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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logistique hospitalière à l’aide de robots mobiles reconfigurables / Logistics in hospitals using mobile reconfigurable robots

Baalbaki, Hassan 09 September 2011 (has links)
Ce manuscrit expose notre travail dans le cadre du projet IWARD et détaille la couche de gestion et de décision du groupement de robots. Ce projet avait comme objectif d’assister le personnel médical dans leur travail, ceci est réalisé en utilisant des robots mobiles, reconfigurables, et rechargeables. Ces robots sont conçus pour effectuer des taches logistiques comme : Le transport de médicaments, le nettoyage, le guidage des patients, la surveillance et la téléconsultation. Dans la première partie de la thèse nous présenterons le problème stratégique qui consiste à déterminer les plannings de rechargement des robots, la configuration des robots opérationnels ainsi que la localisation des stations d’attentes des robots lorsqu’ils sont en état de veille. Différentes hiérarchies à plusieurs niveaux de décisions, sont formulées comme des programmes linéaires en nombres entiers. Des formulations utilisant l’approche de génération de colonnes sont aussi développées pour résoudre ces problèmes. Dans la deuxième partie, le problème tactique est exposé, ceci consiste à affecter les taches arrivantes aux différents robots et d’ordonnancer dynamiquement l’exécution ces missions. Deux approches sont inspectées une version centralisée utilisant les algorithmes évolutionnaires et une autre version distribuée utilisant les algorithmes d’enchères inversées. Afin de mettre à l épreuve ces deux approches, une simulation a événements discrets a été conçue et développée spécifiquement pour le projet, permettant ainsi d’évaluer ces deux approches. / Due to the expansion of the life duration and the shortage of medical personal in hospitals the EU funded IWARD project as part of the IFP6 program. The aims of this project were to assist the medical personnel in logistic and non medical tasks (transport, cleaning, environmental monitoring, guidance and tele-monitoring) through the usage of mobile, reconfigurable, rechargeable robots, thus letting the Medical staff to concentrate on medical aspects of their work.This thesis was part of this project, and our work consisted on developing a decision making framework for the team of robots.In the first part of the thesis, we address the strategic decisions essentially the: (i) the robots’ home station location problem, (ii) Robot‘s reconfiguration problems and (iii) Robots recharging scheduling. We formulate those problems as a linear problems and we propose to solve them using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). We also present a formulation using a column generation approach to solve those problems.In the later part we address the tactical problems, mainly the mission assignment, the mission scheduling and rescheduling. We present two different approaches; a centralized decision finder implemented using genetic algorithms. And a decentralized approach using auction like and market based algorithms in order to provided collaborative decision making framework.Finally we compare those two approaches using a custom made discrete event simulation (DES).

Apprendre par la lecture au secondaire : relation entre l'intervention pédagogique de l'enseignant avec un regard sur la multimodalité et l'interprétation des exigences de l'activité dans le processus d'apprentissage par la lecture

Russbach, Lucie 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Smoothed analysis in Nash equilibria and the Price of Anarchy / Análise suavisada em equilíbrios Nash e no preço da anarquia

Rodrigues, Félix Carvalho January 2012 (has links)
São analisados nesta dissertação problemas em teoria dos jogos, com enfoque no efeito que perturbações acarretam em jogos. A análise suavizada (smoothed analysis) é utilizada para tal análise, e dois tipos de jogos são o foco principal desta dissertação, jogos bimatrizes e o problema de atribuição de tráfego (Traffic Assignment Problem.) O algoritmo de Lemke-Howson é um método utilizado amplamente para computar um equilíbrio Nash de jogos bimatrizes. Esse problema é PPAD-completo (Polynomial Parity Arguments on Directed graphs), e existem instâncias em que um tempo exponencial é necessário para terminar o algoritmo. Mesmo utilizando análise suavizada, esse problema permanece exponencial. Entretanto, nenhum estudo experimental foi realizado para demonstrar na prática como o algoritmo se comporta em casos com perturbação. Esta dissertação demonstra como as instâncias de pior caso conhecidas atualmente podem ser geradas e mostra que a performance do algoritmo nestas instâncias, quando perturbações são aplicadas, difere do comportamento esperado provado pela teoria. O Problema de Atribuição de Tráfego modela situações em uma rede viária onde usuários necessitam viajar de um nodo origem a um nodo destino. Esse problema pode ser modelado como um jogo, usando teoria dos jogos, onde um equilíbrio Nash acontece quando os usuários se comportam de forma egoísta. O custo total ótimo corresponde ao melhor fluxo de um ponto de vista global. Nesta dissertação, uma nova medida de perturbação é apresentada, o Preço da Anarquia Suavizado (Smoothed Price of Anarchy), baseada na análise suavizada de algoritmos, com o fim de analisar os efeitos da perturbação no Preço da Anarquia. Usando esta medida, são estudados os efeitos que perturbações têm no Preço da Anarquia para instâncias reais e teóricas para o Problema de Atribuição de Tráfego. É demonstrado que o Preço da Anarquia Suavizado se mantém na mesma ordem do Preço da Anarquia sem perturbações para funções de latência polinomiais. Finalmente, são estudadas instâncias de benchmark em relação à perturbação. / This thesis analyzes problems in game theory with respect to perturbation. It uses smoothed analysis to accomplish such task and focuses on two kind of games, bimatrix games and the traffic assignment problem. The Lemke-Howson algorithm is a widely used algorithm to compute a Nash equilibrium of a bimatrix game. This problem is PPAD-complete (Polynomial Parity Arguments on Directed graphs), and there exists an instance which takes exponential time (with any starting pivot.) It has been proven that even with a smoothed analysis it is still exponential. However, no experimental study has been done to verify and evaluate in practice how the algorithm behaves in such cases. This thesis shows in detail how the current known worst-case instances are generated and shows that the performance of the algorithm on these instances, when perturbed, differs from the expected behavior proven in theory. The Traffic Assignment Problem models a situation in a road network where users want to travel from an origin to a destination. It can be modeled as a game using game theory, with a Nash equilibrium happening when users behave selfishly and an optimal social welfare being the best possible flow from a global perspective. We provide a new measure, which we call the Smoothed Price of Anarchy, based on the smoothed analysis of algorithms in order to analyze the effects of perturbation on the Price of Anarchy. Using this measure, we analyze the effects that perturbation has on the Price of Anarchy for real and theoretical instances for the Traffic Assignment Problem. We demonstrate that the Smoothed Price of Anarchy remains in the same order as the original Price of Anarchy for polynomial latency functions. Finally, we study benchmark instances in relation to perturbation.

Accentuation et prononciation des suffixés en -ous en anglais contemporain. / Word stress assignment and pronunciation of words suffixed with -ous in contemporary english

Fournier, Pierre 08 December 2011 (has links)
L’influence du suffixe -ous sur le système phonologique de l’anglais est considérable. Son impact se matérialise tant au niveau de l’assignation des accents lexicaux, qu’au niveau de la matérialisation phonétique des voyelles accentuées. L’étude de ce suffixe offre une perspective globale du fonctionnement du système anglais puisque -ous se situe à la croisée des principes fondamentaux qui régissent le système accentuel anglais.Cette étude s’inscrit dans une perspective morphophonologique, cadre théorique privilégiant une interaction entre les domaines de la morphologie et de la phonologie. La prise en considération des frontières morphologiques dans le calcul de l’accent constitue le fondement même de cette théorie. Cependant, l’influence du suffixe -ous sur la structure accentuelle et phonétique des termes a fait l’objet d’une multitude d’approches dont nous présentons les résultats les plus significatifs dans la partie théorique. En contrepartie, les théories phonologiques sont confrontées les unes aux autres afin de déterminer leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients.L'assignation des accents lexicaux ne constitue toutefois pas le seul versant de ce travail. Le placement de l'accent sur la syllabe a une conséquence directe sur la réalisation phonétique de la voyelle appartenant à cette syllabe. Elle est pleinement réalisée, et l'alternance des syllabes accentuées et non accentuées participe à la notion de rythme en anglais. ..... Cette étude se veut avant tout un état des lieux du comportement du suffixe -ous. Elle vise également à confronter les règles précédemment établies à la réalité d'une étude quantitative, dans le but de faire émerger de nouveaux phénomènes imputables au suffixe / The influence of the suffix -ous on the English phonological system is considerable. Its impact is materialized on word-stress assignment, as well as on the phonetic realisation of stressed vowels. The study of this particular suffix generates a global perspective on the functioning of the English system since -ous is a blend of the fundamental principles which rule the English stress system. This analysis falls within the framework of the morphophonological theory, which favours an interaction between the morphological and phonological levels. The concept of morphological boundary is essential to the operation of word-stress assignment and represents a key-notion inside this theoretical framework. However, the impact of the suffix -ous on word-stress assignment and on the pronunciation of stressed vowels has already been investigated through several theoretical approaches. The most significant results of these previous studies are expounded in the theoretical part. The phonological frameworks are then compared in order to determine their assets and their drawbacks. Word-stress assignment only represents the first side of this work. Indeed, the assignment of primary stress on the syllabic structure of a word has a consequence on the phonetic realisation of stressed vowels. They are "fully" realised, and the succession of stressed and unstressed syllabes creates the notion of rythm in English. Resorting to spelling enables to predict the pronunciation of stressed vowels through the application of a hierarchical system of rules. These rules, elaborated on the particularities of English spelling, operate a transfer from spelling to sounds......

Aerodynamické měření / Aerodynamic measurement

HEJNA, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This MA thesis focuses on the aerodynamic measurement in the teaching of physics using the Leybold Didactic didactic set. The thesis consists of instructions for solving 4 basic problems using the Leybold set; every problem comprises theoretical instructions for students and an experimental verification of the problem. The thesis should contribute to wider use of experimental teaching of physics in schools; also, it is supposed to serve teachers and students as a source of interesting laboratory assignments verifying aerodynamic laws and quantities. After minor adjustments, the thesis can be used in all types of schools, from elementary physics at primary schools to advanced physics at technical universities.

Avaliação de desempenho de redes ópticas elásticas com políticas híbridas de alocação de espectro

Santos, Wilson Carvalho Ferreira dos January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Luiz Henrique Bonani do Nascimento / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia da Informação, 2016. / A crescente multiplicidade de serviços e a demanda por altas taxas de transmissão e de tráfego na rede fizeram das Redes Ópticas um recurso essencial no mundo contemporâneo. Recentemente, o advento das Redes Ópticas Elásticas (EON) permitiu que os dados sejam transportados em longas distâncias, fornecendo largura de banda e taxas de dados flexíveis, com base na tecnologia de Multiplexação por Divisão de Frequência Ortogonal (OFDM). Nos últimos anos, muitos esforços têm se concentrado na análise de desempenho dessas redes em vários cenários, entre os quais se destacam as variações de tipos de formato de modulação, de algoritmos de roteamento e alocação de espectro e de características nos tipos de serviços. A avaliação de tais cenários mostrou que diferentes tipos de serviço e diferentes estratégias de gerenciamentolevam a níveis muito díspares de desempenho entre serviços. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar políticas híbridas de alocação de espectro, em termos de largura de faixa e taxa de bits, em cenários com compartilhamento dos recursos, de forma a analisar as diferenças de desempenho entre serviços e, assim, o nível de Qualidade de Serviço (QoS). As métricas adotadas para o trabalho são: (i) a probabilidade de bloqueio intraserviço e (ii) a probabilidade de bloqueio geral da rede e os resultados apresentados com a implantação de políticas híbridas permitiu obter fairness em EON. / The increasing amount of services and the demand for high transmission rates and network traffic, turn the Optical Networks as an essential resource in the contemporary world. Recently, the advent of Elastic Optical Networks (EON) allowed data transportation over long distances, providing flexible bandwidth and flexible data rates, based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology. In recent years, many efforts have been made to analyse the performance of these networks in a great amount of scenarios, considering the variation of modulation formats, the variation of routing and spectrum assignment algorithms and the variation of service characteristics. The evaluation of such scenarios has shown that different kind of services and different management strategies lead to different levels of service performance. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate hybrid policies for spectrum assignment, considering bandwidth and bit rate in a scenario where the network resources are shared, in order to analise the differences of performance among service types and than the level of Quality of Service (QoS). The adopted metrics are: (i) the intraservice blocking probability and (ii) the general blocking probability and the results presented to the deployment of hybrid policies yielded fairness in EON.


Silva, Manuela Ilha 27 March 2015 (has links)
Ownership of Cultural Heritage for a community is a prerequisite for it to exist as an element that confirms memories and stories and especially to make sense for a particular social group. To transcend the condition of materiality and to earn meanings that do not end in itself, in the case of the material heritage, the building must be holder of culturally assigned values that make it identifiable as heritage. From this place, the issue of the present study subsidizes up: how the community perceives and assigns value to material cultural heritage from outside the concentration of the historic center of the city of Santa Maria/RS? This area covers significant volume of buildings with heritage interest of the city, for example, the Railway Stain, the Metropolitan Cathedral and most of Santa Maria s acquis Art Deco. The space, as imagined and institutionalized as a region that has copies of cultural heritage material, hosted the city's growth in its different phases. However, the city is home to other buildings with potential asset value which go beyond the imagined line and legally defined as asset protection space, which implies new "places of memory" in the city. Based in the questioning of values assigned to monuments by Riegl (2013) and rescued by Meira (2008), this study seeks to identify ways of assigning meaning to the Material Cultural Heritage by the community of Santa Maria / RS in regions outside the historic center. From a representative sample of these examples, we seek to identify the ways of heritage ownership and highlight possible strategies to appreciate these memories. As input to discuss these questions, this study is based on methodologically-bibliographic and documentary research, needed to support the development of community approach instrument that, in this case, is the questionnaire. In this survey, made up of ten copies, there are both isolated and residential buildings as architectural complexes and editions of urban importance. All of them share potential heritage value and peripheral location in relation to the "historical center". Each copy was analyzed from the discussions proposed by Riegl (2013) and as a whole, provide a discussion that reaches all discussed values. The results showed that the central region is ratified in the collective imagination as a space which concentrates local heritage. Assigning values to those outside buildings in the center is discreet, with historical valuations and seniority, without the perceived potential of heritage building for other uses, for example. In conclusion, by the urgency of appreciation actions of this cultural heritage. / A apropriação do Patrimônio Cultural por uma comunidade é pressuposto para que ele exista como elemento que ratifica memórias e histórias e, especialmente, faça sentido para determinado grupo social. Para transcender a condição de materialidade e passe a ter significações que não acabam em si mesma, no caso do patrimônio de caráter material, a edificação deve ser detentora de valores culturalmente atribuídos que a façam identificável como patrimônio. A partir desta colocação, subsidia-se a problemática do presente estudo: como a comunidade percebe e atribui valor ao patrimônio cultural material fora da grande concentração do centro histórico da cidade de Santa Maria/RS? Esta zona engloba expressivo volume de edificações com interesse patrimonial da cidade como, por exemplo, a Mancha Ferroviária, a Catedral Metropolitana e grande parte das do acervo Art Déco santa-mariense. O espaço, já imaginado e institucionalizado como região que concentra exemplares do patrimônio cultural material, foi palco do crescimento da cidade em suas diferentes fases. No entanto, a cidade abriga outras edificações com potencial valor patrimonial que transcendem esta linha imaginada e definida legalmente como espaço de proteção patrimonial, o que pressupõe novos lugares de memória na cidade. Com base na problematização dos valores atribuídos a monumentos por Riegl (2013) e retomados por Meira (2008), o presente estudo busca identificar as formas de atribuição de sentido ao Patrimônio Cultural Material pela comunidade de Santa Maria/RS em regiões alheias ao centro histórico. A partir de uma amostra representativa destes exemplares, busca-se identificar as formas de apropriação do patrimônio e destacar possíveis estratégias para a valorização destas memórias. Como aporte para discutir estas problematizações, o presente estudo sustenta-se metodologicamente em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, necessária para subsidiar a elaboração do instrumento de abordagem da comunidade que, neste caso, é o questionário. Neste recorte, formado por dez exemplares, há tanto edificações isoladas e de caráter residencial como conjuntos arquitetônicos e exemplares de importância urbanística. Todos compartilham entre si potencial valor patrimonial e localização periférica em relação ao centro histórico . Cada exemplar foi analisado a partir das discussões propostas por Riegl (2013) e, como conjunto, proporcionam uma discussão que alcança todos os valores debatidos. Os resultados permitem concluir que a região central é ratificada no imaginário coletivo como espaço que concentra o acervo patrimonial local. A atribuição de valores àquelas edificações externas ao centro é discreta, com valorações históricas e de antiguidade, sem a percepção da potencialidade da edificação patrimonial para outros usos, por exemplo. Conclui-se, por fim, pela urgência de ações de valorização deste patrimônio cultural.

Développement de stratégies de marquage isotopique des groupements méthyles pour l'étude d'assemblages protéiques de grande taille par RMN / Developement of strategies for the isotopic labeling of methyl groups for the NMR study of large protein assemblies

Kerfah, Rime 26 September 2014 (has links)
Durant longtemps la spectroscopie RMN en solution a été limitée à de petits objets biologiques. Aujourd'hui, il est clairement reconnu que la stratégie du marquage isotopique spécifique de groupements méthyle dans une protéine perdeutérée a considérablement repoussé la frontière de cette technique. En effet, des protéines aussi grande que 1 MDa ont pu être récemment étudiées par RMN. Cependant, cette stratégie présente un inconvénient important lié au nombre réduit de sondes protonées. Dans ce contexte, le projet de thèse vise a développer de nouvelles méthodes pour faire face à cette rareté d'information structurale, en s'appuyant sur le marquage simultané (combinatoire) de plusieurs groupements méthyle afin d'augmenter le nombre de sondes. Pour un marquage combinatoire optimal, le choix des acides aminés à marquer et les précurseurs à utiliser ainsi que le protocole de leur incorporation doit être judicieusement étudié. Dans le présent travail, un nouveau protocole a été mis en place pour un marquage AbId1(LV)proS optimisé, exempt de toutes fuites isotopiques. En comparaison avec le marquage “AbId1LV standard", le modèle proposé permet la diminution d'un facteur de 2 le nombre de signaux RMN des Leu et Val et améliore par un facteur de 4 l'intensité des nOes à long portée qui sont expérimentalement détectable. Par ailleurs, ce protocole permet également la suppression des corrélations parasites, particulièrement nocives pour les études structurales basées sur la détection / analyse de nOes. Afin d'exploiter les spectres RMN obtenus en utilisant le protocole ci-dessus mentionné, l'attribution des signaux des méthyles est obligatoire. Deux stratégies ont été donc proposées. La première s'applique aux systèmes dont le poids moléculaire ne dépasse pas les 100 kDa (e.g. MSG). Elle se repose sur la linéarisation du marquage isotopique des acides aminés permettant ainsi l'utilisation de l'expérience 13C-TOCSY pour attribuer de manière régio et stéréo-spécifique les méthyles de l'isoleucine, leucine et valine en une seule étape. En ce qui concerne la seconde, adaptée aux protéines supra-moléculaire (> 100 kDa), c'est une optimisation de l'approche SeSAM (Sequence-Specific Assignment of Methyl groups by Mutagenesis) précédemment décrite dans la littérature. En effet, grâce au milieu de culture enrichi, mit au point pour le marquage spécifique de l'Ala, le volume minimal de culture requis a été considérablement diminué. Ceci a permis par conséquence de produire les protéines dans des plaques de 24 puits et de les purifier dans des plaques de 96 puits, raccourcissant ainsi le temps global de préparation des échantillons. Il a été estimé que l'utilisation de cette version améliorée de SeSAM offre la possibilité d'attribuer environ 100 méthyles en 2 semaines, dont 4 jours de temps de RMN, en consommant moins de 2 k € de matériaux isotopiques. Pour illustrer la pertinence du marquage isotopique et la protonation sélectifs des méthyles, de façon combinée ou pas, de nombreuses applications ont été présentés, à savoir l'étude en temps réel des processus d'auto-assemblage d'une protéine supramoléculaire (PhTET-2, ~ 0,5 MDa) par RMN. Le marquage combinatoire des protéines (82 kDa et 0,5 MDa) pour la détection de nOes longue portée (jusqu'à 10 Å et 8 Å respectivement) a également été étudié. Cette même approche a également été utilisée pour le filtrage de nOes inter-monomères à long portée, qui sont particulièrement importants pour le calcul de structure, dans des systèmes symétrique et homo-oligomèriques (PhTET-2). / Solution NMR spectroscopy has been limited to small biological objects for a long time. Nowadays, it is unequivocally recognized that the strategy of specific isotope labeling of methyl groups in a perdeuterated protein has significantly extended the frontier of this technique. Indeed, proteins as large as 1 MDa could be investigated by NMR. Conversely, this strategy presents an important drawback consisting of the drastically reduced number of protonated probes. The project of this thesis falls within the framework of developing new methodologies to cope with this scarce structural information, relying on the simultaneous labeling of several methyl groups to increase the number of probes. For optimized combinatorial labeling, the choice of the ensemble of amino acids to label simultaneously and the precursors as well as the protocol for their incorporation have to be carefully studied. In this work, a new protocol was introduced for the scrambling-free and optimized isotopic labeling of AbId1(LV)proS methyl groups. In comparison to the “standard AbId1LV” labeling scheme, the proposed pattern induces a 2-fold decrease of number of Leu and Val NMR signals and enhances the intensity of detectable long-range nOes by a factor 4. The described protocol also permits the suppression of spurious correlations, especially harmful for structural studies based on detection/analysis of nOes. To make an efficient use of the obtained high quality NMR spectra using this protocol, assignment of the methyl groups signals is mandatory. Two strategies were then proposed. The first is suitable for systems whose molecular weight does not exceed 100 kDa. It relies on the use of isotopically linearized precursors (with different isotope topologies to discriminate each methyl group) to assign in a regio- and stereo-specific manner the isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in a single step, employing an optimized “out and back” 13C-TOCSY pulse sequence. While the second, adapted to supra-molecular proteins (> 100 kDa), consists of optimizing the previously reported SeSAM approach (Sequence-Specific Assignment of Methyl groups by Mutagenesis). Indeed, thanks to the developed enriched culture medium for the specific labeling of Ala, the minimal required culture volume was significantly decreased, enabling the proteins expression in 24 well plates and their parallel purification in 96 well plates. This improved SeSAM version was estimated to allow the assignment of ca. 100 methyl cross-peaks in 2 weeks, including 4 days of NMR time and less than 2 k€ of isotopic materials. To illustrate the pertinence of using selectively protonated methyl groups, either in a single or combined fashion, several applications were presented, namely the real-time NMR study of self-assembly process of a ~0.5 MDa supra-molecular protein (PhTET-2). The use of combinatorial labeling for the detection of long-range nOes to up to 10 Å (8 Å) in proteins of 82 kDa (respectively 0.5 MDa) was also investigated. This same approach was exploited for the filtering of inter-monomeric long-range nOes in the same symmetrical and homo-oligomeric PhTET-2 protein.

Kvinnor och män i samhällskunskapsboken : -         En innehållsanalys av läroböcker i samhällskunskap utifrån jämställdhet och genus / Men and women in social science textbooks :  - a qualitative content analysis based on gender analysis

Serrate, Henrietta January 2018 (has links)
In this essay, textbooks in social sciences at secondary school have been studied based on the school's base and assignment. The purpose has been to study how men and women are represented and portrayed and how gender is produced in the textbooks. In addition, I have tried to see if there has any change in recent years and, if so, how it looks. The study has been based on a gender analysis and a model based on Yvonne Hirdman's gender system. To perform the study a qualitative content analysis has been made on the texts, images and captions from the textbooks. The result shows that men are more represented than women. Often, it's the pictures or the underlying meanings in the texts that weigh over to the man's advantage. According to the gender system it shows that the sexes are kept to a certain extent apart where women and men do different things. In particular, men do more things and are found in more arenas than women. The man is the norm. However, during the period for this study, they are making small changes over time which makes the books more equal.

Designação de tarefas em aplicações de multiprocessadores de processamento digital de sinal utilizando algoritmos genéticos

Silva, Fabiana Simões e 14 August 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:52:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSS.pdf: 471874 bytes, checksum: 52bc0458fea36b975556da8d0d9d80ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-08-14 / This work consists in the development of genetic algorithms for the Task-to-Processo Assignment Problem in multiprocessor applications. Specifically, the objective is to find the task-to-processor assignment that minimizes the total delay in a particular multiprocessor digital signal processing architecture. We present a description of our algorithm implementations and the results found with a set of 117 randomly generated and real-life instances. The algorithms performance is compared with the results provided by a competitive dynamic list heuristic and a multiple start search algorithm. The results indicate lower delays in more than 68% of the instances, at a higher computational cost. / O objetivo deste projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de algoritmos genéticos para resolução do problema de designação de tarefas em multiprocessadores de processamento digital de sinal (PDS). Especificamente, busca-se minimizar o atraso total em uma arquitetura de multiprocessadores particular, bastante utilizada em sistemas reais. Neste trabalho são apresentadas implementações de algoritmos genéticos, e os resultados computacionais decorrentes de sua aplicação a um conjunto de 117 exemplos gerados aleatoriamente e extraídos de contextos reais. O desempenho dos algoritmos é analisado, comparando-se a qualidade das soluções e os tempos computacionais requeridos com os obtidos por uma heurística competitiva da literatura e por um algoritmo de busca multiple starts. Os algoritmos genéticos obtiveram menores valores de atraso em mais de 68% dos exemplos, a um tempo computacional maior.

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