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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cost-benefit analysis of a Building Integrated Photovolatic roofing system for a school located in Blacksburg, Virginia

Cholakkal, Leena 06 July 2006 (has links)
In the past few years, there has been a growing concern for the impact of non-renewable resource depletion and environmental degradation as a result of energy consumption in buildings. Buildings account for approximately one-half of the total energy consumption in developed countries. As architects and engineers involved with the fast growing building industry, we have the responsibility of exploring and integrating various renewable energy sources into our buildings to help us move towards what we might call "Positive Energy Architecture", where the role of the building shifts from net energy consumer to net energy producer. The object of this study is to analyze how different parameters namely solar radiation, temperature, solar altitude and solar azimuth affect the power produced by a new thin film photovoltaic panel. Through the application of multiple linear regression, the model developed is then used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the building integrated photovoltaic roofing system when connected to the utility grid when compared to a conventional roofing system. The analysis is applied to a school building located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Using the current utility rates and the energy consumption data, the payback period of the system is evaluated for full roof, half roof and quarter roof coverage. / Master of Science

Viabilidade econômica do cultivo de oliveira na região da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento regional de São Miguel do Oeste-SC / Economic viability of olive growing in region of São Miguel do Oeste, SC, Brazil

Dorigon, Vandecir 27 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_vandecir_dorigon.pdf: 557218 bytes, checksum: d026c32972fbcb04661a6ad1093bdae8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-27 / RACT: The study of viability on cultivation of olive trees has shown that you can get profitability together with sustainability in small farms in seven counties that belong to Department of Regional Development of São Miguel do Oeste, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The olive tree is an alternative to replacement planting of commodities in the region, since it is not economically feasible on a small scale, and characteristic of this region are small farms using family labor. Once the planting of olive trees can be established in areas of protection, without infringing environmental legislation, and increase family income. Data were obtained from literature searches and experiential, was subsequently carried out detailed economic viability study based on cost and yield on 01 hectare of crop. Thus, analyzes that in 10 years of production, olive has accumulated surplus of R$ 172.638,00, approximately 44% more than the tobacco culture. Besides the economic gains are larger in the cultivation of olive compared with tobacco growing, we can also mention the social and environmental gains, difficult to measure, but that can be seen in the quality of life of people who practice healthy habits. / A pesquisa da viabilidade no cultivo da oliveira demonstrou que pode se obter rentabilidade aliada à sustentabilidade nas pequenas propriedades rurais dos sete municípios que pertencem a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Regional - SDR de São Miguel de Oeste. A oliveira é uma alternativa para substituição do plantio de commodities na região, uma vez que, é economicamente inviável em pequena escala, e a característica dessa região são pequenas propriedades rurais que utilizam mão de obra familiar. Outrora, o plantio da oliveira pode ser estabelecida em áreas de APPs, sem infringir a legislação ambiental, e aumentar a renda familiar. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e vivenciais, posteriormente foi realizado o estudo detalhado da viabilidade baseando-se no custo e rendimento da cultura em 01 hectare de lavoura. Com isso, analisa-se que no horizonte de 10 anos de produção, a oliveira apresenta saldo positivo acumulado de R$ 172.638,00, aproximadamente 44% a mais que a fumicultura. Além dos ganhos econômicos serem maiores no cultivo da oliveira comparando-se com a fumicultura, pode-se mencionar também os ganhos sociais e ambientais, difíceis de serem mensurados, mas que podem ser vistos na qualidade de vida das pessoas que praticam hábitos sadios.

Energieffektivisering i befintlig bebyggelse utifrån ett CO2-perspektiv : En studie av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet / Energy efficiency in existing buildings from a CO2-perspective : A study of apartment buildings from the Million Programme

Håkansson, Nelly January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige står bostads- och servicesektorn för cirka 40 % av landets totala energianvändning. Byggnader äldre än 30 år har ofta en god energibesparingspotential och energieffektivisering av dessa byggnader kan bidra till att uppnå energi- och miljömålen. Energibesparingarna har länge stått i fokus vid val av energieffektiviseringsåtgärd men på senare tid har växthusgaserna, främst CO2-utsläppen, fått ett ökat intresse vid ny- och ombyggnationer. En minskning av växthusgaser från bebyggelsen är en viktig åtgärd för att bidra till en minskad klimatpåverkan och för att klimatmålen ska uppnås, såsom Sveriges klimatmål om att senast år 2045 inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Detta examensarbete har genomförts för det kommunägda och allmännyttiga bostadsföretaget Stockholmshem. Syftet var att undersöka vilka energiåtgärder som bör prioriteras i flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet ur ett klimatperspektiv. Målet med arbetet är att det ska kunna användas som framtida beslutsunderlag vid energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammets tid. Arbetet utfördes på två flerbostadshus, Åkeshovsvägen och Axbyplan, som båda tillhör Stockholmshems fastighetsbestånd och är byggda under miljonprogrammet. Ett intresse fanns av att studera hur energiåtgärder påverkas av olika formfaktor, vilket gjorde att de valda flerbostadshusen ansågs lämpliga. Resultatet är tänkt att kunna appliceras på andra liknande flerbostadshus från denna tid, vilket gör att dessa byggnader ses som typbyggnader. I arbetet har energiberäkningar utförts där energiberäkningsprogrammet BV2 och nyckeltal har använts. Lönsamhetsberäkningar har genomförts med internräntemetoden, där kravet på kalkylräntan var 5 %. Klimatberäkningar utfördes för att undersöka hur många år det tar för olika energiåtgärder och åtgärdspaket att betala sig tillbaka klimatmässigt, vilket i rapporten benämns CO2-payback. Resultatet visade på högre energibesparingar för klimatskärmsåtgärder på Axbyplan, medan Åkeshovsvägen uppnådde högre energibesparing för ombyggnaden av ett F-system till ett FX-system. Detta beror främst på att byggnaderna besitter olika formfaktor och energiprestanda. En internränta på 5 till 8 % uppnåddes i de flesta fallen, vilket påvisar att energieffektivisering ofta kan vara lönsamt. I en känslighetsanalys där det undersöktes hur internräntan påverkas av energiprisutvecklingen, kan det konstateras att variationer i värme- och elpriset har en marginell påverkan på lönsamheten. Åtgärderna isolerruta och nytt fönster visade inte på någon större skillnad i energibesparing, däremot uppnådde isolerrutan bättre lönsamhet och kortare CO2-payback, vilket innebär att isolerrutan bör prioriteras före nytt fönster. Kombinationen av solceller och ett FX-system med 12 månaders drifttid påvisade bättre lönsamhet när värmepumparna kan drivas av solel och producera varmvatten sommartid, istället för enbart värmeproduktion 5 månader per år. Tillsammans med den energibesparing och CO2-payback som paketet Sol + FX uppnår, påvisar paketet att kombinationen av de två åtgärderna bör genomföras i de fall som byggnader har de rätta förutsättningarna. Med den klimatpåverkan som fjärrvärme- och elmixen har i dagsläget anses åtgärdernas och åtgärdspaketens CO2-payback vara relativt kort. Den är avsevärt kortare än deras tekniska livslängd, vilket innebär att de alla är klimatmässigt gynnsamma att genomföra. Fjärrvärme- och elmixen förväntas däremot att bli mer klimatneutrala. Det medför att åtgärdernas och åtgärdspaketens CO2-payback blir längre och att eventuellt flera av åtgärderna och åtgärdspaketen inte blir klimatmässigt gynnsamma. Åtgärderna värmeinjustering och styrning av värmesystem med temperaturgivare visade på en kort CO2-payback även med en klimatneutralare fjärrvärme, vilket innebär att de kommer vara klimatmässigt gynnsamma även i framtiden. Tillsammans med den energibesparing och lönsamhet som de två åtgärderna uppnår anses värmeinjustering och styrning vara bäst ur alla tre kategorier. Vilka åtgärder som är lämpligast att genomföra och som bör prioriteras beror däremot till stor del på varje byggnads förutsättningar. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till de specifika förutsättningarna i varje byggnad, då förutsättningarna har en påverkan på såväl energibesparing, lönsamhet som klimat. Genom det resultat som framkommit i arbetet kan en vägledning fås för vilka åtgärder och åtgärdspaket som är fördelaktiga att genomföra för olika typer av byggnadskonstruktioner. / In Sweden, the residential and service sector accounts for approximately 40 % of the country's total energy use. Buildings older than 30 years often have a good energy saving potential and by implementing energy efficiency measures to these buildings, the energy and environmental goals can easier be achieved. Energy savings have for a long time been in focus when selecting an energy efficiency measure, but more recently the greenhouse gases, mainly the CO2-emissions, have gained an increased interest in new constructions and reconstructions. A reduction of greenhouse gases from the buildings is an important measure to contribute to a reduced climate impact and to achieve the climate goals, such as Sweden's climate goal of not having any net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. This master thesis has been carried out for the municipally owned and the public utility housing company Stockholmshem. The aim was to examine which energy measures that should be prioritized in apartment buildings from the Million Programme through a climate perspective. The objective is for it to be used as a future decision basis for energy efficiency improvement of apartment buildings from the Million Programme. The study was carried out on two apartment buildings, Åkeshovsvägen and Axbyplan, both of which are part of Stockholmshem's property portfolio and are built under the Million Programme. There was an interest in studying how the energy measures are affected by various form factors, which made the selected apartment buildings considered suitable. The result is intended to be applicable to other similar apartment buildings from this time, which makes these buildings seen as type buildings. Energy calculations have been performed in the study, where the energy calculation program BV2 and key figures have been used. Profitability calculations have been made using the internal rate method, where the required rate of return was 5 %. Climate calculations were carried out to investigate how many years it takes for different energy measures and package of measures to be paid back climate-wise, which in the report is called CO2-payback. The result showed higher energy savings for climate shell measures at Axbyplan, while Åkeshovsvägen achieved a higher energy saving for the conversion of a F-system to a FX-system. This is mainly due to the fact that the buildings have different form factor and energy performance. An internal rate of 5 to 8 % was achieved in most cases, which indicates that energy efficiency can often be profitable. In a sensitivity analysis that examined how the internal rate is affected by energy price trends, it can be found that variations in the heating and electricity prices have a marginal impact on the profitability. The insulating glass and the new window did not show any significant difference in energy savings. However, the insulating glass achieved better profitability and shorter CO2-payback, which means that the insulating glass should be prioritized before a new window. The combination of solar panels and an FX-system with 12 months operation time showed better profitability when the heat pumps can be powered by solar power and produce hot water during summertime, than only heat production 5 months per year. Along with the energy saving and CO2-payback that the package achieves, the package demonstrates that the combination of the two measures should be implemented in cases where buildings have the right conditions. With the climate impact that the district heating mix and electricity mix currently has, the CO2-payback for the measures and package of measures is considered to be relatively short. It is significantly shorter than their technical life time, which means that they are all climate favourable to implement. The district heating mix and the electricity mix are though expected to become more climate neutral. This means that the CO2-payback for the measures and package of measures will become longer and that possibly several of the measures and package of measures will not be climate favourable. Adjustment of heating system and control of heating system with temperature sensors was two measures that showed on a short CO2-payback even with a more climate neutral district heating. Therefore, they will be climate favourable in the future. Along with the energy savings and profitability achieved by the two measures, heat adjustment and control with temperature sensor are considered to be the best in all three categories. Which measures that are most appropriate to implement and which should be prioritized depend largely on the conditions of each building, as the conditions have an impact on both energy saving, profitability and climate. Through the results that have emerged in the work, a guide can be obtained for which measures and package of measures are advantageous to implement for different types of building constructions.

La estructura de financiamiento de una empresa retail de consumo masivo y su impacto para la generación de valor / The structure of the financing of a mass consumer retail company and its impact for the generation of value

Changano Rodríguez, Gino, Vera García, Noemí Ysabel, Arteaga Regalado, Virginia Fiorela 26 June 2018 (has links)
Debido al crecimiento económico generado en los últimos años, así como el desarrollo del sector retail en el Perú, han brindado la oportunidad de aprendizaje de las mejores prácticas del canal moderno (cadenas de tiendas), incrementando su participación de mercado de consumo masivo llevando al shopper y/o consumidores a buscar mejores estándares de atención. Esto ha sido una oportunidad para empresas de capital peruano que se encuentran en crecimiento y que tienen la capacidad de poder atender a este nuevo consumidor, siendo el objetivo de la presente investigación determinar la relación que existe entre la estructura de capital y la generación de valor de una empresa retail de consumo masivo. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo y se utilizó una empresa peruana con una composición de venta elevada en el formato tradicional ( empresas independientes), y con indicadores de rentabilidad por debajo del mercado determinando que destruían el valor de la compañía, por tanto, se buscó desarrollar la estructura de capital más eficiente que permita cambiar los indicadores y poder generar valor en la compañía para lo cual se desarrolló un modelo financiero que tiene como pilar el indicador EVA (Valor Económico Agregado ). / Due to the economic growth in recent years, as well as the development of the retail sector in Peru, they have provided the chance to learn the best practices of the modern channel (chain stores), increasing their consumption market taking the shopper and/or consumers to seek better standards of serice. This has been an opportunity for growing peruvian companies that are able to serve this new consumer, being the objective of this research to determine the relationship between the capital structure and the generation of value. of a mass consumption retail company. The study is descriptive and we took as model a Peruvian company with a high sales composition in the traditional format (independent companies), and with indicators of profitability below the market, destroying the value of the company, therefore, we tried to develop the most efficient capital structure that allows to change the indicators and generate value in the company, for which a financial model was developed with the EVA (Economic Added Value) indicator as a pillar. / Trabajo de investigación

Sustainable Manufacturing of CIGS Solar Cells for Implementation on Electric Vehicles

Samett, Amelia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Hedge com diversificação de atividades agropecuárias / Hedge with diversification of agricultural activities

Xavier, Karine Diniz 26 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-09-23T17:39:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO - KARINE DINIZ XAVIER - FINAL.pdf: 1895047 bytes, checksum: 884de83a7704304b48f37431bda32b21 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-23T18:31:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO - KARINE DINIZ XAVIER - FINAL.pdf: 1895047 bytes, checksum: 884de83a7704304b48f37431bda32b21 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-23T18:31:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO - KARINE DINIZ XAVIER - FINAL.pdf: 1895047 bytes, checksum: 884de83a7704304b48f37431bda32b21 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study presents an instrument for farmers and general users to mitigate the risk on the agricultural market. Such instrument refers to different portfolios from a table composed of several agricultural activities. These portfolios are accompanied by its risk and monthly operating payback, along with optimal allocation of its financial resources and the area of rural property for each activity. Whence, eight agricultural activities economically relevant to the State of Goiás were primarily selected (cotton, rice, beef cattle, bean, corn, soybean, sorghum and tomato) and the monthly medium prices series received by farmers were researched at the Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento – Conab. Also, the series of operational costs per hectare were collected from the Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de Goiás – Faeg. Posteriorly, the operating payback of each related activity was calculated and checked the stationarity of the payback series. After confirmed the stationarity of the time series, the volatility of the payback series from each activity was analyzed. Then was calculated the matrix of correlation between the activities payback on the study and the model of linear programming, which has the equation proposed by Markowitz (1952) as objective function in order to minimize the portfolio risk. The results show portfolios with combinations of two, three, four, five and six agricultural activities. It was possible to check that Portfolio 1, composed by corn and soybean activities, showed greater level of monthly operational payback, 15.70%, to a risk of 2.79%. The Portfolio 6, composed by tomato and beef cattle activities, offer a minor level of risk when compared to other portfolios, 0.35%, to a monthly operational payback of 3.33%. The choice of the best portfolio is done when the user takes into account the level of risk which he or she is able to face. It was also possible to check that the activity diversification promotes the reduction of the non-systemic risk until a certain limit amount of agricultural activities in the portfolio. The Efficient Frontiers showed each combination of risk and payback that makes up the portfolio, further offering great resource allocations (land and capital). / Este estudo apresenta um instrumento para produtores rurais e usuários em geral para mitigação do risco no mercado agropecuário. Tal instrumento se refere a uma tabela com diferentes portfólios compostos por diferentes atividades agropecuárias, acompanhados de seu risco e retorno operacional mensal, além das alocações ótimas dos recursos financeiros e da área da propriedade rural para cada atividade. Para isso, primeiramente foram selecionadas oito atividades agropecuárias de relevância econômica para o Estado de Goiás (algodão, arroz, bovinocultura de corte, feijão, milho, soja, sorgo e tomate) e levantadas as séries temporais de preços médios mensais recebidos pelo produtor, junto à Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento - Conab, e as séries temporais de custos operacionais por hectare, junto à Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de Goiás - Faeg. Posteriormente foram calculados os retornos operacionais de cada atividade relacionada e verificada a estacionariedade da série de retornos. Confirmada a estacionariedade das séries temporais, foram analisadas as volatilidades das séries de retornos de cada atividade. Logo após, calculou-se a matriz de correlação entre os retornos das atividades em estudo e o modelo de programação linear, que possui como função objetivo a equação proposta por Markowitz (1952) que visa minimizar o risco de um portfólio. Os resultados oferecem portfólios com a combinação de duas, três, quatro, cinco e seis atividades agropecuárias. Foi possível verificar que o Portfólio 1, composto pelas atividades milho e soja, apresentou maior nível de retorno operacional mensal, 15,70%, para um risco de 2,79%. O Portfólio 6, formado pelas atividades tomate e bovinocultura de corte, oferece o menor nível de risco quando comparado aos outros portfólios, 0,35%, para um retorno operacional mensal de 3,33%. A escolha do melhor portfólio é feita pelo usuário levando em consideração o nível de risco que ele está disposto a enfrentar. Também foi possível verificar que a diversificação permite a significativa redução do risco não – sistêmico até certa quantidade limite de atividades agropecuárias no portfólio. As Fronteiras Eficientes apresentam cada combinação de risco e retorno que perfazem o portfólio, além de oferecem as alocações ótimas de recursos (terra e capital).

Estudo da viabilidade técnica e econômica da substituição de fios de ouro por fios de cobre em memórias DRAM

Trevizan, João Pedro Gonçalves 15 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-08-04T14:39:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 João Pedro Gonçalves Trevizan_.pdf: 2398963 bytes, checksum: 7bbf859367acdb155c3b917d8275c41d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-04T14:39:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 João Pedro Gonçalves Trevizan_.pdf: 2398963 bytes, checksum: 7bbf859367acdb155c3b917d8275c41d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-15 / itt Chip - Instituto Tecnológico de Semicondutores da Unisinos / PADIS - Programa Federal de Apoio a Indústria de Semicondutores / Este estudo avalia uma proposta de substituição de fio de ouro por fio de cobre no processo de wire bonding em memórias DRAM DDR3 encapsuladas no Brasil. A viabilidade técnica da aplicação desta tecnologia para este componente foi testada na prática em uma empresa coreana, com a produção de amostras e verificação das características de qualidade das mesmas. Após otimização de parametros da primeira solda por DOE, foi possível obter resultados dentro das especificações do processo e semelhantes aos obtidos com o fio de ouro. Após a confirmação da viabilidade técnica, foi verificado a viabilidade econômica deste projeto, calculando o custo de implementação e estimando o tempo para retorno do investimento através dos métodos de payback simples e descontado. Devido à necessidade de aquisição de máquinas soldadoras de custo elevado, o payback descontado resultou em seis anos e onze meses, o que representa um risco alto considerando o dinamismo do mercado de semicondutores e a eminente substituição do encapsulamento BOC pela tecnologia de flip chip / This study evaluates the proposal of gold wire for copper wire replacement in the wire bonding process used in DRAM DDR3 memory packaging in Brazil. The technical feasibility of applying this technology to the component has been verifyed in practice on a Korean company, with the production of samples and the examination of quality characteristics, such as bond pull force and bond shear strenght, intermetallic compound and bonding pad structure. After parameters optimization of the first bond by DOE, it was possible to obtain results within process specifications and similar to those obtained with the gold wire. After confirming the technical feasibility, the economic viability of this project was verified by calculating the cost of implementation and the necessary time to recover the investment, through the simple and discounted payback methods. Because of the need of purchasing costly wire bonding machines, the discounted payback resulted in six years and eleven months, which represents a high risk investment, considering the semiconductor market dynamism and the imminent replacement of BOC package by flip chip technology.

Simulation and Economic Analysis of a Hybrid Wind Diesel System for Remote Area Power Supply

Abdullah, Jalal 06 September 2010 (has links)
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has an area of 1.69 million square kilometers. It is the biggest oil producers in the world, and the electricity industry relies heavily on oil. The annually growth request for electricity is around 5%. The price of electricity will be expensive in the next 30 years and there could be a shortage of electricity supply. It is better to use alternative forms of energy to prolong the life of the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. To reduce dependence on oil, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considering using alternative sources of energy including solar energy and energy wind. Since the wind speed is around 10m/s and in the summer it is full of sunshine; therefore, the renewable energy should play a more important role in future electric power supply of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A hybrid system is proposed in this thesis to study the possible power supply system in the remote areas. Wind information in Dhahran is used in simulations in order to make sure that the system is reliable and appropriate to be used in the remote areas of the country. Economic analysis is also conducted to compare the cost of the hybrid system with that of a 200 km transmission line connected from existing service area.

Mažų vėjo jėgainių naudojimo namų ūkiuose galimybių tyrimas / A small wind energy on the use Of household feasibility study

Televičiūtė, Marytė 04 February 2013 (has links)
Darbo metu apžvelgti vėjo energijos pagrindiniai parametrai. Atkreiptas dėmesys į vėjo kryptį ir jo įtaką generuojamos elektros energijos kiekiui. Trumpai apžvelgti vėjo išteklių įvertinimo būdai. Šiam tikslui naudojami matematiniai modeliai arba vėjo parametrų duomenų rinkimas pasirinktoje vietovėje. Įvertinami namų ūkio poreikiai tam tikru paros metu ir per metus. Darbo metu susipažinta su dabartine vėjo energetikos padėtimi ir plėtros galimybėmis Lietuvoje. Pateikiamos plėtros galimybės. Apžvelgta vėjo jėgainių tyrimo metodika ir pagrindiniai parametrai. Pasirinkus vėjo jėgainių skaičiavimo programą, atlikta šešių įvairios galios jėgainių skaičiavimai. Pagal aplinkos ir pasirinktos turbinos parametrus buvo apskaičiuotas vėjo turbinų pagamintas elektros energijos kiekis. Vėjo jėgainėje generuojamas energijos kiekis palyginamas su namų ūkio poreikiais ir pateikiama, kada apkrova yra tenkinama. Generuojamos elektros energijos dydis apskaičiuotas kas mėnesį visus metus. Pasinaudojant programa, buvo atlikta atsiperkamumo ir pagamintos elektros energijos optimalios kainos prognozė. Darbe atliktais tyrimais parodyta, kad tik pusė pasirinktų vėjo jėgainių atsiperka. Pateikiami naudingumo faktoriai, kurie parodo kiek laiko per metus procentais dirbs tokia vėjo jėgainė. / During the work was made an overview of the main parameters of wind energy. Attention is drawn to the wind direction and its influence on the amount of electricity generated. A brief overview was made of the wind resource assessment techniques. For this purpose, use of mathematical models and wind parameters collection of data in the target area. Assessed household needs certain time of day during the year. During acquainted with the current situation and wind energy development opportunities in Lithuania. Provided opportunities for development. Made an overview of wind power research methodology and main settings. Selected wind power calculation program conducted six different power plants calculations. According to the environment, and turbine parameters were calculated for wind turbines produced electricity. Wind power plant to generate energy comparable to household needs and provided, when the load is met. Generating electricity is calculated on a monthly basis throughout the year. Taking advantage of the program was carried out and the payback of electricity produced optimal price forecast. The paper studies showed that only half of the selected wind turbine pays off. Capacity factors are presented that shows how much percentage of time during the year will work the wind turbine.

Saulės energijos panaudojimo tyrimas / Investigation of the Solar Energy Utilization

Jankauskis, Andrius 04 August 2011 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo tema yra ypač aktuali, todėl, kad ateityje bus susiduriama su elektros energijos stygiumi ir dideliu kainų šuoliu. Šiuo metu pasaulyje beveik visų tipų energijos kainos kyla dėl žaliavos stygiaus. Energijos taupymu reikia susirūpinti jau šendien, todėl manau, kad saulės energija yra puiki alternatyva kitoms energijos rūšims. Saulė yra atsinaujinantis energijos šaltinis kuris neteršia aplinkos, be to saulės energija gali sutaupyti nemažai lėšų gyvenamųjų namų savininkams. Šio darbo metu buvo ištirtos Lietuvos galimybės plėtoti saulės energijos technologijas, bei panaudojimo galimybes. Darbo metu buvo aprašyta atsinaujinančioji saulės energija, ištirti Lietuvos saulės energijos ištekliai ir nustatytos tinkamiausios vietos saulės energijos panaudojimui. Darbo metu buvo tiriami saulės kolektoriai ir saulės fotoelementai, jų veikimo principai, savybės ir panaudojimo galimybės. Be to buvo lyginami tarpusavyje kelių tipų saulės fotoelemenatai, vertinamos fotoelementų atsipirkimo galimybės. / Investigative work is important, therefore, that the future will be faced with power shortages and significant price increases. Currently, almost all types of world energy prices caused raw material shortages. Energy savings should be cause for concern today already, so I think that solar energy is a great alternative to other types of energy. The sun is a renewable energy source which does not pollute the environment, as well as solar energy can save you considerable amount of money to owners of residential houses. This work has explored the possibility of Lithuania to develop solar energy technologies, and usability. This work was described in the renewable solar energy have been examined in Lithuania solar energy resources, and determine the most appropriate local use of solar energy development. Work was to investigate photocells and solar panels, its operating principles, features, usability. Also, a comparison between several types of photocells and assessed the possibility of payback.

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