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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Människor växer i det ideella" : En kvalitativ studie av ideellt engagerades psykologiska behov / “Personal growth through volunteering” : A qualitative study on the psychological needs of volunteers

Lemdal, Fanny, Nilsson Lopez, Marisol January 2022 (has links)
The objective of the study is to examine psychological needs of individuals working as volunteers. The needs can then be understood in relation to the structure of the organisation they are a part of. The results of the empirical study are based on twelve qualitative interviews, where three individuals per organisation were chosen from four different organisations in the south of Sweden.  The result shows three important motives. The first one is the identification of the interviewees’ psychological position, and what factors were expressed as essential. The second motive presents a description of the needs, and the character profiles. The third motive describes the organizational structure’s impact on the individuals’ dedication to their commitment. Based on the analysis of the empirical results, the interviewees working as volunteers have a similar conception of needs. The analysis also shows that a majority of them have similar character traits. The volunteers in this study value the characteristics and values of non-profit commitment. They also value how their primary and secondary needs become satisfied through their volunteering, which they bring forward as something that their paid work does not provide. The choice of organisation, to which they are committed, has been of prime importance. The analysis shows that the non-profit commitment fulfils the purpose of self-realization. However, in order to satisfy the needs of volunteers, the form and structure of the organisation have to function properly. External factors that are not maintained may influence the motivation, which can lead to a lack of drive force and abandonment of the commitment.   Keywords: Volunteering, non-profit organisations, needs, motivation, organisational structures, leadership.

The subjective experiences of Muslim women in family-related migration to Scotland

Folly, Rebecca P. F. January 2015 (has links)
Muslim family members constitute a significant migration flow to the UK (Kofman et al., 2013). Despite such observations, this form of mobility is under-explored in geographic scholarship on migration. Accordingly, this thesis examines the subjective experiences of migration of a small group of Muslim women, who migrated either with or to join their families in Scotland. Participant observation, focus groups and the life narratives of eight women are used to gain an in-depth understanding of both the reasons for and the consequences of migration for this group of Muslim women. In addition, this thesis examines the role of a secular community-based organisation in supporting migrants in their everyday lives. Drawing on conceptual approaches to migration, this study reveals diverse and complex motivations among participants in “choosing” to migrate. Far from “victims” or “trailing wives”, participants privileged their children's needs but also the possibility to transform their sense of self through migration. The study draws attention to the struggles of daily life in Scotland where, bereft of extended family, the synchronisation of migration with childbirth resulted in some participants enduring years of isolation. Such struggles resulted in changes in the home, with husbands providing both physical and emotional support. The experience of migration affected the women's religious identities, providing solace as well as a way to assert belonging in Scotland by drawing on Islamic theology. The community-based organisation provided a “safe space”, bridging the secular and non-secular and offering women the chance to socialise, learn and volunteer. The study shows that volunteering provided not only a way into paid work but also shaped women's subjectivities and home lives. However, the re-direction of national government funding towards “Muslim problems” threatens to undermine the organisation's ability to continue to meet the local needs of Muslim migrant women.

Lika men ändå olika : Analys av hur Göteborgs och Stockholms Stad agerar i frågan om utsatta EU-medborgare

Kopp, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
The question concerning vulnerable EU-citizens has been widely debated in Sweden the last few years. Due to unclear legislation and strong municipal self-determination municipalities act differently regarding vulnerable EU-citizens. The purpose for the dissertation is therefore to analyse how Stockholm and Gothenburg City acts and collaborates with non-profit organisations in the question concerning vulnerable EU-citizens and whether the approaches can, according to the theory of territorial governance, be viewed as effective. The dissertation has showed that Gothenburg City has created a common action plan with surrounding municipalities in order to expand their territory. Gothenburg have also signed an IOP-agreement with several non-profit organisations in order for them to act together. The dissertation has showed that an IOP-agreement can be equated to an effective and sustainable partnership. Stockholm City on the other hand has not expanded their territory, since an equivalent interpretation of the law is important to the municipality. No IOP-agreement has been signed and a reason for this could be that the relationship between non-profit organisations in Stockholm City has historically been characterized by competition instead of trust. Due to the complex question concerning vulnerable EU-citizen, new forms of partnership has though been developed in Stockholm City.

Organisational Adoption of Innovations : Management Practices and IT

Lundmark, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes effects of use and reasons for using three different organisational innovations: ISO 9000, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and an administrative tool (the YAF-module) in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s system Swedish Sports Online. This is done through three separate studies. The first study is directed at Swedish Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and the two following studies are directed at Swedish sport associations. The thesis contains three separate essays presenting the studies and an introductory part where the studies are compared.</p><p>In the introductory part of the thesis the interaction patterns between organisation and innovation are compared and discussed. I discuss the level of effort put into the decision and implementation processes, and how this is related to the satisfaction with the innovations. The patterns that emerged are quite different in the three studies. Understanding these different interaction patterns between organisation and innovation is a step away from a beneficial/ detrimental dichotomy of innovations.</p><p>The decision and implementation processes differ between the three studies regarding what parts of the organisations were involved. In the first study we saw top down decision and implementation processes, whereas in the second study we saw bottom or middle up processes. In the third study the decision and implementation was much narrower in scope, often involving only one person. I also describe how all perspectives (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion perspective) suggested by Abrahamson (1991), bear some grain of truth for the adoption of ISO 9000 by SMEs and adoption of ICT by sport associations, whereas imitation (the fad and fashion perspectives) is less important in the adoption of the YAF-module. Furthermore, I discuss the parallels between human and organisational decisionmaking.</p><p>Summary of the first essay – The aim of the first study is to investigate the effects of quality management in accordance with the ISO 9000 as viewed by both quality managers and other managers. We also consider the way companies carried out the recertification process to ISO 9001:2000 and what consequences different approaches brought. The study is based on Swedish SMEs with an ISO 9000:1994 who had recertified according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The strongest, most obvious and most valued effects of the ISO 9000 standard are clearer and more apparent working procedures and responsibilities. The most apparent problem is bureaucracy, which according to some managers can lead to reduced flexibility. The effects of the certification vary depending on how the certification project is conducted and how consultants are used.</p><p>Summary of the second essay – This essay presents a descriptive study of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and the change in communication patterns in Swedish sport associations over the period 1994 to 2003. The change is discussed in light of Internet and broadband diffusion. Results show that new channels for communication have been adopted, primarily Web sites and e-mail, but few established channels have been dropped. While there are associations that save time and money and increase the spirit of community using ICT, many organisations experience the increased number of communication channels as a burden since maintaining them takes extra resources but the benefits are not always easy to detect or measure. Certain characteristics common among non profit organisations (NPOs) as well as Internet and broadband access have influenced the development of ICT use.</p><p>Summary of the third essay – This essay presents a new model for analysing adoption of discretionary, public information systems (PIS) with digital use patterns (such as use or non-use, as opposed to frequency of use, or degree of engaged or compliant use). The model is based on Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and Nilsson’s user centred access model (UCAM). The model is an alternative to the general technology acceptance model (TAM). The AKAM-Model identifies six prerequisites for use and four management approaches and describes how these are related. To illustrate its applicability, the AKAM-Model is used to analyse the adoption of a specific module, the YAF-module, in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s (SSC) system Swedish Sports Online. We present empirical results that indicate the frequency and importance of the barriers and driving forces as experienced by the YAF-module users and the potential YAF-module users.</p> / <p>Denna avhandling beskriver effekterna av, och skälen för, användning av tre organisatoriska innovationer: ISO 9000, informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (ICT) och en administrativ modul (LOK-stödsmodulen) i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Avhandlingen presenterar tre olika studier samt en kappa där studierna diskuteras och jämförs. Den första riktar sig mot svenska små och medelstora företag, och de två följande studierna riktar sig mot svenska</p><p>idrottsföreningar.</p><p>I den inledande delen av avhandlingen diskuterar jag interaktionsmönstren mellan organisation och innovation och jämför mellan de olika studierna. Jag diskuterar hur mycket kraft som läggs på besluts- och implementeringsprocessen, och hur detta är relaterat till nöjdheten med innovationen. Mönstren som framträder är olika mellan de tre studierna. Att förstå dessa interaktionsmönster är ett steg bort från dikotomin förbättring/försämring rörande innovationer.</p><p>Besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna skiljer sig också mellan studierna avseende vilka delar av organisationen som är inblandade. Den första studien handlar om ”topdown” processer medan den andra studien handlar om ”bottom-up” eller ”mitten-upp”- processer. I den tredje studien var besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna betydligt mindre omfattande, ofta var endast en person inblandad. Jag beskriver också hur alla, av Abrahamson (1991) föreslagna perspektiven (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion-perspektiven) har ett korn av sanning för adoption av ISO 9000 och för adoption av ICT medan imitation (fad and fashion-perspektiven) är mindre viktigt för adoption av LOK-stödsmodulen. Utöver detta diskuterar jag också tänkbara paralleller mellan individuellt och organisatoriskt beslutsfattande.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den första studien – Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekterna av kvalitetsledning i enlighet med ISO 9000, som de upplevs av både kvalitetschefer och andra chefer. Vi beaktar också hur företagen genomför omcertifieringsprocessen till ISO 9001:2000 och vilka konsekvenser olika genomföranden fick. Studien fokuserar på svenska små och medelstora företag med ett ISO 9000:1994 certifikat som senare omcertifierat sig enligt ISO 9001:2000. De starkaste, tydligaste och högst värderade effekterna av ISO 9000 är tydligheten i arbetssätt och ansvarsfördelning. Det största problemet är byråkrati som kan leda till minskad flexibilitet. Effekterna av certifiering varierar beroende på hur certifieringsprojektet genomfördes och hur konsulter används.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den andra studien – Denna studie är deskriptiv och fokuserar på hur ICT används och hur kommunikationsmönstren förändrats i svenska idrottsföreningar under perioden 1994 till 2003. Förändringen diskuteras i ljuset av utbredningen av Internet och bredbandsuppkoppling. Resultaten visar att idrottsföreningarna har börjat använda nya kommunikationskanaler, främst hemsida och epost, men ofta inte slutat använda traditionella kanaler. Det finns föreningar som har sparat både tid och pengar samt ökat gemenskapen genom att använda ICT. Många föreningar upplever dock de nya kanalerna som en börda, i de fall de inte slutat använda några traditionella kanaler. Vissa faktorer utmärkande för ideella organisationer och vissa faktorer utmärkande för Internet- och bredbandstillgång har påverkat ICT-användningen.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den tredje studien – I denna studie utvecklas en ny modell (AKAM-modellen) för att analysera adoption av valfria, publika informationssystem (PIS) med digitala användningsmönster (d.v.s. användning eller ingen användning till skillnad från grad av användning). Modellen baseras på Rogers innovations- och diffusionsteori (IDT) och Nilssons användarcentrerade tillgångsmodell (UCAM). Modellen är ett alternativ till teknologiacceptansmodellen (TAM). AKAM-modellen baseras på sex förutsättningar för användning och fyra sätt att hantera PIS samt beskriver hur dessa är relaterade till varandra. För att illustrera tillämpbarheten av AKAM-modellen, använder vi den för att analysera adoptionen av LOK-stödsmodulen i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Vi presenterar empiriska resultat som ger en indikation om hur vanliga och hur viktiga olika barriärer och drivkrafter är, för användare och potentiella användare av LOK-stödsmodulen.</p> / Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2008:10.

Stressorer och copingstrategier hos projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt / Stressors and Coping Strategies among Project Managers in Internal Change Projects

Bengtsson Lantz, Anna, Strand, Rebecca, Svensson Birath, Zara January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka stressorer som förekommer hos projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att beskriva vilka former av känslo- och problemfokuserad coping som projektledare använder i interna förändringsprojekt inom vinstdrivande organisationer. Utifrån den teoretiska bakgrunden om att förändringsprojekt är komplexa, kräver prioriteringar av resurser och dessutom ofta möter motstånd, identifierades fem olika problemområden inom interna förändringsprojekt. En kvalitativ metod användes för att besvara uppsatsens syfte, där semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter ägde rum på olika vinstdrivande organisationer i Värmland. En egen analysmodell låg till grund för analysen som genomfördes genom en kombination av begrepps- och datastyrd tematisk analys som skedde med hjälp av kodning. Studiens resultat påvisar tolv stressorer relaterade till identifierade problemområden. En föränderlig och otydlig väg mot målet, tidspress och hög arbetsbelastning, att behöva möta motstånd mot förändringar och kommunikationsbrist är exempel på stressorer inom de olika problemområdena. Problemfokuserade copingstrategier relaterade till interna förändringsprojekt är planera och prioritera, sätta gränser och kommunicera. Känslofokuserade copingstrategier är undvikande, aktiv återhämtning och socialt stöd. Resultatet visar också att stressorerna påverkar varandra och därmed påverkar projektledaren på ett annat sätt än en enskild stressor i sig. Copingstrategierna kan sammankopplas med specifika stressorer. Exempelvis kan stressorn tidspress och hög arbetsbelastning kopplas till den problemfokuserade copingstrategin planera och prioritera. / The purpose of this essay is to scrutinize stressors and describe problem and emotional focused coping strategies among project managers in internal change projects within for-profit organisations. Seen from the theoretical background in which projects of change are complex, demand priority of resources and above that often encounter resistance, five different areas of problems were identified within internal change projects. A qualitative method was used in which semi-structured interviews with six respondents were held at different for-profit organisations, which used a thematic analysis through coding. The result of the study shows twelve stressors related to the identified areas of problems. Examples of stressors within the different areas of problems include managing resistance to change and a lack of communication. Problem focused coping strategies related to internal change projects are plan and prioritize, create limits and communicate. Emotional focused coping strategies are avoiding, active recovery and social support. The study also shows that the stressors influence each other and in combination can influence the project in a different way. Moreover the coping strategies can be linked together with specific stressors. For example, the stressor time pressure and a heavy work-load can be linked to the problem focused coping strategy plan and prioritize.

Relationer i fokus? : En studie om kommunikation i sociala medier

Lesko, Emma, Nordlund, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Sociala mediers uppkomst har inneburit nya möjligheter för marknadskommunikation men de har också vänt upp och ner på traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder. Det finns därför en osäkerhet kring hur mediernas fulla potential för dialog, interaktivitet, relationsbyggande och viral spridning ska utnyttjas. Syftet med denna studie är därför att skapa ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur ideella organisationer använder sociala medier för att kommunicera samt skapa och underhålla relationer till sina supportrar. En flerfallstudie genomfördes av tre väletablerade ideella organisationer i Sverige, Djurens Rätt, Greenpeace Sverige och Amnesty Sverige. Empirin samlades in med hjälp av intervjuer med ansvariga för kommunikationen i sociala medier inom respektive organisation. Även en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av organisationernas Facebook-sidor utfördes. Empirin analyserades sedan utifrån valda teorier och genom jämförelser fallen emellan. Därmed kunde slutsatsen dras att alla tre organisationer använde sociala medier som ett verktyg för att engagera supportrar i deras verksamhet och sakfrågor, främst genom att uppmana dem till lobbying och påverkan. De kommunicerade alla på ett sätt som genererade eWord-of-Mouth för att uppnå viral spridning av sina budskap. Den typ av kommunikation som användes i störst utsträckning på Facebook var av dialogisk och relationsskapande karaktär, trots att ingen av organisationerna satte relationsbyggande i fokus. / The arrival of social media has brought new opportunities for marketing communication. This change, however, brings major changes to the perceptions of traditional marketing methods. Uncertainty exists in how to best utilise media’s potential in regards to creating dialogue, interaction, relationship building and viral reach with and amongst supporters. The purpose of this study is thus to contribute to a greater understanding of how non-profit organisations are using social media to communicate as well as creating and sustaining relationships with their supporters. A multiple case study design has been employed, focusing on three well-known nonprofit organisations in Sweden; Djurens Rätt, Greenpeace Sweden and Amnesty Sweden. Qualitative research data was gathered through interviews with persons responsible for social media communications within the three organisations. A quantitative content analysis of the organisations’ Facebook pages was also conducted. The empirical findings were then analysed through relevant theories and comparison between the cases. The results indicate that all three organisations used social media as a tool to encourage their supporters to engage with the organisation’s activities and beliefs, primarily lobbying- or advocacy-related activities. The organisations communicated in a way that generated eWord-of-mouth, in order to spread their messages virally. On Facebook, communication was mainly characterised by two-way dialogue and relationship building, despite none of the organisations focused on building relationships with their supporters.

Avaliação dos impactos das propagandas políticas Amigos da Escola no âmbito escolar

Torquato, Iracema Batista [UNESP] 07 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-03-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:45:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 torquato_ib_dr_mar.pdf: 2002634 bytes, checksum: 0c1fe463e562aaf51929b281a62304a9 (MD5) / A tese de doutorado denominada Avaliação dos impactos das propagandas políticas 'Amigos da Escola' no âmbito escolar descreve e avalia os impactos que a campanha publicitária da Rede Globo de Televisão causou nos sujeitos informantes: alunos do Curso de Pós-graduação em Educação da Unesp, Faculdade de Ciências de Bauru; professores universitários e comunicadores, usuários do site Comunique-se. A campanha tem como objetivo o chamamento de voluntários para participarem das ações político-sócio-pedagógicas nas escolas da rede pública. Durante o experimento, coletamos os dados, através de questionário composto por perguntas semifechadas, fechadas e abertas. A metodologia e os resultados foram embasados pelo referencial da semiótica fenomenológica de Charles Sanders Peirce. Os resultados quantitativos mostram que a proposta da campanha foi aceita por 59% dos informantes. Trata-se de um resultado positivo, visto que pela primeira vez temos uma campanha publicitária televisiva que se propõe a mobilizar a sociedade organizada civil (terceiro setor), se não para participar ativamente dos problemas da escola pública brasileira, pelo menos para tomar conhecimento sobre eles. / This doctorate thesis named Avaliação dos Impactos da Propaganda Política 'Amigos da Escola' no Âmbito Escolar (Evaluation of the Impacts of the Publicity Campaign 'Schools Friends' on a Sample of Informants) describes and evaluates the impacts of the Brazilian TV station Rede Globo's publicity campaign on its informants. These were postgraduates in Science Education from Faculdade de Ciências in the city of Bauru, São Paulo state; college professors; media professionals and Comunique-se website users. The data were collected through interviews with the informants which were revised and formatted so they were closed, semi-open and open questions. Based on Peircean semiotics, the analysis revealed that the proposal of that campaign was approved of by 59% of the informants, which is a positive result provided it is the first time there is a TV publicity campaign aimed to mobilize non-profit organisations at national level either to help schools run by the Brazilian government improve or to be aware of their problems.

Možnosti participace nestátních neziskových organizací na realizaci sociálně právní ochrany dítěte / Possibilities for NGOs to participate in implementation of projects on socio-legal protection of children.

BAŠTOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
In recent years, the social and legal protection of children has been much discussed and talked over by the general public. To a considerable extent that is definitely a result of the upcoming amendment to the Children?s Social and Legal Protection Act No. 359/1999 Coll., which is going to bring numerous changes regarding individuals taking part in the social and legal protection of children. The opening focuses on governmental and non-governmental organisations that cooperate with families. The social and legal protection of children, its structure and historical course are analysed and the issue of child neglect as well as the procedures of the children?s social and legal protection authorities and further cooperating subjects are specified. Family redevelopment is another point which is aimed at. Important constitutional and international documents related to the social and legal protection of children are described. Last but not least, the ethical code of a social worker is mentioned, which represents one of the fundamental documents in social work. The objective of the research lay in monitoring the circumstances of the cooperation between the Children?s Social and Legal Protection Authority (OSPOD) and the non-governmental non-profit organisations (NNO) in the Regions of South Bohemia and Pilsen. The thesis analyses the effects of the cooperation between the OSPOD and NNO and compares the attained experience of the subjects taking part in family redevelopment. The research questions of the thesis focused on cooperation negotiation between the children?s social and legal protection authorities and non-governmental non-profit organisations, determining strengths and weaknesses of such cooperations. Having processed the obtained data it was found out that the form of cooperation negotiation between the OSPOD and NNO is not cohesive. It takes place upon an individual agreement between individual OSPODs and NNOs. Additionally, the strengths and weaknesses of the cooperation between the OSPOD and NNO were further specified based upon the carried out research. To complete the task, a questioning method of dialogue was selected for the research. Half-standard discussions with the workers of the children?s social and legal protection authorities as well as non-governmental non-profit organisations took place in the Regions of South Bohemia and Pilsen.

Waste Management With a Green Supply Chain : A case study regarding how for-profit organisations should utilise waste management

Björklund, Ted, Fors, Wictor January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate what a sustainable approach is to waste management and how to take actions in for-profit organisations when considering environmental and cost perspectives. This together with applying green supply chain management (GrSCM) to investigate these actions from multiple perspectives of a sustainable approach. A qualitative study has been performed, a study which has been using an abductive approach. This abductive approach helps to keep the study unbiased and open for an iterative process to achieve new theories. A case study has been done at Saab AB in Arboga, and a reference case study has been done at Saab AB in Malmslätt. The case studies have been built around semi-structured interviews together with observations and document gathering. The data from the case studies are then compared and analysed along with three described analytical tools to reach a discussion and several conclusions. This study have shown that waste management is important to address and utilise in several areas within a for-profit organisation. The main areas where it is important are regarding the operation, the employees, the actors, and the environment. It is found that issues like awareness and knowledge of the employees could be a key to find sustainable solutions with other actors to develop the waste management situation together with the green supply chain management. By addressing issues interconnected between environment and the operations on site, it is possible to conclude that every possible revision and change of the operations or the supply chain will mean a more significant initial cost. Costs that later on can be transformed into winnings for the organisation, either regarding money or terms of information, reputation, and attractiveness. / Syftet med den här studien är att hitta ett hållbart tillvägagångssätt gällande avfallshantering och hur vinstdrivande organisationer skall agera i frågor kopplade till miljömässiga och kostnadsmässiga perspektiv. Det tillsammans med att applicera en grön logistikkedja för att undersöka detta tillvägagångssätt utifrån flera perspektiv av ett hållbart synsätt. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts, en studie vars tillvägagångssätt har varit abduktivt. En abduktiv studie hjälper till att hålla studien opartisk och samtidigt öppen för en iterationsprocess för att hitta nya teorier. En fältstudie har gjorts på Saab AB i Arboga och en referensstudie är genomförd på Saab AB i Malmslätt. Fältstudierna har blivit byggda kring semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med observationer och dokumentinsamling. All data från fältstudierna har blivit jämförda och analyserade med hjälp av de tre analytiska verktyg som beskrivits för att nå en diskussion och flera slutsatser. Denna studie har visat att avfallshantering är viktigt att använda inom flera områden i en vinstdrivande organisation. Huvudområdena som har tagits upp som viktiga är operationer, anställda, aktörer och miljön. Problem kopplade till medvetenhet och kunskap hos de anställda kan vara en nyckel gällande att hitta hållbara lösningar tillsammans med andra aktörer för att kunna utveckla en avfallshanteringssituation tillsammans med en grön logistikkedja. Genom att ta itu med problem ihopkopplade mellan olika miljöer och operationerna på plats gör det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att varje förändring som sker innebär en högre initial kostnad men som senare kan komma att bli omvandlad till en vinst för organisationen, antingen i form av pengar eller i form av information, rykte eller attraktivitet.

Organisational Adoption of Innovations : Management Practices and IT

Lundmark, Erik January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes effects of use and reasons for using three different organisational innovations: ISO 9000, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and an administrative tool (the YAF-module) in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s system Swedish Sports Online. This is done through three separate studies. The first study is directed at Swedish Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and the two following studies are directed at Swedish sport associations. The thesis contains three separate essays presenting the studies and an introductory part where the studies are compared. In the introductory part of the thesis the interaction patterns between organisation and innovation are compared and discussed. I discuss the level of effort put into the decision and implementation processes, and how this is related to the satisfaction with the innovations. The patterns that emerged are quite different in the three studies. Understanding these different interaction patterns between organisation and innovation is a step away from a beneficial/ detrimental dichotomy of innovations. The decision and implementation processes differ between the three studies regarding what parts of the organisations were involved. In the first study we saw top down decision and implementation processes, whereas in the second study we saw bottom or middle up processes. In the third study the decision and implementation was much narrower in scope, often involving only one person. I also describe how all perspectives (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion perspective) suggested by Abrahamson (1991), bear some grain of truth for the adoption of ISO 9000 by SMEs and adoption of ICT by sport associations, whereas imitation (the fad and fashion perspectives) is less important in the adoption of the YAF-module. Furthermore, I discuss the parallels between human and organisational decisionmaking. Summary of the first essay – The aim of the first study is to investigate the effects of quality management in accordance with the ISO 9000 as viewed by both quality managers and other managers. We also consider the way companies carried out the recertification process to ISO 9001:2000 and what consequences different approaches brought. The study is based on Swedish SMEs with an ISO 9000:1994 who had recertified according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The strongest, most obvious and most valued effects of the ISO 9000 standard are clearer and more apparent working procedures and responsibilities. The most apparent problem is bureaucracy, which according to some managers can lead to reduced flexibility. The effects of the certification vary depending on how the certification project is conducted and how consultants are used. Summary of the second essay – This essay presents a descriptive study of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and the change in communication patterns in Swedish sport associations over the period 1994 to 2003. The change is discussed in light of Internet and broadband diffusion. Results show that new channels for communication have been adopted, primarily Web sites and e-mail, but few established channels have been dropped. While there are associations that save time and money and increase the spirit of community using ICT, many organisations experience the increased number of communication channels as a burden since maintaining them takes extra resources but the benefits are not always easy to detect or measure. Certain characteristics common among non profit organisations (NPOs) as well as Internet and broadband access have influenced the development of ICT use. Summary of the third essay – This essay presents a new model for analysing adoption of discretionary, public information systems (PIS) with digital use patterns (such as use or non-use, as opposed to frequency of use, or degree of engaged or compliant use). The model is based on Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and Nilsson’s user centred access model (UCAM). The model is an alternative to the general technology acceptance model (TAM). The AKAM-Model identifies six prerequisites for use and four management approaches and describes how these are related. To illustrate its applicability, the AKAM-Model is used to analyse the adoption of a specific module, the YAF-module, in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s (SSC) system Swedish Sports Online. We present empirical results that indicate the frequency and importance of the barriers and driving forces as experienced by the YAF-module users and the potential YAF-module users. / Denna avhandling beskriver effekterna av, och skälen för, användning av tre organisatoriska innovationer: ISO 9000, informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (ICT) och en administrativ modul (LOK-stödsmodulen) i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Avhandlingen presenterar tre olika studier samt en kappa där studierna diskuteras och jämförs. Den första riktar sig mot svenska små och medelstora företag, och de två följande studierna riktar sig mot svenska idrottsföreningar. I den inledande delen av avhandlingen diskuterar jag interaktionsmönstren mellan organisation och innovation och jämför mellan de olika studierna. Jag diskuterar hur mycket kraft som läggs på besluts- och implementeringsprocessen, och hur detta är relaterat till nöjdheten med innovationen. Mönstren som framträder är olika mellan de tre studierna. Att förstå dessa interaktionsmönster är ett steg bort från dikotomin förbättring/försämring rörande innovationer. Besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna skiljer sig också mellan studierna avseende vilka delar av organisationen som är inblandade. Den första studien handlar om ”topdown” processer medan den andra studien handlar om ”bottom-up” eller ”mitten-upp”- processer. I den tredje studien var besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna betydligt mindre omfattande, ofta var endast en person inblandad. Jag beskriver också hur alla, av Abrahamson (1991) föreslagna perspektiven (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion-perspektiven) har ett korn av sanning för adoption av ISO 9000 och för adoption av ICT medan imitation (fad and fashion-perspektiven) är mindre viktigt för adoption av LOK-stödsmodulen. Utöver detta diskuterar jag också tänkbara paralleller mellan individuellt och organisatoriskt beslutsfattande. Sammanfattning av den första studien – Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekterna av kvalitetsledning i enlighet med ISO 9000, som de upplevs av både kvalitetschefer och andra chefer. Vi beaktar också hur företagen genomför omcertifieringsprocessen till ISO 9001:2000 och vilka konsekvenser olika genomföranden fick. Studien fokuserar på svenska små och medelstora företag med ett ISO 9000:1994 certifikat som senare omcertifierat sig enligt ISO 9001:2000. De starkaste, tydligaste och högst värderade effekterna av ISO 9000 är tydligheten i arbetssätt och ansvarsfördelning. Det största problemet är byråkrati som kan leda till minskad flexibilitet. Effekterna av certifiering varierar beroende på hur certifieringsprojektet genomfördes och hur konsulter används. Sammanfattning av den andra studien – Denna studie är deskriptiv och fokuserar på hur ICT används och hur kommunikationsmönstren förändrats i svenska idrottsföreningar under perioden 1994 till 2003. Förändringen diskuteras i ljuset av utbredningen av Internet och bredbandsuppkoppling. Resultaten visar att idrottsföreningarna har börjat använda nya kommunikationskanaler, främst hemsida och epost, men ofta inte slutat använda traditionella kanaler. Det finns föreningar som har sparat både tid och pengar samt ökat gemenskapen genom att använda ICT. Många föreningar upplever dock de nya kanalerna som en börda, i de fall de inte slutat använda några traditionella kanaler. Vissa faktorer utmärkande för ideella organisationer och vissa faktorer utmärkande för Internet- och bredbandstillgång har påverkat ICT-användningen. Sammanfattning av den tredje studien – I denna studie utvecklas en ny modell (AKAM-modellen) för att analysera adoption av valfria, publika informationssystem (PIS) med digitala användningsmönster (d.v.s. användning eller ingen användning till skillnad från grad av användning). Modellen baseras på Rogers innovations- och diffusionsteori (IDT) och Nilssons användarcentrerade tillgångsmodell (UCAM). Modellen är ett alternativ till teknologiacceptansmodellen (TAM). AKAM-modellen baseras på sex förutsättningar för användning och fyra sätt att hantera PIS samt beskriver hur dessa är relaterade till varandra. För att illustrera tillämpbarheten av AKAM-modellen, använder vi den för att analysera adoptionen av LOK-stödsmodulen i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Vi presenterar empiriska resultat som ger en indikation om hur vanliga och hur viktiga olika barriärer och drivkrafter är, för användare och potentiella användare av LOK-stödsmodulen. / <p>Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2008:10.</p>

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