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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extensive weight loss reveals distinct gene expression changes in human subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue

Mardinoglu, Adil, Heiker, John T., Gärtner, Daniel, Björnson, Elias, Schön, Michael R., Flehmig, Gesine, Klöting, Nora, Krohn, Knut, Fasshauer, Mathias, Stumvoll, Michael, Nielsen, Jens, Blüher, Matthias 19 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Weight loss has been shown to significantly improve Adipose tissue (AT) function, however changes in AT gene expression profiles particularly in visceral AT (VAT) have not been systematically studied. Here, we tested the hypothesis that extensive weight loss in response to bariatric surgery (BS) causes AT gene expression changes, which may affect energy and lipid metabolism, inflammation and secretory function of AT. We assessed gene expression changes by whole genome expression chips in AT samples obtained from six morbidly obese individuals, who underwent a two step BS strategy with sleeve gastrectomy as initial and a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as second step surgery after 12 ± 2 months. Global gene expression differences in VAT and subcutaneous (S)AT were analyzed through the use of genome-scale metabolic model (GEM) for adipocytes. Significantly altered gene expressions were PCR-validated in 16 individuals, which also underwent a two-step surgery intervention. We found increased expression of cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector a (CIDEA), involved in formation of lipid droplets in both fat depots in response to significant weight loss. We observed that expression of the genes associated with metabolic reactions involved in NAD+, glutathione and branched chain amino acid metabolism are significantly increased in AT depots after surgery-induced weight loss.

Diet and related behaviors of low-income, overweight women in early postpartum

Shah, Bijal Sanghani 22 March 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of diet and physical activity behaviors on weight status and lipid profiles in low-income women in early postpartum. In addition, the relationship of nutrition knowledge with dietary intakes was evaluated. A convenience sample of low-income mothers was recruited from public health clinics, community centers, and doctor's offices. Inclusion criteria was Hispanic, African American, or Caucasian ethnicity; body mass index (BMI) [greater-than or equal to] 25 kg/m², low-income (annual household income <185% federal poverty line); parity<3 and ability to speak and write English. Demographic, dietary (24-hr recalls and 2 day food intake recalls), psychosocial, anthropometric, serum lipids (LDL, HDL and total cholesterol and triglycerides) and physical activity (pedometer steps) data were collected. For study 1, the Healthy Eating Index-2005 (HEI-2005) scores were computed as a measure of diet quality in a sample of 125 women. Analysis of Covariance and linear regression was performed to determine the relationship between HEI-2005 and serum lipids. The mean total index score of the sample was 51.4 and was associated inversely with BMI ([beta]=-0.117), LDL ([beta]=-.659) and total ([beta]=-.690) and positively with HDL ([beta]=.216) (P<0.05). Less than 20% of the sample failed to meet the recommendations for fruits, total vegetables, whole grains and oil and 60% had overconsumption of solid fats, alcohol and added sugars. In study 2, snacking frequency and choices of 134 postpartum women were evaluated. Influence of snacking frequency on HEI-2005 scores and disparities in snack choices by BMI categories was assessed by performing ANCOVA. A majority of the sample (82%) consumed snacks and the most favored snack group was sweets and desserts. Increase in snacking frequency was associated with higher mean total HEI-2005 scores, and total fruit, dark green vegetables and legumes, total grains, and saturated fat (P<0.05) component scores when adjusted for energy intakes. Snacking frequency was also associated with higher intakes of protein, vitamins A and C, and calcium (P<0.05). In study 3, 66 new mothers participated and completed an 8-week weight loss intervention promoting exercise by using pedometers. Paired t test revealed improvement in physical activity after intervention. Linear regression analysis determined the ability of pedometer steps to predict weight loss ([beta]=0.465), % body fat ([beta]=-0.316), triglycerides ([beta]=-0.549), LDL ([beta]=-0.391) and total cholesterol ([beta]=-0.418). In study 4, a nutrition knowledge scale was developed and validated in new mothers. Knowledge was associated with greater consumption of grains, low fat meats and dairy (P<0.01), fiber (p<0.01), calcium (p<0.001), and iron (p<0.05). Participants appeared to be more cognizant of information about vitamins and minerals and weight management and less of energy nutrients and calorie counting. Hierarchical regression model identified age, education, ethnicity and income as determinants of knowledge. / text

Bakomliggande faktorer till övervikt och fetma / Underlying factors of overweight and obesity

Andersson, Mathilda, Persson, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Övervikt och fetma är ett stort problem världen över. Varje år dör 2,8 miljoner vuxna människor av sjukdomen. För att kunna arbeta preventivt mot övervikt och fetma och hjälpa de patienter som lider av sjukdomen bör sjuksköterskan ha mer kunskap och utbildning om de bakomliggande faktorerna. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa bakomliggande faktorer för övervikt och fetma. 12 vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut och granskades och resultatet framkom i form av fyra kategorier; livsstilsfaktorer, känslor och relationer, socioekonomiska faktorer och genetiska faktorer.  I ett flertal studier framkom det att brist på fysisk aktivitet var en starkt bidragande faktor till viktuppgång. Stress och tidsbrist var de utlösande faktorerna till att den fysiska aktiviteten uteblev. Graviditet och moderskap sågs som en bakomliggande faktor till viktuppgång hos kvinnor. Relationer och en svår barndom kunde också bidra till viktuppgång hos både män och kvinnor. Arbetsmiljö, utbildningsnivå och socioekonomisk status hade en betydelse relaterat till högt BMI, dock visade dessa faktorer skillnader gällande genus. Det framkom att det finns ett könsideal och att det framförallt har betydelse gällande männens viktuppgång. Vidare kvalitativ forskning med fokus på patienternas upplevelser är av betydelse. Likaså sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete som bör uppmärksammas redan under sjuksköterskeutbildningen. / Overweight and obesity is a major problem worldwide. Every year 2.8 million adult dies in the disease. In order to work preventively against overweight and obesity and to help patients who suffer from the disease, nurses need more knowledge and education about the underlying factors. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the underlying factors for overweight and obesity. 12 scientific papers were selected and examined and the result emerged in four categories; lifestyle factors, feelings and relationships, socioeconomic factors and genetic factors. Several studies showed that the lack of physical activity was a major contributing factor to gaining weight. Stress and lack of time were the triggering factors that physical activity did not occurred. Pregnancy and motherhood was seen as an underlying factor to why women gained weight. Relationships and a difficult childhood could also contribute to weight gain in both men and woman. Work environment, education and socioeconomic status had a role related to high BMI, however, those factors showed differences regarding gender. It was found that there are gender ideals and that they are primarily of importance regarding the men’s weight gain. Further qualitative researches focusing on patients’ experiences are relevant. Similarly, the nurse’s preventive work should be addressed during nursing school.

Hälsopromotiva interventioner för barn och ungdomar : En systematisk litteraturstudie om överviktsproblematik

Charysczak, Alexander, Johansson, Per January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikten i den svenska befolkningen och i västvärlden har de senaste 25 åren ökat och gått allt längre ned i åldrarna. Övervikt och fetma utgör en riskfaktor för sjukdomar av såväl somatiska som psykosocial karaktär. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva hälsopromotiva interventioner för barn och ungdomar. Metod: En litteraturstudie med artikelsökning och granskning utifrån syftet gjordes. Fem kvantitativa och en kvalitativ artikel inkluderades efter kvalitetsbedömningen. Resultat: Resultatet visar på att problemet med övervikt måste ses ur flera perspektiv och åtgärdas från flera håll. Mönster som växte fram var: skolpersonalens interventioner, föräldrars interventioner, hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens interventioner samt andra aktörers påverkan. Interventionernas tyngdpunkt ligger på kost och motion. Slutsats: Framförallt en god kosthållning och fysisk aktivitet är viktiga faktorer för en lyckad intervention. För ett bestående resultat är också långsiktighet viktigt. / Background: The overweight in Sweden and the western world has increased in the last 25 years and gone further down the ages. Overweight and obesity are risk factors for diseases of both somatic and social characteristics. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe health promoting interventions for children and adolescents. Method: A literature review was made based on 5 quantitative studies and 1 qualitative study. Result: The result shows that the problem with overweight has to be viewed from several perspectives and adjusted from several directions. The patterns that were found were: the interventions of school-staff, the interventions of parents, the interventions of health-staff and the influence of other participants. The main topics of the interventions were nutrition and physical activity. Conclusion: Especially a healthy diet and physical activity are important factors for a successful intervention. Continuity is also important for a remaining result.

Implications in Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Predicting Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Overweight Children and Adolescents

Heimbigner, Stephen Matthew 26 July 2007 (has links)
The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents has increased considerably over the last few decades. As a result, increasing numbers of American children are developing multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis. This thesis examines the use of Monte Carlo computer simulation for understanding risk factors associated with childhood overweight. A computer model is presented for predicting cardiovascular risk factors among overweight children and adolescents based on BMI levels. The computer model utilizes probabilities from the 1999 Bogalusa Heart Study authored by David S. Freedman, William H. Dietz, Sathanur R. Srinivasan and Gerald S. Berenson. The thesis examines strengths, weaknesses and opportunities associated with the developed model. Utilizing this approach, organizations can insert their own probabilities and customized algorithms for predicting future events.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Frequency vs. BMI: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2004

Chan, Tol 11 August 2011 (has links)
Objective: Over the past several decades, increase in SSB consumption has coincided with increasing rates of obesity. This study evaluated the association between SSB consumption and BMI. Methods: FFQ data from NHANES 2003-2004 was used to examine 100% orange juice, sugar-sweetened fruit drinks, soft drinks, and other beverage consumption frequency vs. mean BMI. ANOVA, relative risk, and linear regression analyses were done. Results: ANOVA found significant differences in mean BMI across consumption frequencies for orange juice (p=.001), sugar-sweetened fruit drinks (p<.001), and soft drinks (p<.001). Increased risk of being obese was associated with increasing consumption frequency for orange juice (RR=1.282), sugar-sweetened fruit drinks (RR=1.417), and soft drinks (RR=1.749). Multiple linear regression found significant positive associations between mean BMI and sugar-sweetened fruit drinks (b=.056, p=.004) and soft drinks (b=.134, p=.001). Conclusion: This study found that mean BMI was positively associated with certain beverage consumption frequency (sugar-sweetened fruit drinks, soft drinks consumed during summer, soft drinks consumed during rest of year), but not others (100% orange juice). Fewer significant results were found when confounding variables were controlled. Drinking soft drinks or sugar-sweetened fruit drinks increased the risk of obesity more than drinking natural fruit juices.

Probiotoko Yeasture poveikis penimų kiaulių produktyvumui ir mėsos kokybei Probiotoko Yeasture poveikis penimų kiaulių produktyvumui ir mėsos kokybei Probiotoko Yeasture poveikis penimų kiaulių produktyvumui ir mėsos kokybei / The influence of the probiotic Yeasture on the productivity of porkers and meat quality

Tamulienė, Renata 19 March 2008 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais, siekiant geriau panaudoti kiaulių genetinį potencialą, mažinti pašarų sąnaudas ir kiaulienos savikainą, apsaugoti nuo kai kurių virškinimo trakto ligų, pradėti naudoti biologiškai aktyvių medžiagų pašarų priedai. Vis plačiau naudojami mikrobinės kilmės produktai – probiotikai – jie normalizuoja žarnyno veiklą, gerina pašarų maistinę vertę, gerina pašaro maistingųjų dalių pasisavinimą ir didina gyvulių produktyvumą. Darbo tikslas. Ištirti probiotiko Yeasture kombinuotuosiuose pašaruose įtaką penimų kiaulių augimui, pa�����arų sąnaudoms ir mėsos fizinėms savybėms. Tyrimo metodika. Eksperimentinis darbas buvo atliktas Jono Juodžio vadovaujamoje UAB „Dainavos kiaulių veislynas“ kiaulių fermoje. Bandymo metu analogų principu buvo sudarytos dvi penimų kiaulių grupės – I (kontrolinė) ir II (bandomoji). Bandomosios grupės kiaulės buvo šeriamos visaverčiais kombinuotaisiais pašarais su probiotiku Yeasture, kuris buvo įmaišomas į kombinuotąjį pašarą, o kontrolinė grupė su kombinuotaisiais pašarais be probiotiko. Masės prieaugiui nustatyti kiaulės buvo sveriamos. Bandymo pabaigoje kiaulės buvo skerdžiamos ir paimti mėginiai mėsos kokybiniams rodikliams nustatyti. Mėginiai tyrimams buvo paimti iš ilgiausiojo nugaros raumens (musculus longissimus dorsi) tarpe 12 ir paskutiniojo šonkaulio. Mėsos kokybės rodikliai buvo nustatinėjami „Gyvulių mėsinių savybių ir mėsos kokybės vertinimo“ laboratorijoje. Tyrimo rezultatai. Per visą bandymo laikotarpį tiriamųjų gyvulių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the work: To analyze the influence of the probiotic. Yeasture in combinet fodder on the growth of porkers, the fodder expenditure and physical characteristics of meat. The following tasks were set to perform the work: 1. to evaluate the speed or porker growth by using the ration of different structure; 2. to evaluate the fodder expenditure in kg necessary to gain 1kg increase in weight; 3. to analyze the physical characteristics of meat; 4. to calculate the economic efficiency . Research methods: On the basis of analogues, 2 porker groups (control and experimental) were formed. Porkers from the control group were foddered with a full-valued combined fodder without probiotic, and the probiotic Yeasture was mixed in the fodder for experimental group on the ratio 1 kg:ton. Porkers were weighed three times during the whole experimental period, and the average increase in weight within twenty-four hours was calculated. In all weighing, increases in weight within twenty-four hours were statistically reliably greater in the experimental group of porkers – by 15 per cent. Fodder expenditure in kg necessary to gain 1 kg increase in weight was considerably greater in the experimental group of porkers (4.1 kg-3,1 kg). Here data were also reliable (p < 0,001). The economic efficiency was calculated that has showed the positive influence of probiotic on raising the porkers. The probiotic Yeasture was economically efficient (expenditure necessary to produce a production unit... [to full text]

Probiotikų YEASTURE ir MICROBOND įtaka avių prieauglio produktyvumui / Influence of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND on sheep offspring’s production

Olberkienė, Gintarė 05 July 2005 (has links)
Two groups of 5 and two groups of 9 Romanov breed hogs in each were performed at Pranas Gaidamavičius breeding herd at 90 days of age. All hogs were fed by the growing scheme what was used at the herd; probiotics were mixed into the four age for the test hogs: 2 kg/t of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND. Wool production was evaluated, clipped wool weight, at age of 5 month. The results showed, that probiotics MICROBOND and YEASTURE activates the growth speed of hogs. The most growth of performance was with hogs fed with YEASTURE probiotics. During the test period, overweight of hogs from the test group was 14,29 percent higher than from analogues of the control group (p>0,05). Probiotics MICROBOND increased growth performance too. Overweight of hogs from the test group was 12,59 percent higher than from analogues of the control group (p<0,05). Wool production tests shows, that during test period, the average of wool overweight of the test group, fed with probiotics MICROBOND, was 0,5 percent higher than from analogues of the control group. And the same tests with the test group, fed with probiotics YEASTURE, shows that the average of wool overweight of the test group was 10 percent higher than from analogues of the control group. During the test period usage of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND didn‘t had negative influence on hog‘s physiological rules and wellness. The usage of probiotics in hog’s nutrition is purposeful and effective hogs, which were fed with probiotics... [to full text]

Food, feeding and female sexual arousal

Terry, Lesley L., University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2010 (has links)
Feederism is a fat fetish subculture that eroticizes eating, feeding, and gaining weight. This thesis attempts to explain the practice of Feederism using an evolutionary approach. Chapter one examines the historical and cross-cultural meaning of fat and its association with fertility, health, and beauty. Chapter one also reviews the current literature on fat admiration and Feederism, and introduces some possible explanations for what Feederism is, and how it can be conceptualized. Chapter two describes a case study that was conducted on a female member of the Feederism community. The results of this case study add support to the hypothesis that Feederism is paraphilic. Chapter three describes a psychophysiological study that tested how members of the general population respond to and rate feeding stimuli. This study was conducted to determine whether Feederism is an exaggeration of a more normative and functional mate selection strategy. The results of this study demonstrate that males and females both respond to and rate feeding stimuli similarly. No definitive conclusions were drawn with respect to the exaggeration hypothesis, because, although participants did subjectively rate the feeding stimuli as more sexually arousing than neutral stimuli, they did not genitally respond to the feeding stimuli significantly more than to the neutral stimuli. Chapter four summarizes the results of the two studies and discusses how these finding might inform future research on paraphilias, courtship, and intimacy. / viii, 128 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm

The food retail environment surrounding Canadian schools and its impact on overweight and obesity

Seliske, Laura Marie 01 October 2007 (has links)
Background: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Canadian youth has increased considerably over the past few decades. In spite of considerable efforts, individual-level behavioural modification strategies have not been successful at preventing and treating obesity in youth. Research is emerging that has shifted attention to the environmental-level determinants of obesity. There is some evidence that the number and types of food retailers in a given neighbourhood may impact obesity risk in the individuals living in that neighbourhood, but little is known about the impact of the food retail environment on Canadian youth. Objectives: 1) To describe the food environment surrounding the school neighbourhoods of Canadian youth (grades 6 to 10), and, determine whether access to food retailers around schools differs by area-level SES. 2) To determine whether the number and type of food retailers surrounding schools is related to the overweight status of the students attending those schools. Each of these objectives was explored in a separate manuscript. Methods: A trend test was performed to determine if exposure to food retailers varied by neighbourhood socioeconomic status (SES) for 188 schools across Canada. Logistic regression was performed using a multilevel modeling approach to determine if an association existed between exposure to food retailers and overweight and obesity in the 7,281 school-aged youth attending the 188 schools, adjusting for individual- and area-level covariates. Types of food retailers considered included: full-service restaurants, fast food restaurants, sub/sandwich shops, donut/coffee shops, convenience stores, and grocery stores. Results: Objective 1. Nearly 75% of schools had at least one food retailer within 1 km of schools, and over 90% had at least one food retailer within 5 km. Exposure to the different types of food retailers within 1 km of schools did not vary significantly (p<0.05) across schools in low, moderate, and high SES neighbourhoods, with the exception of full-service restaurants. At the 5 km distance, the SES gradient was significant across all food retailer types, with low SES neighbourhoods exposed to the least number of food retailers. This effect disappeared when population density (number of retailers per 10,000 people) was considered, except for sub/sandwich shops and donut/coffee shops. Objective 2. Increased exposure to all six types of food retailers in the neighbourhoods surrounding schools was associated with a decreased likelihood of overweight and obesity. At the 1 km distance, the total number of food retailers had the strongest protective effect, while individual types of food retailers had a stronger effect at the 5 km distance. Conclusions: Objective 1. Most students in Canada have at least one food retailer within walking distance of their school. The food retail environment surrounding schools is not significantly impacted by the neighbourhood SES. Objective 2. Increased exposure to different types of food retailers in school neighbourhoods is associated with a decreased likelihood of overweight and obesity in Canadian youth. This suggests that having access to a large number and variety of food choices may facilitate healthy food choices and protect against the development of overweight and obesity. / Thesis (Master, Community Health & Epidemiology) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-26 10:25:11.453

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