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企業專利管理與內部報導之個案研究陳貞佑 Unknown Date (has links)
五、透過專利報導項目與企業實際之管理做法相互比較後,分析個案公司之三項管理缺口。 / Recently the competitive resources of the enterprise is switching from tangible assets to intangible assets. Among those intangible assets, patents represent the R&D and innovation abilities of the business, and include high valued infromations. However there is short of complete framework of patent management and patent internal reporting system in those patent-relative research areas. Therefore, this study use case study research, and is supported by the questionnaire to show how could the enterprise use valid management and reporting system to achieve great patent results. The conclusions of this study are the followings:
First, the patent management framework is established from the business strategy to patent strategy, and develop the relative patent management and internal reporting systems. Use the patent management to achieve the reporting objectives; use the patent reporting ways to evaluate the management performance.
Second, use the internal questionnaire to select twenty-seven important internal reporting items.
Third, through the interviews with the target company summarize eight patent management ways, and classify them to general and strategic management ways.
Fourth, there are two reporting methods. One is quantification items, using quantified information and compare to the earlier stage to show the management results; the other is non-quantification items, describing the management conditions or reporting questionnaire results and compare to the earlier stage to evaluate the management performance.
Fifth, according to the comparisons of the reporting items and management ways, this study analyse three management gaps of the target company.
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Podmínky patentovatelnosti vynálezu v právu vybraných zemí a v mezinárodním právu / Terms of patentability in the law of selected states and in international lawBabjaková, Natália January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with the patentability of an invention in terms of the law of selected countries and international law. The theoretical part contains a general introduction of patent law, its principles and differences in regulation in selected legal systems. Further analysis is focused on the regulation of conditions of patentability, namely novelty, in European law. The practical part contains an analysis of the decisions of the European Patent Office and the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic in selected areas of assessing the novelty of the invention. On the ground of the previous decisions will be identified the issues which are the most frequent subjects of disputes; will be pointed out the controversial decisions and will be identified the key criteria on the basis of which should be in similar disputes in the future decided.
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Gestão de portfólio de patentes: características e modelo para aplicação. / Patent portfolio management features and model for application.Jesus, Camila Kiyomi Conegundes de 03 December 2018 (has links)
A propriedade intelectual, em especial as patentes, tornou-se uma questão importante para as gestões corporativa e tecnológica nas empresas. A quantidade de documentos de patentes que as empresas passaram a lidar aumentou substancialmente e de forma muito rápida nas últimas décadas, sendo a gestão do portfólio de patentes uma necessidade emergente dentro dessas corporações. O trabalho traz uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o que há em gestão de portfólio de patentes, organiza a evolução e as tendências na gestão desses portfólios, apresenta as motivações para patentear, as características específicas de gestão de patentes e os modelos de gestão de portfólios de patentes encontrados. A partir da revisão da literatura e a escassez de artigos científicos relacionados a gestão de portfólio de patentes, foi identificada uma oportunidade para propor um modelo para fazer a gestão de portfólio de patentes com suporte de uma teoria consolidada (gestão de portfólio de novos produtos), relacionando as motivações para patentear e as características específicas identificadas. O estudo pretende contribuir com a proposição de um modelo de gestão que possui ancoragem teórica e indica como as patentes são geridas dentro do portfólio. O modelo foi validado e refinado com base em testes feitos com dados coletados em estudos de casos. Os casos forneceram ainda informações para derivar sugestões de ações para empresas obterem melhores práticas na gestão de seus portfólios de patentes. / Intellectual property, especially patents, has become an important issue for corporate and technological management in companies. The number of patent documents that companies have to deal with has very rapidly increased over the las decades and patent portfolio management has become an emerging need for these corporations. This work brings a systematic review on patent portfolio management, organizing the evolution and tendencies in the management of these portfolios, presenting the motivations for patenting, the specific features of patent management and models of portfolio management of patents found in the literature. From the literature review and the lack of scientific works related to patent portfolio management, was identified an opportunity to propose a model for managing patent portfolios supported by a consolidated theory (new product development portfolio management), relating the motivations for patenting and the specific features identified. The study intends to contribute to the proposition of a management model with theoretical anchorage and indicating how patents are managed within the portfolio. The model was validated and refined based on data collected from case studies. The cases also provided information to derive suggestions to companies to obtain best practices in the management of their patent portfolios.
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電信競爭與專利策略之研究 / A Study on Telecom Competition and Patent Strategy方修忠 Unknown Date (has links)
專注於科技創新並將之轉化為智慧財產權的應用,可說是通訊產業競爭的關鍵因素;專利不但是通訊科技演變與進步的註腳,也相當程度地解釋了為什麼Ericsson與Nokia之所以屹立不搖,為何Qualcomm得以崛起,為何Ericsson與Sony要合資成立索尼愛立信,又為何NTT DoCoMo的i-mode得以成為今日全世界最成功的無線上網服務,而Lucent與Siemens又為什麼無奈地逐漸淡出市場?答案就是科技的創新與管理!
關鍵字:電信、產業鏈、專利、策略、專利策略、專利分析 / Focusing on innovation and make it a strategy of IPR is one of the sustainable factors of telecom operation in such a fierce competition. Why Nokia and Ericsson keep their competitiveness ? Why NTT DoCoMo and its i-mode are so successful ? Why Lucent and Siemens both fall behind from their telecom competitors ? The same reason in common is technology innovation and management.
Patent strategy primarily includes 3 parts,which are obtaining patent rights, creating patent value, and enforcing them. Patent strategy should run with Marketing strategy so as to apply patents as an isolating mechanism to deterrent other competitors, and to leverage patents to maximize income or using patents as bargaining chips to strengthen companys’ position in dealing with the third parties, as well as to defend themselves against patents owned by others. As a result, patent decisions become sources of dynamic capabilities in the never ended competition.
In this paper, 2 qualitative analysis researches are presented. First, there are several patent award lists of Taiwan’s three major mobile companies breaking down by ROC, USA and PRC respectively. Secondly, 5 in-depth interviews with 4 high rank managers of Fareastone and it patent law firm were made to show how FET perform it patent strategy against a service product made by another mobile company and software company.
This thesis is to provide telecom companies with a successful case study in formulating a patent strategy and expects to raise the suggestion for managers in telecom industries regarding the strategic importance of patents and patents management should be part of the “Entrepreneurship”.
Keywords: Telecom, value chain, Patent, Strategy, Patent strategy, Patent analysis
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Patentlizenzverträge und die Verweigerung der Patentlizenzierung im europäischen und russischen KartellrechtLevina, Tatiana January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: München, Univ., Diss., 2008
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Anerkennung von Patenten in Europa /Schmalenberg, Franziska. January 1900 (has links)
Zugleich: Diss. Giessen, 2008. / Register. Literaturverz.
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Der Anspruch auf Unterlassung aus standardessentiellen Patenten im TelekommunikationssektorPregartbauer, Maria 28 November 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen auf Unterlassung aus standardessentiellen Patenten (SEP). Ausgehend von den ökonomischen und rechtsdogmatischen Grundlagen des Patentrechts wird zunächst die Legitimation des Anspruchs auf Unterlassung im Gefüge des Patentrechts untersucht und der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit die Gewährung von Ausschließlichkeitsbefugnissen zur Verwirklichung der Ziele von Innovationsschutz und -förderung notwendig ist. Die Prüfung kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Ausübung des Anspruchs auf Unterlassung aus SEP unter Umständen eine ökonomisch und rechtsdogmatisch unerwünschte Blockadeposition herbeiführen kann, so dass eine Einschränkung des Anspruchs zur Sicherung der innovationsfördernden Funktionen des Patentrechts geboten sein kann. Sodann werden verschiedene Lösungsansätze diskutiert und dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch die deutsche und europäische Rechtsprechung entwickelte kartellrechtliche Lösung gelegt. Nach einer Betrachtung der Tatbestandsmerkmale des kartellrechtlichen Verbots des Missbrauchs von Marktmacht nach Art. 102 AEUV bzw. §§ 19, 20 GWB und deren Anwendung auf Fälle der Erhebung von Unterlassungsklagen aus SEP wird diese Lösung abgelehnt. Der Tatbestand des Missbrauchs von Markmacht vermag wegen der Fokussierung auf (Produkt-)märkte und des Erfordernisses einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung als Anwendungsvoraussetzung bei stringenter Auslegung der Vorschrift nicht alle relevanten Fälle zu fassen. Im Folgenden werden Ansätze diskutiert und bewertet, welche eine rechtliche Verankerung der Einschränkung des Anspruchs auf Unterlassung eher im Vertrags- oder im Patentrecht selbst suchen. Als Ergebnis wird sich schließlich dafür ausgesprochen, das in § 23 PatG für die Abgabe einer Lizenzbereitschaftserklärung vorgesehene Verfahren mit seinen wechselseitigen Pflichten analog auf Fälle der Erhebung einer Unterlassungsklage aus SEP anzuwenden und die Zulässigkeit der Erhebung von Unterlassungsklagen nach diesem Maßstab zu beurteilen. / The work analyzes the enforcement of claims for injunctive relief based on standard-essential patens (SEP). Taking the economic and legal foundations of patent law as a starting point, the legitimacy of the claim for injunctive relief within the system of patent law is assessed, as is the question of whether granting the power to exclude others from use of a patented technology is necessary for protecting and promoting innovation. It is found that injunctive relief based on a SEP can lead to an economically and legally unwanted blocking position, in favor of the patent holder, which may require restricting the exclusive right of the patent holder in order to ensurethe patent's function of promoting innovation. Following this, different approaches for solving the issue are discussed. A special focus is put on antitrust law which has been used as a basis to limit injunctive relief by the German and European courts. After considering the elements of Art. 102 TFEU, §§ 19, 20 of the German Antitrust Code (GWB) respectively, the application of antitrust law is rejected. Due to its focus on (product-)markets and the requirement of a dominant market position, antitrust law is not fit to sufficiently limit the negative impact that injunctive relief from a SEP might have on innovation. The work further discusses and assesses other approaches which are trying to apply contract law or certain provisions of patent law. As a result, it is suggested to analogously apply the procedure set out in § 23 PatG (German Patent Code) and its system of mutual obligations to assess the legitimacy of injunctive relief in SEP-cases
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Patents and patent races. Do we need them? How should we behave?Stefan, Cristian 18 November 2016 (has links)
Diese Dissertation analysiert eine Vielzahl von Aspekten, die sich auf Patente und Patentrennen beziehen. Im einleitenden Kapitel wird die betriebs- und volkswirtschaftliche sowie die gesellschaftliche und ethische Bedeutung von Patenten hervorgehoben. Es werden sowohl Stärken als auch Nachteile von Patenten vorgestellt. Kapitel 2 beschreibt Instrumente, die von Entscheidungsträgern benutzt werden können, um Patentschutz zu regulieren: Patentbreite, -höhe und -länge. Das Kapitel zeigt weiterhin, warum ein optimales Regulierungsniveau nicht erreicht werden kann. Kapitel 3 behandelt den dramatischen Anstieg von Patenttätigkeiten in Europa als auch weltweit. Erklärende Faktoren für dieses Phänomen sowie Effekte und mögliche Lösungen werden diskutiert. Im vierten Kapitel wird gezeigt, dass Patente zu einem großen Gewinnzuwachs in der Pharmaindustrie beigetragen haben, während die Innovationsfähigkeit dieser Industrie gesunken ist. Patentrennen für Pharmaka und die Entwicklung von Generika werden auch in diesem Kapitel analysiert. Kapitel 5 gibt einen umfangreichen Überblick der Literatur zum Patentrennen und zeigt, dass diese Literatur extrem komplex, widersprüchlich, instabil bei experimenteller Überprüfung und allgemein uneindeutig ist. Kapitel 6 stellt eine experimentelle Studie eines Patentrennens vor. Es beginnt mit einem intuitiven Modell eines Segelwettbewerbs; danach wird ein spieltheoretisches Modell eines asymmetrischen F&E-Wettbewerbs zwischen zwei Firmen entwickelt; später werden Gleichgewichtsvoraussagen formuliert und mit den Handlungen realer Entscheidungsträger in einem experimentellen Labor verglichen. Eine ökonometrische Untersuchung zeigt ein hohes Maß an Übereinstimmung zwischen den theoretischen Vorhersagen und den experimentellen Ergebnissen. Das letzte Kapitel fasst die Schlussfolgerungen der Dissertationen zusammen und bietet Empfehlungen. / This dissertation analyzes a plethora of aspects related to patents and patent races. In the introductory chapter the importance of patents to business, economics, society and ethics is emphasized. On one side, the traditional argument in favor of patent protection as well as further strengths of patents are presented, while on the other side situations in which patents bring significant drawbacks and disadvantages are identified. Chapter 2 describes the instruments that can be used by policymakers to regulate patent protection: patent breadth, height and length. The chapter further shows why an optimal level of regulation cannot be achieved. Chapter 3 deals with the dramatic increase in patenting activities in Europe and around the world. Determinants of this phenomenon as well as its effects and potential solutions are provided. In the fourth chapter patents are shown to have contributed to a large rise of profits in the pharmaceutical industry, while the industry’s innovativeness seems to have declined. Patent races for pharmaceuticals and the evolution of generic medicine are also analyzed in this chapter. Chapter 5 gives an extensive overview of the patent race literature and shows that this literature is extremely complex, filled with contradictions, not robust to experimental testing and overall inconclusive. Chapter 6 sets out an experimental study of a patent race. It starts from an intuitive model of a sailing race, develops a game-theoretic model of an asymmetric R&D competition between two firms who want to attain a patent, formulates equilibrium predictions and compares them with the actions of real decision makers in an experimental laboratory. An econometric analysis proves a high degree of consistency between theoretical predictions and experimental results. The last chapter wraps up the main conclusions of the dissertation and proposes some recommendations.
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Transcatheter patent foramen ovale closure versus medical therapy for cryptogenic stroke: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trialsRiaz, Irbaz, Dhoble, Abhijeet, Mizyed, Ahmad, Hsu, Chiu-Hsieh, Husnain, Muhammad, Lee, Justin, Lotun, Kapildeo, Lee, Kwan January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND:There is an association between cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen ovale (PFO). The optimal treatment strategy for secondary prevention remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to analyze aggregate data examining the safety and efficacy of transcatheter device closure versus standard medical therapy in patients with PFO and cryptogenic stroke.METHODS:A search of published data identified 3 randomized clinical trials for inclusion. The primary outcome was a composite end-point of death, stroke and transient-ischemic attack (TIA). Pre-defined subgroup analysis was performed with respect to baseline characteristics including age, sex, atrial septal aneurysm and shunt size. Data was synthesized using a random effects model and results presented as hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).RESULTS:A cohort of 2,303 patients with a history of cryptogenic stroke and PFO were randomized to device closure (n=1150) and medical therapy (n=1153). Mean follow-up was 2.5years. Transcatheter closure was not superior to medical therapy in the secondary prevention of stroke or TIA in intention-to-treat analysis (HR: 0.66, 95% CI: 0.43 to 1.01 / p=0.056). However, the results were statistically significant using per-protocol analysis (HR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.41 to 0.98 / p=0.043). Males had significant benefit with device closure (HR: 0.48, 95% CI: 0.24 to 0.96 / p=0.038).CONCLUSIONS:In this meta-analysis, using intention-to-treat analysis, transcatheter device closure of PFO was not superior to standard medical therapy in the secondary prevention of cryptogenic stroke. Transcatheter closure was superior using per-protocol analysis.
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Patent and trade mark laws of the People's Republic of ChinaFung, Pak Tim. January 1989 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Law / Master / Master of Laws
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