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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur är det att arbeta som studie- och yrkesvägledare i småstad och i storstad? : En kvalitativ studie om likheter och olikheter i yrkesutövandet

Hanzon, Natalie, Solin, Sita January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och jämföra studie- och yrkesvägledares sätt att arbeta i småstadsskolor respektive storstadsskolor. Studien genomfördes i tre högstadieskolor i Stockholm läns förort och respektive tre högstadieskolor och en F-9 skola i liten stad och by Dalarnas län. Forskningsfrågor: Vi vill få svar på våra forskningsfrågor – hur arbetar studie- och yrkesvägledare med vägledning i småstad respektive storstad för att säkerhetsställa att verksamheten följer de nationella styrdokumenten som finns och vad är det som skiljer respondenternas arbetssätt. Metod: Som metod har vi valt en kvalitativ skriftlig enkät och innehållsanalys av kommunernas arbetsplaner. Genom att låta fyra studie- och yrkesvägledare besvara en enkät har vi fått en tydligare bild om hur det kan se ut i verkligheten. Resultat: Resultatet visar att det finns mer likheter än olikheter i studie- och yrkesvägledarnas arbetssätt och indikerade på vikten och behovet av djupare förståelse för vägledningsuppdraget i och för SYV:s roll i att uppnå den eftersträvade kvalité och likvärdighet. Slutsats: Med tanke på studiens storlek drar vi inga generaliserande slutsatser. Utifrån enkätstudien och den empirin vi fick från respondenterna kan vi dra slutsats att det är inte så markant skillnad om studie- och yrkesvägledare arbetar i småstad eller i storstad. Det som egentligen spelar roll är synen på uppdraget i sig och förståelsen från alla involverade parter i både storstads- och småstadsskolor. / Method: As a method, we have chosen a qualitative written questionnaire and content analysis of the municipal work plans. By having four study and career counselors answer a questionnaire, we have got a clearer picture of what it might look like in reality. Results: The results show that there are more similarities than differences in the study and career counselor’s working methods and indicated the importance and need for deeper understanding of the study and career counseling assignment and for their role in achieving the desired quality and equivalence. Conclusion: Given the size of the study, we do not make any generalizing conclusions. Based on the survey study and the empiricism we received from the respondents, we can conclude that it is not so significant difference if study and career counselors work in small towns or in big cities. What really matters is the vision of the mission itself and the understanding of all parties involved in both metropolitan and small-town schools.

Relaxations in mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming and robust programming / Relaxations en programmation mixte en nombres entiers avec contraintes quadratiques et en programmation robuste

Wang, Guanglei 28 November 2016 (has links)
De nombreux problèmes de la vie réelle sont exprimés sous la forme de décisions à prendre à l’aide de l’information accessible dans le but d’atteindre certains objectifs. La programmation numérique a prouvé être un outil efficace pour modéliser et résoudre une grande variété de problèmes de ce type. Cependant, de nombreux problèmes en apparence faciles sont encore durs à résoudre. Et même des problèmes faciles de programmation linéaire deviennent durs avec l’incertitude de l’information disponible. Motivés par un problème de télécommunication où l’on doit associer des machines virtuelles à des serveurs tout en minimisant les coûts, nous avons employé plusieurs outils de programmation mathématique dans le but de résoudre efficacement le problème, et développé de nouveaux outils pour des problèmes plus généraux. Dans l’ensemble, résumons les principaux résultats de cette thèse comme suit. Une formulation exacte et plusieurs reformulations pour le problème d’affectation de machines virtuelles dans le cloud sont données. Nous utilisons plusieurs inégalités valides pour renforcer la formulation exacte, accélérant ainsi l’algorithme de résolution de manière significative. Nous donnons en outre un résultat géométrique sur la qualité de la borne lagrangienne montrant qu’elle est généralement beaucoup plus forte que la borne de la relaxation continue. Une hiérarchie de relaxation est également proposée en considérant une séquence de couverture de l’ensemble de la demande. Ensuite, nous introduisons une nouvelle formulation induite par les symétries du problème. Cette formulation permet de réduire considérablement le nombre de termes bilinéaires dans le modèle, et comme prévu, semble plus efficace que les modèles précédents. Deux approches sont développées pour la construction d’enveloppes convexes et concaves pour l’optimisation bilinéaire sur un hypercube. Nous établissons plusieurs connexions théoriques entre différentes techniques et nous discutons d’autres extensions possibles. Nous montrons que deux variantes de formulations pour approcher l’enveloppe convexe des fonctions bilinéaires sont équivalentes. Nous introduisons un nouveau paradigme sur les problèmes linéaires généraux avec des paramètres incertains. Nous proposons une hiérarchie convergente de problèmes d’optimisation robuste – approche robuste multipolaire, qui généralise les notions de robustesse statique, de robustesse d’affinement ajustable, et de robustesse entièrement ajustable. En outre, nous montrons que l’approche multipolaire peut générer une séquence de bornes supérieures et une séquence de bornes inférieures en même temps et les deux séquences convergent vers la valeur robuste des FARC sous certaines hypothèses modérées / Many real life problems are characterized by making decisions with current information to achieve certain objectives. Mathematical programming has been developed as a successful tool to model and solve a wide range of such problems. However, many seemingly easy problems remain challenging. And some easy problems such as linear programs can be difficult in the face of uncertainty. Motivated by a telecommunication problem where assignment decisions have to be made such that the cloud virtual machines are assigned to servers in a minimum-cost way, we employ several mathematical programming tools to solve the problem efficiently and develop new tools for general theoretical problems. In brief, our work can be summarized as follows. We provide an exact formulation and several reformulations on the cloud virtual machine assignment problem. Then several valid inequalities are used to strengthen the exact formulation, thereby accelerating the solution procedure significantly. In addition, an effective Lagrangian decomposition is proposed. We show that, the bounds providedby the proposed Lagrangian decomposition is strong, both theoretically and numerically. Finally, a symmetry-induced model is proposed which may reduce a large number of bilinear terms in some special cases. Motivated by the virtual machine assignment problem, we also investigate a couple of general methods on the approximation of convex and concave envelopes for bilinear optimization over a hypercube. We establish several theoretical connections between different techniques and prove the equivalence of two seeming different relaxed formulations. An interesting research direction is also discussed. To address issues of uncertainty, a novel paradigm on general linear problems with uncertain parameters are proposed. This paradigm, termed as multipolar robust optimization, generalizes notions of static robustness, affinely adjustable robustness, fully adjustable robustness and fills the gaps in-between. As consequences of this new paradigms, several known results are implied. Further, we prove that the multipolar approach can generate a sequence of upper bounds and a sequence of lower bounds at the same time and both sequences converge to the robust value of fully adjustable robust counterpart under some mild assumptions

Agent-Based Overlapping Generations Modeling for Educational Policy Analysis

Wang, Connie Hou-Ning 01 January 2017 (has links)
Educational systems are complex adaptive systems (CAS). The macroeffects of an educational policy emerge from and depend on individual students' reactions to the policy. However, educational policymakers traditionally rely on equation-based models, which are deficient in reflecting the work of microbehaviors. Using inappropriate tools to make policies may be a reason why there were many unintended educational consequences in history. A proper methodology to design and analyze policies for complex educational systems is agent-based modeling (ABM). Grounded in the theories of CAS and computational irreducibility, ABM is capable of connecting microbehaviors with macropatterns. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the application of ABM in educational policy analysis by constructing an agent-based overlapping generations model with hypothesized inputs to qualitatively represent the environment of the Taipei School District. Four research questions explored the effects of Taipei's 2016 student-assignment mechanism and its free tuition policy on educational opportunity and school quality under different assumptions of students' school-choice strategies. The simulated outputs were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired samples t tests. The findings, which could hardly be revealed by traditional models, showed that the effects were complex and depended on students' strategies along with the number of choices students were allowed to make; the assignment outcomes for elite students were robust to the mechanism, and the free tuition policy worsened school quality. Although exploratory, these findings can serve as hypotheses and a guide for Taipei's policymakers to collect empirical data in evaluating their 2016 mechanism and tuition policy.

Modeling and Solving of Railway Optimization Problems

Scheffler, Martin 28 January 2022 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to provide decision makers suitable approaches for solving two crucial planning problems in the railway industry: the locomotive assignment problem and the crew scheduling problem with attendance rates. On the one hand, the focus is on practical usability and the necessary integration and consideration of real-life requirements in the planning process. On the other hand, solution approaches are to be developed, which can provide solutions of sufficiently good quality within a reasonable time by taking all these requirements into account.

Nové trendy v podnikání - Multidimenzionální rozhodování při outsourcingu účetních prací / New Entrepreneurial Trends - Accountant Tasks Outsourcing Based on Multidimensional Decision-making

Kába, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with multidimensional decision-making in the outsourcing of accounting work; it is designed for accounting companies with more than 30 employees. These companies deal with hundreds of accounting tasks of various extent and nature which would be assigned to individual accountants. Theoretically speaking, the problem of assigning tasks to individual accountants can be resolved by well-known methods of operational research; however, certain qualities of accountants are very vague and are hard to quantify. These qualities include creativity, loyalty, credibility towards clients, etc. The qualities make the application of traditional algorithms (e.g. scheduling algorithms) very difficult. Moreover, certain accounting tasks are unique and can be assigned only by experienced managers, not algorithms. This work focuses on a fuzzy description of tasks and accountants and a two-level assignment process. In preliminary sorting, individual tasks to be assigned are classified as routine, which can be assigned through a fuzzy algorithm, or non-routine, which are assigned to individual employees through the manager . fuzzy expert system dialogue.

Aplikace pro přípravu zkoušek / Application for Exam Preparation

Líbal, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of preparation of final exams at the Faculty of Information Technology of Brno University of Technology. It describes the process of design and implementation of a web application that allows teachers to create and manage room schemes and terms of individual exams. An important part of the application is also the automatic placement of students in the rooms and the generation of individual exam assignments for printing based on the given template and the method of placement. The application provides students with a clear view of individual exam terms and details about them. The work will result in a functional and usable web application written in Java using the Spring and Angular frameworks.

Design and Evaluation of Perception System Algorithms for Semi-Autonomous Vehicles

Narasimhan Ramakrishnan, Akshra January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Lärarstöd i programmering : En kartläggning av programmeringsstöd till lärare som undervisar imatematik / Teacher aid in computer programming : A study of programming aid for teachers that teachmathematics

Severin, Joar January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka stöd som matematiklärare erbjudits relativt programmering i matematikundervisningen. Därtill avsåg studien att undersöka vad matematiklärare önskar av ett stöd relativt programmering i matematik. Två datainsamlingsmetoder användes: en webbaserad enkät, och en semistrukturerad intervju. 29 enkätsvar erhölls och tre intervjuer genomfördes. Urvalspopulationen för dessa var matematiklärare i Stockholmsområdet. De insamlade data bearbetades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys där olika kategorier med tillhörande koder framkom, för att beskriva lärares uppfattningar av begreppet lärarstöd samt lärarnas åsikter om lärarstöd. Av enkätsvaren erhölls att 11 av 29 lärare upplevde att de inte erbjudits stöd för programmering i matematikundervisningen. Baserat på studiens resultat utvecklades ett lärarstödförslag vars syfte är att motsvara lärarnas önskemål på lärarstöd. Lärarstödförslaget består av ett upplägg för kompetensutveckling och lektionsplaner. / The purpose of the study was to examine which aids relative to programming in mathematics education the mathematics teachers have been offered. Moreover, the study sought to examine the desiderata of the mathematics teachers, relative to aid in programming in mathematics education. Two means of collecting data were used: a web based questionnaire, and a semi structured interview. 29 responses to the questionnaire were collected and three interviews were conducted. The sample population for the study was mathematics teachers in the Stockholm region. The collected data were processed with qualitative content analysis where different categories and codes emerged. The categories and codes describe the teachers’ understanding of the term teacher-aid, and the teachers’ opinion of teacher-aid. The questionnaire responses indicate that 11 of 29 teachers did not perceive that they were offered aid relative to programming in mathematics education. A teacher-aid-proposal with the purpose to match the desiderata of the teachers with respect to teacher-aids. The teacher-aid-proposal consists of a competence development arrangement and lesson plans.

Data Fusion for the Problem of Protein Sidechain Assignment

Lei, Yang 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we study the problem of protein side chain assignment (SCA) given multiple sources of experimental and modeling data. In particular, the mechanism of X-ray crystallography (X-ray) is re-examined using Fourier analysis, and a novel probabilistic model of X-ray is proposed for SCA's decision making. The relationship between the measurements in X-ray and the desired structure is reformulated in terms of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The decision making is performed by developing a new resolution-dependent electron density map (EDM) model and applying Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation, which simply reduces to the Least Squares (LS) solution. Calculation of the condence probability associated with this decision making is also given. One possible extension of this novel model is the real-space refinement when the continuous conformational space is used. Furthermore, we present a data fusion scheme combining multi-sources of data to solve SCA problem. The merit of our framework is the capability of exploiting multi-sources of information to make decisions in a probabilistic perspective based on Bayesian inference. Although our approach aims at SCA problem, it can be easily transplanted to solving for the entire protein structure.

Diverse Needs for Diverse Buildings in a Time of Covid-19: Teacher on Special Assignment

Maxwell, Emily 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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