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艾文君 Unknown Date (has links)


劉良驥 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林淑琪 Unknown Date (has links)
韓非思想中「君尊臣卑」的支配格局,其範疇是哲學的,是政治學的,也夾雜著社會學與文化學的意義。本文從時代氛圍的外在歷史脈絡出發,到學術思想的內在理路發展,將韓非思想勾勒為一「君尊臣卑」的體系。韓非由裏到外、從有形到無形、自無為而無不為,全面徹底地塑造「權重位尊」的君主形象,也無所不用其極地研擬「權重位尊」的權謀手段,讓君臣關係越拉越遠,因而形成了一種絕對支配的型態。 在高舉「君主至上」的旗幟時,「尊君」勢必導向「卑臣」,正如同高處的水必往低窪處流竄,是不得不如此的宿命!這種「尊 / 卑」的觀念,狠狠地劃開了君臣的距離,在《韓非子》一書中,既是動機,亦是手段,更是理想。「尊 / 卑」的絕對支配,將君臣關係自血緣中抽離,注入了交易、契約、施報的新血,擺脫了倫理道德的羈絆,讓政治的回歸於政治。 這種「尊 / 卑」的絕對支配,與韋伯「正當性支配的三個純粹類型」有著截然不同的本質差異,雖然與「法制型支配」有些許相似的地方,卻又處處格格不入,在對照的過程中,自然顯現東、西方哲學在權力的觀點上大大不同。究其實,韓非的權力論單純地化約為「君尊臣卑」的主張,或許表面上想營造一個客觀化的官僚體系、想締造一個制度性的法治社會,卻都只是一個美麗的假象,最後都必須回歸到「君尊臣卑」的本質和目的,因此,「君權至上」的真相大白,也同時建立了中國政治統治上以「賞罰的機制」建立「君尊臣卑」支配格局的典範,也開啟了以「禮」而「法」而「刑」的領導管理新紀元。這種以政治權力掛帥的文化主流,這種掛羊頭賣狗肉的「陽儒陰法」、「因道全法」的統治基調,是韓非思想對後世最大的啟蒙影響,可謂形塑了一種帶有東方色彩的支配類型。 「君尊卑臣」不只是一個空洞的觀念,儼然已成為一種理想性的制度。自秦朝統治開始,中國兩千餘年的統治方式便一直運用韓非的理論,包括「陽儒陰法」、「陽德陰刑」的模式,也存在著韓非「君尊卑臣」的影子;亦或是當代權力擁有者,韓非所言的「權威」、「服從」思維也或明或暗地操縱其內心,因此,韓非所造就的「尊 / 卑」絕對支配,正如他所設計的手段——由裏到外、從有形到無形,全面徹底地攻佔政治制度、權力思維、文化意識、經濟支配、組織管理、人際交往等個個層面。


范世偉, Wei, Fan-Shih- Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 清《刑科題本》目前收錄在中國北京第一歷史檔案館,該檔案館共收有大清帝國內閣題本刑科命案類婚姻姦情專題微捲檔案(以下簡稱刑科婚姻姦情檔案),其中乾隆元年到三十年有七萬餘件相關的檔案;另外乾隆三十年到六十年也有七萬餘件檔案是指清代罪犯經過地方衙門至中央三法司審判後,官員向皇帝奏題案情經過及會審結果,最後由皇帝硃批處斬或緩刑等。在這些奏摺中審訊犯案者的口供必須交代姓名、籍貫、已婚未婚、歲數、職業、家庭人口數等等。 《刑科題本》的這些案件足以讓我們瞭解清代法律在實際生活中的運作情形,而由於這些案件乃地方司法審判者上奏中央的判決文書,因此這些案件也可以提供我們許多清朝乾隆時期關於司法判決書的格式與其法律論證的相關資訊。但更值得注意的是,刑科題本的作用與在清律與法制史研究裡的地位為何? 本文在章節規劃上分為六章,分別為緒說、《大清律例》下的司法文書態樣、《刑科題本》的範式、《刑科題本》的法理-案例解析、《刑科題本》的回首與前瞻、結論等六章。 而在案例分析的取樣方式,則是在空間上,以華南、華中、華北等三大地理區為緯;在時間上,以乾隆元年至陸拾年的時間為經,在《刑科題本》中上下縱論抽樣出六個案例來解析,進一步釐清其書寫的格式等的制度面問題與法律論證與法條解釋與適用等的法理面問題,在相關《刑科題本》的研究尚在發展階段之際,本文結合時間與空間、史學與法學的面向,對《刑科題本》提出初步的分析。

新瓶舊酒:中國文化與中共政權正當性之研究 / Old Wine in a New Bottle? The Role of Confucianism in the Legitimacy Strategy of the Chinese Communist Party

范德銘, Alexander van der Meer Unknown Date (has links)
數十年來,中國共產黨對於儒家主義的文化價值產生巨變。不似四十年前的革命,當時共產黨欲拔除儒道深植的價值,孔夫子成為國家反革命的代表形象。相反的,近年來黨內開始重塑孔夫子的地位,藉由每年慶祝孔子誕辰,立孔子像以彰顯他的貢獻,塑造成中國偉大的聖人。這大膽假設過去以馬克思主義的基本意識形態可能在改變,產生共鳴的對象從馬克思主義蛻變成儒家主義。另外一說:中國共產黨意圖採用普世的儒家價值來合理化其作為。因此我們應如何看待這個黨與過去其眼中的「魔」共舞?黨對於儒家主義的真正意圖為合?本文研究重點將解釋以上問題。 首先,本文將透過理論去探討儒家主義如何合理化政治行為。接著將透過重要的歷史背景因素證明一開始的中國共產黨對儒家主義的深惡痛絕。其後將透過第一手的文件和歷史文獻佐證在1980年代儒家主義復甦以後,黨轉變為尋找與大眾價值的共識──與儒家主義共存的立場。儒家主義的再次興起帶來了民族尊嚴,進而使黨更容易透過國家主義統一整個國家。另一方面,中國共產黨也試著傳播精心塑造的儒家主義,去蕪存菁的挑選出最利於黨的儒家元素架構。後段將提到中國共產黨如何選擇性的篩選儒家主義元素來支持獨裁統治,向國際營造中國穩定社會的形象;而非摒棄過去基本意識形態──馬克思主義卻選擇西化。最後駁斥某些立場:如中國共產黨正準備脫離現下的基本意識進而靠攏儒家主義。 因此,儘管過去中國共產黨批評儒家主義是製造階級化的淵藪,但現在卻一步步採用同樣思想,合理化獨裁統治。這種五十步笑百步的行為,挑選了利於黨的儒家元素,將存在中國兩千年的儒家主義的這甕舊酒,裝到中國共產黨統治下的這個新瓶裡。 / Over the last few decades, the Chinese Communist Party’s attitude towards the most profound determinant of the traditional Chinese culture – Confucianism – changed significantly. Not even 40 years ago, Confucius was represented as an anti-revolutionary enemy of the state, while the party tried to root out every sprout of Confucianism amongst the population. Contrarily, nowadays, the party seems to have re-instated Confucius to the position of ‘great Chinese sage’, for which it organizes his annual birthday parties, raises statues for him and praises his contributions to humanity. This leads some observers to the bold conclusion that the party might even be prepared to change its ideological basis from Marxism – which lost its resonance amongst the population anyways – to Confucianism. Others disagree, and argue that the party is just widening its legitimacy basis in a populist way by using all kinds of means, amongst which Confucianism. Thus, how should we assess the party’s dance with the former devil? What is actually the party’s plan with Confucianism? Giving an answer to the latter question is the main purpose of this research. First of all, as most authors relate this phenomenon to the party’s quest for political legitimacy, a basic theoretical overview will be given, showing possible causality between Confucianism and political legitimacy. Secondly, the most essential historical background will be provided in order to explain why the party was initially so malicious towards Confucianism. Subsequently, based on literature, and based on an analysis of primary sources, it will be argued that the party, after witnessing a popular revival of Confucianism in the 1980s, on the one hand sought consensus with the population by co-opting this revival – a revival which led to national pride, enabling the party to capitalize on its nationalist legacy as unifier of the country – while it on the other hand tried to channel this development into a meticulously constructed form of Confucianism – by selecting some elements and discarding others – that would benefit the party. The latter refers to a fragmented version of Confucianism which supports authoritarian rule, enhances social stability, shows a gentler face of China to the outside world, presents an attractive cultural alternative to Westernization, but - most importantly - doesn’t present an ideological alternative to Marxism. The latter refutes the claim that the CCP is preparing to depart from its current ideological base towards Confucianism. Concluding, despite the fact that the party previously vigorously blamed Confucianism for having facilitated the subjugation of the population, it now more or less uses Confucianism in a similar manner. The pot seems to have called the kettle black. Therefore, the role of Confucianism in the CCP’s legitimacy strategy is old wine – symbolizing the way in which dynastical China has used a selection of Confucian teachings to enhance its authoritarian rule for two millennia – in a new socialist bottle.

公共組織變遷理論之建構-行政院組織法修正案分析 / The Theory of Public Organizational Change -- The Analysis for the Modification of Administrative Yuan's Organizational Law

聶文娟, Nieh, Wen Chuan Unknown Date (has links)

蔣中正政治思想之研究-以正統及憲政主義為中心的論述 / Study of Chiang Kai-shek''s Political Thought - Based on Orthodex Ideolgy and Constitution

謝政諭, Hsieh, Chen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
傳統中國的道統與「正統」思想,是統治者建構其政治正當性的有力理之一。而「憲政主義」則是當代全球化的政治合法性的根由。本文旨在以此兩項「典範性」的理論來檢視蔣中正政治思想的落點。 中國歷史自春秋時代以降,就不只是史實程事件的描述而已,而是一種價值判斷,其標準簡要而言,可歸納為:取天下以「正」-亦即「德治政治」及「統」天下於一,亦即追求政治的大一統兩大要旨。而當代憲政主義則強調法治主義(rule of law)、權力分立(separation of power)以及權責分明與保障人權等為要旨,本文即以此理論內涵檢視蔣先生思想的特色。 蔣先生主政期間,透過一次又一次的教育、訓練與社會運動來強化其「德治政治」的理想。對付北洋軍閥、中國共產黨以及日本帝國主義亦持「先德後力」的三民主義「新道統」理念以貫徹其「有道」伐「無道」的「正統」思想。其次,蔣先生在訓政階段、政治協商會議、國民大會制憲代表大會等等「憲法時刻」(constitutional moment)中如何堅持與妥協其憲政主義的理念。總之,正統與憲政主義的落實與否影響蔣先生革命與建國事業的興衰成敗至巨。 最後筆者提出五組後設理論(Metatheory)以說明正統與憲政主義的一些重要後設基礎所在。 正統 1.性善說 2.道德內在超越 3.集體主義 4.臣屬差序性(sub-ordination) 5.文化性的天下觀 憲政主義 1.性惡說 2.法治外在超越 3.個體主義 4.參與對等性(co-ordination) 5.政治性的國家觀 以此檢證蔣先生的政治思想,無疑的是偏向光譜上正統的一端。此亦說明了蔣先生轉化統治合法性為憲政主義的內在困境之因素。當然傳統儒生、地主、官僚一體系超穩定結構的式微等時代性因素,亦使蔣先生援引正統思想產生外在困境。五組後設理有其互斥的一面,但從深層結構加以審視,則又有相濡相攝的互補作用,蔣先生也注意到當中的差異性及關聯性,但未能有系統性的發揮,致使其統治合法性產生了轉化的困難。 蔣先生政治思想主要以「正統」論,做為解決其對內與對外的政治難題,亦以此證成與辯明(justify)其統治正當性之基礎,同時亦可說這理論所欲建構的大一統的「四維八德」的王道政治是其理想的政治藍圖。 / Chinese conventional orthodoxy of teachings or precepts and its ideas are the powerful of a Chinese ruler establishing his governing legitimacy. The constitutionalism is the basis of the governing legality globalized in the present age. The purpose of this article is to review Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought based on this two types of theories. Chinese history after the Epoch of Spring and Autumn was added a judgement of value as well as described the original historical facts and events. The standard of the judgement is briefly classified to “taking the whole country of China with righteous course”, that is, Virtuocracy government, and “unifying the whole country”, that is, the pursuit of the unification of the polity. The constitutionalism in the present age is a king of principle focusing on the rule of law, the separation of power, the definition of power and responsibility and the protection of human rights, etc. In the period of the Chiang Kai-Shek’s reign, he might strengthen his ideal benevolent government through education, training and social movements again and again. Even though he faced the northern warlords, China Communist party and Japanese imperialists in the early years of the Republic of China, he had insisted on treating them with the courtesy before the use of force, a new idea of orthodoxy of teachings or precepts in Three People’s Principles, to carry out the orthodox idea of taking the country with righteous course stead of unrighteous course. Second, in the political tutelage stage, how Chiang Kai-Shek insisted or conceded to his constitutional ideas in the “constitutional moment”, and for the duration of the political negotiation conference and national Assembly for the establishment of national constitution. However, whether the orthodox ideology and the constitutionalism were realized or not had tremendously affected Chiang Kai-Shek’s revolution and national reconstruction business. Finally, five meta theories are proposed for supportingthe importance of the meta fundamental of the orthodox ideology and the constitutionalis. Orthodox Ideology 1.The the that men are born good 2.Intrinsic transcendence beyond morality 3.Collectivism 4.Sub-ordination 5.Cultural world view Constitutionalism 1.The theory that men are born evil 2.Extrinsic transcendence beyond law 3.Individualism 4.Co-ordination 5.Political nation view It has been found that Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought tends to the side of the orthodox ideas after verifying Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought by such five meta theories. The result has also indicated the factors of Chiang Kai-Shek’s intrinsic difficulty in transforming the governing legality to constitutionalism and Chiang Kai-Shek’s social system with super steady structure, consisting of conventional Confucianists, landlords and bureaucrats. This five meta theories may have the section of repulsion among them, but when examining them deeply, you will find they also have a supplementary action among them. Although Chiang Kai-Shek had noticed such discrimination and relativity among them, he failed to find an useful method to transform the governing legality to constitutionalism successfully so that he got in into extreme difficulty. Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought is based on the orthodox theory that supported him to solve the tough problems in politics in internal or external. Depending on this, it has verified and justified the governing legitimacy, and further indicated that unifying and governing the whole country of China with the enlightened reign of righteousness including the four ethical principles and eight cardinal virtues is Chiang Kai-Shek’s political ideal and hope.


陳震宇, Chen,Chen-yu Unknown Date (has links)


黃馥瑤 Unknown Date (has links)

策略相似性與廠商績效:正當性與競爭之權衡 / Strategic similarity and firm performance: the tension between legitimacy and competition

龔天鈞, Gong, Tian-Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
廠商的策略該與競爭者相似,或與競爭者不同?相似或相異都有其道理,與競爭者不同有助於發展競爭優勢以贏得市場競爭;然而與產業同儕相似可取得正當性,免於社會各界的質疑、挑戰與懲罰。策略平衡觀點主張廠商應平衡兩者,保持有點像又有點不像最有助於績效。本論文基於此,進行兩個研究試圖探討廠商該採取相似或相異的策略。研究一以大陸155個製造產業進行實證,結果發現僅有69個(44.5%)產業支持此觀點,進一步分析發現在低度競爭及多個策略群組存在的產業中,中等的相似性未必有好績效。研究二則探討當產業中存在兩群廠商,一群是既有的本地廠商,另一群是新進入市場的外商,對於急需當地社會接受(正當性)的外商而言,應與本地廠商相似,或與其他外商相似,亦或不同於兩群廠商?以大陸製造業外商的實證結果,外商在策略上應與本地廠商相似,並與其他外商維持中等程度的相似性,將最有益於績效。本論文不僅有助於策略平衡觀點知識基礎之鞏固、累積與發展,並提供了此脈理論未來的研究方向。 / Should firms behave differently from or similarly to competitors? Being distinctive helps develop competitive advantages and win competition. Being similar contributes to gaining legitimacy and protecting firms from public suspicions, challenges, and punishments. Strategic balance perspective argues that firms should take a balanced approach and maintain a moderate level of similarity to obtain better performance. Based on this perspective, this dissertation includes two studies to address some problems inhibiting the development of this stream of research. In study 1, we found that 69 of 155 (44.5%) manufacturing industries provide supportive evidence. Further analysis suggested that moderate level of similarity is not beneficial to firm performance in industries with low level of competition or with multiple strategic groups. In the second study, we focused on contexts where consist of two groups of firms, local firms and foreign firms. We examined the influences of positioning strategies for foreign firms who desperately seek local acceptance and found that foreign firms should be strategically similar to local firms and maintain moderate level of similarity to other foreign firms. This dissertation not only has contributions on consolidation, accumulation, and advancement of knowledge base of strategic balance perspective, but also has several implications for future research

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