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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’appropriation des connaissances visuo-orthographiques par des élèves de la première à la quatrième année du primaire

Plisson, Anne 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Languages as factors of reading achievement in PIRLS assessments / Les langues, facteurs du rendement en lecture dans les évaluations PIRLS

Gómez Vera, Gabriela 27 January 2011 (has links)
Le point de départ de cette recherche concerne la question suivante : l’acquisition de la lecture, peut-il être plus ou moins efficace en fonction de la langue dans laquelle il s’effectue? Deux catégories pour classer les langues on été définies dans ce travail. Premièrement, la notion de famille linguistique est à la base d’une description des langues à partir d'une perspective historique et culturelle. Deuxièmement la notion de profondeur orthographique est mobilisée, celle-ci différencie les langues en fonction de la correspondance entre l'orthographe et la phonétique. Ces catégories ont été mises en rapport avec les bases de données PIRLS 2001 et 2006 (étude internationale sur la lecture menée par l'IEA), afin de relier la performance en lecture et la langue dans laquelle les élèves ont répondu au test. Toutefois, il est clair que la langue n'est pas un facteur isolé, car elle fait partie d'un ensemble complexe de déterminants; ainsi, des facteurs liés aux élèves et au milieu scolaire ont également été incorporés dans l'étude. En outre, il a été tenu compte de la multidimensionnalité du processus de lecture, en distinguant dans les analyses les différents domaines mesurés par l’enquête : lecture d'informative, littéraire, et compréhension des processus d'ordre complexe et simple. Pour répondre aux questions de cette recherche nous avons élaboré un modèle statistique hiérarchique capable de rendre compte de la relation entre la compréhension de la lecture, la langue et les facteurs qui y sont associés. En dernière analyse, les facteurs contextuels (individuels et scolaires) se sont révélés être plus importants que la langue elle-même. En outre, les déterminants du niveau en lecture dépendent des systèmes éducatifs observés dans cette enquête. / The starting point of this research is the question, may reading acquisition be more or less effective depending on the language in which it is perform? Two categories for classifying the languages have been developed. First the notion of linguistic family is employed to describe the languages from a cultural and historical perspective. Secondly, the notion of orthographic depth is used for differentiating the languages according to the correspondence between orthography and phonetic. These categories have been related to the databases PIRLS 2001 and 2006 (international assessments about reading developed by the IEA), the aim being to connect reading achievement to the language in which students answered the test. However, it is clear that the language is not an isolated factor, but part of a complex structure of determinants of reading. Therefore, factors related to students and schools have also been incorporated to this research. Moreover, the multidimensionality of the reading process has been taken into account by distinguishing in the analysis the different aspects that made the process according to PIRLS: informative reading, literary reading, process comprehension of high and low order. To answer to the questions proposed by this research a hierarchical statistical model (multilevel) was developed, it was able to account for the connection between reading achievement, language and other associated factors. As a result, contextual factors (home and school) were more significant than language. Moreover, determinacy may vary if taking into account educational systems.

Développement de la compétence orthographique : étude des connaissances des frontières lexicales d’élèves sans difficulté à l’écrit et d’élèves dyslexiques du primaire

Costerg, Agnès 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Na teia do discurso : os acordos ortográficos e implicações na política linguística de promoção e difusão do Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE)

Conceição, Jailson Almeida 26 August 2011 (has links)
This research is situated at the interface of Language Policy in Critical Discourse Analysis and its theme is the New Orthographic Agreement as a discursive practice of orthographic unification for a language policy aimed at spreading the Lusophone countries where Portuguese is a foreign language (PFL). The history of orthographic agreements between Brazil and Portugal justifies itself the existence of varieties of the Portuguese language. The Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and European Portuguese (EP) conceived as varieties of the Lusophone system have different achievements within the morphosyntactic, phonological, semantic and pragmatic plans and also in terms of spelling. These differences are not reducible to pure language dimension, since it is understood the language as a form of socialhistorical, ideological, and cultural action and interaction, whose social practices are, at the same time, products and processes of social representations of historical and ideologically oriented groups. From this perspective, it is tried to understand the ways of ideological reproduction of power groups, which constituted the pivot of the successful and failure narrative history around the orthographic agreements between these two countries and in what extent the control of these groups reproduce a colonialist view in the current configuration of the New Orthographic Agreement as a language policy of Lusophony diffusion, currently represented by the nations that comprise the Community of the Portuguese Language Countries (CPLC). So, it is the New Orthographic Agreement as a communicative event in this contemporary, and , by itself, it is tried to reconstruct the past hapenings about the other agreements to better understanding the reproduction of colonialist ideology and the construction of discursive practices that indicate the existence of a Against-Power, guided by an anti-colonialist. The background texts that serve as an anchor for the reconstruction of discursive meanings refer to two interviews, given to the newspaper named Folha Dirigida, in 2010, by the following interviewed people: Evanildo Bechara and Ernani Pimentel, whose opinions regarding the New Orthographic Agreement are divergent. In a last analysis, it is tried to design the sedimented meanings in these speeches to evaluate in which extent the agreements have contributed to the strengthening of a policy of promotion and dissemination of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. / Esta pesquisa situa-se na interface da Política Linguística com Análise Crítica do Discurso e tem por tema o Novo Acordo Ortográfico como prática discursiva de unificação ortográfica para fins de uma política linguística voltada à difusão da lusofonia nos países em que o Português funciona como língua estrangeira (PLE). A trajetória histórica dos acordos ortográficos entre Brasil e Portugal por si só justifica a existência de variedades da língua portuguesa. O Português Brasileiro (PB) e o Português Europeu (PE) concebidos como variedades do sistema lusófono apresentam diferentes realizações nos planos morfossintático, fonético-fonológico, semântico-pragmático e também no plano ortográfico. Essas diferenças não se reduzem à dimensão puramente linguística, desde que se compreenda a língua como forma de ação e interação sócio-histórica, ideológica e cultural, cujas práticas sociais são, a um só tempo, produtos e processos de representações sociais de grupos histórica e ideologicamente orientados. Nessa perspectiva, busca-se compreender os modos de reprodução ideológica dos grupos de poder, que se constituíram no eixo da história das narrativas de sucesso e insucesso em torno dos acordos ortográficos entre esses dois países e em que medida o controle desses grupos reproduz uma visão colonialista na configuração atual do Novo Acordo Ortográfico como política linguística de difusão da lusofonia, atualmente representada pelas nações que integram a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). Para tanto, situa-se o Novo Acordo Ortográfico como evento comunicativo nesta contemporaneidade e, por ele, busca-se reconstruir os acontecimentos passados sobre outros acordos para melhor compreender a reprodução da ideologia colonialista e a construção de outras práticas discursivas que indicam a existência de um Contra-Poder, pautado por uma visão anti-colonialista. Os textos-base que servem de ancoragem para a reconstrução de sentidos discursivos referem-se a duas entrevistas, concedidas ao jornal Folha Dirigida, em 2010, pelos seguintes entrevistados: Evanildo Bechara e Ernani Pimentel, cujas opiniões em relação ao Novo Acordo Ortográfico são divergentes. Em última análise, busca-se projetar os sentidos sedimentados nesses discursos para avaliar em que medida os acordos têm contribuído para o fortalecimento de uma política de promoção e difusão do Português como Língua Estrangeira. .

Fases iniciais da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita em português do Brasil: efeitos de fonemas, gestos articulatórios e sílabas na aquisição do mapeamento ortográfico / Early phases of learning to read and write in Brazilian Portuguese: effects of phonemes, articulatory gestures, and syllables on orthographic mapping acquisition

Renan de Almeida Sargiani 30 May 2016 (has links)
Aprender a ler e a escrever em sistemas alfabéticos de escrita, como em português do Brasil, depende de um processo cognitivo de formar conexões entre as letras nas grafias de palavras escritas e os sons nas pronúncias de palavras faladas, o que se denomina de mapeamento ortográfico. Evidências provenientes de estudos com falantes do inglês demonstram que as crianças nas fases iniciais da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita realizam o mapeamento ortográfico no nível grafofonêmico, isto é, das letras e fonemas; posteriormente quando elas adquirem mais experiência em leitura elas passam a utilizar o mapeamento ortográfico em um nível maior usando unidades como as sílabas, i.e., unidades grafossilábicas. Como as sílabas são muito proeminentes em português, pesquisadores e professores tem sugerido que crianças falantes do português poderiam se beneficiar mais de instruções iniciais que enfatizam as sílabas do que os fonemas. Os objetivos principais deste estudo foram investigar: 1) se as crianças se beneficiam mais do ensino de mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas ou de sílabas no início da aprendizagem da linguagem escrita em Português do Brasil e 2) se incluir instrução sobre gestos articulatórios no ensino de mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas melhora a habilidade de segmentação fonêmica mais do que o treinamento sem esse componente. Este é um estudo experimental com um design de préteste e pós-testes e atribuição aleatória de participantes para os grupos experimentais e controle. Noventa crianças falantes do Português do Brasil, com média de idade de 4 anos e 5 meses, foram selecionadas em uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. As crianças receberam instruções em pequenos grupos em uma de 4 condições: 1) mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas com articulação (MOF+A), 2) mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas sem articulação (MOF), 3) mapeamento ortográfico de sílabas sem articulação (MOS), ou 4) desenhos com temas livres (Controle). Em seguida, as crianças foram avaliadas em uma tarefa de aprendizagem de palavras seguida por tarefas de leitura, escrita, segmentação fonêmica e silábica. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças nos grupos MOF+A e MOF superaram as crianças nos grupos MOS e Controle em tarefas de leitura e de escrita. A instrução com gestos articulatórios beneficiou as crianças mais do que a instrução sem esse componente. O grupo MOF+A superou os outros em segmentação fonêmica, leitura e escrita. Em um estudo de acompanhamento (follow-up) realizado um ano e meio mais tarde, 48 crianças, 12 de cada condição experimental, foram avaliadas novamente em várias habilidades de literacia. As crianças que receberam previamente os treinamentos em mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas tiveram melhor desempenho nas tarefas de segmentação fonêmica, de leitura e de escrita, do que as crianças que receberam treinamento em mapeamento ortográfico de sílabas e as crianças do grupo controle. Os resultados em conjunto mostram que, apesar do fato de que as sílabas são unidades muito salientes em Português do Brasil, o ensino de mapeamento ortográfico de fonemas para leitores e escritores iniciantes é mais eficaz do que o ensino do mapeamento ortográfico de sílabas / Learning to read and write in alphabetic writing systems, such as Brazilian Portuguese, depends on a cognitive process of forming connections between the letters in spellings of written words and the sounds in pronunciations of spoken words, known as orthographic mapping. Evidence from studies with English speakers shows that children in the early phases of learning to read and write use orthographic mapping at the graphophonemic level, i.e., letters and phonemes; subsequently when they acquire more reading experience they move on to use orthographic mapping at a higher level using units such as syllables, i.e., graphosyllabic units. Because syllables are so prominent in Portuguese, researchers and teachers have suggested that Portuguese-speaking children would benefit more from early reading instruction that emphasizes syllables rather than phonemes. The main objectives of this study were to explore: 1) whether children benefit more from instruction of orthographic mapping of phonemes or syllables at the outset of learning to read in Brazilian Portuguese and 2) whether including articulatory gestures in the training of orthographic mapping of phonemes improves phonemic segmentation more than training without articulation. This was an experimental study with a pretest/posttest and random assignment of participants to treatment and control groups. Ninety Brazilian Portuguese speakers, mean age 4 years, 5 months, were drawn from one public kindergarten in São Paulo, Brazil. Children received instruction within small groups in one of 4 conditions: 1) orthographic mapping of phonemes with articulation (OMP+A), 2) orthographic mapping of phonemes without articulation (OMP), 3) orthographic mapping of syllables without articulation (OMS), or 4) drawing pictures (Control). Then children were assessed in a word-learning task followed by reading, spelling, phonemic, and syllabic segmentation tasks. Results showed that children in the OMP+A and the OMP groups outperformed children in the OMS and control groups in reading and spelling tasks. Instruction with articulatory gestures benefited children more than instruction without this component. The OMP+A group outperformed the others in phonemic segmentation, reading, and spelling. In a follow up study conducted 1.5 years later, 48 children, 12 from each experimental condition, were assessed again in several literacy skills. Children who received orthographic mapping of phonemes performed better in phonemic segmentation, reading, and spelling tasks than children who received orthographic mapping of syllables training or children in the control group. Overall results show that, despite the fact that syllables are very salient units in Brazilian Portuguese, teaching orthographic mapping of phonemes to beginning readers is more effective than teaching orthographic mapping of syllables

A escrita ortográfica no sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental / Orthographic writing in the Sixth grade of elementary school

Maria Ângela Padovani 23 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como escopo detectar mecanismos presentes no processo de produção escrita de alunos que chegam ao sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental sem o domínio ortográfico esperado nesse nível de escolaridade, considerando o sexto ano como momento nodal para um apoio fundamentado àqueles que apresentem defasagem. Para tanto, analisa produções de quatro alunos de uma escola pública estadual da capital paulista, com base em postulados da Fonética e da Fonologia, em que são observadas as possíveis relações entre a consciência fonológica do português brasileiro e os processos de escrita. Reflexões da Psicolinguística concorrem para o entendimento de que os erros dos alunos são índices a serem considerados para intervenção didático-pedagógica. Para sintonizar intervenções na escola, postulados da Teoria da Atribuição Causal, voltados para a educação, são propostos com o intuito de compreender a disposição dos alunos diante das dinâmicas de ensino e aprendizagem. Uma sistematização das normas ortográficas do português embasa sugestões de abordagens em sala de aula para superação dos problemas apontados. / This dissertation aims to describe the mechanisms involved when sixth-grade students do not achieve expected levels in orthography. The sixth-grade is considered a critical time to provide appropriate support for those students who are under-achieving. Psycholinguistics have postulated that student errors are indicators of the need for pedagogical didactic intervention. The study analyses the written work of four students from a public school in the State of Sao Paulo, from a Phonetic and Phonologic perspective. A relationship between phonological awareness of Brazilian Portuguese and writing processes was observed. To understand the engagement of students with teaching and learning, the Attribution Theory is suggested in order to adjust school interventions. A system of Portuguese orthographic norms was part of the research, along with suggestions for practical intervention.

Um estudo sobre os erros ortográficos de alunos do ensino médio do IFSUL – Câmpus Pelotas Visconde da Graça (CaVG), à luz do Modelo de Redescrição Representacional (MRR) de Karmiloff-Smith (1994) / A study on the orthographic mistakes of IFSUL – Câmpus Pelotas Visconde da Graça (CaVG) high school students guided by Karmiloff-Smith’s Representational Redescription Model (RR) (1994)

Santos, Cristiane Silveira dos 13 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-08T13:26:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cristiane Silveira dos Santos_Tese.pdf: 25214198 bytes, checksum: 443b33cad98eeb6e51b716aa63bd30bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-08T13:26:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cristiane Silveira dos Santos_Tese.pdf: 25214198 bytes, checksum: 443b33cad98eeb6e51b716aa63bd30bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-08T21:42:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cristiane Silveira dos Santos_Tese.pdf: 25214198 bytes, checksum: 443b33cad98eeb6e51b716aa63bd30bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T21:43:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Cristiane Silveira dos Santos_Tese.pdf: 25214198 bytes, checksum: 443b33cad98eeb6e51b716aa63bd30bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-13 / Sem bolsa / Este estudo é resultado de uma investigação feita a partir da análise de produções escritas espontâneas, controladas e de entrevistas realizadas junto a dois grupos de alunos do ensino médio do IFSUL – Câmpus Pelotas Visconde da Graça (CaVG): Grupo Transversal e Grupo Longitudinal, com a finalidade de mapear, descrever e analisar os tipos de erros ortográficos produzidos. Os erros foram classificados em dois grandes grupos: motivados pela fonética/fonologia da língua ou motivados por dificuldades advindas do sistema ortográfico. Os resultados da análise dos dados produzidos pelo Grupo Transversal, composto por 273 alunos de primeiros, segundos e terceiros anos permitiu o mapeamento dos principais tipos de erros ortográficos produzidos e orientou as coletas posteriores realizadas junto ao Grupo Longitudinal, composto por 15 sujeitos acompanhados de 2011 a 2014 e divididos em três grupos, a saber,Grupo 1 (fortes), Grupo 2 (medianos) e Grupo 3 (fracos) em questões ortográficas. A hipótese inicial desta investigação foi a de que haveria relação entre o quantitativo de erros ortográficos encontrados e o formato do conhecimento ortográfico, segundo o Modelo deRedescrição Representacional (MRR) de Karmiloff-Smith (1986, 1994). Os resultados da investigação mostraram que os tipos de erros ortográficos encontrados nas coletas junto a ambos os grupos – Transversal e Longitudinal eram análogos Verificou-se, ainda, que os tipos de erros ortográficos mais recorrentes e numerosos nas produções textuais dos informantes de ambos os grupos pesquisados eram, em primeiro lugar, advindos das chamadas irregularidades do sistema ortográfico, em especial os casos de representação do fonema/s/ e do fonema/z/, seguidos dos erros ortográficos relacionados à motivação fonética da língua e dos erros ortográficos relacionados à segmentação não-convencional da escrita (hipo e hipersegmentação), sendo a hipossegmentação mais numerosa nos dados do que a hipersegmentação. Tais erros ortográficos correspondem a cerca de 75% dos dados totais desta pesquisa.Em relação aos níveis do MRR verificou-se que a hipótese levantada foi corroborada, uma vez que houve correspondência entre os três grupos (forte, medianos e fracos em questões ortográficas) e os níveis de representação do conhecimento ortográfico entre Explícito 2 (E2) e Explícito 3 Consciente Verbal (E3). Verificou-se que os informantes com menor quantidade de erros ortográficos (Grupo 1) apresentaram quase que a totalidade dos momentos da entrevista categorizados segundo o nível do MRR Explícito 3 Consciente Verbal (E3); já os informantes do Grupo 2 (medianos) embora apresentassem vários momentos da entrevista caracterizados como de E3 tiveram, na sua maioria, momentos da entrevista categorizados como de E2, ou seja, no nível do MRR caracterizado como sendo aquele em que já existe análise acerca do conhecimento, embora este ainda não possa ser verbalizado. Finalmente, os informantes do Grupo 3 (fracos) praticamente não apresentaram momentos categorizados como sendo de E3, tendo tido os momentos de sua entrevista quase todos categorizados como E2. Em relação às estratégias utilizadas pelos sujeitos para orientar suas escolhas ortográficas constatou-se que os informantes dos Grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente fortes e medianos em questões ortográficas, utilizaram estratégias tais como o acesso à memória visual ou seguiram procedimentos analógicos da língua para chegar à grafia correta das palavras. Já os informantes do Grupo 3 utilizaram esporadicamente a memória visual e os processos analógicos e, preferencialmente, utilizaram a fala como estratégia para orientar suas grafias. Observou-se, ainda, correlação positiva entre o nível E3 do MRR dos informantes com o uso de estratégias tais como ‘memória visual’ e ‘processos analógicos’ e o nível E2 do MRR dos informantes com o uso da estratégia ‘escrita apoiada na oralidade’. A conclusão deste estudo vai ao sentido de que se faz necessário, mesmo no ensino médio, lançar mão de estratégias capazes de desenvolver e consolidar o conhecimento ortográfico dos alunos. / This study is the result of thorough analysis of spontaneous and controlled writing productions and interviews carried out with two groups of high school students from IFSUL – Câmpus Pelotas Visconde da Graça (CaVG): Transversal Group and Longitudinal Group, aiming to map, analyze and describe the types of orthographic mistakes present in both groups’ writing. These mistakes were arranged in two groups: those of phonetic/phonological motivation and those related to difficulty to grasp the rules and irregularities of the orthographic system.The Transversal Group was comprised of 237 students from all of the institution’s high school grades, and the data analysis of their writing allowed the identification and mapping of the most common types of orthographic mistakes, data which then oriented the following data gatherings with the Longitudinal Group, consisting of 15 subjects who were monitored from 2011 to 2014 and divided in three groups: Group 1 (strong), Group 2 (average), Group 3 (weak) regarding orthographic knowledge. The original hypothesis suggested that the amount of orthographic mistakes found and the type of orthographic knowledge would be correlated, according to Karmiloff-Smith’s Representational Redescription Model (RR) (1986, 1994).The results of this investigation showed that the types of orthographic mistakes found in both groups’ – Transversal and Longitudinal - writing productions were analogous.It was also noticed that the most recurring types of orthographic mistakes in the subjects’ writing, from both groups analyzed, were mainly related to the so called irregularities of the orthographic system, particularly in cases when the phonemes /s/ and /z/ are represented, followed by orthographic mistakes of phonetic motivation and mistakes relating nonconventional segmentation of the written word (hipo and hipersegmentation), the cases of hiposegmentation being more numerous than those of hipersegmentation. Such mistakes constitute approximately 75% of the overall research data.The original research hypothesis was, in the end, confirmed since correspondence was found between the three groups (strong, average and weak regarding orthographic knowledge) and their representation levels of orthographic knowledge which ranges from Explicit 2 (E2) to Explicit 3 (E3) Verbally Aware. It was noticed that the subjects who made less orthographic mistakes (Group 1) showed in their interviews a higher level of verbal awareness (Explicit 3 Verbally Aware, according to the RR model definitions); subjects belonging to Group 2 (average) showed overall orthographic awareness but couldn’t articulate it, placing them in the E2 category. Finally, Group 3 (weak) subjects were also placed in the E2 category, showing virtually no signs of unawareness in their interviews. Regarding the subjects’ strategic choices, it was noted that those from Groups 1 and 2 – strong and average regarding orthographic knowledge, respectively – relied on strategies such as accessing their visual memory or followed similar procedures to find the correct writing whereas subjects from Group 3, rather than relying on their visual memory, would use their speaking competence as a guide to their writing. It was noted still a positive correlation between RR level E3 subjects and the use of visual memory, as well as E2 level subjects and oral-based writing strategies. The conclusion drawn buy this study is that it is necessary, as soon as high school, to devise strategies to consolidate and further the student’s orthographic knowledge.

L’approche psycholinguistique de la mémoire à court terme verbale : études neuropsychologiques

Chassé, Véronique 11 1900 (has links)
L’approche psycholinguistique suggère que la rétention à court terme verbale et le langage dépendent de mécanismes communs. Elle prédit que les caractéristiques linguistiques des items verbaux (e.g. phonologiques, lexicales, sémantiques) influencent le rappel immédiat (1) et que la contribution des niveaux de représentations linguistiques dépend du contexte de rappel, certaines conditions expérimentales (e.g. format des stimuli) favorisant l’utilisation de codes spécifiques (2). Ces prédictions sont évaluées par le biais de deux études empiriques réalisées auprès d’une patiente cérébrolésée qui présente une atteinte du traitement phonologique (I.R.) et de participants contrôles. Une première étude (Article 1) teste l’impact des modes de présentation et de rappel sur les effets de similarité phonologique et de catégorie sémantique de listes de mots. Une seconde étude (Article 2) évalue la contribution du code orthographique en mémoire à court terme (MCT) verbale en testant l’effet de la densité du voisinage orthographique des mots sur le rappel sériel immédiat de mots présentés visuellement. Compte tenu du rôle déterminant du code phonologique en MCT et du type d’atteinte de I.R., des effets linguistiques distincts étaient attendus chez elle et chez les contrôles. Selon le contexte de rappel, des effets sémantiques (Article 1) et orthographiques (Article 2) plus importants étaient prédits chez I.R. et des effets phonologiques plus marqués étaient attendus chez les participants contrôles. Chez I.R., le rappel est influencé par les caractéristiques sémantiques et orthographiques des mots, mais peu par leurs caractéristiques phonologiques et le contexte de rappel module l’utilisation de différents niveaux de représentations linguistiques. Chez les contrôles, une contribution relativement plus stable des représentations phonologiques est observée. Les données appuient une approche psycholinguistique qui postule que des mécanismes communs régissent la rétention à court terme verbale et le langage. Les implications théoriques et cliniques des résultats sont discutées en regard de modèles psycholinguistiques actuels. / The psycholinguistic view of verbal short-term retention suggests that verbal short-term retention and language processing rely on common mechanisms. It predicts that all linguistic characteristics of verbal items (e.g. phonological, lexical, semantic) influence their immediate recall (1). It also predicts that the relative contribution of the different linguistic representational levels is a function of the recall context (2). In this view, some experimental conditions (e.g. modes of presentation of stimuli) are thought to promote the use of specific coding. Two studies assess these predictions in a brain-damaged patient (I.R.) who shows a phonological deficit as well as in control participants. In a first article, the impact of presentation and recall modes on phonological and semantic similarity effects of words is tested. In a second article, the contribution of orthographic coding in verbal short-term memory (STM) is assessed by testing the effect of orthographic Neighborhood (N) density of words on immediate serial recall (ISR) of written words. Due to her phonological deficit and because phonological representations play a predominant role in STM, distinct linguistic effects were expected in I.R. and in controls. Overall, (and) depending on the recall context, larger semantic and orthographic effects were predicted in I.R. and larger phonological effects were predicted in controls. In I.R., the data indicate that recall is influenced by semantic and orthographic characteristics of items but less by their phonological properties. The results also indicate that the impact of representations depends of recall conditions. In controls, a different pattern of results is obtained, suggesting an overall predominant contribution of phonological representations. Results support the psycholinguistic view of verbal short-term retention and are discussed in regard to current interactive activation psycholinguistic models of verbal STM and language processing.

L’approche psycholinguistique de la mémoire à court terme verbale : études neuropsychologiques

Chassé, Véronique 11 1900 (has links)
L’approche psycholinguistique suggère que la rétention à court terme verbale et le langage dépendent de mécanismes communs. Elle prédit que les caractéristiques linguistiques des items verbaux (e.g. phonologiques, lexicales, sémantiques) influencent le rappel immédiat (1) et que la contribution des niveaux de représentations linguistiques dépend du contexte de rappel, certaines conditions expérimentales (e.g. format des stimuli) favorisant l’utilisation de codes spécifiques (2). Ces prédictions sont évaluées par le biais de deux études empiriques réalisées auprès d’une patiente cérébrolésée qui présente une atteinte du traitement phonologique (I.R.) et de participants contrôles. Une première étude (Article 1) teste l’impact des modes de présentation et de rappel sur les effets de similarité phonologique et de catégorie sémantique de listes de mots. Une seconde étude (Article 2) évalue la contribution du code orthographique en mémoire à court terme (MCT) verbale en testant l’effet de la densité du voisinage orthographique des mots sur le rappel sériel immédiat de mots présentés visuellement. Compte tenu du rôle déterminant du code phonologique en MCT et du type d’atteinte de I.R., des effets linguistiques distincts étaient attendus chez elle et chez les contrôles. Selon le contexte de rappel, des effets sémantiques (Article 1) et orthographiques (Article 2) plus importants étaient prédits chez I.R. et des effets phonologiques plus marqués étaient attendus chez les participants contrôles. Chez I.R., le rappel est influencé par les caractéristiques sémantiques et orthographiques des mots, mais peu par leurs caractéristiques phonologiques et le contexte de rappel module l’utilisation de différents niveaux de représentations linguistiques. Chez les contrôles, une contribution relativement plus stable des représentations phonologiques est observée. Les données appuient une approche psycholinguistique qui postule que des mécanismes communs régissent la rétention à court terme verbale et le langage. Les implications théoriques et cliniques des résultats sont discutées en regard de modèles psycholinguistiques actuels. / The psycholinguistic view of verbal short-term retention suggests that verbal short-term retention and language processing rely on common mechanisms. It predicts that all linguistic characteristics of verbal items (e.g. phonological, lexical, semantic) influence their immediate recall (1). It also predicts that the relative contribution of the different linguistic representational levels is a function of the recall context (2). In this view, some experimental conditions (e.g. modes of presentation of stimuli) are thought to promote the use of specific coding. Two studies assess these predictions in a brain-damaged patient (I.R.) who shows a phonological deficit as well as in control participants. In a first article, the impact of presentation and recall modes on phonological and semantic similarity effects of words is tested. In a second article, the contribution of orthographic coding in verbal short-term memory (STM) is assessed by testing the effect of orthographic Neighborhood (N) density of words on immediate serial recall (ISR) of written words. Due to her phonological deficit and because phonological representations play a predominant role in STM, distinct linguistic effects were expected in I.R. and in controls. Overall, (and) depending on the recall context, larger semantic and orthographic effects were predicted in I.R. and larger phonological effects were predicted in controls. In I.R., the data indicate that recall is influenced by semantic and orthographic characteristics of items but less by their phonological properties. The results also indicate that the impact of representations depends of recall conditions. In controls, a different pattern of results is obtained, suggesting an overall predominant contribution of phonological representations. Results support the psycholinguistic view of verbal short-term retention and are discussed in regard to current interactive activation psycholinguistic models of verbal STM and language processing.

Phonetic and phonological aspects of Civili vowel duration : an experimental approach

Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, Hugues Steve 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an experimental investigation of vowel duration. It focuses on phonetic and phonological aspects of vowel duration in Civili, and African language spoken in Gabon and some of its neighboring countries. It attempts to bring new insights into the phenomenon of vowel lengthening, and to assess the implictions of these insights for standardizing the orthography of this language. ...

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