les modèles français de l'adoption. Il s'agit, pour le Mali, de l'adoption filiation et de l'adoption protection , et pour le Sénégal, de l'adoption plénière et de l'adoption limitée. Cette typologie législative de l'adoption souffre d'un manque d'équilibre et de cohérence tant dans sa structuration que dans sa finalité. Par conséquent, elle ne présente pas une garantie suffisante de protection des droits des enfants maliens et sénégalais. A côté de l'adoption légale, coexiste, dans les deux pays, l'adoption de fait, laquelle résiste au droit. En effet, la pratique traditionnelle et récurrente des enfants confiés à des familles nourricières dans ces pays demeure un espace "bizarrement" inabrité par le droit. Or, ces adoptions de fait constituent une sorte de parenté sociale et affective qui mérite d'être créatrice de droit.Par ailleurs, le droit de l'adoption internationale dans les deux pays est embryonnaire et mérite d'être mieux construit. Dans cette perspective, il conviendrait de maintenir et de renforcer les principes directeurs contenus dans la Convention de La Haye de 1993 relative à l'adoption internationale et d'intégrer, dans les législations internes des deux pays, des règles de conflits de lois en matière d'adoption internationale plus respectueuses de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant en privation familiale. Ces nouvelles règles permettront de déterminer la compétence législative et l'efficacité au Mali et au Sénégal des décisions d'adoption rendues à l'étranger dans des Etats non parties à la Convention de La Haye de 1993. / The Laws in Mali and Senegal concerning child adoption have considerable weakness to which this thesis tries to deal with. In fact, Malian and Senegalese Law-makers, in their effort of codifying the adoption law, have unfortunately adopted French legislation on adoption, ignoring the socio-legal standards of their own countries. In these countries, there are two forms of legal adoption based on the French model. In Mali, there are direct descendant adoption and adoption for protection; whereas in Senegal there are plenary and short-term adoption. Such legislative typology concerning adoption suffers a lack of balance and coherence in its structure and purpose as well. Consequently, it does not provide strong protection of the rights of both Malian and Senegalese Children. With legal adoption, coexist in both countries, circumstantial adoption to which resists the Law. So, traditional and recurrent practice of Children in custody in families in these countries remains a bizarre area sheltered by Law. These circumstantial adoptions correspond to a kind of social and affective parenthood which is supposed to make law. By legalizing circumstantial adoption, Malian and Senegalese law-makers would create a possibility of the creation of an adoption model without direct descendances according to Malian and Senegalese contexts which are more favorable to intra-family adoption. Some fundamental rights of the Child would be better guaranteed. However, the laws concerning international adoption in both countries is in its embryonic stages and need to be better established. In this perspective, it is worth maintaining and reinforcing the key principles according to the Hay Convention of 1993 concerning international adoption, and insert some controversial rules and laws into domestic legislations of the two countries concerning international adoption where the deep interest of a child in family-forfeiture is most respected. These new rules will permit to determine the legislative capability and efficiency in Mali and Senegal concerning decisions made abroad by countries which are not concerned by the Hay Convention of 1993.
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-16 / Arising from the Statute of the Institution of Child and Adolescent - ECA in 1990 and the formation of a new standard alluding to the adoption, emerged the so-called the
Adoption Support Groups in order to break the targeted adoption goodwill and create a new right culture guided the ACE based on the principle adoption as children's rights guarantee and adolescents. It was at this juncture that came the Support Group to Adoptions Needed - GAAN in Ponta Grossa - PR from an extension project of the State University of Ponta Grossa - UEPG and was later continue his work to turn into an Organization Institute - NGO. On this basis, the this work study object was the formation of citizenship of children and adolescents from the work done by GAAN in the adoption process, and the universe of research the GAAN and as sample participants and significant subject in the formation of GAAN who were
selected from the technical Snowball methodology. The research is qualitative in nature, because the attention was turned to social facts and their interpretation. It
was also made use of exploratory research in the process. Research instruments consisted of the bibliographical research, documentary research, systematic observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis of the data occurred from the content analysis which were established four categories from the speeches of the subjects being: mobilization, demands around the adoption perspectives on the adoption and citizenship. It was observed during the research that GAAN enables the formation of citizenship from the adoption from work carried out in support of the
necessary adoptions and enable children and adolescents who have their rights secured by way of adoption, most prepared parents to receive them. It was noted also that the group won its place in society pontagrossense and performs his actions today from a networking with the Children and Youth Court. / Decorrente da instituição do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA no ano de 1990 e da formação de uma nova norma alusiva à adoção, surgiram os
denominados Grupos de Apoio à Adoção com o intuito de romper com a adoção voltada a benevolência e criar uma nova cultura de direito pautada no ECA tendo como princípio a adoção como garantia de direitos da criança e do adolescente. Foi nesta conjuntura que surgiu o Grupo de Apoio às Adoções Necessárias – GAAN no município de Ponta Grossa – PR a partir de um projeto de extensão da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG e posteriormente houve continuidade ao seu trabalho ao transformar-se em uma Organização Não Governamental – ONG. Com base nisto, o objeto de estudo deste trabalho foi a formação da cidadania das crianças e adolescentes a partir do trabalho realizado pelo GAAN no processo de adoção, sendo o universo da pesquisa o GAAN e como amostra os sujeitos participantes e significativos na formação do GAAN que foram selecionados a partir da técnica metodologia Snowball. A pesquisa é de caráter qualitativa, pois a atenção
foi voltada aos fatos sociais e a sua interpretação. Foi feito uso também da pesquisa exploratória no decorrer do processo. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados
consistiram na pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, observação assistemática e entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados levantados se deu a
partir da análise de conteúdo onde foram estabelecidas quatro categorias a partir das falas dos sujeitos, sendo: mobilização, demandas em torno da adoção,
perspectivas acerca da adoção e formação da cidadania. Observou-se no decorrer da pesquisa que o GAAN possibilita a formação da cidadania a partir da adoção
decorrente do trabalho realizado em prol das adoções necessárias e por possibilitar a criança e ao adolescente, que tem seus direitos garantidos pela via da adoção,
pais mais preparados para recebê-los. Notou-se ainda que o grupo conquistou o seu espaço na sociedade pontagrossense e realiza suas ações hoje a partir de um
trabalho em rede com a Vara da Infância e Juventude.
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Trajectoires d'adoption et d'appropriation de TIC issues du web en entreprise : une analyse empirique de la diffusion du web 2.0 en entreprise / Adoption and appropriation trajectories of web based ICT within enterprise : an empirical analysis of web 2.0Guesmi, Samy 29 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux récentes évolutions du web habituellement désignées par les termes de« web 2.0 » (ou web participatif). Elle porte plus particulièrement sur la diffusion, au sein desorganisations, des outils du travail collaboratif qui en sont issus. En mobilisant les littératures de lasociologie des usages et du management des systèmes d’information, ce travail poursuit un double but :proposer une analyse des différentes modalités de leur adoption en entreprise, en observant la formesous laquelle ils y pénètrent (naturelle ou reconfigurée), et tenter d’en tirer les conséquences sur leprocessus d’appropriation. Les deux enquêtes qui ont été menées sur des terrains complémentaires ontpermis d’élaborer une grille de lecture possible des trajectoires d’adoption et d’appropriation des outilsdu web 2.0 en entreprise. Le premier terrain se concentre sur l’analyse de l’adoption et l’appropriationd’un wiki en usage pendant deux ans au sein d’un département R&D. L’enquête se base ici sur uneméthodologie mixte qui mêle données de trafic, données qualitatives et données quantitatives. Lesecond terrain s’intéresse quant à lui aux pratiques de coordination décentralisée, c’est-à-dire despratiques analogues à celles développées autour des outils du web 2.0 mais qui peuvent mettre en jeuun plus grand nombre d’outils. Cette seconde enquête permet de prendre du champ par rapport à uneapproche exclusivement centrée sur l’outil. Davantage tournée vers les pratiques, elle tente dedécouvrir l’outillage de la coordination concrètement mobilisé par des salariés qui présentent desprofils divers et évoluent dans des entreprises de différents types. Cette seconde enquête se base surune post-enquête réalisée à la suite de l’enquête Changement Organisationnel et Informatisation –Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication menée en 2006. Les données recueillies sur cesdeux terrains ont conduit à proposer trois scenarii possibles d’adoption et d’appropriation du web 2.0en entreprise : celui de la « diffusion classique », celui du « bricolage » et celui de « l’entreprise 2.0 ».Dans une démarche interprétativiste, ces scenarii sont à la fois nourris par et confrontés aux terrainsempiriques mais ne se veulent qu’une lecture possible de l’adoption et l’appropriation à partir defigures polaires. Ce travail se propose d’élargir le champ des recherches en management des systèmesd’information et les outils d’analyse existants pour mieux prendre en compte l’apparition d’unenouvelle génération d’outils en entreprise. / This thesis focuses on the recent trends witnessed on the web usually referred as “web 2.0” (orparticipative web). More specifically, this work takes an interest in the diffusion of web-basedcollaborative tools that stem from web 2.0 within organisations. Mobilizing literatures from thesociology of uses and management information system, this work pursue a twofold aim: to propose ananalysis of the different possible conditions of web 2.0’s adoption within enterprise, depending on theform it takes when it penetrates (natural or reconfigured), and try to draw upon this analysis to explainthe appropriation process. The two investigations that have been conducted on complementary fieldsenabled to develop a framework for a possible reading of the web 2.0 tools adoption andappropriation’s trajectories within enterprises. The first field focuses on the adoption andappropriation’s analysis of a two year old wiki used within an R&D department. This investigation isbased on a mixed methodology that puts together traffic data, qualitative and quantitative data. Thesecond field takes an interest in the decentralized coordination practices that is to say similar practicesas the one that takes place around web 2.0 tools while widened to other types of technologies. Taking apractice focus, this investigation tries to unravel the coordination equipment concretely employed byworkers presenting diverse profiles within enterprises of different kind. That second investigation isbased on a post survey realized after the survey Organisational Change and Computerization –Information and Communication Technologies conducted in 2006. The data gathered on these twofields led to propose three possible scenarios of web 2.0’s adoption and appropriation within enterprise:“the classical diffusion”, “the tinkering” and “the enterprise 2.0”. Based on an interpretive approach,these scenarios are at the same time feed by and confronted with the fields but are simply proposed as apossible reading of adoption and appropriation based on archetypes. This work proposes to widen thefield research of management information system and the tools it offers to take a better account of theemergence of new generations of tools within enterprise.
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Usages opérationnels de l'intercompréhension dans une Europe multilingue : pour favoriser la mobilité et l'inclusion / Operational practicies of intercomprehension in multilingual Europe : promoting mobility and inclusionFiorentino, Alice 15 November 2018 (has links)
Le travail de thèse présenté porte sur l'observation de la pratique opérationelle del'intercompréhension selon une perspective de recherche inhabituelle. En effet, si sonpotentiel en tant qu'approche plurilingue de l'enseignement des langues étrangères estdésormais largement reconnu, l'apport de l'intercompréhension en tant que stratégie demédiation dans des espaces de diversité linguistique reste fortement sous exploré. Afin derelever le défi lancé par le 7ème projet de recherche MIME – mobilité et inclusion dans uneEurope multilingue, le champ d'application de l'intercompréhension a été élargi et testé dansdes environnements multilingues spontanés, résultant de la mobilité des citoyens européensavec une attention particulière accordée aux rapports d'inclusion des individus mobiles. Enparticulier, le terrain d'essai de cette étude a été la communication des familles issues del'adoption à l'international comme exemple de communautés qui se construisent à partir dudéplacement de leur barycentre géographique, culturel et linguistique. La méthodologieutilisée dans notre recherche a été organisée selon une structure "à pyramide inversée" quipermet d'observer le phénomène en question selon deux perspectives complémentaires : laperspective émique de l'entretien semi-structurée et la perspective étique de l'observationdirecte. D'après nos résultats, dans un cadre de langues voisines et apparentées,l'intercompréhension émerge spontanément à la fois comme solution adaptative pourcontourner les défis imposés par la diversité linguistique et, ce qui est le plus important,comme espace communicatif orienté vers l'inclusion de l'enfant et de sa langue d'origine.Cette recherche montre tout l'intérêt d'élargir l'observation des applications del'intercompréhension dans l'expérience complexe et évolutive de la mobilité et de favoriser samise en oeuvre des locuteurs au moyen d'une formation ciblée aux contextes pluriels. / The study on which the following thesis is based focuses on discussing intercomprehensionfrom an unusual research perspective. Indeed, while its potential as a multilingual approach toforeign language teaching is now widely recognized, the value of intercomprehension as amediation strategy in contexts of linguistic diversity remains largely under-explored. In orderto meet the challenge of the 7th research project MIME - Mobility and inclusion inmultilingual Europe, the scope of intercomprehension has been broadened and tested inspontaneous multilingual environments, that were shaped by the mobility of Europeancitizens, with particular focus on mechanisms of inclusion for mobile individuals. Inparticular, the test case of this study has been the communication of international adoptivefamilies, which are examples of communities that are built on the reorganization ofgeographical, cultural and linguistic references. The methodology used in our research wasorganized according to an "inverted pyramid" structure that makes it possible to observe thephenomenon in question according to two complementary perspectives: the emic perspectiveof the semi-structured interview and the etic perspective of direct observation. According toour results, in a framework of mutually intelligible languages, intercomprehension emergesspontaneously both as an adaptive solution to overcome the challenges imposed by linguisticdiversity and, more importantly, as a communicative space oriented greatly towards theinclusion of the child and his or her original language. This research shows the value ofexpanding research into the applications of intercomprehension in the complex and evolvingexperience of mobility and of promoting its informed implementation among speakersthrough targeted training in plural contexts.
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A "nova cultura da adoção": reflexões acerca do cenário atual da adoção no Brasil / The "new culture of adoption": reflections on the current scenario of adoption in BrazilSouza, Maria de Lourdes Nobre 03 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-05-22T19:24:56Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-03 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão (FAPEMA) / This research aims to describe and analyze the argument sustained by professionals from different sectors of society related to adoption that support the "new culture of adoption". This refers to a set of ideas that have been introduced in Brazil for almost three decades by the adopting national movement, which currently enjoys a great political insertion in state spheres. The "new culture of adoption" objectives guarantee the right to family living and community to institutionalized children and adolescents by encouraging the practice of adoption. It is observed a certain stuck to their roots disregard towards generating factors that lead children and adolescents not to stay in their families of origin, need to be placed in a foster family. Therefore, it is the question if the current disseminators discourses of "new culture of adoption" would not be extolling the adoption as a "solution" more feasible for the problems of the needy children in the country and with it, covering up and naturalizing the social issues that lead many socially excluded families to lose their parental authority over their children. The survey was conducted from the content analysis of seven lectures given by professionals in defense of the "new culture of adoption", which were part of the program of the First online National Congress on Adoption (CONADOTE), occurred in 2015. Five categories emerged from the analysis of these lectures: the situation of institutionalized children and adolescents, examination of legislation and legal adoption procedures, references to the service network, the disqualification of the biological family and the adoption as a solution, which were analyzed based the theoretical framework of Social Psychology in a socio-historical perspective, and related areas. It is concluded that the "new culture of adoption", despite victories in relation to the increased visibility of the practice of adoption, remains fighting for the same ideals of the beginning of its creation, seeking to ensure family and community life to such public children and youth by finding families willing to adopt it, confirming the idea of adoption as a solution to the problems that quota had as "no family". Thus, there is a disqualification of the origin family and the fight for the adoption ceases to be an exceptional measure, as it is considered legal. Finally, it appears that the ideas defended by the "new culture of adoption" are inscribed within the larger interests of the current economic order, characterized by the ideals of neo-liberal capitalism. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral circunscrever e analisar a argumentação sustentada por profissionais de diferentes setores da sociedade vinculados à adoção que apoiam a “nova cultura da adoção”. Esta se refere a um conjunto de ideias que vêm sendo instauradas no Brasil há quase três décadas pelo movimento nacional de adoção, que atualmente desfruta de grande inserção política nas esferas estatais. A “nova cultura da adoção” objetiva garantir o direito à convivência familiar e comunitária a crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados, através do incentivo à prática da adoção. Observa-se, neste sentido certa desconsideração em relação aos fatores geradores que levam crianças e adolescentes a não permanecerem em suas famílias de origem, necessitando ser colocados em família substituta. Diante disso, cabe o questionamento se os discursos atuais disseminadores da ”nova cultura da adoção” não estariam exaltando a adoção enquanto “solução” mais viável para os problemas da infância desvalida do país e com isso, encobrindo e naturalizando as questões sociais que levam inúmeras famílias excluídas socialmente a perderem o poder familiar sobre seus filhos. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir da análise do conteúdo de sete palestras ministradas por profissionais que vêm se notabilizando na defesa da “nova cultura da adoção”, as quais fizeram parte da programação do I Congresso Nacional on line de Adoção (CONADOTE), ocorrido 2015. Cinco categorias emergiram da análise destas palestras: A situação de crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados, Exame da legislação e de procedimentos jurídicos da adoção, Referências à rede de atendimento, A desqualificação da família biológica e A adoção como solução, as quais foram analisadas com base no arcabouço teórico da Psicologia Social em uma perspectiva sócio-histórica, além de áreas afins. Concluiu-se que a “nova cultura da adoção”, apesar das vitórias conquistadas no que tange à maior visibilidade em relação à prática da adoção, permanece lutando pelos mesmos ideais do início de sua criação, buscando garantir a convivência familiar e comunitária ao referido público infanto-juvenil através da busca de famílias que se disponham a adotá-lo, confirmando a ideia de adoção enquanto solução para os problemas deste contingente tido como “sem família”. Desta forma, observa-se a desqualificação da família de origem e a luta para que a adoção deixe de ser uma medida excepcional, como é considerada juridicamente. Por fim, verifica-se que as ideias defendidas pela “nova cultura da adoção” se inscrevem dentro dos interesses maiores da ordem econômica vigente, caracterizada pelos ideais do capitalismo neoliberal.
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