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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Captação de recursos por empresas em recuperação judicial e Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC) / Fund-raising by companies in judiciary reorganization and Receivables Funds

Beatriz Villas Boas Pimentel Trovo 29 May 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo examina, sob o enfoque do Direito Brasileiro, a captação de recursos por empresas viáveis em crise, durante o processo de recuperação judicial, por meio do mercado de capitais, especificamente com a cessão de direitos creditórios a Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios. Em alguns casos, os FIDCs podem consistir em uma alternativa constante de captação de recursos, a custos consideravelmente menores que os praticados por instituições financeiras. Todavia, muitos cuidados e precauções devem ser tomados nas cessões de créditos a FIDCs, a fim de garantir segurança e transparência aos investidores e aos credores das empresas em recuperação. / This research examines, from the Brazilian Law focus, the fund-raising for viable Companies in crisis, during the judiciary reorganization procedure, through the capital markets, specifically with the assignment of receivables to Receivables Funds. In some cases, these investment funds may consist of an usual-recurrent alternative, with considerably lower costs than those charged by financial institutions. However, many precautions should be taken in the FIDCs credit assignments in order to ensure safety and transparency to investors and companies creditors.

Cessão fiduciária de crédito e o seu tratamento nas hipóteses de recuperação judicial e falência do devedor-fiduciante / Fiduciary assignment of credit and approach in judicial recovery and bankruptcy of debtors.

Fernanda dos Santos Teixeira 27 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo primordial da presente dissertação é estudar o instituto da cessão fiduciária de créditos e de títulos de crédito, previsto no artigo 66-B da Lei nº 4.728, de 14 de julho de 1965, com a redação dada pela Lei nº 10.931, de 02 de agosto de.2004, e popularmente conhecida como trava bancária, com vistas a identificar as posições da doutrina e jurisprudência quanto ao seu tratamento nas hipóteses de recuperação judicial e falência do devedor-fiduciante. Isto porque, o parágrafo 3º do artigo 49 da Lei nº 11.101, de 09 de fevereiro de 2005 (Lei de Recuperação de Empresas LRE) exclui dos efeitos da recuperação judicial os proprietários fiduciários de bens móveis e imóveis. A maior parte da doutrina e da jurisprudência defende que os titulares de créditos cedidos fiduciariamente estão compreendidos na definição de proprietário fiduciário de bem móvel prevista no referido parágrafo 3º do artigo 49 da LRE e, portanto, estão excluídos dos efeitos da recuperação judicial do devedor-fiduciante. Por outro lado, parte minoritária da doutrina e da jurisprudência defende que o parágrafo 3º do artigo 49 da LRE não menciona expressamente os titulares de crédito cedidos fiduciariamente e, sendo o referido parágrafo exceção à regra de que todos os credores estão sujeitos à recuperação judicial do devedor, sua redação deveria ser interpretada restritivamente, razão pela qual os credores titulares de créditos cedidos fiduciariamente estão sujeitos à recuperação judicial do devedor-fiduciante. A divergência da doutrina e da jurisprudência sobre o tema acaba por acarretar insegurança jurídica quanto ao uso da cessão fiduciária como forma de garantia. De um lado, as instituições financeiras têm dúvidas sobre a real segurança de tal garantia, o que pode comprometer uma eficiente avaliação de risco de crédito, assim como a recuperação do crédito na hipótese de insolvência do devedor. Por outro lado, as empresas em crise têm dúvidas sobre a viabilidade de sua efetiva recuperação, principalmente quando seus maiores credores forem bancos. Por todos esses motivos, entendemos ser de suma importância um estudo aprofundado do referido instituto, bem como uma análise crítica da solução adotada pelo legislador em face dos princípios de preservação da empresa em crise trazidos pela LRE. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to examine the fiduciary assignment of rights on movable assets and of credit instruments, as contemplated in article 66-B of Law No. 4,728, of July 14, 1965, as amended by Law No. 10,931, of August 2, 2004 widely known as bank lock (trava bancária) with a view to identifying the standing of legal scholars and court precedents and their approach in the event of debtors judicial restructuring and/or bankruptcy. This is because the 3rd paragraph of article 49 of Law No. 11,101 of February 9, 2005 (Judicial Restructuring Law LRE) determines that the fiduciary owners of movable and immovable assets are no longer subject to the effects of their debtors judicial restructuring. Most legal scholars and court precedents sustain that holders of credits assigned on a fiduciary basis fall under the category of fiduciary owner of movable assets, as established by such 3rd paragraph of article 49 of LRE and, therefore, are not subject to the debtors judicial restructuring. On the other hand, a small number of legal scholars and court precedents sustain that the 3rd paragraph of article 49 of LRE contains no express reference to holders of credits assigned on a fiduciary basis and, given that such paragraph is an exception to the general rule that all creditors are subject to the debtors judicial restructuring, its wording ought to be construed restrictively, for which reason such holders of the credits assigned on a fiduciary basis would be subject to the debtors judicial restructuring. Diverging views among legal scholars and court precedents on the matter bring about legal uncertainty as to the use of the fiduciary assignment of credits as a form of security. Financial institutions, on the one hand, are skeptical about the actual effectiveness of such form of security and that alone might impair the efficient assessment of the credit risk and the recovery of credits in the event of the debtors insolvency. On the other hand, companies undergoing financial crisis question the feasibility of an effective restructuring, particularly if their major creditors are banks. For all those reasons, it is important to look into the fiduciary assignment of credits and critically analyze the solution adopted by the lawmakers vis-à-vis the principles of preserving companies in crises as introduced by the LRE.

Metodologia para a modificação de parâmetros de sistemas lineares baseada na designação de estruturas próprias por realimentação de saídas e sua aplicação na coxinização de motores de veículos de passeio / not available

Daniel José Laporte 11 June 2013 (has links)
A designação de estruturas próprias de sistemas dinâmicos com retroação completa de estados ou saídas foi objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores durante a segunda metade do século XX. Os trabalhos mais relevantes sobre o tema foram revisados e serviram como base para a elaboração da metodologia apresentada neste trabalho. Que consiste na designação de estruturas próprias desejadas para um sistema linear em malha aberta com a modificação de parâmetros do sistema através da pseudo retroação de saídas devidamente definidas. O método foi aplicado na coxinização de um veículo de passeio. No qual os modos de vibrar de modelos lineares com 7 e 8 graus de liberdade do veículo foram adequados com o intuito de reduzir as acelerações verticais de chassi, características do fenômeno shake de motor e câmbio (faixa de frequência entre 7 e 25 Hz). Para tanto, reduziu-se a participação do grau de liberdade vertical de chassi nos modos com grande participação dos graus de liberdade de motor e massa não suspensa. Os resultados obtidos com a aplicação da metodologia na coxinização foram valores de rigidezes, amortecimentos e características de coxins hidráulicos que resultam na redução significativa da aceleração vertical de chassi, que implica em uma melhora perceptível para o consumidor na qualidade do conforto do veículo. / Eigenstructure assignment using full state or output feedback control had been object of study of many researchers during the second half of XX century. The most important works about eigenstructure assignment were reviewed, specially some applications within aerospace industry, that was the responsible for developing all the theory concerning pole and eigenvector placement. The review of the related theory was also based on the pioneering and most expressive works and were base for the methodology developed and described in this work. Which consists basically on the assignment of some desired eigensctructure of open loop linear systems modifying some parameters of the systems by means pseudo feedback of some outputs into inputs specifically defined. This methodology was applied to a 8 DOF vehicle model, a case of study, in order to adequate the system modes changing engine mounts parameters to improve the vehicle ride comfort, mainly eigenstructures about powertrain shake range frequencies.

Rozpočtové určení daní / Tax Assignment

Jirsová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the tax assignment in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the causes and effects of Act No. 391/215 Coll., which changes the Act on Tax Assignment. The first chapter refers to fiscal federalism and fiscal decentralization, the second chapter is focused on municipalities as territorial self-governing units and the third chapter describes the tax system in the Czech Republic and the development of the tax assignment since 2001. The first part of the practical section of the thesis concerns with an analysis of the development of municipal revenues from personal income tax, which comes from personal income tax returns. The second part of the practical section contains an analysis of the impacts of Act No. 391/215 Coll., which changes the Act on Tax Assignment. The main cause, which led to the amendment, was a gradual reduction of municipal revenues from personal income tax. This reduction happened due to legislative changes. The amendment should have a positive impact on the majority of municipalities.

Prédiction de la qualité des bois de chêne pour l’élevage des vins et des alcools : comparaison des approches physicochimiques, sensorielles et moléculaires

Guichoux, Erwan 06 April 2011 (has links)
Au cours du vieillissement, les caractéristiques organoleptiques du vin se modifient au contact du bois de chêne. Le composé aromatique le plus important, la whisky-lactone, aux notes noix de coco et boisé, est facilement détectable et apprécié par les consommateurs.Quercus petraea et Q. robur, les deux principales espèces européennes de chêne utilisées pour le vieillissement des vins, ont des profils aromatiques très contrastés, particulièrement pour la whisky-lactone. Parvenir à identifier l’espèce de chêne permettrait de fournir aux tonnelleries des lots de bois plus homogènes. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier l’espèce de chêne à partir de bois sec, à l’aide de marqueurs moléculaires utilisables dans un contexte industriel. Le bois sec est un tissu mort dans lequel l’ADN est très dégradé et donc difficilement accessible. Pour optimiser l’extraction d’ADN à partir de ce tissu, nous avons développé une méthode de PCR en temps-réel ciblant l’ADN chloroplastique, permettant ainsi d’évaluer l’efficacité des différents protocoles d’extraction. Nous avons également développé des marqueurs moléculaires (SSRs et SNPs) fortement différenciés entre espèces et particulièrement bien adaptés au bois. Grâce à des protocoles d’extraction d’ADN optimisés et ces marqueurs performants, nous avons pu identifier l’espèce sur des lots de bois séchés pendant deux ans. De plus, par l’étude de 262 SNPs dont la moitié est fortement différenciée entre espèces, nous avons démontré que les gènes sélectionnés (loci « outlier ») sont très performants pour délimiter ces deux espèces proches. Ils permettent également de détecter des processus démographiques fins (flux de gènes intra- et interspécifiques), alors que les gènes a priori non-sélectionnés (loci neutres) se révèlent peu informatifs. / Most of aromatic compounds in wine are directly induced during maturation by the contactwith oak wood. For example, whisky-lactone, the most important aromatic compound,which gives a coconut and woody taste, is easily detected and appreciated by consumers.Quercus petraea and Q. robur, the two major European oak species used for wine maturation,have very contrasted aromatic patterns, especially for whisky-lactone. Identifying the speciesused for cooperage will facilitate the maturation process, for instance by providing winerieswith more homogenous batches of barrels. The objective of our study is to characterize theoak species directly from dry wood, using molecular markers that will be applicable in anindustrial context. Unfortunately, dry wood is a dead tissue in which DNA is highlydegraded and difficult to access. To optimize DNA recovery from dry wood, we developed aquantitative PCR protocol based on chloroplast DNA to evaluate the efficiency of DNAisolation protocols. We identified and developed molecular markers (SSRs and SNPs)adapted to dry wood that are particularly diagnostic. Using an optimized DNA isolationprotocol and these powerful markers, the species identity from wood samples dried duringtwo years could be successfully characterized. Using 262 SNPs highly differentiated betweenthe two species, we also demonstrate that genes under selection (outlier loci) haveoutstanding power to delimitate the two oak species and provide unique insights on intraandinterspecific gene flow, whereas genes lacking such a signature (putatively neutral loci)provide little or no resolution.

Länsstyrelsens roll i den regionala makten : Viktig myndighet eller utdöende dinosaurie? / The Swedish County Administrative Boards role and power in the Regional Federation : A powerful authority or a dying dinosaur?

Stävmo, Lena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this candidate essay is to analyze the Swedish County Administrative Boards assignment documents and point out the differences that has occurred during the years 2003-2017. It will also analyze how the role and power has changed after the decentralization when the Regional Federation took responsibility for the regional development. Will the County Adminitrative Board still be a powerful part in the region or is the game over?   The metod used is called ”the constant comparative method” where there is an analyzing process going on all the time during the investigation until the final reduction is ready.     Interesting findings:   The County Administrative board has lost several important assignments.   Its main role is not to make decisions but to coordinate in the Regional Federation and to pinpoint the goverments politics and monitoring.   Now a knowledge authority with many new assignments that are global, such as Agenda 2030, climate change, sustainability and refugee questions.   The goverment have decentralized many assignments to the regional level.

Suivi et classification d'objets multiples : contributions avec la théorie des fonctions de croyance / Multi-object tracking and classification : contributions with belief functions theory

Hachour, Samir 05 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde le problèeme du suivi et de la classification de plusieurs objets simultanément.Il est montré dans la thèese que les fonctions de croyance permettent d'améliorer les résultatsfournis par des méthodes classiques à base d'approches Bayésiennes. En particulier, une précédenteapproche développée dans le cas d'un seul objet est étendue au cas de plusieurs objets. Il est montréque dans toutes les approches multi-objets, la phase d'association entre observations et objetsconnus est fondamentale. Cette thèse propose également de nouvelles méthodes d'associationcrédales qui apparaissent plus robustes que celles trouvées dans la littérature. Enfin, est abordée laquestion de la classification multi-capteurs qui nécessite une seconde phase d'association. Dans cedernier cas, deux architectures de fusion des données capteurs sont proposées, une dite centraliséeet une autre dite distribuée. De nombreuses comparaisons illustrent l'intérêt de ces travaux, queles classes des objets soient constantes ou variantes dans le temps. / This thesis deals with multi-objet tracking and classification problem. It was shown that belieffunctions allow the results of classical Bayesian methods to be improved. In particular, a recentapproach dedicated to a single object classification which is extended to multi-object framework. Itwas shown that detected observations to known objects assignment is a fundamental issue in multiobjecttracking and classification solutions. New assignment solutions based on belief functionsare proposed in this thesis, they are shown to be more robust than the other credal solutions fromrecent literature. Finally, the issue of multi-sensor classification that requires a second phase ofassignment is addressed. In the latter case, two different multi-sensor architectures are proposed, aso-called centralized one and another said distributed. Many comparisons illustrate the importanceof this work, in both situations of constant and changing objects classes.

Détection et localisation des signaux radar (systèmes passifs ou discrets) / Detection and localization of radar signals (passive or discrete systems)

Giacometti, Romain 25 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer de nouvelles solutions pour détecter et localiser des sources électromagnétiques radar au niveau d'une unique station de réception en exploitant les signaux directs et indirects reçus. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous avons dans un premier temps développé une modélisation du signal reçu au niveau d'un récepteur en tenant compte des caractéristiques des émetteurs et de la zone environnante. L'évaluation de cette modélisation a été effectuée en s'appuyant sur un cas particulier de détection et de localisation des réflecteurs. Ce dernier, traité dans la littérature, repose sur l’exploitation des trajets multiples. Ces derniers peuvent être également utilisés pour localiser des sources d’émission. Néanmoins, la plupart des méthodes existantes se basent sur des réflexions dites spéculaires. Les techniques employant les réflexions non spéculaires sur un réflecteur quelconque pour localiser des sources d'émission dans un environnement inconnu font l'objet de peu de publications dans la littérature ouverte. La méthode de localisation que nous proposons a l'avantage de n'employer qu'un récepteur fixe mesurant seulement deux types de grandeurs : les angles d'arrivée (AOA) et les différences de temps d'arrivée (TDOA). En pratique, un problème d'affectation doit être résolu avant de procéder à la localisation des émetteurs et des réflecteurs. Le problème consiste à affecter chaque paire de mesures TDOAAOA à un réflecteur donné, en supposant que chaque paire a déjà été affectée à un émetteur.La méthode que nous avons développée a été testée et évaluée, d'une part grâce à des données simulées et d'autre part en utilisant des mesures réelles. / The purpose of this work is to develop new methods for the detection and the location of radar sources. The developed approach exploits the direct and indirect signals received at the receiving point. In our study, we first develop a model of these signals that takes into account the characteristics of the transmitters and the reflectors. We evaluate this model by simulating a particular case of reflectors detection and location, defined in the literature. Our goal is to use the multipaths to locate emission sources. Most existing methods are based on specular reflections. Methods based on non-specular reflections, to locate emission sources in an unknown environment, are rarely studied in the literature. In our study, we propose a new location method that uses a fixed receiver measuring the Angle of Arrival (AOA) and Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA). In practice, an assignment problem must be solved before locating the emitters and reflectors. The problem is to assign each pair of TDOA-AOA measurements to a given reflector, assuming that each pair has already been assigned to a transmitter. The method developed has been tested and evaluated by using simulated data and real measurements.

Développement de modèles spécifiques aux séquences génomique virales / Developing viral genomic data-specific classification models

Schmitt, Louise-Amelie 19 July 2017 (has links)
Le séquençage ADN d'échantillons complexes contenant plusieurs espèces est une technique de choix pour étudier le paysage viral d'un milieu donné. Or les génomes viraux sont difficiles à identifier, de par leur extrême variabilité et la relation étroite qu'ils entretiennent avec leurs hôtes. Nous proposons de nouvelles pistes de recherche pour apporter une solution spécifique aux séquences virales afin de répondre au besoin d'identification pour lequel les solutions génériques existantes n'apportent pas de réponse satisfaisante. / DNA sequencing of complex samples containing various living species is a choice approach to study the viral landscape of a given environment. Viral genomes are hard to identify due to their extreme variability and the tight relationship they have with their hosts. We hereby provide new leads for the development of a virusesspecific solution to the need for accurate identification that hasn't found a satisfactory solution in the existing universal software so far.

En väg in i arbetslivet : En studie av nyanländas arbetsintegrering ur arbetsförmedlingens perspektiv / From refugee to employee : A study in work intergration from the perspective of arbetsförmedlingen

Berisa, Saha, Cras, Evelina, Rexhepi, Arlinda January 2018 (has links)
Arbetsförmedlingen har i uppdrag att matcha personer ut på arbetsmarknaden. 2015 skedde flyktingkrisen från Syrien och med det kom många flyktingar till Sverige. Arbetsförmedlingen fick i uppdrag att etablera de nyanlända på arbetsmarknaden. De skulle stödja de nyanlända genom att underlätta etableringsprocessen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fördjupa förståelsen för hur arbetsförmedlare ser arbetet med etableringsuppdraget. Empirin för studien är hämtad via en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer. Det är sex olika handläggare på tre olika kontor som har intervjuats. Empirin har analyserats utifrån new public management, det strukturella perspektivet och humankapitalteorin. Med teorierna som underlag har vi kunnat dra slut slutsatsen att arbetsförmedlarna ser seriöst på uppdraget och försöker hjälpa de nyanlända ut på arbetsmarknaden med alla resurs de har. / The Employment Service main mission is to match people into the labor market. In 2015, the refugee crisis took place from Syria and many refugees came to Sweden. The Employment Service was commissioned to establish new arrivals in the labor market. The main mission would be to support the new arrivals by facilitating the establishment process. The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how the workforce sees the work on the establishment assignment. The empires for this study are obtained through a qualitative study in the form of interviews. There are six different administrators at three different offices that have been interviewed. To analyze the empirics from a theoretical point of view we have chosen three different theories based on new public management, structural perspective and human capital theory. With the theories as a basis, we have come to the conclusion that the mediators look seriously at the mission and they try to help the newly arrived in the labor market, with all the resources they have. This study is written in Swedish.

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