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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podstatná změna okolností a nemožnost plnění v českém a anglickém právním řádu / Material change of circumstances and the impossibility of performance within the Czech and Anglo-American legal system

Bříza, Marek January 2015 (has links)
English abstract Material change of circumstances and the impossibility of performance within the Czech and English legal system Civil law in the Czech Republic is based on a so-called principle pacta sunt servanda which means that parties are bound by the contract and should perform in accordance with it. It may happen, however, that unexpected supervening event substantially change the circumstances after the formation of a contract to the extent that it become impossible to perform the contract or it makes performance for affected party so burdensome that it will lead the party to the economical destruction. Such a change may lead to situations that to hold the affected party to fulfil its promise would be unjust and contrary to morality. Therefore, Czech Civil Code contains few provisions based on which court may terminate the contract or adjust the contract to restore equilibrium of the performance. Thesis focuses on two of those provisions, namely impossibility of performance and impracticability of performance. Thesis describes relevant legal institutes and doctrines, development of case law, analyze past and current Czech Civil Code and compare it with English case law and international and European soft law. After introductory chapter, chapter two describes relevant principles of civil law and...

Vyjadřování záhodnosti modálními slovesy "should", "shall" a "be supposed to" a jejich překladové protějšky v češtině / The weak obligation expressed by "should", "shall" and "be supposed to" and their Czech translational counterparts

Tomšová, Karolina January 2016 (has links)
The MA thesis focuses upon the meaning of weak obligation expressed by the modal verbs should, shall and be supposed to and their translation counterparts. The aim of the thesis is to describe the range of translation counterparts of the verbs should, shall and be supposed to and to specify the differences between these verbs in this particular use of weak obligation. The present thesis applies the method of bidirectional corpus-supported approach (Malá, 2013) which helps to determine the differences in meaning between the respective verbs. The most typical Czech counterpart, the verb mít, is further analysed according to its English correspondences. With the help of both directions, the differences in meaning of should, shall and be supposed to are defined. The empirical part of the MA thesis is based on the sample of 250 examples, comprising 50 examples of each modal verb as well as 100 examples of their typical Czech counterpart, the verb mít. The examples are drawn from the Parallel corpora InterCorp. Keywords: modality, weak obligation, should, shall, be supposed to

L'acte médical imposé

Berthet, Anne-Charlotte 10 December 2012 (has links)
Alors que le droit de la santé a toujours prôné et protégé une relation médicale librement consentie entre patients et médecins, de nombreuses exceptions au consentement libre et éclairé viennent obscurcir le schéma classique de la relation médicale. Etudier l'acte médical imposé en tant que concept juridique autonome devient alors nécessaire pour clarifier et ordonner juridiquement les droits et devoirs applicables à chaque « acteur » de cet acte médical imposé. La conceptualisation a aussi pour objectif de dégager un régime juridique autonome permettant de garantir les droits et libertés des individus concernés tout en garantissant les intérêts de la société. Pour parvenir à cet objectif, cette thèse s'attache à unifier et clarifier la nature de l'acte médical imposé, afin de parvenir à un régime unifié, lisible et autonome, devant servir au législateur, en s'intéressant à toutes les branches du Droit privé et public. C'est ainsi que par une étude transversale de tous les actes médicaux imposés, faisant aujourd'hui l'objet d'un « éclatement » dans tous les domaines du Droit, cette thèse propose de modifier de nombreuses législations et codifications afin de prendre en considération, ces « exceptions » trop nombreuses pour être encore aujourd'hui considérées comme telles / Although health legislation has always advocated and protected the freely-entered-into doctor/patient relationship, many exceptions to free and informed consent have come to cloud this classical medical relationship. Compulsory medical treatment must be studied as a stand-alone legal concept if one is to identify the legal rights and responsibilities of each of the 'players' in this treatment. The objective of this conceptualisation is to draw out a stand-alone legal framework which would guarantee the rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned whilst guaranteeing the interests of Society. To reach this objective, this thesis endeavours to unify and clarify the nature of compulsory medical treatment with a view to attaining a unified, easily-read and stand-alone system to be used by legislators whether for private or public law purposes. It is therefore only as a result of a cross-disciplinary study of all compulsory medical treatments (which are 'exploding' in all spheres of the law) that this thesis is able to propose modifications to many laws and codifications in order to take into account the 'exceptions' which today are so numerous that they cannot be considered as such

Bankovní záruka / Bank guarantee

Jindrová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals mostly with regulation of bank guarantee in Czech law, as well as with regulation on international level. The main aim of this work is to provide a complete perspective on bank guarantee, definition of its typical elements and its subjects and relations between the subjects, and to make classification of different kinds of bank guarantees. The work is divided into 12 main chapters and a great number of subchapters. Chapter one deals with a risk that is closely connected with bank guarantee, as bank guarantee is mostly used to secure risks. Chapter two is dedicated to historical development of bank guarantee and to previous regulation in the Code of International Business. Chapter three is focused on legislation of bank guarantee both in the Commercial Code and in other laws that regulate its use in the Czech Republic. This chapter is also concerned with the international law - mostly rules issued by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. Chapter four is mostly focused on characteristics of essential elements of bank guarantee, its differences from guarantee and its practical use. Chapters five and six are completely dedicated to establishment of bank guarantee and actions before its establishment. Chapter seven analyses subjects of bank guarantee and relationships between...

En pinne i tinningen eller hämmat lärande? : Hur skall fritidshemslärare förhålla sig till barns riskfyllda lekar?

Jonestrand, Mathias, Grönwall, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en vetenskaplig essä som undersöker relationen mellan risk och ansvarstagande när det kommer till barnens lek. Arbetet består av två dilemmatexter som vi författare själva upplevt och det är utifrån dessa berättelser som reflektionen utgår ifrån. Syftet med arbetet är att bredda vår förståelsehorisont när vi hamnar i liknande situationer. Vi kommer genom metoden vetenskaplig essä reflektera över våra självupplevda dilemman med hjälp av olika teorier och litteratur. Genom våra reflektioner kom vi fram till att det är våra värderingar som styr hur vi handlar när vi hamnar i en situation där vi behöver ta ställning gällande barnens risktagande kontra vårt ansvar att se till så att dem är trygga och säkra i skolan. / This is a scientific essay that examines the relationship between risk and responsibility when it comes to children's play. The work consists of two dilemma texts based on what we authors ourselves experienced and it is based on these stories from which the reflection is based. The purpose of the work is to broaden our understanding horizon when we end up in similar situations. Through the scientific essay we will reflect on our self-perceived dilemmas with the help of different theories and literature. Through our reflections, we realized that our values govern how we act when we end up in a situation where we need to take a stand on the children's risk-taking versus our responsibility to ensure that they are safe and secure at school.

Obrigação de não concorrência nos contratos empresariais: do trespasse de estabelecimento aos contratos associativos / Non-compete obligation in company contracts: from the sale and purchase agreement of business establishment to the association agreements

Martorano, Luciana dos Santos 27 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata da obrigação de não concorrência nos contratos empresariais. O trabalho divide-se em duas partes. A primeira será dedicada a introduzir os fundamentos teóricos necessários à compreensão da função exercida pela obrigação de não concorrência em cada um dos tipos contratuais que será individualmente analisado na segunda parte. Assim, a primeira parte traçará um panorama geral sobre os princípios e conceitos essenciais à compreensão da função jurídica e econômica que a obrigação de não concorrência exerce nos contratos empresariais. Inicialmente, dissertaremos sobre os princípios constitucionais da livre concorrência e da livre iniciativa, informando o papel que eles desempenham na proteção dos mercados e no desenvolvimento econômico nacional. Em seguida, apresentaremos um breve escorço histórico das políticas de defesa da concorrência engendradas pela legislação infraconstitucional pátria na consecução dos referidos princípios constitucionais. A partir da definição desses princípios e da análise da evolução histórica da defesa da concorrência, exporemos conclusões sobre o objetivo e os objetos mediatos e imediatos de tutela da concorrência. Em seguida, trataremos da atividade empresarial desempenhada nos mercados concorrenciais, dissertando de forma breve sobre a teoria geral da empresa e sobre os conceitos de empresário, empresa e estabelecimento empresarial, dedicando atenção especial ao estudo dos elementos e atributos da azienda, principalmente no que se refere ao aviamento e à clientela. Por fim, encerraremos a primeira parte com um capítulo dedicado à definição do conceito da obrigação de não concorrência, dissertando sobre a sua natureza jurídica, histórico doutrinário e jurisprudencial, aplicação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e alienígena, teorias justificadoras, hipóteses de incidência e limites de aplicação nos contratos empresariais. A segunda parte será dedicada à análise efetiva dos contratos empresariais e terá como objetivo demonstrar a função que a obrigação de não concorrência exerce nos negócios jurídicos e como ela pode ser determinante para conferir eficácia às obrigações principais assumidas pelos contratantes. Por fim, apresentar-se-á conclusão ao trabalho, buscando-se evidenciar a importância da incidência da obrigação de não concorrência em determinados contratos empresariais como ferramenta essencial ao exercício da livre concorrência e da livre iniciativa. / This dissertation addresses the non-compete obligation in company contracts. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the theoretical fundaments required to understand the function of the non-compete obligation in each contract type, which will be individually analyzed in the second part. Thus, the first part will trace an overall scenario of the principles and concepts required for understanding the legal and economic function of the non-compete obligation in corporate contracts. Initially, we will discuss the constitutional principles of free competition and free initiative, informing the role played by each in market protection and in the national economic development. Next, we will present a brief historical background on anti-trust policies adopted by the national infraconstitutional laws in meeting said constitutional principles. From the definition of these principles and the analysis of the historical course of anti-trust practice, we will present conclusions on the aims and mediate and immediate objects of anti-trust protection. Next, we will address business activities performed in competitive markets, briefly discussing the general theory of company and the concepts of company owner, company and business establishment, with emphasis on the study of the elements and attributes of the azienda, mainly goodwill and customer base. The first part will conclude with a chapter dedicated to defining the concept of the non-compete obligation, discussing the legal nature, doctrine and jurisprudence background, application in the Brazilian and international legal order, justifying theories, hypothesis of application and limitations on the application in company contracts. The second part will address the analysis of company contracts and will aim at demonstrating the function of the non-compete obligation in legal transactions and how decisive it can for the effectiveness of the main obligations undertaken by the contracting parties. In conclusion, this paper will highlight the importance of the application of the non-compete obligation in certain company contracts as an essential instrument for free enterprise and free initiative.

Amplitude das obrigações do empregador frente ao direito à moradia do trabalhador migrante / Amplitude of the employer\'s obligations in view of the housing rights of migrant workers

Beltramelli Neto, Sílvio 06 May 2013 (has links)
A frequência com que trabalhadores migrantes encontram-se submetidos a condições indignas de moradia despertou o interesse na investigação da existência e da extensão de obrigação jurídica do empregador em relação a seu correspondente direito. Como deixa entrever a jurisprudência a respeito, à exceção das ocasiões em que o empregador expressamente assume obrigação de tal natureza, o problema não encontra resposta normativa enunciada de forma específica. À vista dos direitos fundamentais, normas jurídicas nacionais e internacionais convergem no sentido de que o conteúdo do direito à moradia não se preenche com a simples existência de um abrigo ou alojamento; tem deveras maior alcance e abrange a concepção da moradia adequada. A inserção do direito à moradia do trabalhador migrante no âmbito do contrato de emprego pode suscitar colisão entre aquele direito fundamental e o de proteção à propriedade do empregador. A solução apresentada pretende oferecer uma resposta plausível e fundamentada à indagação central da pesquisa, dentre os possíveis encaminhamentos do problema. / The frequency with which migrant workers are subjected to degrading housing conditions has aroused the interest in investigating the existence and extent of the employer\'s legal obligation in relation to his/her corresponding right. As jurisprudence about it allows us to glimpse, except for occasions where the employer expressly assumes an obligation of such nature, the problem finds no normative response specifically set out. In view of fundamental rights, national and international legal standards converge in the sense that the content of the right to housing is not filled with the mere existence of a shelter; indeed has greater range and covers the conception of a dignifying housing. The insertion of the housing rights of migrant workers under the scope of the labor agreement may raise collision between that fundamental right and that of protecting the employer\'s property. The solution presented aims to provide a plausible answer and reasoned to the research central question, among the possible referrals of the problem.

Service public et obligations de service public / French "service public" & public service obligation

Ziani, Salim 22 November 2013 (has links)
Le service public est, en droit français, un concept central du droit de l’action publique dont les fondements théoriques et doctrinaux reposent sur la garantie de la solidarité sociale et sur la préservation d’un intérêt général holiste par l’action de l’État et des personnes publiques. Cependant, si le droit national connaît depuis plusieurs décennies une notion spécifique nommée l’ « obligation de service public », renvoyant à un moyen d’investiture d’un tiers partenaire de l’administration pour lagestion d’un service d’intérêt général, il faut savoir que se diffuse aujourd’hui une autre conception de cette notion. En effet, le droit de l’Union européenne connaît une notion spécifique et marchande nommée elle aussi, pour des raisons historiques et pratiques, l’ « obligation de service public ». Celle-ci se fonde sur une acception particulière de l’intérêt général dont l’origine dépend d’abord du désintérêt de l’opérateur économique pour la gestion d’une activité. Ainsi, l’obligation de service public participe principalement au maintien et au rétablissement de l’équilibre d’un marché concurrentiel que l’on estime garant de l’intérêt général et de la solidarité. Mais elle tend aussi, dans sa mise en oeuvre, à limiter au maximum les atteintes à la concurrence que l’intervention publique pourrait générer. C’est alors que, contrairement au service public, le régime de l’obligation de service public implique et impose peu à peu l’externalisation des activités d’intérêt général. Cette notion traduit en définitive une vision spécifique de la « commande publique » en se démarquant ainsi du modèle national de ladélégation de service public. Par le truchement de l’obligation de service public dans son acception européenne, les autorités publiques peuvent organiser le marché (elles le commandent) et elles peuvent aussi le solliciter et le dynamiser (elles lui commandent) afin que ce dernier garantisse, par son équilibre, l’existence et la fourniture de prestations. Cette obligation de service public impose d’ailleurs un ensemble de principes de gestion qui, bien que proches des grandes lois du service public français, tendent à instrumentaliser l’action de l’État au profit de l’équilibre et de la dynamique d’un marchédésormais européen. La généralisation et la diffusion de la notion européenne d’obligation de service public, notamment àtravers les conditions propres au financement du service public, bouleversent le cadre normatif et conceptuel relatif à l’action de l’État. Ce mouvement traduit un changement de paradigme marquant l’effacement de l’État interventionniste et la consécration de l’État ordonnateur. / The « service public » is a key concept of French administrative law. It is based on the assumption that public entities are the initial guarantors of the public interest and solidarity. Today however, the « service public » was replaced by a specific notion that emerged from the law of the European Union and instead of being based on the ability of the State, it is based on the ability of the market. This concept is the «obligation de service public» (public service obligation) and it tends to regulate the role and intervention of the State in order to preserve the competition in the market. Through this change appears a new conception of the role of the State.

Důvěra v soudy ve střední Evropě / Trust in justice in the Central Europe

Forejtová, Natálie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the relationship between the perceived legitimacy of the courts, the obligation to obey the law and courts and the willingness to cooperate with the criminal justice system in Central Europe. Using structural equation modeling method, I analyzed the fifth wave of the European Social Survey and created and compared models for Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. Legitimacy, according to Tankebe, is conceptualized as a confidence in procedural justice, distributive justice, effectiveness and legality. The obligation to obey the law is then a potential effect of perceived legitimacy. The first research question asks about the universal applicability of the procedural justice theory across criminal system institutions and across different countries. As in the previous research on police, procedural justice plays a pivotal role for the willingness to cooperate with the police and the courts. In Czechia and Hungary, procedural justice is out of all fo the dimensiions of legitimacy the strongest predictor of the willingness to cooperate. In Poland, procedural justice does not affect cooperation, however, it leads to obligation to obey the law and courts. In Slovakia, instrumental factors play a more important role than procedural justice, which can be explained either by...

A Inconstitucionalidade da obrigatoriedade da ação penal pública Releitura dos artigos 24 e 28 do Código de Processo Penal e art. 100, §1º, do Código Penal em face da Não Recepção pela Constituição de 1988

Melo, André Luís Alves de 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-03-15T13:33:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 André Luís Alves de Melo.pdf: 2741804 bytes, checksum: 1369fd561e394e8df2a6f9b550bb1a1b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-15T13:33:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 André Luís Alves de Melo.pdf: 2741804 bytes, checksum: 1369fd561e394e8df2a6f9b550bb1a1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / The present work proposed to investigate and discuss the unconstitutionality, or not, that is, the non-acceptance of the principle of mandatory public prosecution, in the face of the constitutional principle of functional independence, acting the Public Prosecutor as a political agent in criminal policies And its limits. Sedimented in the innovative proposal of a Doctoral Thesis, the work focused on unconstitutionality (not reception) and not on the convenience or inconvenience of mandatory criminal action. However, the research sought to analyze empirical data and not just arguments of rhetoric, and established comparisons between the routine and results obtained by Public Prosecutors who adopt the finalist theory (more traditional) and the functionalist (more innovative), verifying that the functionalism has better Results with fewer processes, because it focuses on the system as a whole. It also addressed foreign laws and practices, verifying that functionalism currently prevails in practically all countries, except in Brazil. In addition, even in countries that do not expressly guarantee functional independence to members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, they have the authority to establish criminal public policy priorities and results. Thus, the Code of Criminal Procedure must conform to the Federal Constitution and not the contrary, which implies a revision of articles 24 and 28 of the CPP, and for this the work elaborated a whole research on the ends of criminal law, On criminology, on criminal policy, on criminal action, including historical aspects of criminal law and criminal procedure in Brazil, as well as pointed out that several writers defend the opportunity of criminal action, which is little discussed in the most used works in undergraduate courses Of Law, and finally, stressed the need that the works of Criminal Procedure also address and confront Constitutional Law with the Criminal Procedure of 1941 / O presente trabalho propôs-se a pesquisar e discutir a inconstitucionalidade, ou não, ou seja, a não recepção do princípio da obrigatoriedade da ação penal pública, em face do princípio constitucional da independência funcional, atuando o Ministério Público como agente político nas políticas criminais e os seus limites. Sedimentando na proposta inovadora de uma Tese de Doutorado o trabalho focou na inconstitucionalidade (não recepção) e não na conveniência ou inconveniência da obrigatoriedade da ação penal. No entanto, a pesquisa buscou analisar dados empíricos e não apenas argumentos de retórica, e estabeleceu comparações entre a rotina e resultados obtidos por Promotorias que adotam a teoria finalista (mais tradicional) e a funcionalista (mais inovadora), verificando que o funcionalismo tem melhores resultados com menor número de processos, pois foca no sistema como um todo. Também abordou legislações e práticas estrangeiras, verificando que o funcionalismo prevalece atualmente em praticamente todos os países, menos no Brasil. Além disso, mesmo em países que não asseguram expressamente a independência funcional aos Membros do Ministério Público, estes acabam tendo autoridade para estabelecer política pública criminal de prioridades e resultados. Dessa forma, o Código de Processo Penal é que deve ser amoldado à Constituição Federal e não o contrário, o que implica uma revisão dos artigos 24 e 28 do CPP, e para isto o trabalho elaborou toda uma pesquisa sobre os fins do direito penal, sobre a criminologia, política criminal, sobre ação penal, inclusive com aspectos históricos das leis penais e processuais penais no Brasil, bem como apontou vários doutrinadores que defendem a oportunidade da ação penal, o que é pouco discutido nas obras mais usadas nos cursos de graduação de Direito, e por fim, ressaltou a necessidade de que as obras de Processo Penal também abordem e confrontem o Direito Constitucional com o Processo Penal de 1941

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