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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vocal Requirements on the Swedish Labour Market : A cross-sectional descriptive survey study

Murauskaité, Urté January 2024 (has links)
Det uppskattas att ungefär en tredjedel av arbetsmarknaden består av röstkrävande yrken, det vill säga yrken där rösten är ett viktigt och nödvändigt redskap för att utföra sitt arbete. Tidigare forskning har identifierat lärare, sångare och präster som yrken med röstkrävande arbetsuppgifter. Forskningen är dock över 20 år gammal, och aktuell forskning om vilka röstkrav som ställs på arbetsmarknaden, särskilt hos grupper som inte är överrepresenterade vad gäller röstproblem, saknas. Syftet med den här studien är att identifiera vilka röstkrav som ställs inom yrkesgrupper i Sverige idag. Totalt 477 deltagare besvarade en enkät med frågor om uppskattad talartid under en arbetsdag, samt vilka röstkrävande arbetsuppgifter och röstkrävande arbetsmiljöfaktorer som förekom på deras arbetsplats. Resultatet från den här deskriptiva tvärsnittsstudien visar att flera yrken som tidigare blivit identifierade som röstkrävande yrken, även är röstkrävande yrken idag. Ytterligare identifierade yrken i den här studien var till exempel arbetstagare inom museum- och biblioteksverksamhet, sjuksköterskor med vidareutbildning, till exempel barnsjuksköterskor, chefer inom utbildning, och yrkesgruppen ”författare, journalister och tolkar”. De mest förekommande röstkraven var att muntligt instruera eller informera kollegor, prata i telefon och att kommunicera muntligt med kunder eller klienter. Vidare forskning med ett större deltagarantal behövs för att ytterligare identifiera röstkrävande yrkesgrupper och röstkrav på den moderna arbetsmarknaden, där rösten förväntas hålla under allt fler arbetsverksamma år. / It is estimated that approximately one third of the labour market consists of vocally demanding occupations, namely occupations where the voice is an important and necessary tool to execute one’s work. Previous research has identified teachers, singers, and priests as occupations with vocally demanding work. However, the research is over 20 years old, and current research about vocal requirements on the labour market, especially amongst groups that are not overrepresented regarding voice problem, are missing. The purpose of this study is to identify which vocal requirements are essential on the modern Swedish labour market. A total of 477 participants completed a survey with questions about estimated speaking time during a workday, as well as which vocally demanding work tasks and vocally challenging work environmental factors occured at their workplace. The result from the descriptive cross-sectional study shows that several occupations that previously have been identified as vocally demanding occupations, also are vocally demanding occupations today. Further identified occupations in this study were employees working within libraries and museums, nursing professionals with continued education such as pediatric nurses, education managers, and the occupational group “authors, journalists, and interpreters”. The most occurring vocal demands in the Swedish labour market today were verbally instructing or informing colleagues, speaking on the phone, and verbally communicating with customers/clients/patients/users/visitors. Further research with a larger number of participants is needed to identify vocally demanding occupational groups and vocal requirements on the modern Swedish labour market, where the voice is expected to last during an increasing amount of working years.

Att vara kvinna i männens värld : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors utvecklingsmöjligheter inom mansdominerade yrken / Being a woman in the world of men : A qualitative study of women's development opportunities in male-dominated occupations

Malm, Malin, Olsson, Filip, Stillerfelt, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Att vara kvinna i männens värld- En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors utvecklingsmöjligheter inom mansdominerade yrken Frågeställning: Vilka karriärhinder upplever kvinnor inom mansdominerade yrken?  Syfte: I följande arbete ämnar vi identifiera hinder för karriärmässig utveckling för kvinnor inom  mansdominerade yrken, för att skapa förutsättningar för organisationer att bygga bort dessa hinder.  Metod: Studien har en induktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Det empiriska materialet utgår från nio intervjuer med kvinnor som arbetar inom mansdominerade yrken. Slutsatser: De karriärhinder som uppstår för kvinnor som arbetar inom mansdominerade yrken baseras i konservativ kultur, diskriminering, att andra kvinnor blir konkurrenter,  image, sexism och problematiken med att veta sitt eget värde. På följande vis blir kvinnor utpekade som det “andra könet” och underordnade mannen och mansnormen. / Title: Being a woman in the world of men- A qualitative study of women's development opportunities in male-dominated occupations Research question: Which career obstacles do women experience in male-dominated occupations? Purpose: In the following paper, we intend to identify obstacles to career development for women in male-dominated professions, in order to provide conditions for organizations to remove said obstacles. Method: This study has an inductive research approach and a qualitative research strategy. The empirical material is based on nine interviews with women who work in male-dominated occupations. Conclusions: The career barriers that arise for women working in male-dominated professions are based on other women becoming competitors, discrimination, sexism, conservative culture, personal image, and the issue of knowing their own worth. In the following way, women are designated as the "other sex" and subordinate to the male and the male norm.

El cuerpo en la ciudad. Hacia estrategias de análisis de encorporamiento espacial

Diaz Vera, Monica Alejandra 03 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] La ciudad nos regala un sinfín de situaciones, paisajes y contactos que van construyendo el espacio de lo vivido. En este tejido espacial, deambulan, habitan e interactúan los diversos cuerpos que, en su heterogeneidad de formas, orientaciones, tiempos, van orquestando la condición viva del tejido urbano. El considerar la espacialidad del cuerpo como protagonista, nos enfrenta de inmediato a dos problemáticas que se convierten simultáneamente en los ejes principales sobre los que se desarrolla la siguiente investigación: La primera, sobre el cómo construir un discurso "encarnado" del espacio, desde una disciplina donde mayoritariamente el desarrollo de ésta está mermado al hecho de "hacer" objetos para la contemplación y regocijo del pensamiento. Y la segunda, sobre el cómo representar dicho discurso, en cuanto a expresar mediante palabras e imágenes el alcance de lo que se quiere postular. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como fin explorar los recursos conceptuales, metodológicos y representacionales que colaboren en la visibilización e impacto de las relaciones reversibles de los cuerpos en el tejido urbano. Y, por tanto, que permitan construir un discurso arquitectónico centrado en la experiencia de las personas, y en específico, en el análisis y representación de las espacialidades que producen y reproducen sus cuerpos en el territorio. / [CA] La ciutat ens regala una infinitat de situacions, paisatges i contactes que van construint l'espai del viscut. En aquest teixit espacial, deambulen, habiten i interactuen els diversos cossos que, en la seua heterogeneïtat de formes, orientacions, temps, van orquestrant la condició viva del teixit urbà. El considerar l'espacialitat del cos com a protagonista, ens enfronta immediatament a dues problemàtiques que es converteixen simultàniament en els eixos principals sobre els quals es desenvolupa la següent investigació: La primera, sobre el com construir un discurs "encarnat" de l'espai, des d'una disciplina on majoritàriament el desenvolupament d'aquesta està minvat al fet de "fer" objectes per a la contemplació i gaubança del pensament. I la segona, sobre el com representar aquest discurs, quant a expressar mitjançant paraules i imatges l'abast del que es vol postular. La present tesi doctoral té com a fi explorar els recursos conceptuals, metodològics i representacionals que col·laboren en la visibilització i impacte de les relacions reversibles dels cossos en el teixit urbà. I, per tant, que permeten construir un discurs arquitectònic centrat en l'experiència de les persones, i en específic, en l'anàlisi i representació de les espacialitats que produeixen i reprodueixen els seus cossos en el territori. / [EN] The city gives us an endless number of situations, landscapes and contacts that build the space of what has been lived. In this spatial fabric, the various bodies wander, inhabit and interact which, in their heterogeneity of forms, orientations, times, orchestrate the living condition of the urban fabric. Considering the spatiality of the body as the protagonist, immediately confronts us with two problems that simultaneously become the main axes on which the following research is developed: The first, on how to build an "embodied" discourse of space, from a discipline where the development of it is mostly reduced to the fact of "making" objects for contemplation and rejoicing of thought. And the second, on how to represent said discourse, in terms of expressing through words and images the scope of what is to be postulated. This doctoral thesis aims to explore the conceptual, methodological and representational resources that collaborate in the visibility and impact of the reversible relationships of bodies in the urban fabric. And, therefore, that allow the construction of an architectural discourse focused on the experience of people, and specifically, on the analysis and representation of the spatialities that their bodies produce and reproduce in the territory. / La presente tesis ha sido beneficiada con la Beca Crea Chile 2019 del Ministerio de las Artes, el Patrimonio y las Culturas del Gobierno de Chile / Diaz Vera, MA. (2022). El cuerpo en la ciudad. Hacia estrategias de análisis de encorporamiento espacial [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186918

Career development experiences of women in senior leadership positions within civil engineering industry

Moshupi, Maphoko Matilda 25 July 2013 (has links)
The paucity of women in senior leadership positions as indicated in the Business Women Association of South Africa 2011 census corroborates that gender equality is still a concerning issue even in the democratic era that we live in. This study explores career developmental experiences of women in senior leadership position in the civil engineering industry. The primary objective was to investigate how these professional women were managing their careers and what career experiences contributed to their ascent to the senior echelons of management. Meaning to the career experiences of these women had been given according to the self-determination theory. By means of purposive selection, seven women at senior management level were selected from both the private and public sectors in the civil engineering industry. Based on the semi-structured interviews conducted, personal documents reviewed and footnotes recorded; it was evident that there were different factors that had facilitated the ascent of these women to senior positions. Their career experiences were also characterised by challenges that subsequently instigated the development of coping strategies and methods. The study has implications for organisations in civil engineering that wish to attract and retain women from generations to come. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Career development experiences of women in senior leadership positions within civil engineering industry

Moshupi, Maphoko Matilda 01 1900 (has links)
The paucity of women in senior leadership positions as indicated in the Business Women Association of South Africa 2011 census corroborates that gender equality is still a concerning issue even in the democratic era that we live in. This study explores career developmental experiences of women in senior leadership position in the civil engineering industry. The primary objective was to investigate how these professional women were managing their careers and what career experiences contributed to their ascent to the senior echelons of management. Meaning to the career experiences of these women had been given according to the self-determination theory. By means of purposive selection, seven women at senior management level were selected from both the private and public sectors in the civil engineering industry. Based on the semi-structured interviews conducted, personal documents reviewed and footnotes recorded; it was evident that there were different factors that had facilitated the ascent of these women to senior positions. Their career experiences were also characterised by challenges that subsequently instigated the development of coping strategies and methods. The study has implications for organisations in civil engineering that wish to attract and retain women from generations to come. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

An investigation into factors affecting staff turnover amongst professional staff in NGO's in Malawi

Malunga, Chiku Watchman 30 June 2003 (has links)
The study set out to investigate the factors influencing turnover among professional staff in some selected NGOs in Malawi. Using qualitative and participatory methods, the study used the levels of complexity model to analyse the factors leading to the problem of staff turnover in the selected NGOs. The main findings were that: · Professional staff turnover was 50% within a period of 18 months across all the NGOs interviewed. · For the professional staff, the main factors contributing to staff turnover were: ineffective organisational policies, systems and procedures; poor relationships and communication; and poor organisational values and culture. · In addressing the problem, NGO leaders tend to concentrate on efforts to improve salaries and other monetary benefits; and training opportunities. In order to more comprehensively address the problem of staff turnover among the professional staff however, NGO leaders must adopt a process or an Organisation Development (OD) approach. / Public Administration & Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Identification of health needs and problems of Black employees in the Germiston City Health Department

Poho, Petronella Tryzina 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify the health needs and problems of black employees within the Germiston City Health Department in order to indicate a possible relationship between such needs and problems and a high rate of absenteeism. Although the findings could relate to all employees, this study was limited to black employees only. Data was collected by means of observation, perusal of health records and personal interviews with personnel as well as with the selected sample. The results of the study highlighted the specific health needs and problems of employees as well as factors which could influence their health status and which could contribute to the problem of absenteeism. The main factors identified included interalia poor working conditions and unsatisfactory methods of solving employees problems. Relevant recommendations were made ;· to address the problem of absenteeism in the Germiston City Health Department / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Violência de gênero contra mulheres profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital geral do município de São Paulo / Gender-violence against female members of the nursing staff in a general hospital in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil

Oliveira, Ane Rodrigues de 21 September 2007 (has links)
Introdução: Esse estudo investigou a violência de gênero contra mulheres profissionais de enfermagem perpetrada por parceiros íntimos (VPI), familiares e outros agressores. Objetivos: Estimar a ocorrência de violência psicológica, física, sexual; caracterizar os agressores, a busca de ajuda e locais procurados; analisar as diferenças entre enfermeiras e auxiliares/técnicas de enfermagem quanto à freqüência da violência de gênero e verificar a nomeação de violência aos atos de agressão identificados. Métodos: Nesse estudo transversal foram entrevistadas 179 profissionais de 20 a 59 anos (50 enfermeiras e 129 auxiliares/técnicas de enfermagem), utilizando-se um questionário validado e aplicado face a face por entrevistadoras treinadas. Resultados: A VPI foi a mais freqüente (63,7%; IC95%:55,7-70,4) seguida pela violência por outros (45,8%; IC95%:38,3-53,4) perpetrada por pacientes/acompanhantes, colegas de trabalho da área da saúde, estranhos, chefia de enfermagem e conhecidos. A violência por familiares ocupou o terceiro lugar (41,3%; IC95%: 34,0-48,9) e foi cometida, principalmente, por pai, irmãos (homens), tios e primos. Houve importante sobreposição dos tipos de VPI, sendo a forma exclusiva de violência psicológica a mais comum (19,2%), seguida pelas três formas (17,5%) e violência psicológica conjugada à física (14,7%). Auxiliares/técnicas de enfermagem referiram mais VPI que enfermeiras (p<0,05). As profissionais de enfermagem, de forma geral, buscaram pouca ajuda: 20,3% para a violência por outros, 29,3% para a violência por familiares e 29,7% para a VPI. Não perceberam o vivido como violento, 31,9% das entrevistadas. Conclusões: Os elevados índices de violência de gênero identificados evidenciam a presença dessa forma de violência também entre mulheres profissionais de saúde de alta escolaridade. Propõe-se que essa temática seja foco de atenção das equipes supervisoras nos locais de trabalho, através de uma abordagem acolhedora e ética. Sugere-se que o tema seja abordado para a proteção da saúde das profissionais e para uma melhor prática assistencial. / Background: This study investigated gender violence against female nursing staff perpetrated by male intimate partners (IPV), family members and other aggressors. Objectives: To estimate the occurrence of psychological, physical and sexual violence; characterize the aggressors, as well as the attempt to seek help and where it was sought; analyze the differences between nurses and nursing aides/technicians as to the frequency of gender violence and to verify if the acts of aggression are designated as violence. Methods: In this cross sectional study, 179 professionals, aged 20 to 59 years old, were interviewed (50 nurses and 129 nursing aides / nurse technicians). A validated questionnaire was applied in face to face interviews conducted by trained interviewers. Results: IPV was the most frequent form of violence (63.7%; IC95%:55.7-70.4), followed by violence perpetrated by others (45.8% IC95%: 38.3-53.4) including patients and people accompanying them, colleagues within the field of health, chiefs of the nursing staffs, acquaintances and strangers. Family members occupied the third place as aggressors, (41.3%; IC95%:34.0-48.9), and the majority of these were fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins. There was an important amount of overlap of the types of IPV, being that the most common exclusive form was psychological violence (19.2%), followed by psychological, physical and sexual violence in conjunction (17.5%) and then by both psychological and physical violence (14.7%). Nursing aides/ technicians mentioned the occurrence of IPV more frequently than did the nurses (p<0.05). In general, the nursing staff did not seek help frequently: only 20.3% of those who suffered violence from other aggressors, 29.3% from family members and 29.7% from IPV sought help. Those who did not perceive their experience as a form of violence represented 31.9% of the subjects interviewed. Conclusions: The high rates of gender violence identified in this study are evidence of the occurrence of this form of violence among female health professionals with high levels of education. It is suggested that team supervisors be encouraged to focus on this theme in the workplace, addressing it by means of an ethical and supportive approach. By contributing towards the protection of health professional\'s well being, this could also help improve the quality of assistance for which they are responsible.

Encouragement, Enticement, and/or Deterrent: A Case Study Exploring Female Experience in a Vocational Education (VET) Initiative in Northern England

Parris, Sandra A. 05 November 2013 (has links)
This case study examined how a group of young girls at a secondary school in northern England made sense of their participation in a gender specific vocational education initiative designed to encourage female interest in skilled trade education and professions. The investigation consists of a qualitative case study that included ‘practical’ and historical components. On the practical side, the study looked at a gender specific initiative (girls only) aimed at Year 9 students (12-14 years old) at Garden Road Community and Technology School. The one-day sessions were held at local area colleges or vocational education and training (VET) training facilities and covered skilled trade fields that are traditionally male-dominated (e.g. automotive, construction and engineering). My methodology for the study consisted of two data sources, interviews and a review of public VET policy-related documents. The data was gathered using two methods, with individual and group interviews as the primary one, and public VET policy-related document analysis as the secondary one. In total, 13 current, 2 former and an additional 2 formerly registered (now graduates who decided to pursue non-traditional vocational education and professions) students at the school were interviewed. Beside former and current students, interviews were conducted with 2 instructors and 1 senior administrator at the school. The selection of government policy-related documents covered 2002 to 2011. The study is framed by a feminist informed genealogy that invokes Foucault’s (1990) notion of ‘biopower’ and Pillow’s (2003) notion of the ‘gendered body.’ Meanwhile, Ted Aoki’s (2003) concepts of curriculum-as-plan and curricula-as-lived are used to analyze and discuss the review of UK government policy-related documents and participant narratives. The theme-based presentation of student narratives centred on the girls’ understanding and experience of: the session process and content; gender; non-traditional VET as educational and occupational options; and the impact of the sessions on their educational and professional choices. The student narratives suggest several things that relate to their understanding of gender and non-traditional VET. First, the sessions proved to be both interesting and informative and students expressed an interest in taking part in more (and) varied gender-specific sessions. Second, traditional constructions of gender and gendered behavior are commonly used in job-related discourse as evidenced by the use of the terms ‘boys jobs’ and ‘girls jobs’ among the students. In addition, students had limited opportunities for exposure to non-traditional VET education and professions; and what knowledge they do have is generally dependent upon family knowledge and experience in the area. From a document review standpoint, the findings show that government commitment in terms of interest and financial backing for VET has been inconsistent. Resultantly, schools are left to identify and maintain a range of community-based partnerships that may not always see gender segregation in VET as a major concern. The significance of this study rests in the presentation of the girls’ ‘lived curriculum’ and ‘gendered’ experiences as points that can offer insight into what transpires within vocational education initiatives and settings. Furthermore, from a feminist perspective the research also highlights the continued need to work with schools on how gender is presented, discussed and understood among students. Failure to consider the gendered nature of discourse about education and professional options that takes place within school and class settings limits students’ perspectives about what is available and possible.

Professions réglementées et détresse psychologique : regards croisés avec la population en emploi au Canada.

Cadieux, Nathalie 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale poursuit l’objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle joué par la profession réglementée en tant que déterminant de la détresse psychologique de la population en emploi au Québec et au Canada. Ceci, dans un contexte où plusieurs ordres professionnels représentant des professions réglementées, s’inquiètent de la santé mentale de leurs membres et de la pression considérable exercée sur eux dans une économie caractérisée par des pénuries de main-d’oeuvre importantes. Cette thèse fut également inspirée par les nombreuses limites constatées à la suite d’une revue de la littérature sur la santé mentale au travail, alors que les risques différenciés auxquels seraient soumis ces professionnels, comparativement à l’ensemble de la population en emploi, demeurent largement à documenter. La profession réglementée s’associe-t-elle directement à l’expérience de détresse psychologique? Quelles sont les conditions de travail susceptibles de conduire au développement ou à l’aggravation de la détresse psychologique pour ces professions? Dans le but de mieux comprendre le rôle joué par la profession réglementée en matière de détresse psychologique, nous avons eu recours à un modèle théorique multidimensionnel qui postule que les contraintes et les ressources découlent d’un ensemble de structures sociales incluant la profession, le travail, la famille, le réseau social hors-travail et les caractéristiques personnelles. Ce modèle découle des théories micro et macro en sociologie (Alexander et al., 1987; Ritzer, 1996), de l’approche agent-structure(Archer, 1995; Giddens, 1987) ainsi que de la théorie du stress social (Pearlin,1999). Trois hypothèses sont soumises à l’étude à travers ce modèle. La première hypothèse, est à l’effet que la profession réglementée, les conditions de travail, la famille ainsi que le réseau social hors-travail et les caractéristiques individuelles, contribuent directement et conjointement à l’explication du niveau de détresse psychologique. La seconde hypothèse induite par le modèle proposé, pose que le milieu de travail médiatise la relation entre la profession réglementée et le niveau de détresse psychologique. La troisième et dernière hypothèse de recherche, postule enfin que la relation entre le milieu de travail et le niveau de détresse psychologique est modérée par les caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que par la famille et le réseau social hors-travail. Ces hypothèses de recherche furent testées à partir des données longitudinales de l’Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population (ENSP) (cycles 1 à 7). Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous forme de 3 articles, soumis pour publication, lesquels constituent les chapitres 5 à 7 de cette thèse. Dans l’ensemble, le modèle théorique proposé obtient un soutien empirique important et tend à démontrer que la profession réglementée influence directement les chances de vivre de la détresse psychologique au fil du temps, ainsi que le niveau de détresse psychologique lui-même. Les résultats indiquent que les professions réglementées sont soumises à des risques différenciés en termes de conditions de travail susceptibles de susciter de la détresse psychologique. Notons également que la contribution du milieu de travail et de la profession réglementée s’exerce indépendamment des autres dimensions du modèle (famille, réseau social hors-travail, caractéristiques personnelles). Les résultats corroborent l’importance de considérer plusieurs dimensions de la vie d’un individu dans l’étude de la détresse psychologique et mettent à l’ordre du jour l’importance de développer de nouveaux modèles théoriques, mieux adaptés aux contextes de travail au sein desquels oeuvrent les travailleurs du savoir. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche, et sur les retombées qui en découlent pour le marché du travail ainsi que pour le développement futur du système professionnel québécois et canadien. / This doctoral thesis aims to understand the role played by the regulated occupations as a determinant of psychological distress of the working population in Quebec and Canada. This, in a context where several professional organizations, representing regulated occupations, are concerned about the mental health of their members and the pressure exerted on them in an economy characterized by important shortages of labor. This thesis was also inspired by the many limitations observed after a literature review on work and mental health, whereas the differentiated risks which would be subjected to these professionals, compared to the total working population, remains largely undocumented. Is there a direct link between the regulated occupation and the experience of psychological distress? What working conditions contribute to the development or accentuate psychological distress for these regulated occupations? In order to better understand the role played by the regulated occupations in psychological distress, this thesis proposes a multidimensional theoretical model which postulates that the constraints and resources are generated by a set of social structures including the regulated occupation, the working conditions, family, social network outside of work and personal characteristics. This model stems from the micro and macro theories in sociology (Alexander et al., 1987; Ritzer, 1996), the agent-structure approach (Archer, 1995; Giddens, 1987) as well as the social stress theory (Pearlin, 1999). Three hypotheses are subject to analysis through the model. The first hypothesis assumes that regulated occupations, work conditions, family, social network outside the workplace, and individual characteristics contribute directly and jointly to explaining the level of psychological distress. The second hypothesis induced by the proposed model postulates that the workplace mediates the relationship between regulated occupations and psychological distress levels. The third and final research hypothesis postulates that the relationship between the workplace and psychological distress levels is moderated by individual characteristics, as well as by family and the social network outside the workplace.These hypotheses have been validated using longitudinal data from the National population health survey (NPHS) (cycles 1 to 7). The results of these analyses are presented in three articles submitted for publication, which are the chapters 5-7 of this thesis. Overall, the theoretical model gets an important empirical support and suggests that the regulated occupations directly influence the chances of living psychological distress over time as well as the level of psychological distress itself. The results also suggest that the regulated occupations are exposed to differentiated risks in terms of working conditions likely to generate psychological distress. The contribution of the workplace and regulated occupations is exercised independently of other dimensions of the model (family, social network outside of work, personal characteristics). The results also corroborate the importance in considering many dimensions of the life of an individual in the psychological distress and to put on the agenda the importance of developing new theoretical models, better suited to the realities characterizing today’s working environments in which knowledge workers work. This thesis concludes on the implications of these findings for research, and the benefits it brings to the labor market and for the future development of the professional system in Quebec and Canada.

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