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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CLAUDIO CARDOSO FLORES 04 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese é composta por dois capítulos. O primeiro deles refere-se ao problema de aprendizado sequencial, útil em diversos campos de pesquisa e aplicações práticas. Exemplos incluem problemas de apreçamento dinâmico, desenhos de leilões e de incentivos, além de programas e tratamentos sequenciais. Neste capítulo, propomos a extensão de uma das mais populares regras de aprendizado, epsilon-greedy, para contextos de alta-dimensão, levando em consideração uma diretriz conservadora. Em particular, nossa proposta consiste em alocar parte do tempo que a regra original utiliza na adoção de ações completamente novas em uma busca focada em um conjunto restrito de ações promissoras. A regra resultante pode ser útil para aplicações práticas nas quais existem restrições suaves à adoção de ações não-usuais, mas que eventualmente, valorize surpresas positivas, ainda que a uma taxa decrescente. Como parte dos resultados, encontramos limites plausíveis, com alta probabilidade, para o remorso cumulativo para a regra epsilon-greedy conservadora em alta-dimensão. Também, mostramos a existência de um limite inferior para a cardinalidade do conjunto de ações viáveis que implica em um limite superior menor para o remorso da regra conservadora, comparativamente a sua versão não-conservadora. Adicionalmente, usuários finais possuem suficiente flexibilidade em estabelecer o nível de segurança que desejam, uma vez que tal nível não impacta as propriedades teóricas da regra de aprendizado proposta. Ilustramos nossa proposta tanto por meio de simulação, quanto por meio de um exercício utilizando base de dados de um problema real de sistemas de classificação. Por sua vez, no segundo capítulo, investigamos efeitos de tratamento determinísticos quando a regra de aloção é complexa e desconhecida, talvez por razões éticas, ou para evitar manipulação ou competição desnecessária. Mais especificamente, com foco na metodologia de regressão discontínua sharp, superamos a falta de conhecimento de pontos de corte na alocação de unidades, pela implementação de uma floresta de árvores de classificação, que também utiliza aprendizado sequencial na sua construção, para garantir que, assintoticamente, as regras de alocação desconhecidas sejam identificadas corretamente. A estrutura de árvore também é útil nos casos em que a regra de alocação desconhecida é mais complexa que as tradicionais univariadas. Motivado por exemplos da vida prática, nós mostramos nesse capítulo que, com alta probabilidade e baseado em premissas razoáveis, é possível estimar consistentemente os efeitos de tratamento sob esse cenário. Propomos ainda um algoritmo útil para usuários finais que se mostrou robusto para diferentes especificações e que revela com relativa confiança a regra de alocação anteriormente desconhecida. Ainda, exemplificamos os benefícios da metodologia proposta pela sua aplicação em parte do P900, um programa governamental Chileno de suporte para escolas, que se mostrou adequado ao cenário aqui estudado. / [en] Sequential learning problems are common in several fields of research and practical applications. Examples include dynamic pricing and assortment, design of auctions and incentives and permeate a large number of sequential treatment experiments. In this essay, we extend one of the most popular learning solutions, the epsilon-greedy heuristics, to high-dimensional contexts considering a conservative directive. We do this by allocating part of the time the original rule uses to adopt completely new actions to a more focused search in a restrictive set of promising actions. The resulting rule might be useful for practical applications that still values surprises, although at a decreasing rate, while also has restrictions on the adoption of unusual actions. With high probability, we find reasonable bounds for the cumulative regret of a conservative high-dimensional decaying epsilon-greedy rule. Also, we provide a lower bound for the cardinality of the set of viable actions that implies in an improved regret bound for the conservative version when compared to its non-conservative counterpart. Additionally, we show that end-users have sufficient flexibility when establishing how much safety they want, since it can be tuned without impacting theoretical properties. We illustrate our proposal both in a simulation exercise and using a real dataset. The second essay studies deterministic treatment effects when the assignment rule is both more complex than traditional ones and unknown to the public perhaps, among many possible causes, due to ethical reasons, to avoid data manipulation or unnecessary competition. More specifically, sticking to the well-known sharp RDD methodology, we circumvent the lack of knowledge of true cutoffs by employing a forest of classification trees which also uses sequential learning, as in the last essay, to guarantee that, asymptotically, the true unknown assignment rule is correctly identified. The tree structure also turns out to be suitable if the program s rule is more sophisticated than traditional univariate ones. Motivated by real world examples, we show in this essay that, with high probability and based on reasonable assumptions, it is possible to consistently estimate treatment effects under this setup. For practical implementation we propose an algorithm that not only sheds light on the previously unknown assignment rule but also is capable to robustly estimate treatment effects regarding different specifications imputed by end-users. Moreover, we exemplify the benefits of our methodology by employing it on part of the Chilean P900 school assistance program, which proves to be suitable for our framework.

Δρομολόγηση και αποδοτική ανάθεση χωρητικότητας σε ευρυζωνικά οπτικά δίκτυα

Χριστοδουλόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος 19 August 2009 (has links)
Τα οπτικά δίκτυα αποτελούν την αποδοτικότερη επιλογή όσον αφορά την εγκατάσταση ευρυζωνικών δικτύων κορμού, καθώς παρουσιάζουν μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά μετάδοσης. Διαθέτουν τεράστιο εύρος ζώνης, υψηλή αξιοπιστία, ενώ επίσης έχουν μειωμένο κόστος μετάδοσης ανά bit πληροφορίας σε σχέση με τα υπόλοιπα ενσύρματα δίκτυα. Σημαντικές ερευνητικές προσπάθειες έχουν επικεντρωθεί στις προοπτικές μετάβασης από τα παραδοσιακά στατικά δίκτυα κυκλωμάτων, στα οποία χρησιμοποιείται από-σημείο-σε-σημείο οπτική μετάδοση, σε δίκτυα μετάδοσης δεδομένων που προσφέρουν δυναμική και γρήγορη επαναρύθμιση των οπτικών μονοπατιών και πρόσβαση σε χωρητικότητες κάτω του ενός μήκους κύματος, ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις των χρηστών και των εκάστοτε εφαρμογών. Τα τελευταία χρόνια υπάρχει η τάση για δημιουργία δυναμικών και επαναρυθμιζόμενων οπτικών δικτύων μεταγωγής κυκλώματος (Optical Circuit Switching), τα οποία θα βασίζονται σε διαφανείς κόμβους μεταγωγής. Η μονάδα μεταγωγής των δικτύων οπτικής μεταγωγής κυκλώματος είναι τα οπτικά μονοπάτια (lightpaths) και το βασικό πρόβλημα βελτιστοποίησης που σχετίζεται με την αποδοτική εκμετάλλευση της χωρητικότητας τέτοιων δικτύων είναι το πρόβλημα της δρομολόγησης και ανάθεσης μήκους κύματος (Routing and Wavelength Assignment - RWA). Στα αμιγώς διαφανή (transparent) οπτικά δίκτυα κυκλώματος η μετάδοση του σήματος υποβαθμίζεται από μια σειρά φυσικών εξασθενήσεων (physical impairments), σε σημείο που η εγκατάσταση ενός οπτικού μονοπατιού να μην είναι αποδεκτή. Για την αντιμετώπιση αυτού του προβλήματος στην παρούσα διατριβή προτείνουμε αλγόριθμους οι οποίοι λαμβάνουν υπόψη τους τις φυσικές εξασθενήσεις (Impairment Aware RWA ή ΙΑ-RWA algorithms) τόσο για στατική όσο και για δυναμική κίνηση. Συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζουμε έναν IA-RWA αλγόριθμο για στατική κίνηση, ο οποίος βασίζεται στην τεχνική της LP-χαλάρωσης και χρησιμοποιεί αποδοτικές μεθόδους για την παραγωγή ακεραίων λύσεων. Εκφράζουμε τις φυσικές εξασθενήσεις μέσω επιπλέον περιορισμών στην LP μοντελοποίηση του RWA προβλήματος, επιτυγχάνοντας την διαστρωματική βελτιστοποίηση (cross-layer optimization) πάνω στο φυσικό επίπεδο και στο επίπεδο δικτύου. Στη συνέχεια, προτείνουμε έναν IA-RWA αλγόριθμο πολλαπλών κριτηρίων (multi-cost) για δυναμική κίνηση. Ορίζουμε ένα διάνυσμα από κόστη για κάθε σύνδεσμο και τις πράξεις συσχέτισης αυτών, ώστε να μπορούμε να υπολογίσουμε το διάνυσμα από κόστη ενός μονοπατιού και μέσω αυτού να αξιολογήσουμε την ποιότητα μετάδοσης των διαθέσιμων μηκών κύματος του μονοπατιού. Για την εξυπηρέτηση μιας νέας αίτησης σύνδεσης, ο αλγόριθμος πολλαπλών κριτηρίων υπολογίζει το σύνολο των μη κυριαρχούμενων μονοπατιών, από την πηγή στο ζητούμενο προορισμό, και μετά εφαρμόζει μια πολιτική για να επιλέξει το βέλτιστο οπτικό μονοπάτι. Προτείνουμε και αξιολογούμε την απόδοση μιας σειράς από πολιτικές επιλογής, η κάθε μια από τις οποίες ουσιαστικά αντιστοιχεί σε έναν διαφορετικό δυναμικό IA-RWA αλγόριθμο. Στη συνέχεια, στρέφουμε την προσοχή μας στα δίκτυα οπτικής μεταγωγής καταιγισμών (Optical Burst Switching – OBS), τα οποία θεωρούνται ότι αποτελούν το επόμενο στάδιο των δικτύων οπτικής μεταγωγής κυκλώματος, όπου η δέσμευση της χωρητικότητας γίνεται για μικρότερο χρονικό διάστημα. Στα OBS δίκτυα, τα πακέτα που έχουν τον ίδιο προορισμό και παρόμοιες απαιτήσεις ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συναθροίζονται σε καταιγισμούς (bursts). Οι καταιγισμοί μεταδίδονται πάνω από αμιγώς οπτικά μονοπάτια, τα οποία ρυθμίζονται με τη χρήση πακέτων ελέγχου που μεταδίδονται πριν από τους αντίστοιχους καταιγισμούς και τα οποία επεξεργάζονται ηλεκτρονικά οι ενδιάμεσοι κόμβοι. Επικεντρώνουμε την προσοχή μας σε δυο βασικά στοιχεία ενός δικτύου οπτικής μεταγωγής καταιγισμών, την διαδικασία συναρμολόγησης καταιγισμών και τα πρωτόκολλα σηματοδοσίας, και παραθέτουμε δύο προτάσεις για την αποδοτική ανάθεσης χωρητικότητας σε αυτά τα δίκτυα. Συγκεκριμένα, προτείνουμε και αξιολογούμε ένα νέο αλγόριθμο συναρμολόγησης καταιγισμών που βασίζεται στη μέση καθυστέρηση των πακέτων που αποτελούν έναν καταιγισμό. Δείχνουμε ότι ο προτεινόμενος αλγόριθμος συναρμολόγησης καταιγισμών μειώνει την διασπορά της καθυστέρησης των πακέτων (packet delay jitter), η οποία είναι σημαντική για μια σειρά από εφαρμογές. Στην συνέχεια προτείνουμε ένα νέο αμφίδρομο (two-way) πρωτόκολλο σηματοδοσίας που βασίζεται στις μελλοντικές (in-advance) και χαλαρωμένες χρονικά (relaxed timed) δεσμεύσεις χωρητικότητας. Στο προτεινόμενο πρωτόκολλο, κατά τη φάση εγκατάστασης της σύνδεσης οι δεσμεύσεις χωρητικότητας γίνονται για χρονικό διάστημα μεγαλύτερο από το χρόνο μετάδοσης του καταιγισμού, ώστε να αυξηθεί η πιθανότητα επιτυχούς εγκατάστασης στους επόμενους συνδέσμους του μονοπατιού. Συγκρίνουμε το προτεινόμενο πρωτόκολλο με τυπικά πρωτόκολλα που έχουν προταθεί στη βιβλιογραφία και δείχνουμε οτι μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την παροχή διαφοροποιημένης ποιότητα υπηρεσιών (QoS differentiation) στους χρήστες του OBS δικτύου. Στη συνέχεια, εξετάζουμε το πρόβλημα της δρομολόγησης και του χρονοπρογραμματισμού συνδέσεων με χαλαρό - μη συγκεκριμένο χρόνο εκκίνησης, πρόβλημα που εμφανίζεται υπό ελαφρώς διαφορετική μορφή σε δίκτυα οπτικής μεταγωγής κυκλώματος, οπτικής μεταγωγής καταιγισμών αλλά και μεταγωγής πακέτου. Η εξυπηρέτηση αυτών των συνδέσεων γίνεται μέσω μελλοντικών δεσμεύσεων χωρητικότητας, τρόπος ο οποίος είναι τυπικός για να παρεχθεί εγγυημένη ποιότητα υπηρεσίας (QoS) στους χρήστες ενός δικτύου. Θεωρούμε ότι μας δίνεται μια σύνδεση με γνωστή πηγή και προορισμό, γνωστό ή άγνωστο όγκο δεδομένων και γνωστό ρυθμό μετάδοσης και ζητείται να αποφασίσουμε το μονοπάτι που θα ακολουθήσουν τα δεδομένα και το χρόνο που θα αρχίσει η μετάδοση. Διακριτοποιούμε το χρόνο και χρησιμοποιούμε κατάλληλα διανύσματα ως δομές δεδομένων για να αναπαραστήσουμε τη διαθεσιμότητα των συνδέσμων του δικτύου ως συνάρτηση του χρόνου. Χρησιμοποιούμε αυτά τα διανύσματα σε ένα αλγόριθμο πολλαπλών κριτηρίων για τη δρομολόγηση και το χρονοπρογραμματισμό των συνδέσεων. Αρχικά, παρουσιάζουμε έναν αλγόριθμο πολλαπλών κριτηρίων μη πολυωνυμικής πολυπλοκότητας, ο οποίος βασίζεται στην έννοια των μη-κυριαρχούμενων μονοπατιών. Μετά προτείνουμε δύο ευριστικούς αλγορίθμους πολυωνυμικής πολυπλοκότητας, ορίζοντας κατάλληλες σχέσεις ψευδο-κυριαρχίας οι οποίες μειώνουν το χώρο των λύσεων. Επίσης, προτείνουμε ένα μηχανισμό branch-and-bound, ο οποίος μπορεί να μειώσει το χώρο λύσεων στην περίπτωση που χρησιμοποιούμε μια συγκεκριμένη συνάρτηση βελτιστοποίησης για όλες τις συνδέσεις. Η απόδοση των προτεινόμενων αλγορίθμων αξιολογήθηκε σε ένα δίκτυο οπτικής μεταγωγής καταιγισμών, ωστόσο τα συμπεράσματα και η εφαρμοσιμότητα του προτεινόμενου αλγόριθμου επεκτείνεται και σε άλλου είδους οπτικά δίκτυα. Τέλος, εξετάζουμε το πρόβλημα του συνδυασμένου χρονοπρογραμματισμού των δικτυακών και υπολογιστικών πόρων που απαιτούνται για την εκτέλεση μιας διεργασίας σε ένα Δίκτυο Πλέγματος (Grid Network). Τα Δίκτυα Πλέγματος θεωρούνται το επόμενο βήμα στον τομέα των κατανεμημένων συστημάτων, εισάγοντας την έννοια της “κοινής” χρήσης γεωγραφικά κατανεμημένων και ετερογενών πόρων (υπολογιστικών, αποθηκευτικών, δικτυακών, κλπ.). Υποθέτουμε ότι η εκτέλεση μιας διεργασίας αποτελείται από δύο διαδοχικά στάδια: (α) Τη μεταφορά των δεδομένων εισόδου της διεργασίας από μια αποθηκευτική μονάδα σε μια συστοιχία υπολογιστών (cluster), (β) την εκτέλεση της διεργασίας στη συστοιχία υπολογιστών. Επεκτείνουμε τον αλγόριθμο πολλαπλών κριτηρίων για τη δρομολόγηση και το χρονοπρογραμματισμό συνδέσεων που περιγράφηκε προηγουμένως, έτσι ώστε να χειρίζεται με ένα συνδυασμένο τρόπο δικτυακούς και υπολογιστικούς πόρους για την εκτέλεση των διεργασιών. Ο προτεινόμενος αλγόριθμος επιστρέφει: (i) τη συστοιχία υπολογιστών όπου θα εκτελεστεί η διεργασία, (ii) το μονοπάτι το οποίο θα ακολουθήσουν τα δεδομένα εισόδου, (iii) τη χρονική στιγμή εκκίνησης μετάδοσης και (iv) τη χρονική στιγμή εκκίνησης εκτέλεσης της διεργασίας στη συστοιχία υπολογιστών. Ξεκινάμε παρουσιάζοντας έναν αλγόριθμο μη πολυωνυμικού χρόνου και μετά, αφού μειώσουμε κατάλληλα το χώρο λύσεων, δίνουμε έναν ευριστικό αλγόριθμο πολυωνυμικής πολυπλοκότητας. / Optical networks have developed rapidly over the last ten years and are widely used in core networks due to their superior transmission characteristics. Optical networks provide huge available capacity that can be efficiently utilized using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and high reliability at the lowest cost per bit ratio when compared to the other wired and wireless networking solutions. Much research has focused on ways to evolve from the typical point-to-point opaque WDM networks that are currently employed in the core to optical networks that are dynamically and quickly reconfigurable and can provide on-demand services to users at subwavelength granularity according to users’ requirements. The most common architecture utilized for establishing communication in WDM optical networks is wavelength routing that fall in the general category of Optical Circuit Switched (OCS) networks. The switched entities in OCS networks are the lightpaths and the basic optimization problem that is related to the efficient allocation of bandwidth is the routing and wavelength assignment problem (RWA). The current optical technology employed in core networks is point-to-point transmission, where the signal is regenerated at every intermediate node via optical-electronic-optical (OEO) conversion. During the recent few years, the trend clearly shows an evolution towards low-cost and high capacity all-optical transparent networks that do not utilize OEO. In transparent OCS networks the signal of a lightpath remains in the optical domain and its quality deteriorates due to a series of physical layer impairments (PLIs). These PLIs may degrade the received signal quality to the extent that the bit-error rate (BER) at the receiver may be so high that signal detection may be infeasible for some lightpaths. To address this problem we proposed algorithms that take into account the PLIs, usually referred in the literature as Impairment Aware RWA or ΙΑ-RWA algorithms, for both offline (static) and online (dynamic) traffic. In particular we propose an IA-RWA algorithm for static traffic that is based on an LP-relaxation formulation and use various efficient methods to obtain integer solutions. The physical layer impairments are included as additional constraint in the LP formulation of the RWA problem, yielding a cross-layer optimization solution between the network and the physical layers. We then proceed and propose a multi-cost IA-RWA algorithm for dynamic traffic. We define a cost vector per link and associative operators to combine these vectors so as to calculate the cost vector of a path. The parameters of these cost vectors are chosen so as to enable the quick and efficient calculation of the quality of transmission of candidate lightpaths. To serve a connection request, the proposed multi-cost algorithm calculates the set of so called non-dominated paths from the given source to the given destination, and then applies an optimization policy to choose the optimal lightpath. We propose and evaluate various optimization policies that correspond to different online IA-RWA algorithms. We then turn our attention to Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks, which are regarded as the next step from the OCS paradigm towards a more dynamic core network that can provide on demand subwavelength services to users. In OBS networks, the packets that have the same destination and similar quality of service requirements are aggregated into bursts at the ingress nodes. When a burst is aggregated, a control packet is transmitted and is electronically processed at intermediate nodes so as to configure them for the burst that will pass transparently afterwards. We focus on two key elements of an OBS network, and in particular the burst aggregation (or burstification) process and the signaling protocol, and we propose two solutions for the efficient allocation of bandwidth in OBS networks. We propose and evaluate a novel burst assembly algorithm that is based on the average delay of the packets that comprise a burst. We show that the proposed algorithm decreases the packet delay jitter among the packets, which is important for a number of applications, including real-time, video and audio streaming, and TCP applications. Next we propose a two-way reservation signaling protocol that utilizes in-advance and relaxed timed reservation of the bandwidth. In the connection establishment phase of the proposed protocol, bandwidth reservations can exceed the duration of burst transmission (thus, relaxing the timed reservations), so as to increase the acceptance probability for the rest of the path. By controlling the degree of the relaxed timed reservations the protocol can also provide service differentiation to the users. Next we examine the problem of routing and scheduling of connections with flexible starting time in networks that support advance reservations. This problem can arise in slightly different settings in Optical Circuit Switched, Optical Burst Switched, and Optical Packet Switched networks. Such connection requests are served through advanced reservations, a process which is used to provide quality of service to users. We assume that for a connection request we are given the source, the destination, and the size of the data to be transferred with a given rate, and we are asked to provide the path and the time that the transmission should start so as to optimize a certain performance metric. We discretize the time and we use appropriate data structures (in the form of vectors) to map the utilization of the links as a function of time. We use these vectors as cost parameters in a multi-cost algorithm. We initially present a multicost algorithm of non-polynomial complexity that uses a full domination relation between paths. We then propose two mechanisms to prune the solution space in order to obtain polynomial complexity algorithms. In the first mechanism we define pseudo-domination relations that are weaker than the full domination relation. We also propose a branch-and-bound extension to the optimum algorithm that can be used for a given specific optimization function. The performance of the multicost algorithm and its variations are evaluated in an OBS network, but this does not limit the applicability of the algorithm and the conclusions can be extended in the other optical networking paradigms. Finally, we examine the problem of joint reservation of communication and computation resources that are required by a task in a Grid Network. Grid Networks are considered as the next step in distributed systems, introducing the concept of shared usage of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources (computation, storage, communication, etc.). We assume that the task execution consists of two phases: (a) the transfer of the input data from a data storage resource, or the scheduler to a computation resource (cluster), (b) the execution of a program at the cluster. We extend the multicost algorithm for the routing and scheduling of connections, outlined above, so as to handle the reservation of computation resources as its last leg. In this way the proposed algorithm performs a joint optimization for the communication and computation part required by a task and returns: (i) the cluster to the execute the task, (ii) the path to route the input data, (iii) the time to start the transmission of data, and (iv) the time to start the execution of the task. We start by presenting an algorithm of non-polynomial complexity and then by appropriately pruning the solution space, we give a heuristic algorithm of polynomial complexity. We show that in a Grid network where the tasks are cpu- and data-intensive important performance benefits can be obtained by jointly optimizing the use of the communication and computation resources.

Tuning of machine learning algorithms for automatic bug assignment

Artchounin, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
In software development projects, bug triage consists mainly of assigning bug reports to software developers or teams (depending on the project). The partial or total automation of this task would have a positive economic impact on many software projects. This thesis introduces a systematic four-step method to find some of the best configurations of several machine learning algorithms intending to solve the automatic bug assignment problem. These four steps are respectively used to select a combination of pre-processing techniques, a bug report representation, a potential feature selection technique and to tune several classifiers. The aforementioned method has been applied on three software projects: 66 066 bug reports of a proprietary project, 24 450 bug reports of Eclipse JDT and 30 358 bug reports of Mozilla Firefox. 619 configurations have been applied and compared on each of these three projects. In production, using the approach introduced in this work on the bug reports of the proprietary project would have increased the accuracy by up to 16.64 percentage points.

The interpretation of South African double taxation agreements under international law

Johannes, Benhardt Laurentius January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates which principles should govern the interpretation of South African Double Tax Agreements (‘DTAs’). This field of study is complex because any DTAs have a dual nature. In the first place, it is an international agreement where two states are parties (a bilateral agreement); second, it also becomes part of domestic law. DTAs are governed by principles of customary international law some of which have been codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (‘VCLT’). Though South Africa is not a party to the VCLT, nevertheless, there is judicial support in South Africa for the notion that VCLT reflects general principles of international law [Harksen v President of the Republic of South Africa 1998 (2) SA 1011 (C)]. DTAs are incorporated into South African domestic law by way of statutory enactment in accordance with the dualist approach to international law. The first purpose of the dissertation is to systematise and analyse the structure of an OECD Model Tax Convention (‘OEC D MTC’) and the international methods (principles) of interpretation of DTAs in order to gain a better understanding of how this international methods functions. A number of issues relating to the interpretation of these methods are analysed. Since DTAs are applied by tax authorities, courts and taxpayers in a domestic law context, i.e. within the framework of the legal system of a particular state, the analysis focuses on the application in South Africa of the methods of the interpretation of South African DTAs. The second objective of the dissertation refers to international tax law principles (treaties and customary international law) derived from South Africa public international law and to evaluate a few selected issues related to South African DTAs and their relevance to South Africa domestic tax laws; the interpretation of DTAs and the implications of a DTA overriding or in conflict with South Africa domestic tax laws. It will also interrogate the legal status of a DTA under South African tax law and whether the anti-discrimination article in South Africa DTAs have the force of law in South Africa? / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Automatické třídění fotografií podle obsahu / Automatic Photography Categorization

Veľas, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with content based automatic photo categorization. The aim of the work is to experiment with advanced techniques of image represenatation and to create a classifier which is able to process large image dataset with sufficient accuracy and computation speed. A traditional solution based on using visual codebooks is enhanced by computing color features, soft assignment of visual words to extracted feature vectors, usage of image segmentation in process of visual codebook creation and dividing picture into cells. These cells are processed separately. Linear SVM classifier with explicit data embeding is used for its efficiency. Finally, results of experiments with above mentioned techniques of the image categorization are discussed.

Ein simultanes Erzeugungs-, Verteilungs-, Aufteilungs- und Routenwahlmodell

Dugge, Birgit 13 April 2006 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein simultanes Quell-, Ziel-, Verkehrsmittel- und Routenwahlmodell (Modell EVA-U) entwickelt, welches ein stochastisches Nutzergleichgewicht erreicht. Die Routenwahlmodelle der Verkehrsarten sind nicht mehr Teil der Umlegungsalgorithmen, sondern in das Nachfragemodell integriert. Dadurch ist eine konsistente Bewertung aller Alternativen (der Verkehrsarten) möglich. Das Simultanmodell EVA-U stellt eine Weiterentwicklung des Simultanmodells EVA von LOHSE dar. Das EVA-U-Modell ist den universalen Logit-Modellen zuzuordnen. Die Randsummenbedingungen der Verkehrsverteilung werden beachtet. Die Bewertung der Alternativen erfolgt mittels Generalisierter Kosten. Die Abhängigkeit von Routen wird berücksichtigt, ebenso die Tagesganglinie der Verkehrsnachfrage und die Fahrpläne des ÖV-Systems. Das Modell EVA-U erlaubt auch die Berücksichtigung von Routen intermodaler Verkehrsarten (z.B. P+R). Darüber hinaus ist die Integration eines Modells des ruhenden Verkehrs möglich. / In this thesis a simultaneous Trip Generation-, Distribution-, Modal-Split and Route Choice Model (modell EVA-U) is elaborated. The model tends to reach a stochastic user equilibrium. The route choice algorithms are not longer part of an assignment procedure but part of the demand model. A consistent assessment of properties of all transport systems is possible. The simultaneous model EVA-U is an advancement of the EVA-Model by Lohse. The model EVA-U is to be assigned to the generalised logit-models. All matrix constrains are taken into account. The assessment is effected by generalised costs. The dependence of routes is taken into account. Moreover, the integration of day time and the schedules of private transport lines is possible. Furthermore, it is possible to integrate a model of parked cars and circuits of inter-modal traffic forms (park and ride) in the Model EVA-U.

Analysis Design and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Edge Computing Environments

Hernández Vicente, Daniel 27 March 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Edge Computing es un modelo de computación emergente basado en acercar el procesamiento a los dispositivos de captura de datos en las infraestructuras Internet of things (IoT). Edge computing mejora, entre otras cosas, los tiempos de respuesta, ahorra anchos de banda, incrementa la seguridad de los servicios y oculta las caídas transitorias de la red. Este paradigma actúa en contraposición a la ejecución de servicios en entornos cloud y es muy útil cuando se desea desarrollar soluciones de inteligencia artificial (AI) que aborden problemas en entornos de desastres naturales, como pueden ser inundaciones, incendios u otros eventos derivados del cambio climático. La cobertura de estos escenarios puede resultar especialmente difícil debido a la escasez de infraestructuras disponibles, lo que a menudo impide un análisis de los datos basado en la nube en tiempo real. Por lo tanto, es fundamental habilitar técnicas de IA que no dependan de sistemas de cómputo externos y que puedan ser embebidas en dispositivos de móviles como vehículos aéreos no tripulados (VANT), para que puedan captar y procesar información que permita inferir posibles situaciones de emergencia y determinar así el curso de acción más adecuado de manera autónoma. Históricamente, se hacía frente a este tipo de problemas utilizando los VANT como dispositivos de recogida de datos con el fin de, posteriormente, enviar esta información a la nube donde se dispone de servidores capacitados para analizar esta ingente cantidad de información. Este nuevo enfoque pretende realizar todo el procesamiento y la obtención de resultados en el VANT o en un dispositivo local complementario. Esta aproximación permite eliminar la dependencia de un centro de cómputo remoto que añade complejidad a la infraestructura y que no es una opción en escenarios específicos, donde las conexiones inalámbricas no cumplen los requisitos de transferencia de datos o son entornos en los que la información tiene que obtenerse en ese preciso momento, por requisitos de seguridad o inmediatez. Esta tesis doctoral está compuesta de tres propuestas principales. En primer lugar se plantea un sistema de despegue de enjambres de VANTs basado en el algoritmo de Kuhn Munkres que resuelve el problema de asignación en tiempo polinómico. Nuestra evaluación estudia la complejidad de despegue de grandes enjambres y analiza el coste computacional y de calidad de nuestra propuesta. La segunda propuesta es la definición de una secuencia de procesamiento de imágenes de catástrofes naturales tomadas desde drones basada en Deep learning (DL). El objetivo es reducir el número de imágenes que deben procesar los servicios de emergencias en la catástrofe natural para poder tomar acciones sobre el terreno de una manera más rápida. Por último, se utiliza un conjunto de datos de imágenes obtenidas con VANTs y relativas a diferentes inundaciones, en concreto, de la DANA de 2019, cedidas por el Ayuntamiento de San Javier, ejecutando un modelo DL de segmentación semántica que determina automáticamente las regiones más afectadas por las lluvias (zonas inundadas). Entre los resultados obtenidos se destacan los siguientes: 1- la mejora drástica del rendimiento del despegue vertical coordinado de una red de VANTs. 2- La propuesta de un modelo no supervisado para la vigilancia de zonas desconocidas representa un avance para la exploración autónoma mediante VANTs. Esto permite una visión global de una zona concreta sin realizar un estudio detallado de la misma. 3- Por último, un modelo de segmentación semántica de las zonas inundadas, desplegado para el procesamiento de imágenes en el VANTs, permite la obtención de datos de inundaciones en tiempo real (respetando la privacidad) para una reconstrucción virtual fidedigna del evento. Esta tesis ofrece una propuesta para mejorar el despegue coordinado de drones y dotar de capacidad de procesamiento de algoritmos de deep learning a dispositivos edge, más concretamente UAVs autónomos. / [CA] Edge Computing és un model de computació emergent basat a acostar el processament als dispositius de captura de dades en les infraestructures Internet of things (IoT). Edge computing millora, entre altres coses, els temps de resposta, estalvia amplades de banda, incrementa la seguretat dels serveis i oculta les caigudes transitòries de la xarxa. Aquest paradigma actua en contraposició a l'execució de serveis en entorns cloud i és molt útil quan es desitja desenvolupar solucions d'intel·ligència artificial (AI) que aborden problemes en entorns de desastres naturals, com poden ser inundacions, incendis o altres esdeveniments derivats del canvi climàtic. La cobertura d'aquests escenaris pot resultar especialment difícil a causa de l'escassetat d'infraestructures disponibles, la qual cosa sovint impedeix una anàlisi de les dades basat en el núvol en temps real. Per tant, és fonamental habilitar tècniques de IA que no depenguen de sistemes de còmput externs i que puguen ser embegudes en dispositius de mòbils com a vehicles aeris no tripulats (VANT), perquè puguen captar i processar informació per a inferir possibles situacions d'emergència i determinar així el curs d'acció més adequat de manera autònoma. Històricament, es feia front a aquesta mena de problemes utilitzant els VANT com a dispositius de recollida de dades amb la finalitat de, posteriorment, enviar aquesta informació al núvol on es disposa de servidors capacitats per a analitzar aquesta ingent quantitat d'informació. Aquest nou enfocament pretén realitzar tot el processament i l'obtenció de resultats en el VANT o en un dispositiu local complementari. Aquesta aproximació permet eliminar la dependència d'un centre de còmput remot que afig complexitat a la infraestructura i que no és una opció en escenaris específics, on les connexions sense fils no compleixen els requisits de transferència de dades o són entorns en els quals la informació ha d'obtindre's en aqueix precís moment, per requisits de seguretat o immediatesa. Aquesta tesi doctoral està composta de tres propostes principals. En primer lloc es planteja un sistema d'enlairament d'eixams de VANTs basat en l'algorisme de Kuhn Munkres que resol el problema d'assignació en temps polinòmic. La nostra avaluació estudia la complexitat d'enlairament de grans eixams i analitza el cost computacional i de qualitat de la nostra proposta. La segona proposta és la definició d'una seqüència de processament d'imatges de catàstrofes naturals preses des de drons basada en Deep learning (DL).L'objectiu és reduir el nombre d'imatges que han de processar els serveis d'emergències en la catàstrofe natural per a poder prendre accions sobre el terreny d'una manera més ràpida. Finalment, s'utilitza un conjunt de dades d'imatges obtingudes amb VANTs i relatives a diferents inundacions, en concret, de la DANA de 2019, cedides per l'Ajuntament de San Javier, executant un model DL de segmentació semàntica que determina automàticament les regions més afectades per les pluges (zones inundades). Entre els resultats obtinguts es destaquen els següents: 1- la millora dràstica del rendiment de l'enlairament vertical coordinat d'una xarxa de VANTs. 2- La proposta d'un model no supervisat per a la vigilància de zones desconegudes representa un avanç per a l'exploració autònoma mitjançant VANTs. Això permet una visió global d'una zona concreta sense realitzar un estudi detallat d'aquesta. 3- Finalment, un model de segmentació semàntica de les zones inundades, desplegat per al processament d'imatges en el VANTs, permet l'obtenció de dades d'inundacions en temps real (respectant la privacitat) per a una reconstrucció virtual fidedigna de l'esdeveniment. / [EN] Edge Computing is an emerging computing model based on bringing data processing and storage closer to the location needed to improve response times and save bandwidth. This new paradigm acts as opposed to running services in cloud environments and is very useful in developing artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that address problems in natural disaster environments, such as floods, fires, or other events of an adverse nature. Coverage of these scenarios can be particularly challenging due to the lack of available infrastructure, which often precludes real-time cloud-based data analysis. Therefore, it is critical to enable AI techniques that do not rely on external computing systems and can be embedded in mobile devices such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) so that they can capture and process information to understand their context and determine the appropriate course of action independently. Historically, this problem was addressed by using UAVs as data collection devices to send this information to the cloud, where servers can process it. This new approach aims to do all the processing and get the results on the UAV or a complementary local device. This approach eliminates the dependency on a remote computing center that adds complexity to the infrastructure and is not an option in specific scenarios where wireless connections do not meet the data transfer requirements. It is also an option in environments where the information has to be obtained at that precise moment due to security or immediacy requirements. This study consists of three main proposals. First, we propose a UAV swarm takeoff system based on the Kuhn Munkres algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time. Our evaluation studies the takeoff complexity of large swarms and analyzes our proposal's computational and quality cost. The second proposal is the definition of a Deep learning (DL) based image processing sequence for natural disaster images taken from drones to reduce the number of images processed by the first responders in the natural disaster. Finally, a dataset of images obtained with UAVs and related to different floods is used to run a semantic segmentation DL model that automatically determines the regions most affected by the rains (flooded areas). The results are 1- The drastic improvement of the performance of the coordinated vertical take-off of a network of UAVs. 2- The proposal of an unsupervised model for the surveillance of unknown areas represents a breakthrough for autonomous exploration by UAVs. This allows a global view of a specific area without performing a detailed study. 3- Finally, a semantic segmentation model of flooded areas, deployed for image processing in the UAV, allows obtaining real-time flood data (respecting privacy) for a reliable virtual reconstruction of the event. This thesis offers a proposal to improve the coordinated take-off of drones, to provide edge devices with deep learning algorithms processing capacity, more specifically autonomous UAVs, in order to develop services for the surveillance of areas affected by natural disasters such as fire detection, segmentation of flooded areas or detection of people in danger. Thanks to this research, services can be developed that enable the coordination of large arrays of drones and allow image processing without needing additional devices. This flexibility makes our approach a bet for the future and thus provides a development path for anyone interested in deploying an autonomous drone-based surveillance and actuation system. / I would like to acknowledge the project Development of High-Performance IoT Infrastructures against Climate Change based on Artificial Intelligence (GLOBALoT). Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (RTC2019-007159-5), of which this thesis is part. / Hernández Vicente, D. (2023). Analysis Design and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Edge Computing Environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192605 / Compendio

我國保險代位理論與法制之再建構 / A Study on the Reconstruction of Insurance Subrogation in Taiwan

陳俊元, Chen, Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
保險代位之本質,可說是整個保險代位體系之核心所在。本文乃以保險代位之本質—亦即求償模式為重心,對於保險代位之相關問題,依序加以討論。本文首先自保險代位存在之法理、以及學說上對其之批評加以分析、並提出回應。在保險代位之求償模式方面,我國傳統以來循大陸法系之傳統,採取法定債權移轉理論,而與英美法有所不同;英美法之架構近年來漸受學說之重視,甚至對其有所爭議,故實有釐清之必要。本文乃對英美保險代位之本質、架構加以探索,並對其與擬制信託之融合詳加分析,以求釐清其法律關係。除了英美以外,本文亦對其他主要國家之立法例詳加分析,並歸納為大陸法系與英美法系兩大系統。而中國大陸與台灣均屬於繼受法之地位,關於保險代位求償模式、名義等,亦可見受不同立法例所影響之軌跡;其許多條款與學說見解亦有疑義,值得我國引以為戒。於分析英美法與各國立法例,並審酌我國之背景後,本文乃嘗試對我國提出「保險代位求償模式相對論」—即原則上仍採取法定債權移轉理論,但在保險人與被保險人有特定具體之特約時,則可約定採取英美法之模式、或是自行約定其他求償模式。 另外,關於不足額保險、而應負責之第三人資力不足時,保險人與被保險人之間受償順序之問題,本文將由傳統的法釋義學方法出發,藉由對立法例、實務與學說見解的分析,以重新思考相關的法理基礎。本文也將使用法律經濟分析的方法,以經濟模型重新考量代位求償過程中可能的因素,重新驗證被保險人優先受償模式對於被保險人的效用。就結論而言,在損失填補原則的架構下,被保險人優先受償模式仍應為最適的解決方案。但此原則應有以法規或嚴格意定予以排除、修正之空間。在判斷順序上,可依三階段判斷:先檢視法規有無特別規定,再檢視當事人間是否有特別約定,若均無再適用被保險人優先受償模式以分配之。 對於特別保險—如全民健康保險法、勞工保險條例、強制汽車責任保險法等中之代位體系,本文亦加以分析,並同樣認為於適當之類型中,本文之保險代位模式求償相對論亦應可加以適用。在再保險與保險代位之適用問題上,本文肯認保險人對第三人之求償無庸扣除再保險之給付。而對於再保險是否、如何適用於保險代位,本文則認為可以三階段判斷之:首先,就再保險之類型為判斷;再判斷原保險人是否欲向第三人求償;如再保險之類型適合、又原保險人不欲向第三人求償時,則應允許再保險人向第三求償。最後,總結全文提出結論;並分三階段對於我國法提出相關建議,以供未來進一步之參酌。 / The nature of subrogation can be regarded as the core of the subrogation system. This research put stress on the nature of subrogation which was the subrogation. Regarding the related problems of subrogation, they will be discussed orderly. The article firstly starts to analyze from the existence of subrogation and the criticism for the theory to provide the responses. In the aspect of the way how subrogation operates, our country traditionally follows the Continental Law System to adopt the “legal assignment theory” which is different the Anglo-American Law System. The structure of Anglo-American Law System is stressed by the theory and is very controversial. Consequently, it is necessary to figure out the truth. This research is aimed at exploring the nature and structure of common law subrogation theory and analyzes other integration of the constructive trust to figure out the law relationship. Except for Anglo-American countries, this research also analyzes the lawmaking of other countries and induces the two main systems which are Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System. Mainland China and Taiwan belong to the status of Succession Law. Regarding the subrogation and nominal, it can be seen that the orbit is affected by different ways of lawmaking. Understandings of many clauses and theories are still uncertain. Our country should learn a lesson from it. With analyzing the ways of lawmaking of common law and each country, and considering the background of our country, the research attempts to address the “relativity theory of insurance subrogation” to our country. In principle, it still adopts legal assignment theory. However, when the insurer and insured have specific agreement, they can negotiate to adopt the Anglo-American model or make other subrogation model by themselves. Other problems can arise with regard to payment priority between the insurer and the insured, particularly in cases of underinsurance and when the responsible third party has insufficient funds to make up the difference. The present study takes the traditional rechtsdogmatik approach as its starting point, analyzing legislative precedents, practical aspects and academic theories to re-examine the underlying legal principles. The paper also makes use of economic analysis of law techniques, employing economic models to reconsider the factors that may be involved in the subrogation process, and re-examining the efficacy of the insured-whole doctrine from the point of view of the insured. The main conclusions reached are that, within the framework created by the principle of indemnity, the insured-whole doctrine is still the optimal solution; however, there may be situations in which the insured-whole doctrine must be rejected or modified in light of legal or regulatory requirements or strict interpretation. Determination can be made in three stages. Firstly, the relevant laws and regulations should be examined to determine whether any special provisions apply. Then, an examination should be made to determine whether any special agreements exist between the parties concerned. If no special legal or regulatory provisions apply and no special agreements exist, then the insured-whole doctrine can be applied. For the subrogation systems in special insurances—for examples, the National Health Insurance, Labor Insurance, and Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance, the research also analyzes them and considers that in the proper type, the relativity theory of insurance subrogation can be adopted. About the problems about reinsurance and subrogation, this research admits that insurer asks for subrogation for the third party not need to deduct from settlement of reinsurance. For reinsurer and how to apply to the subrogation, the research considers that it can be judged from three stages. If the type of reinsurance is suitable and the original insurer does not want to claim against the third party, it should be allowed that the reinsurer can claim against the third party directly. Finally, the research makes the conclusion and provides related suggestions to the law of our country to be viewed as the future reference.

Vliv druhu vlastnictví bytové jednotky na obvyklou cenu v Třinci / The Influence of the Type of Ownership of a Dwelling Unit on the Usual Price in Trinec

Karch, Václav January 2017 (has links)
A real property, an apartment, an accommodation unit, an ownership, cooperative housing, supply, demand, a price, a worth, a current price, a valuation using price provision, method of a direct comparison, yield method, real estate market

BA'S : The practice and law of bankers' acceptance

Gozlan, Audi 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours d'une transaction portant sur une acceptation bancaire (ci-après «BA» tel que dénommée dans le jargon juridique) différents types de relations peuvent s'établir entre les parties impliquées, certaines plus directes que d'autres. Dans une transaction donnée, à part le client et la banque, on peut trouver une ou plusieurs banques participantes et un ou plusieurs investisseurs, qui deviennent détenteurs de BA. La situation peut devenir complexe et les relations légales risquent de devenir assez compliquées. Cependant, il est important d'identifier si la relation s'est établie à travers l'instrument de BA, si elle existe par le biais d'une relation contractuelle ordinaire ou encore, si elle existe par le fait de la loi. Une bonne analyse des circonstances entourant la transaction, des facteurs connexes à la transaction et des droits et obligations qui existent entre les parties, sera nécessaire pour déterminer laquelle de la loi provinciale ou fédérale s'appliquera, et dans quelle mesure. Une fois accordée, la BA est gouvernée par la Loi sur les lettres de change. Toutes solutions apportées à un problème qui implique des BA, doivent, en principe, respecter la nature inhérente de la BA en tant qu'effet de commerce, gouverné par la loi fédérale. En matière de BA, c'est, soit la Loi sur les lettres de change soit la Loi sur les lettres et billets de dépôt (Depository Bills and Note Act) qui s'appliqueront à l'acte. Comme il existe des lois fédérales applicables à la BA, l'objet de notre étude est de déterminer si, et dans quelle circonstance la loi de la province, tel que le Code civil du Québec, trouvera application et éclaircira dans certains cas la disposition contenue dans la Loi sur les lettres de change, notamment lorsque les dispositions de ladite loi sont silencieuses ou ambigües. La solution la plus simple serait d'appliquer la loi provinciale aux matières qui ne sont pas traitées dans la loi, étant donné que les lois provinciales apportent souvent un complément à la législation fédérale. Cependant, la Loi sur les lettres de change contient des dispositions spéciales, tel que l'article 9 qui stipule : « 9. Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s'appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi. » Cette disposition a crée une certaine confusion relativement à l'application du droit civil du Québec en matière de Lettres de change. En effet, il existe un doute quant à savoir si l'application de l'article 9 est une incorporation par référence qui exclue totalement l'application du droit civil. Cette question continue de se poser inexorablement dans la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Elle a en effet donné lieu à une série de théories quand au degré d'application de la common law en matière de lettres de change. Une revue de la jurisprudence dominante nous permet de conclure que les tribunaux ont accepté l'application du droit provinciale dans certaines questions impliquant les lettres de change. La question essentielle traitée lors de notre analyse est la suivante: lorsqu'un litige prend naissance dans une transaction de BA, quelle est la règle qui devra s'appliquer? Quel sera le droit qui gouvernera les problèmes émergeant dans une BA, celui du Code Civil du Québec ou celui de la common law d'Angleterre? Étant donne le nombre de cas qui sont portés devant les cours de justice en rapport avec des transactions de BA, comprendre quelle sera la loi applicable est d'une importance fondamentale. Pour répondre à cette question, nous commencerons par un examen de l'historique, du développement et de l'évolution de la BA. Afin de mieux comprendre la BA, nous débuterons par un bref survol des origines de cet instrument juridique. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analyserons la nature et le caractère légal de la BA. Cela constituera le cadre aux travers duquel nous pourrons identifier les règles et les principes qui s'appliquent aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Le chapitre trois fera l'objet d'un examen détaillé des mécanismes de l'opération de BA tout en étudiant de près les exigences imposées par la législation applicable. Après avoir examine l'aspect légal de la BA, nous procéderons au chapitre quatre, à l'étude de l'applicabilité de la loi provinciale relativement à certains aspects de la transaction de BA. A cet effet, nous examinerons les différentes approches de compréhension de la Loi sur les lettres de change et plus particulièrement la problématique rencontrée à l'article 9. Nous étudierons aussi l'application et l'interprétation de cette loi par les tribunaux du Québec au cours du siècle dernier. Les juges et les juristes se sont penchés sur les sens qu'a voulu donner le législateur lorsqu'il a stipulé dans l'article 9 «Le règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi ». Cette section doit-elle être appliquée à la lettre, nous obligeant à appliquer la common law d'Angleterre a chaque problème qui peut se poser en relation avec les lettres et les billets? Le Parlement a-t-il l'intention que cette disposition s'applique également au Québec, dont le droit privé est basé sur le système du Code Civil? Notre étude portera sur les différentes approches d'interprétation qui offrent une diversité de solutions au problème posé par l'article 9. Finalement, compte tenu des nouveaux développements législatifs, au chapitre cinq, nous proposons une méthode en vue de déterminer la loi applicable aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Notre analyse nous a conduit à adopter la solution proposée par la majorité des juristes, à la différence que notre approche de l'article 9 est basée sur des raisons de politique. Nous avons donc adopté la stricte dichotomie (en tant qu'effet négociable d'une part, et d'une sorte de contrat et de propriété de l'autre) en prenant en compte les difficultés inhérentes à déterminer quand l'un finit et l'autre commence. En conclusion, selon notre opinion, il existe deux solutions. Premièrement, il y a la possibilité que l'article 9 puisse être écarté. Dans ce cas, toutes les matières qui ne sont pas expressément évoquées dans la loi tomberont dans la compétence de la loi provinciale, comme c'est le cas dans d'autres types de législations fédérales. Dans ces situations, le droit civil du Québec joue un rôle supplétif dans les applications d'une loi fédérale au Québec. Deuxièmement, modifier l'article 9 plutôt que d'en écarter son application offre une autre possibilité. Incorporer la large stricte dichotomie dans l'article 9 nous semble être une solution préférable. La disposition pourrait se lire comme suit: « Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre incluant le droit commercial dans la mesure ou elles ne sont pas incompatibles avec les dispositions expresses de la Loi, s’appliquent aux lettres, billets, et chèques au sens stricte. Pour plus de certitude, les lettres et les billets au sens strict, incluent la forme, la délivrance et I’émission des lettres, billets, et chèques.» Ce type de changement se révélera être un pas important dans le but de clarifier la loi et déterminer l'équilibre à trouver entre l'application des lois fédérales et provinciales en matière de BA. / When dealing with a BA transaction several types of relationships may develop, some more direct than others. In any given transaction, aside from the customer and bank, there may be one or more participating banks, investment dealers, or multiple investors, who become holders of the BA. The situation may be complex and the legal relationships may become quite intricate. However, it is important to identify whether the relationship is established through the BA instrument, or whether it exists by ordinary contractual relationship or by operation of law. Proper analysis of the surrounding circumstances, the connecting factors, and the obligations and the rights which exist between the parties, will be necessary in determining whether or not the contractual rules of the provinces, or federal law rules apply, and to what extent. Granted, the BA instrument is clearly governed by the Bills of Exchange Act. Any solution introduced to a problem involving a BA must, in principle, respect the inherent nature of the BA as a negotiable instrument, governed by federal law. In the case of BAs, either the Bills of Exchange Act or the Depository Bills and Notes Act will apply to the instrument. Since there are applicable federal rules to BAs, the purpose of our study is to determine if, and under what circumstances, provincial law, such as the Civil Code of Quebec, would find application with respect to BAs and complement the provisions of the Bills of Exchange Act where the statute is silent or ambiguous. The simple solution would be to apply provincial law to those matters not addressed in the Act, as provincial law typically compliments federal legislation. However, the Bills of Exchange Act contains a peculiar provision, namely section 9, which provides: “9. The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques.” This provision has created confusion as to the appropriate application of Quebec civil law to matters of bills of exchange. Indeed, there is doubt as to whether section 9 is in fact an incorporation by reference that effectively precludes the application of civil law. The problem continues to be a contentious issue in the doctrine and jurisprudence. The "inexorable character" of the problem created by the interpretation of this provision has given rise to a number of diverse theories regarding the extent of the applicability of common law to matters of bills of exchange. As we can clearly conclude from a review of the jurisprudence, the courts, for the most part, have been conciliatory to the application of provincial law in issues involving bills of exchange. The majority of judges express a hesitance to jeopardize the integrity of the provincial law as complimentary law in order to accommodate the idea that Parliament's desire was to enact an extensive and far-reaching law of bills and notes. The position of most doctrinal writers is very much the same. The essential question of our analysis is which rules will govern the issues, which emerge within BAs - the Civil Code of Quebec or the common law of England? From a Canadian perspective, understanding which law is applicable to BAs is of paramount importance, since courts are dealing with an increasing amount of banker's acceptance transactions. To answer this question, we will begin with an examination of the origin and evolution of the banker's acceptance. In Chapter Two, we will also analyze the nature and legal character of the BA. This will establish the framework through which we can identify the rules and principles that apply to the various aspects of the BA transaction. In Chapter Three, we examine the mechanics of the BA operation step-by-step, paying close attention to the requirements imposed by legislation. We look at the laws applicable to the BA and describe the various agreements pertaining to the BA. Having examined the legal nature of the BA as being a negotiable instrument governed by federal law and a contract and moveable pursuant to the Civil Code of Quebec, we will proceed in Chapter Four to consider the applicability of provincial law to aspects of the BA transaction. To this end, we examine different approaches to understanding the Bills of Exchange Act, particularly the problematic section 9, as well as the applicable law as understood in Quebec jurisprudence during the past century. Judges and jurists alike have attempted to understand what was meant when the legislator stated in section 9, "[t]he rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques." Is this section to be interpreted literally, requiring us to apply English common law to every issue that might arise in connection with bills and notes? Does Parliament intend this provision to apply equally to Quebec, whose private law is based on the civil law system? Our study will look to interpretive approaches offering a variety of different solutions to the problem of section 9. Finally, given new legislative developments, in Chapter Five, we offer a proposed method to determine the law applicable to various aspects of the BA transaction. Our analysis has lead us to adopt the result advocated by the majority of jurists, but with the recognition that our approach to section 9 is based on reasons of policy. We have adopted the strict/wide dichotomy, (as a negotiable instrument on the one hand, and as a specie of contract and property on the other hand) realizing the difficulties inherent in determining where one ends and the other begins. Therefore, in our opinion there exist two solutions. Firstly, there is the possibility that section 9 could be repealed. In this case, all matters not expressly dealt with in the Act would fall to be governed by provincial law, as is the case with other federal legislation. In these situations, Quebec civil law takes on a suppletive role in applying a federal law in Quebec. Secondly, there is the possibility of modifying rather than repealing section 9. Incorporating the strict/wide dichotomy into section 9 itself seems to us to be a more preferable solution. The provision could read, "The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques in a strict sense. For greater certainty, bills and notes in a strict sense include the form, issue, negotiation and discharge of bills, notes and cheques." Alternatively, a Law Reform Commission could draft an Act that defines section 9 according to the strict /wide dichotomy. These types of changes would prove to be an important step to clarifying the law, and strike the appropriate balance between the application of federal and provincial law to bankers' acceptances.

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