Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anumerical model"" "subject:"bnumerical model""
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A Multi-Domain Thermal Model for Positive Displacement MachinesSwarnava Mukherjee (16558083) 19 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Positive displacement machines (PDMs) operate based on the principle of positive displacement, which necessitates a periodic alteration of volume. This volume variation is accomplished through relative motion between machine components. PDMs find extensive applications in diverse domains, encompassing fluid power systems, lubrication systems, fluid transport systems, fuel injection systems, and more. The primary distinction among PDMs lies in the geometric mechanisms employed for fluid displacement, as well as the flow distribution mechanisms they employ. PDMs can be broadly classified into piston machines, vane machines, screw machines, and gear machines. In fluid power systems, the most commonly used PDMs are the piston and gear machines. Piston machines can be further classified into radial piston machines, in-line piston machines, and axial piston machines. The most commonly used piston machines are the axial piston machine owing to their superior efficiency and compactness. Gear machines can be further classified into external gear machines, internal gear machines, and annular gear machines. The most commonly used gear machine is the external gear machine owing to its price.</p>
<p>PDMs typically involve multiple solid bodies in relative motion, with micron-level gaps between them. These gaps, known as lubricating interfaces, present a significant design challenge during the machine development process. They are a primary source of power losses and play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and durability of the machine. The lubricating interfaces must effectively balance loads and maintain a high-pressure fluid seal. Achieving this delicate balance necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physical phenomena. Lubricating interfaces generate substantial heat due to viscous dissipation, which directly impacts the operation of the entire machine. The viscosity of the working fluid rapidly decays with temperature, causing the warmer fluid within the lubricating interface to possess lower viscosity. Consequently, it can support lesser loads and is more prone to leakage. Moreover, as the solid bodies enclosing the warmer fluid heat up, they undergo thermal expansion, further changing the clearance and leading to a decline in performance. Additionally, the elevated temperature of the fluid within the lubricating interface affects the compressibility of the displacement chamber fluid, thereby influencing the pressurization characteristics of the entire unit. Thus, thermal effects play a critical role in the performance of PDMs.</p>
<p> The ever-increasing market demand for more compact, efficient, and reliable designs requires a continuous process of design improvements over previous designs, and sometimes completely new designs. Sophisticated simulation tools are a necessity for such a design process. Additionally, these simulation tools also prove to be valuable in formulating design modifications in case of underperforming designs. Due to the complexity associated with the operation of such units, the simulation tools need to capture a wide variety of physical phenomena. Over the past few decades, owing to the increasing computing power of the desktop computer, several simulation tools have been proposed across the literature to aid the design process of such machines with each having limitations of their own.</p>
<p> The objective of the present thesis is to propose a modeling approach that assists in the design process of positive displacement machines, addressing various limitations identified in the existing literature. The approach is intentionally designed to be generic, enabling its application across a diverse range of positive displacement machines. The modeling approach encompasses three distinct domains: the displacement chamber fluid domain, the lubricating interface fluid domain, and the solid domain. A novel thermal model that integrates all three domains is introduced. </p>
<p> To validate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling approach, two separate validation studies are conducted. The first study focuses on a model for an isolated piston/cylinder interface of an axial piston machine, operating under the mixed lubrication regime. The model demonstrates a strong agreement with the measured data. The second study involves steady-state measurements of an entire axial piston machine. The model is validated by comparing the steady-state flow characteristics and temperature distribution on the valveplate, both of which are accurately captured by a single fully coupled model. The modeling approach developed in this study, specifically, the energy conservation in the lubricating interface, heat transfer in the solid bodies, and thermal deformation in the solid bodies are all generalized for applicability in different types of PDMs. However, the results presented in this thesis pertain to an axial piston machine.</p>
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Beteende hos laminerat glas efter brott / Post-Breakage behavior of laminated glassBaquedano Romero, Kevin, Oudka, Saadia, Musa, Amira January 2022 (has links)
Glas är ett styvt material som används bland annat inom byggbranschen och fordonsindustrin. Glas har hög styvhet och hög hållfasthet men är ett sprött material. När en spricka uppstår i en laminerad glasbalk minskas dess bärförmåga och styvhet och säkerhetsrisken ökar. För att garantera en hög säkerhet används laminerat glas där tunna plastfilmer limmar ihop flera skikt av glas (som även kallas för lameller). När glaset lamineras fungerar det som ett paket där spänningarna kan överföras mellan de olika lamellerna. Användningsområden inom byggbranschen kan vara plana element, till exempel för fönster eller balkonräcken, dessutom finns både liggande balkar (böjning i den tunna riktningen) samt stående balkar. Även i balkar av laminerat glas kan sprickor i en av lamellerna uppstå. Dessa fångas dock upp av de andra lamellerna så att hela balken förblir intakt och hålls på plats. En sprucken balk tappar då en del av bärförmågan och styvheten jämfört med en osprucken balk. Spruckna balkar kan alltså inte bära samma last. Syftet med arbetet är att öka kunskapen om beteendet hos laminerat glas som är sprucket och få bättre förståelse för hur laminerat glas beter sig när det går till brott. Målet är att verifiera den numeriska beräkningsmodellen av Abdul Khader, Basim & Reshid (2020) genom experimentella försök. Modellen beskriver liggande balkar av laminerat glas, både spruckna och ospruckna balkar. I detta examenarbete användes olika metoder: litteraturundersökning, tillämpning av en beräkningsmodell samt experiment. Litteratundersökningen gav ett fördjupande förståelse dels om ämnet glas exempelvis om olika typer av glas och glasets generella egenskaper, dels om laminerat glas, hur det är uppbyggt, tillverkat och egenskaper förbättras genom lamineringen. Beräkningsmodellen som detta arbete bygger på är från en tidigare studie, där en beräkningsmetod för spruckna glasbalkar beskrevs med hjälp av den så kallade effektiva tjockleksmetoden för böjstyvhet av laminerat glas. Experiment genomfördes för att studera hur laminerade glasbalkar med och utan spricka i mitten beter sig när de utsätts för belastning. Resultaten visar skillnaden mellan ospruckna och spruckna balkar av laminerat glas med två skikt när det gäller böjstyvheten och bärförmågan. Experimenten visar att nedböjningen för spruckna balkar är dubbelt så stor som för ospruckna balkar. Skillnaden beror på att böjstyvheten hos spruckna balkar är lägre än hos ospruckna balkar. På grund av sprickan i mitten överförs lasterna endast i en skiva, och dessutom minskas böjstyvheten i den ospruckna delen. Beräkningsmodellen överensstämde väl med resultaten från de utförda experimenten. Detta bekräftar att modellen kan tillämpas för laminerade glasbalkar. Mer omfattande studier bör dock genomföras där de ingående parametrarna varieras, till exempel genom längre balkar, sprickor på andra ställen än i mitten, samt att olika material för mellansiktet används.
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Generalization of Metallurgical and Mechanical Models for Integrated Simulation of Automotive Lap JoiningBrizes, Eric 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Μελέτη θεμάτων διαχείρισης παράκτιων υδροφορέων με αριθμητικά μοντέλαΖιώγας, Αλέξανδρος 01 August 2014 (has links)
Διερευνώνται επιμέρους θέματα διαχείρισης παράκτιων υδροφορέων που αφορούν στην διασφάλιση της αειφορίας των υπόγειων αποθεμάτων μέσω (α) της προστασία τους έναντι στην υποβάθμιση της ποιότητάς τους που μπορεί να προέλθει από τη διείσδυση του θαλασσινού νερού και από ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες και (β) της διασφάλισης της κάλυψης των αναγκών σε υπόγειο νερό κατά τις περιόδους αυξημένης ζήτησης. Η διερεύνηση βασίζεται στη χρήση δύο αριθμητικών μοντέλων υπόγειας ροής που λαμβάνουν υπόψη τις διαφορές πυκνότητας μεταξύ γλυκού και αλμυρού νερού και περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα:
Παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος με τον οποίο διατυπώνονται και επιλύονται οι εξισώσεις που περιγράφουν την υπόγεια ροή υπό την επιρροή διαφορών πυκνότητας σε δύο ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα αριθμητικά μοντέλα, που είναι το μοντέλο SEAWAT-2000 (Langevin et al., 2003) και το μοντέλο SUTRA v2.2 (Voss & Provost, 2010). Βάσει των ανωτέρω και της εμπειρίας που αποκτήθηκε από την παράλληλη εφαρμογή τους, οι δύο κώδικες αξιολογούνται συγκριτικά και διατυπώνονται κριτήρια, στα οποία μπορεί να βασιστεί η επιλογή του κατά περίπτωση προσφορότερου κώδικα.
Γίνεται η ρύθμιση αριθμητικού μοντέλου, το οποίο είναι βασισμένο στον κώδικα SEAWAT-2000, για τον παράκτιο υδροφορέα του Γλαύκου π., ο οποίος βρίσκεται στα νότια της πόλης των Πατρών και αποτελεί σημαντικό υδατικό πόρο για την περιοχή. Η ρύθμιση του μοντέλου βασίζεται σε μετρήσεις της υπόγειας στάθμης που προέρχονται από ένα σχετικά πυκνό δίκτυο γεωτρήσεων παρατήρησης το οποίο όμως έχει χρονικά περιορισμένη διάρκεια λειτουργίας. Το δίκτυο κατασκευάστηκε στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος INTERREG Ελλάδα – Ιταλία, 2000 – 2006, σε συνεργασία του Εργαστηρίου Υδραυλικής Μηχανικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών και της Δημοτικής Επιχείρησης Ύδρευσης και Αποχέτευσης της Πάτρας (Δ.Ε.Υ.Α.Π.) και ολοκληρώθηκε στα μέσα του 2008. Η διαδικασία ρύθμισης του μοντέλου περιλαμβάνει τα εξής: (α) Τη συστηματική οργάνωση, συνδυασμό και αξιολόγηση των διαθέσιμων πληροφοριών σε λογισμικό συστημάτων γεωγραφικών πληροφοριών. (β) Την εφαρμογή υδραυλικών και στατιστικών μεθόδων σε συνδυασμό με την τροποποίηση και εφαρμογή μεθόδων αριθμητικής προσομοίωσης αντλητικών δοκιμών για τον προσδιορισμό των υδραυλικών χαρακτηριστικών του υδροφορέα. (γ) Τη συνδυαστική ανάλυση υδρολογικών δεδομένων και χρονοσειρών της υπόγειας στάθμης για την εκτίμηση των συνιστωσών του υδρολογικού ισοζυγίου. (δ) Τον καθορισμό κατάλληλων κριτηρίων αξιολόγησης των προσομοιώσεων. (ε) Την εμπειρική ρύθμιση των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου, η οποία επειδή έγινε παράλληλα με την συλλογή των μετρήσεων της υπόγειας στάθμης πραγματοποιήθηκε για δύο περιόδους, κατ’ αρχήν για την περίοδο 2008-2010 και εν συνεχεία για την περίοδο 2010-2012 και (στ) την εκτέλεση προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo για την πραγματοποίηση καθολικής ανάλυσης ευαισθησίας (global sensitivity analysis, βλ. Saltelli et al., 2004) και τη διερεύνηση ύπαρξης περισσοτέρων συνδυασμών των τιμών των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου που οδηγούν σε παρόμοια αποτελέσματα (equifinality thesis, Beven, 2006). Από τη ρύθμιση του μοντέλου με τη βοήθεια των μετρήσεων της υπόγειας στάθμης που συλλέχτηκαν με το δίκτυο παρατήρησης προέκυψαν πληροφορίες για τους μηχανισμούς εμπλουτισμού του υδροφορέα στις διάφορες περιοχές, κάτι που είναι σημαντικό για τη διαχείρισή του.
Το ρυθμισμένο μοντέλο του παράκτιου υδροφορέα του Γλαύκου χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την εξέταση θεμάτων διαχείρισης του υδροφορέα: (α) Προσδιορίστηκαν οι ζώνες τροφοδοσίας των γεωτρήσεων της ΔΕΥΑΠ με χρήση του κώδικα MODPATH v3 (Pollock, 1994) και εκτιμήθηκε η τρωτότητα αυτών των γεωτρήσεων. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι γεωτρήσεις που βρίσκονται κοντά στην κοίτη του Γλαύκου, όπως συμβαίνει με πολλές από τις γεωτρήσεις της ΔΕΥΑΠ, αντλούν σχεδόν αποκλειστικά νερό που προέρχεται από τον ποταμό. Έτσι είναι δυνατόν να προσβληθούν από ρυπάνσεις του νερού του ποταμού καθώς επίσης και από ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες στις παρόχθιες ζώνες. (β) Εκτιμήθηκε ο κίνδυνος διείσδυσης θαλασσινού νερού σε περίπτωση εμφάνισης περιόδων ξηρασίας, για δύο διαφορετικά σενάρια αντλήσεων: ένα σύμφωνα με το σημερινό καθεστώς χρήσης του υπόγειου νερού και ένα για την αύξηση των αντλήσεων κατά 50%. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι για ξηρασία διάρκειας τεσσάρων ετών και αύξηση των αντλούμενων ποσοτήτων τα φαινόμενα υφαλμύρισης θα είναι έντονα. Με την επάνοδο όμως των μέσων υδρολογικών συνθηκών ο υδροφορέας ανακάμπτει. (γ) Για συνθήκες ξηρασίας εξετάστηκε η αποτελεσματικότητα του τεχνητού εμπλουτισμού για τον περιορισμό της διείσδυσης του θαλασσινού νερού. Ως μέθοδος εμπλουτισμού εξετάστηκε η εποχιακή αύξηση της στάθμης του νερού στον ποταμό με τη βοήθεια φουσκωτών φραγμάτων (βλ. Κωτσοβίνος, 1999). Διαπιστώθηκε ότι με τη μέθοδο αυτή μπορεί να επιτευχθεί σημαντική αύξηση των υπόγειων αποθεμάτων.
Τέλος, εξετάζεται ως μέτρο προστασίας έναντι της διείσδυσης του θαλασσινού νερού η τεχνική των υπόγειων φραγμών. Επειδή στις μελέτες της τεχνικής αυτής που έχουν παρουσιαστεί στη βιβλιογραφία (π.χ. Luyun et al., 2011) έμφαση δίνεται μόνο στην επιρροή των γεωμετρικών χαρακτηριστικών των φραγμών (απόσταση από την ακτή, βάθος φραγμού), έγινε στην παρούσα εργασία συστηματική διερεύνηση της συναρτησιακής σχέσης ανάμεσα στην αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου και τα χαρακτηριστικά τόσο των φραγμών όσο και του υδροφορέα (υδραυλική αγωγιμότητα, ανισοτροπία, υδρομηχανική διασπορά, παροχή γλυκού νερού προς τη θάλασσα, αντλήσεις στην παράκτια ζώνη, υλικό κατασκευής του φραγμού). Η διερεύνηση έγινε με τη βοήθεια του αριθμητικού μοντέλου SUTRA 2.2 (Voss and Provost, 2010), για δύο τύπους υπόγειων φραγμών: τους διαφραγματικούς τοίχους και τα υπόγεια φράγματα. Δίδονται διαγράμματα και αναλυτικές σχέσεις με χρήση αδιάστατων μεταβλητών και για εύρος τιμών των μεταβλητών αυτών που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη διαστασιολόγηση φραγμών σε εφαρμογές πεδίου. Βάσει των αποτελεσμάτων που προκύπτουν από τη διερεύνηση της προαναφερθείσας συναρτησιακής σχέσης και χρησιμοποιώντας και το μοντέλο του Γλαύκου, εξετάστηκε η αποτελεσματικότητα της κατασκευής ενός φραγμού περιορισμένου μήκους στον υδροφορέα. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι πέραν του περιορισμού της διείσδυσης αλμυρού νερού σε περιόδους ξηρασίας που επιτυγχάνεται, ο φραγμός επιταχύνει την υποχώρηση της αλμυρής σφήνας όταν επανέλθουν οι συνήθεις υδρολογικές συνθήκες. / In the present study coastal aquifer management issues are investigated. These issues concern measures which ensure the sustainability of the coastal groundwater and particularly: (a) protective measures against the degradation of groundwater caused by saltwater intrusion and human activities and (b) measures allowing the availability of sufficient volumes of fresh groundwater during periods of high demand. The investigation is based on the application of two numerical codes, which are suitable for simulating the groundwater flow under the influence of density differences. The investigation procedure is as follows.
The application of the equations of groundwater flow with density differences and transport, the limitations and the advantages are presented for two widely used numerical models, the SEAWAT-2000 code (Langevin et al., 2003) and the SUTRA v.2.2 code (Voss & Provost, 2010). Based on the analysis above and on the experience acquired through the parallel use of the two codes, basic criteria are derived that allow for the selection of the code that best suits the needs of a certain problem.
The investigation focuses on the Glafkos coastal aquifer, which is located at north Peloponnese (Greece), south of the city of Patras and is an important source of freshwater for the region. For this aquifer the SEAWAT-2000 code is implemented and calibrated. The model calibration is based on groundwater level time series that were registered by a relatively dense monitoring network, whose operation time, however, is limited. The network of the monitoring wells was constructed during 2007-2008 in cooperation of the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras) and the Municipal Enterprise of Water Supply and Sewage of Patras (DEYAP), in the frame of the project INTERREG IIIA GREECE-ITALY. The calibration procedure is based on: (a) The application of a G.I.S. system to organize, combine, analyse and evaluate the available information. (b) The application of hydraulic and statistical methods combined with the modification and application of pumping tests simulation methods, for the estimation of the hydraulic parameters of the coastal aquifer. (c) The combined analysis of hydrological data and groundwater level time series for the estimation of the aquifers water budget components. (d) The establishment of appropriate criteria for the evaluation of simulation results. (e) The empirical calibration of the model is performed for two periods, i.e. the period 2008-2010 and the period 2010-2012. This procedure is due to the availability of the groundwater level time series which were registered parallel to the model calibration. (f) The application of the Monte-Carlo method in order to investigate the probability that different combinations of model parameters give similar or better simulation results. The model calibration led to a better understanding of the aquifers recharge mechanisms which is crucial for the development of a groundwater management policy and the implementation of a management plan.
The calibrated groundwater model of the Glafkos coastal aquifer is used for the investigation and evaluation of coastal aquifer management applications: (a) The capture zones of the municipal production wells are delineated by applying the MODPATH v3 code (Pollock, 1994). It is found out that the production wells that are located close to the Glafkos River, as it is the fact for the majority of the municipal production wells, pump water that originates almost exclusively from the river. Consequently, polluted water from the river or polluting human activities close to the riverbank can affect the quality of the pumped water. (b) The saltwater intrusion risk is estimated, in case of a prolonged drought period. Two cases are investigated; the first considers the current pumping rates of groundwater while the second considers a 50% increased pumping. It is found out that a four-year drought period combined with an increase of the groundwater exploitation will lead to significant saltwater intrusion problems. (c) The applicability and effectiveness of in-channel artificial recharge with the use of rubber dams, as a countermeasure against the saltwater intrusion, which may be induced by a four-year drought period, is investigated. It is found that the method is applicable and effectively reduces the intrusion of saltwater. Further it increases the groundwater storage in the aquifer.
Finally, the construction of a cutoff wall which covers only a small part of the aquifers width, is evaluated as a countermeasure to saltwater intrusion problems which may arise in Glafkos coastal aquifer. Due to the fact that existing studies on the technique of the subsurface barriers focus only on the influence of the geometrical characteristics of barriers covering the whole width of the aquifer, a systematic investigation is curried out on the functional relationship between the effectiveness of the barriers and all the parameters influencing it, i.e. the geometrical characteristics of the barriers, the aquifer parameters (the hydraulic conductivity, anisotropy, hydromechanical dispersion, groundwater flow towards the sea) and the pumping rate. The investigation is curried out by the use of the finite element code SUTRA v.2.2 and concerns two types of barriers; the subsurface dams and the cutoff walls. The results include graphs and functional relationships for the assessment of the effect of subsurface dams and cutoff walls and the design of such structures. The results are presented in terms of dimensionless variables, with ranges suitable for field applications. Based on these results, a cutoff wall of small width is designed for the Glafkos coastal aquifer. Its effectiveness is evaluated by applying the calibrated SEAWAT-model of the coastal aquifer. It is shown that the cutoff wall not only reduces the saltwater intrusion during drought periods, but also it reduces the retreat time of the saltwater front under normal hydrological conditions.
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Amperometrinio biojutiklio su chemiškai modifikuotu elektrodu vykstančių reakcijos-difuzijos procesų kompiuterinis modeliavimas ir tyrimas / Modeling and exploration of reaction-diffusion processes in amperometric biosensor with chemically modified electrodePoltorak, Sergej 27 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas yra sukurti kompiuterinį amperometrinio biojutiklio su chemiškai modifikuotu elektrodu modelį ir ištirti jo savybes. Modelis papildo egzistuojančius modelius mediatoriaus sluoksniu. Mediatoriaus koncentracija sluoksnyje nėra konstanta, tirpsta biojutiklio veikimo eigoje. Darbe apžvelgiama medžiaga apie amperometrinius biojutiklius, biojutiklio modeliavimo aspektus, mediatoriaus tirpimo priežastis ir veikimo principus. Vėliau suformuluojamas pasirinkto biojutiklio matematinis modelis. Matematiniame modelyje pateikiamos diferencialinės lygtys su dalinėmis išvestinėmis, aprašančios biojutiklyje vykstančias reakcijas ir difuzijas. Pagal matematinį modelį yra sudaromas skaitinis modelis. Pagal žinomus analizinius sprendimus modelis yra ratifikuojamas. Remiantis skaitiniu modeliu buvo sukurta programinė įranga įgyvendinanti diferencialinių lygčių su dalinėmis išvestinėmis sprendimo metodą (išreikštinę baigtinių skirtumų schemą) ir simuliuojanti biojutiklio veikimą. Programinė įranga yra karkasas, leidžiantis nagrinėti sumodeliuoto biojutiklio savybes bei charakteristikas. Buvo ištirtos substrato ir mediatoriaus koncentracijų, mediatoriaus, fermento, difuzijos sluoksnių, bei mediatoriaus sluoksnio difuzijos koeficiento įtakos biojutiklio generuojamos srovės tankiui. Be to gauti dviejų modelių palyginimo rezultatai parodė sumodeliuoto biojutiklio modelio skirtumus ir panaudojimo prasmingumą. / The aim of master thesis is to model amperometric biosensor with chemically modified electrode, introducing into existing model one more additional mediator layer. Mediator concentration inside the layer is changing during the biosensor action. Master thesis content consists of: enzyme kinetics introduction, biosensor modeling peculiarities exploration, chemically modified electrode information, biosensor action aspects description. Following chapter concentrates on mathematical modeling of particular biosensor type. Mathematical model represents differential equations with partial derivatives describing the reactions and diffusion inside biosensor. Next, numerical model is formulated. The explicit method technique was used. Based on numerical model software was made and validated. Using software the biosensor action was simulated in order to investigate biosensor properties and characteristics. In this work several properties were analyzed: impact of substrate and mediator concentrations, size of mediator, enzyme and diffusion layers, mediator layer diffusion coefficient on biosensor response. This model was compared with previous introduced model and it was shown that there is some difference between them and there is a reason to use new model.
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Plasma Interactions with Icy Bodies in the Solar System / Plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemetLindkvist, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Here I study the “plasma interactions with icy bodies in the solar system”, that is, my quest to understand the fundamental processes that govern such interactions. By using numerical modelling combined with in situ observations, one can infer the internal structure of icy bodies and their plasma environments. After a broad overview of the laws governing space plasmas a more detailed part follows. This contains the method on how to model the interaction between space plasmas and icy bodies. Numerical modelling of space plasmas is applied to the icy bodies Callisto (a satellite of Jupiter), the dwarf planet Ceres (located in the asteroid main belt) and the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The time-varying magnetic field of Jupiter induces currents inside the electrically conducting moon Callisto. These create magnetic field perturbations thought to be related to conducting subsurface oceans. The flow of plasma in the vicinity of Callisto is greatly affected by these magnetic field perturbations. By using a hybrid plasma solver, the interaction has been modelled when including magnetic induction and agrees well with magnetometer data from flybys (C3 and C9) made by the Galileo spacecraft. The magnetic field configuration allows an inflow of ions onto Callisto’s surface in the central wake. Plasma that hits the surface knocks away matter (sputtering) and creates Callisto’s tenuous atmosphere. A long term study of solar wind protons as seen by the Rosetta spacecraft was conducted as the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko approached the Sun. Here, extreme ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the neutral water of the comet’s coma. Newly produced water ions get picked up by the solar wind flow, and forces the solar wind protons to deflect due to conservation of momentum. This effect of mass-loading increases steadily as the comet draws closer to the Sun. The solar wind is deflected, but does not lose much energy. Hybrid modelling of the solar wind interaction with the coma agrees with the observations; the force acting to deflect the bulk of the solar wind plasma is greater than the force acting to slow it down. Ceres can have high outgassing of water vapour, according to observations by the Herschel Space Observatory in 2012 and 2013. There, two regions were identified as sources of water vapour. As Ceres rotates, so will the source regions. The plasma interaction close to Ceres depends greatly on the source location of water vapour, whereas far from Ceres it does not. On a global scale, Ceres has a comet-like interaction with the solar wind, where the solar wind is perturbed far downstream of Ceres. / Här studerar jag “plasmaväxelverkan med isiga kroppar i solsystemet”, det vill säga, min strävan är att förstå de grundläggande processerna som styr sådana interaktioner. Genom att använda numerisk modellering i kombination med observationer på plats vid himlakropparna kan man förstå sig på deras interna strukturer och rymdmiljöer. Efter en bred översikt över de fysiska lagar som styr ett rymdplasma följer en mer detaljerad del. Denna innehåller metoder för hur man kan modellera växelverkan mellan rymdplasma och isiga kroppar. Numerisk modellering av rymdplasma appliceras på de isiga himlakropparna Callisto (en måne kring Jupiter), dvärgplaneten Ceres (lokaliserad i asteroidbältet mellan Mars och Jupiter) och kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Det tidsvarierande magnetiska fältet kring Jupiter inducerar strömmar inuti den elektriskt ledande månen Callisto. Dessa strömmar skapar magnetfältsstörningar som tros vara relaterade till ett elektriskt ledande hav under Callistos yta. Plasmaflödet i närheten av Callisto påverkas i hög grad av dessa magnetfältsstörningar. Genom att använda en hybrid-plasma-lösare har växelverkan modellerats, där effekten av magnetisk induktion har inkluderats. Resultaten stämmer väl överens med magnetfältsdata från förbiflygningarna av Callisto (C3 och C9) som gjordes av den obemannade rymdfarkosten Galileo i dess bana kring Jupiter. Den magnetiska konfigurationen som uppstår möjliggör ett inflöde av laddade joner på Callistos baksida. Plasma som träffar ytan slår bort materia och skapar Callistos tunna atmosfär. En långtidsstudie av solvindsprotoner sett från rymdfarkosten Rosetta utfördes då kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko närmade sig solen. Ultraviolett strålning från solen joniserar det neutrala vattnet i kometens koma (kometens atmosfär). Nyligt joniserade vattenmolekyler plockas upp av solvindsflödet och tvingar solvindsprotonernas banor att böjas av, så att rörelsemängden bevaras. Denna effekt ökar stadigt då kometen närmar sig solen. Solvinden böjs av kraftigt, men förlorar inte mycket energi. Hybridmodellering av solvindens växelverkan bekräftar att kraften som verkar på solvinden till störst del får den att böjas av, medan kraften som verkar till att sänka dess fart är mycket lägre. Ceres har enligt observationer av rymdteleskopet Herschel under 2012 och 2013 haft högt utflöde av vattenånga från dess yta. Där har två regioner identifierats som källor för vattenångan. Eftersom Ceres roterar kommer källornas regioner göra det också. Plasmaväxelverkan i närheten av Ceres beror i hög grad på vattenångskällans placeringen, medan det inte gör det långt ifrån Ceres. På global nivå har Ceres en kometliknande växelverkan med solvinden, där störningar i solvinden propagerar långt nedströms från Ceres.
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Modélisation radiobiologique pour la planification des traitements en radiothérapie à partir de données d’imagerie spécifiques aux patientsTrépanier, Pier-Yves 07 1900 (has links)
Un modèle de croissance et de réponse à la radiothérapie pour le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) basé le formalisme du modèle de prolifération-invasion (PI) et du modèle linéaire-quadratique a été développé et implémenté. La géométrie spécifique au patient est considérée en modélisant, d'une part, les voies d'invasion possibles des GBM avec l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et, d'autre part, les barrières à la propagation à partir des images anatomiques disponibles. La distribution de dose réelle reçue par un patient donné est appliquée telle quelle dans les simulations, en respectant l'horaire de traitement. Les paramètres libres du modèle (taux de prolifération, coefficient de diffusion, paramètres radiobiologiques) sont choisis aléatoirement à partir de distributions de valeurs plausibles. Un total de 400 ensembles de valeurs pour les paramètres libres sont ainsi choisis pour tous les patients, et une simulation de la croissance et de la réponse au traitement est effectuée pour chaque patient et chaque ensemble de paramètres. Un critère de récidive est appliqué sur les résultats de chaque simulation pour identifier un lieu probable de récidive (SPR). La superposition de tous les SPR obtenus pour un patient donné permet de définir la probabilité d'occurrence (OP). Il est démontré qu'il existe des valeurs de OP élevées pour tous les patients, impliquant que les résultats du modèle PI ne sont pas très sensibles aux valeurs des paramètres utilisés. Il est également démontré comment le formalisme développé dans cet ouvrage pourrait permettre de définir un volume cible personnalisé pour les traitements de radiothérapie du GBM. / We have developed and implemented a model of growth and response to radiotherapy for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) based on the proliferation-invasion (PI) formalism and linear-quadratic model. We take into account patient-specific geometry to model the possible invasion pathways of GBM with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and the barriers to dispersal from anatomical images available. The actual dose distribution received by a given patient is applied as such in the simulation, respecting the treatment schedule. The free parameters in the model (proliferation rate, diffusion coefficient, radiobiological parameters) are randomly chosen from a distribution of plausible values. A total of 400 sets of values for the free parameters are thus chosen for all patients, and a simulation of the growth and the response to treatment is performed for each patient and each set of parameters. A failure criterion is applied to the results of each simulation to identify a site of potential recurrence (SPR). The superposition of all SPR obtained for a given patient defines the occurrence probability (OP). We show that high OP values exist for all patients and conclude that the PI model results are not very sensitive to the values of the parameters used. Finally, we show how the formalism developed in this work could help to define a custom target volume for radiation treatment of GBM.
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Amélioration et intégration d'une méthode d'affichage des performances en temps réel d'une pompe à chaleur / Improvement and integration of the in-situ heat pump performance assessment methodNiznik, Maria 10 July 2017 (has links)
Actuellement, la plupart des fabricants de pompes à chaleur (PAC) fournissent les valeurs de coefficients de performances (COP) obtenus en laboratoire en conditions contrôlées et standardisées. Une méthode prometteuse, appelée méthode de mesure des performances dans la suite, d’évaluation des performances de PAC in situ, basée sur le bilan énergétique du compresseur, a été présentée par Tran et al. (2013). Cette méthode détermine le débit de fluide frigorigène et est compatible avec différents types de PAC, notamment air-air, et des cycles frigorifiques plus complexes.Tran et al. (2013) ont déterminé que l’incertitude sur l’évaluation de pertes thermiques du compresseur contribue à hauteur de 40% sur l’erreur d’estimation de la puissance thermique. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’établir une méthode simplifiée quant à l’instrumentation pour mesurer les pertes thermiques in situ. Pour cela, deux modèles numériques détaillés sont développés afin d’examiner la distribution de température sur l’enveloppe de deux types de compresseurs, scroll et rotary. Les mesures expérimentales fournies par un fabricant de compresseurs, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), sont utilisées pour calibrer et valider les modèles numériques. Ces derniers permettent de définir deux protocoles de mesures différents pour les deux compresseurs. Ensuite, le protocole établi pour le compresseur rotary est intégré dans la méthode de mesures des performances. Les puissances thermiques calculées sont comparées avec des valeurs de référence, obtenues à partir d’un prototype en banc d’essai à EDF Lab Les Renardières. / Currently, most heat pump(HP) manufacturers provide coefficient of performance (COP) values obtained in laboratories under standardized controlled operating conditions. These COP values are not necessarily representative of those obtained on-field. A promising method, referred to as the performance assessment method, that measures heat pump performances in-situ based on compressor energy balance, was presented by Tran et al. (2013). The method determines refrigerant mass flow rate and has the capability of measuring performances of various HP types, such as air-to-air, as well as more complex refrigeration cycles. The method abstains from intrusive measurements, and is, therefore, perfectly suitable for in-situ measurements.As shown in the work of Tran et al. (2013), compressor heat losses account for 40% in the final uncertainty of performance values obtained with the performance assessment method. The objective of this thesis is to establish a rather simplified measurement method, in terms of instrumentation, that is used to determine compressor heat losses in-situ. For this purpose two detailed numerical models for assessing the temperature fields of the scroll and rotary compressor shells were developed. Experimental measurements obtained with the help of compressor manufacturer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), are used to validate and calibrate the numerical models. The developed numerical models allow to define two different measurement protocols for both compressors. Established compressor heat loss protocol for rotary compressor is then integrated in the performance assessment method and the obtained heating capacities are compared with reference measurements in an experimental test bench in EDF Lab Les Renardières.
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Dynamics of laboratory models of the wind-driven ocean circulationKiss, Andrew Elek, Andrew.Kiss@anu.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
This thesis presents a numerical exploration of the dynamics governing
rotating flow driven by a surface stress in the " sliced cylinder " model
of Pedlosky & Greenspan (1967) and Beardsley (1969), and its close
relative, the " sliced cone " model introduced by Griffiths & Veronis
(1997). The sliced cylinder model simulates the barotropic wind-driven
circulation in a circular basin with vertical sidewalls, using a depth
gradient to mimic the effects of a gradient in Coriolis parameter. In the
sliced cone the vertical sidewalls are replaced by an azimuthally uniform
slope around the perimeter of the basin to simulate a continental slope.
Since these models can be implemented in the laboratory, their dynamics
can be explored by a complementary interplay of analysis and numerical
and laboratory experiments. ¶
In this thesis a derivation is presented of a generalised
quasigeostrophic formulation which is valid for linear and moderately
nonlinear barotropic flows over large-amplitude topography on an f-plane,
yet retains the simplicity and conservation properties of the standard
quasigeostrophic vorticity equation (which is valid only for small depth
variations). This formulation is implemented in a numerical model based
on a code developed by Page (1982) and Becker & Page (1990). ¶
The accuracy of the formulation and its implementation are confirmed by
detailed comparisons with the laboratory sliced cylinder and sliced cone
results of Griffiths (Griffiths & Kiss, 1999) and Griffiths & Veronis
(1997), respectively. The numerical model is then used to provide insight
into the dynamics responsible for the observed laboratory flows. In the
linear limit the numerical model reveals shortcomings in the sliced cone
analysis by Griffiths & Veronis (1998) in the region where the slope and
interior join, and shows that the potential vorticity is dissipated in an
extended region at the bottom of the slope rather than a localised region
at the east as suggested by Griffiths & Veronis (1997, 1998). Welander's
thermal analogy (Welander, 1968) is used to explain the linear
circulation pattern, and demonstrates that the broadly distributed
potential vorticity dissipation is due to the closure of geostrophic
contours in this geometry. ¶
The numerical results also provide insight into features of the flow at
finite Rossby number. It is demonstrated that separation of the western
boundary current in the sliced cylinder is closely associated with a
" crisis " due to excessive potential vorticity dissipation in the viscous
sublayer, rather than insufficient dissipation in the outer western
boundary current as suggested by Holland & Lin (1975) and Pedlosky
(1987). The stability boundaries in both models are refined using the
numerical results, clarifying in particular the way in which the western
boundary current instability in the sliced cone disappears at large
Rossby and/or Ekman number. A flow regime is also revealed in the sliced
cylinder in which the boundary current separates without reversed flow,
consistent with the potential vorticity " crisis " mechanism. In addition
the location of the stability boundary is determined as a function of the
aspect ratio of the sliced cylinder, which demonstrates that the flow is
stabilised in narrow basins such as those used by Beardsley (1969, 1972,
1973) and Becker & Page (1990) relative to the much wider basin used by
Griffiths & Kiss (1999). ¶
Laboratory studies of the sliced cone by Griffiths & Veronis (1997)
showed that the flow became unstable only under anticyclonic forcing. It
is shown in this thesis that the contrast between flow under cyclonic and
anticyclonic forcing is due to the combined effects of the relative
vorticity and topography in determining the shape of the potential
vorticity contours. The vorticity at the bottom of the sidewall smooths
out the potential vorticity contours under cyclonic forcing, but distorts
them into highly contorted shapes under anticyclonic forcing. In
addition, the flow is dominated by inertial boundary layers under
cyclonic forcing and by standing Rossby waves under anticyclonic forcing
due to the differing flow direction relative to the direction of Rossby
wave phase propagation. The changes to the potential vorticity structure
under strong cyclonic forcing reduce the potential vorticity changes
experienced by fluid columns, and the flow approaches a steady free
inertial circulation. In contrast, the complexity of the flow structure
under anticyclonic forcing results in strong potential vorticity changes
and also leads to barotropic instability under strong forcing. ¶
The numerical results indicate that the instabilities in both models
arise through supercritical Hopf bifurcations. The two types of
instability observed by Griffiths & Veronis (1997) in the sliced cone are
shown to be related to the western boundary current instability and
" interior instability " identified by Meacham & Berloff (1997). The
western boundary current instability is trapped at the western side of
the interior because its northward phase speed exceeds that of the
fastest interior Rossby wave with the same meridional wavenumber, as
discussed by Ierley & Young (1991). ¶
Numerical experiments with different lateral boundary conditions are also
undertaken. These show that the flow in the sliced cylinder is
dramatically altered when the free-slip boundary condition is used
instead of the no-slip condition, as expected from the work of Blandford
(1971). There is no separated jet, because the flow cannot experience a
potential vorticity " crisis " with this boundary condition, so the western
boundary current overshoots and enters the interior from the east. In
contrast, the flow in the sliced cone is identical whether no-slip,
free-slip or super-slip boundary conditions are applied to the horizontal
flow at the top of the sloping sidewall, except in the immediate vicinity
of this region. This insensitivity results from the extremely strong
topographic steering near the edge of the basin due to the vanishing
depth, which demands a balance between wind forcing and Ekman pumping on
the upper slope, regardless of the lateral boundary condition. The
sensitivity to the lateral boundary condition is related to the
importance of lateral friction in the global vorticity balance. The
integrated vorticity must vanish under the no-slip condition, so in the
sliced cylinder the overall vorticity budget is dominated by lateral
viscosity and Ekman friction is negligible. Under the free-slip condition
the Ekman friction assumes a dominant role in the dissipation, leading to
a dramatic change in the flow structure. In contrast, the much larger
depth variation in the sliced cone leads to a global vorticity balance in
which Ekman friction is always dominant, regardless of the boundary
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Modeling in-situ vapor extraction during flow boiling in microscale channelSalakij, Saran 25 March 2014 (has links)
In-situ vapor extraction is performed by applying a pressure differential across a hydrophobic porous membrane that forms a wall of the channel as a means of reducing the local quality of flow boiling within the channel. As the local quality is reduced, the heat transfer capability can be improve while large pressure drops and flow instability can be mitigated. The present study investigates the potential of vapor extraction, by examining the characteristics and mechanisms of extraction. The physics based models for transition among extraction regimes are developed which can be used as a basis for a regime-based vapor extraction rate model. The effects of vapor extraction on flow boiling in a microscale fractal-like branching network and diverging channels are studied by using a one-dimensional numerical model based on conservation of mass and energy, along with heat transfer and pressure drop correlations. The results show the improvement in reduced pressure drop and enhanced flow stability, and show the potential of heat transfer enhancement. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 25, 2013 - March 25, 2014
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