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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-défense féminine dans le Caire en révolution : Techniques du genre et jeux de violence / Self-defense for Women in Revolutionnary Cairo : Play, Violence and Technical Repertoires

Lachenal, Perrine 26 January 2015 (has links)
Depuis 2011, la révolution égyptienne et ses contrecoups ont suscité au Caire l’émergence d’un véritable marché de la sécurité. Cette thèse est le fruit d'une enquête ethnographique, menée en observation participante, relative à différentes pratiques de défense ayant émergé dans ce cadre. Les cours de self-défense (difā‘a ‘an al-nafs), dont le succès ne cesse de se confirmer dans les quartiers socialement favorisés de la ville du Caire, se trouvent au coeur de cette recherche. Ils y sont envisagés non seulement comme révélateurs, mais aussi comme producteurs d’une culture matérielle et motrice « révolutionnaire », où les bouleversements politiques du moment s’incarnent dans leur dimension émotionnelle, sexuée, sociale et morale. Ces cours réunissent des femmes – mais aussi parfois des hommes – venant faire l’acquisition de techniques de combat afin de se préparer à affronter une agression. La figure du « jeu », permettant d’englober dans l’analyse les différents niveaux de sens des expériences, constitue l’outil théorique avec lequel les interactions observées sont envisagées. La pratique étudiée permet d’appréhender à la fois les transformations des représentations et des pratiques liées à la violence, ainsi que les recompositions des rapports sociaux de classe et de sexe dans la société égyptienne contemporaine. En rendant apparentes la dimension technique du rapport au pouvoir des individus ainsi que les modalités – socialement et sexuellement situées – de production des catégories « légitime » et « illégitime » dans l’énonciation de la violence, la self-défense s’impose comme un objet d’étude privilégié pour participer à une anthropologie de la révolution égyptienne. / This thesis is the result of an ethnographic study conducted between 2011 and 2012, primarily through participant observation, on certain defense practices that have emerged in recent years in Egypt and contributed to a "revolutionary" security market. Self-defense classes (difā‘a ‘an al-nafs), the popularity of which has continued to grow since 2011 in socially affluent districts of Cairo, are at the heart of this research. The dissertation conceives of self-defense trainings as not only revealing but also producing "revolutionary" physical and technical repertoires in which the emotional, gendered, social and moral dimensions of the period's political upheavals are embodied. Women – but sometimes also men – come to the self-defense classes to acquire combat skills such as throwing kicks and punches, learning to face aggressors using specific objects and bodily techniques. The notion of "play" is used as a theoretical tool for drawing together and analyzing the different levels of meaning of the paradoxical experiences observed in these classes. The ethnography allows for a better understanding of the evolution of urban sociability, the transformation of representations and uses of violence, and the reconfiguration of gender and class relations in contemporary Egyptian society. By making visible the technical dimension of how individuals deal with power and the socially and sexually situated modalities by which categories such as "legitimacy" and "illegitimacy" are produced with respect to violence, self-defense constitutes an valuable vantage point from which to contribute to an anthropology of the Egyptian revolution.

Analýza zahraniční politiky Íránu vůči Západu z pohledu holistického konstruktivismu / Analysis of the foreign policy of Iran towards the West in terms of holistic constructivism

Pánková, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
Iran´s reactions often seem very controlversial and inapprehensive to the western countries, therefore Iranian Islamic Republic represents an inscrutable actor in the international field. Construstivism introduces a new approach to this issue and it suggests not to consider Iran as an usual rational actor but to take into account the ideological factors as well. This paper deals with the construstivistic analysis of the foreign policy of the Iranian Islamic Republic towards the West and tries to answer the question if there is a role of the Iranian national identity in forming of the Iran´s foreign policy.

Le geste et la révolution : Pratiques sociales et modernité politique des ouvriers de l’arsenal de Toulon (vers 1760 - vers 1815) / Movement and revolution : Social practices and political modernity of workers in the arsenal of Toulon (1760 - 1815)

Saint-Roman, Julien 07 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur les pratiques sociales et la politisation des ouvriers de l'arsenal de Toulon à la fin de l'époque moderne et durant la Révolution française, pour comprendre, par « en bas », comment naît un collectif nouveau : la classe sociale. Cette étude s'appuie sur des archives peu ou pas utilisées en histoire navale. Les sources médicales, judiciaires et notariées, sans négliger les correspondances officielles et les registres matriculaires ou cadastraux, permettent de découvrir toutes les dimensions, individuelles et collectives, des comportements quotidiens des travailleurs toulonnais. À partir des années 1760, les nouveaux rapports d'autorité dus à l'apparition du contremaître et de l'ingénieur, et la mise en oeuvre du libéralisme économique obligent les ouvriers à reformuler les contours de leur identité laborieuse basée sur les routines des chantiers et les expériences en mer. En revanche, la forte proportion de Méridionaux, la puissante reproduction sociale et la ségrégation socio-spatiale à l'intérieur de la ville perpétuent la dimension communautaire des ouvriers de l'arsenal. C'est dans le champ politique, au cours de la Révolution, que leurs pratiques et leurs représentations sont le plus profondément bouleversées. Ils participent alors à l'organisation du port, s'approprient les sections urbaines pour tenir leurs assemblées et accentuent une implication citoyenne par des modes de participation spécifiques qui transforment leur recherche d'économie morale en économie populaire politique. Notre thèse montre donc que la Révolution française a permis la constitution d'un collectif prolétaire et son insertion dans le monde contemporain des luttes sociales. / This work focuses on social practices and politicization of workers in the arsenal of Toulon at the end of the modern era and during the French Revolution in order to understand, from below, how comes a new group: the class. This study is based on few or no archives used in naval history. By analysing medical sources, judicial and notarized without neglecting official correspondence and matriculaires or land registers, we can discover all aspects of the daily behavior of workers in the dockyard of Toulon. From the 1760s, workers must reformulate the contours of their identity based on their laborious routines on docks and their experiences at sea because of the appearance of the foreman and engineer which enforces new authority reports, and of the implementation of economic liberalism. In contrast, the proportion of Southerners, the powerful social reproduction and socio-spatial segregation within the city perpetuate the community dimension of the workers of the arsenal. In fact, their practices and representations are most profoundly affected in the political field, during the Revolution. They participate in the organization of the port, the urban sections are used to hold their meetings and their citizen involvement is amplified by specific modes of participation that are transforming their search for moral economy in popular political economy. Therefore thesis shows that the French Revolution led to the establishment of a proletarian class and its inclusion in the contemporary world of social struggles.

Léo Taxil : [1854-1917] : du journalisme anticlérical à la mystification transcendante / Léo Taxil : [1854-1907] : From anticlerical journalism to transcendent hoax

Rossi, Robert 25 November 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte politique national si paradoxal de République monarchiste [1871-1879], la presse satirique radicale marseillaise est essentiellement animée par une poignée de jeunes journalistes à l'humour corrosif qui s'assignent pour mission de s'attaquer aux moeurs et aux vices de leur temps. De cette équipe, une personnalité controversée se détache : Léo Taxil, personnage à la conscience « accommodante », pris dès l'adolescence dans une sorte de fuite en avant et une volonté d'indépendance, dues à la nécessité de très tôt devoir gagner sa vie et qui côtoie les grands courants de pensée de son époque, se rangeant tour à tour dans les deux camps profondément antagonistes de la période. Sa conversion au catholicisme et la mystification dont il s'est rendu coupable à travers l'affaire Diana Vaughan ont fait couler beaucoup d'encre et focalisé l'attention de ses contemporains, puis des chercheurs. Pourtant, si de nombreux ouvrages évoquent le parcours atypique de Léo Taxil pour tenter d'expliquer son formidable canular, ils passent de façon succincte sur des épisodes marquants de son existence. Or, qu'en a-t-il été de la vie même de Taxil ? De ses premiers combats exaltés, feints ou réels, de son anticléricalisme militant, associé à des activités lucratives, éléments qui préfigurent son invraisemblable conversion au catholicisme et ses révélations sur la « franc-maçonnerie luciférienne » auxquelles une partie non négligeable du clergé s'est ralliée ? En quoi ce polémiste marseillais est-il révélateur des problèmes de son temps, complètement investi dans les luttes féroces que se livrent républicains laïcs et catholiques conservateurs ? / In such a paradoxical national political context of a monarchist Republic [1871-1879], the radical satirical press of Marseille is essentially run by a handful of young journalists with a sharp sense of humour who set themselves the task of tackling the custom and vices of their time. Out of this team, a controversial figure stood out : Léo Taxil. Manipulator, with an "accommodating" conscience, desperate to achieve his aims, caught as early as a teenager in a kind of headlong rush with a desire of independence due to the very early need to earn a living, he met the great currents of thought of his time, and unscrupulously and seemingly without a second thought, alternately sided with two strongly antagonistic camps. His conversion to Catholicism and his hoax in the Diana Vaughan case were much written about, and were the focus of attention for his contemporaries and later for researchers. Yet, if these works evoke the atypical path of Leo Taxil in order to try and explain his tremendous hoax, they succinctly go over significant events in his life. But beyond the very much narrated and commented hoax, what about Taxil's very life? What about his early enthusiastic battles, whether feigned or real, what about his militant anticlericalism, coupled with lucrative activities, elements that prefigure his improbable conversion to catholicism and his revelations about the "Luciferian Freemasonry" eventually joined by a significant part of the clergy? In what way is this Marseille polemicist indicative of the problems of his time, fully invested in the fierce battles between non religious Republicans and conservative Catholics ?

A Nossa Vendeia : o imaginario social da Revolução Francesa na construção da narrativa de Os Sertões / Our Vendee: the social imaginary of the French Revolution in the construction of the narrative in Os Sertões (Rebelion in the Backlands)

Moreira, Raimundo Nonato Pereira 28 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Italo Arnaldo Tronca / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T00:34:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moreira_RaimundoNonatoPereira_D.pdf: 4226931 bytes, checksum: 1f953be188074aae5d3f48a1b91763ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O presente trabalho objetiva discutir os influxos do imaginário social da Revolução Francesa no processo de construção da narrativa da Guerra de Canudos (1896-1897), em Os Sertões (1902), de Euclides da Cunha (1866-1909). A partir desse escopo, problematizam-se algumas das relações que vinculam as narrativas históricas e os relatos imaginários no corpo da obra citada, destacando a força das imagens relacionadas à Revolução de 1789 na tessitura do enredo euclidiano. Esta Tese apresenta cinco momentos principais. No primeiro capítulo, a partir de um esboço biográfico, abordam-se aspectos considerados relevantes acerca da vida e da obra de Euclides da Cunha. No segundo, discute-se a presença da Revolução Francesa no conjunto da obra euclidiana, argumentando-se que esse processo se constituiu no conjunto de acontecimentos históricos mais relevante no quadro das referências teóricas do escritor, posto que, para o autor, o paradigma francês apresentava-se como um padrão explicativo dos processos ocorridos na sociedade brasileira nas últimas duas décadas do século XIX. No terceiro capítulo, aborda-se a construção da narrativa euclidiana da Guerra de Canudos, mediante uma hipótese de trabalho que postula a existência de três momentos privilegiados desse processo: o primeiro, antes do contato de Euclides com o conflito sertanejo; o segundo, durante a presença do correspondente de O Estado de São Paulo na Bahia; e o terceiro, após o desfecho do conflito, materializado nas páginas de Os Sertões. No último capítulo, discute-se a ontologia discursiva de Os Sertões, problematizando-se as relações entre as categorias de historicidade, ficcionalidade e literariedade na composição narrativa euclidiana, destacando-se, ainda, as contribuições decisivas de uma versão histórico-literária da Revolução Francesa, o romance Quatrevingt-treize [Noventa e Três, 1874], de Victor Hugo (1802-1885), para o consórcio da ciência e da arte intentado por Euclides. Nas Considerações Finais, tomando-se como referência as discussões historiográficas contemporâneas acerca da narrativa, reitera-se que a análise da construção do enredo da obra euclidiana evidenciou um processo complexo, no qual o escritor se valeu tanto de relatos históricos quanto de narrações imaginárias, para comunicar aos futuros historiadores o seu juízo sobre a Guerra de Canudos / Abstract: This thesis at discussing the floods of the social imaginary of the French Revolution in the process of constructing the narrative of Canudos War (1896-1897), in ¿Os Sertões¿ (Rebellion in the Backlands, 1902), by Euclides da Cunha. (1866-1909). From this perspective, some of the relations that link the historical narratives and fictional accounts that are established in the body of the above mentioned work, highlighting the strength of the images related to the 1789 Revolution in the bulk of the Euclidian plot. This thesis presents five main stages. In the first chapter, relevant aspects of the life and work of Euclides da Cunha are dealt with from a biographical outline. In the second chapter, the presence of the French Revolution is discussed in the body of then Euclidian work and it is argued that this process was held in the most relevant set of historical events in the theoretical references of the author; since, for him, the French paradigm was presented as an explanatory pattern of the processes undergone in the Brazilian society in the past two decades in the 19th century. In the third chapter, the construction of the Euclidian narrative of Canudos War is touched on through the hypothesis that postulates the existence of three privileged moments within this process: the first one happens before Euclides contacts the backland conflict. The second one occurs while the correspondent from ¿O Estado de São Paulo¿ newspaper is in Bahia; and the third one after the end of the conflict which is materialized in the pages of ¿Os Sertões¿. In the last chapter, it is discussed the philosophical part concerning the human beings, bringing up the relations among categories of historicity, fiction, and literacy in the construction of the Euclidian narrative, bringing attention to the ultimate contributions of a historical-literary version of the French Revolution, the novel ¿Quatrevingt-treize¿ (Ninety-three, 1874), by Victor Hugo (1802-1885) to the group of science and art created by Euclides. In the final considerations, taking as references the contemporary historiographic discussions about the narrative, it is said that the analysis of the construction of the plot of Euclides work posed a complex process in which the author profited from historical accounts, as well as, imaginary narratives to communicate to future historians his judgments about Canudos War / Doutorado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Doutor em História

Catholic Student Movements in Latin America: Cuba and Brazil, 1920s to 1960s

Holbrook, Joseph 17 October 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the ideological development of the Catholic University Student (JUC) movements in Cuba and Brazil during the Cold War and their organizational predecessors and intellectual influences in interwar Europe. Transnational Catholicism prioritized the attempt to influence youth and in particular, university students, within the context of Catholic nations within Atlantic civilization in the middle of the twentieth century. This dissertation argues that the Catholic university movements achieved a relatively high level of social and political influence in a number of countries in Latin America and that the experience of the Catholic student activists led them to experience ideological conflict and in some cases, rupture, with the conservative ideology of the Catholic hierarchy. Catholic student movements flourished after World War II in the context of an emerging youth culture. The proliferation of student organizations became part of the ideological battlefield of the Cold War. Catholic university students also played key roles in the Cuban Revolution (1957-1959) and in the attempted political and social reforms in Brazil under President João Goulart (1961-1964). The JUC, under the guidance of the Church hierarchy, attempted to avoid aligning itself with either ideological camp in the Cold War, but rather to chart a Third Way between materialistic capitalism and atheistic socialism. Thousands of students in over 70 nations were intensively trained to think critically about pressing social issues. This paper will to place the Catholic Student movement in Cuba in the larger context of transnational Catholic university movements using archival evidence, newspaper accounts and secondary sources. Despite the hierarchy’s attempt to utilize students as a tool of influence, the actual lived experience of students equipped them to think critically about social issues, and helped lay a foundation for the progressive student politics of the late 1960s and the rise of liberation theology in the1970s.

Instituições eleitorais e competição política: a criação da justiça eleitoral no Brasil / Electoral institutions and political competition: the creation of electoral justice in Brazil

Lucas Queija Cadah 25 February 2013 (has links)
A proposta dessa dissertação é analisar a criação da Justiça Eleitoral em 1932 e avaliar seu impacto nas eleições para a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1934. Na primeira parte destacamos a importância das instituições eleitorais para a competição política, buscando enquadrar o tema, na literatura sobre a governança eleitoral. Em um segundo momento, passamos para a análise contextual dos antecedentes da criação da Justiça Eleitoral no Brasil e as mudanças empreendidas com o Código de 1932. Já na terceira parte, o objetivo é olhar para o funcionamento da Justiça Eleitoral, através dos Boletins Eleitorais, durante as eleições que elegeram a Constituinte de 1934 incluindo o desempenho do TSE, como última instância decisória. Neste trabalho mostramos que a Justiça Eleitoral funcionou através de um desenho institucional centralizado no TSE e sua criação não evitou a influência do governo no processo eleitoral. / The propose of this dissertation is to analyze the creation of the Electoral Justice in 1932 and evaluate its impact on the election for the Constituency Assembly of 1934. In the first part we turn our attention to the importance of the electoral institutions for political competition, aiming to link the theme with the literature about electoral governance. In second place, we analyze the contextual antecedents of the Electoral Justice and the changes inserted at the Electoral Code of 1932. In the third part, the goal is to look at the running of the Electoral Court, through the Electoral Bulletins, during elections to the Constituent Assembly elected in 1933 - including the performance of the TSE, as the final decision-maker. In this text we show that the Electoral Justice ran through a centralized institutional design in the TSE and its creation has not prevented the government\'s influence in the electoral process.

Bridging in Shanghai’s commercial revolution: compradors, bureaucratic merchants, and returned overseas businesspeople as capitalist middlemen in Late Qing and Early Republican China

Gentz, Frederick 04 January 2021 (has links)
Chinese compradors, official managers, and overseas Chinese capitalists have received scholarly attention of late with special notice to studying their contributions to China’s industrial modernization. This thesis shifts this emphasis to seeing these three groups of Chinese merchants as types of Chinese capitalist middlemen, whose principal efforts were in the commercial sector during the late Qing and early Republican periods. Specifically, it focuses on their activities within Shanghai’s International Settlements, where the openings for entrepreneurial innovation could be made the most of with little interference from Chinese state officials. The market created by Chinese capitalist middlemen is distinguished from the greater Chinese economy by its concentration in Shanghai’s International Settlements and its being a commercial revolution. Particularly, this thesis links entrepreneurial business history with New Institutional Economics by placing the entrepreneur at the heart of Chinese commercial development beginning in the 1860s. It investigates how the above three types of middlemen’s commercial activities impacted the structural organization of the traditional family firm, reshaping this organization into a modern operation. As the traditional Chinese family firm emerged in a political institutional framework that both favored firms’ risk reduction and official sponsorship, Chinese capitalist middlemen played a part in structurally re-organizing the family firm into the modern firm. Chinese entrepreneurial behavior arose through a social process of bridging, which occurred through Chinese middlemen’s daily interactive commercial activities in Western firms in Shanghai. In the cases of compradors, these acculturated practices were employed in their own family firms and reflected a novel risk-taking pattern wherein they engaged in new fields of enterprise. In the cases of guandu shangban enterprises, official managers evolved these firms to absorb the pricing mechanism and lower transaction costs to benefit customers and the firm’s revenue. In the cases of returned overseas Chinese capitalists, in this thesis Australian ones are examined, they capitalized their department stores’ operations through reinvesting overseas Chinese surplus income that had traditionally been returned as remittances home to China. All of them fashioned a cosmopolitan view of themselves and fostered a moral view that combined Confucian and Christian ethics giving rise to a notion of human capital as a form of commercial welfare. / Graduate

A whole language approach to teaching history: Social studies through literature

Tharp, Glenda Nell 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Artificiell intelligens påverkan : En omstrukturering av den digitala aspekten av byggbranschen / The effect of artificial intelligence : A restructuring of the digital aspect of the construction industry

Johnsson Pucic, Antonio, Mott, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Digitalization is taking place at a high rate and is being implemented to a large extent in society, however, the construction industry is showing a digital degree of development that cannot be compared with other technically dependent industries. The construction industry generates large amounts of money and produces a long construction process that also produces high costs and has an impact on the environment. Therefore, there is a need to analyze and investigate how the digital aids that come with an increased degree of digitalization can make the construction industry more efficient. The efficiency improvements are specified in, among other things, the advent of AI and its potential in the construction industry, as well as the opportunities and challenges that the construction industry faces when implementing a digital development. The study is based on a comparison between a literature study and an interview study that covers issues that deal with the digital implementation carried out by the various organizations and companies as well as the future potential that comes with their initiatives. It has emerged that there is a general benefit in conducting digitalization at an organizational level. Whether the newly developed digital funds can be implemented is questioned, considering that there is a complex relationship between the subcontractors and the clients. The services and the way of execution offered by the subcontractors require investments to implement digital means and thus increase the degree of digitalization. The larger parties have the power and economic potential to increase the degree of digitization within the organization or company where the smaller parties must relate to this development. The uneven digitalization degree is made visible today as the power for pricing the procurement lies with the subcontractors in the regionally priced services that have not undergone further digital development. To turn more money into the construction industry, the industry needs to achieve a global competitive procurement as well as the manufacturing industry. For the smaller parties to be able to distinguish their way of working, a unique implementation of digital means is needed and thus be able to relate to the larger parties. What is needed to be able to offer digital services that will be desired in the future. / Digitaliseringen pågår i hög takt och implementeras i samhället i stor grad, dock påvisar byggbranschen en digital utvecklingsgrad som inte kan jämställas med andra tekniskt beroende branscher. Byggbranschen omsätter stora mängder pengar och producerar en lång byggprocess som likaså producerar stora kostnader och har en inverkan på miljön. Det finns därför ett behov av att analysera och utreda hur de digitala hjälpmedlen som tillkommer vid en ökad digitaliseringsgrad kan effektivisera byggbranschen. Effektiviseringen preciseras i bland annat AI:s tillkomst och dess potential inom byggbranschen samt vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som byggbranschen ställs inför vid utförandet av en digital utveckling. Studien grundas i en jämförelse mellan en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie som omfattar frågor som behandlar den digitala implementering som de olika organisationerna och företagen har bedrivit samt den framtida potential som tillkommer med deras initiativ. Det har framkommit att det finns en allmän nytta i att bedriva en digitalisering på en organisationsnivå. Huruvida de nyligen framtagna digitala medlen kan implementeras ifrågasätts, menat att det finns en komplex relation mellan de upphandlande underentreprenörerna och beställarna. De erbjudna tjänsterna och utförandesättet som underentreprenörerna erbjuder kräver investeringar för att implementera digitala medel och därmed öka digitaliseringsgraden. De större aktörerna har makten och den ekonomiska potentialen för att öka digitaliseringsgraden inom organisationen eller företaget där de mindre aktörerna måste förhålla sig till denna utveckling. Den ojämna digitaliseringsgraden synliggörs idag då makten för prissättningen av upphandlingen ligger hos underentreprenörerna i de regionalt prissatta tjänsterna som inte undergått en vidare digital utveckling. För att omsätta mer pengar i byggbranschen behöver branschen uppnå en globalt konkurrensmässig upphandling liksom tillverkningsindustrin, vilket anses tillkomma med en mer produktbaserad upphandling. För att de mindre aktörerna ska kunna särskilja sitt arbetssätt krävs en unik implementering av digitala medel och på sätt kunna förhålla sig till de större aktörerna, vilket behövs för att kunna erbjuda digitala tjänster som kommer vara eftertraktade i framtiden.

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