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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolupráce s rodinou v době distanční a online výuky / Cooperation with family during distance and online teaching

Nosálová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the cooperation of school and family during distance and online teaching. It discusses how parents approach cooperation and how it is perceived by teachers. The theoretical part describes the reasons for cooperation and the factors that negatively affect it. It presents rules for cooperation. It presents its typical forms and presents arguments for their implementation. It presents programs that support the cooperation of school and family. It characterizes distance learning and its types. It provides recommendations for teachers and possible forms of online cooperation. The practical part of the work deals with research mapping the approach of primary school teachers to forms of cooperation during distance and online teaching at a selected primary school. The research is carried out using two questionnaire surveys and structured interviews.

Educating Translators Online: Optimizing Interaction During Translation Practice

Tucker, John Andrew 10 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Hochschulübergreifend lernen, organisieren und kommunizieren: Erfahrungen des Projektes ID4BM

Breitenstein, Marcus, Dyrna, Jonathan, Fischer, Helge, Meier, Luis, Möbius, Kathrin, Schneider, Sascha January 2016 (has links)
Mit dem Projekt ID4BM wurde eine hochschulübergreifende Lehrkooperation umgesetzt. Es wurden zwei Seminare in allen Phasen – von der Wissensbereitstellung über die Wissensanwendung bis hin zur Bewertung – miteinander verzahnt. Technologische Basis war die Lernplattform OPAL. Verwendete Methoden waren projektbasiertes Lernen, Flipped Classroom, Virtual Classroom, Gruppenarbeit, eTutoring, Gruppencoaching und Peer Review. Dieser Beitrag liefert Einblicke in die Konzeption der Lehrveranstaltung und die Evaluationsergebnisse.

Students' Motivation in a Physical English Classroom and Sustaining Motivation when Transferring to Online Education

Paulsson, Olivia, Larsen, Therese January 2020 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate in what ways a group of Swedish teachers and students of English at upper secondary school can provide and maintain motivation for learning English when required to transfer their teaching from the physical classroom to online mode. Two questionnaires were answered by 46 upper secondary school students and eight English teachers. The questionnaires were supplemented with separate interviews in which six students and two teachers participated. The questionnaires were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis model (2006), while the data resulting from the interviews was analysed through a phenomenological approach inspired by Amedeo Giorgi’s four-phase phenomenological method described in Phenomenology and Psychology Research (1985). The result of the study showed that students are motivated to learn English if they have a functioning relationship with their teacher, if they have friends who motivate them, and if lessons vary in format. However, when transferred to online mode, motivation was difficult to sustain. The students’ primary source of motivation, in the form of physical- and social connections was lost. Both students and teachers experienced online education as time-consuming.

Gymnasieelevers munhygienvanor samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks vid distansundervisning : Effekter av covid-19 / High school students' oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks during distance education : Effects of covid-19

Frisk, Emma, Hörnstein, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att jämföra gymnasieelevers munhygienvanor samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks, före respektive under distansundervisning, till följd av covid-19-pandemin. Med två frågeställningar, vilka syftade till att jämföra kvinnor och män. Metod: Metoden var en kvantitativ enkätstudie där 215 gymnasieelever i årskurs tre, vilka haft distansundervisning under läsåret 2020–2021, bjöds in till deltagande. Data analyserades genom Fisher exact test, där statistisk signifikans ansågs vid p≤0.05. Resultat: Totalt deltog 86 gymnasieelever. Resultatet visade statistisk signifikant skillnad vid jämförelse av samtliga respondenters tandborstningsfrekvens (p=0.040), mellanrumsrengöringsfrekvens (p=0.001) samt konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks (p=0.001) före respektive under distansundervisning. Vid jämförelse förändrades kvinnornas tandborstningsfrekvens mer än männens (p=0.026 respektive p=o.411). Slutsats: Både munhygienvanor och konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks har påverkats i hög grad av distansundervisning till följd av covid-19-pandemin. Minskad tandborstningsfrekvens och ökad konsumtion av sötsaker och snacks bidrar till risk för oral ohälsa. / Aim: The purpose was to compare high school students’ oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks before and during distance education, because of the covid-19-pandemic. With two question statements, which aimed to compare women and men. Method: The method was a quantitative questionnaire study in which 215 high school students in year three who had distance education during the academic year 2020-2021 were invited to participate. Data were analyzed through the Fisher exact test; statistical significance was considered at p≤0.05. Results: A total of 86 students participated. The results showed statistically significant difference when comparing all respondents' toothbrushing frequency (p=0.040), frequency of interdental cleaning (p=0.001) and consumption of sweets and snacks (p=0.001) before and during distance education. By comparison, women's toothbrushing frequency changed more than men's (p=0.026 respectively p=o.411). Conclusion: Both oral hygiene habits and consumption of sweets and snacks have been affected by distance education because of the covid-19-pandemic. Reduced toothbrushing frequency and increased consumption of sweets and snacks contribute to risk of oral diseases.

EFL Teachers’ Experiences Teaching Online using ICT : A Case Study of the Transition from Classroom Teaching to Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic / EFL lärares erfarenheter av att undervisa online genom IKT : En fallstudie om övergången från klassrumsundervisning till onlineundervisning under COVID-19 pandemin

Ingemarsson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to contribute to the knowledge about the teaching practices taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic, by investigating the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in online teaching by five EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers and their experiences of transforming from classroom teaching to online teaching during the pandemic. Furthermore, this study has also investigated how these teachers believe online teaching has affected their students’ English learning. The data was collected by using semi-structured interviews. The data were later analyzed by thematic analyses, and divided into themes, sub-themes and codes. It was concluded that teachers had both positive and negative experiences from teaching online. The fact that the education could be continued from home and that the teachers had improved their teaching practices was frequently expressed in positive opinions. However, the results from the study also revealed that the teachers had mostly negative experiences in terms of the actual process of teaching online, personal feelings, and the effects on students’ English learning. Issues such as technical difficulties, teaching online being time consuming and inhibited interactions are among the negative experiences regarding online teaching. In addition, suggestions have been made on how to improve distance education and how teaching online in the future requires teachers to be educated in how to implement effective ICT tools in their online teaching. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra till kunskap om den undervisning som har skett under COVID-19 pandemin, genom att undersöka användningen av IKT (informations och kommunikations teknik) i den onlineundervisning som bedrivits av fem EFL-lärare (English as a Foreign Language) och deras erfarenheter av övergången från klassrumsundervisning till onlineundervisning. Vidare har denna studie även undersökt hur dessa lärare tror att onlineundervisningen har påverkat elevernas lärande i ämnet engelska. Datan samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Lärarnas svar analyserades senare med hjälp av tematiska analyser och delades in i teman, undertema och koder. Resultatet visade att lärarna hade både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av att undervisa online. Det faktum att eleverna kunde fortsätta sin utbildning hemifrån och att lärarna hade förbättrat sin egen undervisning uttryckets ofta i positiva åsikter. Resultat från studien visade däremot att lärarna hade mest negativa erfarenheter när det gällde den faktiska processen av att undervisa online, personliga känslor, och effekterna onlineundervisning har haft på elevernas lärande i ämnet engelska. Problematik så som tekniska svårigheter, att det var tidskrävande och att interaktionen mellan lärare och elever hämmades tillhör några av de negativa erfarenheter av onlineundervisning som lärarna vittnade om. Denna studie presenterar förslag på hur man kan förbättra distansutbildning och hur fortsatt undervisning online kräver att lärare utbildas i hur man implementerar effektiva IKT-verktyg i sin onlineundervisning.

Faculty Attitudes toward Online Education: Faculty Profiles in the Diffusion of Innovation

Gleckler, Melissa Marie January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Att ställa om till distansundervisning : Lärdomar för framtiden? / Switching to online teaching : Lessons for the future?

Engström, Sophia January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vad musiklärare på kulturskolor, utan tidigare erfarenhet av distansundervisning, har dragit för lärdomar av att undervisa på distans under pandemin covid-19. Dessutom undersöks på vilka sätt lärare kan tänka sig att undervisa på distans i framtiden samt vilka råd de vill ge till andra som ska ställa om till distans- undervisning. I bakgrundskapitlet ges en bild av hur situationen ser ut när det gäller distansundervisning på kulturskolor under pandemin, samt forskning som rör distans- arbete och undervisning med digital teknik. I teoridelen definieras lärdomar och lärande, samt lärande utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Metoden som används för datainsamling är semistrukturerad kvalitativ intervju. Jag har intervjuat fem musik- lärare från fem olika kulturskolor. I resultatet kartläggs och kategoriseras de lärdomar som framkommit. Dessutom redogörs för olika användningsområden för distans- undervisning, samt råd som kan underlätta vid en framtida omställning. I diskussionen jämförs resultatet med den litteratur och den forskning jag använt mig av i studien. Slutsatsen jag har kommit fram till är att lärarna i studien har lärt sig många olika saker av att undervisa på distans, samt att personliga egenskaper spelar stor roll för hur lyckad omställningen till distansundervisning blir. Lärarna ser flera användnings- områden för distansundervisning, samtidigt som uppfattningen är att metoden inte kan ersätta den interaktion som äger rum vid närundervisning. / The purpose of the study is to examine what music teachers at municipal music and arts schools in Sweden, with no previous experience of online teaching, have learned from teaching remotely during the covid-19 pandemic. The study also examines how teachers might consider teaching remotely in the future and what advice they want to give to others who are going to switch to online teaching. The background chapter gives a picture of the situation regarding distance education at municipal music and arts schools during the pandemic, as well as research on teleworking and teaching with digital technology. The theory defines lessons and learning, as well as learning from a socio- cultural perspective. The method used for data collection is semi-structured qualitative interview. I have interviewed five music teachers from five different municipal music and arts schools in Sweden. The result identifies and categorizes the lessons learned from online teaching. In addition, it describes various uses of online teaching, as well as advice that can facilitate future transitions. In the discussion, the results are being compared with the literature and the research I have used in the study. I have come to the conclusion that the teachers in the study have learned many different lessons from teaching remotely, and that personal qualities play a major part in how successful the transition to online teaching is. Teachers see many uses for online teaching, but a common opinion is that this way of teaching cannot completely replace the interaction that occurs when teaching takes place in person.

Online Education and Digital Competence : A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Perception Based on Their Experience During COVID-19 Pandemic

Keramidari, Georgia, Adebayo, Olubusayo Esther January 2023 (has links)
Digitalization through the use of Information and Communication Technologies is a phenomenon which has a great influence on our way of living. Organizations and society at large are not left behind. With the ubiquitous nature of technological devices, the need for digital competency in the constantly changing and advancing digital landscape is of utmost importance. In 2020, people’s lives and everyday activities were altered on a global scale, due to the outbreak of a viral disease named COVID-19, which resulted in a worldwide pandemic. Educators were suddenly faced with teaching challenges, due to the need for adoption of electronic learning tools and technologies for delivery of learning activities. Transitioning from traditional face-to-face teaching to distance learning was seamless for teachers who were digitally competent. However, the same transition for those with little or no digital competence and experience, resulted in great challenges in the delivery of academic activities through electronic learning platforms.The educational system however is still recuperating from the COVID-19 induced online method of teaching. The digital competence of teachers and their perceived experience during the transitioning phase has therefore become of great importance to study in qualitative research within an interpretive case study. As a result, this research work aims to compare responses of teachers who serve at two secondary schools in Greece and Sweden, both of which are located in the European Union. By answering two research questions, this study follows an inductive approach, using educational technology affordance framework. This provides insight into effective delivery of online learning in the education sector. The methodological approach of this research follows data collection through semi-structured interviews, addressed to teachers and validated through IT personnel who work in the selected schools; and the use of additional data collection through documents available online, which are related to the context of study. The data collected were examined using thematic analysis, followed by a general discussion, answers to research questions, and analysis about the theoretical framework. The findings of this research work reveal that there are interrelationships between teachers’ experience with online learning and their digital competencies, and these interrelationships play a major role in determining the successful implementation of digital technologies in academic activities. This is because, despite the challenges faced by teachers during the transitioning phase from traditional teaching method to online delivery, teachers with significantly higher levels of digital competence managed the new digital procedures easily. On the contrary, those with little or no digital competence level found the new procedure a difficult task. Thereby resulting in professional stress during this transition. Hence, the successful implementation of digital technologies into the educational work procedures is highly dependent on the digital skills levels of the teachers who will implement these technologies, as well as suitable and user-friendly platforms.This research work is descriptive, and it contributes to the knowledge as it concerns the need for digital competence among teachers. It provides further clarification on what school management, education specialists and software developers are doing with respect to improving the digital competence level of teachers. In addition to this, the study provides insights on what education policy makers can do to support teachers’ readiness towards digital skill acquisition. This is seen as a necessity to achieve optimum results for a successful future delivery of online education.


Nowocin, Laura Jean 28 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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