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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Små och medelstora företags användning av icke-fiansiell information : En kvalitativ studie om hur SMF signalerar icke-finanisell information i sina förvaltningsberättelser för att få bifall från finansiärer, samt hur denna signalering bidrar till ökat legitimitet.

Geidemark, Alma, Jonsson, Tindra January 2023 (has links)
Forskningsfrågor:   -       Vilka icke-finansiella signaler skickar små och medelstora aktiebolag genom sina förvaltningsberättelser för att få positivt bifall av externa finansiärer?  -       Hur påverkar denna signalering företagens legitimitet?   Syfte:                        Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för hur små och medelstora aktiebolag signalerar icke-finansiell information för att öka sina chanser att erhålla extern finansiering. Studien kommer enbart fokusera på de signaler som bidrar positivt till bifall, det vill säga vilka sambanden är mellan icke-finansiell information som förmedlas ut och bifall av finansiärer. Syftet är också att öka kunskapen kring hur signaleringen gällande den icke-finansiella informationen kan bidra till att företag ökar sin legitimitet.            Metod:                      Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ förklarande studie. Som utgår från en deduktiv ansats. Där undersökning består av analys utav förvaltningsberättelser i små och medelstora företag.    Slutsats: Slutsatsen dras att den information som små och medelstora företag signalerar ut i sina förvaltningsberättelser till övergripande del liknar varandra. Det kan konstateras att signaler gällande miljö, arbetsklimat och arbetsmiljö är mest återkommande och tas upp av flest företag. Studien kan därför dra slutsatsen att baserat på legitimitet är det denna information som investerare kräver mest vid bifall. Ytterligare kan det fastställas att väsentliga händelser, risker samt framtid också är av stor vikt gällande det som signaleras ut. Dessa typer av icke-finansiell information är därmed också av väsentlig betydelse vid bifall från finansiärer. Slutligen kan det konstateras att den icke-finansiella informationen överlag inte är omfattande. Därmed dras slutsatsen att externa finansiärer inte kräver välutvecklad information, utan det räcker med att viktiga delar av icke-finansiell information nämns i en kortare och mer koncis text. / Research questions:  -      What non-financial signals do small and medium-sized limited companies send through their management reports to gain positive approval from external financiers? -      How does this signaling affect the legitimacy of companies?    Purpose:       The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how small and medium-sized limited companies signal non-financial information to increase their chances of obtaining external financing. The study will only focus on the signals that contribute positively to approval, that is, what are the connections between non-financial information that is conveyed and approval by financiers. The purpose is also to increase knowledge about how  the signaling regarding the non-financial information can contribute to companies increasing their legitimacy.   Method:        The study was conducted through a qualitative explanatory study. Which is based on a deductive approach. Where research consists of analysis of management reports in small and medium-sized companies.   Conclusion:                                              The conclusion is drawn that the information that small and medium-sized companies signal out in their management reports is broadly similar. It can be stated that signals regarding the environment, working climate and working environment are the most frequent and are taken up by the most companies. The study can therefore conclude that based on legitimacy, it is this information that investors require the most in case of approval. Furthermore, it can be established that significant events, risks and the future are also of great importance regarding what is signaled. These types of non-financial information are therefore also of essential importance in the case of approval from financiers. Finally, it can be stated that the non-financial information is generally not comprehensive. The conclusion is thus drawn that external financiers do not require well-developed information, but it is enough that important parts of non-financial information are mentioned in a shorter and more concise text.

Does Directive (EU) 2022/2426 foster sustainability reporting quality? : A quantitative study on the compliance with, and quality of, the cross-cutting and topical standards derived from Directive (EU) 2022/2464

Enander, Tobias, Flygare, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Background: On the 21st of April 2021, the EU Commission declared the adoption of Directive (EU) 2022/2464. This directive will significantly increase reporting requirements for companies within its scope. To this date, these sustainability standards are the most comprehensive yet and they aim to foster sustainability reporting quality. However, the concept of quality is multidimensional and empirical evidence related to SRQ and mandatory reporting standards are ambiguous. However, this new directive has not yet been researched thoroughly. Considering it will disrupt the way companies conduct their sustainability reporting, it would foster a research contribution to explore the effects the directive will have on SRQ.  Purpose: This thesis seeks to measure the compliance with, and quality of, the cross- cutting and topical standards derived from Directive (EU) 2022/2464 in large Swedish companies.  Method: The applied research method is quantitative with a deductive approach, where a hypothesis was generated based on existing literature on sustainability reporting quality. Data was collected from annual and sustainability reports of 45 companies. To measure CSRD compliance and the quality index, content analysis has been used. This facilitates transposition of qualitative information to quantitative data. The data was analysed using the statistical program SPSS.  Results: The results from the study show a significant positive relationship between compliance with CSRD and all the dependent variables of measuring the quality of sustainability reporting. Furthermore, the study shows that the average degree of compliance with CSRD requirements is currently 34% in the population, where the highest achieved score was 58% and the lowest achieved score was 7%.

Prestationsmätning inom privat primärvård : En kvalitativ studie om hur prestationer mäts och utvärderas av privata vårdcentraler / Performance measurement within private primary care : A qualitative study of how performances are measured and evaluated by private healthcare providers

Nylander, Linn, Stolina, Adam January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2010 infördes det fria vårdvalet i Sverige och därmed har även privata aktörer rätt att etablera sig som vårdgivare samt har också patienten rätt att själv välja mellan olika vårdgivare inom primärvården. Det övergripande målet inom primär- vården är att erbjuda vård på lika villkor för hela befolkningen och på så vis uppnå en god folkhälsa. Ett sätt att säkerställa att man som organisation arbetar i linje med sin strategi och når upp till de övergripande målen är att använda sig av prestations- mätningar och inom primärvården kan det bidra med en förbättring av effektiviteten med syftet att kunna erbjuda vård med en högre kvalitet till ett större antal patienter. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur privata vårdcentraler använder sig av prestationsmätningar för att nå upp till de övergripande målen om kvalitativ vård och samtidigt sina egna finansiella målsättningar samt hur de mäter och utvärderar resultaten av dessa mätningar. Metod: Uppsatsen är en intervjustudie där 11 verksamhetschefer från 11 olika privata vårdcentraler inom 6 olika regioner i Sverige inkluderas. Vidare har uppsatsen antagit en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: I uppsatsen identifieras ett antal steg som ingår i processen med att mäta och utvärdera prestationer, dessa är strategi, måtturval, mätning och utvärdering. Upplevelserna av huruvida mätningarna bidrar till kvalitativ vård skiljer sig dock åt beroende på i vilken utsträckning mätningar valts ut av respektive enhet. I frågan om finansiella målsättningar anses dock prestationsmätningar vara ett viktigt verktyg. / Background: In 2010, free choice of healthcare provider was introduced in Sweden, which means that private actors also have the right to establish themselves as health- care providers and patients have the right to choose between different healthcare providers within primary care. The overall goal within primary care is to offer healthcare on equal terms for the entire population and thereby achieve good public health. One way to ensure that an organization is working in line with its strategy and achieving its overall goals is to use performance measurements, and within primary care, this can contribute to improving efficiency with the aim of providing higher quality care to a larger number of patients. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to create an understanding of how private healthcare providers use performance measurements to achieve the overall goals of providing high-quality care while also meeting their own financial objectives, as well as how they measure and evaluate the results of these measurements. Method: The essay is an interview study that includes 11 managers from 11 different private healthcare providers in 6 different regions in Sweden. Furthermore, the essay has adopted a qualitative research strategy using semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The essay identifies a number of steps involved in the process of measuring and evaluating performance, which include strategy, metric selection, measurement, and evaluation. However, experiences of whether the measurements contribute to high-quality care differ depending on the extent to which metrics are chosen by each unit. In the question of financial objectives, however, performance measurements are considered an important tool.

Relação entre cobertura da mídia, valor das empresas e liquidez das ações / The relationship between media coverage and companies\'s market capitalization and stock liquidity

Costa, Fernando Torres Baptista da 18 November 2015 (has links)
Que tipo de relação existe entre a exposição que uma empresa tem na mídia e o seu valor de mercado e o volume de negócios com suas ações? Partindo da premissa que a exposição de uma empresa na imprensa aumenta o alcance das informações relativas a ela e contribui para diminuir a assimetria informacional entre a administração da companhia e os investidores, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar empiricamente se existe relação positiva entre a exposição de companhias abertas brasileiras na imprensa e seu valor de mercado e a liquidez de suas ações em bolsa. Trata-se do primeiro estudo feito no Brasil sobre o assunto. A partir de uma amostra de 152 companhias que representavam 81% do valor de mercado da bolsa brasileira em março de 2015, foi levantada a frequência de matérias que citaram essas empresas no jornal Valor Econômico no período de 20 trimestres entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2014. A técnica estatística usada foi a de regressão com Dados em Painel, que considera a variação tanto entre as companhias da amostra como também as alterações de valores no tempo para cada empresa. Como esperado a partir da plataforma teórica e da evidência de estudos internacionais, os resultados indicam uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre cobertura da mídia e valor de mercado. Os resultados foram consistentes tanto no teste com o múltiplo preço/valor patrimonial (P/VPA) como com a métrica Q de Tobin como variável dependente. Isso significa que, nesta amostra, as empresas que aparecem com mais frequência na imprensa econômica têm maior valor de mercado relativo do que aquelas que aparecem menos. Um terceiro teste foi feito para medir a relação da exposição na mídia com a liquidez das ações, também encontrando associação estatisticamente significante e positiva. No caso do primeiro teste, é importante destacar que, quando a amostra foi dividida em quartis por porte, a cobertura da mídia perdeu significância para explicar o valor de mercado das maiores empresas do país. Espera-se que o trabalho, ainda que com as limitações de um estudo pioneiro no país, possa contribuir para que companhias abertas, assessorias de imprensa, veículos de comunicação e também os reguladores do mercado conheçam melhor as relações existentes com a exposição na imprensa. Se a linha de pesquisa prosperar e uma relação de causa e efeito for comprovada, imagina-se que no futuro as empresas poderão usar planos de mídia em estratégias de relações com investidores e medir esses efeitos. / What kind of relationship exists between the exposure that a company has in the media and its market value and the traded volume of its stocks? Assuming that the exposure of a company in the press increases the extent of information relating to it and helps to reduce the information asymmetry between the company\'s management and investors, the objective of this study was to empirically test whether there is a positive relationship between Brazilian companies exposure in the press and its market value and the liquidity of its shares on the stock exchange. This is the first study in Brazil on the subject. From a sample of 152 companies representing 81% of the market capitalization of the Brazilian stock market in March 2015, I have collected the frequency of stories in which they were mentioned in the Valor Econômico newspaper in the period of 20 quarters between January 2010 and December 2014. The statistical technique used was the regression with Panel Data, which considers the variation both between the sample of companies as well as value changes over time for each company. As expected from the theoretical platform and evidence from international studies, the results indicated a statistically significant relationship between media coverage and market value. The results were consistent in both the test with the multiple price-to-book (P/B) as with the Tobin\'s Q ratio as the dependent variable. This means that companies in this sample that appear more frequently in the financial press have higher market value relative to those that appear less. A third test was done to measure the relationship between media exposure with the liquidity of the shares, also finding statistically significant positive association. For the first test, it is important to note that, when the sample was divided into quartiles by size, media coverage has lost significance in explaining the market value of the largest companies in the Brazilian market. It is expected that work, albeit with the limitations of a pioneering study in the country, can contribute to public companies, press offices, media outlets and also the market regulators to have a more informed perception of the scope of the exposure in the press. If the line of research to thrive and if a cause and effect relationship is proven, it is thought that, in the future, companies may use media plans in investor relations strategies and measure these effects.

Relação entre cobertura da mídia, valor das empresas e liquidez das ações / The relationship between media coverage and companies\'s market capitalization and stock liquidity

Fernando Torres Baptista da Costa 18 November 2015 (has links)
Que tipo de relação existe entre a exposição que uma empresa tem na mídia e o seu valor de mercado e o volume de negócios com suas ações? Partindo da premissa que a exposição de uma empresa na imprensa aumenta o alcance das informações relativas a ela e contribui para diminuir a assimetria informacional entre a administração da companhia e os investidores, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar empiricamente se existe relação positiva entre a exposição de companhias abertas brasileiras na imprensa e seu valor de mercado e a liquidez de suas ações em bolsa. Trata-se do primeiro estudo feito no Brasil sobre o assunto. A partir de uma amostra de 152 companhias que representavam 81% do valor de mercado da bolsa brasileira em março de 2015, foi levantada a frequência de matérias que citaram essas empresas no jornal Valor Econômico no período de 20 trimestres entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2014. A técnica estatística usada foi a de regressão com Dados em Painel, que considera a variação tanto entre as companhias da amostra como também as alterações de valores no tempo para cada empresa. Como esperado a partir da plataforma teórica e da evidência de estudos internacionais, os resultados indicam uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre cobertura da mídia e valor de mercado. Os resultados foram consistentes tanto no teste com o múltiplo preço/valor patrimonial (P/VPA) como com a métrica Q de Tobin como variável dependente. Isso significa que, nesta amostra, as empresas que aparecem com mais frequência na imprensa econômica têm maior valor de mercado relativo do que aquelas que aparecem menos. Um terceiro teste foi feito para medir a relação da exposição na mídia com a liquidez das ações, também encontrando associação estatisticamente significante e positiva. No caso do primeiro teste, é importante destacar que, quando a amostra foi dividida em quartis por porte, a cobertura da mídia perdeu significância para explicar o valor de mercado das maiores empresas do país. Espera-se que o trabalho, ainda que com as limitações de um estudo pioneiro no país, possa contribuir para que companhias abertas, assessorias de imprensa, veículos de comunicação e também os reguladores do mercado conheçam melhor as relações existentes com a exposição na imprensa. Se a linha de pesquisa prosperar e uma relação de causa e efeito for comprovada, imagina-se que no futuro as empresas poderão usar planos de mídia em estratégias de relações com investidores e medir esses efeitos. / What kind of relationship exists between the exposure that a company has in the media and its market value and the traded volume of its stocks? Assuming that the exposure of a company in the press increases the extent of information relating to it and helps to reduce the information asymmetry between the company\'s management and investors, the objective of this study was to empirically test whether there is a positive relationship between Brazilian companies exposure in the press and its market value and the liquidity of its shares on the stock exchange. This is the first study in Brazil on the subject. From a sample of 152 companies representing 81% of the market capitalization of the Brazilian stock market in March 2015, I have collected the frequency of stories in which they were mentioned in the Valor Econômico newspaper in the period of 20 quarters between January 2010 and December 2014. The statistical technique used was the regression with Panel Data, which considers the variation both between the sample of companies as well as value changes over time for each company. As expected from the theoretical platform and evidence from international studies, the results indicated a statistically significant relationship between media coverage and market value. The results were consistent in both the test with the multiple price-to-book (P/B) as with the Tobin\'s Q ratio as the dependent variable. This means that companies in this sample that appear more frequently in the financial press have higher market value relative to those that appear less. A third test was done to measure the relationship between media exposure with the liquidity of the shares, also finding statistically significant positive association. For the first test, it is important to note that, when the sample was divided into quartiles by size, media coverage has lost significance in explaining the market value of the largest companies in the Brazilian market. It is expected that work, albeit with the limitations of a pioneering study in the country, can contribute to public companies, press offices, media outlets and also the market regulators to have a more informed perception of the scope of the exposure in the press. If the line of research to thrive and if a cause and effect relationship is proven, it is thought that, in the future, companies may use media plans in investor relations strategies and measure these effects.

La régulation a-t-elle un rôle à jouer dans l'éthique en entreprise ? / regulating has-she a role to play in business ethics

Debbab, Toufik 25 September 2015 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 90, les questions liées à l’éthique des affaires, à la gouvernance d’entreprise et à la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, font l’objet d’un intérêt considérable. Cet intérêt, qui ne faiblit pas, témoigne du fait qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un simple effet de mode, mais que l’on assiste au développement d’une perception nouvelle et durable du statut et du rôle de l’entreprise dans la société. Cependant, les scandales financiers, qui ont affecté l’économie mondiale, ont eu le mérite de relancer le débat sur le fonctionnement des gouvernements d’entreprises, mais surtout, ils ont conduit les acteurs économiques à entamer une réflexion sur les principes d’éthique et de gouvernance d’entreprise. Ces deux concepts deviennent les fondements des nouvelles réflexions portant sur le management moderne des firmes. Les attentes des parties prenantes et des marchés financiers, tout comme celles des consommateurs mieux renseignés sur le comportement des entreprises, se font de plus en plus exigeantes dans le sens de l’éthique et de la transparence. Dorénavant, les entreprises françaises doivent répondre aux obligations et devoirs qui sont les leurs vis-à-vis de leur environnement. Elles se doivent de gérer leur image auprès de leurs parties prenantes. Un des moyens efficaces pour gérer les risques de réputation est de mettre en place une gouvernance d’entreprise comportant une gestion anticipative des risques, une écoute des parties prenantes et une communication transparente sur les problèmes rencontrés par l’entreprise. / Since the early 90s, issues related to business ethics, corporate governance and social responsibility of the company are the subject of considerable interest. This interest, which remains strong, reflecting the fact that this is not just a fad, but we are witnessing the development of a new and lasting perception of the status and role of the business in society. However, the financial scandals that have affected the world economy, had the merit to revive the debate on the functioning of corporate governments, but most importantly, they have led economic agents to initiate a reflection on the ethical principles and corporate governance. These two concepts become the foundation of new reflections on modern management firms.The expectations of stakeholders and the financial markets, like those of better informed consumers about corporate behavior, are increasingly demanding in the sense of ethics and transparency. Now, French companies must comply with the obligations and duties which are theirs with respect to their environment. They must manage their image among their stakeholders. One effective way to manage reputation risks is to implement corporate governance with a proactive risk management, listening stakeholders and transparent communication on the problems faced by the company.

Impacto de la adopción por primera vez de NIIF para PYMES en la elaboración de Estados Financieros en Colegios del distrito de Los Olivos en el 2018

Galarza Rodríguez, Gian Marco, Ruiz Tovar , Frecia Pamela 04 June 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo fue realizado con la finalidad de conocer cuál es el impacto que genera la adopción por primera vez de NIIF para PYMES en la elaboración de los Estados Financieros de los colegios de Los Olivos en el 2018. Este tema nos genera interés, debido a la gran importancia y poca investigación nacional de la aplicación de NIIF para PYMES en el Sector Educativo a nivel escolar y la gran cantidad de pequeñas y medianas empresas en el país. Para esta tesis se han tomado en cuenta las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera para las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas y las principales ratios financieros para realizar análisis financiero y toma de decisiones acertadas. La metodología utilizada es el diseño no experimental de corte transversal, ya que busca evaluar la vinculación causal entre las dos variables en un momento determinado. La presente tesis se desarrollará en cinco capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se describirán tanto investigaciones locales como investigaciones internacionales. En el segundo capítulo, se plantean los problemas, las hipótesis a ser validadas y los objetivos propuestos. En el tercer capítulo, se procederá a describir la metodología a utilizar, la cual es de enfoque mixto. En el cuarto capítulo, se presentan los resultados del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo y se presenta un caso práctico en el que se puede apreciar la aplicación por primera vez de la NIIF para PYMES y su incidencia en los Estados Financieros. En el quinto capítulo se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones. / The present work was made with the purpose of knowing what the impact in financial statements is generated by adopting for the first time IFRS for SME in schools in the district of Los Olivos in 2018. This topic generates interest due to the great importance and lack of national research for the adoption of IFRS for SME in the Educational Field and large amount of SME in the country. The current thesis has been considered “International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium Enterprises” and the main financial ratios in order to make right financial decisions. The methodology used is the non-experimental cross-section research design, because it seeks to evaluate the link between two variables in a specific period. The current thesis will be developed in five chapters. In the first chapter, local and international investigations will be described. In the second chapter, the problems are posed, the hypotheses to be validated and the proposed objectives. In the third chapter, we will proceed to describe the methodology to be used is a mixed approach. In the fourth chapter, we will proceed to explain the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis and will be presented a practical case in which you can appreciate how to apply for the first time IFRS for SEMs in financial statements. In the fifth chapter conclusions and recommendations are presented. / Tesis

NIC 7: Estado de Flujos de Efectivo y su impacto en la toma de decisiones financieras de las empresas del Sector Inmobiliario de Lima Top, 2019

Diaz Cano, Oscar Josue, Zegarra Coila, Margaret Estefania 24 May 2020 (has links)
El principal objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es reconocer el uso de la Norma Internacional de Información financiera 7: Estado de Flujos de Efectivo y su impacto en la toma de decisiones financieras de las empresas del Sector Inmobiliario de Lima Top, en el año 2019. El Estado de Flujos de Efectivo es analizado con la finalidad de reconocerlo como herramienta en el momento de la toma de decisiones financieras en las empresas del Sector inmobiliario. El presente trabajo se dividió en cinco apartados, en el Capítulo I, Marco teórico, en el cual se precisaron las palabras claves vinculadas al tema de investigación. Posteriormente, en el Capítulo II, Plan de investigación, se detallaron el problema principal y los problemas secundarios, como también los objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas. Asimismo, en el Capítulo III, se desarrolla la Metodología de trabajo, en el cual se especifica el tipo de investigación, se determina la población y el tamaño de la muestra, para llevar a cabo el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Luego, en el Capítulo IV, Desarrollo, en donde se realizó la aplicación de los instrumentos cuantitativos y cualitativos mencionados anteriormente. Finalmente, en el Capítulo V, Análisis de Resultados, se presentaron las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales de todo el trabajo de investigación. / The main objective of this research work is to recognize the use of the International Financial Reporting Standard 7: Statement of cash flows and its impact on the financial decision making of real estate companies in Lima Top, in the year 2019. The State Cash flow is analyzed in order to recognize it as a tool at the time of making financial decisions in companies in the real estate sector. The present work was divided into five sections, in Chapter I, Theoretical Framework, in which the keywords related to the research topic were specified. Subsequently, in Chapter II, Research Plan, the main problem and the secondary problems were detailed, as well as the general and specific objectives and hypotheses. Also, in Chapter III, the Working Methodology is developed, in which the type of research is specified, the population and the sample size are determined, to carry out the quantitative and qualitative analysis. Then, in Chapter IV, Development, where the application of the quantitative and qualitative instruments mentioned above was made. Finally, in Chapter V, Analysis of Results, the final conclusions and recommendations of all research work were presented. / Tesis

Verslo organizacijų viešumo ypatumai / Business organizations: features of publicity

Griciūtė, Evelina 01 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjami verslo organizacijų viešumo ypatumai. Ši tema aktuali, nes verslo organizacijos, kurios planuoja ir rūpinasi savo viešumu, turi įvertinti viešumo visuomenės informavimo priemonėse raiškos formas bei galimybes ir pasirinkti tas priemones, kurios leidžia geriausiai pasiekti tikslines auditorijas ir tokiu būdu pagerinti savo veiklos rodiklius. Magistro darbo objektas – verslo organizacijų viešumo ypatumai. Hipotezė – organizacijos dydis, veiklos sektorius ir pozicija vertybinių popierių biržoje turi įtakos organizacijos viešumui. Darbo tikslas – ištirti verslo organizacijų viešumo ypatumus ir juos lemiančius veiksnius. Iškelti uždaviniai: aptarti viešumo sampratą, lemiančius veiksnius ir klasifikavimo būdus; išanalizuoti viešumo kaitos ypatumus; išnagrinėti verslo organizacijų viešumo specifiką; ištirti dviejų ekonominių sektorių (naftos ir telekomunikacijų) ir Vilniaus vertybinių popierių biržoje kotiruojamų didžiausių įmonių viešumą žiniasklaidoje; įvertinti organizacijos dydžio, ekonominio sektoriaus ir pozicijų vertybinių popierių biržoje reikšmę viešumui žiniasklaidoje. Atliekant šaltinių analizę (naudoti dedukcinis ir indukcinis metodai) nustatyta, kad verslo organizacijų viešumas priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių: organizacijos dydžio, bendrųjų ir su jais glaudžiai susijusių viešumo tikslų, veiklos sektoriaus ir specifikos (B2B, B2C), pozicijos vertybinių popierių biržoje ir kt. Viešumą lemia skirtingų veiksnių derinys, kuris kiekvienos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis analyses the publicity features of business organizations. This topic is actual because business organizations that are planning and taking care of their publicity have to evaluate forms of expression and capacity in the media and select the means that allow best access to targeted audiences, thus improving their performance. The object of work of the Master's thesis is the advertising features of business organizations. Hypothesis of work is the organization's size, the economic sector, and positions on the stock exchange that affect the organization's publicity in the media. The aim of work is to explore the advertising features of business organizations and their determinants. Targets of work: to discuss the concept of publicity, determining factors and classification methods, to analyze the features of publicity change, to examine the specificity of publicity among business organisations, to examine the publicity in the media of companies from two economic sectors (petroleum and telecommunications) and companies enlisted in Vilnius Stock Exchange, to assess significance of the organisation’s size, economic sector and positions on the stock exchange for the publicity in the media. In carrying out the analysis of the sources (through the use of deductive and inductive methods) it was found that publicity of business organization depends on various factors: the size of the organization, general public goals and other goals closely related to them, the area... [to full text]

論偵查機關調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之合法性─與美國作比較 / The Legality on Our Law Enforcement's Access to Private Banking Account–In Comparison with the United States

張君寧, Chang, Chun Ning Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,我國在偵辦民刑事案件時,調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料通常是必要作法之一,表面上看來行之有年、理所當然,但深究後卻發現未臻完善、有待改進,其中尤以正當合法性及與個人隱私權之衝突最具爭議。調閱銀行帳戶資料固然是快速有效偵查案情的方式之一,但若無合理的法律依據、明確的施行方針、完善的配套措施及必要的懲處規定,將易流於擴權濫用,不僅違背法理,亦侵害當事人之隱私權,影響甚鉅,而當今我國文獻中卻較缺乏關於此方面之探討,殊為可惜。因此,目前我國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之法律依據為何?與其他法律是否有矛盾衝突之處?實務上如何施行?有哪些配套措施?未來有何改進之道?若公務機關違法濫權有何懲罰機制?如何適當修改現有法令規範以使其更臻完善?凡此皆與社會大眾息息相關,並使筆者產生高度興趣及強烈研究動機,期盼透過深入研究,得以充分瞭解相關理論與實務,並對問題提出解決或改善之建議。 無論自人性尊嚴、隱私權或資訊自決權之觀點來看,個人資料保護皆為基本且重要之議題,不容忽視,而銀行帳戶實為個人資料當中非常重要之一環。美國為隱私權概念發源地,理論與實務發展久遠,深具探討價值,故本文擇其作為比較分析對象。為求深入探討調閱銀行帳戶資料在台灣及美國司法實務面運作之情形,本文整理解析兩國近年來相關法規及民事刑事裁判,2010年4月我國立法通過之「電腦處理個人資料保護法修正案」(後更名為「個人資料保護法」,2012年10月付諸實行,以下亦簡稱「新個資法」)亦在本文討論範圍內。本文將介紹各相關法規內容,分析新舊法規之差異,探究實務面作法及未來可能走向,以提供各位讀者先進參考。 國家為履行公共任務或打擊金融犯罪,通常需要調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料,此為偵查機關職責所在,但若稍有不慎即可能使個人資訊隱私權遭受重大侵害,而目前理論與實務面皆尚有未盡完善之處。筆者盼以本身面臨之法令疑義,對我國新個資法及台美兩國相關法規之檢視,對本文蒐集資料之研讀心得,及在金融業服務十年之工作經驗作為本文研究之核心。 本篇論文之主要目的,盼藉由各面向之探討及對法律制度之論述,檢視當今我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之正當性與合法性;本文不僅描述兩國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之現況,亦針對問題分析研究,提出建議策略,盼能為我國目前存在之問題困境貢獻一己之力,以供法律界、金融界及相關公務部門參考。 透過本文研究,可觀察目前我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料相關法規與實務之發展方向,探討主管機關在提升偵查效率及保障個人財務資訊隱私權之間如何取得平衡,希冀政府機關不僅能快速有效完成偵查任務,亦能在合情合理合法範圍內作好個人資料保護,兩全其美。 / In Taiwan, law enforcement’s access to private banking account is a common way of investigating civil or criminal crimes. Although it seems very normal, it still has some problems need to be solved, especially its legality and controversy over privacy. It’s efficient to investigate a crime by retrieving data from private banking account, but it’s easy to invade personal privacy if there’s no reasonable law, clear direction, supplementary measures or necessary punishments. As a result, it’s very worthwhile and important to discuss this thesis’ title. However, there are not many relevant essays or writings in our country nowadays. About this issue, there are many relevant topics which are worthy to be discussed. For example, what is the legal basis of this kind of investigation? Is there any inconsistency between its legal basis and other laws? What are the implementations or supporting measures in practice and improvements in the future? Is there any supervision mechanism if the Government abuses its power? How to amend existing legal regulations appropriately to make them more perfect? Topics above are closely related to all society so the author has a high degree of interest and motivation. Hope this thesis will make readers fully understand relevant theory and practice then they may know how to solve problems and make improvements by this article’s suggestion. Whether from the point of view of privacy, human dignity or self-determination of revealing personal information, protection of personal data is always a basic and important issue which shouldn’t be ignored. The private banking account is actually one kind of the most important personal data. The United States (hereinafter also “America”) is the birthplace of the concept of privacy which has developed there for a long time. It is worth researching so the author selects America for comparative analysis task. In order to discuss the judicial practice about private banking account being investigated by the authorities in Taiwan and America, the author sorts out and analyzes relevant regulations and criminal judges of these two countries in recent years. “Computer Processed Personal Information Protection Act Amendments” (later renamed “Personal Information Protection Act”, implemented in October 2012, hereinafter also “New Personal Information Act”) passed by the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan in April 2010 is also within the scope of this article. This article will describe the contents of relevant laws, analyze the differences between old and new regulations and discuss practical approaches and possible directions in the future so this thesis will provide reference for all readers. The Government often needs to retrieve banking account information to fulfill public tasks or fight against financial crimes. Although this is the duty of the authorities, it will result in serious violation of personal information privacy if the authorities make any mistake. In fact, both of relevant theory and practice in our country have some drawbacks and deficiencies at this time. The author looks forward to discussing the doubts of law, examining “New Personal Information Act” and relevant regulations of Taiwan and America and sharing study experience on this issue and a decade of work experience in the financial industry in order to constitute the core of this research. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the necessity and legality of retrieving banking account information in Taiwan and America by discussing all relevant aspects and legal systems. This article not only describes the authorities’ access to banking account information in the current situation but also analyzes problems, makes suggestions and offers strategies. The author hopes to do his best to make some contribution to the law, financial industry and related public authorities. Through this thesis, readers could observe Taiwan and America’s investigation of private banking account currently and developing directions of relevant regulations and actual situations in the future. Readers could also learn and discuss how the authorities weigh improvement of investigation efficiency and protection of personal financial information privacy. Hope our Government will not only complete investigation quickly and efficiently but also protect personal information privacy legally and reasonably.

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