Spelling suggestions: "subject:"opvoeder"" "subject:"opvoeders""
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A sport management programme for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools / Johannes Jacques VoslooVosloo, Johannes Jacques January 2014 (has links)
In school sport the professionalisation of sport has reached the domain of school sport as a grassroots incubator for sporting talent and for providing positive experiences that might lead to lifelong engagement in physical activity. This has inevitably led to the development of specialised human resources required to manage school sport. In the South African context, despite the existence of a variety of sport management programmes, there is a need for continuously updated and adapted programmes to address the needs and demands of the market and workplace. To cope with the increased complexities surrounding school sport and the management thereof, a distinct body of knowledge and skills needs to be developed (Quatman & Chelladurai, 2008a:651) for the management of school sport. Concern over the lack of common knowledge, as well as a pertinent sport management programme for educator training to prepare educators for the diverse contemporary requirements and needs regarding the management of school sport, has resulted in current and prospective educators not necessarily meeting the needs or expectations of the industry in a diversity of South African schools to manage school sport. As a result there appears to be a gap between current sport management programmes‟ outcomes at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)1 in South Africa and the expected competencies of school sport managers. A need thus exists to have a sport management programme in place for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools.
Based on the preceding, the problem of identifying the needs and competencies of school sport managers required for the sport management training of educators according to the diverse context of South African schools is seen as the central point in this study. In coherence with the problem statement and the stated research questions, the purpose of this research was to determine the needs and competencies of school sport managers in order to develop a sport management programme for educator training according to the diverse needs of schools in South Africa. In order to achieve this, based on the problem statement, it was necessary to:
* Determine the context of school sport within the education system;
* Describe and delineate the current role of the school sport manager within the education system;
* To analyse international and national sport management training programmes as part of educator training;
* Determine the needs and competencies required by educators to manage school sport effectively according to the diverse needs of South African schools; and * Develop a sport management training programme for school sport managers according to the diverse needs of South African schools.
To be able to develop a sport management programme for educator training, it was necessary to develop a related instrument that was content and context specific. Contextual, descriptive and explorative qualitative research was undertaken by means of a semi-structured interview. After the sport management competencies and needs were identified, a questionnaire (quantitative research), based on the qualitative research and the literature study in Chapters Two, Three and Four was compiled as part of the mixed-methods research design. To make a sound judgement of content and context specific sport management programmes for educator training, an occupation analysis of the identified school sport management competencies and a needs analysis of specific needs required to manage school sport was undertaken by means of a structured questionnaire. Once the competencies and needs required to manage school sport were defined, programme development principles were applied to develop a sport management programme for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools.
Conclusions drawn from the above-mentioned research include that the school sport management environment is exceptionally varied, politicised and complex. Another conclusion was that competencies required by the school sport manager can be divided into core, functional and specialist competencies, indicating a range of competencies necessary to equip and enable the school sport manager to manage school sport successfully. This phenomenon cannot merely be ignored by HEIs2 when a content and context-specific market and needs-driven sport management programme for educator training in a diversity of South African schools is developed. It is therefore recommended that a school sport management programme be tailored to the content and context-specific needs of society and school sport managers. In the light of the preceding and a continuously changing education landscape in South Africa, it is necessary that the developed sport management programme and related guidelines for a sport management programme for initial educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools should continuously be supplemented and adapted in a dynamic school sport environment. / PhD (Movement Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Musiekintegrasie in graad R : 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie / Mignon van VredenVan Vreden, Mignon January 2014 (has links)
Graad R verwys volgens die nuutste Afrikaanse beleidsdokumente na die voorskoolse opleiding wat tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel ingefaseer word, alhoewel die Departement van Basiese Onderwys beoog dat alle leerders eers in 2019 toegang sal hê tot formele graad R-programme. Uitdagings vir onderrig in vroeë kinderontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika is onder meer ʼn tekort aan gekwalifiseerde onderwysers, asook leer- en ondersteuningsmateriaal van ʼn hoë gehalte.
Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) vir graad R bestaan uit drie vakke: Huistaal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede. Lewensvaardighede bestaan uit vier studie-areas, naamlik Aanvangskennis, Skeppende kunste, Liggaamsopvoeding, asook Persoonlike en Sosiale Welsyn. Slegs dertig minute per week word as deel van Skeppende kunste toegestaan aan formele musiekonderrig. Wanneer musiek in die dagprogram met ander aspekte van graad R-onderrig en -leer integreer word, word die holistiese ontwikkeling van die leerder bevorder. Graad R-onderwysers het egter selde in musiek gespesialiseer en is onseker oor die implementering daarvan in hul onderrigprogramme.
Uitvoerbare moontlikhede word in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek om musiek in die graad R-dagprogram te integreer ten einde ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die sosiale, fisiese, emosionele, intellektuele en geestelike ontwikkeling van graad R-leerders. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag wat hieruit ontstaan, is watter teoretiese raamwerk verduidelik hoe musiek in graad R geïntegreer kan word.
Die navorsingsbenadering wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te ondersoek, is ʼn kwalitatiewe, veelvoudige gevallestudie vanuit ʼn interpretatiewe perspektief. Aanvanklik is ʼn literatuurstudie gedoen om huidige tendense ten opsigte van die integrasie van musiek in graad R te beskryf. Daarna is die onderrig en leer in vyf multikulturele graad R-klasse in die Potchefstroom-omgewing waargeneem met die doel om die maniere waarop musiek in die praktyk geïntegreer word, in te samel. Die data is toe met behulp van Atlas.ti 7.1.6 georganiseer en gekategoriseer, waarna ʼn oorkruis gevalle-analise gedoen is. Die bevindinge is geverifieer deur langtermyn-waarneming en deelnemer-kontrole.
ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk is ontwikkel deur die ses temas wat uit die data-analise gegenereer is in verband te bring met ʼn geïntegreerde literatuuroorsig. Hierdie aspekte vir die integrasie van musiek in graad R waardeur onderrig en leer kan plaasvind, is geïdentifiseer as oor musiek, uit musiek, op musiek, met musiek, in musiek en deur musiek. In die raamwerk word elke aspek van integrasie verbind met aktiwiteite wat gebaseer is op die leerbeginsels vir
graad R, naamlik spel, ontdekking en praktiese ervarings, ten einde die ontwikkeling van die graad R-leerder te bevorder.
Alhoewel die bevindinge spesifiek is tot die Potchefstroom-omgewing, hou die teoretiese raamwerk verskeie moontlikhede in vir nasionale en internasionale toepassing in voorskoolse onderrig. Dit impliseer dat musiek suksesvol in die graad R-dagprogram geïntegreer kan word deur musiekspesialiste sowel as onderwysers wat nie in musiek gespesialiseer het nie. / PhD (Music), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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A sport management programme for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools / Johannes Jacques VoslooVosloo, Johannes Jacques January 2014 (has links)
In school sport the professionalisation of sport has reached the domain of school sport as a grassroots incubator for sporting talent and for providing positive experiences that might lead to lifelong engagement in physical activity. This has inevitably led to the development of specialised human resources required to manage school sport. In the South African context, despite the existence of a variety of sport management programmes, there is a need for continuously updated and adapted programmes to address the needs and demands of the market and workplace. To cope with the increased complexities surrounding school sport and the management thereof, a distinct body of knowledge and skills needs to be developed (Quatman & Chelladurai, 2008a:651) for the management of school sport. Concern over the lack of common knowledge, as well as a pertinent sport management programme for educator training to prepare educators for the diverse contemporary requirements and needs regarding the management of school sport, has resulted in current and prospective educators not necessarily meeting the needs or expectations of the industry in a diversity of South African schools to manage school sport. As a result there appears to be a gap between current sport management programmes‟ outcomes at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)1 in South Africa and the expected competencies of school sport managers. A need thus exists to have a sport management programme in place for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools.
Based on the preceding, the problem of identifying the needs and competencies of school sport managers required for the sport management training of educators according to the diverse context of South African schools is seen as the central point in this study. In coherence with the problem statement and the stated research questions, the purpose of this research was to determine the needs and competencies of school sport managers in order to develop a sport management programme for educator training according to the diverse needs of schools in South Africa. In order to achieve this, based on the problem statement, it was necessary to:
* Determine the context of school sport within the education system;
* Describe and delineate the current role of the school sport manager within the education system;
* To analyse international and national sport management training programmes as part of educator training;
* Determine the needs and competencies required by educators to manage school sport effectively according to the diverse needs of South African schools; and * Develop a sport management training programme for school sport managers according to the diverse needs of South African schools.
To be able to develop a sport management programme for educator training, it was necessary to develop a related instrument that was content and context specific. Contextual, descriptive and explorative qualitative research was undertaken by means of a semi-structured interview. After the sport management competencies and needs were identified, a questionnaire (quantitative research), based on the qualitative research and the literature study in Chapters Two, Three and Four was compiled as part of the mixed-methods research design. To make a sound judgement of content and context specific sport management programmes for educator training, an occupation analysis of the identified school sport management competencies and a needs analysis of specific needs required to manage school sport was undertaken by means of a structured questionnaire. Once the competencies and needs required to manage school sport were defined, programme development principles were applied to develop a sport management programme for educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools.
Conclusions drawn from the above-mentioned research include that the school sport management environment is exceptionally varied, politicised and complex. Another conclusion was that competencies required by the school sport manager can be divided into core, functional and specialist competencies, indicating a range of competencies necessary to equip and enable the school sport manager to manage school sport successfully. This phenomenon cannot merely be ignored by HEIs2 when a content and context-specific market and needs-driven sport management programme for educator training in a diversity of South African schools is developed. It is therefore recommended that a school sport management programme be tailored to the content and context-specific needs of society and school sport managers. In the light of the preceding and a continuously changing education landscape in South Africa, it is necessary that the developed sport management programme and related guidelines for a sport management programme for initial educator training in accordance with the diverse needs of South African schools should continuously be supplemented and adapted in a dynamic school sport environment. / PhD (Movement Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Musiekintegrasie in graad R : 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie / Mignon van VredenVan Vreden, Mignon January 2014 (has links)
Graad R verwys volgens die nuutste Afrikaanse beleidsdokumente na die voorskoolse opleiding wat tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel ingefaseer word, alhoewel die Departement van Basiese Onderwys beoog dat alle leerders eers in 2019 toegang sal hê tot formele graad R-programme. Uitdagings vir onderrig in vroeë kinderontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika is onder meer ʼn tekort aan gekwalifiseerde onderwysers, asook leer- en ondersteuningsmateriaal van ʼn hoë gehalte.
Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) vir graad R bestaan uit drie vakke: Huistaal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede. Lewensvaardighede bestaan uit vier studie-areas, naamlik Aanvangskennis, Skeppende kunste, Liggaamsopvoeding, asook Persoonlike en Sosiale Welsyn. Slegs dertig minute per week word as deel van Skeppende kunste toegestaan aan formele musiekonderrig. Wanneer musiek in die dagprogram met ander aspekte van graad R-onderrig en -leer integreer word, word die holistiese ontwikkeling van die leerder bevorder. Graad R-onderwysers het egter selde in musiek gespesialiseer en is onseker oor die implementering daarvan in hul onderrigprogramme.
Uitvoerbare moontlikhede word in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek om musiek in die graad R-dagprogram te integreer ten einde ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die sosiale, fisiese, emosionele, intellektuele en geestelike ontwikkeling van graad R-leerders. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag wat hieruit ontstaan, is watter teoretiese raamwerk verduidelik hoe musiek in graad R geïntegreer kan word.
Die navorsingsbenadering wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te ondersoek, is ʼn kwalitatiewe, veelvoudige gevallestudie vanuit ʼn interpretatiewe perspektief. Aanvanklik is ʼn literatuurstudie gedoen om huidige tendense ten opsigte van die integrasie van musiek in graad R te beskryf. Daarna is die onderrig en leer in vyf multikulturele graad R-klasse in die Potchefstroom-omgewing waargeneem met die doel om die maniere waarop musiek in die praktyk geïntegreer word, in te samel. Die data is toe met behulp van Atlas.ti 7.1.6 georganiseer en gekategoriseer, waarna ʼn oorkruis gevalle-analise gedoen is. Die bevindinge is geverifieer deur langtermyn-waarneming en deelnemer-kontrole.
ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk is ontwikkel deur die ses temas wat uit die data-analise gegenereer is in verband te bring met ʼn geïntegreerde literatuuroorsig. Hierdie aspekte vir die integrasie van musiek in graad R waardeur onderrig en leer kan plaasvind, is geïdentifiseer as oor musiek, uit musiek, op musiek, met musiek, in musiek en deur musiek. In die raamwerk word elke aspek van integrasie verbind met aktiwiteite wat gebaseer is op die leerbeginsels vir
graad R, naamlik spel, ontdekking en praktiese ervarings, ten einde die ontwikkeling van die graad R-leerder te bevorder.
Alhoewel die bevindinge spesifiek is tot die Potchefstroom-omgewing, hou die teoretiese raamwerk verskeie moontlikhede in vir nasionale en internasionale toepassing in voorskoolse onderrig. Dit impliseer dat musiek suksesvol in die graad R-dagprogram geïntegreer kan word deur musiekspesialiste sowel as onderwysers wat nie in musiek gespesialiseer het nie. / PhD (Music), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Secondary school educators' experiences of the educator-learner relationship in the Gauteng Province of South Africa / Chrische KnoesenKnoesen, Chrische January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study was to explore the experiences of secondary school educators concerning the educator-learner relationship. The study hopes to add value in developing sustainable support to enhance the quality of life and well-being of South African educators. The study highlights specific aspects of the educators’ perspective (Koomen et al., 2011; Philip, 2008; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2011; Easter et al., 2008), such as cultural perspective, attachment perspective, career satisfaction perspective and academic perspective. According to Philippson (2009) it is important to understand educators’ holistic experiences concerning the educator-learner relationship. The following research question arose: What are the experiences of secondary school educators in the Gauteng area, South Africa, of the educator-learner relationship? This research was conducted within a Positive Psychology framework and a qualitative method was used. Data were collected via personal interviews and focus group discussions as research techniques. Purposeful sampling was used and six secondary school educators from various secondary schools in the Gauteng Province of South Africa were participants of this study. The objective of this study was to understand and interpret holistic experiences of secondary school educators in the educator-learner relationship that contribute to the educators’ phenomenology. Data were gathered through individual interviews during which each participant was motivated through visual mapping to express his/her hierarchy of ideas contributing to the phenomenon. The collected data were audio-recorded and a narrative analysis was conducted in which trustworthiness was obtained through member checking to ensure that the recorded and observed data were correctly transcribed and evaluated accordingly. Findings of this study are presented by means of the following themes: Different aspects of the supportive educator-learner relationship; awareness of differences in the educator-learner relationship; important perspectives of “a calling” in respect of the educators’ experiences; role of emotions in an educator-learner relationship; challenges for the educator in the educator-learner relationship; role of discipline and values in an educator-learner relationship; phenomenology of the educators’ experiences. Results indicate that educators’ positive experiences of the educator-learner relationship can be viewed as an investment in the well-being and positive functioning of both the educator as well as the learners. A recommendation for future research is to develop a support system for secondary school educators to encourage them in a psycho-social, emotional and spiritual way towards sustainable well-being. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Secondary school educators' experiences of the educator-learner relationship in the Gauteng Province of South Africa / Chrische KnoesenKnoesen, Chrische January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study was to explore the experiences of secondary school educators concerning the educator-learner relationship. The study hopes to add value in developing sustainable support to enhance the quality of life and well-being of South African educators. The study highlights specific aspects of the educators’ perspective (Koomen et al., 2011; Philip, 2008; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2011; Easter et al., 2008), such as cultural perspective, attachment perspective, career satisfaction perspective and academic perspective. According to Philippson (2009) it is important to understand educators’ holistic experiences concerning the educator-learner relationship. The following research question arose: What are the experiences of secondary school educators in the Gauteng area, South Africa, of the educator-learner relationship? This research was conducted within a Positive Psychology framework and a qualitative method was used. Data were collected via personal interviews and focus group discussions as research techniques. Purposeful sampling was used and six secondary school educators from various secondary schools in the Gauteng Province of South Africa were participants of this study. The objective of this study was to understand and interpret holistic experiences of secondary school educators in the educator-learner relationship that contribute to the educators’ phenomenology. Data were gathered through individual interviews during which each participant was motivated through visual mapping to express his/her hierarchy of ideas contributing to the phenomenon. The collected data were audio-recorded and a narrative analysis was conducted in which trustworthiness was obtained through member checking to ensure that the recorded and observed data were correctly transcribed and evaluated accordingly. Findings of this study are presented by means of the following themes: Different aspects of the supportive educator-learner relationship; awareness of differences in the educator-learner relationship; important perspectives of “a calling” in respect of the educators’ experiences; role of emotions in an educator-learner relationship; challenges for the educator in the educator-learner relationship; role of discipline and values in an educator-learner relationship; phenomenology of the educators’ experiences. Results indicate that educators’ positive experiences of the educator-learner relationship can be viewed as an investment in the well-being and positive functioning of both the educator as well as the learners. A recommendation for future research is to develop a support system for secondary school educators to encourage them in a psycho-social, emotional and spiritual way towards sustainable well-being. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die sorgsame toesighoudingsplig van ‘n siviele tegnologie werkswinkel-onderwyser ter bevordering van leerderveiligheid / Josef Jacobus OosthuizenOosthuizen, Josef Jacobus January 2011 (has links)
The concept duty of care is defined as heedful, careful guarding, supervision of a minor, and/or overseeing. An obligation rests on teachers to scrupulously see to the safety (and also the well-being) of all learners entrusted to them. Hence teachers are responsible for the physical safety of learners and for creating a safe haven for them.
The Civil Technology workshop teacher has an increased caring duty towards his learners due to the potential life-threatening circumstances and conditions that can prevail in his workshop compared to, for instance, the ordinary classroom environment. Furthermore, a specific legal duty rests on a person when he is placed in control of dangerous objects or machinery, seeing that he has to see to it that he ensures the safety of others through positive action.
Internationally, the circular saw is statistically speaking seen to be the most dangerous woodwork machine in the Civil Technology workshop. Circular saws are responsible for more accidents than any other machine, and the most claims for damages against teachers and school managements also arise from it. Due to the underlying dangers inherent to circular saws and the presence thereof in Civil Technology workshops, it increases the risks attached to the caring supervision duty of the Civil Technology teacher to a great extent.
Civil Technology workshop teachers are therefore confronted by unique challenges in their workshops. Hence it is essential that they be equipped with sufficient knowledge pertaining to educational law so as to make head against these challenges. Civil Technology workshop teachers should therefore not only be aware of all common law principles, relevant legislation and case law as applicable to workshops, but also be able to apply it in practice in the workshop environment. This practical application furthermore requires workshop teachers to be knowledgeable to be able to maintain workshop machinery in a safe working condition through regular upkeep and maintenance.
An empirical investigation (n=38) was launched, based on a questionnaire filled in by all Civil Technology teachers and their heads of department North West where Civil Technology is presented as a choice subject at high schools. The aim of the empirical investigation was to determine: * what the level of Civil Technology workshop teachers‘ expertise and knowledge is regarding legal key issues concerning their caring supervising duty, and * to what extent effective safety management of woodwork machinery in Civil Technology workshops is applied.
The empirical investigation found, amongst others, that: * The respondents do not have sufficient knowledge of the principles pertaining to educational law to apply it in the Civil Technology workshops of the study population practically. * Civil Technology workshop teachers and heads of department should have a high degree of expertise with a view to execute their duty of care. Poor educational law training can possibly be proffered as reason why their level of expertise cannot be seen to be sufficient in a case where an increased level of duty of car is required in potentially dangerous workshops.
Following on above-mentioned findings, specific recommendations were made to all role-players involved that are involved in learner safety in Civil Technology workshops. These recommendations may possibly contribute to increased and more effective caring supervision in promoting learner safety. / Thesis (MEd (Education Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Die sorgsame toesighoudingsplig van ‘n siviele tegnologie werkswinkel-onderwyser ter bevordering van leerderveiligheid / Josef Jacobus OosthuizenOosthuizen, Josef Jacobus January 2011 (has links)
The concept duty of care is defined as heedful, careful guarding, supervision of a minor, and/or overseeing. An obligation rests on teachers to scrupulously see to the safety (and also the well-being) of all learners entrusted to them. Hence teachers are responsible for the physical safety of learners and for creating a safe haven for them.
The Civil Technology workshop teacher has an increased caring duty towards his learners due to the potential life-threatening circumstances and conditions that can prevail in his workshop compared to, for instance, the ordinary classroom environment. Furthermore, a specific legal duty rests on a person when he is placed in control of dangerous objects or machinery, seeing that he has to see to it that he ensures the safety of others through positive action.
Internationally, the circular saw is statistically speaking seen to be the most dangerous woodwork machine in the Civil Technology workshop. Circular saws are responsible for more accidents than any other machine, and the most claims for damages against teachers and school managements also arise from it. Due to the underlying dangers inherent to circular saws and the presence thereof in Civil Technology workshops, it increases the risks attached to the caring supervision duty of the Civil Technology teacher to a great extent.
Civil Technology workshop teachers are therefore confronted by unique challenges in their workshops. Hence it is essential that they be equipped with sufficient knowledge pertaining to educational law so as to make head against these challenges. Civil Technology workshop teachers should therefore not only be aware of all common law principles, relevant legislation and case law as applicable to workshops, but also be able to apply it in practice in the workshop environment. This practical application furthermore requires workshop teachers to be knowledgeable to be able to maintain workshop machinery in a safe working condition through regular upkeep and maintenance.
An empirical investigation (n=38) was launched, based on a questionnaire filled in by all Civil Technology teachers and their heads of department North West where Civil Technology is presented as a choice subject at high schools. The aim of the empirical investigation was to determine: * what the level of Civil Technology workshop teachers‘ expertise and knowledge is regarding legal key issues concerning their caring supervising duty, and * to what extent effective safety management of woodwork machinery in Civil Technology workshops is applied.
The empirical investigation found, amongst others, that: * The respondents do not have sufficient knowledge of the principles pertaining to educational law to apply it in the Civil Technology workshops of the study population practically. * Civil Technology workshop teachers and heads of department should have a high degree of expertise with a view to execute their duty of care. Poor educational law training can possibly be proffered as reason why their level of expertise cannot be seen to be sufficient in a case where an increased level of duty of car is required in potentially dangerous workshops.
Following on above-mentioned findings, specific recommendations were made to all role-players involved that are involved in learner safety in Civil Technology workshops. These recommendations may possibly contribute to increased and more effective caring supervision in promoting learner safety. / Thesis (MEd (Education Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Die invloed van die SA skolewet (1996) op dissipline in intermediêre skole in die Namakwa distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie = The influence of the South African schools act (1996) on discipline in intermediate schools in the Namaqua district of the Northern Cape ProvinceHoorn, Lukas George 30 June 2006 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie van beperkte omvang is om inligting in te samel oor die probleem van dissipline soos dit manifesteer in Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaap Provinsie. Die aandag word toegespits op:
* wetgewing met betrekking tot dissipline in skole;
* soorte van probleme;
* faktore wat aanleiding gee tot probleme;
* maatreëls wat gebruik word om dissiplinêre probleme te hanteer en te voorkom.
Deur literatuurstudie word begrip en kennis verkry wat as agtergrond dien vir die kwalitatiewe ondersoek waardeur `n kontekstuele begrip verkry word van die ervaring van dissipline en probleme deur `n geselekteerde groep skoolhoofde van Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie. Ten slotte word voorstelle gemaak met die oog op die verbetering van `n komplekse situasie. / The aim of this study on a small scale is to gather information about the problem of discipline as manifested in Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. The attention is focused on:
* legislation in connection with discipline in schools;
* types of problems;
* factors that cause problems;
* measures to cope and prevent disciplinary problems. The study of literature provides understanding and knowledge that serves as background to the qualitative study by way of which a contextual understanding is developed of the experience of discipline and specific problems by a selected group of principals of Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. In conclusion proposals are made aimed at the improvement of a complex situation. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)
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'n Arbeidsregtelike perspektief op die werksvervulling van die graad R–opvoeder / Margaret C. RossouwRossouw, Margaret Calldo January 2011 (has links)
Current policy to extend early childhood education by placing grade R in public primary schools is politically, economically and educationally motivated. Quality education in grade R has definite long term economic advantages and could ensure equal educational opportunities. The educator is a key factor in this issue and her perception of her work life determines to a large extent the success of the initiative.
The work fulfilment of the grade R educator is approached in this research from a labour law perspective and was conducted in the field of Education Law. The philosophic base of Education Law is found in the German educational term geborgenheit, which refers to the safety and security of all role players in education. The experience of security is regarded as a prerequisite for work fulfilment. The Constitution, education legislation, labour law, relevant case law and the common law were studied as legal determinants for work fulfilment.
A qualitative enquiry into educators’ perceptions of their work life was conducted amongst participants in a specific area, which included schools from different socio–economic and cultural backgrounds. The essence of the findings is that, in spite of the existence of legislation which in principle should provide for physical and psychological security, educators still experience insecurity and therefore a lack of work fulfilment because of the ineffective implementation of law and policy.
Widespread ignorance regarding the nature of quality education in grade R exists and the insistence on educator centralised teaching limits the work fulfilment of especially well–trained educators. Awareness of the advantages of a play based, whole–child approach has to be developed. This approach, as well as knowledge of legal determinants, promote work fulfilment, since both serve the best interests of the child as well as the educator. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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