Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nostalgia"" "subject:"ostalgia""
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Som de Valente: bailes negros em São Paulo / Sound of Brave: Bailes Negros in São PauloIgor Santos Valvassori 10 December 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como questão principal qual o significado dos bailes negros para São Paulo e para a problemática urbana. O baile, enquanto significante inscrito no espaço-tempo da metrópole, carrega quais significados para os seus frequentadores, para quem não frequenta, para quem pensa em saídas para esse (re)produzir desumano da cidade? Diante desta pergunta, a partir do método de análise progressivo-regressivo proposto por Henri Lefebvre, utilizando-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas, observações de campo e coleta de materiais a discussão inicia-se a partir do baile nostalgia, manifestação cultural contemporânea dos bailes negros. Partindo do baile nostalgia, a pesquisa foi conduzida por toda a trajetória da relação da população negra com os bailes desde o pós-abolição, em que três períodos com características específicas foram categorizados: os bailes negros, do pós-abolição ao ano de 1958; os bailes black, de 1958 até 1994; e os atuais bailes nostalgia, de 1995 até 2016, ano privilegiado nas observações de campo e entrevista. Os bailes foram compreendidos como uma forma de encontro com conteúdos ligados às lutas, às resistências e ao vivido da população negra em São Paulo em articulação com o processo de produção deste espaço urbano, que se faz de forma desigual socialmente e racializada. Entre estes conteúdos estão a produção de uma vida pública na cidade, a relação centro-periferia que se configura no meio do século XX e a memória corporal, coletiva e política dos negros em um contexto em que a reprodução do espaço se faz produzindo espaços amnésicos e uma sociabilidade de tempo efêmero, que atinge diretamente os referenciais de identidade e vida da população paulistana. Os significados dos bailes negros para São Paulo, então, são diversos, tecidos em uma trama na qual a rede negra se faz e refaz tendo o baile como um de seus nós. Os bailes significam, para negros, brancos e pobres também um viver a cidade na contra-lógica da reprodução do espaço sob a lógica capitalista que nega a vida constantemente em favor da superação crítica de suas inerentes crises de reprodução. / The research has, as its main question, what is the meaning of \"bailes negros\" for São Paulo and urban problematic. The baile (ball) while a signifier enrolled in the space-time of the metropolis carries what meanings to its attendants, to those who do not attend, to those who think of exits for this inhuman (re) production of the city? Based on the method of progressive-regressive analysis proposed by Henri Lefebvre, using bibliographical research, interviews, field observations and material collection, the discussion begins with the baile nostalgia, a contemporary cultural manifestation of the bailes negros. Starting from the baile nostalgia, the research was conducted through the whole trajectory of the relation of the black population to the dances since post-abolition, in which three periods with specific characteristics were categorized: the bailes negros, since abolition of slavery till 1958; the bailes black, from 1958 to 1994; and the current bailes nostalgia, from 1995 to 2016, principal year in the field observations and interviews. The dances were understood as a form of encounter with contents related to the struggles, resistances and experienced of the black population in São Paulo in articulation with the process of production of this urban space, which is done in a socially and racialized unequal way. Among these contents are the production of a public life in the city, the center-periphery relationship that is set in the middle of the twentieth century and the corporal, collective and political memory of blacks in a context in which the reproduction of space is done producing amnesic spaces and an ephemeral sociability of time, which directly affects the identity and life referents of the population of São Paulo. The meanings of the bailes negros for São Paulo, then, are diverse, woven into a plot in which the black net is made and remakes having the ball as one of its nodes. The dances mean, for blacks, whites and poor people, to live the city in the counter-logic of the reproduction of space under the capitalist logic that denies life constantly in favor of the critical overcoming of its inherent crises of reproduction.
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Ostalgie : DDR-nostalgi i det återförenade TysklandHallerstedt, Manuela January 2007 (has links)
<p>This essay is a case-study of a phenomenon called “ostalgie” which could be described as GDR-nostalgia. “Ostalgie” is a compound of the two German words “ost” (east) and “Nostalgie” (nostalgia.) It is, like a similar phenomenon referred to as “communist nostalgia”, a type of nostalgia. However, if one were to define “ostalgie” as “communist nostalgia” important aspects of the phenomenon would be left out. Despite the vast research (mainly by German scholars) on the reunification process of the two German states, little has been said about the positive retrospective evaluation of the former GDR among eastern Germans. The purpose of this study is to examine what constitutes “ostalgie” and what it could lead to. To answer what ostalgie is I examine research literature and analyze so called “ostalgie” consumption products such as movies and souvenirs with GDR-symbols. Drawing on two alternative hypotheses, one related to political socialization and one related to unification related hardships, I discuss the possible explanations for the emergence of “ostaglie”. To answer what ostalgie could lead to I also analyze and discuss existing research and make my own interpretations based on personal experiences with the reunification process. This study is thus mainly based on a qualitative literature analysis but is also illustrated by quantitative measurements of “ostalgie-related” attitudes among Germans. I argue that “ostalgie” should be considered as an outcome of political socialization as well as unification related hardships and that it would be misleading to assume that “ostalgie” could be explained exclusively by one of the hypothesis discussed. “Ostalgie” is an expression for eastern Germans’ will or need to reminisce about the good aspects of the GDR. The consequences of “ostalgie” are first and foremost that it trivializes the GDR dictatorship. It has also been noted that nostalgic people have more negative attitudes towards the German democracy than non-nostalgic people. I conclude the paper by discussing the difficulties of measuring how widespread “ostalgie” sentiments are due to the problems of definition.</p>
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Komodifikace kolektivní paměti: Yugonostalgia jako marketingová strategie / Commodification of the collective memory: Yugonostalgia as a marketing strategyVukčević, Jovana January 2014 (has links)
COMMODIFICATION OF THE COLLECTIVE MEMORY: YUGONOSTALGIAAS A MARKETING STRATEGY Jovana Vukcevic EHESS Paris, Charles University Prague Abstract: This paper focuses on a specific type of contemporary nostalgia for the Yugoslav past, emerging in recent years across the post-Yugoslav space - Yugonostalgia. This nostalgia creates a new Yugoslavia from the ashes of the old - a depoliticized Yugoslavia, not a state or an ideology, but a life story, a personal and social history that happened to take place within the former state. It is argued in the paper that Yugonostalgia can be understood as a longing for the solidarity, sociability and dignity of the socialist life-style, and even as a critique of the consumerist aesthetics of modern capitalism. However, in no way has it been a call to re-establish a Yugoslav state or to validate its ideological propaganda. Furthemore, in the intersection of capitalist profit-making and communist heritage, nostalgia has became more than a simple discursive construction, emerging from the idealized collective memory - it turned into a veritable marketing strategy exploiting Yugonostalgic symbols. Media campaigns that instigate warm feelings for Yugo-commodities and positive associations with the former state create new patterns of consumptions seeking to commercialize the...
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[pt] A música popular desempenha um papel importante na vida
social dos consumidores, tanto no aspecto hedônico quanto
comportamental. Destaca-se também como um importante
componente no ambiente de serviços e na propaganda. Este
trabalho verifica se a formação do gosto musical pode estar
relacionada aos efeitos de coorte, idade, período e
nostalgia. Entre outros, os resultados apontam para a
formação de uma preferência por música popular que reflete
o gosto adquirido no final da adolescência e início da fase
adulta. As conclusões do estudo contribuem para a
compreensão do comportamento do consumidor e auxiliam as
empresas e os gerentes no desenvolvimento de ferramentas de
marketing mais precisas e eficazes. / [en] Popular music develops an important role in consumer s
social life involving not only hedonic aspects but also
behavioral ones. It also features as an important component
of services marketing and advertising. This study
investigates if musical taste development is related to
cohort effects, age, period and nostalgia. Among others,
the results point to the development of preference towards
popular music in late adolescence and early adulthood. The
results contribute to consumer behavior studies and help
companies and managers develop more accurate and efficient
market tools.
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Du gamla, du trygga, du fria : Bruk av nostalgi i svensk politik 2010-2022 / Thou old, thou safe, thou free : Uses of nostalgia in Swedish politics 2010-2022Englund, Carl January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with nostalgia and the uses of nostalgia in Swedish politics. Nostalgia as a political tool has been used to great effect through out the western world in the last decades, with the most notable examples being for instance Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in the USA or the success of Brexit in the United Kingdom. The rising frequency of nostalgia in politics has led some scholars to suggest that we are living in the age of nostalgia. Despite this, and the fact that scholars from multiple disciplins agree that nostalgia is a tool not just used by populist parties, there are few studies regarding the use of nostalgia as a political tool in Sweden that does not solely focus on the use of nostalgia by said populist parties. This thesis therefore seeks to fill a knowledge gap and study the use of nostalgia by different parts of the Swedish political sphere. The source material examined in the study is the political commercials made by the eight different parties in the Swedish Parliament in the time period of 2010-2022. The research questions of the thesis concerns to which extent nostalgia is used in Swedish politics, how nostalgia appears in the political advertisement, which political messages it is loaded with and which role the use of nostalgia play in the political parties visions of the future. The thesis is divided into two parts, with the first part studying to which extent nostalgia is present in the source material. By using a qualitative content analys to gather the nostalgic allusions in the commercials, and by also dividing the allusions into aestethic and explicit nostalgia to show that nostalgia can also be present in the visual aspects of the commercials, the result of the study show that nostalgic allusions are present in commercials from all parties during the time period, although some parties use it more than others. The second part of the analysis focuses on the uses of nostalgia by three parties with different ideologies in the Swedish parliament, The Social Democrats, The Left Party and The Sweden Democrats. The analysis is done by analysing the uses of nostalgia in the three parties political commercials as uses of history. The results indicate that all three parties uses vague nostalgic uses of history as a way of looking back at a past that is a perfect snapshot of a golden age of society, in contrast to the chaotic present. The past thus becomes something we need to return to in order to change society for the better. It also shows that the three parties all seem to be nostalgic for the same vague time period in which the Swedish peoples home was strong, even though they have different views on what the peoples home actually constitutes.
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[pt] O Jornal do Brasil mobiliza certa ideia de jornalismo singular, baseada em uma série de valores (independência, liberdade, ousadia, credibilidade), símbolos de um padrão almejado pela comunidade jornalística ressignificados numa longa duração por ações de memória fortemente marcadas pela nostalgia. A partir de narrativas sobre o ser e o fazer jornalístico, recorrentes tanto nas páginas do jornal como nas da história da imprensa – material que tem como fontes, ao fim e ao cabo, testemunhos de jornalistas –, a tomada do Jornal do Brasil como paradigma é analisada tendo em vista a profunda transformação do ethos jornalístico. / [en] Jornal do Brasil mobilizes a certain idea of singular journalism, based on a series of values (independence, freedom, boldness, credibility), symbols of a pattern longed for by the journalistic community re-signified in the long run by memory actions strongly marked by nostalgia. Starting from narratives about the journalistic being and doing, recurring both in the pages of the newspaper and in the history of the press – material that depends anyway on testimony from journalists –, the taking of Jornal do Brasil as a paradigm is analyzed in view of the profound transformation of the journalistic ethos.
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[pt] Esta dissertação aborda o marketing de gerações. As
recentes alterações na estrutura e dinâmica populacional no
Brasil salientam a necessidade de melhor caracterização de
seus segmentos etários. Para marketing, uma questão
relevante é entender como envelhecerá a população no que
diz respeito aos seus hábitos de consumo. Observar esse
processo a partir da perspectiva dos coortes pode trazer
luz à compreensão dos comportamentos de consumo a partir
dos valores sedimentados em determinada época do ciclo de
vida dos consumidores. Conhecendo tais valores pode-se
melhor avaliar compostos de serviço e produto para cada
coorte e, sobretudo, como melhor implementar estratégias de
comunicação e abordagem do mercado.
No processo de envelhecimento três efeitos interagem:
efeitos coorte, idade e período. A tendência nostálgica
também interfere no processo, especialmente na manifestação
do efeito coorte.
Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam para a nostalgia como
característica psicográfica ou de estilo de vida. Não foram
encontrados indícios de que se trata de característica
ligada à idade. Os resultados apontam que a tendência
nostálgica parece sofrer influências marcantes de acordo
com o sexo e a classe social (ou nível de renda). A
influência do efeito coorte, de acordo com classificação
proposta por Motta, Rossi e Schewe (1999), sobre a
tendência nostálgica parece também relevante, embora os
dados apontem efeitos de menor intensidade quando
comparados aos ligados ao sexo e classe social.
Os resultados apontam para a relevância do efeito coorte
nas atitudes dos consumidores. A partir de classificação da
população brasileira em 6 coortes, foram testados vários
valores ligados a essas atitudes e propostas diretrizes
genéricas de abordagem de Marketing a tais segmentos. / [en] This dissertation approaches the marketing of generations.
The recent alterations in the structure and population
dynamics in Brazil point out the necessity of better
characterisation of its age segments.
For marketing, a relevant question is to understand how
this population will age in respect to its habits of
consumption. Observing this process from the perspective of
cohorts can bring light to the understanding of consumption
behaviours, as this point of view is based on values
sedimented in determined time of the cycle of life of the
consumers. Knowing such values may favor better evaluation
of product and service Marketing-mixes for each cohort and,
over all, improve implementation of communication and
market penetration strategies.
In the aging process three main effects interact: cohort,
age and period. The nostalgic trend also intervenes in the
process, especially in the manifestation of the cohort
The results of this research support the supposition that
nostalgia is a psicografic or life-style characteristic.
There had not been found indications that relate nostalgia
to the age effect. The results point that the nostalgic
trend seems to experience remarkable influences from sex
and social class (or income level). The influence of the
cohort effect, in accordance with classification of the
Brazilian population proposed by Motta, Rossi and Schewe
(1999), on the nostalgic trend also seems relevant; even
so, the data point effect of lesser intensity when compared
with those of sex and social class.
The results suggest that the cohort effect is relevant in
the effort of better understanding consumers attitudes.
Employing classification of the Brazilian population in 6
cohorts, several values related to consumers attitudes had
been tested and generic Marketing-based approaching
guidelines to such age-segments were proposed. / [es] Esta disertación aborda el marketing de generaciones. Las recientes alteraciones en la extructura y dinámica
populacional en Brasil señalan la necesidad de una mejor caracterización de sus segmentos etários. Para
marketing, entender como envejecerá la población en lo que respecta a sus hábitos de consumo constituye una
cuestión relevante. Observar este proceso a partir de la perspectiva de los cohortes puede ayudar en la
comprensión de los comportamientos de consumo a partir de los valores sedimentados en determinada época del
ciclo de vida de los consumidores. Conociendo tales valores, pueden ser evaluados compuestos de servicio y
productos para cada cohorte y, sobretodo, se pueden implementar estrategias de comunicación y abordaje de
mercado. En el proceso de envejecimento tres efectos interactuan: efectos cohorte, edad y período. La tendencia
nostálgica también interfiere en el proceso, especialmente en la manifestación del efecto cohorte. Los resultados
de esta investigación apuntan a la nostalgia como característica psicográfica o de estilo de vida. No fueron
encontrados indicios de que se trate de una característica vinculada a edad. Los resultados indican que la
tendencia nostálgica parece sufrir influencias marcantes de acuerdo al sexo y la clase social (o nível de renta). La
influencia del efecto cohorte, de acuerdo con la clasificación propuesta por Motta, Rossi e Schewe (1999), sobre la
tendencia nostálgica aparece también como relevante, aunque los datos indiquen efectos de menor intensidad
comparados a los vinculados a sexo y clase social. Los resultados apuntan para la relevancia del efecto cohorte
en las actitudes de los consumidores. A partir de la clasificación de la populación brasilera en 6 cohortes, se
experimentaron varios valores vinculados a esas actitudes y se propusieron directrizes genéricas de abordajem de
Marketing a tales segmentos.
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A rhetoric of nostalgia on the English stage, 1587-1605Johanson, Kristine January 2010 (has links)
In locating the idea of nostalgia in early modern English drama, ‘A Rhetoric of Nostalgia on the English Stage, 1587-1605’ recovers an influential and under-examined political discourse in Elizabethan drama. Recognizing how deeply Renaissance culture was invested in conceptualizing the past as past and in privileging the cultural practices and processes of memory, this thesis asserts nostalgia’s embeddedness within that culture and its consequently powerful rhetorical role on the English Renaissance stage. The introduction situates Elizabethan nostalgia alongside nostalgia’s postmodern conceptualizations. It identifies how my definition of early modern nostalgia both depends on and diverges from contemporary arguments about nostalgia, as it questions nostalgia’s perceived conservatism and asserts its radicalizing potential. I define a rhetoric of nostalgia with regard to classical and Renaissance ideas of rhetoric and locate it within a body of sixteenth-century political discourses. In the ensuing chapters, my analyses of Shakespeare’s drama formulate case studies reached, in each instance, through an exploration of the plays’ socio-political context. Chapter Two’s analysis of The First Part of the Contention contextualizes Shakespeare’s development of a rhetoric of nostalgia and investigates connections between rhetorical form and nostalgia. I demonstrate the cultural currency of the play’s nostalgic proverbial discourse through a discussion of Protestant writers interested in mocking the idea of a preferable Catholic past. Chapter Three argues that Richard II’s nostalgic discourse of lost hospitality functions as a political rhetoric evocative of the socio-economic problems of the mid-1590s and of the changing landscape of English tradition instigated by the Reformation. In Chapter Four, Julius Caesar and Ben Jonson’s Sejanus constitute a final analysis of the relationship between a rhetoric of nostalgia and politics by examining the rise of Tacitism. The plays’ nostalgic language stimulates an awareness to the myriad ways in which rhetoric questions politics in both dramas.
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Arquitetura da imagem - processo de criação da imagem em computação gráfica como leitura da imagem cinematográfica / Architecture image - process of image creation in computer graphics like image reading filmGabbai, Livia Escobar 12 September 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é a descrição, análise e produção de um vídeo, cujo título é \"Passagens do trem sobre a ponte\", o qual apresenta características audiovisuais da película cinematográfica. A partir de sua concepção, é elaborada uma dissertação, que descreve os estágios de seu processo de criação. Inicialmente, houve uma preparação que implicou busca de imagens que pudessem apresentar a plástica característica de um tipo de imagem cinematográfica e pudessem suscitar uma emoção primordial. Várias técnicas foram utilizadas na criação do vídeo: desenho, modelagem e animação em computação gráfica, sendo esta a principal ferramenta para a geração das imagens. Posteriormente, estas recebem tratamentos específicos tais como adição de efeitos visuais, edição de vídeo e adição de trilha sonora e efeitos sonoros a fim de atingir um resultado que pudesse preencher a tela e resgatar, através das imagens e do som projetados, a memória dos filmes. / The objective of this text is the description, analysis and production of a video entitled \"Passages of the train upon the bridge\", which has all the audio and visual traits of a film. From its conception, a presentation is created, that describes levels of the process. In the beginning a preparation was necessary and it had considered image searches, that could reveal a pattern that would carry plastic characteristics related to film and also spread a primordial emotion. Many technics were used for the development, such as sketches, computer graphics modelling and animation, which is the main tool in the generation of these images. Later, special effects were added at those images, which also received sound score and sound effects in the edition process . The result is a product that aims to fill the screen and rescue through its projection a film memory.
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Collectible toys - fatores influenciadores e resultantes do colecionismo: um estudo com colecionadores de estátuas e figuras de ação brasileiros e norte-americanos / Collectible toys - factors influencing and resulting from collecting: a study with collectors of Brazilian and American statues and figures of actionSilva, Helder Haddad Carneiro da 14 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-08-08T13:12:59Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
pmdgi - helder haddad pós-banca.pdf: 11942280 bytes, checksum: 70cb69cb36998da51df1adaef7ab0e5c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-08-08T13:13:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
pmdgi - helder haddad pós-banca.pdf: 11942280 bytes, checksum: 70cb69cb36998da51df1adaef7ab0e5c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-08-08T13:13:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
pmdgi - helder haddad pós-banca.pdf: 11942280 bytes, checksum: 70cb69cb36998da51df1adaef7ab0e5c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T15:53:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
pmdgi - helder haddad pós-banca.pdf: 11942280 bytes, checksum: 70cb69cb36998da51df1adaef7ab0e5c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-14 / Collecting as a consumer phenomenon has been studied from different perspectives, and its
antecedent and consequent factors are vast and complex. This thesis brings as an original
academic contribution the establishment of positive and significant theoretical relations
between factors influencing and resulting from the collecting practice that stand out in the
existing literature, arguing that positive emotional factors influence the thematic interest of
the collector, which in turn provides emotional well-being and suppression of frustration,
expansion and extension of the self and feelings of personal nostalgia. In order to meet the
objective of investigating the correlations between the proposed constructs, a mixed
methodological approach was adopted. The bibliographic survey served as a theoretical basis
for the definition of hypotheses and the design of a conceptual model. The exploratory
qualitative research carried out with five opinion leaders linked to the thesis’ object of study -
the collectors of statues and action figures - consolidated an understanding about the
motivators involved in this type of collection. Quantitative descriptive research occurred in
three distinct phases. At first, scales were developed and adapted following recommended
psychometric procedures. A sample with 250 collectors was used as a pre-test in order to
determine the measurement model. After the validation and evaluation of the reliability of the
scales, the theoretical relations hypothesized were analyzed by means of confirmatory factor
analysis and structural equations modeling based on PLS. Two surveys were carried out with
collectors of statues and action figures, one in Brazil, with a sample of 700 collectors, and
another in the United States, with a sample of 250 collectors, comparing the results of the
measurement and structural models. The results indicate that early positive emotions
influence the thematic interest of the collector, leading him to collect as a form of identity
expression (extension of the self) and search for the expansion of the self (expanded self),
through the possession of collection objects, with effect on the individual's emotional wellbeing.
Extended Self and Expanded Self constructs prove distinct in their conceptual
perspectives. In addition, the age group is shown as an important moderating variable in the
relationships between suppression of frustration and personal nostalgia - the objects of
collection evoke memories and nostalgic feelings and play a compensatory role. On the other
hand, the origin of the collectors (Brazil and USA) does not appear as a moderating variable
of the predicted theoretical relations, which indicates indistinct influencing and resulting
factors. As a general conclusion, the thesis offers a way for the construction of a theory on
collectivism, with an unprecedented and initial understanding of relevant causal relations. / O colecionismo como fenômeno de consumo vem sendo estudado sob diferentes perspectivas,
e seus fatores antecedentes e consequentes são vastos e complexos. Esta tese traz como
contribuição acadêmica original o estabelecimento de relações teóricas positivas e
significativas entre fatores influenciadores e resultantes da prática colecionista que se
destacam na literatura existente, defendendo que fatores emocionais positivos influenciam no
interesse temático do colecionador, que por sua vez proporciona bem-estar emocional e
supressão de frustrações, expansão e extensão do self e sentimentos de nostalgia pessoal. Para
atender ao objetivo de investigar as correlações entre os construtos propostos, adotou-se uma
abordagem metodológica mista. O levantamento bibliográfico serviu como fundamentação
teórica para a definição de hipóteses e desenho de um modelo conceitual. A pesquisa
qualitativa exploratória realizada com cinco líderes de opinião ligados ao objeto de estudo da
tese - os colecionadores de estátuas e figuras de ação – consolidou um maior entendimento a
respeito dos motivadores envolvidos nesse tipo de coleção. A pesquisa quantitativa descritiva
ocorreu em três fases distintas. Num primeiro momento, escalas foram desenvolvidas e
adaptadas, seguindo procedimentos psicométricos recomendados. Uma amostra com 250
colecionadores foi utilizada como pré-teste, a fim de apurar o modelo de mensuração. Feita a
validação e avaliação da confiabilidade das escalas, as relações teóricas hipotetizadas foram
analisadas por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória e modelagem de equações estruturais
baseada em PLS. Duas surveys foram realizadas com colecionadores de estátuas e figuras de
ação, uma no Brasil, com amostra de 700 colecionadores, e outra nos Estados Unidos, com
amostra de 250 colecionadores, comparando-se os resultados dos modelos de mensuração e
estrutural. Os resultados apontam que emoções positivas antecipadas influenciam no interesse
temático do colecionador, levando-o a colecionar como forma de expressão identitária
(extensão do self) e busca pela ampliação do self (self expandido), por intermédio da posse
dos objetos de coleção, com efeito no bem-estar emocional do indivíduo. Os construtos
extensão do self e self expandido provam-se distintos em suas perspectivas conceituais.
Ademais, faixa etária mostra-se como variável moderadora importante nas relações entre
supressão de frustração e nostalgia pessoal – os objetos de coleção evocam memórias e
sentimentos nostálgicos e cumprem um papel compensatório. Por outro lado, a origem dos
colecionadores (Brasil e EUA) não surge como variável moderadora das relações teóricas
previstas, o que indica fatores influenciadores e resultantes indistintos. Como conclusão geral,
a tese oferece um caminho para a construção de uma teoria sobre o colecionismo, com um
entendimento inédito e inicial de relações causais relevantes.
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