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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hantering av betalningsstopp i livsmedelsbutiker : En undersökning av hur hanteringen kan förbättras

Willstedt Andersson, Jessica, Rydén, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
A well-functioning infrastructure is the foundation of a stable society, where payment systems are an important part. Grocery stores provide the general public with groceries and rely on customer consumption. Disruptions in the card payment system leads to consequences because 97% of all customers have access to card payment and is the payment method they prefer to use.  The aim of the survey is to find out about food stores' experience of disruptions in the payment system and how they wish a good management for this to look like. Next, a general crisis management model is developed to mitigate the consequences of a disruption in the payment system. A qualitative method is used to sample a result from each individual stores’ experiences and wishes.  Earlier research where decision analysis is used to handle disruptions in the payment system within the food industry has not been found. Through interviews and theories can a crisis management model for payment disruptions be developed, and examine the business continuity of food stores. The results of the survey shows that food stores today do not have any risk management to handle a break in the payment system or how a desirable management of it would look like. They have previously handled this by letting the customer pay with cash. A smaller store let a customer pay at another time. The general crisis management model has three phases: preliminary studies, management and evaluation. The preliminary studies involve that the store evaluates which payment methods they are capable of implementing. The management of a crisis takes place in three iterative steps; offer alternative payment methods, see how the crisis develops and finally remedy it. The evaluation step in the model is important because a positive outcome can not be guaranteed and therefore continued research is encouraged. / En välfungerande infrastruktur är grunden för ett stabilt samhälle där betalningssystem är en viktig del. Livsmedelsbutiker förser befolkningen med dagligvaror och är beroende av kundernas konsumtion. Störningar i kortbetalningssystemet medför konsekvenser eftersom 97 % av alla kunder har tillgång till kortbetalning och är den betalningsmetod de föredrar att använda.  Målet med undersökningen är att ta reda på livsmedelsbutikers erfarenheter av betalningsstopp och hur de önskar att en bra hantering för detta ser ut. Därefter tas en generell krishanteringsmodell fram som mildrar konsekvenserna av ett betalningsstopp. För att undersöka detta intervjuas butiker angående deras affekter av alternativa betalningsmetoder. En kvalitativ metod används för att få ett resultat utifrån butikernas erfarenheter och önskemål.  Tidigare forskning där metoden beslutsanalys tillämpas för att hantera betalningsstopp inom livsmedelsindustrin hittas inte. Genom intervjuer och teorier tas en krishanteringsmodell för betalningsstopp fram. Resultatet av undersökningen är att livsmedelsbutiker idag inte har någon riskhantering av betalningsstopp eller uppfattning av hur en önskvärd hantering ser ut. De har tidigare hanterat detta genom att låta kunden betala med kontanter. En mindre butik har låtit kunden betala vid ett senare tillfälle. Den generella krishanteringsmodellen sker i tre steg: förstudier, hantering och utvärdering. I förstudierna ser butiken över vilka betalningsmetoder de är kapabla till att implementera. I hanteringsfasen itereras tre steg; erbjuda alternativa betalningsmetoder, se hur krisen utvecklas och slutligen åtgärda det. Utvärderingssteget i modellen är viktig eftersom ett positivt utfall inte kan garanteras och därför uppmuntras fortsatt forskning av denna.

Factors affecting Chinese consumers buying luxury goods overseas

Zhang, Jiaxin January 2019 (has links)
Since the improved people’s living standard, luxury buying has increasingly spread in popularity, especially in developing countries. Conspicuous consumption has resulted in this luxury buying among consumers. This mentality leads to consumers to achieve their own goal through luxury goods, such as reflecting their status, showing the uniqueness and so on. In order to buy their favorite luxury goods, consumers try different channels and overseas buying is the main channel for them. Under this situation, China as the second-biggest luxury market, the demand for overseas luxury among Chinese consumer has credit raised. It is therefore important for conducting consumer behavior research to analyze this phenomenon and identify corresponding factors that lead consumers buying luxury abroad. The purpose of the research is to understand the phenomenon of the consumers buying luxury goods overseas and to identify the corresponding factor for the luxury shop or the company which could conduct managerial implication to encourage consumers buying domestically. Since the improved people’s living standard, luxury buying has increasingly spread in popularity, especially in developing countries. Conspicuous consumption has resulted in this luxury buying among consumers. This mentality leads to consumers to achieve their own goal through luxury goods, such as reflecting their status, showing the uniqueness and so on. In order to buy their favorite luxury goods, consumers try different channels and overseas buying is the main channel for them. Under this situation, China as the second-biggest luxury market, the demand for overseas luxury among Chinese consumer has credit raised. It is therefore important for conducting consumer behavior research to analyze this phenomenon and identify corresponding factors that lead consumers buying luxury abroad. The purpose of the research is to understand the phenomenon of the consumers buying luxury goods overseas and to identify the corresponding factor for the luxury shop or the company which could conduct managerial implication to encourage consumers buying domestically.

Företagsförvärv- fördelaktig eller förkastlig? : En studie om hur svenska företags aktiekurser påverkas i samband med tillkännagivande av företagsförvärv

Bratan, Dastan, Leväinen, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Studien undersöker den abnormala avkastningen för de 100 största förvärven genomförda av svenska företag mellan 2007-2017. Studien beaktar även variabler som kan vara påverkande faktorer för denna avkastning. Variablerna som undersöks i denna studie är; betalningsmetod, affärsstorlek samt förvärvsland. Tillvägagångssättet som tillämpades för att mäta den abnormala avkastningen var i form av en eventstudie. Hypoteser framläggs utifrån studiens referensram, som sedan prövas via signifikanstest och multipel regressionsanalys. Resultaten visar en totalt positiv marknadsreaktion vid tillkännagivandet av förvärv. Samtliga portföljer genererar en värdeskapande affär, med undantaget av förvärv som uppstått i samband med kontantbetalning. Stora förvärv påvisade högre genomsnittlig kumulativ abnormal avkastning än för små förvärv. Ett signifikant samband mellan förvärv finansierade av kontanter och positiv abnormal avkastning påvisades. Däremot visar studiens resultat att förvärv finansierade med aktier/tillgångar genererade en högre genomsnittlig kumulativ abnormal avkastning jämfört med förvärv som var finansierade med kontanter. Detta resultat påvisar dock ingen signifikans. Ytterligare påvisas en högre positiv abnormal avkastning under händelsefönstret, för utländska förvärv. Det existerar ett signifikant samband, på 90%, mellan betalningsmetoden kontanter och den kumulativa genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen. Studien fann inte ett signifikant samband för varken storlek på förvärv eller huruvida förvärvet var inhemskt eller utländskt och den kumulativa abnormala avkastningen. / This study examines the abnormal return for the 100 largest acquisitions made by Swedish companies between 2007-2017. The study also considers variables that may be influencing factors for the abnormal return. The variables examined in this study are; payment method, deal size and country of acquisition. The approach used to measure the abnormal return was an event study method. Hypotheses are presented based on the study's frame of reference, which is then tested via significance test and multiple regression analysis. The results show a total positive market reaction when announcing acquisitions. All portfolios generate value creation, with the exception of acquisitions with connection to cash payment. Large deal value acquisitions showed higher average cumulative abnormal returns than for small deal value acquisitions. A significant relationship between acquisitions financed by cash and positive abnormal returns was demonstrated. However, the study's results show that acquisitions financed by shares/assets generated a higher average cumulative abnormal return compared to acquisitions that were financed with cash. However, this result shows no significance. Further, a higher positive abnormal return is shown, during the event window, for foreign acquisitions. There is a 90% significant relationship between the cash payment method and the cumulative average abnormal return. The study did not find a significant relationship between either deal size or domestic/foreign acquisitions and the cumulative abnormal return.

Serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade e os projetos de lei sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil: uma análise sobre o panorama atual / Carbon and biodiversity ecosystem services and the law\'s projects on payment for ecosystem services in Brazil: an analysis about current situation

Silva, Samara Martins 20 April 2016 (has links)
Na atualidade, os serviços ambientais podem ser descritos como as atividades antrópicas que auxiliam no aumento dos benefícios ao meio ambiente, enquanto os serviços ecossistêmicos são processos ecossistêmicos capazes de fornecer sustentação à vida sendo dois temas mundialmente pesquisados. Neste sentido o pagamento por práticas que forneçam a melhoria da qualidade ambiental conhecidas como pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) têm surgido e avançado no Brasil nos últimos anos, embora ainda não possuam regulamentação legal específica. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se analisar os projetos de lei (PLs) em trâmite no Congresso Nacional PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS) 276/2013 e PL 312/2015 com relação à adicionalidade, princípios do direito ambiental e teorias econômicas que regulamentam o PSA no Brasil. No segundo capítulo foi realizada a estimativa de serviços ecossistêmicos de biodiversidade de abelhas e carbono na região do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira, onde utilizou-se a equação alométrica para cálculo da biomassa e índices de diversidade para avaliar a diversidade de plantas e abelhas, e verificou-se a possível relação entre a diversidade de plantas e abelhas e o carbono estocado na vegetação para avaliar a relação dos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na região. Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama sobre a legislação atual de PSA no Brasil e um estudo de caso de quantificação de adicionalidade ambiental provida pelos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na área do Rio Xingu, no estado do Pará. Embora os estudos sobre serviços ecossistêmicos e as funções do ecossistema tenham surgido há muito tempo, pouco tem sido estudado sobre a adicionalidade ambiental destes serviços. Logo, como descrito no art. 5 do Paris Agreement da COP 21, as Partes são encorajadas a realizar pagamentos através de incentivos e políticas sobre redução de emissões de desmatamento e degradação florestal no papel da conservação na gestão sustentável das florestas, enquanto que na Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada (INDC) o Brasil incluiu como uma das metas a implementação de atividades de REDD+ e pagamento por seus resultados representando possíveis avanços para o PSA em nível nacional e mundial. / Environmental services described as human activities that help to enhance the benefits to the environment and ecosystem services on ecosystem processes capable of providing support to life are two highly specific topics discussed on all the world. Payment for environmental services (PES) have emerged and advanced in Brazil in recent years, though it is still not regulated. In the first chapter we tried to analyze the Law\'s project (PL) in current analisys on National Brazilian Congress PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Federal Senate (PLS) PLS 276/2013 and 312/2015 regarding additionality principles of environmental law and economic theories involved in PLs. Although studies on ecosystem services and ecosystem functions, have arisen for over fifty years ago, few has been studied about the provision of these services together through environmental additionality. In the second chapter was held on ecosystem services and carbon estimate bee biodiversity in the Xingu endemic region of the Brazilian Amazon. For this we used the allometric equation for calculating the biomass and diversity index to evaluate the diversity of plants and bees, there had a relationship between the diversity of plants and bees and the carbon stocked in the vegetation to assess the relationship of ecosystem services of carbon and biodiversity in the region. Soon, as defined by the Art. 5 of the Paris Agreement of COP 21, Parties are encouraged to make payments through incentives and policies on reduction of deforestation and forest degradation emissions in the role of conservation in sustainable forest management while in INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), Brazil included as goals from other actions the implementation of REDD + activities and payment by results reprensenting major advances can be made to the PSA at the national and global levels. So this paper presents an overview of the current project legislation on PSE in Brazil and a case study to quantify environmental business as usual provided by the ecosystem service of carbon and biodiversity in the Xingu River area in the state of Pará as contemporary and integrated assessment on the topic involving environmental additionality.

A redução compensada do desmatamento no Mato Grosso: uma análise econômica-ecológica / Compensated reduction in Mato Grosso state: an Ecological economic analysis

Kaechele, Karin Teixeira 09 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o Instrumento de Comando e Controle da Política Ambiental do Estado do Mato Grosso - o SLAPR, através dos pilares da Economia Ecológica (escala, alocação e distribuição). O SLAPR: Sistema de Licenciamento Ambiental em Propriedades Rurais tem como um dos seus objetivos reduzir o desmatamento ilegal em propriedades particulares. Por meio de imagens de satélite e do uso de ferramenta do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), pôde-se concluir que este Instrumento não é eficaz. Este trabalho discute um instrumento Econômico - o Pagamento pelo Serviço Ecossistêmico (PSE) carbono, pelo desmatamento evitado dos biomas amazônicos no âmbito do Protocolo de Kyoto para os proprietários detentores de 80% ou mais de cobertura florestal em suas reservas legais. Ressalta-se que esta é uma política second best, visto que se propõe a tratar da problemática ambiental aliando Instrumentos de Comando e Controle (estimando-se a escala) com um Instrumento Econômico. O mecanismo de PSE para as reservas legais nos biomas amazônicos no estado do Mato Grosso tem como princípios: 1 -definição clara do serviço comercializado, 2-verificação da oferta e da demanda, 3-o desenvolvimento da valoração e pagamento deste serviço e 4- desenvolvimento de uma rede institucional onde haja uma instituição gestora, um seguro, uma agência reguladora e uma instituição certificadora e acreditadora. / The focus of this dissertation is the system adopted by the State of Mato Grosso [Brazil] for managing and taking command and control of its environmental policies through the pillars of Ecological Economics, i.e. scale, allocation and distribution. One of the goals of SLAPR [\"System for Environmental Licensing of Rural Properties\", for short] is to reduce illegal deforesting in private properties. However, the use of satellite images and the application of SIG - \"Geographic Information System\" have led to the conclusion that SLAPR is not an efficient tool. This essay therefore discusses a new economic tool: PSE -\"Payment for Eco-Systemic Service - Carbon\", in exchange for prevented deforesting of Amazonian Biomes, within the scope of the Kyoto Protocol. It should be emphasized that this is a \"second best\" policy, since its proposal is to deal with environmental issues by combining an \'Economic Instrument\' with \'Command-and-Control Instrument, in order to estimate the scale in question. The following are the principles of PSE mechanisms for legal forest reserves within the Amazonian Biomes of the State of Mato Grosso: 1) a clear definition of the ecosystem services rendered; 2) offer-and-demand verification; 3) development of improved value-and-payment procedures for rendered services; and 4) development of an institutional net that includes a managing agency, a regulating agency, a certifying agency and an accrediting agency.

Digital games platforms: a literature review, an empirical assessment of quality and exclusivity in video-game market and a study on project management. / Plataforma de jogos digitais: uma revisão da literatura, uma avaliação empírica de qualidade e exclusividade no mercado de video-game e um estudo sobre gestão de projeto.

Higuchi, Marcelo Makoto 04 April 2018 (has links)
Digital games are part of the creative industries, which is based on value creation through ideas and creativity. This market has gained relevance due to technology development that attracted both new firms and users. The present dissertation aims to explore three themes: (1) video game market as a two-sided market; (2) the effects of characteristics and behavior of game titles on consoles sales; and (3) project management to develop digital games. Those themes were explored through three articles: the first is a literature review and a bibliometric study of the economic concepts on two-sided market, which focused at identifying main topics, research trends and avenues for futures research. The second text is an analysis on the simultaneous influence of games\' quality and exclusivity on console sales. The last one is a qualitative, multiple-case study to understand, explore and suggest improvements to game project management in the Brazilian market. Findings include: (1) the main authors and topics, trends and developments, from and avenues for future research; (2) combinations of quality and exclusivity can affect console sales either positively or negatively, (3) quality has a predominant effect on sales over games non-exclusivity; and (4) the use of agile methodologies and Design Thinking are diffused among game developers. / Sem resumo.

L’adoption de technologies climato-intelligentes par les petits producteurs au Costa Rica / Smallholders’ Adoption of Climate-Smart Technologies In Costa Rica

Lamour, Anais 14 November 2018 (has links)
L’agriculture se situe au carrefour des stratégies d’atténuation et d’adaptation, en particulier dans les régions tropicales. Les efforts d’atténuation pour limiter l’accumulation de gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère et les mesures d’adaptation visant à au moins maintenir les rendements et les revenus agricoles face au changement climatique contribueront à éradiquer l’extrême pauvreté et la faim. Cette thèse explore l'adoption de technologies climato-intelligentes par les petits exploitants du Costa Rica dans les deux principaux systèmes agricoles du pays, à savoir les plantations de café et les systèmes extensifs d'élevage de bétail. Je présente les résultats de trois études qui utilisent des données originales pour étudier les possibilités et les défis liés à l’extension de l’agroforesterie et du sylvopastoralisme.Les obstacles potentiels à l’adoption de technologies par les ménages ruraux dans les pays en développement sont décrits dans l’introduction. Dans le premier chapitre, un modèle représentatif d'allocation des terres entre les technologies de production des exploitations de café est utilisé pour explorer le compromis entre l'adoption de l'agroforesterie - une option bien documentée pour l'atténuation et l'adaptation - et la gestion des risques de marché. Basé sur une expérience de choix menée avec 207 agriculteurs, le chapitre 2 évalue la volonté des producteurs de café d'adopter diverses stratégies basées sur l'agroforesterie, sous différents types d’incitation. Le chapitre 3 évalue l'efficacité d'un programme national de partage des coûts favorisant l'adoption de paquets technologiques compatibles avec l'intensification fondée sur le sylvopastoralisme chez les éleveurs de bovins. Il fournit des estimations de l'impact de la participation au programme sur l'adoption des technologies et sur l’utilisation des terres. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats de ces études suggèrent que l'adoption de l'agroforesterie et du sylvopastoralisme est coûteuse et peut être ralentie en raison des frictions du marché. L’intervention publique par le biais d'incitations économiques peut en réponse être efficace afin d’encourager les petits exploitants à adopter ces technologies. Le choix de la technologie à promouvoir se révèle crucial pour l’efficience de ces interventions, soulignant la pertinence des études proposées. / Smallholding agriculture lies at the crossroads of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Both mitigation efforts to limit the atmospheric accumulation of greehouse gases and adaptation measures that aim to at least maintain agricultural yields and incomes in the face of climate change will be instrumental in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. This dissertation explores the adoption of climate-smart technologies by Costa Rican smallholders in the two main farming systems of the country, namely high-quality coffee plantations and extensive cattle-ranching farms. I present the resultsof three studies that use primary data to investigate opportunities and challenges for scaling-up agroforestry and silvopastoralism. Potential barriers that put strain on technology adoption by rural households in the developing world are outlined in the introduction. In the first Chapter, a representative coffee farm model of land allocation between production technologies is used to explore the tradeoff between adopting coffee agroforestry - a well-documented option for both mitigation and adaptation - and dealing with market risks. Based on a Choice Experiment conducted with 207 farmers, Chapter 2 assesses the willingness of coffee farmers to adopt various agroforestry-based strategies, under various types of support. Chapter 3 evaluates the effectiveness of a national cost-share program promoting the adoption of technological packages consistent with silvopastoralism-based intensification among cattle ranchers. It provides estimates of the impact of participating into the program on both the technology adoption and the land use patterns. Overall, the results of these studies suggest that the adoption of agroforestry and silvopastoralism is costly and can be slowed down due to market frictions. Public interventions can in turn be effective in encouraging smallholders to adopt these technologies through economic incentives. The choice of the technology to be promoted is found to be crucial for the cost-efficiency of such interventions, stressing the relevance of the research conducted.

Factors for perceived trust in mobile applications

Persson, Felicia, Thorslund, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Mobile commerce can be seen as the phenomenon, which is likely to take over e-commerce since purchasing online is increasing on mobile applications (Parameswari, 2015). The problem this study addresses is the uncertainty that may follow when purchasing online via mobile applications. The purpose of this study is to investigate some human and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications. Human factors are defined as the same thing as user factors throughout this thesis.   This will answer the research question: What are the most important user and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications? The study is limited to two main areas (human and technology factors) that have been broken down into three subgroups based on perceived trust. These subgroups are: informative context for decision-making, ease of use and payment methods.   To gather data, an online self-completion questionnaire was conducted and was sent out to different social groups on Facebook. The participated segmentation resulted in needing to be modified according to uneven response rates in the different age groups. The target group went from the whole Swedish population to only people in the ages span of 16-32. The collected data was processed in the analysis program SPSS to find relations among the variables.   All the chosen factors resulted in being of great importance for users to perceived trust in mobile applications and to increase the interactivity between human and machine. However, only payment methods showed a significant value in relation to perceived trust. This result will be useful to companies when developing mobile applications to keep customers and increase sales.

Transação tributária no Brasil: supremacia do interesse público e a satisfação do crédito tributário

Parisi, Fernanda Drummond 11 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Drummond Parisi.pdf: 908960 bytes, checksum: d8de3f44858e838b511124099be18d0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is focused on the tax transaction between the Government and tax payers. The scope of the analysis of this legal institute, created to be an alternative way to set up tax obligations, goes beyond the interpretation of the instrument itself, covering theoretical and axiological assumptions contained explicitly or not, in the legal system. Tax transaction may be a mean of tax credits payment arising from law obligation, but as it is an alternative by regular payments, it does really need to be understood from a systemic point of view, covering the whole legal system. The transaction is not really new, but it hasn´t already been totally accepted by legal operators because there are a lot of prejudices regarding the alternative tax mean of payment. Actually people are still afraid that transaction become a legal tool to avoid taxation and may reduce state revenues compromising the supremacy of the public interest. The tax credits are required by Government activity endorsed by law contains and are protected by lots of rules that guarantees the liability presumed of credits obligations. That is why this study´s scenario seems to be so challenging. It seems very important to spend some reflection on this issue and to understand the tax payments in a bigger perspective, although it can´t be a complete study, it may bring some lights to the subject. The relevance of the study gets bigger considering the actual Judiciary crises, because it is outstanding knowledge of mostly law suits are filed by Public revenues in order to charge not payed taxes. So this study claims are indeed necessary and will be leaded by the new thinking about the supremacy of public interest and its impact on demand of tax debt / O presente trabalho tem por foco o estudo da transação tributária, instituto previsto no Código Tributário Nacional como causa de extinção do crédito tributário. A análise transcende a compreensão do instituto como tal, abrangendo pressupostos teóricos e axiológicos positivados de forma expressa, ou não, no ordenamento jurídico, com vistas à verificação da harmonização da causa extintiva com a supremacia do interesse público e com a indisponibilidade do crédito tributário. Isso porque, conquanto a transação seja, efetivamente, causa de extinção do crédito tributário, a análise de sua relação de pertinência em nosso sistema jurídico, além da expressa previsão no Código Tributário Nacional, é o que se busca pelo presente estudo. Com efeito, a norma de transação esbarra em preconceitos concebidos ao longo da história do direito tributário nacional, calcados nos arraigados conceitos de supremacia do interesse público e da indisponibilidade do crédito tributário, os quais muitas vezes são interpretados ou concebidos de forma ultrapassada. Outrossim, como o crédito tributário é exigido a partir da atividade dos entes tributantes de forma estritamente vinculada à lei, sendo protegido por um sem número de privilégios e garantias previstos no Código Tributário e Lei de Execuções Fiscais, há uma tendência de resistência às formas alternativas de solução de conflitos relativos à sua exigência e cobrança, dentre elas, a transação. Assim, em que pese o cenário descrito se revelar um tanto desafiador, a proposta deste trabalho é ampliar a perspectiva da análise do instituto jurídico e redimensionar o seu impacto nos antigos conceitos de supremacia do interesse público e garantias do crédito tributário, de modo a permitir novas e inovadoras reflexões sobre o tema e acerca da tributação sob um ponto de vista macro. É dizer, o intuito deste estudo não é desvendar a transação tributária em todas as suas dimensões e nuanças ou esgotar o tema, mas apenas trazer luz e novas ideias sobre questão que se apresenta como solução a um sistema tributário e processual tributário manifestamente em crise

Serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade e os projetos de lei sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil: uma análise sobre o panorama atual / Carbon and biodiversity ecosystem services and the law\'s projects on payment for ecosystem services in Brazil: an analysis about current situation

Samara Martins Silva 20 April 2016 (has links)
Na atualidade, os serviços ambientais podem ser descritos como as atividades antrópicas que auxiliam no aumento dos benefícios ao meio ambiente, enquanto os serviços ecossistêmicos são processos ecossistêmicos capazes de fornecer sustentação à vida sendo dois temas mundialmente pesquisados. Neste sentido o pagamento por práticas que forneçam a melhoria da qualidade ambiental conhecidas como pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) têm surgido e avançado no Brasil nos últimos anos, embora ainda não possuam regulamentação legal específica. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se analisar os projetos de lei (PLs) em trâmite no Congresso Nacional PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Projeto de Lei do Senado (PLS) 276/2013 e PL 312/2015 com relação à adicionalidade, princípios do direito ambiental e teorias econômicas que regulamentam o PSA no Brasil. No segundo capítulo foi realizada a estimativa de serviços ecossistêmicos de biodiversidade de abelhas e carbono na região do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira, onde utilizou-se a equação alométrica para cálculo da biomassa e índices de diversidade para avaliar a diversidade de plantas e abelhas, e verificou-se a possível relação entre a diversidade de plantas e abelhas e o carbono estocado na vegetação para avaliar a relação dos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na região. Esta dissertação apresenta um panorama sobre a legislação atual de PSA no Brasil e um estudo de caso de quantificação de adicionalidade ambiental provida pelos serviços ecossistêmicos de carbono e biodiversidade na área do Rio Xingu, no estado do Pará. Embora os estudos sobre serviços ecossistêmicos e as funções do ecossistema tenham surgido há muito tempo, pouco tem sido estudado sobre a adicionalidade ambiental destes serviços. Logo, como descrito no art. 5 do Paris Agreement da COP 21, as Partes são encorajadas a realizar pagamentos através de incentivos e políticas sobre redução de emissões de desmatamento e degradação florestal no papel da conservação na gestão sustentável das florestas, enquanto que na Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada (INDC) o Brasil incluiu como uma das metas a implementação de atividades de REDD+ e pagamento por seus resultados representando possíveis avanços para o PSA em nível nacional e mundial. / Environmental services described as human activities that help to enhance the benefits to the environment and ecosystem services on ecosystem processes capable of providing support to life are two highly specific topics discussed on all the world. Payment for environmental services (PES) have emerged and advanced in Brazil in recent years, though it is still not regulated. In the first chapter we tried to analyze the Law\'s project (PL) in current analisys on National Brazilian Congress PL 792/2007, PL 5.487/2009, Federal Senate (PLS) PLS 276/2013 and 312/2015 regarding additionality principles of environmental law and economic theories involved in PLs. Although studies on ecosystem services and ecosystem functions, have arisen for over fifty years ago, few has been studied about the provision of these services together through environmental additionality. In the second chapter was held on ecosystem services and carbon estimate bee biodiversity in the Xingu endemic region of the Brazilian Amazon. For this we used the allometric equation for calculating the biomass and diversity index to evaluate the diversity of plants and bees, there had a relationship between the diversity of plants and bees and the carbon stocked in the vegetation to assess the relationship of ecosystem services of carbon and biodiversity in the region. Soon, as defined by the Art. 5 of the Paris Agreement of COP 21, Parties are encouraged to make payments through incentives and policies on reduction of deforestation and forest degradation emissions in the role of conservation in sustainable forest management while in INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), Brazil included as goals from other actions the implementation of REDD + activities and payment by results reprensenting major advances can be made to the PSA at the national and global levels. So this paper presents an overview of the current project legislation on PSE in Brazil and a case study to quantify environmental business as usual provided by the ecosystem service of carbon and biodiversity in the Xingu River area in the state of Pará as contemporary and integrated assessment on the topic involving environmental additionality.

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