Spelling suggestions: "subject:"open cource"" "subject:"open bource""
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Kvalitetsmätning av videoströmmar hos en internetleverantör : En jämförelse mellan en kommersiell- och en open source-lösningPassi, Magnus January 2022 (has links)
Företaget är en tjänsteleverantör av olika tjänster, bl.a. IPTV. De använder sig idag av en kostsam lösning för att monitorera och analysera IPTV-strömmar och ser sig därför efter en mer kostnadseffektiv lösning. Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att svara på om det finns ett tillförlitligt open source-verktyg för detta, om en mikrokontroller kan ersätta deras befintliga hårdvara med avseende för IPTV-monitorering och vad skillnaden i kostnad kan vara. För att kunna besvara dessa frågor har metoder använts för att upprätta en kravställning på vad ett potentiellt verktyg ska kunna mäta, hur mycket det får kosta, samt att utföra stresstest på den utvalda hårdvaran, vilket var en Raspberry Pi 4 Modell B. Allt detta skedde i en uppsatt testmiljö som företaget bistod med. Det resulterade i en produkt som uppfyller de krav som företaget ställde och mätvärdena presenterades övergripande och tydligt i ett webbgränssnitt. Då tester av den framtagna lösningen och den befintliga lösningen inte utfördes i samma testmiljö så kan inte frågorna om open source-verktygets tillförlitlighet och om mikrokontrollerns förmåga inte besvaras på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Jämförelse mellan kostnaderna visar att den framtagna lösningen är mycket billigare då det är en engångskostnad i jämförelse med befintlig lösning som är en årskostnad. Vad som bör beaktas vid eventuell implementering av framtagen lösning är säkerhet, fortsätta studera verktyget och beräkna indirekta kostnader som utbildning, implementering och personalkostnad. / The company is a service provider of various services, including IPTV. Today they use a costly solution for monitoring and analyzing IPTV streams and is therefore looking for a cheaper solution. The goal with this thesis has been to answer if there is a reliable open source tool for monitoring and analyzing IPTV-streams, if a microcontroller can replace the existing hardware for IPTV monitoring and how much the difference in cost can be. To be able to answer these questions methods have been used to establish a set of requirements on what a potential tool should be able to measure, how much it may cost, and to perform stress test on selected hardware which was a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. All this took place in a test environment which the company provided. This resulted in a product that is able to measure the measurements that the company had as a requirement. The measurement values are presented in a overall and clear way in a web interface. The tests of the developed solution and the existing solution was not performed in the same test environment so the questions of open source tool reliability and microcontroller ability is not answered satisfactorily. Comparison between the costs show that the solution developed is much cheaper because it is a one-time cost compared to existing solution that is an annual cost. What should be considered in any implementation of developed solution is security, continue to study the open source tool and calculate indirect costs such as training, implementation and staff costs.
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Functional Analysis of Open Source ERP Systems – An Exploratory AnalysisSchmelich, Volker, Alt, Rainer 25 January 2012 (has links)
Während Open Source-Software wie etwa Linux, der Apace Webserver oder die OpenOffice-Suite eine grosse Verbreitung erfahren haben, sind Open Source-Lösungen zur Unterstützung betrieblicher Aufgaben weniger bekannt. Dieser Bericht unternimmt ausgehend von den funktionalen Anforderungen der Auftragsabwicklung eines Industrieunternehmens einen Vergleich bestehender Lösungen und diskutiert die Einsatzmöglichkeiten aus heutiger Sicht.:1 Introduction
2 Research Methodology
3 Functional Analysis of OS-ERP
3.1 Setting: A Manufacturing Company
3.2 Order Processing as Scenario for Comparison
3.3 Results of Comparison
3.4 Discussion of Results
4 Conclusions
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Forschungssoftware im Kontext von Open ScienceNagel, Stefanie, Nagel, Thomas 25 January 2025 (has links)
Forschungssoftware ist ein zentraler Bestandteil wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, der gut dokumentiert, öffentlich zugänglich und reproduzierbar sein sollte. Initiativen wie die FAIR4RS-Principles, Software Heritage oder die neuen DFG-Förderprogramme und NFDI-Dienste in Deutschland fördern die nachhaltige Nutzung, Entwicklung und Anerkennung von Forschungssoftware. Neben dem Überblick zum Thema stellen wir in dieser Ausgabe auch die international genutzte Forschungssoftware OpenGeoSys (OGS) vor, zu deren Hauptentwicklern Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Geotechnik der TU Bergakademie Freiberg gehören.
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Hiring costs, open source signaling, and buyer powerBlatter, Marc January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Bern, Univ., Diss., 2009
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Entwicklung einer flexiblen bioinformatischen Plattform zur Analyse von MassenspektrometriedatenGibb, Sebastian 22 July 2015 (has links)
Sowohl in der Klinischen Labormedizin, der Klinischen Mikrobiologie als auch in der Pathologie ist die Massenspektrometrie (MS) ein bedeutender Bestandteil der Diagnostik geworden. Der Fortschritt in der Gerätetechnik ermöglicht in kurzer Zeit viele, hochaufgelöste Spektren zu generieren. Diese Informationsvielfalt macht die manuelle Auswertung durch den Anwender sehr kompliziert bis unmöglich. Aus diesem Grund ist die Unterstützung durch bioinformatische Programme notwendig. Für die Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse und die Qualitätskontrolle ist es essentiell, dass die verwendeten Algorithmen transparent und die Programme als Open Source Software (OSS) frei verfügbar sind (Aebersold and Mann, 2003).
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von MALDIquant, einer unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) stehenden, flexiblen OSS, die für die o.g. Anwendungsbereiche modernste Algorithmen für die komplette Analyse bietet und in der freien Programmiersprache R (R Core Team, 2014) geschrieben ist. Im Zusammenspiel mit dem dazugehörigen Paket MALDIquantForeign ist MALDIquant in der Lage die üblichen Dateiformate der verschiedenen MS-Geräte zu verarbeiten. Dadurch ist MALDIquant hersteller- und geräteunabhängig und eignet sich nicht nur für MALDI/TOF, sondern für alle zweidimensionalen MS-Daten.
Angefangen vom Datenimport über die Prozessierung bis hin zur Analyse der Spektren bietet MALDIquant eine komplette Analyse-Pipeline und implementiert state-of-the-art Methoden. Neben weit verbreiteten Verfahren zur Baseline Correction und Peak Detection zeichnet sich MALDIquant besonders durch ein hervorragendes Peak Alignment aus. Dieses ist sehr genau und aufgrund des Fokus auf die Peaks schneller als die meisten anderen Verfahren und weitestgehend unabhängig von der Qualität der Intensitätenkalibrierung. Eine weitere Stärke von MALDIquant ist die Möglichkeit, eigene Algorithmen zu integrieren, sowie den Ablauf der Analyse den individuellen Bedürfnissen anzupassen.
In der beispielhaften Analyse der Daten von Fiedler et al. (2009) konnten durch MALDIquant Peaks gefunden werden, die Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom von nicht erkrankten Probanden unterscheiden. Einige dieser Peaks wurden bereits in anderen Publikationen beschrieben. Neben diesem Beispiel hat MALDIquant seine Nützlichkeit bereits in verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen und Publikationen bewiesen, wie etwa in Ouedraogo et al. (2013) oder Jung et al. (2014).:Bibliographische Beschreibung (III)
Abbildungsverzeichnis (V)
Tabellenverzeichnis (VII)
Abkürzungsverzeichnis (IX)
1 Einleitung (1)
1.1 Intention (1)
1.2 Eigene Beiträge (2)
1.3 Übersicht (3)
2 Hintergrund (5)
2.1 Proteomik (5)
2.2 Massenspektrometrie (6)
2.3 Bioinformatik (7)
3 Methoden (9)
3.1 Überblick (9)
3.2 Import der Rohdaten (9)
3.3 Transformation der Intensitäten (11)
3.4 Korrektur der Grundlinie (11)
3.5 Kalibrierung der Intensitäten (13)
3.6 Identifizierung von Merkmalen (15)
3.7 Kalibrierung der m/z-Werte (17)
3.8 Nachbearbeitung (19)
4 Ergebnisse (23)
4.1 Implementierung (23)
4.2 Anwendungsbeispiel Fiedler et al. 2009 (23)
4.3 Vorbehandlung der Daten aus Fiedler et al. 2009 mit MALDIquant (24)
4.4 Multivariate Analyse (24)
4.5 Mögliche Biomarker (26)
5 Diskussion (29)
6 Zusammenfassung (31)
7 Literaturverzeichnis (35)
A Publikation (45)
B Übersicht Codeumfang (49)
C Analyse Fiedler et al. 2009 (51)
D Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit (69)
E Lebenslauf (71)
F Danksagung (75)
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Evaluation of an Adaptive AUTOSAR System in Context of Functional Safety EnvironmentsMassoud, Mostafa 21 September 2017 (has links)
The rapidly evolving technologies in the automotive industry have been defining new challenges, setting new goals and consenting to more complex systems. This steered the AUTOSAR community toward the independent development of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform with the intention of addressing and serving the demands defined by the new technology drivers.
The use of an already existing software based on an open-source development - specifically GNU/Linux - was recognized as a matching candidate fulfilling the requirements defined by AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform as its operating system. However, this raises new challenges in addressing the safety aspect and the suitability of its implementation in safety-critical environments.
As safety standards do not explicitly handle the use of open-source software development, this thesis proposes a tailoring procedure that aims to match the requirements defined by ISO 26262 for a possible qualification of GNU/Linux. And while very little is known about the behavior specification of GNU/Linux to appropriate its use in safety-critical environments, the outlined methodology seeks to verify the specification requirements of GNU/Linux leveraging its claimed compliance to the POSIX standard.
In order to further use GNU/Linux with high pedigree of certainty in safety-critical applications, a software partitioning mechanism is implemented to provide control over the resource consumption of the operating system –specifically computation time and memory usage- between different criticality applications in order to achieve Freedom from Interference. The implementation demonstrates the ability to avoid interference concerning required resources of safety-critical applications.
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Security Guidelines for the Usage of Open Source SoftwareDomar Bolmstam, Sebastian, Hanifi, Siavash January 2020 (has links)
Open-source software is in average used in more than 65% of the applications within the domains of enterprise software, retail and e-commerce, cybersecurity and internet of things (Synopsys, 2019). With the frequent use of open-source software, security issues arise which need to be handled. These include among other issues; non-patched vulnerabilities and malicious code (Schryen, 2011). Security guidelines for open-source software usage have been defined by numerous security organizations as an effort to increase effective security handling of open source software within organizations. These guidelines often cover directives on many layers of an organization and are often lacking information necessary for them to be understandable, reliable, and useful to the person using them.The purpose of this study is to contribute to increased software security related to open-source software usage, by exploring and providing information on the topic, and by defining a set of improved security guidelines that cover both what measures to take to minimize security risks, and how to implement it, based on the published state-of-the-art security guidelines for using open-source software.The subject was investigated through a research process focused on answering whether the current state-of-the-art security guidelines could be improved, using a qualitative research type based on a document analysis data collection method. The research was exploratory in its design and the main focus was to explore the subject by trying to answer the posed research question.By investigating the state of contemporary security guidelines found in literature, and evaluating them against a set of desirable attributes for high quality guidelines, it became evident that the contemporary guidelines couldbe improved. An effort was therefore made to build on the found guidelines and improve them by trying to resolve the issues found through the evaluation.The effort of trying to improve existing guidelines resulted in a new set of guidelines including added information and reformulations, however, the changes made could not be said to be conclusive or objective improvements. Instead they present suggestions for how and in what aspects the contemporary guidelines could be improved. / Mjukvara med öppen källkod (open-source software) används i genomsnitti mer än 65% av applikationerna för mjukvara till företag, detaljoch e-imageimageimageimagehandel, cybersäkerhet och sakernas internet (Synopsys, 2019). Den frekventa användningen av öppen källkod ger upphov till säkerhetsrisker som behöver motverkas. Dessa risker inkluderar bland annat; skadlig kod och säkerhetsbrister som inte åtgärdas (Schryen, 2011). Säkerhetsriktlinjer har blivit definierade av ett flertal organisationer med målet att effektivisera säkerhetshanteringen av öppen källkod och på så sätt minska risken för attacker. Dessa riktlinjer täcker ofta många olika delar av en organisations hierarki och saknar ofta information som är nödvändig för att göra dem begripliga, pålitliga och användbara för de personer som använder dem. Syftet med denna studieär att bidra till enökad säkerhet vid användan-det av öppen källkod genom att dels öka kunskapen om ämnet, och genom att definiera en samling förbättrade säkerhetsriktlinjer som både beskriver vad som ska göras för att minska säkerhetsrisker och hur det ska göras. De förbättrade riktlinjerna ska baseras på befintliga säkerhetsriktlinjer för användning av öppen källkod. Ämnet studerades genom en forskningsprocess med fokus på att besvara frågan om huruvida befintliga säkerhetsriktlinjer kan förbättras, där information samlades in genom en kvalitativ forskningstyp baserad på dokumentanalys. Forskningsdesignen var av utforskande karaktär, där huvudfokuset låg i att utforska ämnet genom att försöka besvara forskningsfrågan.Genom att undersöka kvalitén av befintliga säkerhetsriktlinjer som hittats i litteraturen och utvärdera dessa med stöd av en stor samling önskvärda egenskaper hos riktlinjer av hög kvalitet, blev det uppenbart att befintliga riktlinjer kan förbättras. Däför genomfördes ett försök att vidareutveckla befintliga riktlinjer för att förbättra dem genom att lösa de problem som hittats genom utvärderingen. Försöket att förbättra existerande riktlinjer resulterade i en ny uppsättning riktlinjer med tillagd information och omformuleringar. Dessa förändringar kan dock inte sägas representera konklusiva eller objectiva förbättringar. Istället representerar de förbättrade riktlinjerna ett förslag på hur riktlinjer skulle kunna förbättras.
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An assessment of open source promotion in addressing ICT acceptance challenges in TanzaniaKinyondo, Josephat 02 1900 (has links)
Developing countries like Tanzania experience challenges towards utilization and acceptance of ICT; calling for a need to further research on the concept. Open Source (OS) usage is a potential strategy for addressing such challenges. However, the success of this strategy strongly relies on the strength of the promotional efforts. The study, therefore aims at assessing the OS promotional efforts in relation to ICT acceptance challenges in Tanzania.
This study entailed a descriptive, mixed-methods research. A literature analysis, document analysis and observations of OS community activities were conducted in order to list the ICT acceptance challenges. The results formed a basis for survey and interview questions. The findings obtained were triangulated to determine the existing OS promotional activities and assess the effectiveness of the promotional efforts in addressing ICT acceptance challenges in Tanzania.
The study also makes recommendations on how OS promotional efforts should be changed to improve their effectiveness. / Computing / (M.Sc. (Information Systems))
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Analyse von Open-Source-Software zur Unterstützung operativer Virtueller Unternehmen – eine Bewertungsmethode am Beispiel der Biotechnologie-BrancheJahn, Sascha 29 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung:
"Virtuelle Organisationen sind zu einem festen Bestandteil des wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Gesamtgefüges geworden. Ihre Mitglieder verfolgen mit ihnen ein gemeinsames Ziel, arbeiten dabei zeitlich und räumlich verteilt und überwinden sowohl Unternehmensgrenzen als auch kulturelle Barrieren. Als Enabler ihrer zielgerichteten, arbeitsteiligen Prozesse dient hierbei die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IuK). Ihre Aufgabe ist die effiziente Unterstützung der Gemeinschaftsmitglieder in den Kommunikations-, Koordinations- und Kooperationsprozessen der Zusammenarbeit
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Caracterização do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos em uma comunidade de open source design / Characterization of the product development process in an open source design communityMacul, Víctor Cussiol 20 August 2015 (has links)
O open source design ainda é um fenômeno nascente, no entanto representa um movimento que caminha em direção a mudanças radicais na maneira como nós adquirimos uma grande variedade de produtos. Baseado no conceito Do-It-Yourself, os usuários, ou seja, os indivíduos ou organizações que esperam se beneficiar do uso de um design, produto ou serviço, possuem um papel ativo e central no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Por meio de comunidades auto-organizadas, os colaboradores compartilham esforços para geração de produtos, e os tornam disponíveis para que qualquer pessoa possa utilizá-los livremente. Embora as comunidades open source sejam mais conhecidas para o desenvolvimento de software, elas não estão restritas ao software. No entanto, são poucas as iniciativas que aplicam esse conceito para produtos físicos. A literatura apresenta um grande número de estudos relacionados ao processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, porém, o open source design apresenta um ambiente diferente do tradicional. O envolvimento de um grande número de pessoas auto-organizadas pode provocar efeitos negativos no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, quando soluções ruins influenciarem significativamente na convergência para uma solução final. Pesquisas indicam a necessidade de um melhor entendimento do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos nesse ambiente, assim como das ferramentas utilizadas para apoiar às organizações na gestão de seus processos de forma eficiente. Alguns autores apontam a falta de estudos de caso como uma das grandes barreiras para o desenvolvimento das pesquisas neste campo. Com base nessas lacunas, o objetivo deste estudo é contribuir com a caracterização do desenvolvimento de produtos no open source design. Para atingir esse objetivo, são realizados uma revisão de literatura no tema e um estudo de caso de caráter etnográfico, apoiado em mais de 800 horas de observação participante, e na análise de documentos da comunidade Open Source Ecology, nos Estados Unidos. Como resultado, é apresentado um relato das experiências vivenciadas junto à comunidade, que permitiram o levantamento de características do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos no open source design, assim como algumas reflexões sobre os demais elementos deste fenômeno: a plataforma de colaboração, a comunidade, os fatores que motivam os colaboradores a se envolverem no open source design, e o modelo de negócio dessas organizações. Estes resultados nos levam a crer que, embora muito trabalho tenha sido feito nas comunidades de open source design, este movimento ainda possui um baixo nível de maturidade com relação à gestão do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, e está longe de mostrar seu todo o seu potencial. / The open source design is still a nascent phenomenon, but is it represents a movement that goes toward radical changes in how we acquire a wide variety of products. Based on the Do-It-Yourself concept, the users, i.e. individuals or organizations who expect to benefit from the use of a design, product or service, have an active and central role in the development of new products. Through self-organized communities, contributors share efforts to generate product designs, and make them available so that anyone can make free use of them. Although the open source communities are best known for software development, they are not restricted to software. However, there are few initiatives that apply this concept to physical products. The literature shows a large number of studies related to the design process, however, the open source design has a different environment than traditional one. The involvement of a large number of selforganized people can result in negative effects on the design process, when bad solutions dominate and greatly influence the convergence to a solution. Some researches indicate the necessity of better understand the design process in this environment, as well as the tools that aid organizations and individuals to manage this process effectively. Some authors point out the lack of case studies as one of the major barriers to the development of research in this field. Based on these gaps, the objective of this study is to contribute to the characterization of the design process in the open source design. To achieve this goal, there are conducted a literature review on this topic and an ethnographic case study, supported by more than 800 hours of participant observation, and document analysis the Open Source Ecology community, in the United States. As a result, an account of experiences with this community is presented, which support the characterization of the design process in open source design, as well as some reflections on other elements of this phenomenon: the collaboration platform, the community, the drive that motivates participation, and the business models of these organizations. Our findings indicate that, even though many accomplishments have been achieved, the open source design movement still has a low level of maturity, and is far from showing its full potential.
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